Home Categories martial arts novel Sword Shadow
Sword Shadow

Sword Shadow


  • martial arts novel

  • 2023-02-05Published
  • 421516

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Murder at the Inn

Sword Shadow 雲中岳 11698Words 2023-02-05
In the middle of winter, the cold is piercing, the sky is full of auspicious clouds, and the earth is silver. In the Daguan Road, there is three feet of snow, travel is almost extinct, the sky and the earth are white, and snowflakes are falling down in waves.In this turbulent world of mortals, the turmoil seems to have completely stopped during this period, and the only living thing is the dancing snowflakes. After applying for the license plate, the official travel agency gradually disappeared.Passengers who dare to walk on the road will risk freezing to death on the road. If there is an accident, they will be exhausted, and they will be covered by snowflakes and buried under the continuous falling snow.

In winter, different snowflakes will fall depending on the temperature, the strength of the wind, and the thickness of the clouds.Once fluffy goose feather auspicious snow falls, it means that this period of snowstorm is coming to an end, the temperature is gradually rising, and the rare sunshine in winter will be seen soon. Less than two miles to the west of Daguan Road, there is a very spectacular embankment rising from the flat ground.The river workers who carried the Dacao River (Grand Canal) have all finished their work and rested. Therefore, under the thick willow trees on the river embankment, there are no people, only piles of earth, pink, bamboo and other construction materials can be seen.

The Dacao River stretches hundreds of miles from Huai'an Mansion to Yangzhou Mansion. Every three to two years, it will be dredged from the end of autumn to the beginning of winter, and millions of people will be dispatched to carry the river. The county has worked hard on two legs, and it is impossible to travel comfortably by boat to enjoy happiness! During the heavy snowstorm, if you miss the Sutou, the situation is quite serious.At the end of the year, the villages near the official road usually do not accept tourists to stay in order to avoid disasters. If they close the village gates and ignore them, the tourists will suffer from cold and hunger.

Four travelers who were not afraid of the wind and snow, went south in the midst of the wind and snow, and stepped on it. The snow reached their knees, and they were struggling. Fortunately, their energy was still there. The whole person seemed to be wrapped in snowflakes, and the people and the snow were almost integrated. up. It was already twilight, but the snow was still shining brightly.There are still twenty miles away from Wantou, a large town in the north of Yangzhou. Judging by the situation, it is impossible for them to make it to Wantou Town for lodging. Maybe they will have to find a place to rest halfway, so as not to suffer from hunger and cold. .

Mo Daojun was traveling late, and there were even more late pedestrians; behind them, a group of about ten passengers were also hurrying southward, at a faster speed, everyone was carrying backpacks and walking sticks, gradually closing the distance. Farther away, a few other travelers were on their way.It seems that today is a good day, and the passengers are rushing along the same road.Maybe, I want to go back to my hometown earlier for the New Year! The four passengers who walked in the front also carried rucksacks and waist bags, and wore leather hoods on their heads that were lowered to cover their ears, with only their eyes exposed.Wearing an old sheepskin jacket, cotton trousers, oilcloth hanging trousers for the coat, and half boots to keep out the snow and water.You can't see your face, let alone your age.

Compared with the latter two groups of passengers, it was obvious that they were one level lower in terms of clothing.Those people wore all kinds of expensive furs, which were much more noble than old sheepskin outer jackets.The knapsack is also a refined product, and the lower two layers are carved lacquer bases. The passengers at the back even had two warm sedan chairs hired from Gaoyou Prefecture. Besides the two bearers who carried the sedan chairs, each sedan chair also had a spare bearer, who was clearly a respectable traveler. Everyone went their own way, and no one paid attention to the affairs of other passengers.

Approaching a wooden bridge, the fourteen passengers behind finally arrived behind the four passengers, their feet were still hurried, snowflakes splashed when they walked, and they were still full of energy after the long journey. The small river has been frozen, and the bridge is only about three feet long. The bridge deck is paved with grass mats to prevent passengers from slipping when walking. Therefore, this kind of bridge with grass mats in winter is usually called a grass bridge by the locals; but it is definitely not erected with grass. bridge. The four passengers had just set foot on the bridge deck, and the bridge surface sloped up to the top. Due to the thick floating snow, the icy grass mat underneath had lost its anti-slip function. If they were not careful, they would slip and fall.

Fourteen passengers arrived, and the one who took the lead without a rucksack and only held a six-foot wind-polished copper birthday stick in his hand was very tall and strong, and his hands in leather gloves were one size larger than ordinary people. Get out of the way, good dogs out of the way.The man's bell-like voice was still deafening even through the cover of his mouth, and with a flick of the heavy birthday stick, he knocked the last passenger away, speaking in the official dialect of the capital. Oops, a passenger screamed, fell down in the snow and slipped two or three steps backwards.

