Home Categories martial arts novel Looking for Qin Jiyi

Chapter 3 Chapter Three

Looking for Qin Jiyi 黃易 5718Words 2023-02-05
The two walked down the mountain road in the darkness before dawn, heading for the market far away from the endless mountainous area. Xiang Shaolong felt an unprecedented love and infatuation for this woman.Running down with her in his arms, it was as easy as breathing for a soldier who had received special training. Mei Canniang was very surprised, but she was no longer surprised when she thought that he was sent down to the mortal world by God. Xiang Shaolong also asked relaxedly: How did you marry those two brothers?Where is your own family? Mei Canniang just screamed from his sudden jump, caressed her breasts, her pretty face turned bright red from the stimulation, and said: My family lives in a place where it takes three days to walk toward the sun. One day, the two brothers brought ten tiger skin, a bear skin, fifty mink skins, five oxen, and a hundred sheep in exchange for me. Such a generous dowry was never heard of in our clan, so I married them.

Xiang Shaolong picked her up by the waist and waded across a small river that was only three meters wide, thinking that if he had the latest AK 47, he would be able to hunt around for tiger skins in exchange for women, but he asked: how old are you Mei Canniang hugged his neck tightly, leaned into his ear and said: Fourteen years old! Xiang Shaolong said in amazement: What?So you haven't reached the legal age to have sex? When we came to the road outside the mountains, the sun showed its first light in the east. This pair of men and women who were originally separated by more than two thousand years of time and space walked side by side affectionately, talking and laughing happily.

Beautiful Canniang has her own body, and after the most passionate and romantic half day and night of her life, she was overjoyed, like a little girl, holding Xiang Shaolong's arm, kicking a pair of small straw sandals, and walking easily.The hard journey in the past has turned into endless fun, and he said with a smile: It used to take at least ten hours to go to the market, but since someone built this military road, it can reach the market in four hours, which saves a lot of time. Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that war can promote the development of transportation, indirectly stimulate the economy, and increase efficiency. From this point of view, in this era, war also has a good side.

well!It's a pity that I can't bring anything. If I really have a machine gun, or even a large-caliber pistol, I might become the highest paid mercenary in the Warring States Period. Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing. Xuan thought of Zhou Xiangmei, the queen of the bar, and Zheng Cuizhi, who made her look like this.And his parents, they often say that he is unworthy, his two brothers and three sisters are all better than him, now without him, I am afraid they will not be too sad!But it feels vaguely that the real situation is not like that.It's a pity that I can't make a phone call to tell them they are safe now.

The sound of wheels rubbing against the ground sounded from behind. It turned out to be a mule cart carrying more than ten white sheep.Two peasant-looking men in the car, one old and one young, greeted them in a friendly manner. They all looked at the majestic and tall Xiang Shaolong in amazement, and did not express much surprise compared to the beauty of Canniang. After the mule cart went away, several fast horses galloped past. They were all dressed as ancient warriors. They were equipped with weapons such as bows, arrows, swords and axes, but they were not soldiers. The two avoided the side of the road.

Mei Canniang whispered in his ear: These warriors are all servants, and they are responsible for transporting money for merchants, which is the most profitable job. Xiang Shaolong smiled and said: Ha!There is finally a job for me! Mei Canniang screamed: No!I can no longer lose you as a husband. Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, and after comforting her a few words, he dragged her to continue on the road. The closer you get to the market, the more people are on the road, most of them are pushing single-wheeled wooden carts, carrying all kinds of goods such as millet, millet, beams, yellow rice, millet, wheat, bean, cattle, sheep, etc., in a hurry headed towards the same destination.

At this moment, Xiang Shaolong realized how tall he was, the tallest of those people was half a head shorter than him, which made him even more proud and felt like he stood out from the crowd. After half an hour, we finally arrived at the market. More than forty mud houses, huts, and stone houses are irregularly arranged in two rows, forming a wide street.All kinds of crops, livestock, and people selling and buying filled the half-mile-long mud street, full of festive atmosphere. After stepping into the bazaar, Lady Candy whispered fearfully: Look!Those guys on the left are the scorched brothers of the toubob. They're staring at us. What should we do?

