Home Categories martial arts novel Lake Sea Dragon Snake

Chapter 5 Chapter Five

Lake Sea Dragon Snake 雲中岳 12963Words 2023-02-05
Soon, Wang Ruoyu reappeared in the broken window. Everything in the house is still the same, the pine light is still bright and crackling, and the candle is also dimly glowing. However, on the big bunk, his package disappeared. asshole!He cursed and jumped in through the window: How could it be so bad, why did he take away the package? No wonder he cursed, only thieves and rat thieves would steal the sheep and take away the opponent's package.His change of laundry pants was all in the package, and he was completely soaked, and there was no change of dry clothes and pants. The long night was really hard.Fortunately, the treasure bag was still on him, and important items and property were not lost.

The four corpses are still there, but the masks have all been removed, and the clothes and pants have been torn. The bare chest of the female ghost is quite glaring when exposed to the firelight. Apparently they were inspected in this way. The purpose of tearing the clothes may be to check the characteristics of the body in order to distinguish their identities. The inspectors are experts, and even women are not spared. This bastard is hateful, I will not let you go.He stomped his feet bitterly and walked out the door. Outside the door, someone rushed in. Damn, he uttered foul words, but stopped abruptly: My place has become a hotel, you come and go, how can you sleep peacefully tonight?It's really unreasonable, it's too much.

The person who rushed in was the rather mysterious Miss Zhang, followed by two maids.The three girls in white dresses were drenched by the heavy rain. It was a sight to behold. A glance at them made one dream about it. The exquisite and beautiful carcass would make normal big men lose their minds. He didn't lose his mind, and stared at Miss Zhang and complained loudly. You are here, Ms. Zhang wiped off the rain on her face, her phoenix eyes were cold and bright, and her angry expression was quite frightening. She pointed at the female corpse with her naked breasts and asked sharply: You really deserve to die!

With a sword groan, the glaring sword was unsheathed.The sword is as bright as a pool of autumn water, reflecting the light of the pine fire, like a flickering flame, as if the sword itself is also about to move, a magical thing that can pierce copper through a cliff. Wang Ruoyu was startled, and immediately prepared for the emergency with his miraculous skills.He knew that this beautiful girl surnamed Zhang had subdued the flying dragon swordsman and the divine sword Tianzhu, and sent the flying dragon swordsman to look for him with the intention of using him as a slave. The famous flying dragon swordsman fell into the hands of the maid named Xiaochun as soon as he met him.

Flying Dragon Swordsman once revealed to him that the maid named Xiaochun knows magic arts; she can control the opponent's mind and secret skills. He is not afraid of witchcraft, but he regards these women as rivals. I'm sleeping here, what's wrong?The female corpse was behind him, how did he know that the girl was angry because of the female corpse?Therefore, there is no shame, and the expression is relaxed: you want the dove to occupy the magpie's nest?As long as you are polite, I will oblige. Why do you do such outrageous things?Miss Zhang pointed at him with her sword like an angry queen.

Did I do something outrageous?how are you talking nonsense With a sound of anger, the sword spat out a piercing electric light, the sword energy burst out, and there was a faint sound of thunder that seemed to come from the depths of the sky.The sword was injected with miraculous inner strength, expelling a piercing sword energy. Facing an opponent who defeated Master Dianjian with a single strike, it was only natural for Ms. Zhang to use her miraculous inner strength. Wang Ruoyu was startled, he was far away, he could feel the pressure of the sword as soon as he moved it, and when he spit out the sword, he could see the light without seeing the shadow, the speed was unparalleled, it seemed that this sword was intended to kill him!

With a flick of his left hand, he quickly retreated eight feet. There was a loud bang, sparks flew, and the dagger he swiped out of his hand shattered into pieces in front of the opponent's sword tip. Without waiting for his retreating figure to stabilize, he immediately returned to the original spot, stretched out his cane, and grasped the spine of the sword with incomparable precision, and flicked the palm of his left hand back, and the back of the palm flicked towards the opponent's white and tender cheeks. You are abominable!The sound of palm flicking is also issued at the same time.

If this palm hits the pink cheek, it is likely to swell for three to five days, or the fingernail may scratch the pink cheek and disfigure it. As soon as the sword body turned, the sword edge cut off the cane immediately, and the sword target was lifted up, and the cloud on the target slammed into his elbow. The quick reaction was shocking. He didn't dare not hold back his hand, he retracted it like lightning, and with a sweep of his fingers, he grabbed Yuntou's sword tassel. The sword light flashed, and the sword edge was close to the neck. He fell down, where the breeze picked up, and the nearest pine tree suddenly went out.

