Home Categories martial arts novel Thunderbolt Skynet

Chapter 10 Chapter 10: Demon Swordsman

Thunderbolt Skynet 雲中岳 12680Words 2023-02-05
Wen Bin didn't think that the girl really didn't know what to do, nor did she think that the girl was too timid to walk with a life-threatening person like him. On the surface, it seemed that he left in anger, but in fact there were other reasons. He couldn't explain the reason to the girl, anyway, he knew well that it would be inconvenient to confess, the forest is deep and the grass is lush, it is not difficult to get rid of the pursuers. He didn't know anything about the two thieves. Anyway, there must be a lot of people searching in this area. He witnessed all the girl's dealings with the two thieves.

He followed the girl out of the village, but his internal injuries were serious, he didn't dare to use his true strength recklessly, and he couldn't use his true strength to fight with others, he hid aside and kept an eye on the movement, and had to take the risk to come out to rescue in an emergency. These two people must come from the stone house of the deadly strange doctor. In any case, he had to take a risk to understand the situation. The internal injury has stabilized, and he is speeding up the road to recovery. During this period, it is impossible for him to fight against masters, and a third-rate master can easily deal with him.

Therefore, you can only observe and step on it secretly. If someone finds out, the big thing will be over!In the last ten days and a half months, he had to act like the most ordinary villager, and he had to absolutely avoid conflicts with others. Hiding in the bushes on the right side of the stone house of the deadly strange doctor, I was very surprised to pay attention to the movement. Why is the stone house so quiet like an empty house?Impossible without human activity. Through the wide-open courtyard door, one can see two healthy horses with complete bridles, a horse bag behind the saddle, and a sheath bag in front of the saddle in the courtyard inside.

Of course, he didn't know what happened here, let alone that the strange doctor who killed him was wiped out by nine uninvited guests. The person known as the owner left two followers to search for suspicious clues nearby, and the mount belonged to those two followers. These two attendants will never come back to pick up their mounts. After lurking for half an hour, there was still nothing. He can't take the risk of approaching to spy, and a third-rate person in front of him can also put him to death. It is inconvenient to move, and it must be extremely dangerous to approach, so he had to give up the idea of ​​​​finding out and leave disappointed.

He didn't go back to the small village anymore, he didn't want his horse or luggage, anyway, all the important things were in his big treasure bag, he didn't want to have anything to do with the girl, so he went east to find a farmhouse to recuperate from his wounds. This move was right. All those who were looking for him were looking for traces on the way from Pingjingguan to Xinyang County. He seemed to have disappeared from the world, disappointing the people who searched for him. During this period, inside and outside Xinyang City, many mysterious figures laid out nets, waiting for the fish to enter the net and the birds to enter the net.

The two prostitutes, Rijing and Yuehua, are also guests at the house of the master of the city, Ji Yongchun, and they walk around from time to time. They really have the image of a prostitute. Days pass, time flies, and people cannot stay for a long time. Every foreigner has his own way, and it is impossible to stay in a foreign land for a long time. No matter whether there is a result or not, a certain matter must come to an end. Finally, the mysterious strangers left one after another, disappeared without anyone noticing, without leaving any clues of their movements. The owner of the villa went south secretly with six entourages, and he turned back. As for whether there are other companions accompanying him, no one knows.

Jianghu Shuangjiao also suddenly disappeared and her whereabouts are unknown. But some people quietly stayed behind, including Yang Qiongyao who was dressed as a man.She is the one who knows that Wen Bin is still alive. In August, the night is a bit chilly. The Huanghuai Great Plain in Henan Province is hot during the day and the temperature gradually drops at night. People who are sensitive and weak should prepare winter clothes. Xinyang County is as bustling as ever, with tourists flocking from south to north. This is the largest county seat on the border of southern Henan, and it is a station. The city itself is the same size as the prefectural city (Runing Mansion), and the scale is more complete, and there is an additional city gate (Xiaonanmen), so it was later promoted to a prefecture.

Not long after noon that day, Wen Bin stepped into the Great South Gate of Xinyang. He looked pretty good, and he had recovered 80-90% of his vitality. He picked up a small package and immediately went to the street to buy clothes after leaving the shop. Last time in Jiayu, the noble and beautiful woman next to the ghost of Huangquan secretly beat him with a poisoned ox hair. After a month of recuperating and detoxifying, he almost lost his life. This time, it was really unlucky for three super masters to gather their pure internal strength by surprise and deal him an almost fatal blow.This time, I took care of my injury for half a month.

