Home Categories martial arts novel Wulin Sanfeng

Chapter 36 Chapter Thirty-Fifth

Wulin Sanfeng 諸葛青雲 7387Words 2023-02-05
Zhuge Kuan knew that the other party was tricking him, but he still pretended to be dazed and asked: "What did Shao Tianzun say?" Shao Yi replied with a wild smile: I figured out what Brother Zhuge wanted me to invite Miss Dugu, and he wanted me to be restrained by Bai Feng, and let her save you from danger! Zhuge Kuan made another knife, shook his head and sighed: Shao Tianzun, you are too suspicious, Miss Dugu is now swimming in the shallow water, and the tiger is in the flat sun, where is there any power to restrain you? Sure enough, the more he told the truth, the more suspicious Shao Yikuang became. He sneered and raised his eyebrows and shouted: Brother Zhuge, I won't fall for you. Please think that Miss Dugu has already read a volume of Xuantian Shizhuan. If she is familiar with it thoroughly, and uses Xuantian finger skills to teach Miss Qin, then she herself must use this not too short time to practice some incredible mysterious martial arts!

Zhuge Kuan saw that the other party was completely in the trap, Fang shook his head, Shao Yikuang sneered again and said: Besides, if Miss Dugu has no way to control me, why would brother Zhuge ask me to invite her out again and again?I know that you love this Wulin Baifeng deeply, and you will never give up making her suffer even the slightest bit of torture! Zhuge Kuan laughed and said: If you want to think like this, I can't do anything about it?But your desire to hold people hostage Shao Yi laughed wildly and said: "I have already said that one talisman is enough. With noble hostages like Brother Zhuge Kuan, Miss Dugu, Miss Qin and other martial arts phoenixes, even if they are very capable, they would not dare to persecute me too much!"

After finishing speaking, greet your subordinates immediately and prepare to leave! Zhuge Kuanjian frowned slightly, and discussed with Shao Yikang, "Shao Tianzun, can I leave a note and tell Miss Dugu Shao Yikuang shook his hand and said: No, I will keep this letter, because I don't want Miss Dugu and Miss Qin to know where I took Brother Zhu Kuan? Zhuge Kuan saw that Shao Yikang did not allow him to keep the booklet, and he couldn't help worrying that Baifeng Duguzhen might become too anxious and make random guesses after finding out that he was missing! After Shao Yikang finished speaking, he really wrote a short letter and put it on the table, he ordered his subordinates to put Zhuge Kuan in the soft sedan chair and set off immediately.

When going up to the ravine, Shao Yikuang climbed first to observe the movement, seeing that the situation on the ravine was calm, and the red phoenix Qin Rumeng hadn't arrived yet, so he waved his hands and ordered the people and beasts in the ravine to gallop up one after another. Zhuge Kuan saw that the person carrying the sedan chair for him were four orangutans, and two other huge ferocious monkeys were accompanying him, so his heart moved, taking advantage of Shao Yikuang's absence, he took out the Kunwu Saber from his arms, and pointed at the Throw the huge fierce beast to the heart!

Although he was poisoned twice and his unique skills were difficult to perform, he always had the strength to throw the knife and his technique was extremely accurate! That fierce beast, with steel-like skin and hidden weapons like ordinary swords, was hard to harm, but when it encountered this peerless Kunwu knife, it naturally pierced its chest and died in response to the knife! Zhuge Kuan did this with several intentions. For one thing, the Kunwu Sword is too sharp, it is a rare martial arts treasure, it should not be taken away by me again, and fall into the evil hands of Shao Yikuang, Tian Jianbang and others!

