Home Categories martial arts novel fight for supremacy

Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

fight for supremacy 雲中岳 10292Words 2023-02-05
There are many pedestrians and the street lights are not bright, so he can call for help.But he was clear in his heart, as long as he yelled, the follow-up blow would be extremely terrifying, and it would be a breeze to knock him unconscious. You don't want to destroy the Tianling Gai, do you?The person on the right pats the top of his head with his other hand. have something to say I wanted you to say it! You are Know soon. He had no chance to speak, and lost consciousness with a shock in his head. He was patted awake, and at a glance he could see that he was in a hut. Three people sat around him, his back was tied and his hands were tied to the tent posts.

Do you have any news to tell Da Qiankun?The big bearded man sitting in front asked, with a strong murderous look on his face. you are Don't ask us about our history.The big man with beards interrupted him: You are an old Jianghu, you must rely on your knowledge, bet your life, and bet on your luck. That is to say, he must gamble with his friend or foe. In fact, there is no need to gamble, he already knows that it will fall into the hands of the people in the hands of Da Qiankun. The next is a kindness.He tried to stay calm and made a bet: it would be beneficial for Uncle Zeng to tell him the news.

If the person holding him is the enemy of Da Qiankun, he will lose his life. What good news?The big man with the beard asked with a smile. I want to know where you came from. You've got no price to know, say! this You'll say it, won't you? Some people are not good for Uncle Zeng.He dare not say nothing. screw you!The big man with the beard smiled strangely: What kind of bullshit news is it worth alarming the uncle?Shit!The news of Uncle Zeng's Jiuhua Chaoshan has long been known to everyone. It is only natural that the enemy's family came here upon hearing the news, so is the devil and clown worth making a fuss about?asshole!

Hearing his tone, he knew that it was indeed Da Qiankun's hand, he felt relieved, he made the right bet, and his life could be saved! The Three Demons of Qianshan Tianzhu Peak and the Zhongzhou Double Disabled are involved, can we not make a fuss?He didn't mind the ridicule of the bearded man, so he simply told all the news he knew. It's them?The big man with the beard was stunned: Ugh!They were indeed resentful about the crime committed in his sphere of influence two years ago, and they might really take the opportunity to retaliate!oh!did you see them Yes, arrived in the evening.

Where to stay? Jiuhua Inn. very good.The big man with the beard got up in full clothes, and couldn't help but sneer: It seems that your brother is indeed sincere! I do have sincerity Then, you should tell the third-hand God of Wealth immediately, right?There is no need to ask to see Uncle Zeng.The bearded man sneered: You want to use this bit of news to raise your social status in exchange for some benefits, don't you? this This is your prodigal son Fang Zhengxing's old business, betraying information and taking money on both sides. I never take money on both sides, and don't do such unethical activities

There was a light cough from outside the tent, the door opened, and a delicate fragrance poured in, and three young and beautiful girls came in. The leading girl was wearing a purple dress. Under the dim light, her melon seed face was surprisingly beautiful, with bright eyes and white teeth, a curvaceous figure, and her mature demeanor was extremely moving, but Leng Sen's expression was extremely intimidating. The other two were dressed in dresses and with double buns. They were maids at a glance. They were about the same age as young girls, and their figures were plump in their twenties.

Hello Miss.The big man with the beard and his two companions respectfully saluted the intruding girl. What news?The eldest lady asked without a smile on her face. It was about the three demons on Tianzhu Peak in Qianshan Mountain. The bearded man told the confession of the prodigal son Fang Zhengxing, and finally said: The three demons invited Zhongzhou Shuangcan to help them boxing, and they might really want to share the spoils. It is possible.The eldest lady nodded in agreement: The old devil has already let out rumors that he would not quit. Their coming will hinder our plans and may cause accidents.

Yes, manpower must be allocated to deal with the unexpected. No, accidents must be prevented.The young lady's beautiful face had a cold and intimidating expression, and her tone was calm and firm: take precautions before they happen. Grandpa will handle it No, I'll handle it.You will report, I will take a trip to Jiuhua Inn. OKthe prodigal son dispose of.The eldest lady made a gesture of silence, and immediately turned around and left with the two maids. Every inn is full, and unless there is a reservation for a room, there is no way to find a place to stay. The people who arrive later have to sleep in the open.

