Home Categories romance novel Remy Credit Agency Trilogy II: Don't Look Back

Chapter 21 Chapter Twenty

Winnie could tell he was upset, but decided to ignore his opinion.She herself was not in the best mood. She sat down and watched him close the carriage door, and the cab rumbled on.Tuo Bin opened the blanket on the seat and threw it to her. You'd better keep warm with this.he muttered.That low-necked gown was clearly inappropriate for anything but a ballroom. If you hadn't gone in such a hurry, I'd have time to get my cloak. Relieved to find that the blanket was clean, she quickly put it on and felt much warmer immediately.Tuo Bin nestled in the corner, squinting at her. I will wait for you on the balcony.She answered the questions he hadn't asked.I saw you and Wei Li walking into the ballroom, and then I saw Dong Ning stop you.A moment later you turned away and I knew right away that you were going to follow up on leads.You seem to be in the habit of forgetting that we are partners.where are we going?

I'm going to meet a whore named Maggie.he said without emotion.She has nothing to do with the Medusa case. nonsense!Don't expect me to believe that bullshit.On a night like this, rushing to find a prostitute is not for investigating the case, but for what? She stopped, stupefied, shocked to think that there was indeed another reason for a gentleman to take a cab to a whore.First she felt heartbroken, then empty and numb.She sat there staring at Tuo Bin, unable to speak. No, honey, that's not why I left for whores.From what you know of me now, you should be able to determine that.

She breathed a sigh of relief.Of course Tuo Bin would not go to whoring, he would never betray her.What happened to her?She tried to collect her thoughts, but she still felt flustered. Tell me what's going on, Tuobin.I have a right to know. He looked at her silently for a long time, and she began to think that he was not going to answer her. You're right, he finally said.You do have a right to know.Anyway, I heard that this woman named Maggie kept Peosey entertained during his stay in London. She was so surprised that she could only look at him stupidly.That look is not charming, she reminded herself.

Pei Aoshi?She finally made a sound. right. I don't understand. He rested one arm on the window frame.I think you'd better keep an eye on him while he's in London.Dongning found out from the inn where Pei Aoshi was staying that he often went to a local prostitute.I want to ask her something. but why?What do you hope to discover? He shrugged.Maybe nothing.But the fact that Pei Aoshi and He Haohua appeared in London at the same time has always troubled me. I thought we agreed that it was just a coincidence. You think it's a coincidence, but I don't. So you decided to investigate Pei Aoshi's actions?

Yes. I see.She didn't know what to say.She thought she should reprimand him for conducting an investigation behind her back, but he did it because he cared about her, so she decided not to reprimand him for the time being.I'm guessing you didn't find anything worrisome. I must admit I'm starting to get a little worried about Maggie.The women who got close to Pei Aoshi didn't seem to end well, and it took Dongning a lot of effort to find her. She shuddered.I understand. I wanted to make sure she was safe, and I wanted to ask her about Peoce's activities in London.

She gave him a questioning look.But he made no move to search for me.Why did he do that?I said that at the time he found it easy to blame me for his wife's suicide.But it is impossible for him to be interested in me now.In fact, he should have avoided me in fear. I know, but I don't like this. She smiled lightly.I can tell. The carriage arrived at Carter Street in their silence, Tuo Bin opened the door and got off.He reached out to hold Winnie's waist and carried her out of the car.Then he turned and tossed a few coins to the coachman. We won't be going for long, he said.Please wait for us.

good.The driver examined the coins by the light of his lantern and pocketed them with satisfaction.I'll wait here for your return, sir. bring it on!Tuo Bin held Winnie's arm and turned her to the entrance of a dark alley.The sooner we find Maggie, the sooner we can get back to Joanne's ball. Without arguing, she draped the blanket over her shoulders and stepped forward to walk side by side with him. Tuo Bin went to a door and knocked on the door knocker, and the sound of knocking echoed in the dark alley. No one came to answer the door, but Winnie heard the sound of windows opening upstairs.She looked up to see a woman leaning forward holding an iron candlestick with burning candles.

