Home Categories suspense novel Brave Story

Chapter 51 fifty one frozen capital

Brave Story 宮部美幸 4849Words 2023-02-05
Even for Wat, who has been on a giant bird, Jozo's flying speed and altitude are unique.Not to mention Mina and Ki, who were flying for the first time.Fake, both of them were stunned.Even so, Mina looked down at the ground, hearing sounds of surprise and feeling good.And base.Not long after Gemma's elevation, his already pale skin became even more bloodless. Me, I'm probably not used to air travel. He panicked and said such a sentence, and then stopped talking, and hugged Qiao Zuo's wings tightly. base.Gemma, quite disappointing miles. Even when Mina laughed at him, he didn't respond.

Although the air is thinner, it is more reassuring not to see below, so go through this layer of clouds to the top.Such an old man, with a snow-white cloud under his feet, won't be so nervous, right? As Qiao Zuo said, he flew into the clouds above his head and swished through them.As he said, the sea of ​​clouds under the eyelids (just forget that it is thousands of miles high in the sky) is so soft and safe, and the uneasy mood is relieved. Gen and Mina hugged Jozuo's neck and chatted with him about Kari.Do dragons always fly this high?Where is the sea that separates the northern and southern continents?Is the rumor that dragons live in the island of needle mist true?

Yes, that's right.I was born on Needle Mist Island.The small island where our dragons live is shaped like a dragon's strength. Qiao Zuo also has parents.Although it is natural, it is still a bit unbelievable. But if that's the case, I don't feel very good.Mina looked apologetic, her ears stuck out. The fire dragon helped the goddess of creation, and was an indispensable benefactor to protect the fantasy world.We who appeared later persecuted their descendants You can't call it persecution.Qiao Zuo quickly added, well, the Dragon Lord said that the fantasy world itself is like a living organism, so it is constantly changing in the long history.He said that there is no way for super-strong creatures like us to gradually decrease in number and eventually perish.

Indifferent. Jozuo, don't you feel lonely?Gen asked. lonely? You said you will die in the end Hey, no real feeling.How energetic I am, besides, there are many partners on Long Island. However, it is said that the adult dragons on the island rarely leave the island.They live in seclusion on Dragon Island and spend peaceful days quietly.Those who go out to fly in the fantasy world are all curious little dragons.It was really rare luck to meet Qiao Zuo. This may also be the goddess's knowledge.Qiao Zuo squinted his eyes in the clouds and said. Although it was expected to be cold during the high-altitude travel, all three of them wore more clothes, but when they approached the Andrea Highlands, the clouds gradually thickened and the temperature dropped sharply.base.Gemma couldn't stop sneezing.

I blow fire to warm up? Need not!free! base.Geema hurriedly declined, almost slipping off Qiao Zuo's back while speaking, making Gen and Mina very happy. You're welcome.However, Qiao Zuo looked through the clouds, and the appearance of these clouds was really strange.In normal times, if you fly here, you can already see Andrea Highland Le from the gap in the clouds.But now I can't see anything. Unknowingly, the group of people was completely enveloped by the clouds originally reflected at their feet.Jozo didn't change height. And, do you feel it?There is something sad in this cloud.

Smell of sadness? Both Gen and Mina stick out their tongues, intending to taste the cloud.But there is no way to do it, after all, licking marshmallows from time to time. It's the smell of tears.Maybe the goddess is sad. Qiao Zuo said something mysterious. The fire dragon flapped its wings to push away the thick clouds and continued to fly.Soon, something flashed through the gaps in the clouds ahead to the right.Although it was only for a moment, Wataru did see it. probably.It's time to approach the Andria Heights.Look down a little bit.Everyone is holding on tight. Qiao Zuo swished down.Like riding an invisible roller coaster, Wataru's stomach suddenly floated up.base.Keema groaned.

over there!Qiao Zuo said, oh, we have come to the top of the high ground! The strong force of Qiao Zuo's wings blows the cloud behind him.Under the wide field of vision, the city like a castle in the air suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, holding my breath. On the top of the Andria Highlands surrounded by glaciers and closed by heavy snow, a city appeared.The oval double city wall is lined with tall columns and surrounded by corridors.The masonry building, with many terraces connected by steps, was like a labyrinth, coldly shining. At first I thought it was a crystal tower.However, if you take a closer look, you will understand that this is not the case.It is frozen.Everything is frozen.Wataru recalled what he saw when the family traveled to visit the glass museum.Large-scale castles made of crystal glass, and even the flags flying on the steeples are also exquisitely crafted glass crafts.

