Home Categories suspense novel Brave Story

Chapter 2 two quiet girls

Brave Story 宮部美幸 13311Words 2023-02-05
At this moment, under the reflection of the blue tarpaulin street lights of the ghost building, it looks strange and dilapidated.The surrounding people have turned off the door lights, and there are not many lights left in the windows, and there is silence.The Mitsuhashi Shrine next to it was also surrounded by dark and dense bushes, silent.Instead, the light seems to emphasize the precarious situation of the ghost building. Hearing the sound of the sneakers kicking the ground, he began to run, even for a short distance, and he became emotional. He finally clearly realized the purpose of tonight: Will the ghost really come out?To confirm with your own eyes.

However, when he ran past the front of the shrine and was about to run towards the building, Ake in front of him suddenly stopped and stopped him with a wave of his hand. Someone was there. Ake lowered his voice and listened, leaning his back against the wall of the shrine.Wataru imitated his actions reflexively, but there was no sign of him. Where? Ake pointed.Opposite the building.Do you see lights on the road? where?Isn't that a street lamp? no!Stop the car. Gently focused on it, but couldn't see clearly.He stepped away from the shrine walls and took a quick step. Let's take a look, what's the matter?We are not doing bad things.

First, maybe it was just a parked car, he thought, and just as he was walking towards the ghost building, a figure emerged from there. He yelled loudly and quickly backed away.With a bang, the tarp fell to the ground, and the dust rose and flew. yo ache ache tarp said.No, the sound came from the waterproof cloth head. What, what's the matter?Ake rushed forward and grabbed Gen's shoulder.at this time.The tarp was raised again, and a figure emerged.He raised his eyes to look at the two of them, and made a voice pretending to be puzzled. What's the matter? Huh?What are you doing?

This is a very young man, about twenty years old, he got through the rope and tarpaulin, came to the side of the road, so you can see that he is very tall.A crumpled T-shirt and jeans, glasses, short hair, and a flashlight in his right hand. Just now when Ake pointed in the direction of the parked car, there was the sound of the sliding door switch of a large van.Immediately afterwards, a human voice came: Then, what's the matter? This time it was the voice of a middle-aged man.A chunky, awkward figure appeared. For a moment, his mind was in such a state of confusion that he couldn't move his body.Are these people thieves?night watchman?Are you looking for something?Is there something buried?Are you going to set fire here?

What, aren't these two children?What are you doing so late? The new character can be imagined from the voice as a stern uncle.He came to the big brother named Zezhi and looked at the faces of Gen and Ake.When he said it was so late, he glanced at his watch as if to confirm the time.It was a watch with a plain black leather strap. It can't be a lost child.The big brother with glasses smiled slightly. Could it be on the way home after taking tutoring? Ah hey Ake made a sound. While being anxious, he opened his mouth to speak before he could think about it.And in the chaotic heart, the words that happened to be closest to the mouth at that time popped out like popcorn.

Call, call the police! Whether it's the big brother wearing glasses or the stern uncle, everyone was taken aback.Then the two looked at each other in dismay, and looked at Heng at the same time. At first glance, even Ake stared at his face with his mouth wide open. Then, after a pause, Ake asked: Why? As soon as this question came out, the stern uncle and the big brother wearing glasses burst into laughter. Dad, it's too loud. While patting the stern uncle on the shoulder, the elder brother laughed loudly and said, "I'm disturbing the people nearby." Student brother, student brother, the stern uncle said while waving his stubby arms towards Gen, we are not suspicious people.So don't be so scared.

Ake pulled Ragan's elbow hard and said: Really, it doesn't matter, these people. Gen opened his eyes and looked at Ake steadily.Looking back at him, Ake gradually stopped smiling.I couldn't help laughing again.It was only then that Gen realized that it was not two against two, but three against one.The three who laughed and the one who was laughed.His face became hot. Hey, not good not good.The big brother stopped laughing and ran towards the stern uncle, leaving Kaori alone. Soon, from the direction where the big brother disappeared, a light brown large van drove over.Turn the corner and stop in front of the Ghost Building.

