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Chapter 18 Chapter Eighteen

flaming Phenix 雲中岳 12438Words 2023-02-05
Should I stand out of the storm?he asked stupidly. It counts as agreeing to my request, okay?Qiao Lulu was actually asking him. Thank you, girl.He said it from the bottom of his heart. My name is Qiao Lulu, not a girl.Qiao Lulu was teasing him again: Don't dare, Mr. Song. I'm not worthy of being called a master yet, am I that old?He also responded with humor. I call you Brother Song. I call you Qiaoqiao Xiaolu, you are indeed Xiaolu.let's go!you landed in Your left neighbor is Fuxing Inn. If there are no accidents tomorrow, I will treat you to lunch, and please appreciate it.

OK!I'm very hungry, thanks in advance!Don't forget!Qiao Lulu cheered happily, her innocence that day was extremely touching. Qian Kun went back to the store with his hands first, and the shop assistant followed him, went outside the room, unlocked the door for him, pushed open the door, and retreated to the side. Can the old man make a pot of tea?asked the clerk flatteringly. No need.He answered casually, pointing to Shu Yun's guest room on the right: "Unlock the lock of that guest room!"My companion will be back shortly. Yes, sir. Well!There seem to be guests in that room.He pointed to the room next door to his left, because there was a light coming from the window.

Yes, two guests, one master and one servant.Shopkeeper Nobuguchiya: The owner is a beautiful girl who seems to be sick. The old maid looks like an idiot. She doesn't understand anything. It's very troublesome. If there are any noises at night that disturb the passengers, please forgive me. When a person walks outside, how can everything go well without illness or pain?I don't mind.He entered the room and turned on the light, sat on the stool and fell asleep, paying attention to the movement in the neighboring room, waiting for Shu Yun to return. He heard voices in the room next door to his left.

Lao Jianghu is very vigilant, and he will never relax when he is in a dangerous situation. When he calms down, he will instinctively pay attention to the movement around him. Naturally, the sound of the neighboring room cannot escape his hearing. A creepy feeling hit him like a wave. He remained calm, blew out the lights, and made some arrangements in secret, everything was going on quietly. The inn is vast, and this entry is an expensive room, so the number of tourists is even rarer. There are sixty or seventy tourists who came tonight, and this entry only accommodates two rooms. From the store clerk, he knew that there were two women living in Shu Yun's neighbor room, but it was a pity that he ignored his own neighbor, but he didn't know who the people lived in?

Regardless, he heightened his vigilance. As for Shu Yun's neighbor, he didn't bother to ask, who would pay attention to a sick woman, a servant who looks like an idiot? This time, there are three small courtyards, and flowers and trees are planted in the courtyards.His four upper rooms are located in a small courtyard, quite quiet. The courtyard is three feet long and four feet wide. There are railings on the porch, and only one lantern is hung on the porch post. In fact, tourists seldom leave their rooms in the middle of the night, and each upper room has no inner room, unlike ordinary guest rooms or passengers in Datongpu, who have the convenience of using public toilets at night.

That is to say, after the third watch, the neighborhood is a dark place. Finally, he heard footsteps. Uncle Qi, open the door.Shu Yun's voice came from the crack of the door. please come in.He opened the door and said. Huh!Why don't you light up the lights?Shu Yun asked in surprise when he entered the room. Want to rest early.Nephew, have you found anything? Yes! silence.He whispered to Shu Yun, "There is a faint sound of gold and iron in the room on the left, and there is a friend with a sword."Your right neighbors are two women. There are many people with swords.Uncle Qi, don't be suspicious.Shu Yun also whispered.

I suspect that it is the person who came for us, be careful to support the boat for ten thousand years.oh!What symptoms did you notice? Shu Yun told the story of meeting Qiao Lulu, and finally said: It's time for us to get a good night's sleep.If we hadn't met Ms. Qiao, we would go to Fuyu's old store to investigate tonight, and we would really hit a big nail and get bloody. I don't want to deal with people from the Wangfu. God!It seems that the situation is getting more and more complicated. The affairs of the palace should not be involved, and if it gets involved, it will stink.Forget it, a good night's sleep isn't a bad thing.It seems that our news is still unclear, even that guy Youhun can't be trusted, at least he doesn't know that Jiangxi Ningfu sent someone.go back to the room!Sleep early.

Okay, good night, Uncle Qi.Shu Yun left the room. Qiankunshou is very careful, especially after discovering the warning signs. The room was pitch black, and the preparations for danger prevention had been completed one by one.He slept very vigilantly, and soon, a burst of tiredness hit him, and in the dimness, a strange sound woke him up. However, he couldn't get up. In the tightly closed window, a small hole was drilled under the window frame at some time, and a delicate small tube was inserted, and the outer end was burned with a certain kind of smell. The immobilized medicine is infiltrated into the moxa and ignited, and the moxa burns slowly like incense, and the smell is released from the convective small tube.

