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Chapter 5 Chapter Five

Eight Tables 司馬翎 9726Words 2023-02-05
When Shi Siwen heard that the voice was wrong, he immediately used his palms and was ready to go. Suddenly I felt countless cold winds hitting my body, these winds were not strong, definitely not a hidden weapon to hurt my muscles and bones, but there was a chill. He was startled, and rushed out quickly, his wide sleeves were already touched by a gust of cold wind.But at this time, he couldn't take a closer look, and flew back to the wall, turned around in the air suddenly, faced the wall, stretched out his right palm and slapped it with full strength, and slapped it on the hilt of the long sword left on the wall just now.

Immediately, the long sword was inserted into the stone for more than two inches, so it was inserted very firmly.He suddenly got up, found one foot, tapped it on the sword, and his figure stood on the sword smoothly. Only then did he have the time to look at his sleeves, he saw a little black water as thick as glue adhering to the sleeves, he lifted it up and sniffed it, the smell of fishy felt was disgusting.Shi Siwen, the master of the Yuting Temple, broke out in a cold sweat in horror, thinking that this kind of poison, as long as it touches the skin, he must be poisoned and fall to the ground immediately.But he was still not reconciled, and jumped to the door again.This time it was clearly measured that the distance was more than ten feet.

He worked hard again with his fingers, and grabbed the doorknob, there was still half a foot away, and he had already grasped the doorknob with his fingers, and then pulled back.Dozens of black poisonous water sprayed out from the four sides of the wooden door, and there was almost no place to stand.But this time he was prepared, and with a flick of his figure, he had already returned to the long sword on the wall. This made him stumped, looking at the situation, not only the news of the ambush in this room is very frightening, but also there is a very strange atmosphere, which makes people feel uneasy.

He has stood on the sword for a long time, with his current skill, even if he stands on the sword for a day and a night, his true energy will not become turbid, so his body is too heavy to stand on the sword. Since the second failure, he has unexpectedly stood on the sword, standing like a mountain.Stop trying your luck and look around for a way out. Standing for a long time, it seemed as though he had resolved to stand until he died of old age, never to move again, if in fact possible. It turned out that he had other calculations in his mind, he thought that his own group entered this room by mistake, and judging from the situation, anyone who entered this room, and the people guarding this room outside, would definitely know about it.So he just had to wait patiently, the other side had to send someone in to have a look.As long as he seizes the opportunity for the enemy to open the door, he can take the opportunity to rush out. Once he escapes from this unusable ghost place, even if the yin and yang boy Gong Sheng personally intercepts him, he will not be afraid.

After waiting for a long time, I gradually realized that a large circle in the middle of the room was a pool.At this moment, it is natural to guess that the water in this circle must be extremely poisonous, as long as it falls, it will definitely die. After waiting for a while, the wooden door was suddenly pushed open.Shi Siwen naturally refused to rush out rashly, he was afraid that if Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, was also standing at the door, when he rushed out, he would forcefully block him, and at the same time, someone else would cast a hidden weapon.At this time, he could neither resist nor dodge, he must have been poisoned.

Fang Ke's sinister laughter came from the door and said: "My friend, you are so brave, you dare to break into my reincarnation poison formation."At present, he is still able to linger on his last breath, which shows that his ability is good Shi Siwen was about to take a risk and rushed over, but he heard the other party say: "As long as you move, I have two pumps here, and they will spray out poisonous water at the same time. Even if you are a god of Daluo, you will not escape this disaster." Hearing this, he took a closer look, and saw Fang Ke, the poisonous man, and another person standing in the doorway seven or eight feet away, each holding a bamboo tube half a foot long and as thick as the mouth of a bowl.Immediately said lightly: You have said so many things, what is the meaning after all?