Huh!Why are you so overbearing?The second passenger turned his head and yelled in displeasure. asshole!What did you say?The birthday stick was stretched out again, pointing at the protesting passenger. The third passenger moved quickly and moved sideways to pull the second companion back to the bridge railing. At the same time, he gestured to the first companion who was walking in the front to give way in time. Let them go first, we are in no rush.The third passenger yelled at his companions to calm down. The opponent has a large number of people, and showing weakness is the only good way to avoid conflict.

Monk, forget it, hurry up.The third passenger walking behind shouted: I have to go to Wantou to stay overnight, I can't bear the hunger! All the people are covered with clothes and hats. How do you know that the person holding the wind-polished copper birthday stick is a monk?Monks didn't use birthday sticks either. snort!The monk glared at the weak passenger, stopped thinking about it, and strode beyond, meaning: You are lucky if you know something. The wind-milled steel birthday stick weighed no less than twenty catties, if it was struck with a blow, it would cripple its hands and feet even if it did not die.The seriousness of being broken in such a place is self-evident.

Fortunately, the passenger who was knocked down was not injured, and the monk only gently knocked him down. The fourteen travelers were thirty paces away, and the four travelers started to cross the bridge. These people are really unreasonable, the bridge is very wide!The knocked-down passenger cursed loudly: God damn bastard!These people are not much better than poisonous snakes and beasts, the world belongs to them, and no one else has to live! exactly.The traveler who stopped his companion's theory said: Anyone who provokes this monk near Kyoto will definitely not survive. Huh!Xiao Liang, do you know this thief monk?The companion asked in surprise. I have seen it at the Dayan Shou Temple Fair in Xizhimen.Xiao Liang said, keeping his head down and hurrying. you mean You are busy with business and entertainment, I have nothing to do, so I walk around the capital.This is not the first time I have been to Kyoto, and I am quite familiar with Kyoto.Xiao Liang explained as he walked: It should not be an accident that they appeared here. They must have gone to Nanjing to seek development. There is no place for this thief monk in Kyoto. Xiao Liang, I didn't understand what you said. Who is this thief monk?Does it have a lot of background? Yes, it has a lot of background.Among the Buddhist disciples, he is a wine and sex monk who does everything wrong; in the eyes of friends in the Jianghu, he is called the demon monk of the sky.Before we left Kyoto, the imperial palace was rushing to enshrine officials.This thief monk is one of the hundreds of officials who come and go in and out of the palace. oh!It turned out to be those monsters.Another companion said: Those commissioned officials are all the playmates of the emperor, a lot of real people, living Buddhas, warlocks, national teachers, and gods.I know that before we return to our hometown, there are rumors in Kyoto that Chuanfengguan will be disbanded, and everyone is celebrating! right.Xiao Liang said: At the beginning of the year, the stars in the sky changed, and the world was full of fire, white gas, and red demon stars, flying all over the sky like thunder, which means that the world is about to be in chaos.The ministers of the imperial court asked the emperor to repel these evildoers under the pretext that the calamity came from the preaching officials.After more than half a year of quarreling, the emperor had no choice but to expel some dharma kings, disciples of the Western Paradise, Zen masters of the great country, real people, and high scholars, but more than half of them remained.This thief monk was one of the unlucky ghosts who were expelled.If my predictions are correct, most of the people who traveled with the thief monk were expelled ministers who lost their power in Kyoto and went to Nanjing to seek another development.Fortunately, you didn't provoke him to become violent just now, you are really very lucky.These ferocious monsters will not be soft when they kill people. In their minds, there is no such thing as the laws of heaven, law, law and humanity.It's dangerous, you know? is very dangerous.The companion who has never expressed his opinion said: I have heard about the rampant conduct of officials in Kyoto.The Chenghua emperor in the Forbidden City especially liked immortality and enjoying women, so he summoned thousands of living Buddhas and gods to enter and leave the palace, and brought some ronin with strange skills and abilities to replace the guards, and made these people ministers. Higher than princes and ministers.It's freezing cold and there's no one around here, even if the fourteen monsters chop us into meat, no one dares to meddle in our business, whoever cares will die. Stop talking nonsense and take two steps.Xiao Liang urged his companions to quicken their pace: It's getting dark, there are likely to be heroes from Gaoyou Lake in this area, and if they are poor and anxious, they come out to hunt for food and prepare for a good year, then they will lose money and manpower!go quickly. As soon as they heard that there might be water thieves from Gaoyou Lake coming out to hunt, the crowd stepped up without waiting to be urged, and rushed with all their strength. In fact, the water thieves in Gaoyou Lake do not hunt on