This smell is a bit like the musty smell of old furniture in the room, and it is so thin that it is hard to feel. I don't care if I smell it. There is this smell in the room, which is very common. He wanted to slap the furniture to call for help, but he was powerless, as if his hands were no longer his. It is not easy for people to forget unexpected events, especially things related to their own hobbies, and they often meditate and reminisce continuously. Although Shu Yun is a businessman and a martial arts practitioner, he travels around the world with his father, so he doesn't need to worry about it at ordinary times, and he just plays musical instruments for entertainment when he has nothing to do.

He has a particular preference for silk and bamboo, and has profound attainments, proficient in temperament, and familiar with the music world.Therefore, he could tell the identity of Wu Shi's flute player at a glance, because he was not unfamiliar with the flute decoration of that flute. He thought of the mysterious woman playing the lute. I really didn't expect that there are so many talents in Fire Phoenix Secret Spy. That beautiful little girl in red, whose lightness kungfu and swordsmanship really made him admire, this woman who could almost catch up with him in playing the pipa, turned out to be the disciple of a famous contemporary pipa master

Why do these gorgeous women with unique skills go down the evil path of being bandits, murderers and arsonists? Whose responsibility is it? He was really emotional and uncomfortable. He turned on the lamp and sat by the lamp, thinking wildly. It was late at night, the courtyard was silent, and his thoughts were running fast.Think deeply and far away. Every upper room is almost arranged in a semi-independent arrangement according to the layout of the courtyard. Although the adjacent rooms are called adjacent in name, in fact at least two-thirds are not connected together. Only ordinary guest rooms are arranged adjacent to each other like pigeonholes. On the right wall of the outer room of his upper room, there is a small window obliquely facing the inner and outer corridor of the neighboring room on the right. You can see the light leaking from the corridor. The lights were shining, and the sound from inside could also be heard. The small window was not closed. Here is the mountain, not as cool as the mountain. It is the most common thing for passengers not to close the windows at night. He vaguely heard a faint moan, a weak, desperate, and helpless moan that was not completely painful, but instinctive. The right neighbors are two women, this is what Qiankun told him. In the middle of the night, it was obvious that the two women were in trouble, and he should first notify the shop assistant to come and deal with it. However, when I think about it, I feel that it is wrong. The shop assistant can deal with sudden illnesses, but if the other party suffers from a long-term illness, calling the shop assistant will be embarrassing in three ways. When distracted by external accidents, alertness naturally weakens. Soon, the intermittent weak moaning gradually disappeared. He felt relieved, there was no accident to worry about.Scatter the wicks of the lamp, turn it down, and the room is dark. I just drove away the mosquitoes in the tent, I just put down the tent, I just took off my boots and I want to go to bed. A strange and melodious crooning sound attracted his attention again. It's not the weak and desperate moaning before, it's indeed a woman whispering a certain poem or word, but the pronunciation of the words is hard to distinguish, but the tone is indeed a tune, like waves washing sand, more like a slow voice. The crooning tone is beautiful, the timbre is clear, and the high and low twists and turns are well controlled. Although the beat is not clear, it is quite mellow. However, another strange melody appeared faintly, melancholy, low, sad, weeping, and the original melodious crooning gradually turned into a tone of expressing emotions. He was a little sentimental, and gradually entered a trance state.This kind of tone, listening to it for a long time, will make people relax, depressed, and drowsy. He is now gradually entering this state of confusion and trance, half asleep, half awake, his consciousness is gradually blurred, he lazily no longer cares about things outside his body, and loses his reaction to the outside world. The crooning sound gradually changed into another tone. After a while, he slowly put on his boots, and instinctively reached out to grab the sword beside the pillow. For example, in normal times, he must wear his sword. This is an instinctive reaction developed from habit. A martial artist in a dangerous place must bring his own weapon. However, he put down the sword again, staring blankly at the faint light. The door opened quietly, and an old woman about sixty years old entered the outside room, with long gray hair hanging down, she really looked like a ghost, she moved silently, like a tangible ghost. The old woman pushed open the unlatched inner door with a low, strange sound.He stood up slowly and looked at the old woman. The old woman mumbled something, and turned around slowly. He followed suit, following behind the old woman. The outer room of the adjacent room was lit like beans, the old woman pushed open the door of the inner room and stepped aside, still chanting