Home Categories martial arts novel sword barrier

Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty-Nine

sword barrier 雲中岳 13631Words 2023-02-05
But the crutches were not as fast as Bai Ying's, as if he had hit the target, but it was only a minute and a half away from hitting the ground. When he swiped, he moved with the spell, but Bai Ying seemed to be hanging on the crutches, attracting the crutches to move and rotate , it looks like the stick itself is pasted with a white shadow, but there is no force at all, and the strength is not hindered. The white shadow is a part of the stick, and it moves with the momentum as light as nothing. The stick stopped, and the white shadow also stopped, he couldn't take back the stick, suddenly there was an irresistible strange potential on the stick, he jumped forward without any hesitation, and there was no chance of resisting. Fell down in the grass.

Trembling with fear, he got up in a panic, and saw that there were no ghosts around him, so was there a white shadow?He was dazed with suspicion, the white shadow just now had no one at all, and people cannot be tangible or intangible. I met a ghost.he asked in horror.Of course he doesn't believe in ghost legends in the world, otherwise he wouldn't do evil, but the facts are all there, the white shadow just now can't be a real person, he felt terrified, turned his head and flew away. Back at the observation deck, Sha Qianli and his group hadn't returned yet, but an elderly monk in Taoist robes greeted him, and blurted out, "Fellow Daoist, your face is so ugly, what's wrong?"

Can he run into ghosts by chasing people by himself?How can you hold on to your face?Decide on the Shinto: It's nothing, it's hard to chase. Didn't catch up? escaped by him. Why didn't the people in the dry position show up to help? Old Daoist, your gossip formation is finished. what happened? All the people in the dry position died. What? That kid entered from the southeast, exited from the east, entered from the northeast, and traveled far through the northwest, coming and going as if entering a land without people. I dare say he has already solved the ambush in all directions first. , Went through the eight gates of Xiu, Huo, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, and Kai.

I do not believe. Believe it or not.What about nephew Sha Xian? He went out from Duimen and surrounded him outside the formation. The one-legged demon pointed to the watchtower, and said coldly: "Your signal station is useless at night, like a blind man. He doesn't come during the day and comes at night, and your people are limited. How can it be difficult to put him to death?"If it drags on for three or two nights, our people may die. Why are you so discouraged?Seriously. Apart from leading him to a decisive battle during the day, you can just wait and see. In your opinion

Open the door wide and welcome him in for a fight to the death. this You check the number of our casualties tonight and then decide. The old Taoist breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion: You and I are old, and our energy is weak, but we can't accept the old. After the failure, we can see the signs of failure. what's the matter with youThe one-legged old demon asked, deeply surprised. Nephew Sha Xian asked Pindao to withdraw from the battle at the end of the day. He decided that this was not enough to kill Lin junior, and he had to come up with another plan to win. Pindao was stubborn and insisted on his own opinion, and finally lost so embarrassingly.

The direction of Nephew Sha Xian's battle seems to be out of calculation That's right, he and his disciple decided to have a coup, and I hope he can succeed. what happened?He didn't seem to tell me. In order to prevent anyone from being captured and forced to confess, only the two of them know about this matter, and the people dispatched by them don't know what their intentions are. Maybe you know? Don't know, but I can guess a thing or two. tell me the story. Nephew Sha Xian explained to Pindao during the day that the junior is full of tricks and tricks, and he will almost never come to rescue people during the day, but at night, the vision is unclear, and we have no time to build an ambush to supplement the lack of formation. To capture the cunning fox-like junior, he asked to set up another ambush.Pindao insisted on his own opinion, but Nephew Sha secretly made a contingency plan with Lingtu. At this time, he came out from Duimen, which was a move to launch the contingency plan.

How does he respond? It may be to gradually withdraw from the formation, each go to the designated position, and fight from the east to the west. Each group of people does not seek meritorious service, but seeks to be innocent.Some release water, some encircle, some lure the enemy, and some bluff, forcing the juniors to run for their lives and find themselves in a dead end. As for the center of the formation, we must stick to it to attract the attention of the juniors.Let's hide our bodies and wait for Nephew Sha Xian and Ling Tu to give their lives. Huh!Why don't you see Baibu Feihong Shang Lianghui tonight?

snort!That old fellow, how could he demean himself and show up beside you and me?He is in charge of guarding the bait. The younger generation has decided that the bait under the platform here is the bait, and Lao Er Shang is very comfortable tonight. Unpredictable, maybe he is the most nervous tonight.The old man said disapprovingly. good!The long night will pass, and the younger generation will have nothing to hide. Listen, Zhengbei Kanmen has gained something. Lin Hua threw away the one-legged demon, but he didn't know that the one-legged demon was stopped by the man in white, and he ran away with all his strength, only to escape the opponent's pursuit. After thousands of miles away, no one was chasing him, so he turned back from the north direction.