Huh!Miss Zhang's sword fell to the ground, and she exclaimed in surprise. The two maids rushed out and surpassed. The room was empty, and Wang Ruoyu was gone.The two maids were stunned to the side, searching everywhere with their eyes. He escaped to mourn again.The maid Xiaochun shivered: How is this possible? He can escape.Ms. Zhang gritted her teeth: Why did he do such an outrageous thing when his cultivation base is so advanced? There are a lot of miscellaneous things piled up in Datong shop, including the tattered quilts and clothes used by the robbers, who left in a hurry and didn't have time to take them away.In fact, there is no need to take them away, they will come back in the future.

Among the debris near the back end of the bed, stood up a man wearing a dark gray night suit, covered in water, and covered his face with a black scarf. Although night clothes are also tights, they are different from the stretchy bodysuits worn by men and women who pretend to be ghosts, but after getting wet in the rain, if they are women, they will also show their curves. That's right, it was a woman, with a sword tied to her back, jumping down lightly. The maid Xiaochun arrived in a blink of an eye, and the sword was already stretched out. He went through the window.The woman pointed to the window: it was unbelievably fast, I was far away, and the bystanders could see clearly, but only blurred figures were fleeting.Perhaps, this is the escape technique.

Are you Miss Zhang asked in a deep voice. The woman pulled off the mask and put it in her arms. It's you, Samuel.Miss Zhang smiled coldly: What are you doing hiding here? I was looking for him.Sammy blushed. Looking for him?which one him? Wang Ruoyu, I have a feud with him. Forget it!You are his rival.He did such an outrageous thing here, you are a woman, how dare you ask him for a holiday?Are you not afraid of the same tragic end as this woman? oh!Do you think it was him? isn't it? no!Han Mei shook her head: I don't know how these strangely dressed people died.But the person who stripped their clothes for inspection was done by Qixiong of Jiugong Mountain. oh!you When I came here, he fought against Master Dianjian here.Five people came from Qixiong of Jiugong Mountain, and rushed in with the sound of thunder.He saw the opportunity to go out of the window and left, but Mr. Dianjian was captured unexpectedly.Those people checked the corpses of the four men and women one by one, hoping to find out their identities for identification, but no one knew the origin of the corpses, so they took Mr. Dianjian away in disappointment. Huh!you witnessed I only witnessed what happened after he fought Mr. Dian Jian.After explaining what she saw, Han Mei said that she didn't know what happened before the fight: Actually, I didn't come to him on purpose.There are attacks everywhere tonight, and no one can figure out who the attacker is in the dark night. Yes, I have a lot of people, and three shadows once broke in.I came after those people, I didn't expect I found an intrusion, flying a dagger through the bed I was sleeping in.I thought it was him, so I came here to question him.Unexpectedly, as soon as he sneaked in, five people rushed in behind. The person who captured Young Master Dian Jian used a single sword, his strength was very terrifying, his martial arts were much better than Young Master Dian Jian, and they captured him as soon as they met face to face. You mean, I blamed him wrong? Obviously you're blaming him wrong.Han Mei smiled wryly: As far as I know, he fought Dianjian Gong, and the cane and sword were evenly matched.At that time, his clothes and pants were still dry.He fled back just a moment before you came in.His package was taken away by those people, and he is still cursing and complaining here! I'll find out about this.Miss Zhang turned her head and left. Miss, where is your Jiansui?The maid Xiaochun asked in surprise. Miss Zhang was startled, raised her sword to look, and was stunned.The sword tassel is an ornament, which has the same nature as the blowing of the single sword, and it can increase the beauty when dancing the sword.Some people's sword tassels are more valuable than swords, and even the cloud heads of sword targets are also carved from gold and jade. Miss Zhang's sword tassel is a piece of precious jade Ruyi, and the tassel knot is a finger-sized pearl. Only the flawless green jadeite is really worth five or six hundred taels of silver, or even a thousand taels, because the real jade comes from Western Regions. The two maids hurriedly fetched Songming, searched all over the place, even under the bed twice, but there was no trace. Don't look for it.Miss Zhang's face was full of anger, and she stomped her feet resentfully: "He's a thief, a thief!"snort! I can't even find it, so why bother?Of course, she knew in her heart who had something to do with Jiansui's disappearance.With two maids, she left angrily. Han Mei came to her senses a little bit. During the fight, Wang Ruoyu played tricks and frustrating Miss Zhang. Thinking of the scene of being teased by Wang Ruoyu, the heroine felt uncomfortable, and experienced some indescribable changes and shocks. When a woman fights with a man, it is only natural that she suffers everywhere. If she cannot bear the stimulation of physical contact, it is best not to fight with a man. Glancing at the four corpses of the four