Hehe, this new car.So big!Looking at the shiny car body, Ake exclaimed, it's so expensive However, Wataru was surprised by another discovery, the name of the company on the side of the van. Omatsu Co., Ltd. Gen blinked hard.Then I looked at the stern uncle's face again. Uncle is Mr. Saburo Omatsu? He couldn't help asking.The stern uncle laughed so hard that he wiped away his tears.He pursed his lips and looked down at Gen. Even if he didn't get an answer, just from this expression, Wataru knew that this person was just unlucky.President Saburo Omatsu, the owner of the ghost building.The big brother wearing glasses is the son of President Omatsu.

The door of the van opened.There was a mechanical sound.Something like a railroad track protruding from the car.A wheelchair slid out on the rails.When the wheelchair stops, the rails are lowered to the ground. Sitting in the wheelchair was a slender girl with ponytails. With the movement of the rails and the wheelchair, the beautiful head on the slender neck swayed. Have you heard about me from the people around you?President Omatsu asked Gen, and then answered by himself, yes, I am the owner of this building.That's my son. The glasses brother pushed the wheelchair over.The girl in the wheelchair looked neither at them nor at the uncle, but just shook her head.Her eyes were open, but she didn't seem to be seeing anything.

Oh, this is my daughter Kaori. President Omatsu tapped lightly on the armrest of the wheelchair he pushed over.Kaori's hands were hidden under the light red lap blanket, so she couldn't see them.She was also completely unresponsive to her father's actions. We're not weirdos, really. Da Song Zezhi said with a smile, expressing his intention to comfort Gen.Just now I was so frightened that I lost my temper that I almost wanted to bite my tongue and kill myself. I took my sister out for a walk and checked the condition of the building by the way.Given the current situation, there are naturally many problems: littering, stray cats and dogs, and so on.

That's what it is, I'm sorry. Because he was really embarrassed, he bowed his head deeply to apologize, so as to avoid seeing the president or Zezhi, or even Ake.I really want to just turn around and run back home without meeting people face to face. Out for a walk so late? Ake didn't know what Gen was thinking, so he raised such a question.President Omatsu had already answered the question before he poked him and hinted him not to be stupid. Oh my daughter is not doing well, she will not be happy if you take her out when there are too many people. It was indeed quiet at night. Ake agreed without thinking, but when he saw Dasong and his son touch their eyes lightly, he looked a bit pinched. Omatsu Orika is a beautiful girl.When being pointed out by people around you and commented as really beautiful, you must be extremely proud and happy to have such a beautiful heart.The person being praised may say shyly: Oh, I'm not that pretty.She is just that beautiful. In my eleven years of life so far, this is the first time I have met such a beautiful girl.It was also the first time I saw a girl who looked like a doll.Don't talk, don't laugh.Completely unresponsive to the outside world.The vision is illusory, only the eyes blink.Although the eyes are the windows to the soul, this window is the window to a doll's home. Kaori was in the first grade of junior high school, so Zezhi leaned over to her sister and said, "Is it your senior sister?"What grade are you in? For a moment, I wanted to answer the sixth grade.Because both Gen and Ake are small, if they claim to be junior high school students, this lie will not pass.However, he really wanted to be seen as an adult, even if he was a year older. However, the determined Ake replied: Fifth grade.He is a student from Chengdong. Going to Chengdong No. 1 Primary School?Oh, yes.So you're part of Ghost Expeditions too? Zezhi laughed.President Omatsu also laughed.When the burly president laughed so hard that his belly wobbled, even Kaori's wheelchair, which he was resting on, wobbled together.Kaori's head shook. Expedition you say? Rumor has it that there are ghosts in the mansion, right?To prove it, children run around here late at night, or sneak into the building.You are not the first batch.The parents of Chengdong No. 1 Primary School will criticize us, saying that this is dangerous and we have to manage it carefully. When did it happen? Dasong and his son thought about it.Zezhi replied: "It's been half a month." Gen is disappointed: someone has already taken the lead. We are also here to investigate the facts. The ghost expedition team came to take pictures.What are ghost photos called? Zezhi nodded: I