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Chapter 34 chapter eight

dragon family 李榮道 9208Words 2023-02-05
What's the matter? To Shan Sen's simple and deep question, Nelia replied: This is not a bandit.Self-destruct bandits?Isn't that funny to say?Seeing what they do makes people feel the same way.After losing their weapons, they rushed over empty-handed.If they were captured as captives, they would definitely commit suicide.Hey, just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end!I don't want to think about what happened just now! And what they have is not ordinary strength. That's right.Except for Ghisien, they didn't pay attention to them at all, probably thinking that they could deal with us easily.

Well, the equipment is very good, but it may not be a good thing!Because he was the only one who was under attack. We were all a little bit away from the blast site.Those trees are smoking so it's hard to stay there too.The bodies of those people were all turned into ashes, otherwise it would be very difficult to investigate in the new puddle.But their horses were fine.Darlanian seemed to protect even the horses.Which is great because the horse is innocent.Iluli was healing the horses that had been hit by the Thunder Warden from afar.Even though those horses have received a lot of combat training, they probably never thought of encountering a bull in battle.

According to Nelia, we can easily deal with those people because they underestimate us.Speaking of which, I am still a child. Although Shan Sen has a good physique, his weapons and equipment are very ordinary.His opposite was Gythian, in half armor and even carrying a magic sword and shield.So those people were targeting Ghisien, and we took this opportunity to suppress them.Before they recognized our strength, they were all dealt with.It's such a blessing. Carl scratched his cheek, and inserted into the conversation between Shan Sen and Nelia. It's worth considering that they are assassins targeting us.

Nelia's eyes widened. Assassin, assassin? Whatever you call them, their purpose is to kill us.Otherwise, what purpose would they have?But what is the reason?Why do you want to attack us? ah!Ugh! Shan Sen clapped his hands, and finally let out a miserable scream.He probably forgot that his shoulder was injured and was already bandaged.Although Yi Luli applied a little healing potion for him just now, it should still be very painful.Shan Sen pressed his shoulders and said with difficulty: Uh, it's Wenchai!It's because of Wen Chai and that file. Wen Chai looked at Shan Sen in surprise.Shan Sen continued to explain:

Ferrell said the same thing.Aren't we holding that report?It is because of that file.If we hand over that file and let Wenchai testify, Jeppen will definitely find it difficult!Or some dove who doesn't want Byzos to fight Jeppen, anyway, that kind of guy no. Hearing my words, Shan Sen turned his head. What do you mean, Xiuqi? I can hear you very well.Because I'm the closest. hear what? Before the man blew himself up, he shouted Long live His Majesty the King! Your Majesty?ah!It was sent by King Jeppen Shan Sen!please!If they are from Jeppen, why are they shouting in our language?

Huh?Huh?That's right.Wait a moment.what does that mean?Does that mean His Majesty wants to kill us? We all suddenly had a very strange feeling, which lasted for a while.Shan Sen said with a blank face: Wait a minute, why does His Majesty want to kill us?Xiu Qi, did you participate in some treasonous conspiracy without telling us? Shan Sen, you should surrender yourself obediently. Carl shook his head while we were making these silly jokes and said: If there is such a reason, even if there is such an inexplicable reason, as long as we get to the capital and deal with us, wouldn't it be fine?Why did you send assassins to kill us?That's a contradiction, brother Niederfer.

Yes, Carl.Xiu Qi, you must have misheard. That's what I heard! Ah, so why did the king kill us? ah, ah, that I don't know the reason either.I can't answer any reasonable reason. I frowned and shook my head.I saw Ghisien sitting in the distance with his head bowed.Ghisien would occasionally twiddle his gray hair nervously, and the expression on his face was fierce.He seemed to be talking to Duan Yajian again.Shan Sen said categorically: They are not bandits.They risked their lives and came up to kill us, so it must be assassins.After much deliberation, Wen Chai was the most likely reason.Didn't Ferrer say the same?