men and women who were almost completely naked, she gave a wry smile and hurried away. The rain stopped before dawn, and the storm came and went, very violently, as quickly as it came and disappeared. It was another sunny day, the mountains were green and full of vitality, and the streams were full of muddy water, and those who walked had to venture through the water. Wang Ruoyu didn't want to stay, he had to catch up with the prey as soon as possible. King Kong is his prey.He is more eager to find the Power King Kong than those who aim to hide the treasure map. Of course, his goal is also on the treasure map, but the purpose is different. He took another trail, and there were several southbound mountain trails.The bandits travel to various places in the mountains, sometimes go hundreds of miles to rob, and communicate with other bandits, so these trails are not very obvious. Most of the people who entered the mountain did not have a guide. It was a bit self-defeating to search for bandits in this vast mountain area. If they encountered a large group of bandits, they might die instead. On the first day of entering the mountain from Bangshi Town, the route into the mountain was blocked by a large number of bandits. No one dared to challenge the bandits. They retreated to the town obediently and waited for the opportunity. Of course, in the mountains and forests, although there are many bandits, it is actually impossible to eliminate these superb martial arts masters who have entered the mountains.In the mountains and forests, you can move freely, ten or eight bandits can't withstand a single blow.Unless they are trapped in a desperate situation, bandits will never be able to do anything to them. The thieves also knew in their hearts that the price to be paid in a decisive battle with these martial arts masters in the mountains and forests was too great to pay, so they accepted it as soon as they saw it, and fled away after the demonstration. The road he walked today should not be walked by other people.Because as far as he knew, many people planned to wait in ambush near the stronghold, waiting for the bandits of the mountain lord of Xiaoshan to return.No one knows the whereabouts of the owner of Xiaoshan Mountain, how to track him down? He chased, and chased according to his estimated direction. No one should have followed. In the pouring rain last night, a large number of people in strange costumes took the opportunity to attack, causing many casualties.The powerful strength presented by these people poses a serious threat, and those who lack courage will definitely retreat in spite of difficulties and no longer venture further. But he knew that Jinyan Taisui was the strongest, and this monster claimed to be fearless, so he would not give up halfway. Also, that Miss Zhang of unknown origin has the largest number of people, and the strength shown seems to be stronger than that of the golden-eyed Tai Sui.Being able to subdue the flying dragon swordsman and the magic sword Tianzhu is enough to shock the world.Judging by common sense, Ms. Zhang and this group of mysterious men and women will not retreat in spite of difficulties, and will not give up the opportunity to continue searching in the mountains. Giving up hundreds of millions of gold and pearls really requires a superhuman sense of open-mindedness.For a penny, they will also break their heads against each other! Ten miles away, the mountain trail became more and more difficult to walk.The mountain path hovers among the vegetation halfway up the mountain, and the dead branches and rotten grass on the ground are full of water. If you slip under your feet if you are careless, you are likely to roll off the cliff and break your bones. He lost his package, and he was relaxed, not even carrying his cane, and walked briskly and calmly on his way. No one knows where the bandit is hiding, the heavy rain has destroyed the traces of walking.No one knows which group of robbers the Divine Power King Kong fell into.All the people are like blind men running around blindly, looking for clues in the vast mountainous area, and they must find the robbers to get to the bottom of it. He is no exception, groping in the mountains. The trail skirts a saddle and descends into the valley ahead.There is a line of stream below, and the rushing stream is rushing.From a distance, three huts appeared beside the stream at the foot of the mountain, and dogs barked three or two times. Someone can ask about the movement in the mountains. He was quite confused, how did these people living in the deep mountains live?It is already a day's journey away from Bangshi Town. Are there other towns nearby?It would be too lonely to live here.Can self-cultivation and self-weaving survive?There are no arable fields on both sides of the valley! Isolate from the world and rot with the vegetation; if people are willing to live like wild animals, there will probably be no disputes in this world. Like a ferocious beast in wait, he looked down from the heights and carefully observed the movements of the three farmhouses below to see if there were any unusual activities.His vigilance was raised to the maximum. There were intermittent barks.No, it should be a dog horn, that almost shrill and terrified bark, not much different from the howl of a wolf. People in the deep mountain area need hunting dogs to hunt, and also to prevent