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Chapter 26 Chapter 26 Swimming to break through

Sword and Dragon 雲中岳 11963Words 2023-02-05
There are many streets and alleys, and it is not difficult to get out. Even if the lackeys knew where to flee, they would not be able to pursue them aggressively. They could hide in any corner. The two hurried along the alley, staying away from the danger zone first. What about Du Caifeng?Huang Ziran asked vigilantly, turning his head from time to time to see if anyone was following. she left.Jiang Xiaohui, who was rushing away in front of her, stomped her feet: She is no longer your woman! What's the matter?Huang was naturally surprised. What's the matter?snort!At the critical moment of life and death, she had no choice but to protect herself.The husband and wife were originally birds in the same forest, and when the disaster came, they would fly to the river separately. Xiaohui will meet the third lady Peach Blossom.Finally, he said: She left, the plan had to be changed, I couldn't meet you at the scheduled exit, so I had to venture in and find you to join forces with them.

It's okay to leave.Huang naturally took a breath: she was born in an evil family, and she has a different view of things. Once her personal interests are involved, she may do any strange things.Fortunately, you broke in, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get out. Jiang Xiaohui was actually very happy that Ling Yunfeng had left, she was extremely disgusted with Ling Yunfeng's self-proclaimed Huang Ziran's woman, Ling Yunfeng walked away timidly and afraid of death, she really wanted to remove the thorn in her flesh. She broke into the Spring and Autumn Pavilion one step late, she followed the shouts and arrived at the right time, but she didn't know what happened before.

What's going on with that red and white spectre-dressed woman?She thought of a pair of strange shadows entangled and rolling: if it weren't for her flying hair, it could be seen that they were other than human beings, they were not human at all, if they were suddenly seen at night, it would be strange not to be scared to death. She is the woman who checks you. Oh, she was taken aback, and felt hot all over: If I had known it was her, I would It is useless for you to cut her with a hundred swords, unless you can control your Yuehua sword with 100% of your internal strength and let her let you chop, otherwise you will never be able to hurt her.In a close-to-body fight, the supernatural power in my hand is useless, and it is also powerless to attack her eyes.This ghost woman is very frightening, if you meet her in the future, you must run away and never let her catch you close by.

So powerful?she is She is the banshee fairy in the rumors in the world, Fu Linggu, Taixu Yaoji, a strange woman with indiscretions, and the banshee fairy dreamed of by romantic men. There are not many heroes in the world who really deal with her. It turned out to be this coquettish banshee, really not easy to mess with.Jiang Xiaohui shuddered: My revenge is hard to avenge, I admit that I can't deal with her. Don't fight her in close quarters, it's impossible for her to knock you down all at once.She practiced the authentic Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu, and her skills are not superficial.I don't know her details, but for a while, she almost died without a place to bury her.

she has you It wasn't that she stalked me, but that I had to be stalked by her. I don't know. I don't know her details, and I don't know that she has practiced the nine-turn Xuangong, thinking that she knows black arts, so she has plenty of time to perform it.As a result, her primordial spirit triggered the essence of Lihuo, and I couldn't escape.Fortunately, she still felt that she was not hot enough, and she also misjudged my ability, made the same mistake of not knowing what to do, and also wanted to be brave, got into the power circle of the Lihuo spirit caused by herself, and tried to persuade me. In the end, I took the risk of entangled her , cutting off the power source of her primordial spirit to drive away the spirit of Lihuo.

What is the essence of Lihuo?Jiang Xiaohui was at a loss. It's hard to explain clearly, and it's hard to be convincing. Huang Ziran slowed down, took her hand and turned into an alley: any substance has its positive and negative forms.The burning sparks are tangible and tangible, you can see them, and burn your bones to ashes, but they can also exist as intangible and insubstantial bodies, and exist in various ways. The more you talk, the more confused I become.The girl shook her head. I am also confused!So I can't convince you. But there must be something wrong with being confused!Formless and massless fire, how can you explain something that is nothing?