That's right.The smart Ferrer said this very clearly, maybe there will be some assassins who will target the report we carry and come to chase and kill us.At this time, the horses were probably all healed, so Iluli came over. Guys, can't you think about it from another angle? Huh?What do you think? We escorted the report and Wenchai.But there are many people here, and the purpose of travel is not all the same.Carl, Shan Sen, and Xiu Qi, you are going to the capital to report what happened in your hometown.Could it be because of that? Huh?It's impossible for the assassin to come after this kind of thing, right?

Hearing Shan Sen's words, Yi Luli nodded. Yes.what about meAccording to my thinking, it is impossible for human assassins to chase me because of me.I'm going to meet someone in Port Dayharpa, but it has nothing to do with humans. Iluli turned her head to look at Nelia, and Shansen, Carl, and I also started to look at Nelia.Nelia jumped up. Absolutely, definitely not me!I'm nothing but a poor thief!There will be no assassins chasing me, and I will obediently pay the guild fee. Although some people who have been killed by me may hold grudges, they will not send out self-destruction assassination teams because of this, right?Just to catch a thief?

Carl smiled slightly. That doesn't seem to be the case, Miss Nelia. After hearing these words, Nelia breathed a sigh of relief.Yi Luli looked at Wen Chai and said: Was Wenchai justifiably the target of the assassins? Wen Chai didn't answer.Ellie nodded. There may be some people who don't want what Wen Chai did in Karal territory to be exposed.But the problem now is that those people shouted long live His Majesty the King in Byzos before they died.I also heard that sentence clearly.Did Iluli hear that too? Hearing Shan Sen's question, Yi Luli nodded.She was now looking at the only person she hadn't mentioned, Giseon, who had kept his head down until now.

