Home Categories martial arts novel Looking for Qin Jiyi

Chapter 44 Chapter 10: All the tricks

Looking for Qin Jiyi 黃易 8105Words 2023-02-05
Xiang Shaolong stepped into the hall of Yinlong Residence, Wu Tingfang and Tingfang's family led Chunying's four maidservants to kneel by the door, following the etiquette of wives and maidservants, they welcomed their husband who returned in triumph. He didn't expect Wu Tingfang to be so obedient, and he didn't know how to return the courtesy. When he was at a loss, Wu Tingfang smiled and asked him to sit in the main seat, and Tingfang himself undressed him, and the four maidservants happily went to the bathroom for him. He prepares hot water. When Xiang Shaolong was enjoying the warm atmosphere of the small family, he couldn't help thinking of Mrs. Ni, whose life was as thin as paper, especially when he was soaking in the bathtub, he even remembered the scene of mandarin ducks playing in the water when he parted with this beautiful woman whose fragrance had disappeared.

Wu Tingfang became more mature and plump, and she became more sensible. Not only did she not blame him for being unhappy, but she and Tingfang's family took good care of him and used her beautiful body to soothe his severely traumatized heart. In a daze, coupled with the pain of the long journey, Xiang Shaolong didn't know how he climbed onto the couch, and when he woke up, it was already the dead of night. On the spacious couch, under the warm quilt, Wu Tingfang, who was only wearing thin obscene clothes, hugged him tightly, sleeping obediently and sweetly. As soon as Xiang Shaolong moved, she woke up, and it was obvious that her mind was on Ailang.

Wu Tingfang said softly: Are you hungry?You haven't had dinner yet! Xiang Shaolong hugged her tightly and said: With you in my arms, I forget everything else. Wu Tingfang said happily: "It's good that you are back. Without you, everything loses its fun and meaning. Fang'er doesn't want to ride a horse, don't want to shoot an arrow, or anything. Missing someone can be so painful! After Sister Ya came back, Fang'er pestered her every day, asking her to tell about your journey, and she and others adored you so much.I said earlier that no one can beat you. Thinking of Mrs. Ni, Xiang Shaolong felt a pain in his heart, leaned into her ear and said: Eat my darling first, and then eat my late dinner, okay?

Wu Tingfang said embarrassingly: Of course!People wait for your favor until their necks grow. The next day, Wu Shiluo sent someone to call him and Wu Tingfang early in the morning, and took them to have breakfast with him. Xiang Shaolong embraced Tingfang's family for a while, kissed the four maidservants who waited for his favor, and then hurried to the main mansion with Wu Tingfang, who was in high spirits after being nourished by him. When Wu Tingfang saw her grandfather, she used her coquettish and naughty housekeeping skills to coax the old man to smile so hard that he couldn't even close his mouth.

During the meeting, Wu Shiluo said to Xiang Shaolong: After Wu Zhuo came back, he reported in detail all the details of Shaolong's trip to the Wei Kingdom. We were very pleased to hear that. Well, Fang'er is really blessed to have you as her son-in-law. Wu Tingfang couldn't help smiling sweetly when she saw that the most picky grandpa praised Fulang so much. When Xiang Shaolong shy away embarrassedly, Wu Shi said: "We will choose a time in these two days to hold a secret wedding ceremony for you and Ting Fang, then Ting Fang will be your concubine, does Shaolong have any objections?"

Xiang Shaolong stood up and kowtowed in thanks, Wu Tingfang was both ashamed and happy, and lowered her pretty face. When he returned to his seat, Wu Shiluo continued: Zhao Ya now plays a key role in our success or failure. Only through her can you get in touch with Ying Zheng's mother and son. Fortunately, she is infatuated with you. Take advantage of this relationship. Wu Tingfang said angrily: Grandpa!Sister Ya and Shaolong are sincerely in love. Wushi sighed, "My little daughter!What do you know? Xiang Shaolong didn't want to argue with him on this matter, so it's hard to blame him, because Zhao Ya's reputation is too bad, no one would believe that she would stick to her cause, not even herself so sure.