have a Polaroid camera with me. We're not kidding, we're here to make sure the ghost is alive. Oh yes!Ake suddenly clapped his hands and shouted, those guys from the Ghost Expedition Team should be sixth graders, right?Didn't you hear they sent pictures of ghosts to TV? That's right, that's it.Zezhi nodded fiercely with a wry smile, what's the name of that leader, that boy with a bad attitude. Is it Ishioka?Kenji Ishioka. That's right!You are very clear, are you friends? do not know.But my dad and his dad were fishing buddies.I heard from my dad that his dad said that Shi Gang-kun and the others are going to show their faces on the TV station's ghost photo column or something.Ha, I'm talking nonsense, do you understand? Ishioka Kenji and several of his partners are troublemakers in the sixth grade.They used to be students who were the focus of attention, and they kept making troubles since the second semester of the fourth grade, and now they have become a problem for the entire No. 1 Primary School in the east of the city. Shi Gang and his group didn't understand why they went to school.They don't listen to the class and come in and out of the classroom at will.Late arrivals, early departures, and unexcused absences are commonplace, and disturbances prevent teachers from attending classes.Steal stationery, vandalize, bully classmates, and extort money.Although he is an elementary school student, he is almost no different from a high school student who commits crimes. It's just, sadly, that there are one or two problem teenagers in every grade these days.Ishioka and the others made troubles beyond their grade, and suddenly became a national figure. When the school opened last summer, he started the principal's private car parked next to the school's main entrance, drove around the campus, chasing the juniors who came to play. Classmates, causing three people to be injured. The next day, the school held an urgent parent meeting in the school auditorium. While explaining the incident, the principal almost leaned his head on the podium to apologize.The apology means that it was reckless to leave the car keys in the car in such a place, no matter how briefly it was parked. It is said that the principal came to pick up the spare glasses in the drawer of the principal's office because the glasses used at home were broken that day.That was all that mattered, and it was hurrying on.Ironically, he was on his way to some board of education meeting. Although the incident was caused by a sixth grader, Hararu's classmates were also among the injured in the fifth grade, so Kuniko also attended the parent meeting.She went home angrily. Why did the principal apologize like that?Don't you think it's strange?Mother was very dissatisfied. What is my improper parking?That's not the problem, it's not right for a child who drives a car without authorization! However, it is said that at the parent meeting, the opinion of holding the principal accountable was overwhelming. It is wrong to say that children just love to fool around, and adults are not paying attention.This is very abnormal.That's not the case at all.Someone pointed it out, as a primary school student, but can drive a car, it's amazing.This society is simply hopeless. Perhaps it was because the three injured students were only bruised. The incident did not expand. Of course, the police were not alerted, and it was not reported in the newspapers. The principal kept his position.Such a toss, on the contrary, fueled the arrogance of Shi Gang and the others, and they looked down on the school even more. Just such a bunch of guys.Gen felt strange: Shi Ganghe, supernatural photos?No matter how you look at it, you can't get it together. Those sixth graders started out with the intention of appearing on a TV show with ghost photos. I feel the same way, Zezhi replied, squinting at the building.He also said that if you can't take good photos, you can just fiddle with it. It's too much, did those guys meet Omatsu-san here too? oh.However, it was not just the children, there were two adults together. Those grown-ups are not from the TV station, are they?President Omatsu folded his arms. possible.Zezhi nodded. Maybe the timing was wrong when they met us. They have a protective face, so they should be from the TV station. Gen turned his head to Ake and said, "Didn't the uncle mention this situation?" Ake shook his head: I haven't heard of it.However, saying that it will be on TV later, it looks amazing. seen that show?Zezhi asked, have not seen.Recently, Ishioka's uncle didn't come to my house either. My house runs a tavern.Ake showed a smile of soliciting business, said that the show was not aborted, right?My dad didn't