Xiang Shaolong regained his spirits, and looked to the left vigilantly. Sure enough, a group of ten or so burly men who could be seen as local hooligans were sitting or standing in front of a mud hut, but their eyes were staring at them in amazement. Mei Canniang continued: They must have known about Jiao Du looking for me, and they thought I had become Jiao Du's woman, so they were surprised to see you come out instead.This time is bad, why not leave immediately! Xiang Shaolong inspected the crude iron swords they were wearing with his professional eyes, then smiled at them, and then said to Miss Candy: Don't panic, my wife, you have a husband here, and no one can hurt your hair .When I realized that my words were getting closer and closer to the ancients, I couldn't help laughing.

Mei Canniang was so frightened that her pretty face turned pale, and she dragged him to the other end of the street. The two squeezed into the crowd, Xiang Shaolong observed the people and things around him unscrupulously when others looked at him. These people from the Warring States period can be seen from different races just by looking at their clothing. Regardless of gender, most of them have flat faces, short stature, and rough skin.But the folk customs are simple and honest, which makes people feel good. The only exceptions are men and women who wear strange red crowns.Their hats didn't cover the entire top of their heads like the hats he was familiar with, but had crown loops on top of their buns to hold the hair in place, with red tassel cords hanging down the sides and knotted under the chin.

The men and women of this family are not only tall and fit, but the women are also fair-skinned. They wear short dresses and short skirts with bare chests and arms. They are very sexy. Some of the young girls among them were particularly outstanding, their beauty surpassed that of Canniang, and all they sold were horses. When Xiang Shaolong picked the most beautiful girl among them as a salute, those beauties all gave this Angzang man from another time and space a big look, and didn't mind his eyes on their half-exposed plump breasts and jade legs superior. When Mei Canniang came into the crowd, she felt much safer. When she saw his obsessive look, she didn't think she was disobedient at all, and said in a low voice: They are all from Baiyi, and they are best at raising horses. Both men and women are very good. Hunters, no one dares to bully them.