The poisonous man Fang Ke looked up to the sky and said with a smile: First, you should report the origin of your name first. Shi Siwen asked: What about the second point? The second point you jump into my poison water well, and then tie your hands.After I tie it up, I promise to cure you of the strange poison of the poisonous water on your body. You have a good idea.He said in a slightly mocking voice, I am very safe here, why should I throw myself into the poison water well and tie myself up?If you are put to death like this, how can it be worth it? Fang Ke, the poisonous man, let out a yell, and said: "Little miscellaneous hair, be smart, hurry up and tie your hands, otherwise, if I spray the poisonous water in my hand, you will die without a place to bury you."

Everyone in the martial arts world knows that any hidden weapon is easy to block, but it is the most irresistible to use this kind of pump to spray poisonous water.However, it is usually extremely rare for someone to go into battle with such a poisonous weapon.This is to say that when it is impossible to dodge, one will be afraid of such poisonous weapons. If it is in an open place, no one will know how to dodge in advance. Fang Ke, the poisonous man, is well aware of this, so he specially designed this most vicious thing to deal with powerful enemies entering the battle.If Shi Siwen hadn't lured the poisonous man Fang Ke here first, Jin Rui might have been killed by him with this poisonous weapon before he could reach the seven-star trap when he broke into the formation.

Let's say that Shi Siwen sneered coldly after hearing this, and said: Hall Master Fang, your broken bamboo tube has no choice but to bluff other people. The poisonous man Fang Ke was furious, and said: "This is called the road to heaven, you don't take it. Even though my hall master has the virtue of being good at life, he can't help but take your life. I want you to understand the power of this hall master's methods."After saying that, he retreated to the side, and issued an order, the person next to him immediately pressed the bamboo tube, and a large cloud of black rain spewed out from the mouth of the tube, shooting straight towards the opposite side.

When the large canopy of black rain was about to reach Shi Siwen's body on the opposite side, it had spread over a radius of more than ten feet, like a big net, and it was thrown head-on.Fang Ke, the poisonous man, saw that the martial arts skills of the visitor were very high, so he originally intended to snare him.It's a pity to cry in my heart at this time!There was a sinister smile on his face. Standing upright on the sword, Shi Siwen suddenly showed a resolute and serious expression on his honest face, with his left palm on his chest, and his right palm slowly pushed out. The air in the room suddenly swirled, followed by a shocking sound, and the roof tiles vibrated, threatening to collapse.The large black rain of poisonous water completely flew away when his right palm was pushed out.The Xuanyin cultist at the door was forced out by a huge potential in the room, his figure jumped into the air with a cry, and then fell to the ground more than half a meter away, his mouth was bared, and he couldn't get up for a while.

Fang Ke, the poisonous man, turned pale with fright, but fortunately the wooden door with springs had closed automatically, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and hurried out, taking that subordinate out. At this time, Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, also arrived. After listening to his description, he judged that this person must be Shi Siwen, a direct descendant of Shi Xuanzhong.Because Gang Qi is originally an extraordinary skill of Qingcheng Xuanmen, there is a connection between Tianhe Zhenren's biography and Shi Xuanzhong, Shi Xuan's biography and Shi Siwen. Gong Sheng also concluded that Shi Siwen's stellar energy had not been practiced well, so he could not send it out in the air.Otherwise, he could have rushed out the door when Fang Ke was talking at the door.Although Fang Ke used a poisonous water pump to stop it, it was useless. From this point, it can be inferred that Shi Siwen stood lightly on the sword, and after emitting the stellar energy, he might not be able to hold the breath, so he fell into the poisonous water trap by himself.The poisonous water trap is very powerful, even a first class hero, if he falls into the trap, he will have to hold his breath and lose consciousness.Therefore, Fang Ke, the poisonous man, will enter the formation to take a peek. It is best to wait for him to fall into the trap by himself and catch him easily.Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort. Let's say that at this time, the yin-yang boy Gong Sheng stared at Jin Rui at the door, step by step. The reason why he kept silent was because the torch was hanging high at this time, and the light shone into the room, creating a thousand rays of light and colorful shadows. Shi Siwen couldn't see whether the wooden door was closed. If there was a sound, Shi Siwen would hear the sound and risk flying Come out, then there is no way to trap these two new masters. Debele, whose alias is Jin Rui, knows that there is such a mystery in it?But he thought that Shi Siwen had other plans, so he didn't jump out immediately, so he didn't make a sound, the long sword in his hand still pushed open the wooden door, and his left palm was used as a guard against his chest. Gong Sheng, the yin-yang boy, got within five feet, stopped slightly, and the yin-yang fan in his hand was about to go out.It should be known that this old devil is extremely jealous of this calm young man. He was defeated by Shi Siwen three years ago, and even the yin and yang fan was taken away by Shi Siwen, because he underestimated young people. Defeated, at that time, in terms of skill, Shi Siwen was indeed inferior. Up to this moment, Jin Rui had no choice but to withdraw his long sword, ready to meet the enemy.As soon as the long sword was retracted, the wooden door closed automatically without a sound, but Shi Siwen still didn't jump out in time.Jin Rui was just screaming in his heart, he didn't want to think about Shi Siwen anymore, and he was wholeheartedly preparing to face the three incense masters in Xuanyin Sect. Seeing that the wooden door was closed, Gong Sheng said, "Jin Rui, are you and Shi Siwen going the same way?" Jin Rui nodded, his whole body's internal strength was completely concentrated on the long sword, and it was ready to strike. Gong Sheng, the yin-yang boy, asked coldly: So what is Shi Xuanzhong's plan for sending the two of you into the rivers and lakes? Jin Rui didn't know at all that the other party was delaying time, because they expected that Shi Siwenti would stand on the sword in one breath, but he had already used the stellar energy, so it couldn't last.When Shi Siwen is captured, Jin Rui will become a turtle in the urn, at least he will be flustered because of Shi Siwen's capture. Jin admired Daxia Shi all his life, but in the past few years, he has never met him, let alone acted according to his orders. The yin-yang boy Gong Sheng smiled, his expression relaxed, and said: To be honest, I really cherish you as a talent. Since you are not working for Shi Xuanzhong, that's fine. Jin Rui said coldly: But he will not work for Xuanyin Sect.Moreover, if the Xuanyin Sect continues to brutalize the Jianghu, Jin vows to kill the evil with the sword and hold the injustice for the world. Gong Sheng said: You misunderstood, the Xuanyin Sect has very strict rules, and the followers are never allowed to act recklessly.However, if there are too many people, there will naturally be unscrupulous people who will ruin the reputation of the sect. Jin Rui shook his head and said: Not necessarily, as far as you are concerned, you are also an old devil who treats human life like nothing Gong Shengxuan said: In the past three years, has this seat ever made a random move? Jin Rui was slightly taken aback, and thought: Could it be that this old devil already has the heart to change his ways?After thinking about it, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said: "Although you have never done it yourself, you only need to give an order, and someone else will do it yourself, isn't it the same?"Let me tell you, old devil, Daxia Shi is an upright and chivalrous man, and everyone in the world loves him. If he asks me for something, even if he goes through fire and water, I will not refuse.However, no matter how coercive or tempting your Xuanyin sect is, it is impossible to win the hearts and minds of people like me.Can you understand the difference? Gong Sheng, a yin and yang boy, is over seventy years old, and has experienced many times more than ordinary people in his life.Perhaps because of old age, the heart of fame and fortune has long since dimmed a lot. In the past few years, the skill has been extremely high, but the ferocious flame has gradually faded.If it was the old days, Jin Rui's words would have already made him furious.But at this time, he was only slightly angry.He didn't refute, and said indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, I will ask you first, Shi Siwen is already in the palm of my sect, even if