But he didn't know that the golden locks of the eight gates had disintegrated when he retreated, and after traveling southward for more than a mile, he turned to the northeast and gradually penetrated through the gap of the Gen gate. Suddenly the figures in front lined up, and someone shouted: "Zuo Ji, get closer, it's hard to follow if it's widened." He just hoped that someone would show up so that he could avoid it as soon as possible, so he moved to the right, and after a hundred feet of feet, he reached the north threshold. As he was walking, there was a loud roar from the left side of his body, a figure suddenly rose up, and the light of the knife flashed.drink!He yelled, dodged and shot sideways, the bow arm sent out lightning flashes, dodged a knife, puff!A bow arm hit the back of the man's head, and life and death were judged face to face.Almost at the same moment, there was a thud from the waist, and a flying knife shot out from the grass, hitting the waist eye, but it was blocked by the flying knife inserted in the leather waist guard and fell, without injury.

The figure on the right rushed towards him, his sword light was like a sword, and his voice was like thunder.There were many figures in front of him, he was taken aback, but he couldn't be trapped, so he quickly flew back eight feet.There was a breeze behind him.Someone jumped at him, he bowed his left hand, and drew his sword to fight back. Draw the sword, turn around, make a move, kill the enemy, in one go, grasp it just right and impeccably, pounce on the quietly attacking person from behind, the sword goes in the air, the sword sticks to his left side, and is pushed out of the door by his bow arm However, his sword pierced the opponent's heart mercilessly, piercing through the back.He uses a left-handed body that is not commonly used, so after parrying the sword, the opponent's chest and abdomen are completely exposed to his sword, and there is a dead end.The general habit is to deal with the people behind you. You can attack with a right-handed sword a split second earlier, but unless the opponent moves the sword with his left hand, both sides will be defeated. It is extremely difficult to win the opportunity in the middle palace. It's just a small non-lethal part of the right side of the back.He swung his body to the left and counterattacked with a sword, and the two instant noodles faced each other, the opponent's vital points in the middle palace were completely exposed to his sword, allowing him to take whatever he wanted.

After killing the enemy, he withdrew immediately, but there was no one chasing after him, as if there was no sound at all. Well!It's very tricky if they don't chase after them!he thinks. He had no choice but to find another way, turn to the right again, there were footsteps in front, someone gave a whistle, and then the footsteps were disorderly, and six people moved south. Huh!Have they found me?he thinks. Within an hour, he was attacked by three groups of people successively, found five groups of people moving, and saw three groups of people appearing and yelling. He has to go deep to save people, how can he stay hidden?How can we explore step by step?It's getting late, it's already the beginning of the fourth grade, and there is not much time available. But every time he meets a group of people, he has to retreat tens of feet and gradually move northward, getting farther and farther away. It's really bad.And he can't stay and lurk for a long time, just move quietly, and the quietness in the dark night will naturally take advantage.He can't predict where there are people, and he may be attacked suddenly at an unexpected time. The opponent will lie in ambush at the first blow, and he can't even use the direction recognition technique. The situation was not good for him, the terrain and ambush he had figured out before the third watch, there were loud voices on the left, the grass shook slightly in front of the right, and the footsteps were heavy and chaotic. Let's go back and talk.he thinks. kill!There was a roar from the southwest corner, and there were twenty or thirty people speaking at the same time, about half a mile apart. He backed away slowly and explored the northwest corner. Suddenly, the tail of the island in the northwest corner was lit by fire, which became brighter and brighter. It was estimated that there were more than 30 bamboo cable torches burning. Of course, it was not the people of the island who set the fire. There are people behind, where did they come from?he thought dazedly. The people blocking the road at the back came from the river and hurried along the wooden raft. How could he see it from the grass? The prodigal son of the rivers and lakes is bound when he comes out.In the distance to the south, twenty or thirty people shouted loudly at the same time. The prodigal son of the rivers and lakes is bound when he comes out.There are also many people shouting in the north. The flames on the left were brightly lit, and someone shouted loudly from the right, forming an encirclement of two miles around. In a hurry, he thought: They have figured out my whereabouts, and it is time. He had already made a decision in his heart, but he felt relieved, and he simply lay down to rest and recuperate, took out the wine gourd and drank the wine inside, then buried the gourd in the sand, lay down and thought: Before dawn, they dare not withdraw from the encirclement and move. With a lot of strength, I can go to any place to break through.Before they move, I must break out of the siege and give him a quick surprise attack, hoping that the place where the attack will not