land. Moreover, this area belongs to Shaobo Lake, which is more than a hundred miles away from Gaoyou Lake. Although the two lakes are connected by waterways, water thieves from the two lakes will divide their spheres of influence and will not cross the border to commit crimes and cause disputes. Wantou Town in Zhuyu Bay, 20 miles north of Yangzhou, is the most prosperous water and land wharf in the north of Yangzhou. It can park 200 tank boats. The water and land transportation extends in all directions. There are many business travelers and stack ports. It is the second largest town among the four major towns in Yangzhou. . However, the Caohe River is cut off in winter, and at the end of the year, the market appears to be sluggish, and the number of tourists by land is becoming less and less. Half of the more than ten well-known hotels in the docks and streets are empty. In other small inns that are not popular, there are more tourists. The Jiangdu old store on Linhe Avenue was particularly lucky tonight. Almost all the upper rooms in the east courtyard with two entrances were fully booked. It was the best day of business since the beginning of winter. The hotels in the town mainly accept tourists. Once the Caohe River stops sailing, the tourists will disappear.Passengers who travel by land usually rush to Yangzhou to stay overnight. There are not many people who settle in the town, and there are even fewer tourists from Yangzhou. Tonight's tourists are all from the north, and they still arrive at the lodgings after dark. There are men and women, and almost all of them are wealthy travelers who live in upper rooms, not as poor as those who live in Datongpu. Xiaoliang is a caring person. After settling in the guest room and washing up a bit, he walked around to familiarize himself with the environment. For a person like him, being familiar with the environment has become instinctive. The development of this instinct is not something that can be obtained overnight, but it is formed through the accumulation of years, world affairs, experience, and lessons, which is the so-called habit becomes natural. Although there are a lot of tourists in the inn tonight, it is not half of the number in summer and autumn. There are not many people in the second and third class rooms, and only the upper rooms in the east and west courtyards are almost full, so there are not many people walking around in the inn. The weather is too cold, it is the best choice to go into the room to warm up and rest, there is no need to go out.The number of lighting lanterns in the aisles is reduced, and it is difficult to walk around in the dim light. He was under a corridor in the east courtyard, paying attention to the movement of the guest rooms, but he could only see the lights reflected in the windows, and he could not see people walking around. The business is very good, it seems that all the upper houses have tourist accommodation. Finally, we arrived at the shop with slightly brighter lights. There were only a few shopkeepers walking around in the shop, and no more passengers left the shop. It was very late. Several shop assistants only glanced at him, not paying attention to his actions. The shopkeeper, the accountant, was arranging some books on the desk behind the cabinet, and only one candle was lit by the double-pillar candlestick.The master held a pen in one hand, and moved the abacus beads skillfully with the other. The technique was extremely ingenious and skillful. The shopkeeper's buddy is not there, only the master is working in the cabinet. Hello!Is the shopkeeper here?He patted the case cabinet and asked. Of course the shopkeeper is not there.The master raised his head and his eyes fell on his face. Please wait a moment.The master said: Is there something urgent? I'm looking for a companion, a monk, who has a Buddhist name, can you check the journal for me to see if he lives in that guest house?He made a request: I know he is staying in your hotel. oh!The master's expression changed: he entered the west courtyard in the second. The passenger log is in charge of the shopkeeper, and sometimes the accountant master takes over the registration, so the master knows where the passengers are settled without checking the book. thanks!I go to him. Don't ask nonsense, go in and find a shop assistant to take you there. Why? The tourists living in the West Courtyard are all Beijing officials, and there will be big trouble if they intrude.Master Liaofan is only a Beijing official, a monk official of the Senglu Division.The master smiled coldly, ignored him, and changed his calculations again. At the beginning, the capital was in Nanjing, and the officials in Nanjing were all princes and generals. Who would not be afraid of ordinary people?The capital moved to Beijing, and the ordinary people were even more afraid of the capital officials. They were afraid that they would not entertain them well. It is not fun to offend the capital officials. Take care of me more.He said politely, turned around and left. The thieves and monks live in the west courtyard, and he lives in the east courtyard. One east and one west, there will be no right and wrong. There are not only fourteen servants in Luodian, but more than thirty. They leave separately, and Luodian lives in one place.And they arrived one after another, which clearly indicated that they were not from the same group. The shop assistants seemed to be very busy, preparing hot meals for the passengers in their rooms.Female guests with female relatives