words incessantly. He stood at the door of the inner room as if he was sleepwalking, staring in blankly. The light was dim, and clothes were used to block the outward light. Not only did the light not reach his figure, but it was concentrated on the side where the bed was set up. There is a dressing table beside the bed, and a charming girl in scarlet clothes is undressing with a pair of half-naked slender hands. The alluring plump and plump body is half hidden and half exposed in the alluring crimson wide robe, the water-red bust seems to have untied a strap, and the half-naked breasts are really alluring. The woman's beautiful face was facing him obliquely, and her watery eyes shone with a strange light. He stepped into the room and approached slowly. The old woman stood at the door, still chanting words in her mouth, her sharp, still young old eyes gradually showed a sinister, cold and sharp light like a sharp sword. The woman's jade arm stretched out slowly towards him, she smiled sweetly, full of charm, the ribbon around her waist was untied, her robe was parted, and her half-naked jade body exuded the magic power of seductive lust under the light. Still approaching slowly, he stretched out his hands. The woman also moved forward slowly, slowly welcoming her. The door of the outer room was ajar, and the flower window in front was also half-closed, so the sound from outside could pass in without hindrance. At the third watch, it is the time when ghosts and ghosts come out to choose fat and devour them.The pleasant voice of a young woman suddenly came from outside, not loud, but clear to the ears. Yes, Fengdu Temple is the blood-eating hall of King Taishan.It was another woman's voice: King Taishan is the seventh king of Hades among the ten halls of Hades, and it is possible that there are ghosts nearby.This inn is too big and too wide, but there are very few tourists, and there are few people and little yang energy. It is not surprising that there are ghosts. Can ghosts really confuse people?asked the first woman to speak. possible. How to confuse people? The underworld is similar to the yang world, and ghosts will also use various means to move people.Ghosts also have the seven emotions and six desires, so they can't get rid of it and use these tricks. What tricks do you use? People's yang energy can be weak or prosperous, and their blessings can be thick or thin, so the tricks used are different, and each one does its best. for example For example, certain people should be treated in a certain way.For example, coercion, lure, money lure, sex lure, first find out the other party's weakness, and try again and again, if one method fails, use another or the third.In short, it will succeed sooner or later, because there are many ghosts and they are smarter than humans, and humans are much weaker than ghosts.People have a great chance of failure, because people will become ghosts sooner or later. The voice of the old woman chanting a mantra gradually changed. Shu Yun's blank gaze was affected by these clear conversations from outside, and his eyelids began to blink. The old woman waved her sleeves, and a gust of wind hit Shu Yun's back. At the same moment, the alluring girl raised her right hand and stretched out her five fingers. Her half-naked body slammed into Shu Yun's arms. Her slender fingers became a murderous weapon and penetrated into Shu Yun's heart. The two fingers in the middle were like steel cones. It also grabbed Shu Yun's weak throat like a leopard's claw. There is no room for life and death, Shu Yun just happened to be clear of consciousness, and the sudden change made all normal reactions unable to function. Just like he plays the pipa, he no longer needs to direct his fingers to tap the strings and press the yards, but the fingers move by themselves, forming a reflex effect that does not require divine command. Clap!He snapped his hands together. However, he didn't know the symptoms of the ruthless wind behind him, there was a muffled bang, and the wind hit his body. With a sound of poof, he slammed into the woman's body heavily, and the pressure was so great that the two of them fell to the ground and fell into a ball. His right elbow, which blocked the claws reaching the throat, happened to hit the woman's left forehead in an instant first, with great force. He felt a numbness in his vest, a sweetness in his throat, and stars in his eyes.The will to survive supported him through the difficulties, he pressed the woman under him, and immediately rolled sideways twice. At the same moment, the old woman rushed in and grabbed it with her hand. At the same moment, there was a loud bang, Qiao Lulu and Aunt Qing slammed into the door and rushed inside.Qiao Lulu was in front, her sword had already been unsheathed when she broke through the door. Under the killer!Aunt Qing, who was lagging behind, screamed anxiously. The old woman didn't expect that he could still roll, and lost one claw. If she chased again, she would be hit hard from behind by Qiao Lulu, who rushed in. She immediately gave up chasing Shu Yun, and helped the unconscious woman up, He jumped up, and with a loud bang, he smashed the rear window and rushed outside like flying. The Jade Emperor Temple is the end of the climbing avenue, and further up is the trail. Looking up, there are cockroaches on the cliffs, the temperature drops, and it is called Huima Ridge, and