encounter a strong enemy. The people chasing and besieging him, because the middle of the island is flat and open, with only weeds and small trees, it is not difficult to estimate his position, so they gradually chased him to the end of the island. Take the opportunity to move forward. At this time, he remained still, and the whistle indicating his whereabouts was also silent, and those on the southern front line did not dare to advance rashly. The two sides have become a confrontation, the situation is not good for him, time is not waiting for me, and it is almost dawn. He had enough energy, it was already five o'clock, the dawn was about to break, the sword was on his back, and the clothes were stuffed into the leather waistband, revealing two kinds of long and short throwing knives standing like canine teeth, and the quiver was also tied on his back. , and start moving east. You only need to get close to the reeds by the Dongjiang River, and you will be safe. The widest part of the end of the island is only two miles away, and it is located in the center, only about one mile away from the riverside on the river side. He is like a cat, and also like a deer exploring the road, moving slowly step by step, taking care to be light on his feet. This is an arduous journey of perseverance, patience, persistence, and composure. As long as you get flustered a little bit, your whereabouts will be exposed, and you may be in danger. The brave man has no fear, and he is calm and calm without fear. He explored and moved calmly, and gradually approached the crowd in front, shouting gradually: "The prodigal son, you will be bound when you come out." It's dawn, you are doomed to fail! Resisting is useless, accept fate. He started to crawl, advancing inch by inch, and he knew that there was a deep cliff about twenty feet in front of the shouting person.There must be someone lurking, he must be careful if he is found, it will be difficult to break through, advance an inch, and turn around to pull the weeds back to the original position, must use hands and feet carefully, sharpen eyes and ears, slowly move forward inch by inch, every move , carefully.In the middle of the chaotic grass ahead, someone is lurking. God, I found him first.he thought happily. He is like a leopard that has found its prey.Jiu Jiu Fang moved the sharp claw. About two feet away, his right hand slowly pulled out the throwing knife, only a faint head could be seen, and the opponent was also lying on the ground, listening to the sound of the ground, this blow might be real If the opponent misses, if the other party speaks, he will be surprised that someone nearby is about to go. Zhang Qi, Zhang Liu can see each other when they get closer. The other party listens with his ear close to him, and will not see him. He raised his right hand slowly, and the throwing knife made a slight grass-scrambling sound. He used just the right amount of force, and the route he chose for the flying knife was also very clear. Make any vibrations. The flying knife pierced through the man's canopy terribly, piercing through the skull, the man's body trembled terribly, his hand twitched violently, and then moved away slowly.Finally, he stopped still. If he was not nearby, he would think this guy turned over and moved. Sure enough, someone on the right side shouted: "Second Brother Song, don't fall asleep." Hush!Without thinking about it, he took advantage of the convulsions before the man's death and moved closer to the direction where the voice was coming from, hissing softly in order to avoid the other party's suspicion. He waited for the man to die, drew back the throwing knife, and started the second arduous and silent journey, the second road to death, hoping not to fail. The darkness before dawn has finally faded away, terribly!He has already climbed about ten feet, and he has devoted a lot of energy to every inch. Half a mile ahead is the riverside, where the reeds as tall as ten feet are in sight.About five or six feet ahead, you can see four groups of people, three people in each group, lined up in a row, everyone opened their mouths and shouted. Among the three people, one is an archer, one is a knife player, and one is a hook player. How many people are there in ambush?What kind of weapons?How many ambushes are there near Jiangbin?have no idea. Time is precious and must be hastened.No one expected him to be so vigilant, calm, bold, and patient within the encirclement, not to mention that he was approaching, a figure in the rivers and lakes would not move around in such a sneaky way.These people were expecting him to rush forward with a ferocious charge, thinking that he would break through the encirclement boldly and majestically! When he finally revealed the first line of white shadows in the eastern sky, he passed through the gap between the grass between the two groups of people and fell about three feet behind them. He said in his heart: Okay, let's wait, you can't surround me anymore ! The route he chose was correct. The people on this side are bluffing, and the falsehood is real, and the real one is false. These people spread out their battles and shouted poorly. In fact, there are not few people. Where the murderous intent is at every step, he has already entered the battle, so he feels relieved, carefully hides his body, and waits for the changes. God bless, there was a small pit nearby, he carefully covered it with grass, squatted down in the pit, and began to regain his composure, whoever could hold his breath would have a sure chance of winning. It was dawn, the morning glow was all over the sky, the shouting was gone, and