tigers, leopards and wolves from approaching the house. They are must-have pets for housekeeping.Therefore, each household is likely to raise three or five bulldogs. There should be at least ten bulldogs in the three huts below.But only one or two dogs barked intermittently, and they didn't make sounds in front of or behind the hut. They barked at the hut thirty or fifty steps away from the hut. No one was seen, no one walking around.Any abnormal phenomenon must be paid attention to. A hundred steps away from the path, he hid himself on a huge ancient pine tree, overlooking the three huts, paying attention to everything.For a long time, he leaned against the tree trunk to sleep and rest. After hiding for half an hour, there was no movement from the three huts below. There were figures appearing on the trail, and there were quite a few of them. Walking in front are five people: Jinyan Taisui and four followers. Twenty steps later, it was Mr. Dianjian, accompanied by three middle-aged men with swords, who looked like Mr. Dianjian's entourage. When Young Master Dianjian showed up in Bangshi Town, he didn't have any entourage by his side.There was a conflict with Wang Ruoyu in the cottage last night, and no companion showed up to help.The appearance of these three middle-aged people already indicated that this swordsman had someone else to support him. The golden-eyed Tai Sui and Mr. Dianjian, a monster and a swordsman, should not have been together in order to avoid gossip.But the two were teased by Wang Ruoyu, so it was only natural for them to walk together. Lord Dianjian and Flying Dragon Swordsman are both among the top ten swordsmen. Master Dianjian has a slightly higher reputation. At the same time, it is not uncommon for a bad swordsman known to friends in the Jianghu to walk together with the golden-eyed Tai Sui who is ranked as a monster.But looking at the scene where they are more than twenty steps apart, it seems that they are not walking together. If they join forces to capture the Divine Power King Kong and obtain the treasure map in the future, who should keep the map? The two great swordsmen relied on their siblings, they were not afraid of heaven and earth, they didn't see any abnormalities in the hut, and they didn't care if they saw abnormalities. The first person to step into the large yard in front of the first hut was the boss, Fengshen, who stretched out his giant hand and pushed open the solid gate. Is there anyone in there?Fengshen shouted, and at the same time raised into the hall. The hall was empty, and the simple and simple furniture was piled up on both sides. Obviously, it had been moved by someone. The activity space in the hall was enlarged enough to move hands and feet. The hut has three entrances, a middle courtyard and a backyard. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs and is well-organized. Then the second child, Yushen, who entered the hall, acted more boldly, boldly broke into the back hall, and rushed into the empty middle courtyard. The third son, Thor, who was following behind, turned his head to look at the right chamber when he stepped into the courtyard, holding the sword target in his hand, ready to draw his sword out of its sheath at any time. careful!Thunder God suddenly shouted loudly, and with a sword cry, he had withdrawn the sword in his hand and rushed to the right chamber. The call was a moment late, and the person had fallen. It was the second child, Rain God, who lost consciousness as soon as he fell forward. The door of the right compartment was wide open, and a figure appeared outside the door, which flashed out from the house, and the speed was too fast, so it seemed to appear out of nowhere, or it was already standing outside the door waiting for it. You lie down too!The phantom raised his hand and called. Lei Shen's martial arts are outstanding, and his eyesight is also excellent, but he can only see a star of cold light coming into his eyes, which is emitted from the hand of a phantom. The long sword was swung swiftly, and the person also shifted to the left in the nick of time. With a crisp ding, the sword light shattered the incoming cold light with extraordinary precision, and broke into pieces. The Thunder God's sword is very remarkable. It is a finger-sized bead made of porcelain. The quality of the porcelain is very good. It is almost glass-shaped and translucent. The speed is too fast, so only one star can be seen, and the person on the opposite side can see the shadow of the light. It is already very remarkable. up. Use this thing as acupoint beads, and you will be sure.Fengshen was hit by a small bead on the Zuozhangmen acupoint and lost his mobility. Fengshen and the fourth Thor God rushed into the courtyard like a strong wind. The golden-eyed Tai Sui has also arrived, and the four swords line up to protect themselves. A total of six people came out of the hatchback, all of them were middle-aged men wearing Qingbo gowns, about forty years old, wearing swords, with extraordinary bearing, with a fairy-like bone temperament, and everyone's eyes were as sharp as eagles. The middle-aged man who appeared first was quite surprised that the acupuncture beads were shattered by Thor's sword, so he didn't continue to fight, knowing that the person who came was very skilled, and doing it might not necessarily give him the upper hand. Fengshen had already