He didn't mind the harm these people gave him at all, even though the means used by the other party were despicable and vicious.He kills, others kill him, this world is quite fair, there is no need to complain.It's just that, thinking about it, he's a bit unwilling. He has important things to do, and other things must be put aside for the time being. The mansion of Shenquan Ji Yongchun is on the bank of Mingyue Bridge near the north gate. It has two entrances and one courtyard. This is a residential area rather than a city street. The streets are narrow and winding like alleys. Few dignitaries in fresh clothes and angry horses pass by.

But in the minds of friends in Jianghu, he is an uncle in Xinyang area. The nickname of Shenquan is quite important. It is said that his fist can beat cattle across mountains. According to legend, it is the unique skill of Shaolin Temple to beat cattle across mountains. As for whether it is really possible to fight cattle across mountains, it is up to you to believe it or not. Calling him uncle is only limited to friends in the Jianghu. As for this city, he is just a brave and ruthless stick.There are no doors. When the lights were on that day, he was eating in the main room. Apart from his son Ji Chengzong, the other two, Zhang San and Li Si, were friends from the rivers and lakes who came to visit and boarded in Xinyang via Xinyang.

Talking about the proud things in the Jianghu, it is indispensable that wine is the hero's wealth and guts. When talking about heroes, it is inevitable to drink a few more glasses. Uncle Ji.The man named Zhang San was drunk, his tongue seemed to grow too big, and his speech was vague: I heard that you worked for some people and investigated a man named Wen Bin, what happened?I heard that you dispatched a lot of people, how much oil and water did you get? Get oil and water?Damn it, it's already pretty good if you don't lose your property, don't mention it!Moldy stars follow fate.He whined. hehe!You don't have much to lose!Li Si fanned the flames from the sidelines: The emperor does not send out hungry soldiers, and those who want you to do things will not be unreasonable and ask you to do things in reverse, right? If the things to be done are not settled, those great Bodhisattvas are willing to spend money?So not only did I not make any money, but I actually paid a lot of expenses. Failed? That's right.Of course, it is not a failure. What did you do? Investigate a young man who was seriously injured and may come to Xinyang for medical treatment. His name is Wen Bin. Even the friend who requested the investigation does not know whether his name is true or not.In the end, I dispatched 50 or 60 field mice, but I couldn't find any clues. I was busy for more than ten days, and all the expenses were mostly paid by me. What a ghost! Who asked for yours?It's a big deal, right?Zhang Sanyi pretended to be unfair: Do you want us to seek justice for you? Forget it!I admit it.Come and respect you. Brother hopes to share your worries. I said don't mention it.He raised his voice and looked bad. Okay, don't mention it.Zhang San wisely avoided causing the host's displeasure: It is said that Jianghu Shuangjiao was once warmly received by you Those two sluts were bored and stayed in Xinyang for a long time. God knows what's wrong with them. They wandered around the city and outside the city all day, wondering what the hell they were thinking.Later, they left as soon as they said, and they left after dark. They probably violated the ban by jumping out of the city, and they might have heard some bad news about them, so they jumped into the city and fled overnight. With a light cough, a slender Wen Bin walked out of the corridor leading to the back hall, with a mysterious smile on his face. The stranger actually walked out from the back hall, where did the owner put his face?Not only did Shenquan's face change color, but he also jumped up in fright and anger. Really jumped into the city and slipped away?Really?Wen Bin approached with his hands behind his back, his face suddenly darkened, and his smile disappeared without a trace: Sit down!Be nice to me.You are a person who got involved for no reason. According to the rules, you can excuse your ignorance. If you are ignorant, you have to think about the consequences. With a roar, he exhaled and opened his mouth, and punched from a distance of ten feet away. When he moved his hand, the wind and thunder burst out suddenly. Remote broken stele. The figure rushed in, and the strength of the fist suddenly shifted to the outside. You have already stated that you will take care of this matter.Wen Bin said in a deep voice. The two were almost face to face. Wen Bin's left hand tightly grasped the opponent's big fist that could not be retracted. The five fingers showed strength slowly. The big fist seemed to be disintegrated, and the wrist was pressed back and pressed down. cold sweat. The two guests, Zhang San and Li Dada, turned pale with fright and did not dare to rescue them. Shenquan's left fist did not dare to strike out, and he was unable to strike out. His body was distorted and his body was so stiff that he couldn't exert any strength. If he instinctively tried to save himself, his right fist would definitely be scratched and shattered. It's none of my