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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

Wind and dust 雲中岳 16751Words 2023-02-05
The trail crosses the swamp area, and no one knows how big this swamp area is. Anyway, except for bamboo rafts, there is no activity in this area. Some small flat-bottomed boats that can take one or two people can also drive in the swamp, but if they are put on the mudflat, it will be troublesome. A small slope extends from the north, and a section of uphill extends from the southeast. Therefore, this section of soil slope is the closest to the two sides of the swamp area, about one mile. The path is the only traffic artery on both sides of the strait, connecting the villages on both sides of the strait.However, if there is a flood during the rainy season, the traffic will be cut off. If the two villages, which are originally five or six miles apart, want to communicate with each other, they must walk around the outer edge of the swamp area. It's not uncommon to go around for twenty or thirty miles, and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. The only way is to take a risky ride on a bamboo raft.

The path through the swamp area is formed by a long row of slate slabs, which are deeply planted underwater. There are really hundreds of slate columns. The project is extremely huge, not only spectacular but also poetic.It's a pity that painters throughout the ages have never put this small stone path for people to walk on the picture. The top of each stone pillar is about two feet long and one foot wide, and the height above the water varies with the water level, usually about three feet.The distance between each stone pillar is also about two feet. Children pass by and jump and walk, adults take one step at a time, and women take two steps at a time. Walking through these hundreds of stone pillars is very interesting.But if you stumble and fall, the disaster will be disastrous. Most of the area on the left and right is soft and floating mud that is deeper than a person. On the surface, the water depth is only about two feet deep. It will be very bad if you sink, unless you can support the stone pillars below pedestal, or climb up by holding on to the slate pillar.

For thousands of years, people have come and gone in this way, and no one has ever thought of building a bridge here, or building a pontoon bridge to facilitate walking.Perhaps, there are too few people coming and going; or the local people are too poor to raise huge funds to build the bridge, so it is unnecessary. If people from both sides of the strait meet halfway, it really takes good skills to miss each other.If you meet a man and a woman, it will be troublesome. If you intend to prevent the other party from coming over, it is enough for one person to block it. If there is one man guarding the gate, the tens of thousands of people will feel sad.

To pass, the only way is to jump into the water and climb the pillars. In Ji Xuanhua's hand was a farmer's shoulder pole, which was six feet long, and it was no less powerful than the eyebrow stick in his hand. He blocked the middle of the path, and anyone who wanted to come had to pass his pass, unless the other party was good at water, not afraid to hide in the floating mud, and go around under the water, otherwise, it would be impossible to pass his pass. On the fifth slate pillar behind him, Suzaku Gong Cao Xu Caifeng, who couldn't even stand still, stared at his back with resentful eyes and gritted his teeth.

The person he makes an appointment with must come from the other side.The number has been stipulated and cannot exceed four people. On the other side, four people were quickly approaching pillar by pillar. How do you date these irrelevant people?Xu Caifeng finally saw the face of the person who came, and was quite surprised. The person invited should be the chief figure of the Yuzang Club, or the lackey of Dongchang and Eunuch Li, and has nothing to do with other people. They are all local gods in Suzhou, the fastest to spread news, the most credible, and they are famous figures in Suzhou.Ji Xuanhua was twirling the pole, turning his head and grinning rather proudly: It was rumored from them that there was a female killer from the Yuzang Club who was betrayed, it would definitely cause a sensation in the world, and I would surely gain both fame and fortune. Have fun for a long time, my way of becoming famous is clever enough!

You die fast too.Xu Caifeng gritted her teeth and said: You will also become the target of this club.People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of getting fat. You will be the target of public criticism and life will be difficult. You can rest assured that I will be able to survive the difficult period of building the foundation, and I will be able to eradicate the roots of your company. The Yuzang Society will follow in the footsteps of the Black Dragon Society and disappear from the world.In just one season and half a year, the first and second groups of the world's four major killer groups have been eradicated. This world may not be peaceful from now on, at least it will not be worse than it is now.

Ji, don't do too much, okay?Xu Caifeng finally knew that the situation was dangerous, and being tough would only make her situation worse: I, the Suzaku Consort, have a very high status, and I can negotiate terms with you on behalf of this society, why not give up the stupid plan of dying together and take actions that can be mutually beneficial for both parties?As long as you offer a reasonable price, I will I don't make bargains with vile murderers.He categorically closed the door of mutual benefit: no talk. I'll tell you what I know. late.He sneered: I will squeeze the confession I want to know from the people with a higher status than you in your company.

you The opportunity is gone.He said in a cold tone: Opportunities are fleeting, and what is gone will never come back, so we must seize the opportunity. The person on the opposite side was already twenty steps away, and the first person was ten stone pillars away. Four people have two swords and two sabers.The three of them stopped moving forward, and the first burly middle-aged swordsman came forward to deal alone. If they fought, only one person could make the move. If the others followed too closely, there would be no way to retreat and they would collide. Fall into the water together.

Are you Ji Xuanhua who keeps making trouble?This person's voice was like a bell, and there was a look of strong warning in his big eyes: I don't know you, why did you send someone to threaten me to come? You are the uncle of benevolence and righteousness of Suzhou's friends who eat water and rice, and you are also the number one tycoon in Suzhou. Friends from the rivers and lakes in the south of the Yangtze River, who dare not respect your status as Wu Xia, Meng Chang and Zhou Ren?Ji Xuanhua's voice was louder, with arrogance and majesty: The Yuzang Society swarmed in and made trouble in your territory in Suzhou. Maybe you really didn't know it, so I remind you to be vigilant in case of accidents.In order to show that what I said is not false, so please come and prove that what I said is absolutely true.

You don't respect Zhou Because I am not from Jiangnan. Your Mightiness Without further ado, do you know that beautiful woman?Ji Xuanhua pointed to Xu Caifeng behind her with a pole: Maybe you don't know her, but you should know the name of this beautiful female killer. Should Zhou know him?Wu Xia Mengchang was extremely displeased. You should know it, because she is making waves in your territory, which is tantamount to directly challenging your power, and she doesn't take you, the benevolent uncle of Suzhou, seriously.In order to relieve your worries, I specially invite you to take a look at her true face in Mount Lu.