the surroundings were dead. He rested his mind and adjusted his breath, and ignored him. Unless someone stepped into the small hole where he was hiding, it would be difficult to find him hiding in it even if he stood by the hole. It is impossible to completely cover up the traces of yesterday's crawling. When the people around began to send people to search, the traces on the ground were finally discovered soon. At three poles in the sun, a loud cry came from a distance: people are walking east, search east. The signal came out, and people from the three parties flew eastward in droves. He poked his head out to listen carefully, jumped out of the small pit, buckled his bow, put on an arrow, and sneaked towards the river bank. There are voices on the left and actions on the right. People running along the river bank from the north were approaching, and someone shouted: Who is responsible for this area? Two big men were snatched out from the reeds, and they were shouting: "It's the fifth master Wang who is the whip of the gods." Where is fifth master now? The big man pointed to the west with his hand and said, "wait ahead." People are coming to the east, and they may still be hiding in the grass. Be careful, tell Fifth Lord to retreat and wait for the big help from the river to arrive before you can search inside. The big man let out a long howl, instructing God Whip Fifth Master to retreat back. The four big men of the messenger continued to rush south to inform another group of people who were in ambush. Lin Hua observed carefully for a while, and saw that there were about six people in the reeds in front of them. These people did not want to hide their figures, but stood in the reeds and kept looking around with their eyes. The distance was about a hundred steps, the four people who sent the letter had already gone far away, and the people who heard the sound and retreated were also a hundred steps later, it was time. He looked at the truth, fired two arrows in succession, let out a long howl, leaped three feet through the air, landed on both feet, the third arrow flew out of the air, and the sharp howling sound was ear-piercing. People here, kill!The shouts were thunderous. The crowd rushed here like a tide, the nearest was a few steps away, and the farthest was inside and outside. Three people fell down in the reed, and the sound of the trumpet was thrilling. The other three people leaned forward, avoiding arrows when they see the opportunity. There are eight people on both sides, lowering their bodies to meet the interception. He took two more arrows, and he was already four or five zhang in front of the reed, and happened to collide with eight people. It's really fast, the two sides have nothing to say when they meet face to face, there is no choice between life and death, and the swords and swords are all fighting to the death. He is like an angry leopard. When a leopard kills its prey, it is the fastest and most ferocious animal in the world. The figures suddenly merged, and the wind and thunder all broke out. Suddenly, the wind stopped the thunder, the sword rainbow suddenly converged, the grass tip swayed, and the figures flew away. He stood still, pulling his horse steps like Yue Zhiyuan stopped, still like a stone statue, with only a pair of big eyes radiating cold electricity, a lock of hair hanging on the bow arm of his left hand, blood stains on the sword of his right hand, a drop of blood fell down Rolled, shattered on the tip of the sword, and some blood splashed on his sleeve. The six people took shape and flew back in three directions, retreating one or two feet away. Ah, the two big men howled wildly and fell to their knees. The other two didn't make a sound, they couldn't stand firmly and fell down. The fifth man's bun was broken, and he knelt down with one leg to support his body. The sixth person's face was ashen, blood dripped from the hand holding the sword, and his whole body was shaking, as if he had stopped breathing. He glanced at everyone, stood up straight, strode forward, passed by the trembling big man standing on the ground, glanced at the big man, and walked away. The big man's legs softened, and he was intimidated! Lin Hua defeated the six interceptors in one fell swoop, and the only big man who could stand, also fell to the ground in shock the moment he passed by and glanced at him. With the bow on his back and the sword hanging in front of him, he strode towards the reeds by the river. The three big men who were lucky enough to miss the arrow in the reeds were so frightened that they crawled on the ground and did not dare to look up. Standing in front of the reed, he shouted: "Fast flow!"Those who don't go die! The three big men got up and rushed to the depths of the reeds on both sides, fleeing desperately. He put away his sword, turned his head, unhooked the arrow, and fired three shots in a row, shooting down the three men who were chasing him. Then he calmly turned around and walked through the three-foot-wide reeds to the riverside. The beach bank is about three feet wide, and the waterfront is full of wooden rafts, about a hundred paces wide. There are seven buildings nearby, and no one can walk without a rowman. On the east side of the opposite bank is the majestic Wuchang City. You can see the Yellow Crane Tower at the foot of the Yellow Crane Mountain. The people on the Yayun Pavilion and Baiyun Tower on the top of the mountain are as small as ants. To the north, you can see Hanyang City. Dazzling flowers. It's three poles in the sun, and I failed last night!He said with infinite emotion. Breaking out of the encirclement, he