business Shenquan yelled: I just rushed to the morality of the rivers and lakes and had to provide assistance According to the rules, you also have to provide assistance to the subordinates, right? you I'm the one you help them search for, Wen Bin. God Would you like to cooperate? I screamed in despair. You have no choice.Wen Bin said sharply: If you refuse, I have the right to adopt the rules of the world to deal with you.When you work for others, you must be prepared to take possible risks. All right!I am willing to cooperate Zhang San raised his left hand quietly, and the electric light flashed. Li Si also raised his hands together, and two kinds of light suddenly shot out. Zhang San's iron feather arrow aimed at Shenquan, Li Si's lancet shot at Shenquan, and the six-inch double-edged needle in his right hand aimed at Wen Bin's vitals. The distance is only ten feet, and the speed of the hidden weapon is almost invisible under the light. The moment before the launch, life and death are doomed, there is no chance to dodge, it is too fast, and it is extremely accurate and ruthless. The dining table was set off and tilted at the same instant, accurately blocking the path of the hidden weapon; the flying dishes fell on Zhang San and Li Si like a torrential rain, and the force of the scattering was quite violent. Step aside.Wen Bin drank heavily, and pushed out his frightened and angry fist to the side: They want to kill you to silence you. Grabbing the dining table and slamming it at Zhang San, he pounced on Li Si like a tiger. After a moment's delay, the two found that the hidden weapon was useless in a close-range raid, and they knew that the big thing was over! Li Si's eyes were stained by the vegetable juice, and his body was also beaten by the utensils so that he could not stand firmly. With a flip of his right palm, he slapped the indentation between the eyebrows and the frontal bone, and the eyeballs protruded out of the orbit, and he fell on his back. At the same time Zhang San was knocked over by the table, he clasped his palms together and hit his temples hard, causing his entire face to deform. Who trained dead men?Wen Bin dejectedly gave up on arresting people, and asked himself in shock. They only lived with me for six days.Shenquan was shocked and shuddered: all the people who stayed in this county left, and the two of them passed through Huguang. I have no grievances or enmity with them They are killers ordered to monitor you and prevent you from revealing your secrets.Wen Bin inspected the body of the subject and said that obviously there was no suspicious clue to be found: If I, Wen Bin, die from serious injuries, you are safe.I am still alive, you are the target of silence.As soon as I reported my name, I realized their killing intent, so their surprise attack failed. I Your Excellency, if you refuse to cooperate, the following God damn bastard, this kind of well-known thing, it's useless to kill me, who of my friends doesn't know about it?It's too much, how can they care about the morality of the world?I promise to cooperate sincerely with you. I will tell you everything I know in detail. I can't swallow this breath.Shenquan turned blue with anger, and kicked Zhang San's corpse bitterly. Wen Bin openly walked around the city and outside the city, deliberately inquiring about the news of Jianghu Shuangjiao from Chenghu Sheshu. He didn't want to act too hastily, and planned an action plan later. He must use wisdom to deal with the pressure and crisis of all parties. Shenquan Ji Yongchun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was originally a man of uncle level. He died once or even twice in this accident. , released the rumor that Wen Bin appeared in Xinyang to chase the murderer. The target of the pursuit is the murderer who committed murder in Wuchang. The person who was killed was kept secret, which was also Wen Bin's request. The inside story cannot be made public first, and this bloody case should be treated as an internal problem. On the one hand, he is afraid that the secrets of Skynet will be exposed, and on the other hand, he is no longer a member of Skynet, and is being hunted down by Skynet's people, so he can avoid being thought that he is trying to hide his name and deliberately frame the blame to exonerate himself. The storm was about to come, and he showed his face for two days, before the storm approached, he left Xinyang City without anyone noticing. Yang Qiongyao dressed up as the young master of a rich family, with a jade face and red lips, he really looked like a headscarf, but unfortunately he was not tall enough, and the dark brown riding suit embroidered with cloud and thunder lace was a size wider, still lacking in strength taste. She came from the south, she lodged before it was too late, and settled in the Jixing old shop outside the south gate.It is the most noble hostel in the south of the city, located at the north end of Xinyang Station, and the passengers who check in are all people of high status. Her identity is a scholar who hangs a sword to study, so she has a sword hanging from her waist. After washing off the dust, she changed into a blue gown, put on her sword, and walked to the alley across the street. It was an area with mixed dragons and snakes outside the city. There were