But that kind of fire does exist. Some people who have achieved success in self-cultivation, in order to cope with the catastrophe, set themselves on fire with the true fire of samadhi. It is hard to believe, but it is a fact.For example, if you are suffering from hunger and thirst, your mouth will be dry and your lips will be cracked, and the breath you exhale is really hot, so the saying goes that the mouth can spew fire.Although it is impossible for ordinary people to spew out fire from their mouths, it can be proved that fire exists in the human body in another form.In short, the witch's profound art can expel the primordial spirit and induce another type of fire around me. As long as this fire combines with the fire in my body, a third type of fire will appear in my body, and it will be instantly reduced to ashes.Well, well, I really can't come up with a convincing reason, anyway, that's what it is, she almost killed me, and I'll pay her back.

The second type of fire, the third type of fire, and probably the fourth and fifth types of fire!What the hell!The girl muttered as she walked, apparently still having doubts about the fire. The residence must be moved in time to avoid being plotted against. The third lady Taohua and Ling Yunfeng may betray them. The brutal massacre that hit the central center frightened the lackeys. Overnight, the lackeys scattered and hid in all directions, not daring to gather together for a night in secret, lest they be eliminated one by one. Originally, that night, the secret caves where they stayed everywhere had set up snares to wait for the prey, because the lackeys could not grasp the movement of the prey, let alone that the prey launched a terrifying attack shortly after King Hui arrived.

With a lot of preparation and a lot of strength, he couldn't grasp the movement of the prey. Instead, the prey hit the center directly, killing King Hui's confidants and almost annihilating the entire army. Mr. Chen, the manager, was not there when the accident happened. The person in charge was in charge of the general support, so he couldn't take care of the four secret caves. When he got the signal, the prey had already disappeared. Confidence and courage sink quickly, and the lackeys dare not play the old trick of overtly seducing. Neither side is sure of winning, and neither has the idea of ​​showing weakness and retreating, which means continuing to fight to the end and seeing who will die and who will live in the future.

Jiang Xiaohui joined forces with Lei Ting and Jian Hai Yang Bo, planned and arranged secretly, and got the help of people in the Nanjing area who are not afraid of death who are not afraid of power, and set up a well-versed investigation network. Huang Ziran and Jiang Xiaohui were responsible for the main attack force. Huang naturally avoided dealing with Hai Yangbo's people, and made it clear that he was responsible for his actions, and revenge against the dog king was his personal business, and had nothing to do with fighting power and acting chivalrously. It is easy to hide from the open gun, but hard to guard against the hidden arrow. The two sides immediately enter a dangerous situation of undercurrents and turmoil. No one can tell when and where the powerful enemy suddenly appears.

During the day, it is usually calm and calm. There are so many law and order units that openly committing crimes will never be allowed. You only need to beware of assassins' killing gestures, assassinations and sneak attacks, so as not to cause wolves-like attacks. The lackeys did not have an advantage in terms of people and harmony. The ghosts and monsters were all scared away, but those who hated the lackeys remained. In Nanjing, King Hui is actually a little ghost who can't see the light of day. Once he is caught openly and reveals his identity, seven or eight out of ten will be imprisoned by the emperor in Fengyang Royal Prison. This time he suddenly appeared in Nanjing from Yangzhou, taking a considerable risk. The subordinates of the vassal king can move around. If the vassal king himself does not have an imperial decree, he will never be allowed to leave the vassal land. It is especially taboo to secretly go to the northern and southern capitals and Fengyang. The only advantage of lackeys is that they are very popular. With their prestige of masters and famous names, they can deter some ghosts and monsters, and no one dares to meddle in their business. Naturally, Huang was very upset. He failed in one blow and lost his chance. No wonder he was upset. Once people dispersed and hid, it was not easy to find traces. In the huge city of Nanjing, with a population of nearly one million inside and outside the city, where can we find that dog king? If you hide on a boat, it will be more secretive and more difficult to find. If the dog king doesn't escape back to Junzhou for one day, Miss Ye in Puzikou Town will be in danger for one more day. The city street outside Dinghuai Gate extends to the Sanchahe Wharf. Sanchahe Wharf is not only a mooring area for ships on the Xinhe Channel, but also an official ferry to Jiangpu County on the opposite bank. The city street stretches along both sides of the Qinhuai River, and boats travel between the two banks. The market is quite prosperous, not much worse than that of Yifengmen. The wind and waves of the big river