Secondly, that huge ferocious dog was extremely ferocious and ferocious. It was obviously Shao Yikuang's powerful minions, who could easily get rid of it, and also weakened some of the opponent's strength! Thirdly, when Duguzhen was young, she would search the whole valley carefully, not only could she retrieve the Kunwu knife from the corpse, but perhaps she could even deduce some signs that she was kidnapped by Shao Yikuang from this? After Zhuge Kuan's soft sedan chair was carried up to Juegu by the ape, although Shao Yikang found that his beloved beast was missing, fearing that Qin Rumeng would arrive soon, he had no time to find the place, so he led the crowd to flee in haste!

After this Heavenly Lord of Hundred Beasts led the crowd to escape, only the anxious Baifeng Duguzhen was left in the huge secret cave! The reason why Duguzhen was anxious was naturally because of the fact that Zhuge Kuan was invited by Shao Yikang and hadn't returned for a long time! She thought that Zhuge Kuan might be arrogant and could not bear the humiliation, so what kind of conflict did he have with Shao Yikuang? But after listening carefully, there was absolutely no sound of quarreling or fighting? Duguzhen was afraid that she might miss the important event, and although she was very anxious, she had no choice but to endure it and wait!

Although she is extremely intelligent and calm in situations, but because she cares too much about Zhuge Kuan's safety, misfortunes and fortunes, when she gets impatient with waiting, she can't bear it! Duguzhen kept her status reserved, she didn't want to leave the room without Shao Yikang not sending someone to invite her, so she walked to the door of the room and asked loudly: "Who is on duty outside the door?" After the voice was spoken, the two subordinates of Shao Yikuang who had been standing outside the door on duty did not respond. Duguzhen asked three times, but no one answered, so she had to try to open the door by herself.

In order to show respect for the identities of these special hostages, Shao Yikang never locked the door of the cell. Therefore, Duguzhen can easily open the door of the cell. Outdoors, naturally no one is there! At this time, Dugu Zhenye already felt that something was wrong, and her heart was disturbed, so she quickly searched around! Searched all the way to the quiet room where Shao Yikang lived, but did not see any trace of humans or animals, only a letter placed on the stone table. Duguzhen was extremely cautious, first pulled out the silver hairpin on her head, and after testing that it was non-toxic, she boldly took it apart with her hands.

Shao Yikang's letter in the Cambodian letter was very brief, it only stated that Zhuge Kuan would be taken away, and within half a year, he would send a letter to Dragon and Phoenix to come out of the village, inviting three martial arts phoenixes, to end each other's holidays! Duguzhen knew that Shao Yikang had already seen through her secrets, took Zhuge Kuan with him, and fled away, so naturally she stamped her feet and sighed anxiously, and rushed up the ravine! As the saying goes: If you don't care about things, you will be chaotic if you care about them. How calm is Duguzhen in her daily work?Now I can't help feeling confused and worried!