The Jiuhua Inn is smaller than the old one in Huacheng, but it also has more than a hundred rooms, which can accommodate six or seven hundred passengers.Forty pilgrims were squeezed into the Datong shop, which usually sleeps 20 people. The store is noisy, and the temperature in the mountains is low, but I also feel bored in the store. The body heat of people emits a heat wave, which is far from the temperature outside the store. Especially the dining hall where you eat, it is noisy and stuffy, everyone is restless, and even a little thing will make you feel idle. A group of three demons on Tianzhu Peak, nearly twenty people, occupied one-third of the dining hall, occupied the four large dining tables, and did not allow other diners to approach, and there were shouts of shouting and chasing people away from time to time.

The girl and the two maids stayed at the entrance of the hall for a while, until the two diners came out and made gestures before leaving indifferently. In a corner of the dining hall, Zhang Wenji and nine pilgrims huddled together to eat at a table, and they could clearly see a group of people from the Three Demons on Tianzhu Peak. He also arrived in the evening, and among the nine pilgrims at this table, three belonged to him, and one of them was Gongsun Hao, the wandering god of the four seas who had changed his appearance. It was the first time to join the black eating black group, and the first two people I met were Sun Hao, the wandering god of the four seas, and Ke Yongfu, the ghost hand.

Now, they are still brothers who share the blessings, and of course they also share the difficulties, and he has become the leader who is convinced and recommended by everyone. The first time he seized the tribute from the imperial envoy, the people he dealt with were a group of robbers from the Three Demons of Tianzhu Peak. Dazzling four years, he still knew these three old demons. Where did that woman come from?He asked the ghost hand Ke Yongfu in a low voice. Ghost Hand Ke Yongfu and Sihai Youshen are veterans of the old arena. They have wandered in various arenas for nearly twenty years. They are well-informed and experienced. He can't be among the super masters, but he can definitely be called a super master in terms of shrewdness and alertness. So in the past four years, with the backing of his peerless martial arts, this group of them has finally come to the fore, becoming the most powerful small group of mysterious, fierce gangsters, and their status in the world has been elevated to the status of influential figures. Tai Sui Zhang is a representative figure of this small group. very strange.Ghost hand Ke Yongfu said in a low voice: It is beautiful, but the evil spirit is too strong, it is a flower with sharp thorns.I think she came for the Three Demons. Perhaps, her eyes have revealed the intention in her heart. Well!Zhongzhou Shuangban seems to be paying attention to you. He doesn't recognize mine.He smiled: his face was different, and his clothes were different.He was looking for suspicious people, and now their attention was on the two people at the pasta table on the right, and they seemed to recognize them. The two diners are in their early fifties, and they are talented.The man in the loose green shirt was a little pale, and he wore a bun. His eagle eyes were shockingly black, like the strange eyes of a ghost, which emitted an unimaginable light. The other person wore two pieces of Ge shirt and a Liuhe cap. He was dressed poorly, but his graceful and calm demeanor showed that he was an extraordinary person. His every move had the temperament of a rich man. The shabby clothes could not hide his inner self. Power man weathervane with appearance. Kong Bailu, a wanderer from the soul.The Four Seas Wandering God had a frightened face, and whispered in his ear: The man in the green shirt.It's best not to provoke him, the famous third demon of the five demons and seven demons in the world of mortals, he is proficient in sorcery and martial arts.In the past ten years, this demon has seldom walked around outside, but he actually appeared in Jiuhua. I don’t believe that he came here for pilgrimage. It’s auspicious to stay away from him. We can’t resist the witchcraft. field. hehe!We have no need to provoke this kind of person.His words reassured the partners: This trip to Jiuhua has nothing to do with buying and selling. I only want the black dragon or the golden dragon.You try to hide your true colors as much as possible, and absolutely avoid getting involved in the use of swords and swords. It is enough for me to come forward and fight with them. To be honest, we can't deal with the three demons and two cripples even if we come forward, the difference in martial arts is too far.Ghost Hand Ke Yongfu has self-knowledge, and it is not a shame to be inferior to others in martial arts. In the past few years, their reputation has become more and more famous. In fact, they know it well, and it is all thanks