supported Rainshen, untied the restrained Zuo Zhangmen, arrayed five swords, and did not dare to attack recklessly. What do you do?Jinyan Taisui asked in a deep voice. Hurrah!It's unreasonable for you to break into the inner house without permission or steal it, and even ask what we do!The middle-aged man in the lead opened his eagle eyes angrily, and slowly drew his sword out of its sheath. We are passing by.Jinyan Taisui said sharply: Why did you hurt our people without asking why? If you mean to hurt someone, you'd be half dead already.The middle-aged man sneered, and his tone was rather condescending: A small warning and a small punishment are already polite enough to you. Are you the master here?Golden Eye Tai Sui defaults to the facts. Yes and no. How to say? This is Li Village, and Li Village is under our control.The middle-aged man explained: This mountain area is our control area, do you understand? oh!You are the people of the owner of Xiaoshan Mountain.Jinyan Taisui was very excited, and gestured to the four attendants ready to attack: No wonder, you didn't go far away, you gave up the cottage and hid in the forest, how could we find you?You are the lords of these mountains.Is Lord Guishan here? First, you have to correct your misunderstanding.The middle-aged man put on a serious face to teach others: the Lord of Xiaoshan does not refer to a specific person, but the commander who was elected by the robbers and heroes from various families during a certain period of time.The scope of the commander is not large, he is only a nominal banner bearer, and his power is limited. He can only completely control a group of brothers to which he belongs. did you mean What I mean is very clear, the current owner of Xiaoshan Mountain, his territory is not as good as the mountainous area to the south.He has already brought a hundred and ten brothers with him, and went to chase a group of foreign robbers from Qixiong in Jiugong Mountain. That you We are a group of aliens living in the mountains, and the robbers know that we are the real masters of the mountains.It has nothing to do with us that you are looking for robbers.But if there is any killing in the mountains, we must intervene. Last night in Shizhai, a group of strangely dressed people attacked and harassed for no apparent reason in the heavy rain Our main goal is to track down the details of this group of people.This group of people not only attacked your people who settled down in the cottage, but also attacked the robbers in the two neighboring cottages.Then there are some of you who went into the mountains, who used torture to force confessions from the residents of the mountains.You guys, I must explain how you entered the mountain. I hope you have never persecuted any mountain people, otherwise The tone of the middle-aged man revealed a high degree of danger.It means: If you have ever persecuted the residents in the mountainous area, you will be retaliated with an eye for an eye. If you don’t explain clearly, you are welcome. I see.Golden-eyed Tai Sui doesn't care about the other party's threats: Our whereabouts?There is nothing to explain, and I entered the mountain majesticly, and I didn't see half of the ghosts along the way.Since you are local owners, of course you are familiar with the accidents that happened in the mountains, so please tell me, otherwise Both parties are not like this, otherwise, each of the following has a clear idea. Those who carry swords are unwilling to lose their temper. If each insists on his own views, nine out of ten will embark on the road of using force to solve the problem. Maybe you really entered the mountain in a grand manner, and you didn't see half of the ghosts along the way.The middle-aged man pointed to the influx of people: what about them? Those who rushed in were Young Master Dian Jian and two middle-aged men who looked like followers. We don't care about other people's affairs, and we don't walk with them.Jinyan Taisui made it clear that he and Master Dianjian are not the same way: my surname is Hao.You people in the mountains probably don't know who is next.Please tell me your name, brother, can you be the master? The surname is Li, the third son of Li.But not from Li Village.The middle-aged man smiled coldly: That's right, I, Li Laosan, don't know who you are, I only know that to deal with people who break into the mountains and do anything wrong, you must use thunder methods. Young Master Dianjian, who arrived later, didn't know the details of Jinyan Taisui's dealings with Li Laosan, and didn't bother to ask.Hearing Li Laosan's last few threatening words clearly, this great swordsman is on fire! Do you want to use thunder to deal with people who broke into the mountain?Mr. Dianjian stepped forward alone, and stood beside Jinyan Taisui: "Okay, don't just talk but don't practice, come up with a way to let me see."My son Dianjian is confident that his martial arts are not bad, but I want to see what kind of thunderous tricks you mountain people have. Li Laosan snorted coldly and waved his hand. A middle-aged man walked out slowly, picked up his robe leisurely, stuffed it in his belt calmly, and slowly drew his sword out of its sheath. The complexion of the golden-eyed Tai Sui changed, and he was secretly startled. He could see that the middle-aged man had a dignified and calm demeanor, and there was no abnormal appearance