the mounts can no longer go up. The big stone square is called Shiguan, also known as Tianguan, and the horses must stay below.So far, nearly halfway up the mountain. The government built a guest house here, and the mountain people also built a city street here. There are several medium-sized hotels, wine shops, tea houses, and incense and candle shops. Fuyu Old Store is the smallest of the six hotels in this area, but because it is located at the end of the street, it looks more elegant and spacious, and pilgrims and mountain tourists do not like to settle in this store. The mountain was originally quiet, and living in the middle of the street is more lively and convenient, so the business is not as good as the other five inns, but the status of the tourists who live here seems to be higher. There are two guest rooms in the east courtyard, all of which are full of pilgrims from afar.Some brought their wives, some brought bodyguards, and some brought health servants There are more than 30 people, men, women and children living in the eight upper rooms and two rooms. From the outside, they seem to be strangers to each other, but they are very devout about offering incense.The Laojun Hall in the rest of the lower part and the Jade Emperor Hall here are the places where they burn incense and worship the most. Anyway, they go up to worship temple by temple, and then go back to the shop after worship. God knows when they will finish worshiping all the temples? From the top to the Yuhuangxiang Taiqing Palace at the top of Mount Tai, there are large and small temples along the way, and there are not forty or early thirties. On the fourth watch, the whole store is silent. Four batches of black shadows seemed to emerge from the ground, and each batch consisted of more than a dozen men in black with outstanding dexterity skills. With quick actions, they occupied the front and rear guest rooms of the east courtyard. Roofs, yards, patios, and walkways are completely blocked at this moment. The strange thing is that there is no movement or sound between the eight upper rooms and the two rooms, and there is no light leaking from all the rooms, and the nearby lighting lanterns are all extinguished. Finally, as soon as I entered the T-sized guest room, I heard two dry coughs, followed by the faint sound of footsteps, and finally with a soft creaking sound, the door opened, and a dark figure walked out, as if I couldn't sleep after a midnight dream Passengers who feel sleepy and want to go out of the room to see the night. A black shadow appeared under the corridor, blocked the opposite side, and appeared very quickly. go in.The tip of the black shadow's steel knife almost hit the opponent's heart: don't call out, let alone try to resist.Be quiet and go back to your room to prepare your weapon, you will have time to cast it. You are tourists and you can hold your breath. Don't ask too much, sir, just go in. That's all right!The passenger obediently retreated into the dark room, and before closing the door, the black shadow blocked by the knife just now disappeared in a flash, appeared quickly, and seemed to disappear even faster. Soon, five dark shadows entered the living room of the east courtyard, lit up the oil lamps, and lit the four lanterns between the walls. In the small rooms at the back of the hall, there lived three shopkeepers and two servants, who were responsible for taking care of the residents in the east courtyard, and no one was assigned to watch the night. Five people, five dresses. The leader is a half-hundred-year-old monk with a gloomy face, a monk with a fat head and big ears and a handy shovel, an alchemist who is about forty years old and holds a folding fan, and a woodcutter with a double-edged axe. A well-dressed middle-aged man, a mid-mature, rather coquettish woman with a sword. Two big men with swords in green clothes guarded the hall door outside the hall. Can let them come.The old Taoist standing in the center of the hall gave instructions to the two big men outside the hall. follow orders.A big man answered loudly. A strange howl broke the silence of the black sky, enough to wake everyone in the store. In a moment, five well-dressed men strode into the bright hall.Among the five people, the person at the bottom is Chen Yaodong, the Seven Absolute Swordsman. He has the lowest status among the five people, but his status in the Jianghu is already a well-known figure. The five people lined up with goose wings, five to five, facing each other, and the atmosphere became tense. The leader with a Chinese face was tall and burly, and the goose feather saber he was wearing was quite heavy. There are many people here.The person with the Chinese character face clasped his fists and saluted, neither overbearing nor humble, very graceful: Can you show your intention? Do you know Pindao?should know.The old Taoist smiled sinisterly: The poor Taoist knows you, you, Xun Ji, the benefactor of the wind and rain in all directions. It's just the next one.Bafang Fengfeng was not surprised at all: if I expected it to be correct, the Taoist priest must be a hidden screen Qi practitioner. Well!It seems that you are not surprised at all, you have obviously received the news, and you have made preparations in advance, but the poor way has gone wrong and misjudged your ability.If Pindao's expectations are correct, and Xun's benefactor is not the person