Using fame and fortune as a medium to provoke conflicts can achieve the goal nine times out of ten.Since Wu Xiamengchang is the master of benevolence and righteousness who dominates one side in the eyes of friends in the rivers and lakes, if someone dares to challenge the power of the master of benevolence and justice, of course it will affect fame and fortune, and conflicts are inevitable. Zhou Ren's nickname is Wuxiamengchang. It can be seen that his native place is not Suzhou, but he runs a water transport passenger and cargo ship company with a large port in Suzhou, and the head office is in Zhenjiang. The area from Zhenjiang to Changzhou is called Wuxia, and Wuxia Amon refers to Lu Meng, a famous general of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. He was from Lucheng Town in Changzhou. It was this Wuxia Amon who killed Guan Yu, the general of Shu.Thousands of years later, the Lu and Guan families have always been rivals. It is impossible for the Lu and Guan families to become in-laws, and the historical hatred is deeply rooted. What on earth are you trying to do?It's none of my business.Wu Xiamengchang asked in a deep voice, how dare you provoke Yuzangshe to ask for trouble? Show it to you, let you know what it is.Ji Xuanhua didn't put any more pressure: it also means that Ji is in Suzhou, and he is not afraid of anyone provoking his authority.In the near future, this famous female killer will be publicly auctioned. In order to maintain the power of your benevolent uncle, I hope that you will also participate in the price bidding.As for your plans, it is up to you to decide.Now you should have seen the bidder, thank you for coming. Your method of coercing Zhou by writing a letter is the real challenge to Zhou's authority.Wu Xiamengchang's face was full of anger, and he drew his sword out of its sheath with his hand: There are also domineering methods to force Zhou to have a grudge with Yuzangshe, and to force Jiangnan heroes to take a stand. Zhou is unwilling to be coerced, today it is either you or me. It is convenient to learn from respect.Ji Xuanhua took a tough attitude and systematically forced the other party to take the path of force to solve it step by step. Fighting with a shoulder pole with a sword, if the martial arts and experience of both sides are equal, it is very dangerous, and the sword is inherently at a disadvantage.The shoulder pole is made of solid wood, hard and flexible, easier to handle than a stick, and easier to attack than a gun.One inch long and one inch strong, the sword is not a good weapon for fighting sticks at all, and its skill is comparable. It can't cut the stick, but it can't block it, and it may even break the sword when it hits. . In a narrow and dangerous place where you can only go straight forward and retreat, and all coups and skills are useless, the sword has no chance of winning, but Wu Xiamengchang is holding the sword, so we know that there must be something to rely on, or he has to give up for the sake of reputation. You can't use tricks, the sword advances slowly.There was a stone pillar between the two, the distance between them was six to eight feet, the sword had to be approached, and it had to be forcibly cut from the central palace. The sword energy began to burst out, and there was a faint roar of tigers and dragons. It can be seen that Wu Xia Mengchang's internal strength is extremely pure, and he can use the sword energy to hurt people outside the body. Time to go out. Ji Xuanhua's shoulder pole was also raised obliquely to meet him. No matter which side wants to knock down the opponent, it must be able to occupy the stone pillar in the middle, and it must be able to occupy it firmly. Wu Xiamengchang's figure was slightly depressed, and he was about to charge forward. Ji Xuanhua snorted coldly, and also stepped down slightly. The figure pierced through the air, and the bearded man on the third stone pillar behind Mengchang Wu suddenly leaped out at an astonishing speed, leaped over the top gate of Mengchang Wu, waved his hands together, and tumbling in mid-air on the spot, The light work is appalling. At the same time, Wu Xia's Meng Chang lowered his horse gait, and his left hand shot out with lightning. It turned out that the two of them went up and down and attacked with hidden weapons at the same time. With a long laugh, Ji Xuanhua's shoulder pole was placed on the stone pillar, and his figure climbed obliquely above the water above the right side, more than five feet away from where he stood, with the pole supporting his body in the air. A total of seven hidden weapons flew three feet above the slate pillar he originally occupied. The body suspended in the air swung forward and flew out, and the pole swept forward immediately, and the sound of breaking wind was like faint thunder. Can't take it!In the distance, people from Wuxiamengchang screamed wildly. It was too late, and Wuxia Mengchang had to pick it up, it was too late to avoid it, let alone flash it, and it would fall into the water if it moved a little. With a loud shock, Wu Xia Mengchang flew up with his sword. There was a muffled pop at the same time, and the bearded man, who hadn't had time to turn back, had a shoulder pole hit his right hip, and turned back quickly, but the direction was uncontrollable, the sound of water was like thunder, and mud splashed under the falling pillar. Wu Xiamengchang was very amazing, he was knocked flying ten feet away, fell to the side of the third stone