are dangerous, and the tide is strong and the waves are high. Therefore, ships of medium size and below all sail into the Xinhe channel to avoid the wind and waves. As soon as it got dark, the section of the long street near the pier, which was nearly five miles long, was brightly lit and very lively. A few days ago, a group of lackeys' ships had been secretly moored here, and committed crimes in Puzikou Town at night. It stands to reason that there should be no running dog boats anchored here, and the secret boat of the dog king is even more impossible to hide here. Huang Ziran and Jiang Xiaohui appeared here. Huang Ziran dressed up as a scholar in a fluttering blue shirt, and he did not forget to hold a painted flower folding fan in his hand. Jiang Xiaohui is very good at acting as a book boy, it is not suitable for women to show their faces in this area, especially at night, beautiful women are even more dangerous, the gangsters pushed people onto the boat, and they may have arrived in Yangzhou the next day. She and Huang Ziran walked together, keeping an eye out for approaching strangers, and at the same time being in charge of contacting people in Haiyangbo. Her knowledge of the world was remarkable. The Sancha River is also the estuary where the Qinhuai River enters the river. If there is a high tide on the section of the river along the street, the tide will still be three or four feet high from the street level of the embankment, and the low tide will be about ten feet. Take the springboard up and down, and the heave of the springboard depends on the tide level. Soon after dark, when the tide is flat, the sides of medium-sized ships are almost equal to the height of the embankment, and the gangway is flat, making it very convenient to get on and off the boat. On the opposite side of the embankment is the city street, commonly known as Banbian Street. At this time, the lights are bright, pedestrians are crowded, shops are everywhere, and the goods are more comprehensive than those in the city. What can be bought here may not be available in the city. Weeping willows are planted all over the field, and rest pavilions are built occasionally. It is quite poetic to enjoy the night view here. The Guanjiang Pavilion is the most magnificent two-story octagonal pavilion among them. It can not only enjoy the scenery of the Qinhuai River, but also the vast scenery of the river. All kinds of ships sailing at night, according to the rules, must hang their mast lights to avoid collisions, but seeing the lights dotted all over the river is very pleasing to the eye. The two sat in the rest area under the tree on the right side of the pavilion with stone tables and stone benches. There were people enjoying the night view inside and outside the pavilion, and there was a lot of pedestrians on the opposite street. Everyone was busy with their lives day and night. It can be regarded as the leisure class. There are many large and small boats moored down the river, and the boatmen go up and down in a hurry. On the surface, the two were watching the night scene below the river, but their attention was more than twenty steps downstream. The quiet medium-sized fast boat paid attention to the movement on and off the boat, and was as patient as a cat waiting for a mouse. I still suspect you have the wrong eyeliner.He whispered to Jiang Xiaohui.There are tourists staying not far away, so you must be careful when speaking: how could they let the ship release the order?How many people can a single boat hold? That's right, brother.Jiang Xiaohui's tone was affirmative: They were killed by you. It is useless to know that there are too many people. The more people, the more people will die. It is safe to disperse them, so that the entire army will not be wiped out.Many of us know the Excalibur Master, and we spotted him from the Bell and Drum Tower at noon, and spent an hour following him, after applying for a license, this guy came here to board the boat, and left at dusk.At present, the eyeliner still hasn't sent out the information. I'm afraid they have already followed into the city, and the news of the city gate closing cannot be transmitted. Therefore, this ship must belong to them.As for whether the dog king will hide on the boat, it is impossible to estimate. It's impossible for the dog king to hide in this crude boat all day long. He can withstand the heat wave?That bastard must be hiding in the city, enjoying happiness in a mansion of a prince or relative. Will he hide in Zhongshan Palace?They are relatives of the state, and there are like clouds of kings and merchants. It should not be possible.Huang Ziran's tone was not very sure: Xu Pengju, Duke of the State of Wei, is the garrison of Nanjing. The last time Emperor Zhengde came to Nanjing, there was a catastrophe. Bold.Besides, his status does not allow him to take the big risk of confiscating his family and depriving his lord, and harboring an illegal vassal who has never been close to him and is far away in Junzhou, Henan.The Xu family has a son who works in Jinyiwei, and they dare not cover up this feudal lord who has a subordinate who committed a crime. Their royal family is really promising.The girl said angrily: Both the emperor and the vassals are robbing women.This vassal king followed suit and also robbed women in these two places, really Ke Shao