Wu Shilu said: Guo Zong sent a message last night, inviting Shaolong to a banquet at his mansion tonight to celebrate the successful stealing of "Lu Gong Secret Record", accompanied by Zhao Mu, Zhao Mo's tycoon Yan Zhao Ba of the Zhao Clan Warrior Guild that Pinghe mentioned to you yesterday, such a battle might not be as simple as a celebration banquet. Xiang Shaolong frowned when he heard this, and said: Can I bring some people there? Wu Zhi said: Of course!Now, as the grandson-in-law of my Wu family, you have made military exploits again, your status is not as good as before, and you don't have any generals to accompany you, how can you look like this.

Xiang Shaolong thought for a while and asked: Shaolong has always been unclear about one thing. King Xiaocheng and Zhao Mu are all Zhao Mu, whether they are related by blood. Why did they make such a mess?You can even marry with the same surname. Wu Shiluo looked at him in surprise and said: I'll tell you that you are confused.You people in the mountains have never paid attention to blood relationship, why do you care about these things? It was only then that Xiang Shaolong remembered his real origin, and said nonsense: I just wonder why people from the royal family would follow our example.

How could Wu Zhiluo guess that he came from another time and space, even if he told him frankly, he would not believe it, and said: There are two kinds of people with the surname Zhao, one is the real Zhao clan, but after so many generations, blood relationship The relationship has become much weaker, and no one cares about it at all, and even encourages intermarriage of the same surname.The other is the person who was bestowed the surname Zhao by King Zhao, and Zhao Mu is one example. Xiang Shaolong suddenly nodded. Wu Shilu said: "There are two people, Shaolong, that you must guard against. They are Lord Xinling of Wei State and Tian Dan of Qi State. Both of them are very powerful, and they have a lot of masters. Since you stole the "Secret Records of Lu Gong ", and killed Xiao Wei Mou, they will never let you go.Unless they don't do it, it must be a well-thought-out shocking method, and it is by no means easy to deal with.

Xiang Shaolong raised his eyes and said: Shaolong is already prepared, grandpa don't worry! Wu Zhi looked up to the sky with a long smile, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said: Good!This is my good grandson-in-law. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Even in the 21st century, intelligence gathering is still a priority, but then it could rely on satellites, but now it depends on human ears and eyes. For this reason, Xiang Shaolong discussed with Tao Fang and decided on a strategy on how to spy on Zhao Mu and deal with them.The intelligence network was expanded to Guo Zong, Zhao Ba, Yan Ping and Zhao Mu's two lackeys, the doctor Guo Kai and the general Le Cheng and others.Only then did Wu Tingfang and Wu Tingfang go to the lady's mansion outside Mrs. Ya's palace.