all kinds of shops lined up on both sides, and dignitaries would not set foot in it. It was a slum area where urban foxes and rats hunted and made a living. She is well-dressed, with a special status and outstanding appearance. It is only natural for her to attract attention when she appears in this kind of place. It was still early in the day, and the alleys seemed a bit crowded. Stepping into the shop of a wine shop, the smell of wine was fragrant and the noise of people was noisy. The human voice suddenly stopped, and her appearance attracted all eyes, and the surprised expressions of the drinkers were obvious. The store clerk came forward to greet him quite unexpectedly, as if he felt that this young master was really not suitable for going to the wine shop. How much sorghum can he drink at such a young age?Drinking here is done in bowls. The wine shop mainly sells wine. Although there is also a canteen, it only serves some ready-made side dishes, which is different from ordinary restaurants. The young master invites you to the private seat in the left wing, and the younger one makes some delicious snacks for the young master.The middle-aged store clerk, Zhao Ziliang, knew at a glance that she was not here to order (buy) wine, and politely led her to a more decent private seat: and the so-called private seat is nothing more than a cleaner dining table. Don't look at me that way.She glared at the shop assistant who couldn't help but smile: I'm here for a drink, there's nothing wrong with that.As for drinking more or less, that's my business, don't underestimate me, I'm huge. Alright, alright, my lord.The clerk still suppressed his smile and cleared the table: Please sit down and wait a moment. Two jugs of wine and four dishes of side dishes had just been delivered, when two burly men dressed up as rogues came over, dragged their big horses and gold knives out of the benches on both sides and sat down, staring at her with grim smiles on both sides, like two king kong holding an imprisoned imp. If you dare to come to this place, you must think yourself extraordinary.The big man on the right spoke with a bit of literary taste. He poured wine for her: he probably thought it was enough, and it was unpredictable. I am extraordinary, and I am enough.Her words have no literary flavor, but a strong quack flavor: How dare you open a dyeing workshop if you don't have three points of color?i dare to come to this place Come play wild? how could be?I don't intend to provoke anyone, so far, I haven't glared at anyone! You are a spy for those people, yes.The big man glared at her: don't come again, okay?There is only a little bit of news, so there is really no need to run so diligently.The person surnamed Wen has been away for two or three days, and you are still coming in and out here, are you annoying? oh!Surnamed Wen?Her eyes lit up: What's wrong with the surname Wen?How did I not hear it being said? Haven't you heard of it? yes!I just came from Wuyang Pass.She doesn't want to hide her whereabouts. If the gophers check, they will be able to find out: I have been waiting at Wuyangguan for a long time, waiting for the famous martial artist Wuhuajian Perxing, and I want to learn his Wuhuajian skills , How mysterious it is.result Disappointed.Dahan Interface: During this period of time, that respectable martial artist was not at home. He went out of town with his friends earlier. I heard that he was going to pay a visit to a certain master-level celebrity who is famous all over the world. He will not be in the near future. go home. how do you know? Wuyang Pass is less than a hundred miles away from here, so it can be regarded as a neighbor!You have to pay more attention to the movements of your neighbors.he Don't talk about him, talk about the surname Wen.this person This man named Wen Bin is actually not very good. Wait a minute, you said his name is Wen Bin?She was taken aback.Wen Bin's nickname was Wen Changhong, could it be someone else? Huh!you don't seem to have anything to do with this I am just a transit traveler, a person who travels to gain knowledge.It seems that there are many disputes in this matter, but I am curious, so it can be regarded as increasing my knowledge!Let's add some food and drink, let's talk about this person, and what sensational things happened in your place. Ha ha!Then bother you for a meal. I know this matter best, and I can tell you the ins and outs. At a table in the corner not far away, the young and handsome diner has been paying attention to the movement of her table, secretly capturing the changes in her eyes from time to time, always facing each other sideways, so as not to show her face completely. She stepped out of the store with a five-point alcoholic drink, followed by the young and handsome drinker, took two steps, and walked side by side with her. You don't believe the news of those two ground sticks.The young and handsome drinker said: They are the minions of Xinyang's stick-headed fist Ji Yongchun. This man is bluffing and deceiving without telling the truth. Not a reason.She glanced at him over her shoulder: Is there any better reason not to believe them? This young and handsome drinker has a heroic appearance, which makes people fall in love with him at first sight, and also makes the hearts of big girls