She was only eager to catch up with Shao Yikang and the others, but she didn't search the whole valley carefully, so that she didn't even find the grass corpse and the Kunwu knife on the corpse! She didn't come back until she chased all the way and couldn't see the slightest trace of Shao Yikang's group of people and beasts. She planned to search carefully in the ravine again to see if there were any clues that could be used to deduce the situation. Who knew that it was a coincidence that Chifeng Qin Rumeng came at the time when Duguzhen was leaving to chase the enemy, and had already fallen into a deep ravine? Duguzhen turned back and met Hu Lun, a blind fortune teller, and Mu Shaoguang, who was blind and poisonous, but was completely persuaded by the other party's lies! She thought that Chifeng Qin Rumeng was really chasing Tian Jianbang, the old charmer of Snow Mountain, to Tietong Gorge in Yunwu Mountain, so she didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly chased after him! As soon as Duguzhen left, Hu Lun, the iron-mouthed fortune teller, and Mu Shaoguang, the blind and poisonous heart, also left the field of right and wrong in the distance! As a result, in the entire valley, only Chifeng Qin Rumeng, who is doing meritorious deeds in the inner family of silent luck, and entered the heavenly realm! Qin Rumeng gave up her work and slowly opened her eyes! The secret of the inner family is really useless. She is now in a very calm mood. She sees through what is in front of her. It is a problem and a problem. The problem must be answered, and the problem must be solved! The so-called question, of course, is Zhuge Kuan and Duguzhen's good and bad fortune, where does Shao Yikuang move to? The so-called problem, of course, is that the three-clawed snow ape poisoned by her is extremely poisonous, and she must try to get rid of it within half a month!Otherwise, after eating the pills presented by Shao Yikang first, he will die from the poison! In fairness, Qin Rumeng regards the good and bad fortune of Duguzhen and Zhuge Kuan more than her own life! But under the current situation, she still has to take care of her own life first! Because if Qin Rumeng is safe?She can still run and try to meet Gao Ping to rescue Duguzhen and Zhuge Kuan! If she suffers a catastrophe, she will be poisoned and die!So Duguzhen and Zhuge Kuan, wouldn't there be no hope of being rescued? Therefore, does Qin Rumeng value others less than himself, or himself more than others?She had to solve the problem first, that is, try to get rid of the threat to her life posed by the poison in her body! There are two ways to get rid of Xu's severe poison, one is to seek medicine, and the other is to seek medical treatment. Qin Rumeng absconded without a trace because of Shao Yikang, the God of Beasts who possessed a unique antidote, so the way to seek medicine was cut off, and the only way left was to seek medical treatment. There are naturally many people who are proficient in medical skills in the martial arts, but what Qin Rumeng is looking for now must meet three conditions! The first condition is excellent medical skills, otherwise, the poison of the three-clawed snow ape cannot be cured! The second condition is that the doctor must be familiar with himself. If it is a stranger, it may waste more time and delay the opportunity! The third requirement is that the seat should not be too far from the Sichuan-Guizhou border, otherwise, if you can't arrive within half a month?I am still a dead end! Based on these three conditions, Qin Rumeng thought hard, and finally she came up with someone. But after she thought about this person, there was no joy on her brows, but a sad expression instead! The person she came up with had a surname of Shangguan, a single name of Chao, and a nickname called Broken Soul and Renewed Life! The essence of Shangguan Chao's medical skills can be said to be unparalleled in the world. He once knew Qin Rumeng once, and lived on Wufeng Ridge deep in Loushan. It is said that since Shangguan Chao met the above three conditions, Qin Rumeng should be happy, why is he still looking sad! The reason is that Shangguan Chao, who died after his soul was broken, is not a gentleman! Just judging from the nickname of his broken soul, it can be seen that this person's behavior is contradictory and full of mystery! The word "continuing life" is quite like a miracle doctor, but the word "broken soul" is confusing and inexplicable! It turned out that this Shangguan Chaosheng was extremely greedy and despicable. Anyone who came to seek medical treatment from him would first blackmail him and then heal him. Continue to