you can escape here, how can you talk to Shi Xuanzhong?" Jin Rui said: "I have a sigh of relief, you will never enter the room and hurt him."These two sentences are spoken majesticly, with a frightening expression. The yin and yang boy Gong Sheng changed his mind, smiled and said: You are too conceited, I really don't want to hurt you, that's all right, we will wait here together, within seven days.If Shi Siwen can escape from the Seven Star Trap, you can leave together, and I won't stop you.But if he is captured by us, you have to follow me, how about serving this sect? Jin Rui said: You are too good at taking advantage. First of all, we came here to take Fang Ke's life. When you come, we can't do it immediately, no matter whether we are out of trouble or not.The second point is that I could have done my best to help him, but according to your words, I can't do anything?Unless you win the long sword in my hand, there is nothing to say. Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, just sneered, and a voice suddenly sounded from behind Jin Rui, saying: "Why should Jin benefactors bargain with them, isn't Pindao already out of the trap?" Jin Rui was overjoyed and looked sideways, only to see Shi Siwen stepping out of the door. This burst of surprise has just emerged, and suddenly I feel a burning heat in my chest, as if I want to burn my internal organs.Immediately, his heart was shaken, he hurriedly held his breath, dare to forgive him for a moment of emotional ups and downs, he forgot to hold his breath, and took a half breath.This time it was very different from the second house, not only felt like being burned in the chest, but also slightly dizzy in the head. Jin Rui made a decisive decision, retreated to Shi Siwen's side, and said in his ear: I have been poisoned, and I must try to catch Fang Ke. Shi Siwen frowned, and said: "The poor way to catch others with him, he rushed towards him like lightning."But there was a sword rainbow rising from the ground, shooting towards Fang Ke, the poisonous man. Because of an accident, Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, was a step too late when he was about to intercept. Jin Rui followed and rushed towards him, swiping his sword repeatedly, forcing him to use all his kung fu to deal with it. Over there, Fang Ke, the poisonous man, and Yin Gao, the chief inspector, suddenly separated. Fang Ke had already pulled out his famous weapon, the Flying Centipede Whip.This flying centipede has a total of twenty-three sections, and each section is a centipede made of fine steel, connected together.The body of the whip is full of sharp and abnormally sharp pedipalps, and when it hits the enemy, no matter how good the body is protected by qigong, it will eat these small and sharp pedipedes, and the flesh will be broken, and the poison will enter the body, making it impossible to heal.In addition to the poison on the centipede's sharp feet, each centipede also has poisonous smoke and poisonous water that can be shot out as he wishes, which is an excellent weapon for killing people. Before Shi Siwen arrived, he suddenly raised his hand in the air, flying out a little brilliance, and went straight to Yin Gao.As soon as that point of brilliance was released, the sky was filled with rosy clouds, and none of the people present could see the things in the room. Yin Gao held the torch in both hands, and was moving aside. Just as he landed on the ground, the light in front of his eyes was so bright that he couldn't see anything. Then his waist went numb, and he didn't even hum. If you don't move, you have lost consciousness. Fang Ke, the poisonous man, was shocked, because this dazzling glow was exactly the spirit of amethyst.Before he could turn his thoughts around, the enemy's sword wind had reached his body, and he hurriedly waved his whip to parry.His martial arts are not weak at all, he can still support three moves in a row.However, the flying centipede in the hand is out of order. You can only listen to the wind to identify the position, and dismantle the move according to the situation. Gong Sheng and Jin Rui, the yin and yang boys over there, couldn't see each other's figure, but they were both masters for a while, so they didn't think much of it. Shi Siwen aroused his supernatural power, and used the small nine moves in the master's unique swordsmanship to subdue demons in the world. With one move, Baiyun came out of Xiu, and a ray of sword light shot into his chest. The opponent flew a circle with the centipede whip, and came to hit him in a circle, and his figure also dodged two feet obliquely.But where the centipede whip