Jiqiu. It should be said that the descendants of Nieyan, how can Ke Shaojiqiu be used to promote them? Yes, moreover, the purpose of both of them robbing women is very dirty. you mean I did not say anything.Huang Ziran hurriedly said, how could he say such a thing to a little girl. Another dirty purpose of Emperor Zhengde's robbing of women was to take the virgin blood of virgins to make peach blossom tents to ward off evil spirits. The purpose of this vassal king is to take the virgin Tiangui to refine the aphrodisiac. The current emperor, Jiajing, raised 500 virgins and 500 virgins, collected urine to refine autumn stones, and used them as evergreen medicines for refining elixir. It seems that the dragon sons and grandsons of the emperors of the Zhu family were very interested in eating the feces of men and women, each one was dirtier than the other, and they ate with great appetite. The ultimate goal is to play more and enjoy women more, and live a long life. Jiang Xiaohui's temperament has changed significantly, her proud and conceited attitude has been swept away, she is no longer impulsive and impatient, and she knows how to speak cautiously. Since Huang Ziran didn't want to say anything, she wisely stopped asking. There is no light in the cabin, do you want to go up and have a look?She changed the subject: The eyeliner said that she saw someone opening and closing the cabin window, and there were many people walking around inside, but we have been here for a long time, why is there no movement? If you go up, there will be two results.Huang Ziran furrowed his brows deeply, and couldn't stop staring around the boat. fall into the trap Yes, this is the first result, people are hiding inside and waiting for rabbits to lure people into ambush; the other result is to rush to nothing.This ship is a decoy, lure us out, eyeliner is spread around here, follow to find out where we are staying, and then concentrate on the fatal blow. It might have been an empty ship.She was a little uneasy: near here There are not many eyeliners around here, and the people who are deployed are the main force. Naturally, Huang's tone changed slightly, and he could feel the vigilance: There are people on the boat, have you noticed that there are more and more tourists enjoying the night view around here? The Guanjiang Pavilion was originally a place for tourists to rest, and there are stone tables and benches under the nearby big willow trees.There are flower beds and flower beds around the pavilion, and there is even a flower stand with sparse flowers and trees, like a small garden. During the day, there are tourists taking a rest, and at night, it is also a shelter for the homeless. That's right, the number of tourists has increased a lot. It's too dark to see the faces clearly. Anyway, some sit down and chat in twos and threes, and some walk around. There was no light on the suspicious fast boat, the windows of the three-seat cabin were closed, and no one was moving on the deck. Maybe the boatman was eating, drinking and having fun in the street. On the right is a cargo ship, with only the rear cabin, a wide deck, and no boatman walking around. On the left is a small sloop with a semi-circular canopy and no cabin. Below the canopy is the cabin. There are no doors at the front and back. When it rains, a canopy is set up with a rain cover. The front and back are usually open, so you can see at a glance whether there are people inside. . But it was also an empty ship, with no lights and no people. There were no lights and no people on the three boats, which made people suspicious. Stupid eyeliner, if you are suspicious, you will come closer to investigate and ask, you can catch one by one, and even lure reckless people into the urn. Huang Ziran was quite surprised that the main force was deployed on the shore. This meant that the two of them had fallen under the surveillance of the other party, and the other party seemed to have expected him to come. He was walking outside to search for clues, and of course the other party was also actively investigating his movements, and the other party had a large number of people, and the number of people who knew him was also increasing. Well!The atmosphere is a bit off.The girl suddenly became wary. It gradually increased, indicating that they did not expect us to come, and they made the same mistake again. Made the same mistake again?the girl asked in surprise. They can't correctly estimate our movements, so they can't concentrate on dealing with us by setting up several traps.The last time we attacked Ye Yushi's residence, their principals were not there, so they had a lot of equipment and strength, and it was difficult to deal with a super strong enemy.Although they made the same mistake this time, they have improved much compared to the last time. People can move flexibly, discover goals, and immediately mobilize people from other places.Pay attention and see, are some people sweating profusely, and their clothes and pants are wet with sweat? You can even smell sweat!Vigilantly, the girl untied the belt of the cloth bag wrapping the Yuehua Sword, and took out two swords. The initiative is in their hands, and I don't like that situation.Huang Ziran put away the folding fan, took the sword from the girl and put it on his belt. At this time, his tiger's eyes glowed with