live! In particular, Shangguan Chaonian was only in his thirties, less than forty, and his martial arts skills were not weak. When he met Qin Rumeng last time, he was amazed by Chifeng's peerless beauty. Meng laughed and snatched away the white, making him go away in shame! Because of this, if Qin Rumeng went to seek medical treatment now, would Shangguan Chao not be able to threaten Qin Rumeng with harsh conditions? Therefore, even though Qin Rumeng came up with the tricky genius doctor who could save his soul and save his life, he didn't decide to immediately go to Wufengling in Loushan to seek treatment from him for the poison! After careful calculation, Qin Rumeng felt that if he didn't ask Shangguan Chao, who had lost his soul to renew his life, he would have no choice but to die. Hope of escape? If you go to this Shanggong for overtime, even if the other party makes unreasonable demands and embarrassing conditions, you can still deal with it. As the saying goes: When you meet King Wen, talk about etiquette and righteousness, and when you meet Jie and Zhou, you go to war. Based on your own experience in the world, you may be able to deal with it perfunctorily. ! Qin Ru made up his mind after dreaming about the advantages and disadvantages. He picked up the Kunwu knife and wanted to rush to Loushan. When she went to the ravine, she naturally searched the secret cave where Shao Yikang lived again, but still did not find any clues enough to deduce the whereabouts of Shao Yikang and others? Loushan is located in the north-central part of Guizhou, but it is the only place to go to Yunwu Mountain from here! Qin Rumeng arrived at Loushan, and after a little inquiring about the way, he found Wufengling where Shangguanchao lived. In order to find Shao Yikuang's whereabouts conveniently and avoid making trouble, she changed into a man's attire, put on a human skin mask, and turned into a handsome scholar, no longer the fiery red, extremely eye-catching red phoenix attire. Shangguanchao lived in a bamboo house, which was built extremely tall and exquisite, and there were many servants and disciples for him to order. As soon as Qin Rumeng arrived, there was a man dressed as a medicine boy who asked, "Who is here, and what's going on here?" Before Qin Rumeng showed her true colors, she naturally refused to report the real origin, so she borrowed Gao Ping's surname and Zhuge Kuan's name, and replied casually: My surname is Gao Ping, and my name is Kuan. Order Shangguan Chao! Yaotong laughed and said: Mr. Gao is visiting my master, do you want to seek medical treatment? Qin Rumeng nodded and said: Exactly, can the master be at home? The medicine boy raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "You are at home, but since Mr. Gao came to seek medical treatment, do you know the rules of my master's diagnosis?" Qin Rumeng shook her head, and replied with a smile: Although I don't know what the rules are for Master Ling, it's okay to follow them, please just tell me. The drug boy stretched out his hand and said with a smile: Mr. Gao, please pay the registration fee first. If the fee is not enough, my master will not perform the treatment himself, but ask the disciple to do it for you, or sell you a few pills! Qin Rumeng knew early on that Shangguanchao was extremely greedy and greedy when he lost his soul and continued his life, so he took out a bright pearl the size of a longan core and handed it to the medicine boy. Make a registration fee! Yaotong didn't expect Qin Rumeng to be so capable, so he immediately smiled all over his face, humbly, let her into the guest room, offered tea and said with a smile: Mr. Gao, please sit down less. Diagnose the pulse for your husband? Qin Rumeng nodded, and couldn't help but think to herself, if Shangguan Chao had no strict requirements other than giving thanks for the jewels, he would have saved himself a lot of hands and feet! At this point in the reading, the sound of footsteps behind the screen shook, and a man dressed in a light yellow gown, about thirty-seven or eighteen years old, was handsome in appearance, but his eyes were too poisonous, and the tip of his nose was slightly hooked. Qin Rumeng recognized that the person who came was none other than Shangguanchao, the most skilled medical practitioner in the current martial arts world, so he stood up, clasped his fists at him and said with a smile: "I'm going down a long way to seek medical treatment. Sir, don't hesitate to rejuvenate! Shangguan Chao was still playing with the pearl in his left hand, stretched out his right hand, let the guests sit down and said with a smile: "Brother Gao, please sit