even mention it. Or just play it later. Oh, it's possible.Well, TV shows are a waste of time, right?It must be. The wind blows, rattling the blue tarp.Everyone froze for a moment. Why even us are startled. Zezhi said with a smile.Only then did he realize that everyone was looking up at the building. We know best, there can't be anything ghostly here.But even my father has that expression. President Omatsu wiped his forehead embarrassingly. By doing that, it was clear that he had already bald. That's right, compared with what ghosts.The living are far more terrifying. This is a casual remark, at least that's how it sounds to me.Adults are different from children.They love this kind of talk and teach those children who are afraid of gods and ghosts. However, President Omatsu who spoke, and Noriyuki who heard the words, immediately lowered their eyes as if they had done something embarrassing. Hey, it's time to go home. Zezhi walked around behind Kaori's wheelchair and turned on the brake.The wheels creaked. That's right, get in the car too.I will take you home. It's okay with us, just over there. That's not okay, adults have to be responsible.Okay, get in the car, get in the car, In the end, both Wat and Ake were stuffed into the van.In the car, Wataru sat next to Kaori, and Kaori's wheelchair was completely fixed on the seat.Her hair smelled of shampoo.Sniffing the girl's hair in the car seemed to be five years too early, but instead of being surprised by it, it hurt my heart.Kaori didn't move, didn't speak or smile, just sat like a puppet.But her hair is so fragrant, her beautiful face, milky white smooth skin, slender and slender hands and feet.On the contrary, it adds more bitterness. Because the small village is near, I first saw Ake off, and then went to Gen's apartment building. I'll just get off nearby. President Omatsu, who was driving the car, smiled and said: The car is parked close, the sound is too loud, it will reveal that you left home in the middle of the night, right? Gen said he felt uneasy: My dad always comes home very late, maybe we will run into each other at the gate of the apartment However, isn't it troublesome for you to sneak into the house and mistake you for a thief? As a result, Wataru got off the car on the side of the road in front of the entrance of the building.There was no one in front of the apartment building.The whole building fell asleep in the silence, watching Gen running to the elevator, the minivan of Dasong and his son flashed its headlights and left quietly. the next day, No stuffing? As soon as the first class was over, Ake hurried over, Could it be that my aunt was still awake when I came home, so she trained you all night? Gen shook his head.He tiptoed back home, but his mother was still sleeping soundly on the table, and his father hadn't come home yet. Hey, that's great, isn't it?But why do you still look like you haven't slept well? did you sleep well? I fell asleep as soon as I got back. What kind of nerve are you? Ake's eyes were round waiting: You didn't sleep, is there something wrong? Wataru was thinking of Kaori.He felt that the attitudes of President Omatsu and Zezhi were incomprehensible, they were clearly concealing something, and there was something inside.When I got home to calm down, the more I thought about it, the more suspicious I became, so that I didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn. Oh, they're all nice people. Yes, they are friendly.But don't you think it's too friendly? Why? Adults are usually very angry when we meet children like us in that kind of place.But they kept laughing and didn't reprimand us at all. It won't be that Ishioka and the others have happened before.So it's acceptable, right? Will not. As he spoke, he fixed his eyes on the table.This desk was assigned in the new semester, and on the clean surface was a message carved by the first-year student who used it the previous year.Why engrave these two characters?Is it fun to do this? For Dasong and the others, there must be something more important than the children who come to search for ghosts, because their minds are all on that, so when they meet children from other families in the middle of the night, they don't bother to pay attention to them, just be kind. Ake crunched his head, which was almost cut into a monk's head, with a confused look on his face.This has been the case so far.Ever truer thing.But there is no way to convey it to Ake.Because of this, he was anxious to vent his anger on Ake, and his expression at this time was exactly the same as that of Komura and the others who were in the business of soliciting customers. He was completely unaware of this fact. You are just for that girl