in charge, it is very likely that the commander-in-chief of Guida has already secretly rushed to Nanmenbiao with a flying gun.Hey, can you invite him to come out and have a face-to-face talk? My boss didn't come, but I'm really in charge of this place now. You are only the leader of the Thunder Team of the Flying Dragon Secret Team, and you are not enough to talk to the poor.If the chief executive doesn't show up, hum I'm the person in charge. It doesn't matter if the Taoist talks about it or not, but I don't know what the action will be after the talk. The poor road asks you to pack up your luggage immediately, go down the mountain immediately, go far away, and don't come back after leaving. Daoist is so crazy Chase them away!Those who resist are shot to death.The Yinping qi trainer gave the order impatiently and waved his hand. The great monk let out a wild laugh, and stretched out the shovel. Amidst the wild laughter, he swung the shovel and rushed towards the wind and rain in all directions. It seemed that he regarded the five people on the other side as sheep, and it was easy to drive the sheep with the shovel. One to five was common. Chen Yaodong has the lowest status, the flag-bearer goes up first, the stupid bird flies first, and angrily draws his sword to meet him. Before he can wait for the order from the leader, he is the first to take over the fight. The arrogance of the great monk really made this famous swordsman angry Take three thousand feet. slow down!The Seven Absolute Swordsman Chen Yaodong let out a deep chirp, his sword moved like a thunderbolt, and immediately used the Tianshu Seven Absolute Sword Art to make the great monk feel ashamed as soon as he met him, and show off the majesty of the Seven Absolute Swordsman. The great monk laughed maniacally again, he shoveled and slashed against the incoming sword shadows, there was a loud bang, and sparks shot out. Swordsman Seven Absolute was knocked back two feet with his sword, and almost retreated to the entrance of the hall. He managed to get off his horse with a heavy weight, his face was pale and his blood was gone. How dare this kind of thing show off in front of the Buddha?you!The great monk is approaching the wind and rain in all directions: pull out your Yanling Saber.The surname Xun, I heard that your saber skills are as wild as the wind and rain in all directions, and the Buddha will play with you.If you are afraid, give Buddha your tail and get out, Buddha doesn't even bother to kill you. The scolding was harsh, and the wind and rain in all directions could not bear it. With a soft sound, the Yanling saber was unsheathed. Monk, you are crazy!All directions of wind and rain gnashing teeth: Xun Mou has been rampant in the world for 20 years Hahahaha the great monk looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: What is twenty years worth?In the past twenty years, you have never met a real master, and you have only dealt with those third-rate little people. There are no fish and shrimp in the pond are expensive, what are you selling?Monk, I debuted for twenty years. Although I have never run amok in the world, at least I can save someone like you. Hit as soon as you say hit, hit the face with the shovel if it is convenient, the strength is inherent, it seems unpleasant, but the shovel is close to the chest in the blink of an eye. This kind of shovel for burying the remains of people and animals on the road has a narrow mouth and is light in weight, but the monk's handy shovel is made of muddy iron. The wind and rain from all directions knew how severe it was, so they didn't dare to take it head-on, they dodged and attacked the side door, the Yanling saber struck the monk's right waist like lightning, and the movement was faster than the lightning flash. However, the great monk was too clever to turn around and face the enemy. The head of the shovel was retracted at twice the speed of the previous move, and the handle of the shovel was pulled back with a dizzying speed. It was almost difficult to see how to withdraw the move. of. Zheng!The shovel handle sealed the Yanling knife. screw you!The great monk laughed wildly: Hahaha With laughter, he twisted around and took out the shovel, the head of the shovel was like a thunderbolt, when it reached the right flank of the wind and rain in all directions, the shovel sank violently, and it was bound to be cut into two parts when it was connected. The wind and rain in all directions were terrifying, and the Yanling Saber that was shaken off just now has not been recovered yet!In the busy schedule, he flew back eight feet, and it was too late to receive the move, so he retreated to buy time. I don't know how to love myself!The great monk shouted, follow up like a shadow, so that the shovel can quickly pursue, the shovel directly hits the throat with the momentum of Mount Tai pressing eggs, and wants to shovel the necks of the wind and rain in all directions. Clank!Sealed three swords in a row, retreated more than ten feet, and had already retreated to the entrance of the hall. He was in a hurry, so he could shovel and vomit again and again. In the yard, five figures appeared, and the sweet voice came in time: You are here to fight and kill people to disturb people's dreams, why is that?Come out!Let's judge first, okay? The great monk was stunned, and Bafang Fengyu seized the opportunity to leap out of the hall