to Zhang Wenji.Fame is one thing, but martial arts is another. It really lacks the guts to ask them to fight for their lives with those masters and celebrities who have attained perfection. So, I just ask you to open your eyes wide, stretch your ears, and watch from the sidelines.If you recognize this soulless celestial being, he's half dead, unless he doesn't find me.This celestial guest is the man of the Grand Master of Tianyuan Palace. He also has a younger brother, surnamed Lu, named Lu Chengdong, the enchanted fairy, a notorious gangster in the underworld, who can use the enchanting fragrance to perfection, and his martial arts are not bad.The God of the Four Seas told the news he knew: These two senior brothers, nicknamed Xianke, are said to have prejudices between them, and they are different. You may run into the enchanted Xianke in the future, so you must be careful of them Senior brother's ecstasy drug.Their ecstasy drugs, one called Lihun Anxiang and the other called Ecstasy Anxiang, are similar in nature and are said to be the holy products among the drugs that faint when inhaled. As long as you know the details in advance, it is not enough to harm the soul.He said confidently: I have a deep understanding of these lower-five drugs, unless I am willing to make them proud, or deliberately amuse them, they have nothing to do with me.Tonight, we have to beware of accidents. you mean There is likely to be something tonight.He glanced at the three demons on Tianzhu Peak in the distance: there are many people in the inn, playing tricks and tricks, the chances of success increase, and the lack of people makes people more vigilant. Everyone stopped talking and left the dining hall full of wine and food. The group of three demons and two disabled people were still eating in the dining hall. In the third watch, the people who burned the incense gradually dispersed.A lot of incense sticks were planted along both sides of the mountain path. When you look around, the incense burns like a sky full of stars. There are paper ashes floating in the sky, and the mountains are full of cigarettes. There are no more people walking on the mountain path, and most of the pilgrims have returned to their residences to rest. Two groups of black shadows walked up along the path where the incense was shining, approaching Zhengtianmen, the rice fields were exhausted, and the mountain path went up again. Near Huacheng Temple is a basin on the mountain, with thousands of hectares of fertile land, so there are streets, and the fields are bare. Some big families set up tents to stay in the fields that have been harvested, and hanging lanterns swaying in the wind can be seen from time to time. The person leading the way turned to the left and hurried around the hillside. On the slopes of lush forests and bamboos inside and outside, two hut-like thatched tents were built. Usually, there are a few monks or ascetics who come to the mountains from other places to stay here. However, if it is the Buddha's birthday incense season, they have to go to the temple to place an order. On the one hand, they participate in the prostration ceremony, and on the other hand, they also help the monks in the temple to make up for the shortage of manpower.These thatched huts became the lodging places for pilgrims. About fifty or sixty steps away from the two huts, more than 20 people were divided into five groups, divided into two sides, snaking egrets approaching the huts. The two huts can accommodate thirty or forty people, and of course each person occupies a place. A lantern was hung on the wooden pillars in front of each hut, emitting a dark red hazy light, swaying in the wind, the nearby woods were still dark, the light was limited, and the shadows were moving, making it difficult to see the scenery clearly. More than 20 people used the woods and grass to approach quietly, like a group of ghosts. A man in Tsing Yi served as a night watchman, walking back and forth in front of the two huts, with a sheathed sword stuck in his belt, which was equivalent to warning Xiao Xiao not to come here to make trouble for himself, and the pilgrims living here are not weak. But Xiaoxiao can be frightened, but Qiangliang cannot be frightened. A group of four people approaching from the right crawled on the ground and approached the front edge of the hut inch by inch. The night watchman was unaware, walking slowly back and forth with his hands behind his back.Every time he turned around, the crawler got a few steps closer. The grass was knee-high, and there was no active square in front of the hut, only a half-acre small lawn in front of Chaimen. The crawlers approached within ten steps, and the weeds were all gone, so it could be said that they had reached the gate. When the night watchman came to the thatched tent on this side, he looked around for a while, but saw nothing, then turned around calmly, and walked towards the adjacent thatched tent. A faint black shadow