Kaori, right? Ake whistled in a low voice, because he must be wrong, so it's better not to be heard.But if something happens, it's best to hear it at that time, it's just that loud. I guessed it right. Needless to say, that's it.Can there be anything else? Because Ake guessed right, Wat was even more angry.How could he guess what I was going to say? That girl must be sick.Ake murmured weakly, just looking at her face looks good, but why didn't she say a word? Thinking about it, the so-called walking is also very strange.If you hate crowds, go to a park or waterside.Why did you have to take her out in the middle of the night?First of all, specifically, what is wrong with Kaori? Maybe there is some relationship between the girl becoming like this and the impasse in the Ghost Mansion?Because of this, President Omatsu chose to take Kaori to that place quietly in the middle of the night? Because Gen fell into silence, Ake became more and more confused and at a loss, By the way, I asked my dad about Shioka and the others on TV this morning.I asked him what did Shioka's father say since then? Because of business.Xiaocun's parents are night owls, but it is customary for the whole family to eat breakfast together.Once a day, the whole family sits around the dinner table, and similar clichés are very popular with everyone in the small village family.Such as good day, good relationship, good mood and so on. Dad said he didn't know, Shioka's dad never came.So, it's not clear that they're going to be on TV. oh oh.Gen hummed to answer. There is a ghost in that building, so that's the end of it, right?Ake said flatteringly, doing the same thing as Shigang and others, silly. Without making a sound, Ake was still scratching his head, saying that's it, and returning to his seat.The class bell rang. Looking at Ake's back.It is said that the head was made by Uncle Komura with a hair clipper, and most of the time it will be a little dizzy.The place where the dysentery head changes a little every time, and the shape also changes.Still, Ake never complained. Wataru remembered the shampoo scent of Kaori's hair. Uncle Komura cuts Ake's hair every two weeks. He mutters and laughs, threatening to cut off his ears while cutting his hair.It is conceivable that there are also people like Uncle Komura talking to the expressionless Kaori while smiling at her and pouring shampoo into her hair.Blow dry, brush and pull into a ponytail.Probably her mother.Kaori can't respond to her mother, she must be very sad, she is alive but seems to be dead What happened to Kaori? For Wataru, if he used the same imagination as before, he would definitely not be able to understand the life of the three Omatsu family members.Although Heng's family is an office worker family.But I can imagine the life of the Ake family who opened the shop.The girls at the same table in the class have parents who are teachers.He can also imagine the situation in the teacher's house.Similarly, families where the father is a firefighter, families where the parents live with the mother after divorce, and families where the father goes abroad to work alone are all conceivable.Even if his imagination is far from the reality, as long as he believes that it is like that, this way, he will be at ease. But the Dasong family is not like that.There is a cute girl in the family nestled like this, and there is some reason that brought her to this point, and everyone bears this result together. This kind of life, this kind of family, exists beyond the limit of He's imagination.Even after thinking about it, he couldn't find the feeling that this was probably the case.When children grow into adults, they have to experience various forms of setbacks, and most of these setbacks are rooted in encountering things that are beyond their ability. This is the first time I have encountered such a growth formula.Of course, he didn't realize it himself.So I don't understand why I am restless and why I care so much. He was also completely absent-minded in class that day.When I got home, Bangzi was ironing the clothes, which were arranged all over the living room.She moved her hands mechanically, ironing her shirt and trousers, but kept her eyes on the TV.It's so smooth and ironed.No creases.Dad calls it mom's acrobatics. Normally, even when I came back, I would say something in a hurry and go back to the room directly.Before going to cram school, I could watch TV and play game consoles, but today I stopped and talked to my mother. Mom, have you heard anything about the ghost building next to Mitsuhashi Shrine? Bangzi followed the gang absently and said: What? The building under construction.There is a president named Omatsu who is the