the light that appears when a ferocious beast hunts for prey. leave now? It is not easy to walk, and there are many people across the street. then we Are you good at water? It's okay!the girl said modestly. Let's walk out of the water and swim to Hexi Street on the other side to escape. oops!This river has merged with the water of the inland river, and the water flowing out of the inland river is filthy. The girl who jumped down panicked and didn't want to jump into the water to escape, especially the Qinhuai River to escape. At that time, the section of the Qinhuai Inner River from Jubaomen to Shuiximen had gradually formed the Qinhuai Fengyue District. Outside Shuixi Gate, the street around the south bank of Mochou Lake has long been a sub-level Fengyue district, with many Jiaofang and Qinlou Chuguan. The Qinhuai Inner River collects the waste from the flower boats and painting boats, and contains the sewage and garbage from the streets and alleys. It flows out from Shuiximen, joins the Qinhuai Outer River, flows northward, and flows into the Sancha River. Think about it, how dirty is this river? Later, the water gate of Shuixi Gate broke down, and one of the sluices of Tongji Gate was closed, which flowed into the inland river of the city and lost the function of water diversion and sewage discharge. Even small boats could not sail, and it became a big smelly ditch. The river is full of rubbish and smells bad, and there are dead cats, dogs, and chickens and ducks in the rubbish. It takes a lot of courage to jump into the water. The girls loved Jie, and it was too much to ask her to jump in. I'm afraid diving is the only way out.Huang Ziran gritted his teeth and said: See the three people coming around the field from the left?It must be the Three Demons of the Royal House.Remember, don't stay away from me, and chase after me eagerly. When she heard that it was the Three Demons of the Wangwu, the girl's courage was weakened by three points. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, the name of some people is really intimidating, and the appearance of some people is also daunting. On the embankment of the Guanjiang Pavilion, all the boats moored are tied to the stone pegs. It is not easy to untie the mooring boats. It is impossible for three or two people to sail the boats out. Time does not give, so apart from diving, it is impossible to snatch the boat and escape. The lackeys must board the boat at the same time and swarm on board. Fighting on the boat, it is very difficult to display martial arts skills. Then go quickly.The girl urged guiltily. Don't worry, don't let them think that we are settled.Huang naturally lowered his voice: Remember, try to move to the right and downstream when you do it, and jump on their boat if you seize the opportunity. What?Instead, jump on their boat?The girl made a fuss; Put it to death and survive, go straight from the top of the cabin to the rear cabin, get into the water as soon as possible, focus on your actions, leave me alone, I can cooperate with your actions. The girl had no doubts about his words. If she was asked to follow the action, she might not be able to keep up. It must be more than enough to cover her to break out of the encirclement. Huang Ziran's martial arts and experience are much better than hers. There are tourists on three sides, and the encirclement of the three sides has been completed. The two of them remained calm, secretly accumulating energy and ready to go. When the two of them took out the swords from the cloth roll, the other party already knew that they had detected the warning sign, and knew that the trick to lure the enemy was completely successful, but unfortunately they were discovered by the two of them a moment earlier, and they did not get close to them and made a sneak attack first, which fell short. Lost the chance of sneak attack and assassination, so I had to come to find out. The three of them approached from the front, their feet were calm and majestic, they couldn't see their faces clearly in the dark, but they could feel the intimidating momentum ten steps away. People posing as tourists on both sides also gradually moved closer to narrow the encirclement. Huang Ziran stood up, opened the folding fan and fanned it slowly, leaving the stone table and moving towards the wide area. The girl also walked around the stone table, moving side by side. When the three tourists arrived at Zhangwai, they could see the face clearly. The person on the lower left is Bao Quanyi, a master of the sword. Hai Yangbo's eyeliner found that the Excalibur Master was going in and out of that boat, but he didn't know that this guy was a bait, and without bait, he couldn't catch fish. God damn bastard, you keep screwing up our business over and over again.Excalibur Master also saw his face clearly.He didn't have the demeanor of a scholar at all, and cursed: Where did you come from?The heroes in the rivers and lakes in the Jiangpu area don't even know who you are, and that area is not your territory at all. You're like a fucking shrew, like a well-known swordsman?Huang naturally said mockingly: Now that things have happened, I believe that you will not come here to argue with me. You are just a second-rate running dog, and it is not your turn to deal with me.hehe!Which one is the person in charge?Your manager, Chen Kui, will