rose up, and it came in a flash without a sound, and came behind the guard like a ghost, locked his throat with his left forearm, grabbed the guard's head and face with his right hand, and twisted, there was a slight fracture sound, the neck bone was twisted, The man was dragged back, stuffed into the grass and twisted his neck twice again, only then was he sure that he was dead. In a short while, more than 20 people quietly surrounded the two huts. The team leader gestured, and at the same time gently pushed the chai gate open and rushed in. Someone took down the lighting lantern, and there was a lot of light in the hut. People sleep on two walls, like two rows of dead people. When the first person was awakened by the light, the intruders had completely controlled the hut. During the same period, seven ghost-like figures appeared in Jiuhua Inn, the guest house where more than a dozen people from Tianzhu Peak Three Demons and Zhongzhou Shuangcan lived. There was no movement in several guest rooms, as quiet as an empty house. The leader is the beautiful young lady. They were very bold and confident, and seeing no police posts, they marched without fear. This is very abnormal, how could these fierce monsters not send police posts? Without any hesitation, the two men and women pried open a small window in a guest room and got in, opened it for a moment, and hurried out of the room Miss, there is no one inside.The two men and women at the door reported at the same time, a little at a loss. Huh!How can it be?The eldest lady was very surprised and raised her hand with a wave. The six men and women broke open the small windows of other guest rooms to enter, and left the room one after another in a short while. There are all empty rooms, and no one sleeps in the rooms. Could it be that they are so bold as to attack the old shop in Huacheng immediately?The eldest lady said uncomfortably to herself: I have to go to the old store in Huacheng to cope with it Probably not, miss.A maid said: This place is only a hundred steps away from the old shop in Huacheng, if there is any movement over there, it should be heard by now.Having prepared in advance, there is no way that these dozen or so devils can escape the guards' eyes and ears. What about that person? Go outside the street to look for an ambush post, and you'll understand as soon as you ask. Well, the lurking post should know where these people are going, let's go! Seven people boldly leaped onto the roof, traveling as if entering a deserted land. A gray figure quietly stalked after thirty steps, appearing and disappearing like ghosts and apparitions. Surprise, attack unprepared, doomed to life and death. Six lanterns were lit in the hut, shining brightly. The other hut was occupied by old and young women and children, all of whom were knocked unconscious or killed, and then dragged and dragged into the hut of the sleeping men.There were as many as thirty-eight people, men, women and children, and seven men and women and crying boys and girls had already been killed. Juwen's body was lying in the corner of the room, which was shocking. Thirty-one men and women were all pulled out of their shoulder joints, their hands and feet were bound with tendons, and they were completely incapacitated. Among the seven men and women whose kneecaps were also broken, two were famous chivalrous figures: Ouyang Jun, one of the seven great swordsmen in the world, and Bai Changqing, the famous chivalrous man in the sky. These two masters who are famous all over the world were crippled in sleep. A generation of swordsmen were wronged, and they came to offer incense sincerely, and stepped into the city of death without any chance to fight back and protect themselves. Nine people entered the hut to be dealt with, including the three demons of Qianshan Tianzhu Peak and the second cripple of Zhongzhou. The only young man in his early thirties is Shi Yu, a master of the sword. The person standing beside the Absolute Sword Master is still strong and majestic in his sixtieth year. The sword he wears is ancient and stained. The captives were all taken aback when they saw the faces of the nine thugs clearly. God!You dehumanized beasts!Ru Yunlong yelled at Zhongzhou Shuangcan with grief and indignation: I have told you clearly that the person who beat your subordinates was not me but someone else. This kind of cruel method has killed many innocent people, you two are struck by lightning The disabled Wei Wen interrupted his words with a slap and kicked him again. What happened to the old man tonight has nothing to do with the person you humiliated the old man that day.Da Cruel said viciously: You two chivalrous bastards deserve to die, but tonight you are just fish in the pond that got hurt. you That's his father and son's business.Da Can pointed to the sixtieth old man beside the Master of the Absolute Sword: Hunyuan Yijian Shi Tianxiong, Master of the Absolute Sword Shi Yu.What happened tonight has