are served by servants in the store. The servant girl was quite impressed by the noble-looking ladies or ladies, because all the female passengers are not weak and delicate women. In an extra-large upper room at the corner of the courtyard known as a single courtyard, only one bright candle was lit, and the light was dim. Eight or nine men and women sat around in the small hall outside, closing the door and discussing important matters in a low voice, not allowing shop assistants to approach. In another inn, more than a dozen people settled down.A big man with a leopard head and eyes around him sitting at the bottom whispered to the person sitting at the top with only his eyes exposed: This store has the most people staying there, and it is impossible to find out who they are.We came a bit late, so we didn't pay attention in advance. After they moved in, they seldom went out, so we lost the opportunity to check. Sir, the plan must be changed.The Heavenly Demon Monk Liao Fan is the only one who shows his true colors without wearing a hat, and his voice is full of strength: more and more people are plotting against us, and there is a possibility of joining forces after hearing the news, lure them to Hangzhou, and kill them The plan of Liwei demonstrations is becoming more and more dangerous. If it is not changed, it may lose control. The situation is not favorable! In your opinion, how should this be changed?The person above only showed his eyes, and his tone was gloomy and ghostly. They may have Jiangnan's water-based super dusty masters.The Tianmo Monk's tone was equally gloomy. possible. What would happen if they did it on the ferry? It should not be possible.The man at the top said: Do something on the ferry, the boat capsizes, and all the treasures sink to the bottom of the river, what can they get? It is impossible for our knapsacks of wealth to sink immediately.A woman on the left interjected: I think Master Fan's opinion is very valuable.We can't take the risk of being murdered by them on the ferry, so it is necessary to wipe out the future troubles in one fell swoop before crossing the river.Only a few well-known leaders were left behind, and they were taken to Hangzhou to be imprisoned. When the mountain gate was officially opened, they were killed to sacrifice to the mountain gate, which also served the purpose of demonstrating to the public and establishing their prestige. This woman has made it clear that she shares the same opinion as the Heavenly Demon Monk, and adopts hawkish and tough methods to deal with the enemies who came to plot evil. The smell of blood is strong, and her tone of voice is unfeminine. Makes sense, we really don't need to risk being attacked on the ferry.The person at the top is obviously the leader, and what he said is decisive: the plan must be made early.The section of the river below Yangzhou is free of ice, so once they hire a boat and set off to the front, we will have nothing to do with them. The superior agrees to change the plan?Heavenly Demon Monk asked happily. Yes, change plans.The person above said every word: Tonight is the only opportunity, don't miss it. the meaning of superior The soldiers were divided into two groups and wiped out separately.The person above said, remember: keep a few famous masters as offerings for sacrifices to heaven when you open the mountain gate in the future.Let's discuss the allocation of manpower first, and we must catch everything by surprise. I'm afraid something is wrong, right?The person sitting on the right with only a pair of strange eyes showed a dovish tone: although some of them came from the capital, they never showed any intention of robbing us, so we will kill them first. What do people in the rivers and lakes say to strike first?If we build a mountain gate in the future, will it arouse the hatred of Jiang Hudao?You must think twice.What's more, we don't know how many of them there are, and those master masters are in charge. If the price paid is too high, this You don't have to worry too much!On the rivers and lakes, only strength is valued, and whoever is strong is justified.The woman coldly interrupted the man's words: Hearing the news, there are more and more monsters and ghosts who want to get rich, and they are eager to move. If we don't deal with it early, who can guarantee that we can reach Hangzhou safely?I'm a landlubber, but I don't want to die in the rough river. I just feel that the teacher is unknown Benefactor Sun, don't be half-hearted. Everything is about name, truth and morality. The world will be at peace long ago.The voice of the demon monk doubled: "Prevent the incipient development; act first to be strong; this rule is not made by you or me."If you wait for them to do it first, you will regret it.I took people to the old Ping'an shop at the end of the street to clean up the group of junk that followed me all the way from the capital. We must act first.The person in charge slapped his palm on the table to express his determination: This is also a good opportunity to stand up, and killing chickens and monkeys can pave the way for the future construction of a mountain gate to shake the south of the Yangtze River. The person in charge has made a decision, and the voices of opposition have no effect. The four of them lived separately in the two adjacent upper rooms, and for dinner, the four of them gathered together in the outer room of Xiaoliang's upper room.The doors and windows are closed, the weather is freezing, the room is still piercingly cold, there is