owner, right?In that person's family, it is said that there was a girl in junior high school. Bangzi tapped on the collar of his shirt and said, "Yes, yes, her gaze left the screen for just a moment.He glanced at his hand, flicked away the stuck thread, and returned to the TV. Mom's real estate business wife friend, do you know the situation of that family? Bangzi stared at the TV without answering.As if in a melodrama, open the unlocked door and enter the room with the heroine.There was a dead body lying there, and with a scream, Bangzi looked over here, What did you say?what happened? Wataru originally wanted to repeat the question, but suddenly got annoyed.He looked at his feet and said: Nothing. It's a strange child.There's cheesecake in the fridge.Are you going to cram school today?Don't go by bike, and do engineering work at the Clover Bridge today.Did you wash your hands?If you run out of mouthwash, there is a new one in the drawer under the sink. At this time, it is always suspicious that when he goes to school in the morning and returns home in the afternoon, he only needs to call out that I am back, even if he turns into a little fox on the mountain, she doesn't care.Hurry up and get the cheesecake and go back to the room. He stood up, and the phone rang. Quick, pick you up. Bangzi, who was sitting in front of the ironing board, couldn't stand up all of a sudden.When she talked with someone on the phone recently, she said that she gained two kilograms this year, but when she sat cross-legged, her legs and feet suddenly became paralyzed, and she really had a headache. Wen walked to the wall-mounted TV in the corner of the living room, took off the microphone, hello, it's Mitani's house. It was silent. Hello, this is Sangu's house, Still silent.He called hi again, and after confirming that there was no response, he put the microphone back. Wrong number?Bangzi asked. Easy to do. There have been a lot of calls lately. I answered the phone, but no one spoke, and hung up after a while. When I came to the phone, I wanted to call Ake by the way, and I wanted to apologize to him for being in a bad mood today, and even more sorry for leaving alone after school.But in the end, he didn't call. At this time, the phone rang again, and before the first ring had finished, Heng had already picked up the receiver. Hello? It was silent again, but today I met Gen, who was in a bad mood, and he yelled into the microphone: It's okay, don't hit me, you jerk! After snapping the microphone on, Bangzi raised his eyes and looked this way.The look was not so much worried as interested. He didn't concentrate on cram school that day, which was a rare thing for Wataru, within two hours.He was told three times by the teacher, and the third time, he was asked: Are you feeling unwell? Gen himself didn't understand.As soon as I thought about it, the events of last night came back to my mind. When President Omatsu patted the armrest of the wheelchair affectionately, Kaori's slender neck shook, and the ghost building reflected the color of the ugly packing tarp, and she seemed to be wandering. Her cheeks were pale, as if she was suffering from lung disease, while her hair exuded the fragrance of clean shampoo, the same scene replayed in her heart over and over again, is it a kind of disease?If it's a camcorder, there's no doubt that it needs to be repaired, but what about people?what to do? Stepping on the way home in a daze, I thought again: Shall I go to the ghost building?Because the cram school is in the opposite direction to the school, not only does it take a long detour, but it also has to pass by my own home.Still, he wanted to take a look.If he hadn't been unexpectedly stopped within sight of the apartment door, he would have taken action. You're back, are you going to cram school today? As soon as Gen raised his head, his father, San Guming, was standing only two or three meters in front of him, with a bag in his right hand and a folding umbrella in his left.Speaking of which, there was a shower of rain in the city center today. You are back.Gen also said, approaching his father.Ming waited for Gen to come up, and together they walked slowly up the slope leading to the door of the apartment. Dad, it's early today. The digital watch on Gen's left wrist showed 8:43pm.This was a gift that Akira Santani bought for Gen when he was on a business trip to Los Angeles last fall. The numbers on the watch flashed busily, showing since the hundredth of a second.The bottom of the watch is engraved with the logo of the popular basketball team.In fact, Wat is not interested in basketball at all, so he doesn't like this watch very much.Very lucky tonight.Father must have thought that