passed by, there was nothing there, Fang Ke, the poisonous man, was taken aback, suddenly felt a sharp wind blowing, and the tip of the opponent's long sword was already on the Wuli point on his right arm. Fang Ke, the poisonous man, was paralyzed half of his body, and the flying centipede whip in his hand fell to the ground with a clang. Only then did he believe that Shi Xuanzhong, known as the sword god, had indeed possessed unfathomable attainments in swordsmanship.As far as the opponent's sword was concerned, he would never have imagined that it could change like this, so he didn't guard against this part at all.Just when his body was numb and his movements were slightly sluggish, Shi Siwen had already bullied him and put his left hand on his shoulder.The poisonous man Fang Ke was captured alive by the enemy at this time, he sighed secretly, regretting that he didn't shoot out the poisonous smoke and poisonous water from the whip of the flying centipede just now. After Shi Siwen touched Fang Ke's acupuncture points, he took out a big bead and held it in his palm.A piece of blue brilliance shot out from the bead, which immediately suppressed the dazzling rosy glow, and the room could be seen clearly again. He saw the yin and yang boy Gong Sheng and Jin Rui fighting for the top spot. He heard that Jin Rui's side had been poisoned, so he was quite worried that he would not be able to support him.But looking at it now, the Kunlun swordsmanship is really incomparable, and the attack and defense are all just right.In addition, Jinrui's internal energy is extremely strong, and there is no room for the enemy to take advantage of the brilliance on the sword. Shi Siwen jumped over and said coldly: Does Gong Sheng still recognize Pindao, a fledgling kid three years ago? Jin Rui retracted his sword and backed away a few feet, Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, no matter how arrogant he was, he didn't dare to pursue at this moment, lest Shi Siwen attack him, and it would not be easy to escape at that time.Holding his fan upright, he stared back at Shi Siwen, and said: If you want to do it, you don't have to talk about it. Shi Siwen smiled and said: Pindao is already a Taoist, and he doesn't like to hurt people with his tongue. Very good, then I want to see what amazing abilities the head of Kongtong has already practiced? Shi Siwen nodded and said: "If you don't reach the Yellow River, your heart will never die. If you are poor, if you don't show your ugliness, Xuanyin will teach Yelang to be arrogant, and there will be no end." Jin Ruidao: Lord Yuting, please come here Shi Siwen walked over as he said, and Jin Rui said softly: This old devil already has the heart to repent of his past mistakes, and the temple master can take a camera to transform Shi Siwen's face was serious, and he said: "It's good, it's good, this is a matter of immeasurable merit, and the poor should be reluctant to do it." Gong Sheng, a yin and yang boy, looked at the pearl in Shi Siwen's hand, thinking to himself that the dim blue light emitted by this pearl could break the power of amethyst, what kind of treasure is it? When Shi Siwen returned to him, he had already handed over the bead to Jin Rui, so as not to interfere with his display.He said slowly: "Xiangzhu, don't mention what happened in the past."Now Pindao will teach you ten tricks first, after ten tricks, let's stop for now, Pindao has a very important thing to say. Gong Sheng said coldly: You have so many trifles. Shi Siwen said: "Please agree with the incense master." The yin-yang boy Gong Sheng sneered sinisterly, and said, "Okay, let's see what kind of mystery you are making. In fact, he has already made up a plan. When the tenth move is paused, he will unexpectedly perform Hunyuan Yiqi Kungfu to knock Shi Siwen down, and then Then solve Jinrui. Shi Siwen held his sword in his hand and said please, then walked and circled.The old devil, Gong Sheng, didn't dare to be negligent, and opened the Yin-Yang fan in a flash.It moves with Shi Siwen, but spins to the opposite side. The two people's figures separated and then joined together, Shi Siwen looked solemn and respectful, as if he had encountered a lifelong enemy.At this time, the sword light flickered and attacked from the middle. Gong Sheng had fought with Shi Siwen years ago. At that time, Shi Siwen had such an expression when he used his master's sword technique of subduing demons.Later, when he saw Shi Xuanzhong using his sword skills, he was also extremely respectful. Only then did he realize that no matter what opponent he uses, anyway, once he uses this set of sword skills, it