Look, that forest.Even the trees were frozen. Icicles hang down from the hoarfrost branches, shining like strange fruits. Everything is frozen.Mina sighed, do people really live in such a cold place? In the endless metropolis, there is no one in sight. base.Gemma sneezed so loudly that Jozo's wings fluttered. Oh, Wat, that's why I asked for help.I hope someone shows up before everyone freezes to death. He felt that his earlobe was numb from the cold. Jozo, did you not walk the way up the Andria Heights? never seen. Because it was surrounded by glaciers a long time ago. oh.However, when flying here before, the buildings and forests were not frozen, and people who saw flowers blooming and walking.

Beside the northeast city wall of Bingfeng Zhicheng, there is a building like a hall with a flat roof.Jozo landed there. Wow, it's so cold!As Qiao Zuo folded his wings, his big nostrils fluttered uneasily. Even I almost sneeze.Gen, how is it?Go in and have a look? Um.Gen jumped off Qiao Zuo's back, Qiao Zuo, will you freeze here? Spray the fire now and then to keep warm, no problem.But don't wait too long.You too, will hurt your body. Understood.We will return as soon as possible. It took a lot of trouble just to get from the roof of the hall to the ground, and it took an extraordinarily hard work to figure out the situation in the city.The ground is slippery.Unable to walk normally.Even so, the three of them fell and got up again, trying to help their fallen companion, but they also fell down, and they couldn't laugh anymore under the embarrassment.

In such a severe cold and silence, in this city where people's hearts are almost frozen, are there really any people alive?While rushing here after a lot of trouble, the man who called for help through the mirror of reality has already exhausted his life, right? anyone there? Hey, we're here to help! The three tried to shout.No reply.There was no echo from the frozen city, the cries were absorbed.No, maybe the cry was frozen as soon as it was out of the mouth. That was a long time ago.Gen was taken by his mother to watch a children's play.It's a musical, the kid who plays Pegasus is the main character, and all the Greek gods appear.To be honest, Wataru is not very interested in this drama.It's just that the set is beautiful and draws him in.A temple made of marble and a forest surrounding it.