nothing to do with what we have to do in Jiuhua, it's just handled by the way, so you don't have to complain. A bodybuilder girl in purple who was tied up in a corner let out a terrible howl. A pig dog surnamed Shi!The girl's eyes were tearing apart, she gritted her teeth and cursed sharply: I didn't kill you with a sword last year, and I couldn't bear to let you escape for a while, but you shamelessly summoned so many people who have lost their humanity, and killed so many innocents, you are no longer human, you Hehehe, the Absolute Sword Master grabbed her and grinned grinningly with one hand on her teeth: I, the Absolute Sword Master, have a large group of women who are willing to follow me, and the woman I like must accompany me to fill Chen.You are the only woman who dares to resist me, and the only woman who has ever humiliated me. This is the most embarrassing humiliation I have suffered as a swordsman, and I will avenge it to the death.After finally waiting for a good opportunity for your family, young and old, to go to the mountains to pray for incense, it is a godsend opportunity for me to clear up my shame.Seniors and my father came to Jiuhua for another purpose. By the way, help me settle this matter. Your father and these chivalrous and shit heroes are very good. It is justified for us to use surprise attacks. No matter what you think, you people The fate of life is doomed to enter the gate of hell, this is called killing many birds with one stone Son, stop talking nonsense.Take the people away, and the others, except for a few who are of great use, are dragged to the deep ditch down the slope and buried.Absolute Sword Master's father scolded impatiently, and grinned at the nine whose knees were broken. Hunyuan Yijian Shi Tianxiong, the father of Absolute Sword Master, is one of the top demon masters among the masters of magic. He has not been wreaking havoc in the world for many years. The devils are equal, but they are ruthless and ruthless, but they are better than the three devils. The seven men and women whose kneecaps were broken were those who would be of great use to stay, so their hands and feet were bound so that they could be taken away. The other men, women and children were already doomed to die. Come here!The crippled Wei Wen yelled: Clean it up quickly. Someone outside the chai gate responded with a sound, and more than ten big men filed in. Master Absolute Sword opened the girl's teeth, dragged her away and left. Outside the hut, there was a sudden scream and a shout, and the sound of sharp weapons piercing the wind was shocking. The old demons were taken aback, and quickly got out of the hut. Under the starlight, seven men in black lined up in the grass, and there were two people standing in the grass, they were the police sent by the old demons. who?You are such a big dog.The big demon screamed angrily: The old man wants you to be in a dilemma, do you know who you are acting wild in front of?Who was the one who knocked down the old man?stand out! It was seven men and women of the eldest lady who went out to the market to find them. It can be seen that there are eyeliners and eyesights in and out of the street, and the potential is very strong. The eldest lady snorted, drew her sword and stepped out. If you are the three devils of Qianshan Tianzhu and the double disabled of Zhongzhou, then this girl has found the right person.The eldest lady said proudly: I went to Jiuhua Inn to look for you, but I was a step late, so I followed you to find you.damn it!It seems that you have done something outrageous here. The words are too exaggerated, and she is a little woman, how can these incomparable demon legends bear it. The big demon was the first one who couldn't take it anymore, he snorted and came in a flash, the big sleeve of his right hand flicked out fiercely, and the wind and thunder burst out suddenly, with great strength. Unexpectedly rushing to attack, this is the reason why magicians are called demons, completely ignoring the worldly rules, and have a different view of right and wrong. The lightning flashed from the sword, and the burst of sword energy suppressed the wind and thunder from the big sleeve. The shocking sharp sound pierced the ears, and the lightning shot in without any hindrance. There was a strange cracking sound, and the wind and thunder dispersed suddenly. The big demon flew back ten feet away, and a big slit was torn on his right sleeve. Jianhong paused, and then shot again. Take your life!The screeching sound was deafening. The black shadow is faint, attached to the electric light and violently attacking, the body and sword seem to be one, fearlessly stalking and attacking, ignoring the existence of other demons, the momentum is extremely majestic, how can it look like a woman?She is simply the goddess who sweeps away everything, ignoring the existence of demons and goblins, staring at the target and striking with lightning. The other two demons, Zhongzhou Shuangban, and