didn't feel relaxed, but his heart was heavy. No one was rescued, and his heart was in a mess. I should have rescued the person first, so I wasted two days of work.he thought regretfully. The people on the island have been approaching, and there are figures in the distance on the two ends of the river. He strode out, stepping over the swaying raft. Walk out of the water and come back at night, what a pity I didn't meet that beast Sha Qianli.He walked and talked to himself.Three small boats were lowered from the upper reaches, and there were many people on the boats leaning on the water, singing loudly: My master grew up by the river, he doesn't like to make friends, but only loves money; the God of Wealth took care of me last night, and rewarded me with a thousand silver before leaving.Ha ha!The Ao of the Yangtze River and his brothers on the water are waiting for the master in the water, and the prodigal sons of the rivers and lakes come down to play in the water. As soon as he heard his tone, he knew that they were people from Shaqianli, secretly complaining, being entangled by these people in the water, it would not be easy to get out, and nothing bad would happen. The one who strikes first is the strong one, and the one who strikes later suffers disaster. With a long laugh, he walked forward, his bow opened like a full moon, and his arrow went like a shooting star. After the sound of strings, the person who controlled the rudder of each of the three small boats and held the rear oars, Falling into the water almost at the same time, fighting in the water, bow and arrow first, there is no cover in the boat, and there is no way to hide from the arrow. Oops!This kid has a bow and arrow. He went into the water and hid on the side of the boat first.Someone yelled. All the people in the three boats jumped into the water and hanged in the water by the outer sides, so they were not afraid of bows and arrows. Lin Hua counted the arrows in his quiver, and there were eighteen more. If he was lucky, he would have no difficulty shooting eighteen. He didn't care about it in the water, he stood on the rightmost outer wooden raft, waiting for him with an arrow, taking care of both water and land, the situation was still under control, and he escaped from the water in an emergency. The pursuers on the island have already started to board the platoon, there are nearly a hundred of them densely packed, like a flock of crows, there are many archers among them. With a long laugh, he bowed left and right, and finally fired three arrows in a row to the front. In just a moment, five arrows left the string one after another. A total of five or six people screamed wildly and rolled down on the row. No one dared to fight for the first place, and they were beaten up. Hurry up!Force him into the water to capture him alive.Someone in the water yelled. He turned suddenly, swishing an arrow. There were three water ghosts swimming towards the wooden raft behind him, the first one didn't expect him to turn around and shoot an arrow, the distance was less than five zhang, how could they escape in time?The arrow pierced like a fish, and with a hmm, the person sank, and the water splashed and disappeared. The other two water ghosts were startled, they dived into the water and escaped. People arrived one after another on the island, Sha Qianli and a group of masterminds finally arrived, and the crisis also came. On the surface of the river, another small boat floated down from the upper reaches. There were eight people wearing oiled silk leaning on the water. One of them stood on the bow of the boat, swaying with the wind and waves, as if nailed to the bow, standing still, with his hands on his hips and said: Swimming in the reeds since childhood, the body is surrounded by water and hung on Wu hooks; I don't envy the fame and fortune in the world, and I am free to float in all corners of the world.Ha ha!snort!Turtle of the Yangtze River, you stupid, greedy and ungrateful half-dead loach, why don't you put your tail between your legs and get out for me!Could it be that Jinhuamen Luhuashuangshuanglong pulls out your back muscles? The people in the three small boats soaked in the water rolled onto the boat, set up their oars, and someone shouted: "Go away now, go away now!" The three small boats rushed downstream with their oars flying like flying arrows, and there was still one person left in the water, shouting wildly: Brother, wait for me, wait for me. The small boat stopped its oars a few feet away, and briskly leaned against the wooden raft. Lin Hua's arrow pointed at the leader, his tiger's eyes sparkled, and he was ready to go. The big man spread his hands outward, indicating that he didn't have a hidden weapon in his hand. He laughed and asked: Brother, have you heard of reeds swinging double dragons? heard about it.Who are you Ouyang Yongchang, a mere mixed river dragon, was instructed by the master to assist the Fuhui Shuangxian to act and be responsible for the response on the river. If you can trust me, brother, please come aboard. What!Assist Fuhui Shuangxian?you The matter is urgent and I have no time to say more. Please get on board. next Heroes should have knowledge Before the other party finished speaking, he jumped up. It was hard for him to believe that Fuhui Shuangxian would send someone to save him, but he had no choice. The first batch of arrow rain arrived, and the boat broke through the water and flew away with an arrow. whose boat?Put people down, the old man's opponent of the one-legged demon, how dare you save him!The one-legged demon who chased after him roared like thunder. The small