down, Shangguan Chao is a doctor by profession, so naturally he is not stingy about his skills, but apart from registration, he still has to accept it at his discretion." Diagnosis and medicine etc. Qin Rumeng thought that this person really knew how to blackmail, was too greedy, and deserved the title of soul-destroyer, so before Shangguan Chao finished speaking, he laughed and said: Don't worry, Mr. Shangguan, as long as you can give me the magic medicine to rejuvenate me, Gao Kuan will be rewarded with three pearls! Shangguan Chao seemed to be satisfied with the reward, he nodded his head and said: "What disease is Brother Gao suffering from?" Qin Rumeng raised her eyebrows slightly, fixed her eyes on Shangguan Chao, and said with a smile: Doctors pay attention to seeing, hearing and asking questions. I don't know if Mr. Shangguan asks first and then cuts, or cuts first and then asks! Because Shangguan Chao blackmailed him with his skills and extorted a lot of money, she had a bit of irony in her words to him! Shangguan supernaturally heard Qin Rumeng's subtext, smiled, and said with a smile: "Both are the same, but since brother Gao asked about it, I can cut it first and then ask!" Qin Rumeng heard the words, so she wanted to raise her wrist and let this unrespectable martial arts doctor diagnose her pulse. As soon as she moved her right wrist, she suddenly remembered that she had already changed into men's clothes, so she quickly changed to her left wrist. Shangguan Chao stretched out three fingers, and tapped the Cunguan ruler on Qin Rumeng's left wrist vein gate, his eyes closed slightly, and suddenly opened again, focusing two cold lights on Qin Rumeng's wearing pole. On the face of the beauty's leather mask, raised eyebrows and said with a sneer: Miss Gao Gao, you should let me diagnose the right pulse first! Qin Rumeng smiled slightly, nodded and said: Mr. Shangguan really has a clear understanding of the details, and his finger is correct. It seems that my terminal illness is hopeful to be cured? While speaking, retracted the left wrist, and extended the right wrist to diagnose the pulse of the broken soul and renew the life of the Shangguan! Shangguan Chao did not diagnose Qin Rumeng's pulse this time, but only took a deep look at her. He took out the rare bright pearl the size of a longan nucleus from his sleeve, and gently placed it on the table. Qin Rumeng was puzzled by the situation, and asked in amazement: What does Mr. Shangguan mean by this move? Shangguan Chao replied coldly: The girl is terminally ill and seeks medical treatment from far away, but she is easy to get married, almost teasing. Although Shangguan Chao is greedy by nature, he is not willing to accept this kind of money. Qin Rumeng knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only smile and said: Mr. Shangguan wants me to explain the reason? Shangguan Chao's face was as cold as ice, and he snorted: "Explain or not, Shangguan Chao dare not force it, but if the girl wants me to diagnose your pulse and treat your illness, you'd better do it." Qin Rumeng didn't wait for Shangguan Chao to finish, then he sighed and said: Mr. Shangguan, the reason why I come here in disguise is to suffer a terrible disaster and be ashamed to see my old friend! Shangguan Chao was taken aback, and asked in amazement: "Ashamed to see your old friend?"Did the girl know me before this? Qin Rumeng didn't answer in silence, turned her back, took off the human skin mask she was wearing, and let her black hair fall down. Shangguan Chao felt that her back was no stranger, but it wasn't very familiar either, as if he had met her somewhere before? He was thinking about it to himself, when Qin Rumeng slowly turned his face. Martial arts Chifeng, naturally has a peerless beauty, but on the jade cheeks, three purple and black claw marks are added, but it also becomes quite ugly! Shangguan Chao only had a dream with Qin Ru once, plus this major change, naturally he couldn't recognize him immediately. Qin Rumeng sighed faintly, said with a wry smile: Mr. Shangguan, why do you force me to show my true colors?Do you still know me now? These few words are played like a dream without any concealment, they are spoken in the original voice, just like a sweet oriole, very crisp and pleasant to hear! After seeing the person and hearing his voice, Shangguan Chao came out of a daze and exclaimed in shock: You, you, Miss Chifengqin? Qin Rumeng smiled miserably, nodded and replied: In the past, Fengping was one side, but now he knows an old friend?Mr. Shangguan has very good eyesight! Shangguan Chao stared blankly at the claw marks on Qin Rumeng's cheeks, frowned