slab pillar, lost his sword in his busy schedule, twisted his body forcibly, fell into the water with a plop, but his right hand caught the stone Pillar, the body finally did not sink. Ji Xuanhua occupied the stone pillar that the two sides were fighting for first, stretched out the shoulder pole, and the bearded man, who was already sinking, grabbed the pole head in panic. Someone rushed up and pulled Wuxia Mengchang up and retreated quickly. Let's admit it!Wu Xia and Meng Chang shouted anxiously: Don't hurt the people below. Ji Xuanhua didn't accept the pole and let the bearded man sink in the mud. Your Excellency's two-handed throwing knife is very terrifying.He said to the bearded man clutching the shoulder pole with one hand: The two of them cooperated seamlessly, enough to send a super master down to the eighteenth level of hell, what's your surname? Luo Luoying's bearded man didn't dare to let go, even though he was good at water and could float in the floating mud, but his speed may not be able to escape quickly, and the pole can definitely smash his head in an instant. oh!Qilu's number one flying knife master flying knife Luo.Very good very good, you are in debt to the next six throwing knives. Brother Ji, why bother!Feidao Luo said dejectedly: If it were you, how would you explain it to your friends in the rivers and lakes?After all, Brother Zhou is the benevolent and righteous man on the ground in the south of the Yangtze River. You, an unknown outsider, wrote a letter to warn and invite you. People fight for breath, and Buddha fights for incense So you want my life on purpose? Can we not risk our lives? then accept fate Surnamed Ji.Wu Xia Mengchang yelled: "When your Excellency auctions, I promise to be present to bid." OK, I trust you.Ji Xuanhua dragged the pole one by one, and sent the flying knife Luo to the top of the stone pillar opposite: If you break your promise, you must repay the debt twice today, so let's go! Wu Xiameng tasted four, and turned back in embarrassment. Don't be complacent.Xu Caifeng gritted his teeth with a tired expression and said: The news spread, the super elite of our agency will definitely fight you to avenge me with all their strength, even if you have nine lives Hahaha Ji Xuanhua laughed loudly: I just want the elites from your company to root out all of you vicious and vicious killers. you Ji Xuanhua approached and stepped over the opponent. Your people are coming soon.He pointed to the direction of the way: They came from this side. My intention is to let the people in your company recognize my true face in Lushan, so that they can rest assured that they will boldly calculate me, and guarantee that one will die and one will die, and two will die. Until your club dies, Yuzang Club will definitely be removed from the rivers and lakes.It is easy to kill you, you are dead, another meritorious person in your society is still making blood money in murders to bring disaster to the world, killing you all is the only good way to stop you from harming the world. Auction me, you will cause the public outrage. Anyone who sympathizes with you and accuses me with a loud voice must also be a mad dog. I will break these dog things into a pile of pieces.Ji Xuanhua said viciously: If I knew that these dogs were bastards who would not be eaten by vicious dogs, I would kill him without hesitation. If I kill one more, there will be less harm in the world. Do you want to be a chivalrous hero? no appetite. The mirror flower, the water moon, and the two witches acted as accomplices for Eunuch Li, and did many outrageous deeds, killing many common people.As for the deals that our agency accepts, most of the people killed are powerful people from all sides.You're making trouble with them, but you're not a good guy, so why laugh at us for being cruel and vicious?In order to kill a few villagers and foolish women, there is really no need for you to avenge them. The golden rules of the rivers and lakes are not set by me. You are hopeless.Ji Xuanhua shook his head and smiled wryly: In order to silence, I'm afraid you even kill your father yourself. You are alive, it is really unfair for God to bully the good and fear the evil. There is no fairness in the world, how can you imagine that God is fair?Xu Caifeng still tried to persuade him: Brother Ji, since you have no appetite for being a chivalrous hero, why don't you throw this away?In the future, Yuzang society will regard you as a friend and will Never, my friend, a vicious murderer.He said coldly: Your people are here, who are those people? Four men dressed in green clothes, with blue scarves and swords on their backs, were appearing at the edge of the marsh in the distance. To be precise, the four of them are equally brilliant in their lightness work and vertical jumping technique. You are dead, they are the four evil spirits of our society.Xu Caifeng said excitedly: "They are all unparalleled killers in the world. They have never failed in more than ten years." second to none?All four of them are unparalleled, don't they have double pairs?Well, I will keep one of them, and the remaining one is the real unparalleled, of course he is unparalleled except me.He lifted the cover of the treasure bag, revealing the outer pouch mouth, and the red dart tassels came into his eyes. There were six three-edged darts in a row: these are three-edged darts of three taels of silver, entrusted to someone yesterday Bought at the weapons store in Mudu Town.I want to bet my life