with the fish-dragon counter-jumping technique, and escape from the control of the convenient shovel. Are there female Bodhisattvas and Buddhas commenting?good!Come too!The great monk happily shouted, and jumped out of the hall. The four companions of Bafang Fengfeng followed out.The four Yinping Qi practitioners also arrived at the courtyard majestically. From the light reflected from the entrance of the hall, it can be seen that there are five girls in red clothes, the leader is Li Huihui, and she is the one who called out just now. drink!Fire Phoenix secret spy.The great monk is still in the vanguard: I have heard the name for a long time, and the Buddha's eyes are full of blessings tonight. The Yinping qi trainer chuckled, and said brightly: Brother Guo Guofa, retreat!Don't be rude to beauties, be careful that they will send you to tongue-pulling hell, and wait for the poor to send them away. also good!It's best for everyone to turn their backs, and Buddha and I can take the opportunity to find the Zen of Joy with two fire phoenix ginseng.The great monk smiled lewdly and dragged the shovel back to the side: Hahahaha!Fellow Taoist, don't let the poor monk down! This thief monk with six unclean roots, his mouth is unclean, isn't it an insult to that monk's robe?Qiu Suhua, standing on Li Huihui's right, provoked Monk Guo with a disdainful tone: "Why do you need to wear a monk's robe again?"There are many ways to deceive the world and steal the name. If you use your status as a Buddhist disciple to deceive the world, you will go to the 18th level of hell and you will never be able to recover. Monk Liaoguo was furious, and the tiger jumped out. Bitch, get out of here for the Buddha. The great monk yelled and scolded angrily, but he was not a monk who could be provoked, but a fake Buddhist disciple who did not refrain from lust, anger, and greed. Qiu Suhua arrived in a flash, the red shadow pressed against her face, and the fragrant wind entered her nostrils. Before Monk Guoguo finished speaking, he was taken aback, and instinctively swung out a shovel to prevent Hong Ying from getting close, and his reaction was extremely fast. But it wasn't fast enough, when the shovel was swung out, the red shadow had already passed by the right side of the body, the sword light suddenly appeared, like a horse flying across the sky, the sword energy was piercingly cold, even the figure could not be seen clearly, the red shadow had disappeared behind him up. The shovel failed, but Monk Guoguo couldn't hold back his momentum, he rushed forward two steps, suddenly his whole body was shaken, the shovel was thrown away and he fell forward, his feet were in chaos. oops!The Yinping qi trainer screamed in horror. Ye Guo, who was on the verge of falling, called out, covering his right side with his right hand, blood poured out like a fountain, and his internal organs squeezed out. Qiu Suhua retracted her sword and stepped back, past Guo Guo's body. You can't catch a single sword, why bother to be rampant?This girl overestimated you, thief monk, you die!After she finished speaking coldly, she stepped back to her original place without haste. Buddha, I, I, Guo Guo, hissed with all his strength, and before he finished speaking, he fell forward and began to twitch. The Yinping qi trainer arrived, staring at Qiu Suhua with eagle eyes. The sword's light is like a crystal rainbow across the sky, it is the shadow bearing sword of the real Tiangang.Yinping's qi trainer screamed like an owl: That bastard must be here, no wonder you are in a desperate situation, and you are still not panicked.shrew!Are you his disciple? From the shadows in the corner of the courtyard, Daoist Tiangang walked out, followed by the four major disciples, and the five of them walked calmly, really looking like gods, and their composure was at least higher than that of the hidden screen practitioners. hehe!Fellow Daoist Yinping, please maintain your demeanor. Being quick with your tongue does not mean that you have achieved success in cultivation.The real Tiangang made an inspection two feet away: Fellow Daoist, are you here all right? evil creature!It really is you.Yinping qi practitioner gritted his teeth and said, raised his hand, the man dressed as a scribe rushed out and rescued Monk Guo. The scribe picked up the monk whose convulsions were fading away, shook his head at the Yinping qi trainer, expressing that there was no way to save him, he retreated two zhang away and handed over the corpse to a big man. It's me, unmistakable.Daoist Tiangang couldn't help but sneer: You didn't expect that, did you?You surround the poor, but do you know that the poor surround you too?Fellow Daoist, you have already been at a disadvantage, admit defeat! Fellow Daoists of Tiangang, the poor will not be inferior, you are all little ghosts who can't see the light of day, and the poor are gods and Buddhas sent by the palace to Mount Tai to offer incense.Yinping qi practitioners have nothing to fear: as long as the captain of the palace gives orders to Lord Zhizhou, half of your people will never slip through the net. Don't intimidate poor people.The real Tiangang doesn't care: our people can come and go freely in all parts of the world, how can the governments of various places do anything to us? What will be the consequences if the school captains and guards of the palace come forward to testify and assist? Fellow