wine and vegetables, three glasses of wine, and then the six veins rejuvenate. Xiao Liang, you have been outside for a long time, what are you busy with?The companion is a middle-aged man with an honest face, a natural face of a businessman, he speaks tepidly, his smile has become a habit, and he looks approachable: the food and wine are getting cold!If you don't come back, I won't wait for you. Walk around and be fine.Xiao Liang took a sip of the wine and looked calm: I will be home tomorrow, so be careful.As the saying goes: half a hundred miles is ninety.Meaning: the last few steps are the key to success.We carry with us the principal and profit we have earned in the past six months, which is a considerable amount, so don't expect any accidents on the eve of our arrival home.If you don't step into the house, good or bad is still uncertain. oh!did you mean You all know my nickname is Jiangnan Prodigal Son, the bridge I have crossed is longer than the road you have traveled.Xiaoliang said in a tone of relying on the old to sell the old, in fact, he is the youngest, and the other three people present are all twice his age: I am very careful in doing things. Those of us in the Hangzhou Gang Guild Hall in Zhenjiang know that you are well-informed, have a wide range of contacts, and are resourceful, so the proprietors of the gang are vying to hire you to be in charge.In the past two or three years, you have never made any mistakes when traveling to and from the capital, and every time there is no danger, people and goods are safe.What signs do you see? In making a living outside, nine out of ten deaths are related to wealth; in the local area, nine out of ten deaths are related to rape.Wealth and sex are both vectors that kill people.Xiaoliang smiled, and patted his pocket: There are more than 10,000 banknotes from the four major banks in the two capitals hidden here, which are the payment for the two ships of the proprietor Zhang. If the gangsters find out, what will happen? result?The three of you have each transported two cargoes this time, and each of you has banknotes of 8,000 to 10,000 taels of silver. Before you step into the house and cash the banknotes, the silver is not yours.There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings; so some people believe in fate, and some fight against fate.If you want to fight your life, you have to be careful about everything. hehe!Stop scaring people.The thick-eyed middle-aged man raised his glass to him: Xiao Liang, I have received a lot of care along the way, and I finally arrived home safely. I would like to offer you a cup to express my heart, and thank you well when I get home. It's freezing cold, everyone is nestled in the room, there are no travelers outside, and there will be right and wrong without people.Xiao Liang drank a glass of wine, and what he said reassured his companions: You can hire a boat to go to Guazhou here. Let's leave later tomorrow and hire a small boat to avoid suffering in the wind and snow. Yes, after driving for nearly two months, I really can't bear it. OK, hire a boat.Everyone said in unison. There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings!People can't control the misfortunes and fortunes of the situation, so they have to settle for the next best thing and believe in fate. If there are people, there will be right and wrong; although there are no people walking around, there should be no conflicts between right and wrong.But sitting at home behind closed doors may also cause disasters from the sky. Wantou Town is only about 20 miles away from Yangzhou Fucheng, and the law and order are considered to be good. Snakes and rats are mixed with the world and the middle and lower classes are bluffing and cheating, which is not a major case. Murder and arson are extremely rare. Staying in a hostel in the freezing weather, who would have expected a terrible murder accident? Xiao Liang shared the upper room with a companion, and he slept in the outer room. After dinner, it was the beginning of the second watch, the whole store was silent, and the passengers were resting in the guest rooms. Most of the passengers were already lying in the warm blankets and dreaming of yellow beams, and they were ready to go on their way tomorrow morning. He didn't want to go to bed early, so he rested for half a watch, then started to move his hands and feet, and then meditated and performed exercises. During the period of building up his foundation and practicing martial arts since he was a child, and traveling around the world pretending to be a prodigal son, unless he encountered a special accident and was extremely busy, he would exercise his hands, feet and Qi twice a day regardless of the weather, and he persevered with little interruption. The movement of hands and feet is not violent, and it can be used in a narrow space without waking up the sleeping companions in the room. He is not practicing boxing, but using willpower and physiology for the most powerful confrontation. When his hands are stretched, every muscle and every nerve is strongly contracted, stretched, and exploded. From the compression to the minimum, the explosion Stretched and swollen to the maximum, the whole person shrinks almost like a baby in an instant, and then expands into a giant with doubled body in an instant. Between this retraction and release, the sweat turned into a light mist and curled up in all directions.The body vibrates at a very high frequency, and you can hear the weird sound waves of muscles and bones