thump. But she didn't feel any shock. She only thought that this person was good, and it was only good, and she didn't leave much impression. I just think that the information provided for free has limited authenticity, and even has ulterior motives. Is it suspicious that these thugs are only looking for profit, and they actually provide information unconditionally? Your analysis makes sense, but I think otherwise. your opinion is I have no conflict of interest with them. It is very common for everyone to talk about what they have learned in teahouses and restaurants. Bragging for themselves to show that they have extensive knowledge is also one of the methods used by local sticks to raise their status. Selling news will not begged in public sale, right? It seems that people from Jianghu Shuangjiao and Wenbin are very interested in you! On the contrary, I have no interest.She turned her head and glanced at this person again, suspicious: I think instead, you are very interested in these news, and you have a fairly in-depth understanding, so you will take action with confidence. I'm interested in the murderer that man named Wen Bin is hunting down.In the eyes of the handsome young drinker, cold electricity suddenly appeared and then disappeared: A few days ago, there were indeed several mysterious murders in Wuchang Prefecture, and catching the murderer is something for a knight-errant like me.As for this man named Wen Bin, friends in the Jianghu know nothing about him, why did he come forward to arrest the murderer?So I was also interested in him. A knight-errant?She was taken aback. This time, she observed this person carefully. That's right, the sword-browed and tiger-eyed are handsome and upright, the brows and corners of the eyes are full of heroism, and they really have a strong chivalrous spirit. Even if they are amiable and smiling, they also reveal a natural aura of arrogance. He is a hero who is naturally intimidating The image is extremely outstanding. His surname is Jia, Jia Yonghao, and his gang name is Fumo Swordsman. He is well-known in the Jianghu.The drinker introduced himself with a pleasant smile: a martial artist who has practiced martial arts well, he is a chivalrous man who walks the rivers and lakes with his sword, and lives up to his head. My name is Yang Jun.She is talking nonsense, her surname has not been changed, she lives in Junzhou, and she is named after the state: she has only been traveling for a few days, and she is not a knight-errant. Watch and listen more to increase her knowledge. Even I don’t know why I want to ask here the accident that occurred. Just interested? Let it be! If you are interested, why not join hands to investigate and find out the truth. Brother Yang, if the trip is not in a hurry, it will not waste much time to investigate. did you mean I'm interested in that man named Wen Bin, the murderer he's investigating.Since he let out the news, he didn't reveal the murderer's name and the details of the crime. What's the secret behind it?Therefore, I intend to investigate to find out the truth. If Brother Yang is interested, you are welcome to join hands with me. Her heart moved, and she was full of doubts about whether Wen Bin was Wen Changhong. If Wen Changhong is looking for revenge here, he should look for Wuhuajian Perxing. It is impossible to hunt down the murderer who committed crimes in Wuchang, and it is impossible for Wuhuajian to commit crimes in Wuchang. This person is a famous Baidao martial artist, not a criminal who commits all kinds of crimes douchebag. She has only a half-knowledge about the threshold of the world, and she is suffering from being unable to use it. In order to inquire about news, she rushes into the public. It can be seen that she doesn't know how to find a way to inquire about news. There is a chivalrous hero who travels all over the rivers and lakes to join forces, and she can't wait for it. A person nicknamed "Devil Demon Swordsman" must be a chivalrous hero respected by everyone. Together, they can at least add some brilliance. She didn't know who the demon-subduing swordsman was, but it didn't matter. Hurrah!She readily agreed: My itinerary is self-determined, and there is no certain time limit.Brother Jia, how would you proceed? Then begin to follow the lines from the information you have received. oh!Didn't you say that the news about those ground sticks is unreliable? The ground sticks in the whole city provided similar information with minor differences.The demon swordsman hides it without any trace: the important thing is how to use wisdom and experience to judge which is true and which is false, and how to choose.There are only three roads to the target's whereabouts, east, west and north, so it's not difficult to check his whereabouts. I'll go to the underworld hero at night to ask for information, and I promise I won't fail.I live in Jixing Old Store, I will find you tomorrow I also live in Jixing Old Store What a coincidence, let's go back to the store and discuss it.The demon swordsman said happily. The three courtyards of Jixing old store, including the hatchback, are all noble guest rooms. Although not every room has an independent layout, each room has a wide space for passengers to use, both inside and outside. Yang Qiongyao's upper room, outside the