not hide from the sidelines and watch the fun, right? The man in the middle was about half a century old, with a gloomy face and a long goatee, and his sword seemed rather heavy.The sword is heavy, which means that the arm is superhuman. Whether it is a knife or a sword, the weight is beyond the normal range, and the energy consumed is doubled.The same goes for the length, the longer it takes the more energy it takes. You don't have the weight to deal with our steward yet.This man's voice is particularly sinister and ghostly: This old man is also a second-rate person, maybe you are worthy of dealing with this old man. oh!Which temple are you the Great God and Buddha? Jiang Xiawang.This person's attitude is rather cold and arrogant: Sirius Wang Hao, you should have heard of my character. hehe!I've heard that Sirius, one of the world's five evil stars, is one of the top ten underworld tyrants. You actually demean yourself and call yourself a second-rate person. Isn't it too modest?Your vicious reputation is not much worse than that of the Devil's Claw Sangmen. Once you show your name, you can scare the crap out of some younger generations. Did you fuck the shit? I won't, because my uncle Huang's prestige is much greater than your lordship, and I don't want to pretend to be modest to destroy my prestige. you junior So what about the juniors?There is no age in the rivers and lakes, and there is no generation in the martial arts.There is a saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and new people replace old ones in the world; you don't have to bluff people by showing off your senior status. Based on my uncle Huang's daring to single-handedly wipe out the reputation of the Xuanwumen killer in one fell swoop, he is worthy of being on an equal footing with any master or celebrity.To be honest, with your Sirius martial arts prestige, you are not worthy of carrying shoes for Nie Yingjie, the master of Xuanwu Sect.Chen Kui's real talents and learning are no better than that of the deputy head master Wuchang Hou Jie.So, uncle, I didn't regard you as a threat at all; therefore, I dared to take the initiative to pursue you step by step, sir, do you still have the face to call yourself a senior in front of my uncle Huang? These words are deafening, and the sound is like a bell! People with loud voices can take some advantage, at least in terms of momentum, they appear aggressive, and in the minds of other lackeys, it does have a considerable shocking effect. The person on the right, wearing the green Taoist robe, coughed dryly to stop Sirius from speaking, and then snorted again. Benefactor Huang, don't talk too much.The real status of the old Taoist may be higher than that of Sirius, so it can prevent Sirius from continuing to make a fool of himself: Have you seen the current situation clearly? hehe!If I am afraid that you will concentrate on my life, sir, I will slowly argue with you here?Huang Ziran laughed: Excalibur masters can tell you how powerful your people and the group of invincible monks in the Xiaoleiyin Temple in Yiyunzhan were. I, Uncle Huang, can come and go freely as I please?You more than twenty masters, how did you catch me in the dark night?forget it!Don't force me to commit more crimes, killing people is not a pleasant thing after all. you listen to me I don't have the patience to listen to your threatening words. Uncle, I only have the simplest request. If the request is not fulfilled, the only thing I can do is draw my sword and face each other. Either you die or I live. There is no need to say any reason.Naturally, Huang's voice was stern, and he interrupted the other party unceremoniously. How simple is your request? You and the dog king release the beauties captured along the way, and go back to Junzhou to enslave the poor wretches in the feudal land. My request is too lenient.If the dog king refuses, I will take his body to Hongwu Gate and hang it up.If he died outside the feudal domain, he would have died in vain! Without thinking about it, the girl flew out to the downstream on the right, and the Yuehua sword was unsheathed, and there was a cold electric shock. There were nine people lined up on this side, unexpectedly they were in a hurry, they were a bit caught off guard when they realized that there was an alarm, with a scream, the man in the middle was pierced into the lower abdomen by the Moonlight Sword, and the figure touched. The other people finally reacted superhumanly, worthy of being called the master of masters, they were startled, and immediately swung their swords to clamp both sides, the wind and thunder suddenly broke out, and the swords and swords converged in the middle. clank!The girl burst out with a knife and a sword, and couldn't go away! Suddenly, there was a breeze behind him, and someone overtook him, and then there were two screams, and at the same time, there were screams in front of him. She knew that it was Huang Ziran who passed her, and she turned her head to check the source of the two screams in her busy schedule. It turned out that when Huang Ziran was dealing with the old Taoist, the other party took advantage of Huang Ziran's opportunity to speak and quietly launched an attack. The three monsters in the Wangwu on the left first launched the attack. On the side of the Wangwu Three Demons, there were also eight people who rushed