on the outside, but his eyes shone with a strange light. Hairy, feeling heavy pressure. You have to be careful.Jinyan Taisui whispered kindly to Mr. Dianjian: This man has murderous intentions, and he will use thunder to deal with you. I also moved to kill.Mr. Dianjian didn't appreciate it, and his tone was still arrogant: "There is thunder when there is electricity, and my sword is thunder and lightning."If you are afraid, step aside to cool off. Damn it!You are a dog biting Lu Dongbin.Jinyan Taisui said angrily, and stepped aside resentfully. The middle-aged man hung his sword upside down, and smiled faintly a few meters away. My name is Li Si.The middle-aged man moves slowly and speaks slowly, dying: Mr. Dianjian, I am a mountain native with experience in hunting wild animals. I am not very interested in hunting you, but I must hunt, so So you die.Young Master Dianjian rushed up in anger, and the other party compared him to a wild beast. No wonder he was so angry that he drew out his sword manually, and undauntedly joined the sword with his body and rushed down to the killer. The sword turned into lightning and flew through the air. With a violent shock, Li Siyi sealed out his sword, and the sword rainbow that came from the electric shot exploded unexpectedly, bursting out a cluster of sparks. Mr. Dianjian was shocked to the side with his sword and his sword. stop!The scolding came in time. Li Si, who had already drawn out his sword to take the opportunity to attack, suddenly stopped his charge and smiled coldly. The tip of the sword he handed out was only half a foot away from Young Master Dian Jian's chest. chest. Mr. Dian Jian's horse gait hadn't stabilized yet, and his sword couldn't retract the seal in time. This great swordsman missed another move, earning his reputation in vain. The second time I walked in, a beautiful village girl walked out, with picturesque features, elegant and refined, with two big braids, a green handkerchief covering her head, a green short jacket, green cloth trousers, and coarse cloth shoes.Looking at the dress, she looks like a sixteen or eighteen-year-old village girl.However, the temperament revealed on the outside lacks the taste of a village girl. Anyone can tell that she is a lady from a big family, and she looks like a village girl, which makes people suspicious at a glance. That scolding sound obviously came from the mouth of this little village girl. Li Si's respectful expression also showed that the little village girl was his master. Third Uncle.The little village girl approached and yelled with a smile, and the dimples on her left cheek made her look even more beautiful. What's your order, miss?Li San, who was the leader, bowed and answered. The titles of the two parties are quite confusing. One is called Sanshu and the other is called Miss, which is weird. These people are all proud and conceited, and they will not be thugs who persecute the mountain people, but the killers who haunted the mountain village last night are at least related to them.I want to live. Yes, they must be alive.Li San replied respectfully. The little village girl's smile is extremely cute, and her bright and beautiful eyes are full of charm, but the words she said are not cute, revealing a chilling ominous omen.The silver bell-like voice is very pleasant, but has a terrifying authority. The little village girl's eyes lingered on the dazed Dianjian son, the beautiful smile on her face remained the same, but it had changed a little. Especially this one.The little village girl pointed at Mr. Dianjian: arrogant and violent, it doesn't match his nickname of Mr. Dianjian. He was originally a famous swordsman.Li San glanced coldly at Mr. Dian Jian, his contemptuous expression was obvious: this is the virtue of a person who shows off his appearance. At first glance, he seems quite pleasing to the eye.The little village girl's eyes are changing: Looking deeper, this person's inside does not match his appearance, his appearance is exaggerated and irritable, his heart is deep, and he has a city in his chest.Third uncle, dig out his roots well, don't be fooled by his appearance. OK Mr. Dianjian's face changed, and so did his eyes. It's not easy for this little girl to know how to tell people.He is no longer irascible, revealing the gentleman's demeanor: no need to bother to dig out the root cause, Chen Chunfeng, the son of Dianjian, is one of the top ten contemporary swordsmen, well known to all friends in the world.It's not easy to wander through the Jianghu of Huangquan, without a few faces, you can't live long.The girl is beautiful and heavenly, like a banished fairy, appearing as a village girl, unable to conceal her peerless elegance. That is to say, you have another face?The little village girl asked with a smile. Maybe!oh!May I ask the girl's name?You don't mind offending me, do you? Your performance is getting better and better, keep it up!Maybe I will change my perception of you.The little village girl's tone was quite convincing, and her expression seemed quite happy: My surname is Zhu, and I belong to the same family as the emperor, but it's a pity that I don't have any connection.Don't ask me about my background, you can ask Jianghu. Ask Jianghu?Not from the mountains?Mr. Dianjian was quick in thinking and caught the language problem. People in the mountains often go out of the mountains too!Mr. Chen, judging