with hidden weapons with your superb killers, and let you know that although your hidden weapons are vicious and precise, others will also use hidden weapons to kill you.This time, your Four Gods of Calamity will fail for the first time, and we will wait and see. The Four Calamities Killer was very fast, and he was already approaching when he was speaking. You are not worthy of using a hidden weapon in front of the four gods of misfortune in this society.Xu Caifeng said proudly. You are dumb.Ji Xuanhua sneered: If I didn't know much about your company, would I dare to confront a powerful murderous organization like yours?I chose this kind of place to bring you here, can your four gods of disaster be able to kill in all directions at the same time?I don't use hidden weapons, it doesn't mean I don't know how to use them, if I don't use them, it's more powerful than thunder and lightning. The shape of the four masked people is almost the same. They are of medium build and strong. It seems that their hands are longer than ordinary people. The four pairs of strange eyes are equally sinister and terrifying, and they still have a bit of ghost in broad daylight. It is impossible to stand side by side, let alone besiege all around. Friends in the rivers and lakes have extreme fear of the four evil gods of Yuzangshe.They are all assassins, and they are used to deal with enemies, to deal with those masters and celebrities who dare to interfere with the society's actions, and to massacre killers who dare to harm the people of the society.No matter how many people there are in the opponent, even if there is only one opponent, they will attack with hidden weapons at the same time. The coordination is perfect, and they will never accidentally injure their companions. Here, only one by one. Four people, each occupying a stone pillar.That is to say, four people form a line, lined up, each person is four feet apart, and they can only attack in a straight line.Unless there is another skill to cooperate, it can only be a one-on-one fair duel. Have you seen your Suzaku achievements?Ji Xuanhua held a shoulder pole in his right hand, and stretched out a wind dart in his left hand: "It's a fake one." What about the rest of us?The masked man at the front asked sharply. There is only a stone pillar between the two, with a total width of six feet. If you use a hidden weapon to attack, the speed of the hidden weapon will be difficult to see. If you use the weapon, there will be only one result: both of them perish. Unless there is a miracle body that can resist hidden weapons, for example: golden bell cover.If the golden bell jar also meets an opponent who has practiced the golden bell jar, it depends on whose cultivation base is pure. Killed, the body has been buried in the ground.Ji Xuanhua's voice was like a bell, and every word had the power to shake people's brains: It's up to you whether you want to take her away.Since you don't have the ability to take her away, you can turn around and leave safely, which means that your company has abandoned her. What do you think? How could I know?The decision is yours.I believe that the person in charge of your company has given you the power to act appropriately, adapt to the situation, weigh the interests, and you have the right to decide to act.Based on the current situation, you have lost the advantage of a favorable location and people, and you know that your chances of winning are limited. The correct action should be to turn back and leave safely. Even if he doesn't use the fierce fighting method, the four gods of disaster will not leave safely. There are many assassin organizations in the world, some of them only have three or five people, and a bonus of one or two taels can assassinate one person. Small organizations have limited manpower, and the area of ​​activity is limited to one state, one county or one prefecture, and their popularity cannot reach the stage.The largest and most famous of the four big groups are the ones that commit crimes all over the world and have a reputation far and wide. There are not many people who dare to contend with the four big killer groups. Ji Xuanhua was so bold that he challenged the second-ranked Yuzang Club. Not only did he kill several of the club's famous killers, but he also captured the club's high-ranking meritorious talents. A small killer organization with only three or five members could not bear this kind of insincere insult. If you are dead, I can take her away safely.The gloomy voice of the masked man was full of resentment and hatred: Friends in the Jianghu are very strange to you, Ji Xuanhua, you must be delusional to take this opportunity to make a name for yourself.Otherwise, you are the person sent by the Black Dragon Society to challenge this society, aren't you? Aren't you guys going after the Black Dragon Society?You haven't officially confirmed the fate of the Black Dragon Association, so you can't wait to arrest the regional leader of the Black Dragon Association in Suzhou. .If Ji is a member of the Black Dragon Society, how can he have time to play tricks of selling out female killers?you We want you dead! When the word "death" exits, people jump up. The second masked man fell down, fell on the stone pillar and fled in front of the stone. The third masked man leaped forward and crouched on the stone pillar that the second masked man had previously stood on.The second masked man had already reached the stone pillar where the first masked man had