Teng Yi and Jing Jun became his personal bodyguards, and they followed him inseparably whenever he stepped out of the mansion. Wu Zhuo also carefully selected ten other subordinates to be his attendants. These people had followed him to the Wei Kingdom, and they had formed a deep relationship between master and slave, so they naturally cooperated like arms and fingers. The streets of Handan City are more lively than before, and there are more people. Looking at the clothes and listening to the voice, many of them are traveling businessmen from other places. It can be seen that Zhao Guo is gradually recovering the vitality that was severely damaged by the Changping World War I. Xiang Shaolong and Wu Tingfang rode side by side, followed by Teng Yi and Jing Jun, and behind them were soldiers from the Wu family, all passers-by looked sideways. He couldn't help feeling emotional. Thinking of the day when I first arrived in Handan, the road ahead was boundless, and I couldn't even keep a Tingfang family, so I couldn't help but feel mixed feelings. But everything in front of my eyes is just like a castle built on the beach, when a wave comes, it will disappear without a trace. In fact entire countries fit the metaphor. The feeling of a big dream came to my heart again. Why does life always have the feeling of dreaming? Only at some special moments, such as the confrontation of swords, or the lingering lingering with Wu Tingfang last night, can one clearly experience life and existence. No matter how much he invests in this era, it is difficult for him to feel everything in front of him like other people.Because he is always from another era and has more than 2,000 years of historical experience, he can see more truthfully, deeply and objectively than any sage and wise man of this era. While Wu Tingfang couldn't help throwing a sweet and charming smile at him, the men and horses had already entered Mrs. Ya's mansion. Zhao Ya greeted them in the main hall. Xiang Shaolong specially introduced Teng Yi and Jing Jun to her, and said in a low voice: Jing Jun is very good at night walking, he walks through houses like walking on level ground, if I have something urgent to inform you, I will send him to find you. After setting up a few simple contact signals, Madam Ya smiled coquettishly and said: "Qian'er is waiting for you inside." Xiang Shaolong was both happy and surprised: King Xiaocheng is really willing to agree to your request? Madam Ya followed him and Wu Tingfang to the inner hall, while Teng Jing stayed in the outer hall.As we walked, I said: I proposed to Brother Wang that I would pass on Qian'er's secret method of seducing men, so that she can become the princess of another country in the future, and she can make good use of her talent capital and play a role that is beneficial to my great Zhao.Brother Wang is not very assertive, he agreed to me after explaining his pros and cons to me. Xiang Shaolong secretly praised Zhao Ya's wit and wisdom, put his arms around her slender waist, lightly gave her two palms on her pink buttocks, and said: So Zhao Mu's surname is not Zhao, but he doesn't know who he is. how? Zhao Yadao: No one in Handan dares to mention this matter, because Zhao Mu will use any means to deal with those who investigate his past life experience. He was only fourteen years old when he came to Zhao, and was introduced by a servant. And he catered to Brother Wang's habit of liking male sex, so he quickly gained the favor of Brother Wang. At that time, Brother Wang had not yet ascended the throne, but because of the close relationship between the two, even we couldn't talk to each other.Unexpectedly, even Zhao Ni's death full of doubts now, Brother Wang let Zhao Mu cover the sky with one hand, now everyone in the palace is indifferent to Brother Wang, but what's the use? Xiang Shaolong forced himself to stop thinking about Mrs. Ni, and said calmly: Is the servant you introduced still there? Zhao Yadao: Not long after Brother Wang ascended the throne, the courtier was found to have slipped and fell into the well and drowned.We didn't doubt it at the time, but now that I'm asking you this question, I realized that this person should be killed by Zhao Mu, so as not to reveal the secret of his life experience. Xiang Shaolong said: Is the servant from Zhao? Madam Ya thought for a while and said: I don't know, but it's not difficult to find out. Xiang Shaolong said: The investigation must be done in secret. Mrs. Ya said angrily: That's it!Do you still need to order this? Just as Xiang Shaolong was about to speak, Zhao Qian threw herself into his arms with a gust of fragrant wind, her delicate body trembling, she hugged him tightly with all her strength. Wu Tingfang laughed and said: Third princess, so you are so obsessed with him too! Zhao Qian embarrassedly left Xiang Shaolong's safe embrace, dragged Wu Tingfang's little hand, and walked towards Mrs. Ya's quiet and elegant small building. The four of them went upstairs, drank the tea offered by Xiao Zhao and others, and enjoyed the bright morning weather. The big garden outside the building turned into a silver world, and the trees were covered with snowflakes. Xiang Shaolong said to Wu Tingfang and Zhao Qian, "You two