from your nickname, you are quite conceited about your sword skills. At least not to be outdone. That means my third uncle didn't really beat you.Well, you have to show your real talents and let me see it. The little village girl waved her hand, and Li Si stepped forward and respectfully drew his sword and offered it. Mrs. Zhu Dianjian hurriedly withdrew from the power circle of the sword: I went down to the mountain, intending to search for the whereabouts of a group of robbers, the owner of Xiaoshan Mountain, and did not intend to disturb the tranquility of the girl Among the robbers, there are many masters with superb martial arts. If you can't pass my level, go to search for them, it will definitely be a disaster.Brighten the sword!Take out your real talents and knowledge, you can't beat the sword in my hand, you must leave the mountain area immediately, so as not to lose your life in vain. this Originally, I wanted to imprison you and stay in the mountains to wait for orders.But I don't have a bad impression of you, so I changed my mind and let you go.As for the others, the little village girl pointed at Jinyan Taisui and the others with her sword: But you are not as lucky as you, they must stay in slavery for life. The tone is calm, but the meaning in the words makes the hearts of the listeners tremble.Jinyan Taisui was not only startled, but also angry. A generation of monsters who have shaken the Jianghu are not angry when a little village girl claims to her face that she will enslave him for life? Young Master Dian Jian's complexion changed, and he felt unbearable. What about my two companions?He pointed to two followers. They must stay.The little village girl said in a firm tone. Miss Zhu you are the only exception. He was horrified and surprised by this. On the one hand I have a crush on you.On the other hand, I want to use your mouth to declare my prestige to friends in the rivers and lakes. they are I don't care who they are to you.The little village girl raised her sword slowly: It has been decided.If you can't handle my sword and get injured, you probably won't be able to leave the mountain area, and you will be skinned and cramped by the robbers.This is your only good chance to get out of the mountain alive, so you must use your real talents to fight for your own life and death, go! Aggressive, Mr. Dian Jian was forced to have nowhere to go, but once the sword rose, he stabilized. He knew in his heart that this opportunity must be seized.If he can win, he can control this beautiful little village girl and hold her hostage. Although there are many opponents, there is no threat at all. Miss Zhu, you have forced me to have no choice.He said calmly, the tiger's eyes shot cold electricity. Yes, you have no choice.The little village girl no longer had a smile on her face, revealing a noble demeanor that disregarded everything else: Since martial arts are famous all over the world, life and death must be determined by martial arts.What you want, you have to give something; if you can't pay, you can't get it.Let's get started!This is your only chance. excuse me.He rushed forward suddenly, striking first, his majestic momentum was like a mountain torrent, and his sword turned into a lightning bolt and shot fiercely. There was a burst of violent clang, the little village girl stood still, and the sword in her hand flew up and down sharply. Instead, he was forced to take three steps back, and his expression changed drastically. Glancing at his sword, the dissipated sword energy was still by his side, forming a dissipated power flow, which was forced to dissipate by the miraculous power of the little village girl's sword. Forced to turn around and go back. How can this be?All the lightning-fast sword moves were blocked and dispelled, and Yu Jian's inner strength was also cancelled. How much strength can the little village girl have with her petite figure?How could the speed of moving the sword be faster than him? You still don't want to go all out.The little village girl said coldly: I don't like Youdou people, especially I don't like you using Youdou to perfunctory, because you are a famous famous artist. With a deep scold, he rushed forward with his body and sword together. The two swords transformed into two dazzling electric lights, flickering and puffing, and then transformed into countless indistinguishable rainbow shadows, and the figures were also difficult to distinguish the entities due to the rapid displacement, and the soaring sword energy surged like a raging wave.The sharp sword sounds continued continuously. It can be seen that both sides are mainly using the fierce offensive of hard attack and hard fight. There is no so-called situation of you attacking and me defending. Jinyan Taisui is also a famous swordsman, he was horrified to see it, and he was shocked by Master Dianjian's sword skills, and his heart was terrified. This is the real talent of Mr. Dianjian. The speed and fierceness have exceeded the limit of physical fitness. The top ten swordsmen ranked third, and the fame is definitely not due to luck. In a wing room to the west, Wang Ruoyu lurks.He approached quietly from the side of the village. In broad daylight, he was able to come and go freely. He just passed by the side of a latent police post on the outskirts, less than ten steps away from the police post. He peeked out from the crack in