Mr Gissien, Mr. Gissien! Huh?Ah, why are you calling me? Have you ever done anything that would have an assassin come after you? Ghisien's face was blank.He thought for a moment, then said: Do you think those people were targeting me just now?Well, in the process of my adventure, sometimes it is possible to attract resentment.There should be many people who want to seek revenge on me.But I can't think of it, who would send such a powerful assassin to find me? Yeah? I can't think of anyone who could do such a thing. Yes.Well, this is really strange. Iluli lowered her head again, lost in thought.Yes, this is really strange. But at this moment, Wen Chai, who was silent at the side, spoke up. giseon, Ghisien looked at Wenchai.We also turned our attention to Wen Chai. Didn't I say it yesterday, the smell of blood is really strong on you. Githien used to mean are you thinking about something?Looking at Wen Chai, he said: so what?Why do you keep bringing this up? Because it's so weird.Rarely does a man like you get so much blood on his body.Because there are not many people who can be your opponent.you in the end Wen Chai, who was speaking with a smile, suddenly changed his tone. Yamus dsidafra un ertm, kima? He suddenly started speaking in Jeppen.Giseon immediately said with a stiff expression: Hey, why are you speaking in Jeppen? Ertm, kima unte raleil Djipenian, Releil? Ghisien gritted his teeth and answered. Talledeon yahi nhannega durrtasatr unes rithroii Impawerr, en dikkasia nowms Xychro nenzima dsidfra yilkin jian diweelts We all looked at the two people who were talking in panic.Wen Chai sneered and said: Hey Gishon, you've been tricked by me. cheated by you? There are others here who can understand Jeppen. Ghisien's eyes widened suddenly, while Shan Sen and I looked at Carl. Carl made a surprised expression.And it was no ordinary surprise. Giseon saw Carl's expression and knew that there was no need to hide it any longer.He scratched the back of his head and said: Hmph, my skills are still not enough.How could it be so simple to be tricked out. Carl hurriedly tried to stand up.Giseon shook his hand and said: Please sit down, Carl. Yes, but, Your Highness Your Highness? I feel like a thunderbolt. What do you say, Your Majesty.I am nothing but a libertine who has been abandoned by both the royal court and the House of Lords. Your Highness. Don't call me Your Highness.Please call me Gissien. how dare i do this drink!It's also a form of infidelity, don't you know?It is an offense to the king to use this honorific title for anyone other than the king or the prince.This is a felony! ah! Carl looks like he doesn't know what to do, but he still seems to be in a much better condition than me or Shansen.Karl at least knew something, could talk like this, but we were like cows being dragged to the market, in a daze, neither sitting, standing, nor kneeling, we really didn't know what to do.Am I supposed to say at least we still know we can't lie down at this point, so it's okay?Call him Your Highness?According to him, Ghisien is still a royal family?Shan Sen spoke very carefully, really very carefully: Carl, that, please explain Carl watched Gishin's eyes.Giseon shook his head and said: Hey, it's true.I haven't said anything about it for six years.I can't even guess where Ubinie's scale beam will extend, and I don't know how heavy Hoganes' scale hammer is.Hey, just put it simply.I'm Gissien.Baizos, the elder brother of the current king. Huh? Shansen, Nelia, I stood up in surprise as if struck by lightning. It turned out to be him!So he was the crown prince who acted absurdly. Uh, so he was that person?The deposed prince who escaped from the palace because he loved playing too much, and was abolished in the end? Giseon gestured for us to sit down. It doesn't matter.You sit down first.You look at me like this, how do I look like a royal family?And this is not the imperial city.Please take it easy and sit down. Ah, that, how can it be? How could this be?How can what?Don't you know how to sit down?Bend your legs first, grasp the sense of balance, put your hands on the ground first, and then gently move your hips to the ground.If you lose your balance, you may hit your tailbone and cause pain in your spine, so be careful. We sat down according to the detailed instructions of His Majesty's brother.I couldn't even laugh because I was so nervous.Should we say something like thanking His Royal Highness Long En?Giseon looked at us with a more gentle expression. Hey, it's nothing special.My brother is a king, but I am a libertine. My brother is in the imperial city, but I am wandering in the wilderness.I was born with this personality.The elders of the House of Nobles made a very correct judgment.They dethroned me and put my brother on the throne.That's all. You are quite right. Hearing Shan Sen's answer, Ghisien opened his mouth slightly in surprise.Shan Sen's mental state seems a little abnormal. I looked at Nelia, who was looking very disappointed.Although she didn't say a word, just by looking at her expression, you can also read all kinds of things in her heart.If she stole something from the royal family, her life would be in danger, so she couldn't take the Duanya sword quietly. Could it be that she was disappointed because of this?In any case, Giseon probably thought that the explanation was clear enough, so it seemed that he had no intention of continuing to speak.But Karl doesn't seem to intend to let the subject end there. But Your Highness, hello please!As I said just now, I am not some highness. Your Highness, why did you abandon the capital and become a wandering wanderer? Giseon raised both hands towards us.He explained to us while making gestures. Your statement is reversed.Because I wanted to abandon the capital city and become a wandering ronin, I was