little ones, the garden is so beautiful, why don't you take a walk down there." The two girls were very obedient to him, knowing that he had something important to discuss with Mrs. Ya, they obediently went downstairs to enjoy the snow scene in the garden. Only then did Xiang Shaolong tell Mrs. Ya about Ying Zheng. Mrs. Ya looked at him deeply for a while, and said, "Xiang Lang, don't blame Ya'er for being curious. It seems that when you first arrived in Handan, you were very interested in Ying Zheng. At that time, you probably still didn't know the relationship between the Wu family and Lu Buwei. Why?" So prescient? Xiang Shaolong was speechless because of Zhao Ya's shrewdness, no matter how he explained it, it would not be appropriate.Because of his status at the time, he didn't even know the existence of Ying Zheng. Madam Ya sat in his arms and continued: No matter what secrets you have, Ya'er doesn't care, as long as you love others. Xiang Shaolong was moved in his heart, kissed her fragrant lips and said: Is there any way to arrange for me to meet Ying Zheng. Mrs. Ya sighed: There is no difficulty in arranging for you to meet each other. At most, Ya'er sacrificed some of her looks. The problem is that it is impossible to hide it from Zhao Mu, and it will be tiring to see Ying Zheng rebelling. This person is addicted to drinking and sex all day long. different.He also believes that Zhao Mu is his benefactor and friend. If one is not good, if he reveals your secret to Zhao Mu, that would be bad! Is Ying Zheng really such a person? Xiang Shaolong felt a big headache and said: What about his mother, Zhu Ji? Mrs. Ya said: "That is a very shrewd and powerful woman. She is in her thirties now. She looks like she will never be much older than me. She is really a rare and charming woman. Zhao Mu also had a hand with her a long time ago, but I think she is just In order to survive, it was only with Zhao Muxu and the snake.This woman is very ambitious and will never be loyal to anyone, including Lu Buwei. Xiang Shaolong had an idea and said: This is easy, I will start with this woman. He secretly thought that as long as she was ambitious and would never be willing to stay in Handan as a hostage, then I would have a chance. Maybe sacrificing a little bit of masculinity doesn't matter. In order to hit Zhao Mu, any means must be used. After returning to Wu's Mansion, just after lunch, Madam Ya's family came to him and asked him to go to Madam's Mansion immediately, and reminded him not to take Wu Tingfang there. Hearing this, Xiang Shaolong felt a pimple in his heart, and felt confused again.After saying goodbye to Wu Tingfang and Tingfang's family, he hurried to his wife's residence with only Teng Yi and Jing Jun. Zhao Ya intercepted them in the hall, and said solemnly: King Jing is here.Gritting his teeth again, he said: Zhao Mu, the traitor, really won't let you go even a single step. Xiang Shaolong's heart sank, and he said: It seems that the only way is to go to the palace immediately to plead guilty to King Xiaocheng.Unexpectedly, it could not be delayed for half a day. Mrs. Ya said: The situation is not so bad yet, Queen Jing wants to see you in person!Then he smiled and said: Good-looking men always take advantage. Xiang Shaolong smiled wryly, and went to the inner hall to meet Queen Jing. King Jing stood in front of the window with his back on his back, and after drinking away the maidservant, he said coldly: Xiang Shaolong, you are so courageous!Are you not afraid of death?Even the virgin body of the third princess dared to defile! Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that he had to be realistic in acting, knelt down and said: Shaolong is sincere to the princess, and has no intention of playing tricks, Queen Jing please understand her feelings. Queen Jing turned around quickly, her phoenix eyes were full of power, and her face was as cold as ice, and she said: This empress does not care whether you really love each other.If Your Majesty finds out about this, he will definitely think that you brought the Three Princesses back to Handan only for your own selfishness, and that it is a crime of deceiving you, and even Your Majesty cannot find an excuse to forgive you.Seeing now that you still don't know the seriousness of the matter, I still think you are someone in vain. Xiang Shaolong had a dark feeling in his heart.Judging by her expression and tone, it was definitely not as simple as threatening him to have an affair with her, I really underestimated her.Thinking of Mrs. Ping Yuan saying that she is one of the marriage arrangements in the Three-Jin Unity Plan, and she is a Korean royal beauty married to Zhao State, she said in her heart: Shaolong is convicted, Queen Jing save me! Queen Jing relieved her icy expression, sighed and said: Xiang Shaolong!You stand up for me! Xiang Shaolong stood up and stood still. Queen Jing turned around, looked out the window at the snow-covered winter forest, and said slowly: "What should I do with this matter?"If you conceal it for you, people will find out sooner or later, and even I will not be exonerated.If the Wei people took back the third princess immediately, what consequences would you say? Xiang Shaolong boldly