the wall, and finally witnessed Mr. Dianjian showing what he had learned. This guy really deliberately hides what he has learned, what is his intention?He was talking to himself, and he was startled.He finally knew that the ghost killed by Mr. Dian Jian that night did not die unjustly. What he didn't understand was that that day in Bangshi town, in front of the crowd, why this guy showed weakness, lost with a single sword, self-destructed his reputation and destroyed his own prestige, what benefits could he get? This is extremely abnormal.A famous person, in order to maintain his reputation and status, can never show timidity in the public. He can only pursue a higher status and reputation and go all out. That day Master Dianjian suffered a setback with his sword strike. All the people in the world who visited Bangshi Town expressed sympathy and regret for this famous swordsman, and even despised him, thinking that Master Dianjian was going to be removed from the top ten swordsmen because of his reputation. Has become an underappreciated loser.He really couldn't figure it out, this great swordsman is really unpredictable. This beautiful little village girl surnamed Zhu surprised him even more. Under the unprecedented violent attack of Mr. Dianjian, she swung freely and counterattacked just right. An expert could tell at a glance that she didn't use all her strength to deal with it. He was terrified and murmured in his heart: How could this woman have cultivated to the realm of Tongxuan at such a young age? During this period, he met several women, all of whom were young and beautiful girls. Their martial arts skills seemed to be getting higher and higher than each other, and they were all heroines with eyes above the top. They seemed to be stronger than all the men. Han Mei, this famous woman seems to be determined by him, she will not admit defeat, and is ready to fight him for justice at any time. The fairy in purple clothes claims to be chivalrous, and when she sees injustice on the road, she draws her sword to intervene.It seems that after lodging in Bangshi Town, they lost their traces. The girl surnamed Zhang brought a large group of followers to coerce Flying Dragon Swordsman and Shendao Tianzhu, trying to coerce him into serving.This woman will not give up, she will move her sword to him sooner or later. Flying Dragon Swordsman said that the woman surnamed Zhang knows sorcery.He doesn't care about sorcery, he just doesn't want to make enemies for no reason. This girl surnamed Zhu also has a large group of party members, and her martial arts seem to be the strongest. It is best to avoid it as soon as possible to avoid trouble. Just as he was about to slip away, the arena has undergone drastic changes. With an exclamation, Young Master Dianjian flew back ten feet away, a hole appeared in the sleeve of his right upper arm, and blood oozed out. The dazzling sword light faded away, and the lingering sound of dissipated energy could still be heard in the space, like the rustling wind blowing far away, and the lingering sound of the sword's cry was like a dragon's chant. There is no doubt that Mr. Dian Jian's sword may only hurt the flesh, and the small wounds are nothing. sharp!He secretly cried out in his heart: this sword is miraculous, there are very few people who can beat it.This great swordsman took out his hidden real talents, but he still couldn't withstand a blow from this little woman, Shenao. Mr. Dian Jian's armpits were wet with sweat, his back was sweating through his clothes, his breathing was rapid, his eyes were tired, he had struck a hundred swords, exhausted a lot of energy, and finally got a sword, his face was extremely ugly.The injury is not serious, the serious thing is the blow to self-esteem. The following are people who can withstand setbacks.Young Master Dianjian lost the courage to continue fighting, he gritted his teeth and withdrew his sword: The gift of a sword is unforgettable, next time we meet, I will ask the girl for advice.can I go now? Yes, you can go.Miss Zhu handed the sword back to Li San, and wiped off the sweat on her face and temples with her hand: I think you are the most skilled martial artist among the heroes who entered the mountain.The strange thing is that the masters and masters I met all said that you are the worst one, and the most brilliant one is a person named Wang Ruoyu.Do you know this man? All he knew was that he was a thug for a bodyguard, that's all.The expression on Mr. Dianjian's face was a little excited: I once fell under his sword, but in fact he didn't perform very well. The way he used the sword was just very weird. He belonged to a vicious person, and I don't know anything about it. . 你的同伴可以帶走。朱姑娘對電劍公子的好感逐漸增加,不再留下他的同伴:九宮山七雄,已經前往熊耳山,你如果去找他們,很可能與崤山的強盜起衝突。你只有三個人,最好不要前往冒險。 九宮山七雄,與崤山的強盜聯手了? 不,他們正在你打我殺。 this 他們互相疑心,一個叫神力金剛的人,落在對方手中了,因此爭奪這個人,勢在必得。我想,你也是為了神力金剛而來,勢將與他們兩方引起利害衝突。 對,在下是為了神力金剛而來的,我要這個人,這個人有億萬財寶的身價,朱姑娘 我不取非分之財,只在乎侵入本山區的人,另有圖謀對某些人不利,所以留心情勢的變化。事實上已經發現有人為了打聽消息,加暴山區居民的事。更有一些神秘人物出沒無常,不擇手段,殺戮慘烈。我相信你不是那些殘暴的人,所以你可以平安離去。 姑娘真是居住在這一帶山區的人?電劍公子不死心,不著痕跡地探口風。 沒錯,但也不時出山走動。you please!朱姑娘總算透露了一點點,隨即警覺地下逐客令。 朱姑娘 小村姑舉手一揮,嫋嫋娜娜地向廳堂走了。 電劍公子心不甘情不願地,偕同兩位隨從離去。 一直袖手旁觀的金眼太歲,向四神打手勢,五個人嚴密戒備地退走,技巧地跟在電劍公子身後。 李三李四六位中年人,神態悠閒,背著手目送眾人離去,並無阻止的意思。 小村姑本來指示李三,其他的人不許走。但走時打出手勢,允許所有的人離開。 金眼太歲心中明白,能順利離開,得歸功於電劍公子,託電劍公子之福得脫離險境。 八個人走上南下的山徑,李家村恢復原狀。
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