deeply, and asked in surprise: Miss Qin is one of the three phoenixes in the martial arts world. Qin Rumeng smiled bitterly and said: This matter is a long story, now I only ask Mr. Shangguan for advice, but I will spare no effort to help Qin Rumeng Shangguan Chao said with a smile: What did Qin Runiang say?Since you have been favored by the phoenix, Shangguan Chao should do his best! Qin Rumeng heard that he was willing to heal her illness, so she took out three pearls from her bosom and handed them to Shangguanchao with a smile. Shangguan Chao frowned and asked: Miss Qin, what does this mean? Qin Rumeng said: "Just now I have said that if Mr. Shangguan gives you the wonderful hand of Shi Huichun, you will definitely be rewarded with three more pearls!" Shangguan Chao blushed first, then raised his head and let out a series of wild laughter! Qin Rumeng was inexplicably laughed at by him, and asked in confusion: Mr. Shangguan, why are you laughing like this? Without answering, Shangguan Chao asked Qin Rumeng: Miss Qin, do you want me to heal the scar on your cheek? Qin Rumeng's intention of coming here is to detoxify, not to heal wounds, but among girls, who doesn't love beauty?She heard that Shangguan Chao seemed to have healing means, so she slightly changed her original intention and sighed sadly: Apart from the scar on my cheek, I also have a very poisonous body! Shangguan Chao nodded and said: Miss Qin now understands what I mean by laughing, right?I'm laughing at you for underestimating your identity too much, Qin Rumeng's life, and Wulin Chifeng's peerless brilliance, are they only worth three pearls? Qin Rumeng heard that he seemed to want to blackmail again, so she asked bluntly: "Since Mr. Shangguan thinks it's too light, why not tell me clearly, how much gift do you plan to ask for?" Shangguan Chao laughed and said: According to Miss Qin's status, I want you a golden mountain, which is not too much There was a slight pause in the voice, a strange light flashed in his eyes, his expression became extremely kind, and he said with a smile: But Shangguan Chao met Miss Qin before, and he admires you very much, so he should do his best to serve you. Mention the word pulse ceremony again! When Qin Rumeng heard this, she couldn't help frowning deeply! Because she didn't want to accept the diagnosis of Shangguan Chao, who had lost her soul and continued her life. Ideally, he would extort a generous gift, and it would be better if she didn't owe her money! Now, Shangguan Chao refused to accept the pulse ceremony, and talked about human feelings, which made Qin Rumeng feel embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer? Shangguan Chao pushed the four rare pearls on the table towards Qin Rumeng, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: Miss Qin, please put away these four pearls, and Shangguan Chao will immediately diagnose your pulse and prescribe medicine for you, otherwise, Miss Qin will have to ask another Clever! Miss Qin had no choice but to put away the four pearls, and said with a wry smile: Since Mr. Shangguan is so particular about martial arts loyalty, Qin Rumeng has no choice but to reluctantly obey Taiwan's orders, thank you later! Shangguan Chao smiled, looked at Qin Rumeng and said: Miss Qin, please stretch out your hand, I will take your pulse. Qin Rumeng shook her head and said: There is no need to check the pulse, because I am just poisoned, not sick! Shangguan Chao took a closer look at the claw marks on her face, frowned and asked, "What kind of poison did Miss Qin suffer from?"Judging from the three marks on your cheeks, it seems that you were injured by some monster? Qin Rumeng sighed and said: "General beasts have five claws, but I have only three scars on my cheeks. Could it be that Mr. Shangguan's profound knowledge still can't see what I have suffered and what caused the injury?" At this point in the conversation, Shangguan Chao cried out: Did Miss Qin meet such a rare three-clawed snow ape? Qin Rumeng nodded, and slowly replied: If it is a normal injury?Qin Rumeng is able to heal himself, so why come here from afar to bother Mr. Shangguan? Shangguan Chao frowned, and fell silent! Qin Ru had a dream, and said with a smile: Mr. Shangguan, don't worry, if you can't cure the poison of the three-clawed snow ape, I can only complain about my short life Shangguan Chao waved his hands and shouted: "Miss Qin, don't underestimate Shangguan Chao's weak skills. The three-clawed snow ape's claw tips are extremely poisonous. Although it is powerful, I must try it!"Miss Qin, let me check the pulse first!
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