came to Queen Jing's phoenix body, and said softly: Queen Jing, don't worry, King Wei just wants to regret the contract, and Zhao Mu will also destroy it, so this marriage contract must be delayed like this, and it will be a lifetime In a year and a half, even if the third princess wants to marry again, Queen Jing can push it away completely. Queen Zhao was silent for a while, then said in a deep voice: I risk my life to hide it for you, what good is it for me? Xiang Shaolong felt that the opportunity had come, and said decisively: If Queen Jing has any orders, Xiang Shaolong will go through fire and water, and he will die. Queen Jing still didn't turn around, and said lightly: "Then you kill someone for me!" Xiang Shaolong moved up, pressed against her back and buttocks, stretched out his hands, tightly hugged her soft belly, bit her ear and said: "Is the person Queen Jing wants to kill Zhao Mu?" Queen Jing's tender body trembled for a while, she leaned into his arms and said, "Fighting against a clever person like you really saves a lot of nonsense. If Zhao Mu doesn't die for a day, Zhao Guo will have no hope. I, the queen, are just in vain. ,do you understand? Xiang Shaolong said: I understand!There's one more person, right? The other person is naturally King Xiaocheng. As long as Zhao Mu and King Xiaocheng are killed, Queen Jing's son can ascend to the throne. Who cares about whether Zhao Qian is a virgin at the time? In this era, in order to fight for power, there is no one who is cruel and merciless, wives kill husbands, sons kill fathers, and they do everything they can. Queen Jing's delicate body was weakened by his embrace, but she was still very awake, and said softly: This is just what you said, the person I want to deal with is only Zhao Mu.well!It's not that the king doesn't want to reuse you, it's just that you have become a member of the Wu family, and Wu Yingyuan has secretly kept close contacts with the Qin people. Sooner or later, it will be a disaster for the family.But if you get rid of Zhao Mu, maybe I can protect you, maybe I can reuse you. Xiang Shaolong turned her delicate body around, and hugged her tightly, how could Queen Jing bear it, her face was flushed like fire, her breathing was short of breath, and her passion was rippling. Xiang Shaolong kissed her red lips heavily, and greedily groped towards the restricted area with both hands. Firstly, because of her inviolable noble status, secondly, because of her plump and charming body, and thirdly, because of her coquettish attitude after emotion, Xiang Shaolong couldn't help but pretend to be true, and enjoyed it to his heart's content. Queen Jing exhausted all her will and remaining strength, grabbed his pair of unrestrained strange hands, left his aggressive mouth, and said delicately: I never believe in empty words. Within three days, I want you to give me A satisfactory plan, okay? This last sentence was full of soft words and begging, it seemed that she had no lack of affection for Xiang Shaolong. Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that this woman was a bit like Mrs. Ping Yuan.He can only cooperate with her happily by using his interests to make her understand the value of her own use. He kissed her on the cheek and said: "What's the use of three days? I can give you an answer now." After a pause, he continued: To deal with Zhao Mu, there are two ways to deal with Zhao Mu, Wu's method is to assassinate him; Wen's method is to find out his details, and then design to frame him.According to my guess: he must be a spy sent by another country, trying to disintegrate my great Zhao's government from within.Otherwise, if he still has the slightest love for Da Zhao, he won't act like that. Empress Jing's phoenix eyes lit up, she looked at him intently and said: You are not an easy person, but remember to deal with Zhao Mu quickly and ruthlessly, otherwise you will fall into his tricks instead and fall into a situation where there will never be redemption. Xiang Shaolong shot intense hatred in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "It's just because of Mrs. Ni's tragic death, so I am at odds with him. Queen Jing, don't worry!" Queen Jing took the initiative to offer a sweet kiss, and then said: "Shaolong!"I gotta go.Remember not to look for me casually, I will contact you. Seeing her back disappearing outside the door, Xiang Shaolong still didn't feel relaxed.Just seeing that this woman doesn't immediately ask to have sex with him, one can tell that she can control her lust freely.This kind of woman is the most terrifying, she can turn her gun on herself at any time, and Xiang Shaolong is just a useful tool in her hands! Xiang Shaolong hugged Zhao Qian tightly and said: It's all right! Zhao Qian said worriedly: Don't you really need to be afraid?If Qianer is tired of you, Qianer has no choice but to Xiang Shaolong covered her small mouth with his hand, and said to Zhao Ya: You have to watch Zhao Qian carefully, I will send Jing Jun to lead a few good men to serve as your generals.It doesn't matter if you are forced to do it when necessary. Mrs. Ya said: Don't do this!In Handan, I have enough strength to protect myself and Qian'er, not to mention Brother Wang still relies