boat sailed upstream, and the sound of the dragon singing in the river went straight to Xiaohan: I am free to swim in all corners of the world, and there is no worries in the reed flower pond.Proudly pointing to the sky, he waved his white blade and smiled at the King of Hades to try the Wu hook.Hahaha!With your title of Broken Foot Demon, you can only bluff mice. In a burst of wild laughter, the boat slowly went upstream. The people in the row retreated to the shore of the continent one after another, and soon set off for the villages in the continent. When the boat arrived at the ferry of the platoon gang, Lin Hua suddenly said: "Hero Ouyang, please pull the boat to the shore." Huh!You asked in surprise. Please come to shore. no they He caught Hun Jianglong's right hand pulse gate unexpectedly, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, brother, brother Ouyang, please bring the boat to the shore." Huh!you doubt If you doubt it, the brother will not board the ship to accept Xiongtai's help. then i Don't blame the brothers for being rude, please go ashore. Hun Jianglong smiled wryly and waved to the helmsman, and the boat got on the raft. Lin Hua jumped down, clasped his fists and saluted, and said: "Dumeng, you took over in danger. I am very grateful. I dare not forget my friendship. I will report it later. Brother Ouyang, I have offended you. Please Haihan. Don't blame me. I will see you later." After the sound fell, he turned his head and jumped on the wooden raft, landed again in a short while, and flew towards the village. He arrived earlier than Sha Qianli's group and rushed towards the village, still a hundred steps away.Nanqi, an old man, appeared in the shrubs by the roadside and called out to him: Good job, brother, hurry to the observation platform to save people. He kept his composure, stopped and laughed: There is no one under the observation deck. Are you mistaken. Not at all wrong. Then go to the decisive battle with Sha Qianli, and I will take you there. Soon he will be here. You want to wait for him here? No, save people first. you mean Poor Wang Paitou, caught in a dilemma between the two, had to make compromises, and was coerced and used by Sha Qianli, but he was not an ungrateful person after all, and he said a few words of truth.He said very leisurely. Brother, I don't understand what you're saying, you mean The two words he said, one is to ask me to leave quickly, and the other is that the woman came with the wolf lord voluntarily. It's a pity that I was a beggar and couldn't listen to the so-called truth of the ghost master. It's a pity that at that time the speaker was intentional, but the listener was unintentional, so that he was almost trapped in the net of Sha Qianli. Did the senior feel that the junior escaped and was surprised? your words have other meanings The junior's intention is still an old saying, Sha Qianli has nothing to do with me, his plots and plots are completely in vain.Walk!It's getting late, I want to see who this woman is, is it worth saving? Where can I go for help? Wang Paitou's haunted house. What?Didn't you say that the wolf owl and that woman will not be in the haunted house? Haven't we already searched in detail? At that moment, at this moment, if you don't believe it, you can tell immediately, go. As soon as he said go, he ran to the door first, stretched out his hand to the closed door, and said with a smile: "Old man, is it calling the door, or is it going in?" Nan Qi said hesitantly. Lin Hua stood aside, and said calmly: It's useless to shout, and no one will fight.That's good, the junior jumps over the courtyard wall and enters! No, the stupid bird flew first, and I scored first.Nan Qi said while bullying into the gate. I'll call him. There was a loud bang, Nan Qi kicked open the gate, jumped up and rushed into the courtyard. A blue shadow suddenly appeared, and two big men jumped out from both sides.One left and one right pair of knives burst forward, like a tiger rushing at a sheep. bark!Nan Qi let out a strange cry and waved his bamboo stick.People are like civet cats, and in a flash, Zhangshan emerges and hits the right knee of the big man on the left with a puff. Hey, the big man screamed and retreated eight feet violently. Nan Qi dodged the saber of the big man on the right again, and responded with a stick, which was wrapped around each other. Lin Hua snorted coldly, and strode to catch up. Brother, it's important to go inside to save people, leave this place to me? He hesitated for a while, and rushed to the hall door, the half-hidden hall door suddenly opened wide, and an old man in sixties jumped out, with a strange cry, the strange weapon in his hand, Cangmu horned dragon cudgel, struck with wind and thunder. Faster than lightning, the person appeared before the move, and the rod belt made of nine alloy wires, with lightning speed, caught Lin Hua's legs by surprise, and his hands shook and he yelled and lay down! Lin Hua was caught off guard, only felt a huge and ferocious lifting force, the center of gravity of his body suddenly lost, and he fell to the ground with a bang, his calves were stinging like being scorched by fire, and he had no chance to resist. The sixty-year-old man let out a long laugh, and violently pulled the stick towards his right acupoint. He turned over and rolled away, shouting: Senior Shang, stop! As soon as the sixty-year-old man was drawn, the head of the stick sank immediately, and there was a crackling sound of the stick, and the head of the stick sank towards his knee almost at the same time. With a wave of his bow arm, he blocked the horned dragon stick without