stood before, and waved his hands forward. The fourth masked man jumped down behind the third masked man, and the two stood up, standing on the same stone pillar. It's a long story, but it actually happened almost at the same instant. The four people moved at a strange speed at the same time. Although the distances were different, although the speed was different, the coordination was seamless. One high, one servant and one standing, the four of them fired deadly hidden weapons at the same time, and in an instant they had a good opportunity to concentrate and shoot at the same time. The figure disappeared suddenly, and Ji Xuanhua was not on the stone pillar. The first masked man who jumped upward raised his hands in mid-air. After the hidden weapon was released, his figure floated down immediately. The second masked man fell down on the stone pillar that was originally standing, and he was about to float down on the stone pillar. Companion's back. Four people are divided among the two stone pillars.The slate pillars are one foot wide and two feet long, making it too crowded for two people. They were shocked when they saw Ji Xuanhua disappear. Before the figures of the four people stabilized, their figures reappeared. Ji Xuanhua did not appear on the original stone pillar, but pushed a pillar, and the person rose from below, his feet were wet. He didn't use invisibility, but sank forward into the gap between the stone pillars, and because his movement was so fast, he seemed to disappear suddenly.In fact, he slid down at the same moment when the four of them moved and fired the hidden weapon. The hidden weapons of the four masked men gathered like a rainstorm and missed by a hair. The shoulder pole swept quickly, the strong wind was like thunder, and the first and second masked men on the adjacent stone pillars had just fallen and the blows came at the same time. Alas, the screams were ear-piercing, and the sound of bone fractures sounded together. The two masked men were swept away by the infinite and terrifying force of the blow. One bent their waist and the other broke their legs, and flew two feet away. The force of the blow was unparalleled. The sound of the water is loud, the muddy water surges up, the people who fall into the water struggle wildly, and the suffocating screams of despair are heart-stopping, and they sink quickly. People with broken waists and legs, how can they survive in the floating mud? The two masked men on the last stone pillar finally seized the opportunity to leap backwards with all their strength to get out of the dangerous situation first. The distance is only four feet, there is no chance of firing hidden weapons or drawing swords, and they are the first to get out. Leave one!Ji Xuanhua's Chi Chi is like thunder. Raising his left hand, there was a sonic boom that burst out suddenly from the wind dart, a bit like a light thunder, and also like a firecracker explosion. Too fast, the dart seems to have disappeared. Well, the third masked man, who has stood up for more than ten feet, is in the middle of the air. The dart has penetrated into the back of the heart. The red dart spikes are dazzling, and the five-inch steel dart has penetrated more than four inches into the body, almost penetrating the chest, and the body is like a thunderbolt. He fell on the stone pillar with a bang, rebounded and fell into the water, and was instantly submerged. The fourth masked man was the luckiest, he was already thirty or fifty paces away after three or five ups and downs, leaping wildly and continuously, his castration was like a star jumping a ball. Xu Caifeng, who was terrified by the drought and thunder, called with a changed voice. The sound of the pole attacking vigorously and the sonic boom of the darts were noticed by Xu Caifeng. Gongcao is a god general, who patrols the good and evil in the sky and the world, and of course knows everything.The four heroes of the Yuzang Society are all well-informed and talented figures, known as the four seas heroes, and they are respectively responsible for the promotion of killers in the four directions. Ji Xuanhua turned around coldly, and when he reached the adjacent stone pillar, his tiger eyes were blazing coldly, and he stared fiercely at Xu Caifeng. You, Yuzangshe, and you don't interfere with each other in the drought, and Xu Caifeng is about to collapse, and it's hard to make a sound. My business with you has nothing to do with the Hantian Leiyu Zangshe.Ji Xuanhua spit out every word: You can't change the situation even if you distort the facts. It turned out that you visited Wei Wei eunuch's ancestral hall at night Yes, it's me. Aiming to rob the living temple. right. Yuzangshe doesn't just ask about your business You are not in control.I came to you because you killed seven unresisting villagers, men, women and children.Your company will never let it go, so I must completely break up with your company, and weed out the roots to eliminate future troubles. you can not I can, because I am a robber, and a robber can do anything.You are my matchmaker for eradicating your company. you don't want to He made a sound and rolled into the water. When the pole was stretched out, Xu Caifeng couldn't move and was firmly pressed down. You are going to die, but not now.Ji Xuanhua threw away the pole, grabbed her and carried it on his shoulders. When Ji Xuanhua appeared in Mudu Town, the dark tide stirred. This small town is one of the four major towns in Suzhou. It has a patrol