Down below, cried the woman upstairs in a drunken voice.Coming for fun? Tuo Bin retreated outside the eaves.We're looking for Maggie.He said. You are lucky, because you found her.Maggie said.But I see two of you, and one of them is a woman.I guess you're the kind of guy who likes to watch two women have fun, right?That will cost extra. We just want to talk to you.Winnie said quickly.However, we will pay you. conversation?Meggie considered for a moment, then shrugged.As long as you are willing to pay, I don't care.come up!Up the stairs to the first room. Tuo Bin tried to push the door, but the door opened as soon as he pushed.Over his shoulder, Vinnie saw a narrow hallway and a narrow staircase, with a smoking candle burning in a sconce.

Don't pay her too much, Tuo Bin said.Especially since it's undoubtedly my money that we're going to use. Of course we have to use your money.I have no money tonight; a lady never takes money to a fancy ball. Somehow, I'm not surprised. He followed her into the hall, pausing only as the door closed. Winnie began to climb up the stairs, and Tuo Bin was two steps behind her.As she reached the fourth step, she heard the door slam open behind her. Two men in sackcloth rushed into the hall. They rushed directly at Tuo Bin, the light from the sconces illuminating the knives in their hands.

Tuo Bin, back! He didn't answer, he was too busy responding to the attack.She saw him grab the banister with one hand for support, and kick out hard with one foot. That kick hit the chest of the first gangster impartially.The gangster gasped, staggered backwards, and bumped into his companion. Get out of the way, idiot!The second gangster pushed away his companion, waved the knife in his hand, and rushed towards Tuo Bin. Tuo Bin kicked again.The second gangster hissed and dodged back to avoid the kick.But the criminal had to hold on to the handrail to steady himself. Go to Majesty's room, Tuo Bin ordered, without taking his eyes off the two gangsters.Fasten the door.