delay, jumped up and flew horizontally, and shouted: "Flying the rainbow with a hundred steps, how can you help the evildoer?" He saw clearly the strange weapon blade and cudgel that tripped him somersaults, this thing is rarely used by Jiangnan, the only master of this kind is Baidao famous Baibu Feihong Shang Lianghui.This person is quite well-known in the martial arts world, and friends in the Jianghu respect him quite a lot.Famous people value reputation, and most famous people cherish feathers. Baibu Feihong is even respected by martial arts friends. How could he become Sha Qianli's minion?It's unbelievable. Lin Hua yelled angrily, Baibu Feihong heard it as if he heard it, and with a strange cry, the horned dragon stick followed and swung out, and the stick rolled towards Lin Hua like a spirit snake. This thing is soft and hard, and it is very difficult to pick. The length of the stick is equal to the length of the stick, which is very similar to the long whip of a driving man. It is equal to two kinds of soft and hard weapons. The head of the stick came first, Lin Hua retreated, Baibu Feihong shook the head of the stick, the belt of the stick came first, and the hair came first, rolling around the waist. Lin Hua jumped up, onto the courtyard wall and shouted: "Stop!" The stick belt snapped, followed and chased forward and rebounded, and before he finished speaking, the end of the belt had reached the knees and abdomen. He rescued himself in danger, shot the big bow quickly, and with a snap, the belt caught the bow. He put down his hand and discarded the big bow. At this moment, the horned dragon stick captured the bow but lost the opportunity to attack. , It is too late to use the stick to go in, if he grabs the bow and refuses to let go, he will never seize the opportunity to avoid the attack, let alone attack, the bow is released, this moment is his best time to counterattack. beat!He roared loudly, his flying knives shot like beads, and he was condescending like a torrential rain. The nickname of Baibu Feihong comes from Qiulong stick. The stick of this white Taoist is 160 feet 4 inches long, and the stick belt is also of the same length. When attacking, the stick belt can be made as hard and straight as an iron spear. When using it with one hand, the arm is straight , can chase down opponents who are two feet away, and hit every shot, so he was named a hundred-step flying rainbow. Of course, he can't attack people who are a hundred steps away, but exaggeration is not hurtful. Some people call them dragons, gods, and ghosts. , saying that he actually has dragon gods and ghosts in the world! Lin Hua was forced to throw a knife to defend himself, he didn't want the old guy's life?The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, he is deeply wary of this famous white Taoist, he thinks it is an extremely difficult and highly skilled opponent, and he dare not be careless, so he uses the Lianzhu flying knife, three for one shot, two long for one Short, the short one is the lancet that can control the flight path to bend towards the flying in, and the last sound is the strangest. If the opponent is not a professional with profound skills, it is difficult to escape from the lancet. Baibu Feihong put a junior in front of him?The stick knocked down a throwing knife, and the stick belt spun backhand at the same time, with a snap of the big bow, knocked down the second throwing knife.Hiding the end of the stick like lightning, he suddenly picked up the third lancet that was shot at his chest. The lancet was blown by the stick wind, and at the moment when the stick tail was about to be picked, it miraculously drew a half-circle of light arc to the right, circled it quickly and perfectly, and penetrated into the left shoulder well of Baibu Feihong with a chirping sound. . As soon as the Jianjing was destroyed, the left arm lost the ability to move, disobeying instructions, and the five fingers loosened spontaneously. Lin Hua flew down with the flying knife, and the sword came out of its sheath like a rainbow falling into the ground, and it was also like a lightning strike from the sky. The momentum was soul-stirring, and it was a decisive blow of life and death. Baibu Feihong failed to pick up the flying knife, and was startled. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure jumping down, and at the same time saw the flying knife turning, but he didn't expect the flying knife to fly around an arc. He instinctively thought that it was his own latent energy. , forced the throwing knife away and turned it in the direction so as not to harm him, so he drew back the end of the stick and spit out the end of the stick, intending to give Lin Hua a terrifying head-on blow, but he moved his hand, but the end of the stick failed. He used it freely, but the head of the club could not be spit out in time, and the belt of the stick was loosened, and the big bow in the curled position fell in front of his feet. The tip of the sword is like a cold star, anxious as a spark. Hey, Baibu Feihong screamed, and his body was shocked. Lin Hua couldn't bear it, and the tip of his sword was slightly deflected. Baibu Feihong twisted to the right to avoid the move, and saved himself in danger. The tip of the sword brushed over Baibu Feihong's left neck, and there was no room for danger. With a pop, Lin Hua kicked Baibu Feihong's left crotch. After all, Baibu Feihong is not an iron-clad King Kong, bang!He fell down the steps with a bang. In the courtyard, Nan Qi was still fighting fiercely with the big man, the two sides were evenly matched, and danger abounded. Lin Hua saw that Nanqi had the