door is a small independent courtyard with some potted plants and even a lotus vat, which is enough for travelers with three or two family members to move around. She lives alone in this kind of upper room with an inner room, not intentionally to increase her social status, but other rooms are mixed with passengers. She is restricted in her activities in disguise as a man, so she must live in a higher-level upper room that is not disturbed. The disadvantage of this kind of room is that if there is an accident, the passengers in the adjacent room cannot know. The demon swordsman lived in the single room in the second entrance, so it was quite inconvenient to come and go.The whole store is busy at night, and the living room for tourists is also noisy, and no one knows whether the people around them are tourists or not. Soon after dark, the Fumo swordsman took his sword and left. People who really walk in the rivers and lakes have many friends and friends, and it is easy to go out to ask for information and find clues.How can Qiong Yao, who just started out, compare?I can only stay in the store and wait for the news. In the middle of the night, there are still tourists in the store, but the Sanjin Guest House has become quiet, except for shopkeepers and servants who come and go to serve the tourists from time to time. Qiong Yao stayed in the room, drinking tea facing the oil lamp outside. She felt troubled and lonely. So far, she still couldn't figure out why Wen Bin left in a sudden rage. It was beyond her imagination, and she was shocked and surprised. She didn't blame Wen Bin for killing the enemy, in fact the enemy was dealing a fatal blow to her.Even if she said something wrong and caused a misunderstanding, but judging from the harmonious relationship in the past few days, Wen Bin really has no reason to be so angry. Her whole heart had been devoted to Wen Bin, and she felt very sad and helpless when an accident happened. No matter what, she had to find Wen Bin to explain the misunderstanding face to face. Facing Gudeng, she thought far and far away, calling out to the sky in her heart: Changhong, where are you? This is not the first time for her to travel outside. Junzhou Tianma Ranch has contacts with horse dealers from all over the country, and there are also relatives and friends of the Yang family.In addition, she has a solid foundation in martial arts, and her family's achievements in martial arts are even more refined than her two elder brothers, and she has never suffered a disadvantage when traveling outside. This time she used the secret knowledge of lightness kung fu, and it was obvious at a glance that it was the Yang family's secret lightness kung fu. She was already vigilant and decided to use her family's martial arts as little as possible unless it was a critical moment. She was also secretly pondering in her heart, intending to consolidate and sort out her family's martial arts, and synthesize a modified fighting technique, so as not to expose her roots as soon as she makes a move. Just as he was thinking wildly, suddenly cold electricity appeared in the eyes of the phoenix, and his first reaction was to untie the saber and stuff it on his belt. Saber is for showing off, but it is not convenient for fighting with people. The scabbard will definitely get in the way, and the slightest obstacle may cause death. The sword is tied on the back or firmly inserted in the belt. Unhindered freedom of movement. After opening the door to go out, she stepped into the small yard calmly and calmly. The sky is full of stars, and there are lighting lanterns hanging everywhere in the room, the light is enough to scan every corner of the whole courtyard, and the power of hidden weapons is greatly weakened. Faint human voices could be heard from all over the store, and some passengers hadn't gone to bed yet. The small courtyard has low walls and no gates, making it easy for the shop assistants to enter and exit. Occasionally, forgetful tourists who fumbled their way broke in. come down!She turned her head and called to the house: Actually, it is much more convenient to walk through the courtyard door, and you can approach and break through the door without any trouble.There is no built-in dust above the guest room, so you can't hide from the people in the room when you walk on the house.If you came to me on purpose, why don't you come down and teach me? Five people jumped down one after another. They wore green clothes, covered their heads with green handkerchiefs, covered their mouths and noses with blue scarves, and tied their swords on their backs. Under the starlight, it is difficult to distinguish the five people who are very good at lightness kung fu, but they can't tell the facial features. The small courtyard is not big, if six people fight, there is not enough space to display their strengths, and the side with more people will definitely win. She doesn't care about the number of people on the opponent's side, the skilled person is bold, and has combat experience, the courage has been gradually cultivated to the point of maturity. We are here for you.The voice of the person who pulled away the horse step and drew the sword head-on shook the eardrums: The name of the store you landed in is Yang Jun, isn't that right? That's right, why