Daoists will not do this, because it will also affect your activities, and it is of no benefit to you.You Yinping Qi practitioner are no more stupid than your brother Ling Tianshi Li Ziran, of course you will not do stupid things that harm others and benefit yourself. Otherwise, if there is a conflict of interest, fellow daoists, some smart people will do stupid things. At least you are not only stupid but also stupid when you come to Mount Tai this time. You should know that we came before you and are stronger than you. Pindao admitted that those eyeliners of mine were useless, but he didn't know that there were also people from Ning's mansion.However, it is not too late to make amends, and this mistake can be corrected in time. What does the Daoist mean, is to know the current affairs and withdraw from Mount Tai? Pindao doesn't mean that Fellow Daoist Tiangang, no matter what you mean, can you first listen to the words of the poor Taoist? Daoyou means Like your kind of wandering around the world, only knowing the means of fighting and looting houses, it is impossible to succeed.Fellow Daoist, why don't you clarify your interests with your superior, put aside your prejudices, and re-negotiate the terms of cooperation with the Ning Mansion?The door of Ningfu's negotiation is always open for you. forget it!Fellow.The real Tiangang laughed: The purpose of the Generalissimo's raising troops is to overthrow the Zhu family's tyrannical dynasty, and cooperating with you, wouldn't it bring the evil sons of the Zhu family back to the dragon throne?nonsense! It's really surprising that fellow Taoists are so short-sighted. If the Ning Mansion came forward to raise troops, wouldn't it be clear that the world's heroes would obey the wind?What's the point of running around like you guys? We are trying our best to fight for the destiny, the situation is pretty good, there is nothing to complain about.Fellow Daoist must know our reason for coming. Yes, so I want to drive you away. Similarly, Pindao was also ordered to drive you away.The real Tiangang put forward the same request bluntly: It seems that there is no room for reincarnation, only to go to extremes! That's right, there is no other way, because your people have already killed Master Guo, a good friend of Pindao.Originally, Pindao planned to know his own interests, and it would be fine to drive you away from Mount Tai, but Fellow Daoist Yinping, you haven't asked Pindao's opinion on this matter yet!The real Tiangang cut off the opponent's words. Tell me? Your people are all here, right! good.The hidden screen Qi practitioner nodded without thinking. strength Unprecedented strength.The hidden screen qi trainer said proudly. Ha ha!Maybe it was before, but not now.The real Tiangang laughed wildly: Monk Guoguo is your number one master. He fought against one of our third-rate secret agents, and he returned to Lingshan as soon as he met him.And my number.Twice as many as you, originally, Pindao estimated that there was not much chance of winning.Now Now you have no chance.The Yinping qi practitioner rushed to say: Master Liaoguo is just the worst executor. Ha ha!Which of your staff is the best?Daoist Tiangang was extremely proud: It couldn't be you, could it?Send your best people out to compete with the poorest.Fellow Daoist, tonight you have to put on a posture that frightens Pindao, in order to prevent Pindao from ordering you to be annihilated. Hahaha the Yinping qi practitioner also laughed wildly: Unexpectedly, after seeing each other for two years, the tone of fellow Taoist is different. Presumably, in the past two years, he has learned some magical skills, so let's talk big!Master Lu, why don't you ask Master Tiangang for his magical skills? The middle-aged scribe inserted the folding fan into his left cuff, moved the Kuixing pen on his belt, and walked forward calmly. In Xialu Xuan, the bandit's name is Yinsi Xiucai.The scribes put their hands behind their backs, and stood in the middle of the arena easily: I heard that the great mage has profound powers and pure aura, and during his travels around the world, he rarely meets opponents.Lu Mou is not talented, so he boldly asked the great master for some magic skills and unique knowledge to open his eyes, please give him your advice. The real Tiangang waved to Li Huihui. Li Huihui smiled sweetly, twisting her waist to meet her. Lu Xiucai is respected as the best in the world, and ghost talents are first-rate.Li Huihui stood in front of the other party, and Yu Zhuoran stood pretty, charming and charming like a flower: a little girl can't study literature, and she can't practice sword.Only third rate.But the great mage has an order, and he dare not disobey it, so he has no choice but to bite the bullet and ask Mr. Xiucai to be merciful, thank you very much. It's easy to say, the girl's small cherry mouth is really better than a million soldiers.The scholar of the Yin Division also smiled happily: I heard that the person who presides over the Fire Phoenix Secret Spy is the famous Tianya Sanfeng, Tianfeng, Yunfeng, and Feifeng.But I don't know which phoenix the girl is, can you tell me? The little girl Yunfeng Li.Li Huihui pointed to Qiu Suhua: Tianya Sanfeng has now been renamed Sifeng, this is Sifeng Huofengqiu, her sword is so sharp that Monk Liaoguo couldn't catch a single sword she was fighting with.My sword is not good, Duke Xiucai doesn't have