shrinking and expanding. It was freezing cold, dripping water turned into ice, there was no brazier in the room, the cold was piercing, and it was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers. Some people went to the toilet and were in a closed ice cave. He was bare-chested, dripping with sweat.After this fierce internal force field confrontation, most of the energy supplemented by that rich dinner may have been consumed! After wiping off his sweat, he put on his clothes and began to meditate and practice Qi in the Five Sacred Mountains Facing the Sky pose. His breathing seemed to stop for a while. Then, spread both hands outward, palms up, as if accepting some invisible object from the sky, and the chest expands and expands. However, the pubic region remains inflated, contrary to the traditional breathing situation. In normal breathing, when the chest and lungs expand when inhaling, the abdomen must expand due to the expansion of the diaphragm, and the viscera will contract and lift up accordingly; when the lungs contract when exhaling, the viscera will relax and protrude accordingly. This is a normal physical phenomenon. Forcing the physiological functions to appear in reverse is also a strong confrontational phenomenon. When you exhale, turn your hands back in, sink down, and spit out.Physiological phenomena are also abnormal.The abdomen suddenly shrunk, the lungs gradually shrunk, the torso seemed to shrink in half, and finally the lower abdomen suddenly popped up, and the hands were stretched upwards and outwards again, completing a Qi cycle. The Laogong acupoint on both palms absorbs the essence of heaven and earth; controls the outward expansion and internal pressure of the essence with willpower, and combines with the innate potential in the body; Let go, leaving the essence to expel the waste residue. It is the opposite of authentic Qi training.Authentic Qigong pays attention to the quiet function.The qi he practices is mainly movement, which can be called evil work without any hesitation. Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang, is a master of inner alchemy. The dragon stinging skill handed down from generation to generation originated from the ancestor Chen Bo in Huashan.Therefore, the ancestor Chen Bo is known as the sleeping fairy, like a hibernating animal or a crouching dragon. Some gods can sleep for five hundred years and one thousand years. His kind of gong is certainly evil, and it is quite reasonable.From the outside to the inside, the whole body is fighting fiercely. Can the bones and muscles not be strong? Can the viscera of involuntary muscles be strengthened and function improved?Once it is necessary to deal with an accident, the energy that erupts in an instant is extremely mysterious and violent. People are easy to die, and the life cycle has a certain limit.Practicing inner alchemy is an anti-natural way to compete with the sky. Only a strong life foundation can survive longer, and a lot of energy must be paid in exchange.If you want to gain something, you must give something; what you pay is perseverance and perseverance. If you practice hard for one minute, you can live for one more minute; if you indulge your emotions and desires for one minute, you can live for one minute less.The entire survival period is completed in the process of increasing and decreasing.Although the ultimate is still death, there is no coincidence to strive for a certain period of life that can be postponed. Of course, there can be no immortal immortals in the world. Immortals are the products of human desperation and delusion. As a symbol of spiritual sustenance, no one can escape the law of natural circulation. Some people are obsessed, and they regard the illusions produced by delusions as real, and believe that they really have a chance to meet gods or ghosts, so they firmly believe in them. The doors and windows are closed tightly, but the room is not absolutely quiet, even the sound of howling wind can still enter the room. He heard a strange sound and suddenly got up. There are four main rooms in the shop, and there are not many tourists staying tonight. There are more than ten upper rooms in the east and west courtyards, and almost all of them are full tonight. The west courtyard is full of strangely dressed men and women, and the shopkeeper only knows that they are mission officials from the suburbs of Beijing.The accountant did not dare to record in detail the records in the passenger logbook. There are also male and female travelers living in the east courtyard, with different identities, different attires, and different styles and identities. Anyway, they are all special people. Only Xiaoliang was of ordinary status: some well-known merchants in Zhenjiang. The night became more and more quiet, and the whole store was silent. There were no more guests staying, and all the guests who had already stayed were asleep.The strong wind was howling outside the store, and the wind and snow were blowing up one after another. The whole town was in a deep sleep, and even the watchman was not outside. On the roof of the houses on the east side of the east courtyard, more than 20 figures appeared.There was a lot of snow on the roof, and the snow fell one after another due to being stepped on, but there were not many of them. These people were experts in snow treading. All of them wore white hoods, with only their eyes exposed.White tight-fitting night clothes, even the scabbard and sword box are wrapped in white cloth.They are almost identical except