Absolute Sword Master father and son, were so taken aback that they had no time to think, they shouted at the same time, and instinctively drew out their swords to stop the girl from pursuing. The nine men and women tried their best to stop them, and they rushed forward with an astonishing momentum. The girl was shocked. She didn't expect that this generation of fierce monsters would attack her at the same time regardless of her status. It was too late to stop and retaliate, so she could only rely on her reaction to fight for life and death. Damn bastard!The eldest lady's six male and female attendants rushed to rescue her, cursing sharply. The gray shadow was coming like lightning, no one could see the specific shape, anyway, hearing the strange sound of the wind, the gray shadow had already appeared on the side where the swords converged. A clump of short branches half a foot long screamed with a sharp wind, and then poured into the crowd like a torrential rain. Each branch turned into a round and flat monster half a foot in diameter, spinning at an appalling speed. Ouch, the screams of those who were hit came out, and the shadows of swords and swords that had not gathered together seemed to explode suddenly. The sword of the eldest lady came into contact with the swords of the three demon heads, and there was a thrilling sound. Sparks splashed, and the four of them scattered in all directions. They were evenly matched, and no one took advantage. When the eldest lady was falling, she took another four or five steps back, struggled to get off her horse, and broke out in a cold sweat. One to three, she is proud.A young girl has the ability to fight against three famous wizards, and her martial arts and swordsmanship are world-beating. Of the nine demonic men and women, three fell to the ground and cried out in agony, and the other two were cut off by the branches on their shoulders and flanks, and flew away ten feet away, bleeding profusely. Hitting them, they were so startled that their hairs stood on end in horror. They didn't know it was a branch, but they knew it wasn't hit by a sharp weapon. The gray shadow flitted past and disappeared into the grass thirty steps away on the opposite side. damn it!What is it?Wei Wu, the Second Disabled who had never been injured, exclaimed in horror. No one could see clearly whether Huiying was a human or a ghost, and even the dozen or so minions who rushed out were watching, but they didn't see clearly the reality of Huiying, each of them was suspicious and shivering. Black shadows flew towards them, there were as many as five of them. The eldest lady knew that someone would save her, so she was determined. You shameless old demons are not dead, and the world is in chaos.She was furious, raised her sword and shouted: Tiangang Sword Formation, cut them off! The six men and women yelled at the same time, each taking their positions.The eldest lady is the head of the leader, Tianshu, with a wave of the sword, the battle is launched immediately. This is a flexible sword formation to deal with gang fights, and it can also be used as a formation to besiege the very strong.Facing more than 20 famous masters of the magic way, they had no choice but to use formations to deal with them. Once the offensive was launched, they had to meet face-to-face and someone would go to see the Hades. Five old demons were injured, including the second and third demons and Da Can. Their momentum plummeted. Looking at the majestic momentum of the sword formation, all the demons were secretly frightened. If they rushed to the formation, they would have to pay a bloody price! The five black shadows arrived, five masked men. wait!The leading masked man shouted in a weird voice, and then made a gesture with his right hand that only he himself understood. The eldest lady's sword descended slowly. The masked man strode closer and stood next to her for a moment, obviously using sound transmission to pass some kind of message. The masked man returned to his original place, and five pairs of strange eyes stared at more than twenty famous demon masters. The eldest lady snorted, put the sword back into its sheath, raised her hand with a wave, and led six male and female followers, and walked away in an orderly pace. The twenty famous demon masters felt confused, but they didn't dare to stop them. They were surprised to see the backs of the seven young ladies disappear into the distance. The five masked men turned around and walked back the same way until the figures of the seven young ladies disappeared. Who are these people?A bloody slit was cut on Da Can's right flank, he covered the wound with his left hand, and asked the Da Mo in amazement. I don't know, I only know that the little woman is very young.The big demon said anxiously: The murderous aura displayed by those five masked men is even more frightening. If they join the sword formation of the seven men and women, more than half of our people will