deprived of the crown prince.I'm not king material.I prefer the nomadic life.I am lazy by nature and lack the ability to handle state affairs. While talking, Giseon gestured for his neck to be chopped off. That's why the senators of the House of Lords dethroned me.I think they're doing a great job. Your Highness, we heard that His Highness was admired by others as a rare talent in a hundred years. Where did you hear that?That's the old phrase used by flattering, mercenary fellows to flatter the Crown Prince.I was canonized as crown prince when I was five years old.What kind of talent is a five-year-old child? Even the five-year-old me felt dumbfounded when I heard it. When Gishien said this bluntly, Carl made an expression that could no longer interface.Carl thought for a while, and said again: Then maybe His Highness wants to assist the king for the war with Jeppen, so he wants to go back to Baizos Imperial City? Giseon smiled slightly. No, I don't worry about that kind of thing.My younger brother has been a bookworm since he was a child, and he has read a lot about military books.He also has many excellent subjects.And if I go, what advice can I make about the war?On this point, there are too many experts around my brother alone. Then why are you going to Baixos Imperial City? Your memory is really bad.Didn't I say that I'm going over there to lift the curse on the Lightning Guardian, and I'm going to get a magic scabbard? As soon as Ghisien finished speaking, the Duanya sword began to vibrate again.buzz buzz buzz!Ghisien looked at his scabbard with a look of rage. Damn.When I left the imperial city, I only stole this one thing, and I was very happy at that time Huh? When I was expelled from the imperial city, I ran to the warehouse of the palace and stole this item.At that time I thought it was a magic sword and it would definitely help me.Damn, I never dreamed that it would drive people crazy After Carl smiled, he continued to ask: If His Highness doesn't have that kind of intention, then what is the reason for the assassin to chase and kill you? Ghisien's face instantly became ugly.Carl saw our expressions, so he explained it to us in detail. Wen Chai had just seen that the target of the assassins was him.And seeing his murderous aura, one should also know that he was hunted down by many assassins.So Wen Chai probably guessed that this is His Highness just now.This is really surprising. Wen Chai smiled coldly. He said that during the six years, he was another important person who was constantly hunted down by assassins. This is just a simple inference that one plus one equals two. Ugh, that's really embarrassing.Wen Chai's expression seemed to be questioning: Why can't you people even recognize your king's brother?How could I know such a thing!Even if our king were to appear before me right now, I would not recognize him.Wen Chai was trained as a spy, so he probably knows more about our nobles than we do.Giseon looked up at the sky and murmured: That's true.Have I entered the magical autumn?Strange things keep happening this fall. Your Highness? Giseon scratched his head and said: I have no idea.I can't guess who sent them, and they have recently appeared out of nowhere to attack me.If you think about it simply, you can think of it as the people around my brother who are afraid that I will covet the throne and want to get rid of me, but I still can't understand.Just look at my attitude towards life to know that that seat is worthless to me.I haven't been near the capital at all in the last six years.I'm just an adventurer, not a threat to the royal power. Even if an adventurer is not a royal family, it is the most likely profession to become a king, isn't it? Are you telling those old stories?A man has experienced great adventures, established local power, and properly concluded blood relations and alliances, and can cultivate power where the king's power is not enough.But if you want to do that, you need to be an adventurer in your forties or fifties.And all actions must be carried out for that purpose, and it can only be done through untold hardships.It's impossible to live like me. Carl waited until Githion had finished, then said calmly: But now Baizos is in a state of war. Giseon suddenly looked at Karl with terrifying eyes.Carl said calmly: In war, anything is possible.As the prestige of the royal authority weakened due to the continuous fighting, it was possible to use this opportunity to form an alliance with the enemy to overthrow the government.I don't think it's easy for you to be king if you join hands with Jeppen. How dare you say that? Please listen to me.Just use it this way.First rely on Jepen's help to launch a coup, and then declare to the world that the king started an unreasonable war due to his own ambition, which caused the lives of the people in the country to die. I can't just sit back and watch this matter, so I eliminated him.We will apologize to Jeppen and take responsibility for compensation.Then Jeppen declared that we recognize and congratulate King Ghisien on his enthronement.With his wisdom, he should not inherit the crimes of those responsible for the war.And the common people applaud the rebels who ended the war. My God, Yubinie!Shan Sen and I were so surprised that our eyes almost fell out.Githion looked like he wanted to draw his sword on the spot, and stared at Karl, but Karl quietly came to a conclusion. In particular, His Royal Highness Jixien is the crown prince deposed by the nobles, and it is very easy to claim the right to ascend the throne.How about my thoughts? Ghisien glared at Karl, but Karl accepted the gaze calmly.Gissien sighed. That doesn't sound like you're tempting me to do this. I don't think so at all. You are amazing.Yes, I admit it.That's all I'm worried about. So this is ah I speculated