for their height. Of course, the weapons they wear are different, and some people even carry long weapons. The body that jumped into the yard was extremely light and agile, and his movements were even more swift and neat. Apart from some snow falling, there was no other abnormal sound. The upper rooms near the east courtyard are only a few feet high, and it is easy to jump down. The feet are only four or five inches into the floating snow in the courtyard, so it is impossible to make any noise. Xiaoliang's upper room is to the east of the courtyard.If someone climbs over the roof, it is logically impossible to disturb the passengers in the room below. Although these night walkers are not the ultimate masters of treading snow without trace, they are also superb experts. There is no need to use Treading Wuhen's light work to approach, these people's actions are obviously focused on speed, without any scruples. The target may have already been selected, the crowd quickly dispersed, and rushed to the upper rooms at the west end, and the action was still orderly despite the speed. On a snowy night, thunder strikes. Amidst the bang, the sound of breaking the door broke the silence of Xue Ye. The doors and windows of several upper rooms collapsed under the violent impact. In one of the upper rooms, an ear-splitting roar suddenly came out: "You dare to dare!" Then there was a deafening roar, flashes of knives and swords flying, fierce fights in and out of the room, people in disheveled clothes rushed out one after another, desperately fighting in the snow-covered yard, and the screams of the injured were thrilling. Xiao Liang accurately rushed into the inner room and pushed his companion who was sleeping in the warm quilt. Get up, quick!He called out in a low voice. oops!What's the matter?The companion on the bed startled and asked urgently. There are robbers.He lifted the quilt: quickly put on his clothes and pants, and got under the bed to hide. oops!When the companion who hid under the bed heard that there was a robber, he jumped up in fright, and put on his clothes and boots in the dark. Hiding under the bed means that you are a timid, ordinary traveler who has nothing to do with others.A brave hero will not hide under the bed, but will stand up and fight to the death.quick!Hide well. Your partner reached out to grab it, but it was empty. Xiao Liang is no longer in the room, it seems that the voice of what he said is still there, but the person is no longer in the room. A terrifying sound just happened to pass into the room. The bottom of the bed is big enough to hide in. The timid and timid people regard hiding under the bed as the safest way to avoid disaster. It doesn't matter whether it is effective or not. Anyway, there is no other place to hide. Hiding under the bed does not necessarily guarantee safety. If you want to be safe and secure, you must not let the strong beams invade the guest room. Xiaoliang guards the two upper rooms by himself, and the situation is quite bad. In his hand was a two-foot-long square plaque-shaped door bolt that had been dismantled, and it could be used as a weapon. It was better than defending with bare hands, and it was easy to break the head with the door bolt. To him, it doesn't matter whether he has a weapon in his hand or not, but if he meets a super master, it will come in handy if he has something that can be used as a weapon in his hand. His three companions all know that his martial arts are not bad, and that he is a life-threatening prodigal son in Zhenjiang area, a chaotic dragon snake that local snakes dare not provoke, and a small hero and bully who dare to fight and fight.As for his real talent and learning, how good his martial arts is, very few people know about it. As soon as he opened the door and went out, the courtyard was already in a mess, the lights of knives were dancing, and the sword energy was flying. Other places are even more fiery, and the vision is thrilling. Among the flying snowflakes, there are strange smoke, dark fire, strange smell, and sound that seem to have entered another unknown world, and the scene of the inn has completely changed. The sound of roaring and shouting, the sound of gold and iron intersecting, merged into a thrilling mixed ensemble. Two white shadows were rushing towards the corridor of his guest room, aiming at him with one knife and one sword, rushing ferociously. He was wearing an old sheepskin outer jacket, the color of which was dark brown. The knife splits and the sword stabs, both sides go up. Smelling a strange smell, he felt a little dazed. asshole!He yelled angrily, flashed to the left, shifted faster than the flash of lightning, and stuck to the right side of the white figure who was slashing fiercely with the knife, the door latch perfectly supported the man's forearm holding the knife, and the knife fell sideways Accurate head.The left palm hit the opponent's vest inconceivably, the direction of the shot was wrong, it was impossible to hit the vest. The man fell on the ground, and the knife dropped into the snow. Humanized as Liu Guang, he circled his long body and rose up, his left elbow bumped under Shi Jian Baiying's right flank, Baiying flew obliquely and fell about ten feet away. The origin of the opponent was unknown, and he couldn't use poisonous hands to injure others, so he acted with discretion, and settled the two white shadows as soon as they met each other. The counter-shock force received by his hands was quite violent, and the internal strength of the