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Chapter 20 Chapter Thirteen

Sword net dust silk 梁羽生 24357Words 2023-02-05
<dilemma> Tang Huaiyuan said: This is not a place for conversation, please follow me.There is a tunnel in the fake cave, leading to a secret room, Tang Huaiyuan led Chu Jinsong into the secret room, and then told him: The Flying Dragon may have come to the capital! He thought that Chu Jinsong's expression would change even if he was not shocked when he heard the news, but Chu Jinsong's expression was still normal and he didn't respond. Tang Huaiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and continued: Mr. Jianda sent someone to secretly inform me of this news. It is said that the flying dragon appeared in Xishan yesterday.Although I can't say for sure that it's him, but the possibility of him is very high!

Chu Jinsong still didn't speak, but said lightly: So what if it's him? Tang Huaiyuan said: If it's him, of course I want my brother to take action. Chu Jinsong said: "The new Great Sage Qi is ten times better than me in martial arts." Tang Huaiyuan said: "Although this Mr. Qi's martial arts is high and strong, he is a new friend after all. He had a conversation with his younger brother before. This time he just came here to experience the martial arts of the flying dragon. Whether he makes a move is up to him. Said that if he saw that the martial arts of Feitian Shenlong was too far behind him, he would not be interested in making a move; but if he was much higher than him, he would not dare to make a move.

Chu Jinsong smiled and said: It is difficult to find someone whose gong is just as good as his. Tang Huaiyuan said: Yes.And the purpose of the shot is also different from ours.In his words, he just wanted to see the martial arts of the flying dragon, and he didn't want to get involved in the whirlpool.But you know, Mr. Jian Da and Xu Daxia hope that we can eliminate evil for the martial arts and kill the flying dragon! Chu Jinsong said: Everyone has his own ambitions, we can't force him to do his best for us! Tang Huaiyuan said: There is another layer, he is an outsider with unknown background, some things, I am afraid I can't tell him yet.For example, I would not dare to tell him the news that the flying dragon is hiding in Xishan.

Chu Jinsong said: Do you suspect that he came undercover for Flying Dragon? Tang Huaiyuan said, "I didn't expect that.But the heart of defense is indispensable.Besides, if he just leaked out, it would be a mess.All in all, he is just a pawn that cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary! Chu Jinsong said: Then there is no need to talk about him anymore.You just said what do you want me to do? Tang Huaiyuan said, "Mr. Jianda, I invite you and me to discuss with Commander Mu's mansion tomorrow. In my opinion, he might want you to be the first to make a move!" Chu Jinsong said: I have a date with Qi Dasheng tomorrow.

Tang Huaiyuan said: I know.But this appointment is just a visit and won't take you much time. Chu Jinsong said: Yes, that's what he said.But seeing his air, I'm afraid there's something else going on. Tang Huaiyuan said: How to deal with the Flying Dragon is the current major issue!Nothing is more important than this.How about this, I will accompany him to visit you tomorrow morning, even if he has other things to talk about, the talk can be finished before noon.Mr. Jianda's appointment is at noon, I guess he will probably ask you to go to Xishan in the afternoon to find out the truth.You have to be prepared first!

Chu Jinsong said: What are you preparing for? Tang Huaiyuan said in a low voice: Brother Chu, we are old friends, I know that you and Mr. Jian Da are close friends, but I won't tell you this secret, I feel that I can't live with old friends! Chu Jinsong was taken aback for a moment, and said: What secret? Tang Huaiyuan's voice became softer: this secret is about the identity of the flying dragon, you don't have to ask me where I got it from, it won't lie to you!They talked privately in a secret room, but when Tang Huaiyuan mentioned the identity of the flying dragon, it seemed that he was still afraid that the walls had ears.

Chu Jinsong smiled and said: You and I have known each other for many years, and I almost never believed what you said.But you haven't revealed his identity yet, why are you so nervous? Tang Huaiyuan said: Don't laugh at me for being nervous, his background is truly extraordinary!After a pause, he took a breath, and then continued: Guess who Flying Dragon is, he, he is the apprentice of Qi Yanran, who is number one in martial arts in the world! Chu Jinsong smiled and said: Are you intimidated by Qi Yanran's name?However, your news may not be certain. Tang Huaiyuan said: Why do you say that?

Chu Jinsong said: As far as I know, Qi Yanran has only one son and one apprentice, and both the son and the apprentice are dead. Tang Huaiyuan said: You only know one thing, not the other.Feitian Shenlong was the son of his dead apprentice named Wei, who grew up in Qi's family.In name, Qi Yanran is his master, but in reality he is an apprentice taught by Qi Yanran himself!Just because his son and apprentice are dead, he loves this apprentice the most!I dare not advise you to back down, but I also dare not encourage you to take the lead. Chu Jinsong smiled and said: I know, if I take the lead, Qi Yanran will never let me go, regardless of whether the flying dragon is killed or not.Not only did he want to kill me to pay for his disciple's life, but he also wanted to spread misfortune to my family.