are you looking for me? You are asking about Wen Bin. That's right. why? curious. Don't tell lies in front of real people, why are you looking for him?explain. I repeat, curious.Curiosity is human nature, and I am no exception. I don't know where this man named Wen Bin came from, and I don't know whether he is tall or short. I only heard that there was such a person who threatened to arrest the murderer in Wuchang. The murderer, that's all. We are friends of Brother Wen, you'd better explain clearly why you're looking for him, if you're still prevaricating, prevaricating, lying and prevarication, don't blame us for being cruel.ask you again There is no need to ask any more, and there will be no second answer to me.If you are his friend, you should know that I don't know him as a person.Your Excellency, don't make unnecessary powerful enemies. If the man surnamed Wen is engaged in catching murderers, he will be respected by me. His friends must not be ruthless and righteous heroes.Are you menacing, like heroes? damn junior Shut up!You better be a hero.She scolded heavily, and under the effective control of the opponent's sword tip, she still did not intend to draw her sword: You five covered your faces and came to harass and demonstrate at night. I really don't see how heroic you are, so let's go!I don't want to stay in Xinyang to fight a death lawsuit. If Wen Changhong were Wen Bin, it would be absolutely impossible to have such a shady friend. After spending several days with Wen Bin, she has a considerable understanding of Wen Bin's personality. Wen Bin never mentioned anything about friends. In the stone house of the strange doctor who killed him, he used the violent methods against the one-horned mandrill and those fierce monsters, so he could understand his character of hatred and hatred, and how he made these menacing masked friends . Junior, you will be the one who dies Almost three swords were spat out at her at the same time, the force was extremely fierce, faster than lightning, and the three lasers were fired at once. A sudden, quick and fatal surprise attack is usually very effective, and the chance of success is extremely high. A third-rate character can send a first-rate expert to hell, but the chance of success requires that the opponent is defenseless. Qiong Yao had the experience of being raided before, so she had been on guard for a long time. When she stepped out of the room, she was already miraculous, beware of people hiding on the roof who would sneak attack with hidden weapons.Surrounded by five people, she was even more vigilant. She paid full attention to all the five people's actions and did not dare to take it lightly. As soon as the light of the sword moved, it caused her to react highly. The circlip of the sword had been released long ago, and the manual sword was unsheathed and pierced through the sword body. The opponent's sword light moved, and her sword was swung out in an instant like lightning, and her figure also shifted at the same time, and there was a sonorous golden sound immediately. The iron clattered, sparks flew, the figures flickered sharply, and the sword light flew like a mad dragon. The saber and sword of the other two were launched a moment late. There are differences in the martial arts attainments of the five people, it is impossible to completely coordinate with each other when they attack suddenly, and the skills of combined attack are not mature enough, maybe they did not have a tacit understanding of coordination in advance. Sword light flowing, reverse rotation, oblique shift. A sword broke from the middle, and the broken sword flew to the corner of the wall, and the other sword was shaken back to the gate of the courtyard, almost falling down. The counter-spinning sword light sank into the right back waist of the fourth person. This person's saber had already been swung out, so he dropped his hand and threw it ten feet high. The riot that started in an instant ended in an instant. The raid of five people failed completely, and the formation collapsed. The figure suddenly stopped, and a person lying on the ground screamed in pain, calling for help from his companions. Yang Qiongyao's sword pointed at the masked man who was dealing with him. I don't know who Wen Bin is, but I know that you can never be his friends.Her voice changed, back to the original female voice: If you don't show your intentions, I will kill you all. The beast that has eaten humans is the most dangerous. It will continue to look for people to feed its hunger, because humans are the most vulnerable, they have neither teeth or claws to resist, nor can they run or escape, and they are delicious. People who have killed or killed others are also highly dangerous. They will no longer be deterred by blood, and their sense of guilt will gradually weaken. A butcher has a completely different mentality than a person who dares not even kill a chicken. The development of psychology and physiology in terms of action must be completely different from each other and cannot be compared. Yang Qiongyao had already ordered to kill, and because of the murder accident, the person she admired misunderstood her and left her. She was psychologically unbalanced. Facing the person who wanted to kill her, she became the most dangerous tigress. The