office and administratively manages three nearby small towns. The market is quite prosperous.This is also the center of sightseeing for tourists. People who visit Lingyan Mountain and Tianping Mountain usually stay in the inn in the town first if they have enough time, and they can go up the mountain early in the morning.If you live in Fucheng, the town is twenty-six miles away from Fucheng, and you have to walk for half a day. Fucheng is not allowed to run wild and make trouble, and outside the city, the sea and sky are open to fly freely, and it is also a hunting ground for all parties to fight, who is afraid of whom?If something happens and he leaves, no one can do anything about it. He left the store, the old Fuxing store was located on the main street, the first half street on the right was the inspector's yamen, and his name, Ji Xuanhua, was recorded in the passenger log. Of course the patrolmen knew who he was, but they pretended to be deaf and dumb and dared not take any action.He was not arrested, and the police officers did not dare to find excuses to convict him. There are only thirty or twenty people in the inspection department, and if something happens, the disaster will be disastrous. He is like a torch in the wilderness in the night, attracting all kinds of ants and insects. Around Sipai, all the tourists who came to visit should go, and there are not many tourists left in the inn. He sipped tea in the living room. The living room was a place for travelers to socialize. There were two shop assistants in charge of taking care of it. Passengers staying in the hotel could also meet guests here, and the shop assistants provided refreshments inside and out. A burly man, leading four thugs, stepped into the living room aggressively, and lined up in front of his desk as if wanting to eat people. Are you Ji Xuanhua?The big man pressed the handle of the knife with his hand, and Tong Ling's eyes were stern, as if he was determined by him, and his attitude was extremely bad. Grandpa became a blockbuster in Suzhou, and everyone with reputation knew that Grandpa was Ji Xuanhua.He sat still, pressed his hands on the table with pride: You bastard must be a cat and a dog, you actually asked your name in a suspicious tone, you should find out clearly before you show embarrassment, what can you tell me?Say what you have to say, and let go of farts. This big man is not a cat or a dog, but a well-known local snake in Suzhou. He is one of the masters of Kunshan Shangwu Garden Master Supreme Knife. He ranks among the top three among the big men in Suzhou. , mentioning Jue Dao Yang Wei, it really has a bit of intimidating power. Among the land and water groups near Suzhou, the waterway is headed by Wuxia Mengchang, and the land is honored by the Supreme Sword. The well water of both sides does not interfere with the river water.Friends in the rivers and lakes who are crossing the border, it is best to be polite to them, and the strong dragon does not fight the king, it is best to respect their benevolence and righteousness. Without enough manpower, it is impossible to claim hegemony.Supreme Knife not only has many disciples and grandchildren, but also many friends who support him. Ji Xuanhua's words were rough and arrogant, clearly expressing that he did not recognize the hegemony of the Supreme Sword, and his rude and arrogant tone was exaggerated, and people with a little status would be blown away. damn thing!You Jue Dao Yang Wei was really furious, yelling curses, taking a step forward and making a move. A cup of tea was splashed on Jue Dao Yang Wei's face, and Ji Xuanhua threw it up. You bastard of a dog, put up your donkey ears and hear me clearly.Ji Xuanhua slapped the table with his palm, and his voice was like thunder: Grandpa dares to oppose the world-famous Yuzangshe, of course he has earth-shaking abilities.The whole body of your bastard weighs no more than four ounces when you take it apart, and you are not worthy of picking up farts for the people of the Yuzang Society. How dare you act presumptuously in front of Ji, you must be fucking tired of your work, or you just forgot about you What is the father's last name? Good scolding!Cheers came from the corner, which was pleasant to the ears. Jue Dao became even more furious, and turned his head fiercely to look for the applause. On the coffee table in the corner, a gentle young scholar with a face like a crown jade is smiling and drinking tea calmly, with a gold-painted folding fan in his hand. His bright eyes are cold and bright, which does not match the smiling face. The light can make those who are not brave enough to shudder, but the smiling face is kind. A thug rolled his eyes strangely, grabbed and released his hands, and approached the scholar viciously. He already knew that the applause was coming from a handsome young scholar, and the look on his face clearly wanted to beat the little scholar to death. If you don't stop your goddam thugs from running wild.Ji Xuanhua said to Juedao Yang Wei in a deep voice: I will definitely break your right hand, definitely. Don't mind my business.The handsome little scholar didn't accept his favor, and his smile was very cute: If you want to break their knife hand, won't I do it myself?Can you, a human trafficker, do it for you?have a finger in the pie. Aren't you meddling in your own business?He smiled with a friendly look: They are coming for me, you try to lure them over, don't you? As the two played and sang, the thug froze.Judging