out quietly. The last time the three monsters in the Wangwu fought fiercely against Huang Ziran, it was because Huang Ziran's energy was almost exhausted that he could support the undefeated, thinking that Huang Ziran was nothing more than that. This time, you can't take advantage of it! The two sides moved together, just in time to meet them. The three demons took the lead and charged the fastest. As soon as the three swords were swung out, Huang Ziran's swords merged and penetrated. What she saw was that the Three Demons and the other two were screaming and flying to the sides. It is very likely that someone was killed by the sword, which meant that Huang Ziran cut off the people behind, and then surpassed to open the way for her. She couldn't help but think about it, turned her head and flew forward. Waves split in front of him, Huang Ziran's sword light was like lightning, and the eight people in front of him were falling apart. There is no need for her to make a move, she flies and surpasses. aboard!Huang at the back screamed naturally. The suspicious fast boat, and the two cargo ships on the left and right, were full of people, and there were many people. The light of the sword reflected the lights flickering. . There was a lot of voices on the opposite street, and some people came rushing madly. She knew without guessing that Huang naturally wanted her to board the boat, not the lackey's boat, but the folk boat under the embankment. She leaped towards a small boat, flew over the small cage, and as soon as her feet touched the rear stern, the osprey dived into the water, regardless of the smell of the water, escape was the most important thing. Just before she sank, a figure appeared beside her, one hand grabbed her waistband to help her, but she felt like an arrow, being grabbed by someone and breaking through the water and swam dozens of steps before rushing to the surface. Don't be afraid, those bastards are not good at water.She heard Huang Ziran's voice from her side, but she still turned her head to look around. You can see the splash of water caused by the rapid swimming, thirty steps behind you. Better to kill them in water.She said as she swam. Fighting in stinky water in the dark night, are you interested?Huang Ziran, who was swimming next to him, joked: Drink a couple of sips, it must be nutritious, hygienic and delicious It's good not to mention, it's good, a stench goes straight to the nose, I can feel the sewage on the face, there are some dirt I'm going to vomit, she yelled in her heart, speeding up her forward swim. The city streets on the left bank of the river are smaller than those on the right bank. There are only a few alleys behind the main street and fields beyond. Small cottages are dotted all over the place, two or three miles away is the Xinkai River waterway, and across the river is Jiangxin Island with only fishing villages. Walking down the Qinhuai River, the lights of Sanchahe Town are as bright as day, and the market and pier are crowded with people. It is the time when the night market is in full swing. Five large and small boats approached the city street on the left bank of the upper river first, and dozens of vicious lackeys ransacked the houses wantonly, causing chaos in the small streets. Finally, when they finally arrived at Sanchahe Town, the lackeys were dumbfounded. How could they search such a lively town at night?One or two hundred ships were moored at the pier, and thousands of people were mobilized, but there was nothing they could do. Some snakes in Sanchahe Town who couldn't avoid it, and some snakes who saw the wind and collude with lackeys, almost all suffered disaster. The lackeys were ruthless, accusing them of colluding with the Jiang family to take money on both sides, harboring Huang Ziran and the little girl of the Jiang family, and using cruel means to force the snakes and rats to hand over these two people. There was a big blockade inside and outside the town, and all the snakes and rats were dispatched to cooperate with the search. The status of the Excalibur Masters is not low. On the contrary, in the Junzhou Palace, he is an official officer of the Junzhou Central Guard, but unfortunately he is a reserve guard, and the real military position is full-time held by his elder brother. But even though he was a reserve soldier, he was officially transferred to the palace as an errand, so he had time to travel around, and he was well-known in Henan, and he was also listed as a famous swordsman in the Jianghu. The other lackeys were all hired from outside, and they were assigned to serve in the guards under the name of the head of the power team. Even Chen Kui, the leader of the running dog, is only an external team leader, and he still has to respect the status of the Excalibur Master in name, but in terms of actions, he is under the command of the Demon Claw Sangmen. When dealing with the authorities, how old is the Devil's Claw Sangmen?He is not worthy of dealing with a local policeman, so a master of swordsman must come forward. So in Puzikou Town, the Excalibur Masters are the ones who are really responsible for dealing with the authorities. The status of the Excalibur Master is not high, which means that among these externally hired team leaders, his reputation in the world is not as good as some masters and celebrities, and