die shortly before the formation is launched. the person who hurt the old man I didn't see it.The big devil fought a cold war: It is likely to be a group of masked people, so the five of them dared to stay until the end and retreated brazenly, damn it!The old man wants to find out the details of these people. If you don't avenge this revenge, why are you human?The left palm of the big disabled was completely stained red with blood: the old man will use the most cruel means Something is hidden in my heart, Brother Wei.The big demon signaled with his hands, and whispered, "Take care of our business quickly and leave the scene quickly." you They haven't left yet.The big demon pointed in the other direction with his hand: Are you not afraid that they will change their minds and get rid of future troubles forever by shouting loudly? we can fight Is it worth it?ready to go! Absolute Sword Master was not injured, approached the place where Cao Zhong had put the man down before, and was stunned. Huh!Where's the little bitch?Who took it away?he yelled. The captured girl disappeared, and he clearly remembered that the eldest lady and seven men and women showed up, and he did put her here. Everyone is looking at me and looking at me. Everyone is here. It is impossible for someone to take the girl away and become hasty. Who dares to distract and pay attention to the girl who was thrown in the grass?He asked in vain. Oops!If you survived, what's the deal?His father, Hunyuan, was terrified with a sword strike, and broke out in a cold sweat: In the future, chivalry will prosecute the teacher, our son, you really deserve to die! she can't crawl away look around here Five gray shadows came stepping on the grass, because they were in the upper hand, they smelled a faint fragrance first, and their bodies did not look like men. Here they are again!Someone yelled. The atmosphere became tense again, and more than 20 people quickly lined up to wait. Huh!What's the matter with you?The leading woman had a pretty sweet voice, completely different from that young lady. The five girls lined up three feet away, and they were surprised to see more than twenty masters and celebrities lined up.Of course, it is impossible for them to know the identities of these famous demon masters. It's Miss Lin Cuishan, with four maids, wearing a bright emerald green attire, and a light silk cloak, with swords tied on her back. When fighting at night, she must not be affected by the scabbard to agility. Who are you, little girl?The big demon boss has a certain, eerie identity in his mind. Don't care who this girl is, are you fighting here?Lin Cuishan didn't want to reveal her identity: No, you are actually a group. Yes, gang.Little lady, do you know who this old man is? This girl doesn't care who you are, as long as you know what you are doing here. bold!Little girl, you shouldn't be here. Why shouldn't this girl come?snort!Any corner of Mount Jiuhua is accessible to everyone. Do you want to draw a restricted area here? At least for now it's off limits.The old man and these people are here to do important things, and they are not allowed to leak any news.Little girl, do you understand? oh!It turns out that you are doing some shady things here!snort!This girl wants to intervene, the world is in charge of the world, you should understand, right? You little girl who doesn't know how to live or die, you are doomed to be silenced.I am ruthless Big devil?Lin Cuishan was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: There are hundreds of people called great demons in the world, which one are you? The Great Demon of the Three Demons of Tianzhu Peak in Qianshan Mountain. The names of the three devils on Qianshan Tianzhu Peak have long been forgotten by friends in the world, because after they became famous, they have always been represented by the big devil, the two devils and the three devils. I forgot my surname and name, no matter my friends or enemies, I called them the Great Demon, the Second Demon and the Three Demons. The disciples of Tianshi Dao usually have dao names, and the three demons also put their dao names on the shelf, and there are only a few people who know their names and dao names. It turned out to be the big demon of Tianzhu Peak that even dogs like you would not eat.Lin Cuishan said disdainfully: It really almost shocked me! The damned little girl, Damo Wuming became furious and approached her. The five girls left and right, and slowly backed away. I know your sorcery is very powerful, hehe Lin Cuishan couldn't help smiling, and walked around slowly: So, I will use hidden weapons to deal with you, I will keep a distance of two feet from you, and use hidden weapons to send you to the gate of hell whenever there is a vision Too bad, eyes suddenly turned black, and his figure flickered. Hold my breath and take me away She suddenly screamed. The big demon laughed wildly and rushed forward.
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