When Xiang Shaolong's heart was itching, he was dragged into a mud hut by Niang Mei Can, took the silk from his shoulders, and made a deal with the man inside. Xiang Shaolong took the opportunity to slip out of the house. when!when!when! The sound of the gong sounded in front of the largest stone house on the opposite side, and someone murmured: "Thirty copper dollars for getting on the horse!"Get on the horse for thirty copper dollars! Xiang Shaolong looked over in great surprise, and saw more than a dozen big men in strong uniforms standing on the steps of the big house with the same costumes as the knights they met on the road just now. The peasants are worlds apart. Although his eyesight was good, but from a distance of more than ten meters, he could only see that person with big ears, a handsome appearance, and the air of a rich man. There was a commotion in the market, and the horse dealers immediately rushed over with their horses, and the situation was chaotic. At this moment, a cold snort came from his side. When Xiang Shaolong looked around vigilantly, he was surrounded by Jiao Du brothers. He took two steps back in a calm manner, guarded the beautiful Canniang who was about to come out, and asked in a low voice: "Does killing someone here mean going to jail?" Mei Canniang said in amazement: What is imprisonment? Xiang Shaolong asked again in another way: Is anyone in charge of killing people? Mei Canniang understood a bit and said: Except for her own clansmen, no one will care about her.Then tremblingly said: You don't want to fight with so many people, do you?They all have swords!We can give them the money in exchange. Xiang Shaolong let go of his worries and thought to himself that in this era, there is nothing more useful than force, and the rigorous training he has received before will not be wasted now. One of the Jiaodu brothers shouted: "Beautiful silkworm girl!"Where is Brother Jiao?Who is this stinky man? At this time, people on the street were alarmed by what had happened here, and crowded around to watch the excitement. Even the man in Chinese clothes who came to buy horses and his subordinates stopped buying horses and looked at them. Xiang Shaolong, who was used to making trouble and fighting, had a big heart, looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "Your brother Jiao has been slaughtered, and those who want revenge will be let over." Mei Canniang was trembling with fright, and hugged him tightly from behind. Everyone's expressions changed together, and amidst the clanging sound, they drew out their swords. Xiang Shaolong pushed Mei Canniang away slowly, and pulled out the hatchet from his waist, which immediately aroused sighs and sympathetic voices from the onlookers, blaming him for being overconfident and using the hatchet to block the sword. Two big men rushed towards him, raised their swords and slashed from left to right. There were endless screams, and among them, the beautiful Baiyi woman who had flirted with Xiang Shaolong even covered her eyes, and couldn't bear to look at her. Xiang Shaolong shouted loudly, and swung the hatchet with lightning. In his nearly ten years of rigorous military training, there is a saying that anything can be used as a weapon. Although the two people in front of him are brave and fierce fighters, they are nothing in his eyes. They can be easily knocked down, let alone a hatchet. With two bangs, the long sword swung away, Xiang Shaolong leaped forward, his left fist hit one person's face heavily, and the other kick kicked the other person's genitals. The two fell to the ground in response, and the long sword dropped from their hands. Then Xiang Shaolong retreated to Mei Canniang, pointed the hatchet forward, put on a fighting posture, and shouted to the shocked crowd: Come on! Everyone was eager to try, but no one dared to take the lead to save. They never even thought about such a quick and fierce style of play. Xiang Shaolong let out a long laugh, and rushed out like a tiger, slashing down with the hatchet, fighting with the twenty or so people. He moved quickly so that the enemy could not form a siege, and within a short while they were all over the ground, either hit in the vitals by his iron fist, or hit by his kick and knee. The crowd couldn't stop cheering and cheering for him, apparently fed up with the anger of these hooligans. When Xiang Shaolong became the final victor, he picked up the most decent iron sword among them and tied it around his waist. As soon as the crowd shouted, a few people rushed out first, and then a whole bunch of people rushed out, picked up sticks or hoes, and greeted the group of villains lying on the ground. It seemed that no one survived the public outrage . Mei Canniang rushed out, hugged him firmly, and cheered: "Oh my God!You are so brave!From now on, the servants will no longer be afraid of villains. Xiang Shaolong walked towards the other end of the street with his arms around her, and asked easily: Do you know how to get to Handan? Mei Canniang said: "Someone has heard of this place, but they don't know how to get there?" Footsteps sounded from behind, and someone shouted: "Soldiers, please stay!" Xiang Shaolong turned around with Mei Canniang in his arms, only to see that man in fancy dress and crown who bought a healthy horse was walking towards them. Xiang Shaolong, Mei Canniang and the burly man in Chinese clothes sat down on the floor in a big room. Xiang Shaolong looked at the man carefully, and guessed that he was around forty years old, his face gave off a shrewd look, his skin was smooth, and he had obviously never done rough work. Compared with the farmers and herdsmen in the market outside, he looked like a city dweller and the poor peasants in the countryside. The man introduced himself: I am Tao Fang, one of the twelve servants under Uncle Wuzhiluo, the strong man has a strange accent, I don't know where he is from? Xiang Shaolong nonsense: I and Jiannei are both from Sanglin, Master Tao invited me here, what kind of consideration do you have? Tao Fang showed a dazed look, obviously he couldn't understand his words, he could barely guess a few percent, but fortunately he was used to fighting with different