Wataru liked this watch. how is school Fortunately, he replied, that's all.This question and answer has become a reserved item between father and son for nearly a year. Even if he said something after he was okay, his father would probably just listen, and even if Ming added specific content after what, he After listening, I will only answer one sentence, okay.In fact, such a thing has never happened. San Guming originally said little.On the one hand, Bangzi loves to talk too much.As far as we can see, the ratio of two people talking is one to ten, and Bangzi has the absolute advantage. In daily life, the amount of speaking is directly related to the authority of the speaker's opinion. In short.He who talks more wins.In other words, the Sangu family is dominated by Bangzi. However, when things are not everyday, but related to the basis of daily life, the situation changes.Akira Mitani, who is usually silent, is often irritating as Chiba's grandmother said in this situation.This is what happens when you buy your current home.It was the same when Kuniko wanted Wataru to enter a private elementary school.It's the same when deciding which cram school to go to, and it's the same when changing cars.Ming will do a lot of research on the problem at hand, and choose the most feasible conclusion after careful consideration.There should be no ambiguity in this, such as vaguely relying on feeling, as if that is better, everyone does that, being the same as others, etc., will not work.If it is a car, you must consider fuel costs and safety. If it is an apartment house, you must check the construction unit and living environment. If you cannot provide clear data, no one can say anything about San Guming at this time. . Speaking of exactly ten years ago, when Sangu's old man, Ming's father, Chiba's grandma's wife, and Gen's grandfather passed away, Ming's behavior is still a topic of discussion among relatives, because whenever relatives gather, they hear people talk about it. He remembered that incident, so even Gen, who was only a little kid at that time, remembered it clearly, as if he had heard it and seen it. This is not only true for funerals, but for all ceremonies, although the reason and reason are unknown, the practice that should be done at this time is indispensable.Ming is very opposed to this.Why should the precepts be arranged in order?Why use the amount to determine its position?It is absolutely unacceptable for the relatives who had a bad relationship with the dead father to put on airs during the night watch just because of their relative status, and so on. Since it is grandpa's funeral, the mourner is naturally grandma.Grandma finally spoke too: Let's make a concession and let the funeral take place quietly.It is said that if grandma hadn't spoken in tears, grandpa's coffin would not be able to leave Chiba's house for a whole week. It is said that after this battle, relatives all looked at Ming differently. This Sangu Ming thought he was a smart and quiet person, but in fact, once he made a sound, he would be difficult to deal with. Mom already knew he was that kind of guy and found it funny.Bangzi said to Gen with a smile. Akira Mitani is not a scary father.Regardless of the infancy when he didn't understand anything or the toddlerhood when he didn't pay attention to it and would do dangerous things, since he understood the truth, his father never scolded him, and he hasn't used his last weapon to force him so far. Cut to death.of course.Too busy to take care of is also one of the reasons. Wataru didn't understand his father a little bit.It's just that this incomprehension is not an incomprehension of being unhappy or in a bad mood.Father's door is not open, and it will rarely be open in the future, but Gen can vaguely feel that the things inside are very important to him, and his father thinks so too, so it can be roughly explained. He admired his father very much.There are many people who like to brag about themselves, including around him, on TV, and at school. The father who is silently busy every day, I think he has quite a personality.In fact, like children of this age, his impression of his father, in the final analysis, almost exactly reflects the impression his mother Kuniko Mitani has of her husband Akira Mitani. Although her husband just nodded and listened silently, Bangzi still happily told him interesting things, angry things, things that needed a little discussion, things that were approved after the fact but were a foregone conclusion.The same goes for Wat, who until recently was his precious son.However, the current Wataru is like boiled pasta with a chewy texture, and the core of becoming a person from a precious son is being