that those who sent the assassins to kill me were probably also worried about this.They probably thought that I would take advantage of the war to drive my younger brother out of power.I don't think my brother should have done this.The guy has a good heart.There must be some fool in his sidelines who confuses his own ambition with his loyalty to the king. Your Highness really doesn't have that idea? You're taking that a little too far, Carl. sorry.please forgive. Don't try me a second time.I don't think that way.If I'm really greedy for the throne, I just need to be a good crown prince since I was a child.But Hoganes gave me such a thirst for freedom that I could not bear to sit on the throne.Maybe it's not because of my longing for freedom, but because of the stagecoach star attached to my head. What is the stagecoach star?What a strange word he used.But Carl just nodded. Then you go to Baizos Imperial City, isn't it more dangerous? Of course it's dangerous.But I don't have that kind of ambition in my heart at all.It's just that if you don't go there, it's hard to find a priest who can lift the curse of the Thunderkeeper. Do you still want to go?Even after this kind of thing? I've been through these things long before I met any of you. Giseon expressed his determination lightly, but unwaveringly.Carl probably also heard the actual meaning behind the surface of this sentence. I would like to help Your Highness. Giseon said with a troubled expression: I said I am not some highness.please.And I can't go with you anymore. Huh? You are in danger because of me.This would make it difficult for me. Carl opened his mouth in surprise.Giseon shook his head and said: Wasn't it the same just now?Shansen was injured because of me.It's a good chance that they don't know your strength this time, so we have a chance to win, but if this is not Dalanian's territory, wouldn't we all be dead already? That's right.We all looked at the newly formed small lake by the lake, and the woods that had been burned by the fire.It's really scary.Githion looked around at us and said: There is absolutely no way I can be with you guys anymore.I also know other roads in the Brown Mountains.Just follow the path of the dwarves.Let's break up here then. Huh?ah no Stop talking, Carl. Giseon cut Carl off firmly.Carl shut his mouth.Giseon said with a somewhat lonely expression: I am very sorry for the decision to go with you yesterday.It doesn't matter how you scold me.I didn't expect the assassin to follow such a steep brown mountain range.This is my fault. His Royal Highness sorry.Having been a ronin for six years, I think people have come to regard me as a ronin Ghisien.I believe I can comfortably live the life of an adventurer.But now the world still thinks I'm Gissien.Byzos.This is a fate that I must accept willingly, but I don't want to implicate you.Goodbye then. Ghisien seemed to feel that there was no need to say anything more, so he turned around and rode on the Thunderkeeper.He didn't give us a chance to speak at all, and just started to leave. Your Highness, Your Highness! Giseon paused.He turned to look at us.He is laughing. In case this is my magic autumn, and this meeting is caused by the magic of autumn, then we will definitely meet again.Until then, I will not say goodbye to you all.May the protection of Asses be with you. This sentence seems to have been heard somewhere by Merian.If it is agreed to meet again, there is no need to say goodbye. drink! Within a day of meeting him, Ghithion, who would have been king but abandoned his throne for a free soul, left us.He's the prince of the wild who rides cursed bulls and gets headaches from nagging magic swords. We stared blankly at his back going away. I now know that human beings can develop through relationships. That's what Ellie said.Carl looked at Iluli calmly. I don't think you are naturally attuned like we are, so you must become familiar with ways of narrowing down the range of opinions with each other, that is, of negotiating agreement, and developing an understanding of other creatures in trying to understand others. Is this what the elves think? This is my personal opinion, as you know Ah yes.Because the elves are all coordinated, other elves should not object to Miss Xie Renier's idea. Yes.But that prince, Gissien.Baizos was tortured because of this relationship. tortured It seems to me so.I get the feeling that while he wants to create his own image, wants to cling to the image of an adventurous romantic, his own relationships just won't let him go. You are correct in pointing this out. Yeah?I am so happy.In this way, I have improved my understanding of others. Do you think you have no understanding? Yes.Of course.I often live in a harmonious relationship, and it is not easy to grasp the hearts of people who think differently from me. Carl looked at the other end of the brown mountains from afar and said: I don't think so. Huh? You just talked about the understanding of others, but in the end it was just a transfer of emotion.If the rags of the same volume are made into dolls, it will give people a completely different feeling.A stone of the same size, if made into a sculpture, will arouse a certain emotion in people, or love, or fear, or reverence.This can be said to be the result of transferring feelings towards material things. In the end, I believe that everything starts with a warm heart. This passage is so difficult. What I mean is this: I believe that understanding of others will come naturally with a good heart. Iluli tilted her head and asked doubtfully: Is it enough to just have a good heart? This is enough in this world.In a world where princes ride bulls and wield magic swords Carl didn't finish his sentence, but instead smiled slightly. end of fourth
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