After speaking, he immediately threw himself on the nearest criminal, and the two of them fell heavily to the bottom of the stairs together, rolling across the floor and hitting the wall. The door on the second floor opened, and Maggie appeared holding an iron candlestick. What's going on down there?she asked inarticulately.Hey, I don't want to get in trouble. Winnie threw the blanket aside, lifted the hem of her skirt, and rushed up the stairs. Give me the candlestick.She snatched the candlestick from Majesty's hand. what are you up to?Maggie asked. God, you can do it!Winnie pulled the dripping candle from the socket and stuffed it into Maggie's hand. Ouch!Meggie grunted, bringing her fingers to her mouth.Very hot. Winnie ignored her, turned around and rushed down the stairs, holding the iron candlestick tightly in her right hand. She could see Tuo Bin and the second gangster wrestling on the hall floor, blades gleaming in the candlelight. The first gangster sat up slowly at the bottom of the stairs.He looked dizzy, but was clearly recovering quickly from Tuo Bin's kick.He picked up the pocket knife that had fallen from his hand, grabbed the banister and started to stand up. He watched the two wrestling figures on the hall floor, apparently looking for the right moment to aid his companion. Winnie held up the iron candlestick, praying to God that the gangster at the bottom of the stairs would not look back.On the floor of the hall, Tuo Bin and the gangster who attacked him rolled violently up and down again, and one of them let out a hoarse hum.Winnie couldn't tell which one was crying out for pain.Anger and fear swept over her. She reached the second step from the bottom floor and swung the iron candlestick with all her strength. At the last moment, the gangster felt threatened from behind.He started to turn around, raising his arms to protect himself. But it was too late.The candlestick ruthlessly passed over the side of his head and hit his shoulder. The force of the impact shocked Winnie's whole body.The gangster staggered back against the wall, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground. Winnie and the gangster looked at each other for a shocked moment, and then she saw blood pouring from a gash on the side of his head. Bitch! He flew into a rage and threw his arms out at her, but his movements were clumsy and unsteady. Winnie grabbed the banister of the stairs and stepped back a few steps.She raised the candlestick high again, ready to attack again.The gangster hesitated at the sight of her weapon, shaking in the candlelight. Tuo Bin appeared at the bottom of the stairs, his face in the shadows was like a cold mask.He grabbed the first thug by the shoulder, turned him around, and punched him in the jaw. The man yelled, staggered and spun, and threw himself at the door that the second gangster opened when he fled. The two thugs fled one after the other into the foggy night, their footsteps echoing hollowly on the paving stones for a moment, and then they fell silent. With a heart beating wildly, Wei Ni checked Tuo Bin from head to toe.His cravat had come loose in the fight, and there were bloodstains on his cravat and the front of his coat. You are bleeding.She lifted the hem of her skirt and walked quickly down the stairs. The blood is not mine.He tore off his scarf and threw it aside.Are you OK? fine.She stopped on the steps above him and reached out to touch his face anxiously.Are you sure you are not hurt? Sure.He frowned.Didn't I tell you to hide in Maggie's room and lock the door? Those two people want to kill you.Do you want me to wait quietly in another room for them to finish their work?I want to remind you again that we are partners in this matter. Damn it, Winnie, you may be seriously injured! Meggie chuckled low above them.Looks like the lady did you a huge favor, if you ask me. I didn't ask you.Tuobin said. Meggie giggled. I suggest we argue another day.Winnie said flatly.We have business to do, if you haven't forgotten. He touched his jaw cautiously.I remember.He looked up at Maggie.Do you recognize those two men? Maggie shook her head.Never seen it.I guess two thieves saw you on the street and decided to follow up and rob.She pointed to the open door behind her.come up!If you guys still want to ask questions. really want.Tuo Bin followed Winnie up the stairs. They followed Maggie into a small, dark, shabby room.Winnie handed the candlestick to Maggie, and sat down on the stool by the unlit fireplace.Tuo Bin walked to the window overlooking the alleyway, and she wondered if he wanted to see the two gangsters who attacked him.Not likely, she thought. We want to ask you about a man named Pei Aoshi.Tuo Bin said without turning around.I heard that he has often sought your services in the past few days. The one named Pei is a jerk.Meggie put the candle back in the candlestick and put the candlestick on the table.She sat down at the table and poured the gin from the table into a glass.He was indeed my guest for a while, but since the last time he did that thing, I will never receive him again. What the hell did he do?Vinnie asked. this.Meggie turned her face to the candlelight.I can't work these days. It was only then that Winnie saw that Maggie had severe bruises around her eyes.God!He beat you? That's right.Meggie took a long gulp of the gin and put down the glass.A girl in this line of work has to be resilient, but there are some things I won't tolerate.The man who beat me will never enter this room again, I don't care how noble a gentleman he is. Tuo Bin turned around in front of the window, staring at Majesty intently.When did Pei Aoshi beat you? When you came to see me last time.She frowned, trying to remember.I think it was last Wednesday, no, Thursday.The first few times he came to see me, he behaved fairly normally.A little rough, but no big deal.But last time he lost his temper. Furious?Winnie repeated carefully. right.I thought he was crazy just because I made fun of him.Meggie poured some more gin into the glass. why are you making fun of himTuobin asked. He came later than usual.It was nearly dawn and I had just gone to bed.When he knocked, I poked my head out of the window and saw right away that he was in a bad mood.I almost didn't want to let him in, but he was always a good guest and always tipped over and above his thanks.Rich as hell. She stops for a drink. You said you made fun of him.Winnie reminded. I just want to make him feel better, how can I be self-defeating.He beat me up and said all kinds of bad things about women while he was beating me up.What has serpents in its hair, what turns men to stone with eyes.Maggie shuddered.As I said, he's crazy.I don't know what I would have become if my friends upstairs hadn't come down to see what was going on with the noise.When she knocked on the door, he stopped. Winnie recalled the tragic experience revealed by Pei Aoshi's wife Jess when she was hypnotized.Fortunately your friend came downstairs in time. Yes, otherwise I will definitely be beaten to death by that bastard. What did Bae Ao Se do after the beating was interrupted by your friend? Turned around and walked out as if nothing had happened.To be honest, he seemed to be in a much better mood afterwards.Not pleasant, but calmer.He hasn't been back since then, thank goodness! Tuo Bin looked thoughtful.You didn't make it clear exactly what you were making fun of him for. In fact, nothing, just a small thing.Meggie wrinkled her nose.I still don't understand how it made him so angry. what trifle?Vinnie asked. his scarf.Maggie said. Winnie felt a chill run down her spine. Tuo Bin stood motionless in front of the window, like a hound sniffing out prey. What happened to Pei Aoshi's scarf?he asked in a very soft voice. He didn't wear a bow tie last time.Maggie said.He was dressed very well, as if he had just come out of a club or a fancy ball, but he didn't wear a scarf or tie. Winnie's eyes met Tuo Bin's.Impossible, she thought. It looked weird, Meggie went on.Like his valet didn't dress him properly.So I made fun of him for being too impatient, and started taking off his clothes before people arrived, and asked him if he lost his scarf on the way.That's when he flew into a rage, mad with rage.
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