Tang Huaiyuan said: Yes, so I have to tell you, please make up your own mind. Chu Jinsong was noncommittal, and only asked with a smile: Then what are your plans? Tang Huaiyuan frowned deeply, and said in a low voice: To tell you the truth, I feel embarrassed too!Originally, I went out of my way to do anything for my friends, but, but, but Chu Jinsong said: Brother Tang has something to hide, if it is inconvenient to say it Tang Huaiyuan gritted his teeth, and finally said it: Brother Chu, you and I are like brothers, let me tell you another secret.Although I can't compare to Qi Yanran, I am still a friend with a little friendship!At least, he regards me as a friend.

Chu Jinsong said: That's how it is.Both sides are friends, no wonder you are embarrassed! Tang Huaiyuan continued: His apprentice named Wei had a deeper friendship with me during his lifetime.Do you know how his apprentice died? Chu Jinsong said: I don't know. Tang Huaiyuan almost whispered into Chu Jinsong's ear: His apprentice was named Wei Chenggang, an important figure in the anti-Qing gang, he was besieged by eight big inner guards, after he killed all the enemies, he himself was also seriously injured. A few days also died. Chu Jinsong said: In this way, the Flying Dragon is the descendant of the anti-Qing righteous man, how could it become a big devil who does all kinds of evil?