to worry about his sword returning to Yin. Lu is from the Yin Division, returning to Yin is like going home, there is nothing to worry about.Yinsi Xiucai slowly pulled out a pen from the pen bag: Those who have no home to return to are the most pitiful people Before he finished speaking, his figure flickered, and the tip of the pen hadn't left the mouth of the pocket. Hong Ying rushed forward, the sword unsheathed like lightning, and made a move, hitting. Yin Division scholars are too self-confident, forgetting the big taboos of friends in the world, and must pay special attention to fighting women. Li Huihui took the opportunity of his polite speech and dealing with her, and with her slender hands grazing her temples, she popped out a light gray hair pin stuck in her temples. Vision is already greatly reduced in the dark, but the special hair needle is too large and thin too fast, and the needle is quenched with strange poison. The distance is only a few feet away, and I am afraid that it will not be seen in broad daylight. dodge. Yin Division scholars are known for their insidious tricks, but they fall into the hands of even more insidious and cunning Yin people. The needles penetrate the vital points of the dantian and penetrate deep into the internal organs. Those who waited for the fight on both sides of the formation did not see the deadly strange needle, because the people on both sides were either in front or behind, and it was impossible to see the flight of the strange needle. They had to stand on the side to see it. To a shadow. At this moment, the figures suddenly merged. Li Huihui rushed forward so quickly that the people on both sides thought she was just attacking in a dishonorable way.It is forgivable for a woman to act dishonestly, but it is unforgivable for a Yin Division scholar to not know how to dodge. The sword penetrated into the heart, and the tip of the sword cut open the heart. At the first moment, the first part, it is faster than the flash. The red shadow flew back, and Li Huiyi retreated back to the original place. The people on both sides only saw the red shadow flickering strangely. boom!Yin Division Xiucai fell on his back, Kuixing pen fell into the dust, and his whole body twitched violently. Huh!Everyone on both sides was shocked by this sudden change, and they all exclaimed in unison. This ghost woman can black magic?Yinping Qi Practitioner Shi screamed in amazement, he stepped forward hurriedly with his hand on the handle of his sword, wanting to see what happened. Qiu Suhua rushes out, surpassing Li Huihui. Veteran, want to fight with wheels?Qiu Suhua scolded coquettishly, and with a dragon chant, the Chengying sword was unsheathed. The coquettish woman in mid-mature didn't wait for the Yinping qi trainer to greet her, but saw the blue shadow flying out, the green skirt fluttering, passing by the side of the Yinping qi trainer, the sword was out of its sheath when she passed, and she pounced unceremoniously Qiu Suhua, the sword is like a spirit snake, stretching and stretching, it is difficult to distinguish. There are no rules and etiquette between women and women. They hit them when they say something, and they hit them when they don't say anything. Qiu Suhua was originally facing the hidden screen qi warrior, and the speed of her twisting was appalling, the red shadow flashed, and the Chengying sword broke through from the side of the enchanting woman's sword, and the slanting figure did not stop, and suddenly she did a wonderful backflip Turn to anti-fly.The sword is like a golden snake through the sky, with the hidden screen Qi practitioner as the central focus, it shoots down quickly, and the twisted and projected sword rainbow is unpredictable, making it hard to know where it is going. Dare to be bold!The Yinping qi trainer yelled angrily, and moved his sword out, like a flash of lightning, slapped the sword rainbow that shot down at an angle, and a strange sword energy burst out, like a thunderbolt sounded in the sky. No one dared to use this kind of aggressive but defenseless movement method to attack in front of the hidden screen qi practitioner who claimed to have cultivated to the realm of earthly immortality. Chengying Sword is actually not a psychic sword, but the material is relatively hard and sharp. Even if you use an ordinary sword to parry, as long as it does not come into direct contact with the edge, the blade will not be damaged. It is not difficult for a master. If it is done, you will be able to use it freely with the spine of the sword. Taking Yinping Qi practitioners' magical skills as an example, if he hit the Chengying sword, Qiu Suhua would be sent flying a couple of feet away with his sword. She was in the air, and the strength of the sword could suddenly burst out without any follow-up strength, so it was expected that she would be sent flying. Zheng!Sure enough, the two swords came into contact, and they slapped the spine of Zhong Chengying Sword very accurately. Chengyingjian flew up and fell sideways. This is not the situation Yinping Qi practitioners like, not only does he want to send Qiu Suhua flying with his sword, but he also wants to take advantage of the momentum and throw his sword to remove Qiu Suhua's hands and feet! At this moment, the red shadow reaches the body. 噗一聲響,那裹了鋼尖的小蠻靴,踢在老道的右肩井上,鋼尖碎骨裂肉,像鋼錐般硬貫而入。
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