four masked men are terrified, how is this possible?Five masters launched a surprise attack, but one was killed and the other had a broken sword. The encirclement collapsed with one blow. In fact, they didn't see Yang Qiongyao's counterattack skills clearly, and there was a big gap in comparison. Just by breaking the sword and knocking back the other person's inner strength in a flash, they could become a super master forest. This should come from the body of a famous master who has gone through a lot of tempering and cultivated to the realm of transformation. It is absolutely impossible to come from the hands of a teenage boy. No wonder they are surprised. These five masked brothers are still a long way from first-class masters, they are more than ferocious, but lack internal energy. According to the general classification of general martial arts friends, the internal energy can be used to hurt others, and only then can one be ranked as a first-class master. The sword wind and sword energy can deflect and eliminate the opponent's resistance. Injures the opponent's body with the sword wind and sword energy, so he can only be ranked as a second-rate master. If the sword wind and sword energy can cause damage within three feet, then he is a top-notch master, and the damage can be farther away. For example, the fist wind can hurt people three feet away, and the palm wind and fist strength can hurt people eight feet away. Cracking stones and opening monuments, that is the so-called super master. It is impossible for a superb master to injure a person eight feet away with every move.In fact, in the fight, there is no time and opportunity to concentrate skills to perform a fatal blow. Even if there is a chance to perform it, it cannot last for a long time. If you go to Loukong, you can only let others slaughter you. Therefore, in the process of confrontation, the decisive factor of victory between internal family and internal family, qigong and qigong, still lies in the long-term support, and the timing of the outbreak of stored energy. These five masked men can only exert their inner strength by using the weapons themselves. When they touch Yang Qiongyao's sword, the sword breaks and the person is blown away. The difference between the two sides is so far away. It was a fluke. Yang Qiongyao's words also chilled their hearts.Killing everything, based on the performance just now, it is definitely not an empty threat, she has the strength to kill everything. Kui Ye masked the crowd to commit murder in the inn with swords, rape or robbery, there is no condition for this lawsuit, killing them all is justified. That is to say, once they do something, they are doomed regardless of official or personal interests, and their fate is decided: bandits are the only death penalty, and those who kill bandits will be rewarded. Most friends in the rivers and lakes avoid officials, in order to show heroism and desperation, resolve disputes in private with three knives and six eyes, accept their fate after death, and don't need to complain to the government. Yang Qiongyao said that she didn't want to stay in Xinyang to fight a life lawsuit. In the ears of friends in the Jianghu, they knew that she was a layman. She had limited knowledge of the rules and morals of the Jianghu. If she was not a layman, she was at least a novice. Novices usually hit and run, leaving the scene quickly to avoid being caught in the government.This kind of novice is the most dangerous, and the attack must be fierce and violent. Yang Qiongyao killed the person with one move, and the danger is fully exposed. Life and death are easy, this is the heroic spirit of desperation. Say hello with dark green son!The leader shouted. When the first word came out, the four of them had already launched their concealed weapons, and their coordination was more mature than using a sword to attack, and the result came out as soon as the roar came out. The direction of the four hidden weapons failed to grasp the target's movement, the calculation of the pre-measurement was wrong, and all of them fell through. At the same moment of shifting, the sword light flickered sharply again, and a faint wind and thunder burst out from the sword energy, and a considerable degree of real power had been exerted on the sword. The two figures fell down, the hidden weapon dropped from their left hand before it could be fired again, and they fell forward screaming. The other two masked men were very vigilant, they slumped with hidden weapons, slanted and walked backwards, retreating towards the gate of the courtyard at high speed. The sword light came out of nowhere, flashing twice like lightning. Uh, the two masked men backed away quickly, swayed a few times, their feet went limp, and they fell down with a groan. 都是背部中劍,劍奇準地從胸肋骨縫楔入,毫無阻滯直透肺腔,入體足有八寸以上,創口之大之深,可想而知,一劍便追魂奪命。 伏魔劍客出現在院門外,堵住了院口,冷然俯身用蒙面人的衣衫拭掉劍上的鮮血。 Get rid of evil.伏魔劍客從容收劍踱入小院子:楊弟,以後請記住,不可放走活口,以免後患。你進房歇息,我會找人前來善後。 地方窄小,我施展不開,無法把所有的人留下,謝謝你,賈兄。她收劍呼出一口長氣,以穩定情緒:這些人 定然是文斌所追捕的兇手,所請來的幫兇或爪牙,可惜,真該留活口的。 姓文的已向東追,走了好幾天了,兇手的爪牙朋友,怎麼還在信陽逗留?她頗感懷疑:真的可惜,該留活口取口供的。Next time, hum! 我去找人來善後,你不必管。伏魔劍客向外走。 store 店伙計不會出面。伏魔劍客信口說:車船店腳牙,都是我道中人,招子亮得很,他們會等我們自行善後,如何掩飾,他們有一套可循的規矩。 她實在無法善後,五具屍體她那能處理得了?對伏魔劍客的慨然出面包攬,她十分感激。 在心理上,她已認同伏魔劍客是和她並肩站的人了。
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