on me very much. Then he pulled Xiang Shaolong aside and said in a low voice: Let me check the servant who introduced Zhao Mu. According to an old lady in the palace, the servant named He Dan is from Chu. It was loved and trusted by the former king, but what is the use of this information? Xiang Shaolong said: "I don't know what is the use now.But Zhao Mu is very likely to be someone sent by Chu State, the task is to make the three Jins never reunite. Mrs. Ya nodded and said: This guess is very reasonable, and it also explains why Zhao Mu has a connection with Xiao Wei Mou, because Zhao Mu is representing the common interests of Chu and Qi, and they don't want to see the unity of the three Jins. Xiang Shaolong frowned and thought hard: But even though he knew about it, it would be difficult to use it to attack Zhao Mu for a while. Mrs. Ya smiled and said: This matter is on me, don't forget that I am an expert in forgery, as long as I have a little clue, I can forge the secret letter from Chu people to Zhao Mu.If we cleverly make it fall into Brother Wang's hands, and Queen Jing and I will fan the flames, Zhao Mu will feel better. Xiang Shaolong was so happy that he put his arms around her and kissed her a few times: I will ask Tao Fang to monitor any Chu people who come into contact with Zhao Mu. If I can find real evidence, that would be even better. After making out with Mrs. Ya and Zhao Qian's two daughters, Xiang Shaolong rushed back to Wushi Castle, just stepped into the door, the guard said to him: Mr. Yan Ping, the giant, came to look for Uncle Sun, and the eldest young master is greeting him right now. Xiang Shaolong felt bad, so he went to Wu Yingyuan's mansion to meet him. Seeing him coming back, Wu Yingyuan found an excuse and slipped away, leaving the two of them sitting opposite each other in the living room. Yan Pingmu said expressionlessly: Brother Xiang showed his power in Wei, which made everyone look at you with admiration, but also pushed Brother Xiang into a dangerous situation, Brother Xiang would not know it! Xiang Shaolong liked his directness and frankness, but because of Yuan Zong's affairs, it was difficult to cooperate with this person, so he sighed and said: It is unavoidable for mediocrity not to attract envy. Yan Ping repeated the phrase that not being jealous is a mediocrity twice, and said with emotion: Brother Xiang's words are far-reaching, disrespect and disrespect!Then his eyes flashed sharply, he stared at him and said: No wonder Yuan Zong is willing to hand over the Juzi Order to you. Xiang Shaolong frowned and said: Didn't Juzi already conclude that Juzi Ling is not with me?Why did you suddenly change your mind? Yan Ping said calmly: The reason is very simple, because the order of Juzi is not on Yuanzong. Xiang Shaolong was surprised and said: Did you not know about this until today? Yan Ping said coldly: that day we besieged Yuan Zong, although he was severely injured, he finally broke out of the encirclement, only recently did we find out that he had slipped to Chu State and died of a recurrence of his injuries.Chu Mo's talisman poison obviously couldn't find Juzi Ling on him, so he attacked the Xinling Lord's mansion at night.But you lost your troops and you still escaped.Then he thought hard and said: I really don't understand why Fudu knew that Yuanzong had handed over the giant order to you. Xiang Shaolong thought to himself: Of course it was Zhao Mu who let Chu people know.It can be deduced from this that Zhao Muying indeed has close ties with Chu people, so Chu people can quickly get the latest news. Yan Ping said: "This giant order is of no use to outsiders, and will cause disaster instead. If Brother Xiang can return the book, Yan Ping will definitely reciprocate." Xiang Shaolong was so impulsive that he had to give him the Juzi Order just like that, so as not to add more powerful enemies.But Yuan Zong would rather die than hand over the juzi order to Yan Ping, there must be his reasons, and Yuan Zong sacrificed himself so that he could escape to Handan safely, and he should not be responsible for what he said.So even if it does him no good at all, he has to persevere. Slightly smiled and said: Even if the Juzi Token is not on Brother Yuan, maybe he just hid it or handed it over to someone else, why must the Juzi Token be on Xiang? Yan Ping said in displeasure: "Brother Xiang refused to hand over the Juzi order. What an unwise act. Now there are many people in Handan who want to kill Brother Xiang. If I help you again, Brother Xiang will deal with it." Got it? Xiang Shaolong sneered and said: "Brother Yuan's death, in the final analysis, you should also be responsible for this. Someone in Xiang Xiang has not settled with you yet, yet he dares to threaten me." Yan Ping stood up abruptly, and said lightly: Good!Xiang Shaolong!Assuming you are brave, if you arrive at the Guo Mansion safe and sound tonight, let this book teach you Mozi's swordsmanship! Laughed three times and left like a whirlwind. Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that I am a person who was frightened by my youth, could it be that I am afraid of you?Went to find Teng Yi Wuzhuo and others.
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