upper hand, and he was not in any danger, so he no longer stepped forward to help, but first picked up two flying knives and a big bow, and then strode towards Baibu Feihong. Baibu Feihong was sitting on the ground, gritted his teeth and tried to stand up with pain, but he was hit by a flying knife on his left shoulder and a heavy kick on his left crotch. His left half of his body was completely numb, and he failed to do so. The color of the sword changed drastically. Lin Hua retracted the sword, tightened the bowstring, and approached Shen Sheng and asked: "Where are the wolf owl and the girl now?" Baibu Feihong gave up the idea of ​​standing up, raised the horned dragon stick with his right hand, and said loudly: I can still fight, you go. Are you Baibu Feihong Shang Lianghui? The old man will not answer any of your questions. Why do you help the evildoers? nonsense! You have friendship with Sha Kui, the hand of the sky, so you help the son of your friend to do evil? snort!Baibu Feihong didn't bother to answer. You are a patriotic hero, and you are not obedient to your friends. snort! You should dissuade the disciples of your friend's children from doing evil, why don't you cherish the feathers instead, willingly The old man is going to scold you.Baibu Feihong's old face turned red and said angrily. You old man helps the son of a friend to do many unrighteous things, and you still scold me?Lin Hua screamed with his tiger eyes wide open. If you are afraid of being scolded, go ahead, fight to the death, and the friends of Baidao in the world will come to you to seek justice. You are so shameless, do you think that all the friends of Baidao in the world are as shameless as you? Let your shit go! Lin Hua was angry from the heart, and the evil turned to his guts. He took an arrow and said sharply: "I won't talk to you anymore. If I kill you with a sword, I will dirty my sword. I will take your old life with an arrow." The bow string is drawn slowly, the tip of the arrow is cold, Baibu Feihong's face is pale, he protects his face with a stick and waits for the arrow. Just before the crisis, Nan Qi arrived and shouted: "Wait a minute, brother, killing him won't help, it's not easy for him to become famous." Does the old man know him?Lin Hua asked. He is Baibu Feihong Shang Lianghui, how can he not know him when he is famous. This kind of person is a treacherous and slippery person who has earned a false reputation.What's the use of keeping it? It won't do you any good to arouse the hatred of the nobles, go!Let's go in and save people. Lin Hua snorted heavily, and said: Capital crimes are inevitable, and living crimes are hard to forgive. If I don't teach him a lesson, I really don't want to be resigned. brother Lin Hua retracted his bow and rushed forward, Baibu Feihong smashed out with a stick, because his true strength was exhausted, the stick belt had completely lost its effect. With a snap, Lin Hua deflected the stick with one foot, swung the big bow, and struck the old guy's right shoulder with a puff, Baibu Feihong completely lost his resistance, and fell face down. Lin Hua put his foot on the opponent's chest, and Nan Qi rushed over and shouted: "Brother, don't do it!" With quick hands and quick eyes, Lin Hua stretched out his hand and pulled out the lancet, and said with a sneer: Kill him and dirty my hands, spare his life. Nan Qi let out a long breath with relief, and said: Let's go, it's important to do things. Lin Hua kicked open the door of the hall, and dodged to the side of the door first. Last night when he entered the hall at night, he was attacked by a crossbow. This time he was very careful. Sure enough, the three ambush crossbows were shot out with incredible strength. Nan Qi is not stupid, he doesn't stand in the hall door at all. The two rushed into the hall. On the hall stood a middle-aged man who looked like an ugly ghost, with a gleaming execution knife in his hand. Under the altar was tied a graceful woman. This woman was tied hands and feet, facing Li tucked into the corner of the table under the divine case, unable to see his face. Nan Qi let out a strange cry, and rushed forward, one step faster than Lin Hua, fighting first, and tapped the bamboo stick around his chest. The ugly big man actually gave up the good opportunity to protect the woman, waved his knife and shouted: "Don't act rashly!" One knife and one stick fought, and both sides showed their real talents. Lin Hua threw away his bow, rushed into the divine case to save her, grabbed the woman's foot and dragged her out. Oops!The rope the woman was tied to suddenly slipped out of the loop, she twisted her body and raised her hands, the bead shadows flew. 林華對南乞起疑心,因此處處留意老花子,深怕南丐在他不注意的時出手襲擊,卻未料到毛病出在女囚身上,雙方相距咫尺,怎躲得開? Puff puff!五顆珠他中了三顆,部位是左上臂,右胸上方,左脅上側,五芒珠有五枚芒針,嵌入肉中怎吃得消? 哎他放手叫,倒躍八尺,站穩叫道:咦!是是你 女人解掉綑腳的繩索,一面媚笑道:你大概還記得張大嫂。 原來是莽張飛張賢的妻子,莽張飛是太湖一君的拜弟。雙方在鐵城山有過一面之緣,不算陌生。 南乞突然捨了醜大漢,搶到叫:老弟,怎麼了? 林華蹌踉站穩,怒叫道:我要刺這鬼女人千百劍。 他的劍尚未拔出。啪一聲響,右頭則挨了南乞一杖,竹杖立折,他也吃不消,扭身便倒下去。 南乞接著飛起一腳,踢中他的腰脊,大笑道:小輩你上當了啊 話未說完,最後一聲慘叫號已衝口而出。原來林華向前仆倒,著地轉身了出了一把飛刀,貫入南乞的右脅下,盡偃而沒。 南乞以手掩住刀口,不敢拔刀,一步步欺近,厲啊道:你這小子好狠,我我要將你將你化骨揚揚灰 林華吃力地坐起,左半身全是血,切齒問:你你是誰? 我南南乞 南乞目下在在南京。 Know. but 在下不不知我到到底是 假南乞突然跌倒叫道:你這小小狗很很陰險陰險 你比下在更更毒辣陰陰險,你幾幾乎成功了林華喘息著說,掙扎著站起,一手抓著一把飛刀,不住發抖,等候張大嫂撲上。 張大嫂媚笑道:天下間竟有你種這麼愚蠢的人,真是活該。 你這賤婦,上!he roared. 南乞大叫一聲,拔出了飛刀,人卻一陣翻滾掙扎,氣息漸絕。 左門外彩影乍現,出現了另一個女人。 張大嫂嘻嘻笑,扭著腰肢向後退,說:我可不傻,怕你,你的飛刀我可不敢領教。 放下刀,轉身!身後有人叫。 張大嫂飛退丈外,站在角門後媚笑。 他知道飛刀已無法控制準頭,不再追趕張大嫂。五芒珠的創口奇痛難耐,頸根的杖傷也令他右半身發麻,用不上勁,緩緩地艱難地轉身,他看到一個面目姣好,卻滿臉殺氣的女入,手中伸出一個他十分眼熟的金筒。 Who are you?he asks. 你認識這個麼?女人問,晃晃手中的金筒。 像像是奪魂針針筒。 那麼,你該知道我是誰? 你是你是神神針周五娘?吳准中的妻妻子吧? good.
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