must be like this.Not surprised at this moment, but a little timid.He knows that although his skills have been getting deeper in recent years, he has only improved in Hunyuan Yiqigong, and the Yin-Yang fan in his hand is still nothing new, so Shi Siwen used the Kongtong school's demon-subduing sword technique that shocked the world. , I couldn't help but feel a little timid. When the two of them got together, they had already changed two moves. In this kind of martial arts competition, if the difference is even a tiny bit, it will be a thousand miles away.The old devil was secretly timid, and it showed on the fan. Jin Rui looked at it very strangely, and secretly thought that Shi Xuan really has the power of ghosts and gods, and even his apprentice Shi Siwen can make Gong Sheng, the well-known Xuanyin Sect's third incense master, fearful. There is no need to fight the frame at all. The Kongtong School's Subduing Demon Swordsmanship was originally the best of the superior swordsmanship, it not only pays attention to the moves, but also includes the fighting will and will of both the enemy and the enemy. At this time, the will alone is enough to defeat the enemy.But seeing Shi Siwen's eighteen-handed demon swordsman coming, the inside is divided into nine small styles and nine big styles, the sword energy is like a rainbow, and the lightning is flying.A large curtain of swords enveloped the figure of the yin and yang boy Gong Sheng. If the Tao is high, the demon will disappear. On the other hand, Gong Sheng's current situation is very difficult and dangerous, and the signs of exhaustion are fully revealed.If the fight continues like this, within fifty moves, the yin and yang boy Gong Sheng must die on the spot. The ten moves were finished in the blink of an eye, Shi Siwen kept his promise and retreated abruptly. Gong Sheng originally planned to injure the enemy secretly with his extraordinary skills when he leaped back.Unexpectedly, there was no time to use the skills, and the enemy had calmly retreated.The old devil broke out in a cold sweat, and thought to himself that although he was afraid of the enemy, he hadn't seen him for several years, and the depth of his skill was really surprising.If it were another incense master, it might not be easy to find someone who could perform ten strokes under his sword. Shi Siwen said slowly: "Master Gong Xiang, you must not be convinced in your heart, because you haven't used your fame and unique skills, Hunyuan Yiqi, right? Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, sighed and said nothing. Shi Siwen said again: "Pindao knows Gong Xiangzhu's miraculous achievements, and no one in the world can resist them." Gong Sheng's ambition immediately cheered up, and he smiled slightly. But Pindao wants to try it unconditionally today, if he is injured and died under Gong Xiangzhu's Hunyuan Yiqi Kung Fu, he will have no complaints. Gong Sheng and Jin Rui were moved at the same time, but they were surprised and happy, and their moods were very different. Shi Siwen walked up to five steps in front of Gong Sheng, stopped his figure, and said: "Master Gong Xiang, please use it!" Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, is not as good as before. In the past, after he developed Hunyuan Qigong, his gongpower decreased a little.But now the skill is so deep that if it is not used too much, it will not affect one's own skill.Seeing that the other party had already stood up, he even shook his fan to catch the cool, and said: You voluntarily give it a try, you can't blame me if you die Shi Siwen wondered why the old devil said such ridiculous things, suddenly his facial features turned cold, and then he realized that when the other party was speaking, he performed a miraculous work, and by shaking his fan, he secretly attacked his facial features.Now he smiled and said: "If Lord Gong Xiang doesn't try his best, it will be in vain." Gong Sheng's complexion changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to spray, a strange cold air hit Shi Siwen's face directly. Shi Siwen took a deep breath and said: "Although Pindao has practiced some innate qi skills, he has not yet been able to use it for self-defense. Master Gong Xiang does not need to doubt this." Gong Sheng, the yin-yang boy, saw that the opponent still dared to breathe, he couldn't help stomping his feet, the square bricks under his feet were shaken into powder by his foot.He said: Forget it, Shi Siwen, you do have the ability to become a saint, I admit defeat. Shi Siwen said: "With Gong Xiangzhu's skill, if he is a decent person, who in the world would not respect him?"Today's matter, only three people know, the poor and the benefactor will never tell the fourth person, Xiangzhu can rest assured. Gong Sheng said coldly: Shi Siwen, what's your plan, you might as well just say it. Shi Siwen said: "It's not true. There is poisonous gas hidden in the poisonous circle of reincarnation. It seems that Jin benefactor has been tricked by ghosts. Can Lord Gong Xiang point out a way?" Gong Sheng said: The antidote is on his body, in a red bottle. Jin Rui immediately went to search the unconscious poisonous man Fang Ke, and found a red porcelain bottle. He uncorked the bottle and poured a little red powder into his palm. Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, said: "Inhale it into the nose, and the poison will be detoxified by itself." Jin Rui did as he said, and sneezed three times, but felt that his chest and abdomen were very smooth.Immediately thanked Gong Sheng, and then asked: I have never heard of such a poisonous gas that can become colorless and odorless. May I ask what is the name of this poisonous gas? Gong Shengdao: According to Fang Ke, he decomposed one poisonous gas into three, one in each house, and it had to pass through three houses before it could be poisoned.It is because of this that there is no peculiar smell, but there is one thing, whether what he said to me is completely true, and whether the antidote can completely remove the poisonous gas, I can't guarantee it. Jin Rui nodded and said: "Naturally, who can trust people like Fang Ke, the poisonous man?" Shi Siwen Jishou said: "Let's take my leave now. Lord Gong Xiang has a deep understanding of the world and naturally has a way to protect himself. The poor dare not talk about it."We only hope to meet each other someday, which is not what we see today. Jin Rui said: "Master Gong Xiang, please avoid the yin and yang boy Gong Sheng, knowing that the other party is going to deal with the poisonous man Fang Ke, he was silent and turned his back.Jin Rui pinched Fang Ke's body, crushing his main tendons, making it difficult for him to perform martial arts in the future. At that moment, Shi Siwen and Jin Rui came out of the house from the entrance, and Xi Xuanyin Cultists were all gathered there, so they left calmly without being noticed by them.As for how Gong Sheng explained to his superiors, they couldn't care less. When the two returned to the inn, Feng Ju was overjoyed to see that they had returned unharmed.After Jin Rui told him the outline of the trip, he asked Shi Siwen, "Master Yuting, why didn't you come out when the wooden door opened?"That bead is supernatural, what kind of treasure is it? Shi Siwen said: "At that time when the fire was shining, the room was full of rosy clouds and nothing could be seen. At that time, Pindao was too stable, so he didn't rush out by himself, so he missed the opportunity."After the wooden door closed, I felt quite regretful.Inadvertently remembered that there was a luminous pearl in the bag, which was one of the twelve treasures left by old man Tianxuan, so he took it out.Under the pearl light, everything in the room returned to normal. Only then did I see that there was a little more than ten feet from the wall where Pindao stood to the wooden door, and the length of the room, which seemed to be about ten feet, now became six or seven feet long.Pindao drew his sword and went to the side of the oil lamp, still using the previous method, stuck the long sword on the wall to stabilize his figure, and then looked closely at the oil lamp, only to see that the light was very small, a few inches outside the flame, embedded With a purple transparent crystal.After the light passes through the amethyst, it will cause visual errors.Pindao got the amethyst down and went to the door again.Thinking that the door has been opened and closed several times, there is no hidden weapon, and probably nothing will happen if you don't move the handle, so you poke the door with the tip of the sword, and then pull the door open. Jin Rui said: "This amethyst is indeed a rare treasure in the universe. When I said it, I took it out of the bag and put it in the palm of my hand, and said: Therefore, I must pick it up and study it. It's strange that this amethyst seems to be nothing different during the daytime." place.According to them, this amethyst is a product of the Tianlei Palace on Mingjing Cliff in Changbai Mountain, and only Changbai Mountain can produce it. Shi Siwen gave a soft ah, and said, "Is it from Changbai Mountain?" Jin Rui glanced at him, seeing that he didn't go on, it was inconvenient to ask, but he knew in his heart that the master of