Tang Huaiyuan didn't answer this question, but said: You know that to work in our bodyguard agency, you have to make friends with a lot of friends, black people and white people have to sell friendship.What's more, my escort agency is located in the capital, so of course I can't avoid contacts with the government, but speaking from the bottom of my heart, I still sympathize with the righteous men who opposed the Qing Dynasty. Chu Jinsong said: In this regard, I am the same as you.So you don't want to meddle in this matter, do you? Tang Huaiyuan sighed and said: "This is where the difficulty lies. In terms of friendship, the friendship between Mr. Jian Da and I is much deeper than that with the Qi family. This time I invite friends from all walks of life to help deal with the Flying Dragon's hero post. It was signed by me and Mr. Jian Da and Xu Zhongyue. How can you say I quit halfway? Chu Jinsong said: When you and they jointly issued the hero post, you didn't know the identity of the flying dragon.It is said that quitting halfway is not a breach of trust! Tang Huaiyuan smiled wryly, "Brother Chu, you are a seasoned veteran, how could you say such a thing?"Xu Zhongyue wants to avenge the flying dragon!Commander Mu supported him in this matter.Even if I can disregard Mr. Jian Da's friendship, if Commander Mu asks me why I quit, how can I answer? Chu Jinsong said: This is really embarrassing!This matter has been forced at present, you must have an idea! Tang Huaiyuan frowned and thought for a while, then still smiled bitterly and said: I really can't think of anything to do, I can only ask you for advice. Chu Jinsong said: I am in a hurry, and I can't think of a good idea.but Tang Huaiyuan said: But what? Chu Jinsong said: I want to ask you another thing. Tang Huaiyuan said: Excuse me.I know everything and say everything. Chu Jinsong said: "Does Mr. Jian Da know that you and Qi Yanran know each other?"Tang Huaiyuan said: I don't know. Chu Jinsong asked again: In your opinion, is the martial arts of Qi Dasheng the Qi family's martial arts?There is no need to add another word, the Qi family he mentioned refers to Qi Yanran's family, which is known as the first family in the martial arts world. Tang Huaiyuan suddenly realized, and said with a smile: Do you doubt that Qi Dasheng is related to Qi Yanran's family? Chu Jinsong said: I know his son is dead, but Qi Dasheng's martial arts are so unfathomable, I really have to have a little doubt.Even though he was not Qi Yanran's family member, he might have been taught by Qi Yanran. Tang Huaiyuan smiled and said: I probably know less about the Qi family's martial arts than you! Chu Jinsong was taken aback for a moment, and said: How could it be?you are friends with him Tang Huaiyuan said: He regards me as a friend.But for me, I can only say that I just met him.And only met once.Then he told how he met Qi Yanran.It was the year when his apprentice Wei Chenggang had an accident, he once came to the Escort to inquire about his apprentice.I have never met him before, yet he was able to trust me and ask me for news.For this alone, I cannot but be grateful to him. I was of no help to him that time, and I only found out about the tragic death of his apprentice later.But when I knew it, I thought he already knew it too.There is an unconfirmed news that after hearing that Wei Chenggang was seriously injured, he still went to see his master. He died at his master's house. Chu Jinsong said: In this way, the Flying Dragon must have been brought to the Qi family by his father that time. Tang Huaiyuan said: I don't know the details.But I know that Flying Dragon did grow up in Qi's family.At this point, he sighed and continued: I really hope that the Flying Dragon is really like Xu Zhongyue and the others said, a big devil who does all kinds of evil.Otherwise, if I ask Xu Zhongyue to deal with him, I will be even more sorry to Qi Yanran. Chu Jinsong remained silent.Tang Huaiyuan said: What do you think? Chu Jinsong said: It's nothing, I just thought of the four words that people's words are awesome. Tang Huaiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and said: Do you mean that the flying dragon is not as bad as people say?I don't know what you saw and what happened. Chu Jinsong said: This is just an accidental feeling for me.This feeling was caused by hearing the story about Qi Yanran you just told.Isn't Qi Yanran described by many people as an old monster with perverted behavior and inhumanity?But in the story you told, he also seems to have a warm-hearted side.Taking this as an example, how can you know that the flying dragon trained by him has a good side? Tang Huaiyuan was silent for a while, then said: "It's a pity that this human speech is not a common one, but Mr. Jian Da's. Chu Jinsong said suddenly: Do you feel that Mr. Jian Da seems to be a little different from before? Tang Huaiyuan opened his eyes wide and said: I, I never thought about it.Hey, after hearing what you said, I also feel that he really seems to be a little different from before.But how different, I can't tell. Chu Jinsong said: "One thing I can't figure out is why he and Xu Zhongyue are so close.Yes, Xu Zhongyue is a well-known Zhongzhou hero, and his means are more praised than his martial arts.But I get the feeling he's a bit of a gambler.This is just what I said to you in private, I don't think you will think that I slandered Xu Zhongyue out of jealousy. Tang Huaiyuan smiled and said: Of course you are not such a person, if you were such a person, I would not tell you what is on my mind. Chu Jinsong said: "Then don't you think it's a little strange that Mr. Jian Da seems to be the same person as him now?"According to Mr. Jianda's behavior in the past, he went to drink Xu Zhongyue's wedding wine and witness marriage for him, which can still be said to be ordinary entertainment that does not violate his nature, but he worked so hard to avenge him, and even did not hesitate to be a mum for him. Isn't the commander's disciple a bit different from his past? Tang Huaiyuan could only smile wryly, and could not argue for Mr. Jian Da.He was thinking in his heart: Not bad.Mr. Jian Da is different from me.When I run an escort business, sometimes I even have to curry favor with the government; Mr. Jian Da has no need to flatter Mu Zhiyao because he is a wild crane. After being silent for a while, Tang Huaiyuan began to say: "Brother Chu, you accepted the hero post because of Mr. Jianda's face, and you don't have much friendship with Xu Zhongyue. If you think it's worthless to work for Xu Zhongyue, you can go."I can explain it to Mr. Jianda for you. Chu Jinsong said: What about you? Tang Huaiyuan said: They won't ask me to take the lead, think slowly before it's too late.But if you don't go, it is very likely that tomorrow afternoon, you will go to Xishan to meet the flying dragon at their request. Chu Jinsong said: I won't go! Tang Huaiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and