by the calm and calm expression of the young scholar, he will never be a good person to get along with. If you really want to do it in a daze, it is very likely that the hand of the knife will be useless! Juedao Yang Wei may be reckless and conceited, but he is not stupid. He raised his hand and ordered the thugs to retreat. Those surnamed Ji, don't be rampant.Juedao Yang Wei had no choice but to control his anger, although his voice was weak: You keep causing trouble in Suzhou, intentionally causing disturbances, and openly venting that you want to auction off women, is it plausible?You will bring great disaster to our people in Suzhou.You can leave before and after the event, but we people in Suzhou have to suffer disasters, so you must leave the border as soon as possible, Suzhou cannot tolerate people like you making trouble. asshole!Your master Zhizun Dao has a job in the Governor's Office, which is responsible for public security.Murderers like Yuzangshe who are full of blood, you should deal with those who arrest them and bring them to justice, but instead cover up their crimes, let them kill indiscriminately in your place, and cover up their open activities. It can be seen that you have cooperated with Yuzangshe The murderer hooked up with the murderer, you still have the face to accuse me of causing trouble in front of me?Your Excellency, how much better is your martial arts than Suzaku Gongcao? Jue Dao Yang Wei fought a cold war, and the fierce flames disappeared. How can he compare with Suzaku Gongcao?Even the Supreme Sword dare not speak loudly in front of Suzaku Gongcao! Someone sent you to test, I don't care about you.Ji Xuanhua stopped tormenting her, and continued to say: "Let's go!"You'll kill yourself if you play wild in front of me, stupid, man. I'm here to drive them away.The little scholar pushed and stood up. hateful!You are on fire again. With a distance of ten feet away, the little scholar raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The first incisor of Juedao Yang Wei's left jaw was suddenly broken and his lip was damaged. Hey Jue Dao screamed strangely, covered his bleeding mouth with his hands, spit out broken teeth and a mouthful of blood, turned his head and ran out. The four thugs also ran away in terror as if they had seen ghosts. Far away, breaking the hard front teeth with a flick of the finger is like playing black magic. If it hits the chest and abdomen, what will be the result?Who can withstand this incredible blow? You are demonstrating to me.Ji Xuanhua smiled wryly, secretly startled: Is it the Tianxuan finger? I want you to hand over the Suzaku meritorious service to me.The little scholar stopped laughing, his expression changed, and there was a gloomy and menacing aura in the air. Sure enough, it was a demonstration to him. It seems that this kind of fingering exercise does not need to gather energy in advance, and does not need to be prepared to concentrate energy.If it is authentic internal strength, one must practice hard for more than half a year, and one must have superhuman talent, so that one can suddenly unleash magical powers and injure people as far as ten feet away. Some masters seem to be able to attack people suddenly with their unique skills. In fact, they have already practiced kung fu in secret, but the realm of cultivation is higher, and others cannot know that he is doing kung fu in secret. Ji Xuanhua is an expert, he already knows that this little scholar possesses unique skills, his internal strength is beyond normal, and his martial arts may even be unfathomable. Are you blackmailing me?he asked calmly. Maybe!The little scholar seems quite conceited. My answer is: no!His displeasure was written on his face, and his tone was firm and unmistakable. No negotiation? Yes, no negotiation. You are well-known in Suzhou, and your friends in Jianghu have a good reputation for you. You have already established a heroic image, and there is no reason to sell women to destroy your reputation. I don't mind the fame at all. I don't mind because I don't want you to be a demon heretic. so funny.He really laughed: what are you?Lord of good and evil?A converted Bodhisattva?Forget it!Mind yourself!It is not a good virtue for you to hurt others with your hands, and you are not worthy of pretending to be a god or Buddha.As far as I know, some gods and Buddhas are demons and heretics in their bones. You can laugh at sarcasm!But you have to turn people over to me.The little scholar said stubbornly. Impossible, impossible.He is more stubborn: it is a matter of fame and fortune, involving hatred, no one will give up, and I am no exception. I know you have a unique skill. You are also amazing. The fields in the south of the town are empty. Yes, no winter plowing yet.He was a little annoyed. Just in time to give it a go. Are you leaving now?Once angry, he didn't want to back down. Yes, let's go.The little scholar left as soon as he said he would, and walked out swaggeringly, flicking his folding fan. The field has not yet been plowed in winter, and it looks like an endless large square, which is not only convenient for individuals to fight hard, but can even be used as a battlefield for thousands of troops to fight. You really don't give it?The little scholar asked in a deep voice, in his big bright eyes, the gloomy cold electricity was still there, the amiable expression he had pretended in the shop before was gone, and his intimidating aura was gradually strengthening. The little