nationalities, nodded and said: "Is a strong man interested in getting a lot of money?" Xiang Shaolong looked at Beautiful Canniang. She sent a sweet smile, and nodded to express that everything depends on him, and she has no objections.For her, what a man says is an order. Xiang Shaolong felt a sense of relief from breaking away from the discipline of the army, nodded and said: May Master Tao teach me! Tao Fang leaned forward and said excitedly: "With the amazing skill of a strong man, he can really stop a hundred. If you are willing to be my bodyguard, I can give you fifty copper coins every month. How about a strong man?" Mei Canniang cried out, took his arm and muttered: That's enough for us to live for a year. Xiang Shaolong took a sip on her face and said: This offer is very attractive, but we still have to go to Handan! A smile escaped from the corner of Tao Fang's mouth, and he said calmly: "Xiang Zhuangshi must have never heard of our Uncle Wu's reputation. He is the leading animal husbandry king in Handan. After we collect enough horses from various places, they will be transported to Handan. If the strong man is me A bodyguard is a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone. Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed and said: But I want to bring her along! Tao Fang looked at Beautiful Canniang and said with a smile: Don't worry!In addition to purchasing healthy horses, we also purchase beauties from various mountainous areas, so there is no problem at all for strong men and beauties.Then he frowned and looked at his clothes and said: "I will have someone clean the place for the virtuous couple to rest, change into new clothes, and go back to Handan at dawn tomorrow. The kind of weapon a strong man is used to. If it's a sword, I'll give you a Handan old man right away." A good sword made of iron, the one you picked up just now can be thrown away. Xiang Shaolong couldn't help laughing, and asked by the way: How long will it take to get to Handan? Tao Fang obviously admired and loved him very much, and he said in detail: "A fast horse can reach him in ten days, but with our way of walking, we have to buy horses and beauties along the way, and it will take at least a month's journey." Xiang Shaolong was in a good mood, remembering that he could go to Handan to find Qin Shihuang, he hurriedly said there was no problem. That's how it was decided. Tao Fang sent someone to lead him to a camp near the market. The person who led the way was called Li Shan, who was also a bodyguard. He admired his skills very much, and his demeanor was extremely respectful. The camp is heavily guarded, more than 30 large and small tents are guarded, I don't know whether to prevent the beauties from escaping, or to prevent someone from robbing the camp. There is also a temporary stall beside the camp, and more than a hundred horses are locked in it. Li Shan introduced Xiang Shaolong to Dou Liang, the head of the bodyguards there. The fierce-eyed warrior looked at him coldly for a while, and said with disdain: Brother Xiang is so capable, I would like to learn from him if I have the chance.After talking, he looked at Mei Canniang, pretending that Xiang Shaolong didn't exist. Li Shan awkwardly led the two of them to a tent leaning against the edge of the camp, and left after explaining a few words. The two entered the tent. Mei Canniang lowered her head and didn't make a sound, but she was obviously full of thoughts. Xiang Shaolong hugged her into his arms, and said softly: Don't be afraid of that Dou Liang, sooner or later I will find a chance to teach him a lesson, I, Xiang Shaolong, am not afraid of any wicked people.Can't help but think of the black-faced god. Mei Canniang said in a low voice: People in the city are very treacherous, I'm afraid I won't be used to that kind of life. Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that modern people are a hundred times worse than your ancient people, so he could only comfort him: "With me protecting you, what are you afraid of?" Mei Canniang's eyes turned red, she fell into his arms, and said sadly: "The people in Sanglin Village are all good people, their lives are abundant, and they are getting better every year. Now that Jiaodu's villains have all been beaten to death, it is even more peaceful." Paradise, my husband!Wouldn't it be better if we went back to live there and lived happily until old age and death, while the slave family would bear children for you? Xiang Shaolong secretly sighed in his heart, how could he get used to that kind of life when he was used to spending time and money, and said softly: Why don't you do it like this!I will borrow a hundred copper coins from Tao Fang, which is enough for your living expenses for two years, and I will go to Handan to explore the world, and come back to pick you up as soon as I have achievements, isn't that the best of both worlds? Mei Canniang trembled and said: Isn't that to separate from you? Xiang Shaolong said: A few months sooner, a year or two later, I will definitely come back.Don't forget that I was sent by God, so I will never die. Mei Canniang burst into tears, making Xiang Shaolong at a loss, but she made up her mind and agreed to Xiang Shaolong with tears in her eyes. Thinking of the imminent parting, the two of them crazily cheered up in the tent until dinner time, they went out of the tent to have dinner with Tao Fang, and when they mentioned the salary advance, Tao Fang took 200 copper coins and handed them over without saying a word. He was generous and heroic, and Xiang Shaolong couldn't help but feel frustrated. The head of the bodyguard, Dou Liang, was even more jealous. Tao Fang seemed to casually ask about Xiang Shaolong's origin, but Xiang Shaolong always insisted that he was from Sanglin Village, and Tao Fang didn't get to the bottom of it. They slept in the camp early that night, and lingered until death. In the early morning of the next day, after bidding farewell, Mei Canniang went back to Sanglin Village by herself, while Xiang Shaolong followed Tao Fang's horse team towards the unknown capital of Zhao State. , embarked on the road to find Qin Shihuang.
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