Dila.Rubesi's city reminds Wataru of the setting for a children's play.There is a building, walk up the slow outer steps, and come to a gate with carved flowers, birds and angels.A mansion with window frames decorated with rose patterns.On the pillars at the door, there is Kelbras (the snake-tailed three-headed dog who guards the gate of hell in mythology) very competently guarding the gate. The appearance of the city is orderly, and the Go board is divided.The roofs of the buildings are mostly flat roofs. Under the overhanging eaves protruding from the corners of the buildings, they are decorated with patterns with different meanings, and there is also an open-air circular square.On the periphery is a circle of pillars with statues of wizards, knights, and ladies, perhaps to praise the great men. It shows the hometown of the gods in Greek mythology.As an imitation, it is extremely serious and rigorous. Therefore, in Gen's eyes, all of this as a scene has no sense of incongruity at all.But also difficult to understand.For the believers of the old God religion, is such a city appearance their ideal?The phantom cities under the rule of the goddess are based on their own industries or the role they play in the phantom world.In those cities, people have to have a livelihood and a life.All that is lacking here.That's right, because of this, I can't help but think of the setting of a drama. What is the open-air circular plaza for?Is it a statue that praises whom?Who looked after this city? Why are the residents here sweating, why laughing, and why are they restless?Like smelling a scent, Gen clearly felt the artificial atmosphere, because he felt that it was not as simple as covering everything with frost. Hey, Kei.Kima, I asked, in the fantasy world, are there other cities like this? base.Gemma was listless from the cold. I have never seen such a cold city. It's not about the cold, it's about the urban architecture.Is there a city like this full of magnificent buildings like temples, anywhere else? I don't think so, Mina said, looking back at Ki.Keema, this city is weird, isn't it?It's not just that it's weird that it's frozen.Places like shops and hotels are completely invisible. The three of them came to a corner of the city, a place similar to a small park.There is a pedestal surrounded by flowers and trees in the middle, decorated with avant-garde works of art.is a spherical shape.At first I thought it was something like a globe.However, even if you walk in and look at it, there is no pattern on the surface of the ball, it's just smooth.Because it is frozen hard, if you don't care to touch it with your fingers, it is likely to stick. The ball cracked from the inside and began to collapse.There is hoarfrost in the cracks.After looking at it for a while, he realized that it was a sculpture made by Model Baoyu, the jade inlaid in the sword of the brave. However, isn't it strange that the key is like this?Baoyu is what guides travelers.But in the old gods, travelers are considered taboo.It is a contradiction in terms to call something closely related to the traveler a work of avant-garde art. Gen, what should I do?Going around is not an option either.Mina clasped her shoulders with both hands, whirled quickly, and, Ki.Gemma was about to collapse.The water people are not cold-tolerant. Presumably lizards are temperature-changing animals.When the surroundings are cold, the lizard's body temperature also drops and its movements become sluggish.base.Gemma squatted at the entrance of the square, eyes closed, motionless. The two rushed to Ji.Keema.Although his feet slipped and hit him, but in this way Ji.Kemma opened his eyes.base.Keema was sleepy. Are you ok? Oops, sorry.base.Gemma blinks in slow motion too.Even the fingers of the claws are covered with frost, there is no way, it seems to be sleeping. No way, I will freeze to death. Go back to Jozo.base.Keema, can you stand up? Of course I can pull.He also spoke slowly.The body is heavy.Gen and Mina grabbed his hand from left to right, and took a few steps forward. It's okay, don't worry base.Gemma muttered in his sleep, half asleep. The endless city was frozen pale, covered with white frost.There are not even footprints because the ground is thick with ice that is almost skating.Wataru walked along the road at the intersection of the chessboard, intending to return along the way, but it seemed that the city without color changes was confused.Even when he came to the place where he should be able to see Qiao Zuo, he couldn't see the bright red body of the fire dragon. Mina let go of Ki.Keema's arm, stopped walking.After walking two or three steps away, Gen didn't realize it. Mina, what's the matter? When Gen turned around, he saw Mina's dumbfounded expression. What's the matter with you? Wait, Mina pointed, look, this! On the left and right of the two, the bushes surrounded the square. The bushes were frozen, and it was a vast expanse of white, like a campus in a snowy day. what is this? Can't see?look carefully. Constantly watching.He wept because of the cold. What did you say you saw? When he asked back, he also saw it.In the center of the square, several ice streaks are crossing the snow-covered square, forming a pattern. It is the pattern that leads to the present world! That is, can the mirror of reality be used here? If so, it becomes even more unclear.Whether it is the mirror of reality or the pattern of the entrance and exit of the passage leading to the light, they are all used by travelers.These are not only irrelevant to the old God religion, but should be said to be hostile. Let's go over there and figure it out.base.Gemma murmured sleepily, maybe she was wrong.If it was the pattern, it might be a clue. but I'm fine, I'm fine. The three of them crossed the square of Bingfeng.Crunching approached the patterns on the snow.Looking closer, it seems to be that pattern.Gen stood in the center of the pattern, squatted down, and tried to trace the lines of the pattern with his fingers. Only here is raised. real. Mina also came to Gen and squatted down.She touched the ice with her fingertips, scratched with her claws, and made a rattling sound. what is this Just when Mina was about to tell what was going on, the mirror of reality began to emit light again inside the shirt she had buttoned up to avoid the cold.Mina hurriedly wanted to take out the mirror, but suddenly her feet shook, and all three of them fell to the ground. Yo, what's wrong? The frozen snow shook.Cracks sprang out along the outer edge of the pattern.As the crack expands, fine ice chips fly up, The ice surface is cracked, and the periphery of the pattern is obviously raised.With a thump, the ground began to descend, and the part of the pattern was like a big elevator, carrying three people down.
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