scholar was stepping into the empty rice field where the rice roots were left and the soil was still a little moist. He followed with strides, smelling a faint fragrance in his nose. Of course not.He was a little dazed, amused in his heart, and although what he said was still decisive, he was no longer angry: as the saying goes, good fortune is hard to give up. What's the meaning?The little scholar turned his head and asked. I auctioned off Suzaku's achievements, and the base price was one thousand taels of silver.He smiled evilly, and had the urge to reach out and touch the other's delicate face: You really want to rob me, you want to take money out of my arms, take out the money I earned by taking risks. I'll give you 1,500 taels of silver.As the little scholar continued to walk forward, he seemed to be talking nonsense. He was startled, and his heart moved. If he is a chivalrous disciple who intends to prevent him from doing evil, it is absolutely impossible to exchange 1,500 taels of silver with him. To be honest, there are not many real chivalrous heroes who can spend three hundred taels of silver on their bodies. Good fortune is hard to give up, and even if you are not a chivalrous disciple, you will not be willing to spend 1,500 taels of silver to rescue an irrelevant female killer. 剛想發問套口風,突然眼前一黑,身軀因剎那間失去重心,而腳下一亂。 他後悔,已嫌晚了。 使用毒物的人真不少,但配稱宗師級的人並不多。江湖上以百毒為綽號的宗師級人物,大概有十個八個,幾乎沒有一個是好東西,好東西不會用百毒害人。 魚藏社正式在外露面,公然表示魚藏社殺手身分的人,就有一個百毒天尊,這人已經被他解決了,是該社的外三壇地壇壇主。 黑龍會有一個毒郎君廖智,是已死了十餘年的恐怖兇魔,百毒魔君的得意門人,江湖朋友把這一雙師徒,看成可怕的毒蛇猛獸。 最近幾年,出了一個女的宗師級人物,出沒無常毒殺了不少高手名宿,很少人知道這女人的底細,名列邪魔令人聞名喪膽。 百毒夜叉,就是這邪魔的綽號,姓祝,芳名卻有好幾個,最常稱的名號是百毒夜叉祝小嬌,或者百毒夜叉祝小喬。江湖朋友把她列為五夜叉之一,最為可怕。 據傳說,女的夜叉最美麗。但見過百毒夜叉祝小喬真面目的人不多,是否美麗人云亦云莫衷一是。 這位美麗而極為恐怖的女邪魔,會不會投入魚藏社做殺手刺客? 他已經看出小書生是假貨,是一個年輕美麗的女人,因此嗅到幽香,心中並沒在意。 人在上了當之後,絕大多數會後悔粗心大意。 他中過一次毒,概略明白中毒的症候。當然不是中則立死的毒物,要活捉一個人,不需用中則立斃的烈性毒物。慢性毒物的症狀,在精神狀態的反應是相差不遠的,與在生理上的噁心嘔吐腹痛的症狀不同。 我真蠢得像豬!He screamed in his heart. 小書生轉身挾住了他,朦朧中,他看到俊秀的面龐,流露出誘人的得意笑容。 他想反抗,已沒有機會了。 我做事不一定是為錢。小書生笑吟吟地說:我也不會真的給你一千五百兩銀子。 你你他語不成聲,昏眩感襲來,失敗感擊潰了他的反抗意識,渾身發虛,他放棄了掙扎奮鬥求生的念頭。 在蘇州城內城郊,有名的園林不少於兩百座。在木瀆鎮附近,往靈巖山的大道兩側,就有不少大大小小的園林別墅,不許閒雜人等擅入,形成不少禁區,外人不可能知道這些禁區,到底發生了些什麼事故。這是說,這些園林禁區是藏匿的理想去處。 透過綠窗,窗外的陽光耀目,鳥語花香,幽靜的園裏,給人的感覺是遠離塵囂,遠離塵世的紛擾污穢了,這世間是如此美好。 被安置在雅緻房中的姬玄華,可不認為已經遠離紛擾污穢了,他正面臨世間最平凡也最複雜的選擇:生死榮辱。 他必須有所抉擇,不管他是否喜歡。 他被安置在這座幽靜隱蔽的園林別墅內,把三兩百具屍體埋在地下做肥料,外人絕不可能知道,土地潮濕,要不了幾年就會骨肉化泥,連毛髮牙齒也會腐化。 小書生不是一個人,而是三個。那位年近花甲的老太婆,偌大年紀似乎脾氣特別暴躁。 倒是另一位艷光四射,曲線玲瓏的妙齡少婦,處處流露出溫柔可愛的表情,落落大方有淑女貴婦的氣質,眉目如畫美而不帶妖氣。 小書生已回復了少女裝,清新脫俗極為出眾,不施脂粉天然國色,渾身綻放出健美活潑的青春氣息。年輕就是美,那含苞待放的風華,就具有動人的魅力,不加人工修飾也令異性激賞,給人的感覺是甜美可愛。 委實令人難以置信,這麼一個芳齡二八或二九的青春活潑少女,竟然練有可離體傷人於丈外的可怕指功,那該是苦練半甲子有成的修為火候。 他被擺放在妝台的壁角下,渾身脫力,胸腹仍感不適,喉間發熱頭暈目眩。這是屬於女人的閨閣,所有的家具裝飾,都帶有濃濃的女性氣息,是不可有外人出入的地方,隱蔽性極高。 三個女人坐在錦墩上,擺出三娘教子的陣勢。 你把朱雀功曹藏匿在什麼地方?用毒擒他的少女,用俏甜的嗓音和嗲嗲的動人神情,來軟的勸說:我保證,把她交還給魚藏社,不把你交出,你就可以恢復自由。我還保證你今後的安全,當然你也不能再向魚藏社進一步報復。 我們把你當成好朋友。美艷的少婦,也用甜甜的嗓音誘使他就範:好朋友應該有福分享,魚藏社所付的二千兩銀子補償金,你可以分一千。姬兄,我們很夠意思吧? 你們不是魚藏社的人?他有氣無力,說話僅可以聽清字音而已。 不是,你聽說過金花娘子其人?少女的態度更和藹了,甜美的面龐人見人愛。 金花娘子方惠姑,二十年前魔道三艷姬之一。他的見聞相當廣博,雖則出道僅兩載歲月:這個女人在江湖神出鬼沒二十餘年,聽說五年前在洛陽龍門,謀殺了江湖大豪火麒麟鮑家麒,從此便銷聲匿跡了。 殺掉火麒麟的前一年,她已經加入魚藏社,目下是該社的內總管,內外兩總管的地位比功曹高一級。她是我的一門表親,所以請我們營救朱雀功曹。 用兩千銀子請你們營救,一定是一竿子也打不到底的表親。他用嘲弄的口吻說:所以我不信任你,你毫無力量保證我的安全。Hello!你小小年紀,美得令人拴不住意馬心猿,你怎麼可能練成可傷人於丈外的天玄指?我算是服了你,可否請教貴姓芳名? 我已經不小了,百毒夜叉祝小喬,整整在江湖風雲了八年,即將年屆三十啦少女居然不隱瞞真實年齡:我這樣打扮在江湖行走,才能保持神秘的身分。那位樊大姐,也許你也不陌生。 百毒夜叉又指指少婦,少婦嫣然一笑百媚生。 我也快要是老太婆啦。少婦銀鈴似的嗓音,一點也不像老太婆:祝小妹名列五夜叉,我名列七妖,比雙鏡花水月兩妖還要大幾歲,七妖中我名次在中,千幻妖樊雲英,比鏡花水月的名號要響亮些。 邪道令人害怕的七妖八怪五夜叉,沒有一個是好東西,但既名之為邪,還不至於壞得太離譜。但這個百毒夜叉,毒得令人心驚膽跳。 God!我這個剛出道,志在揚名立萬的後學小輩,走了好運會碰上名震江湖的風雲人物。他的臉成了苦瓜臉:這位陰森兇惡的老太婆,想必也是人人害怕的名宿前輩了。 老身不配稱前輩。老太婆臉一沉。 我本來就稱你前輩呀!你年紀比我大是事實。他繼續探口風拖延時間:不像這兩位女妖夜叉,練成了長青術駐顏術,打扮得花枝招展,含苞待放我見猶憐,而且心猿意馬不能自持,我反而成了前輩啦! 你和鏡花水月兩妖相好,她們也比你大。百毒夜叉說:似乎你對比你大的女人 這不能怪我呀!美麗漂亮的女人,像我這種年輕少見識的莽漢,只看到他們美麗動人的一面,怎知道她們芳齡比我大或比我小?祝姑娘,告訴你一個男人的秘密。 what secret? 在男人眼中,世間只有兩種人。 哪兩種人? 那就是男人和女人,老少美醜都不重要 你少給我廢話。老太婆突然龍頭杖一伸,在他的大腿上敲了一記:老身是人見人厭的活閻婆,心硬如鐵下手狠毒。你把朱雀功曹藏在何處?explain 藏在無人能找得到的地方。他痛得咬牙咧嘴。 explain!活閻婆厲叱。 那鬼女人是我保命的護符,我不會告訴你 老身已經把你的命捏在手心時,任何護身符也保不住你的命,你不說,老身會活剝了你。 You do not dare.他提高嗓門:我死,朱雀功曹也死。魚藏社為花紅而殺人,他們居然肯花二千兩銀子,可知他們珍惜朱雀功曹的性命,請你們救她而非要她死,你敢要我的命嗎? 先給他一點點小警告。活閻婆揮手獰笑。 一聲妖笑,百毒夜叉首先離座揪起他。 一點點小警告出於兩個心理不正常的女人手中,可不是好玩的事。 兩劈掌加上一粉拳,把他打得倒飛而起,被千幻妖接住、扭轉身軀,粉拳及腹,玉掌劈頸根,一連幾記重擊,把他打得幾乎內腑離位,口角溢血,然後交回給百毒夜叉。 兩女將他交來交去,每交一次必定加一次痛擊,拳掌愈下愈重,來來往往交了五次,他已經不知人間何世,終於昏迷不醒。 一盆冷水潑醒了他,他感到全身的骨頭正在崩裂坍落。這一點點小警告,令人做噩夢。 姬兄,何必自討苦吃呢?百毒夜叉用溫潤的玉手,捧住他扭曲變形的臉,用醉人的嗓音,妖滴滴向地說,吐氣如蘭,兩人的鼻尖幾乎要貼在一起了,真像一雙愛侶甜蜜蜜膩在一起:等魚藏社來接你的人到達,那就來不及了,我們無法把朱雀功曹交出,只有把你交給他們啦!你願意被他們逼供嗎?你是一個聰明人,不會拿自己的性命 do you know他喘息著打斷對方的話:一個真正的江湖玩命者,是不會把生死放在心上的,我,就是一個真正的玩命者。我敢和魚藏社公然叫陣,你敢嗎?他吞下一口血水:也許你也是一個玩命者,但你絕對沒有我灑脫看得開。你在某一種情勢下會崩潰,我不會。因為你我都是在江湖玩命的人,所以都知道江湖的禁忌,等我把朱雀功曹交出,也就是你們凌遲我的時候了。這些禁忌,你懂,我懂,魚藏社的人更懂。 不要愚蠢,姬兄,把人交出,我會替你求情 哈哈哈他大笑,聲如鬼哭十分刺耳。 why are you laughing? 我宰了魚藏社不少人,六個是朱雀功曹的同伴,其中有他們的地壇壇主百毒天尊桑大德。然後,又宰了四大殃神的三個。女人,你明白我笑的原因吧? this 如果你是魚藏社的社主賽專諸孫百霸,你會放過我嗎? damn it!至少你可以減少很多痛苦。百毒夜叉放棄勸說,兇狠地抽了他兩耳光,正式擺出夜叉面目:現在,再問你一次,人藏在何處? 藏在天底下 一指頭點在他的背部第九脊椎下,他猛然一震。 這是要命的筋縮穴,渾身立即開始收縮,每一條筋甚至每一條肌腱,皆開始收縮、抖動、扭曲 片刻間,他的體積似乎縮小了一半。 連臉部的肌腱也在收縮,因此臉已失去了人形。如今他像一頭落水的豹,衣褲全被汗水濕透了。落水的貓毛一濕,瘦骨嶙峋難看死了,他就是這副德行,毛一濕體型縮小小了一倍。 終於,他昏厥了。 又一盆水把他潑醒,然後又一次昏厥。 當他第七次被潑時,百毒夜叉解了他被制的筋縮穴。如果再不解,他死定了。 他如果死了,鬼女人如何給魚藏社個交代? 罷了,這是一個鐵打的人。百毒夜叉洩氣地說:如果可能,我不想把他交給金花娘子。 我也有點不捨。千幻妖嘆息一聲:鏡花水月兩妖,被唯我居士罵了一頓,就乖乖地聽命放棄他,她們怎麼肯捨得這英俊堅強的好男人? 你兩個蕩女可不要胡思亂想,被情慾迷昏了頭。活閻婆不悅地提出警告:魚藏社與他恨重如山,你兩人如果不識相,萬一出了差錯,以後休想有好日子過。好好看住他,我出去看看。奇怪,接人的人早該趕到了,怎麼迄今毫無動靜? 你不懂,老太婆。百毒夜叉冷冷地說:你對男人已經麻木,你這一輩子已經快活夠了,曾經滄海難為水,而我們還年輕,當然有點放不開。 你不會愚蠢得不知厲害吧? Do not worry!要我用性命來換一個男人,辦不到,即使這個男人貌比潘安,堅強如山。百毒夜叉苦笑:這個鐵打的英俊男人說得不錯,我雖然也是一個江湖玩命者,但絕對沒有他灑脫看得開。 老太婆活閻婆這才如釋重負,匆匆出室走了。
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