Kongtong, Yuting Guanzhu, must have some entanglements with Changbai Mountain Tianlei Palace. Shi Siwen said: "Gold benefactor, you said that you have been poisoned, but the poor Taoist didn't care about plotting that their actions were not fair enough. At that time, he used this amethyst to hit the acupoint of the person holding the torch. He was dazzled by the amethyst's glow." , so he couldn't even hide, so he was restrained by the poor Taoist. Now that the matter has come to an end, Master Feng can't stay here! Jin Rui said with a smile: Brother Feng has a bare rod anyway, and his home is all over the world, so it's not a problem.I still have a question, please answer it.It was Gong Sheng, the yin and yang boy, whose Hunyuan Yiqi Kung Fu is well-known in the world and extremely vicious.How can the viewer not be afraid? Shi Siwen said: "It's not that Pindao is very capable, it's just because Pindao has another treasure that can restrain all the poisonous arts of the outer sects in the world, called Hanxing Bingyu." He took it out while talking and showed it to them. A boulder the size of a pigeon egg has moiré water vapor on it, faintly flowing.It is cold in the hand, which makes people feel peaceful in the heart. This cold star ice jade was accidentally obtained by Miss Shangguanlan, a disciple of Mrs. Pindao's wife. At that time, she happened to meet Gong Sheng, a yin and yang boy. Thanks to this treasure, Pindao survived by luck. (Refer to my book "The Legend of the Sword God" for details) Later, this treasure was still kept by Pindao's side, and it happened to be of great use today. Jin Rui immediately understood that this young Taoist priest was also a generation of swordsman Shi Siwen, and his relationship was difficult to find out, and his target was Shangguan Lan. Shi Siwen cheered up secretly, restored his original calm and sincere smile, and said: "Benefactor Jin, it seems that it is inconvenient for Pindao to go with you when we go to Mount Emei this time!" Jin Rui asked: Why? Just because three years ago, Pindao heard that his master and Yu Shuchu were fighting swords at the Red Heart Shop in Xiangyang, so he rushed there at the same time.At that time, Pindao was in the secret cave of Tianxuan old man, and he also got a Taoist artifact called Zhu Jian.Unexpectedly, this sword was coveted by others, leaving a secret mark of Jiangnan hero Gan Fengchi on Pindao Ma.Poor Daofang wondered why some friends from the rivers and lakes who went to watch the sword competition for several days suddenly avoided me?At this time, I ran into Zhuge Taizhen, the mother-in-law circle of Qiankun who was the leader of the great inner group of demons in the past. After he told me the reason, the poor Taoist understood Jin Rui originally belonged to Wang Zhou's clan, in the past years he had seen Zhuge Taizhen many times in the palace, but since Yongzheng's death, the demons in the palace have been dispersed, and he has not heard from them for a long time.As soon as Shi Siwen mentioned it, he couldn't help interjecting and asked: After Zhuge Taizhen left Da Nei, there was no news.What was he doing when you met him? Shi Siwen said: "He has corrected his evil ways and returned to the right, he has realized his past mistakes, and did nothing, but he took in an apprentice, Yue Xiaolei."Regarding this Yue Xiaolei, it was only later that Pindao found out that he had a relationship with his family teacher and his family teacher's wife.At that time Zhuge Taizhen didn't know the origin of the poor, but admitted that he looked up to him, and told him everything frankly.But he knows that the situation is very difficult, because he has deep hatred with almost all chivalrous people.And although he repented, no one knew about his chivalrous ways.When you meet him, you are bound to seek revenge on him.He couldn't bear any humiliation, so he still had to do something to get the result. Pindao sympathized with his situation very much, and planned to ask his family teacher to take care of his martial arts friends in the future.Not long after we broke up, we ran into each other again. At that time, he was surrounded by several people, forcing him to kill two or three of them. Miss Zhu from the Emei School suddenly came to reinforce him. In response to the enemy, unable to use all his abilities, he was in a critical moment, and the poor Taoist arrived, and he rescued him, thus forming a misunderstanding with the decent heroes.After that, he stopped Pindao on the road, although he never captured him, but the vermilion sword fell into the hands of the Emei sect.
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