his martial arts are far behind some old seniors. But among most lackeys, there are not many people who are more famous than him, and the martial arts of most lackeys are far worse than him. Therefore, last time he dared to take someone to find Sihao Tathagata. In front of Huang Ziran, he, the swordsman known as the Excalibur, felt like a little ghost seeing King Kong, and he really didn't have the courage to deal with Huang Ziran. But he couldn't avoid dealing with Huang Ziran, even though he was terrified when he saw Huang Ziran, only by relying on the number of people, he dared to muster up the courage to wave the flag, and when he saw something wrong, he would smear the soles of his feet with oil. At dawn, he brought eight famous masters with superb martial arts, approached the fields on the side of the river, and entered a small village with three or four families. According to the old rules, first follow the inside and outside of the village, and then negotiate with the leaders. Outside the city, they dared to act recklessly without any scruples, and even more so in the suburbs. With the swords worn by the nine of them, some villagers who had no power, no power and little knowledge were scared to death. The four heads of households were taken to the hall, and they were interrogated in detail by means of threats and lures, both hard and soft, forcing them to tell the people who were sheltered last night, which wasted a lot of time. The four heads of households all argued that no one came into the village to stay overnight, and they didn't know who was tall or short. People who might be injured approached for help. It is impossible for farmers in this area at night to hide. Unable to find out why, the Excalibur Master no longer set out to search other villages, and borrowed a farmer's place for breakfast, and the nine of them ate at the table, seeming to have forgotten about the search. After running around all night, I really need to fill my stomach and sleep to recharge my energy. If I don’t have enough energy, can I do things? Brother Bao, can we search people out with such a large and comprehensive search?During the banquet, a burly man with a rat mustache asked with a smile: Even if the surname Huang was injured by a hidden weapon, he had to seek medical treatment urgently, and would he stay in this area and wait for our search? Mr. Chen insisted on searching every corner, can we refuse?Excalibur Master smiled coldly. The surname Huang is not a pig. He knows that it is safe to walk around the city, so he will wait for us to search in the suburbs?I am afraid that he has already slept in a certain inn in the city for a long time. Didn't it mean that he might be injured, might have been hit by a hidden weapon? you believe? Among the more than 20 masters of hidden weapons ambushing on the boat, four of the top ten masters of hidden weapons in the current world are among them. Can they be as good as the killers of Xuanwumen?The killer of Xuanwumen is worthy of being called a master of hidden weapons.The murderous god of death, Beidou Xingjun, said in a disdainful tone: The surname Huang was not fooled. He didn’t get on our boat. Our people had to show up and rushed to the pier before firing a hidden weapon to see him off. How likely is it to hit him? In fact, the two guys entered the water and swam faster than the fish.Another tall and thin person said: It looks like a person who has been wounded by a hidden weapon. Okay, let's fill our stomachs, and then go for a walk elsewhere, so as not to go back too early and get scolded.Excalibur Master didn't want to mention this matter again. The bastard surnamed Huang is really harmful, but he made us miserable. Even if the lord is willing to die, Mr. Chen, the manager, will not give up. Our fate is like a candle before the wind.eat it!say no more. The person in charge is perfunctory, and the followers are of course happy to be at ease. They know each other well, and one thing more is worse than one thing less. There is a small stream in the southwest of the village, with reeds growing on both sides. It is only 30 steps away from the nearest village house in the southwest. There is a fruit forest on one side, and bushes on the other side. The width of the stream is less than three feet. . Only two of the nine masters searched the orchard, and they were too lazy to wade into the mud to search the stream, let alone take the risk of flying over the other side, otherwise falling into the mud would not be a pleasant thing. In the bushes on the other side of the stream, Huang Ziran and Jiang Xiaohui hid in the reeds, paying attention to the movement of the small village and being ready to respond at any time. It was inconvenient for the two of them to show up, of course, considering the large number of people on the other side, the main thing was that their clothes were disheveled, only a long gown that was still wet outside, and other clothes, including boots, were washed and dried in the bushes. The two of them swam across the river and flew high, outnumbered and evaded for the time being, jumped into the stream to wash their clothes, and then spent a long time in the clear stream to wash away the smell. The two of them were miserable, and they had suffered such hardships before in this life.
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