formed. For this core, it is better for Wataru to say only one sentence, and the rest is silent.This may be the difference between men and women.In other words, it was the genetic factor of the civilization that Bangzi didn't have, but passed down from his body. Even so, after getting better tonight, when the two walked towards the elevator, Gen's heart was a little shaken.He wanted to talk to his father about various things, Are there really ghosts?Everyone believes things that are crazy and hot, even if they are non-existent things, why don't you agree with them?Or will you be rejected?Dad doesn't like me doing this, does he?But why am I still being scolded as the most annoying Sangu?Will I be like dad too?What should I do so that I can say what is wrong without quarreling with others? Also, Omatsu Kaori who doesn't say a word and seems to be isolated from the outside world.Hey, Dad, I met a girl, she is like a princess in a video game, imprisoned in a tower.There really are girls like that.I miss that girl a little bit.I always wonder how she is.Did Dad feel this way too? A lot of words were mixed in my mind, but in the end I didn't say anything, and when I got home, It was rare for the three of them to have dinner together, and Bangzi was busy reporting various things to Ming, discussing things, and inquiring about the situation, all in all it was very lively.Mother was very happy, and this feeling was passed on to Gen, and the dinner was delicious. After eating, Heng was about to take his dishes to the kitchen when he stood up when the phone rang.Gen picked up the microphone with one hand. It was silent. Is that again?Bangzi stopped his chopsticks and asked. Still the same.Gen replied, putting down the microphone. These days, there are always such silent phone calls. Bangzi frowns, it's scary. Ming turned his head and glanced at the phone. Do you call around this time? Usually during the day and yesterday, right? Yes, twice in a row. Gen also took it? Oh, I picked it up for the first time yesterday. Ming put the bowl in his hand back on the table, and looked back at the electronics. How about a voice mail call? Bangzi smiled, no need, it's not a sexual harassment call.Moreover, when Chiba's grandma called, if it was turned into an answering machine, it would take a lot of trouble afterwards. That too.Ming also smiled, took out the ice cream from the freezer, took a spoon, and was about to return to the dining table when the phone rang. I'll pick it up! Gen shouted, throwing himself at the microphone, he wanted to be the same as yesterday.Shout out to it.So at the beginning, there was a rough voice threateningly, hello! As a result, a very hearty and genuine Zu Kuang voice responded: Yo, what?Come on. If it's fake, it's Chiba's Uncle Wu.I was discouraged. Oh, it turned out to be Uncle Lu. Oh, it's just a greeting.how are you Oh, that's alright. You are a serious child who goes to school, have you ever refused to go to school? No no. You haven't been bullied or blackmailed by your classmates, have you? No no.Gen laughed out loud, uncle, have you read too much bad news? Yeah?The current school is similar to the prison in the Edo period, right? I can't say, it should be completely different. Yeah?It seems that TV can't be trusted.Hey, do you have a girlfriend? How could it be possible! You're behind, fifth grade, right?First love has to try.Don't have a girl you fall in love with at first sight around? Uncle Wu has been teasing Gen about this topic a lot lately, it's a common remark.However, tonight's words clearly hit Gen's eardrums.He suspected that his face was red.I panicked and almost blushed. Speaking of girls who fall in love at first sight.In Wataru's mind, Omatsu Kaori's face appeared very clearly for an instant.Fair face, big pupils. 沒、沒有啦。亙背向父母所在的桌子,慌張地說道,班上的女孩子一點也不可愛。 呵,那太遺憾啦。悟伯伯完全察覺亙的內心活動,你媽在嗎? exist.今天我爸也回來了。 電話那一頭怪腔怪調起來。世上也真有新鮮事哩。那讓你爸聽聽吧。 是路伯伯,亙話音未落,明已來到亙的身後,從亙手上接過話筒,然後少有地正頗厲色告誡亙道:得好好說悟伯伯。 三谷悟是哥哥,比三谷明大五歲。三谷悟在十六歲的秋天從當地的高中退學,繼承家業,現在仍照舊經營著祖業。他和大學畢業後來到東京的明恰成對照,是一步也不願離開房總的人。對大海、漁船和海上垂釣喜歡的要死。 雖說是兄弟倆,脾性卻截然相反。悟伯伯愛侃,說起話來東拉西扯。有條有理的事,好像離他十萬八千里,或者說,彷彿根本就不存在。 父親和悟伯伯體型、長相都完全不相像。中等個子、瘦削的是父親,高個魁梧的是伯父。父親長臉,伯伯則是腮幫子鼓鼓的粗獷臉型。據說今年四十三歲的伯伯自幼兒園時起就是那副模樣。一直到最近,年齡才趕上他的外貌。 不知是諸多不順利,還是他本人的執拗,悟伯伯一直獨身。千葉的奶奶私下裡為此頭疼不已,但他本人倒滿不在乎。嘴上說,結婚太麻煩啦。不過,他似乎不討厭孩子,他經常關照亙,還悄悄地給零花錢什麼的。 亙的媽媽那邊也各有一位伯伯和叔叔(日本人家庭關係中不分堂表,舅舅也作叔伯稱呼),為了不亂成一團,必須得分開叫。媽媽這邊各冠以住地稱呼小田原的伯伯、板橋的叔叔。但不知何故只有悟伯伯不叫作千葉的伯父。路伯伯的叫法,是亙很小的時候發音不清說的,但至今仍不時說漏嘴跑出來,結果每次都挨訓。 悟伯伯電話上說的事情,似乎涉及法事之類的複雜事。亙原想等父親掛電話前再說幾句,卻被趕出了起居室,得去洗澡, 媽媽說,她經常在泡熱水洗澡時獨自想許多事情。據說是因為大人絕少一個人獨處的時間。可孩子也同樣。浴缸是誘人遐想的地方。今天晚上,和沐浴液的芳香一起浮現在亙頭腦中的,仍是大松香織的面容。塔裡的文靜的公主,是被關在裡面呢,還是閉門不出呢? 得試試初戀了嗎? 路伯伯的話在心中徘徊不去,亙又嚇了一跳,熱水嘩啦地濺起來。
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