opponent's body protection had the pure function of resisting blows, his palms and elbows could not cause damage, and when he met a very good martial arts master, he suddenly became wary. A short man was thrown backwards by a white shadow's heavy overlord's whip, including the man and the sword, and hit him on the left chest. Before he had time to dodge, his horse gait had not stabilized, he instinctively stretched out his hand and hooked the waist of the short black shadow, slammed to the side and back, slammed the door latch and slapped the Overlord's whip obliquely, advanced and cut into his left hand to give the Overlord a toast, The iron fist struck Shiro Shadow's jaw. With a strange bang, he received a heavy palm on the back of his left shoulder. It was hit from behind by a small black shadow. The little black shadow was turned back by his hooked waist, instinctively threw out a palm to protect himself and counterattacked, and gave him a heavy palm, which shocked his spine. With a thud, Shiro Ying who had been punched was knocked down with a bang, and the two fell into a ball. The other two white shadows have already rushed out to fight hard with the other two black shadows. Bai Ying was punched in the jaw, his eyes turned black, he instinctively dropped the Overlord's Whip, his hands hugged him, and his real strength suddenly increased, and his strength increased sharply when he rolled, to break his sternum and twist his waist, the strength was extremely terrifying. The crisis is imminent, and life and death are at stake. He has two choices: kill or be killed. He chose the former: killing himself to save himself. His hands were hugged, and his body rolled down in the snow.In an instant, the ten fingers of his hands turned into ten steel points. The tips of his ten fingers wedged obliquely into the opponent's lower abdomen, breaking through the tough protective net of the opponent's abdomen. The internal organs were crushed and rotted in his hands. Shiro Shadow loosened his hands and feet amid howling, then rolled in pain. He jumped up, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the flickering sword light, like a flash of lightning, the sharp sword energy reached his body in an instant. screw you!He screamed angrily, fell down again, and disappeared before the tip of the sword.The moment before landing on the ground and twisting, he kicked the outside of the man's right knee, took advantage of the momentum and jumped up, jumped two feet, and kicked a white figure who was rushing towards the door to the ground in front of the corridor outside the door. down the corridor. The person who attacked him with a sword was a slender figure in a leather robe. He was swept away by his foot and fell over ten feet. He got up and collided with another white shadow that was rushing. Come and I fight endlessly. He didn't want to rush out, he was blocked in front of the two upper room doors, and the latch in his hand had been lost, so he had to use his bare hands to prevent anyone from rushing into the room. Very lucky, no one is fighting around anymore. The vicious fights were concentrated at the west end of the courtyard, and the smell of blood was very strong. There are quite a few people who use witchcraft.Hiding behind the pillar, he could vaguely see the astonishing arena in front of him, and he murmured uneasily in his heart. He once smelled some strange smoke, and once experienced a moment of confusion. Fortunately, he noticed it early, otherwise he would definitely suffer. Snow fell from the eaves of the corridor, and a white shadow floated with the snow. Without thinking, he grabbed it and grabbed it. Bai Ying Piaoxiang didn't keep standing, his body sank and suddenly turned around, his right palm followed the sharp turn of his body, he waved the five strings with his hand, and slapped his right ribs back, the counterattack became impossible, it seemed to be possible It is expected that someone will sneak attack behind him, and attack the person behind him as soon as his feet touch the ground. sharp!He screamed, a little startled, retracted his hands and sank his elbows, and with a poof, his forearm caught the opponent's vaginal palm, pressed his left palm on the opponent's chest, and pushed the opponent out casually. oops!Shirai Shadow screamed, fell over ten feet away, then fell and slid forward. It's a woman.He hurriedly retreated to the corridor: Strange thing, the force in her palm is masculine and violent, but it can crack stones and open monuments, how could it be a woman? The woman turned around in embarrassment and got up, reaching out for the sword tied to her back, intending to charge towards him. Yi-ah's strange whistling sound came, and Bai Ying went to the house one after another to evacuate. The attack lasted for a long time, and the retreat was fast. 雪中留下兩個白影,四個黑影。 黑影是出外搏鬥的旅客,白影是入侵被殺的人。 全店大亂,血案撼動揚州。 是一次失敗的出其不意強襲,事先並沒把意外計算在內,付出頗高的代價,得不償失。更糟的是:有兩具屍體來不及帶走。 意外是小梁的介入,他牽制了好幾個白影。 兇殺把旅客嚇壞了,旅客們紛紛離店逃避,店伙計無法阻止,誰也不肯留下作證。 小梁四個人擺明了是怕事膽小的生意人,不願留下打人命官司,好在沒有行李交櫃保管,乘亂提了隨身包裹出店溜之大吉。 江都縣衙派來了大批公人,由主事的縣丞親自查勘。 鎮上另一家平安老店,昨晚同時發生相同的血案,共有十七名旅客被殺,行兇的強盜全部失去蹤跡。 這裏的損失同樣嚴重,共有十八名旅客被殺,有一半是被突然破門而入的白衣人殺死的,沒獲得搏鬥的機會死在床上。 有些旅客無法偷偷溜走,財物交櫃想走也走不了。膽子大的旅客也不想走,要查出行兇的人是何來路。 兩具屍體查不出線索,除了兵刀之外,身上沒攜有任何外物,找不到可查身分的線索,從兵刃上查證底細也不是易事。 相貌也因天寒而扭曲變型,辦案的公人們,也認不出身分底細,得找到專家爾後求證。 住在西院的傳奉官們,是在縣丞趕到之前結賬離店的,店家怎敢要求他們留下作證? 西院也不曾發生事故,他們沒有留下作證的必要。 旅客中有人出面,與官方查案人員合作,勘查強盜的出入來蹤去跡,分辨被殺旅客與兩兇手的身分,留在店中四出打聽消息,走不了啦!他們也不想走,因為有同伴被殺,發誓要查出兇手的來龍去脈。 小梁四個人在揚州僱了小船,直放瓜洲登上渡船,平安返回鎮江。
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