said: Are you determined to put a knife in both sides of your friend? Chu Jinsong said: Mr. Jian Da and I have friendship, but Xu Zhongyue is not my friend!The implication is obviously that it is not worth working for Xu Zhongyue. Tang Huaiyuan smiled wryly and said: You confuse me, you want to take care of the friendship between Quan and Mr. Jian Da, but you don't want to work for Xu Zhongyue, how can you have both?Unless their news is false, the suspicious person found on the west mountain is not a flying dragon! Chu Jinsong said slowly: The news is not fake, but I don't need to learn the flying dragon either! Tang Huaiyuan had no time to ask him how he knew the news was true, and said, "You won't leave, and you won't go to meet the flying dragon, so, how can you explain to them?" Chu Jinsong said: It's not that I don't want to go, it's that I don't have to! Tang Huaiyuan couldn't help being startled again, and said: I don't understand what you mean. Chu Jinsong said: They want me to take the lead, they just want me to test the strength of the flying dragon, I have already tried it! Tang Huaiyuan was taken aback, and said: What, you have already mastered the flying dragon? Chu Jinsong said: Yes, I just came back from Xishan.Not only did I see the Flying Dragon there, but I also slapped him! Tang Huaiyuan suddenly realized, and said: It turns out that it was because you had exchanged a trick with him that you were seriously injured! Chu Jinsong smiled bitterly and said: Yes, the martial arts of the Flying Dragon is indeed higher than the legends! Tang Huaiyuan said: Taller than you? Chu Jinsong said: Even if he is not above me, he will never be below me.I am older than him, if we fight for a long time, I am afraid that I will lose most of the time.I've already lost my vitality after trying a trick, do you think it's worth trying again? Tang Huaiyuan was too shocked to speak. Chu Tianhong is telling her mother how she met the flying dragon. She is only sixteen years old, and the past days have been peaceful, and the experience of this day, in a certain sense.It is said that it exceeds the sum of the things worth remembering in the past sixteen years. Although she returned to her mother's side now, she still couldn't calm down. She collected herself, hoping to speak in a more orderly manner.What happened in the past half a day, scene by scene, reappeared in front of my eyes. <The Commander Molested Shuangshu> The scene of the first act is a horse test in the autumn suburbs.In the memory, the first thing that appeared in front of her was Mu Lianghua's disgusting face. Originally, the two brothers of the Mu family were quite handsome even though they were not considered beautiful young men.Of course, she didn't hate Mu Lianghua from the beginning, otherwise she wouldn't have hung out with their brothers. She was originally a person with a good impression, why did she hate him?The most appropriate explanation is: the language is tasteless, and the face is hateful. Because the language is tasteless, she unconsciously feels that the face of the other party is also hateful. She remembered what Jinyao said about her brother yesterday, and it seemed that she hadn't finished talking yesterday.After leaving the city, she always wanted to find a chance to talk to Xu Jinyao, but she didn't have the chance to be alone with Xu Jinyao.There is not even a chance for the four of them to be together. Because the eldest son of the Mu family, Mu Liangju, was pestering Xu Jinyao, while the second son, Mu Lianghua, was pestering her. Mu Liangju and Xu Jinyao ran ahead.The four horses seemed to have been carefully selected, and the two horses, Mu Liangju and Xu Jinyao, ran faster.Her mount ran as fast as Mu Lianghua's. Mu Lianghua was taciturn in front of her father, but chattered non-stop in front of her. It's not that he can't speak, on the contrary, he is too good at talking. It's not that he doesn't want to please her, but it's a pity that the words he thought to please her had the opposite result. Because he didn't understand Chu Tianhong at all. Chu Tianhong is a little beauty, but even though she is sixteen years old, she is not as easy to be deceived by sweet words as ordinary girls. It's true that she is young and inexperienced, but she is Chu Jinsong's daughter and has her father's proud temperament.Usually, she is playful like a child who is generally spoiled by her parents, and she also likes to be flattered by others.But if someone else is thinking about her, or if they think they have spotted her weakness to seduce her, the temperament inherited from her father will naturally make her feel disgusted with that person. Mu Lianghua kept talking, all he said was to boast of his father's power, boasting that he could take it as a gift at any time, to give Chu Tianhong's wealth and glory. Inside and outside the capital, there are many fun things to do.You follow me and let you have a good time, not to worry that someone will bully you.Then, like a few treasures, he introduced interesting places and interesting things to Chu Tianhong. There are so many good places in Beijing!There is no girl who doesn't like jewelry. Do you want to open your eyes? If you want to, I will go to the Temple of Fire with you tomorrow. Ha, you asked what is the relationship between the Temple of Fire and jewelry and antiques, you are not old Beijing, no wonder you don't understand.Yes, the Temple of Fire is dedicated to Huaguang Bodhisattva (God of Fire), not jewelry and antiques.But the Huoshen Temple in the capital is a jewelry market. In the temple, the Vulcan Bodhisattva is worshipped, and jewelry is sold outside the temple gate. It is said that there are fifty or sixty jewelry and jade stalls.There are many ornaments that are exquisitely crafted.So visiting the Temple of Fire means visiting a jewelry stall. However, these jewelry and jade stalls are for ordinary people to visit. Although there are many fancy ornaments made by old artists, which can be used as small gadgets, you can't buy really valuable things at these stalls.There are also two large jewelry stores, one is also in Huoshen, and the other is in East Chang'an Avenue in the city.Only there can we find good things worthy of our status.For example, cat's eye gemstones, jasper watermelons, yushu corals, Chinese jades, and night pearls, all of which cost tens of thousands of taels of silver.But these rare treasures, I have to take you there, and the shopkeeper will show them to you. Speaking of jewellery, I also have a lot of jewelery in my home. The variety is not as large as that in the jewelery store, but according to people who know the goods, there are a few items that are so expensive that you can't find them in the jewelery store.The word priceless may be an exaggeration. It is not uncommon for a piece of jewelry to be worth one hundred and eighty thousand taels of silver. Do you want to hear the name? Chu Tianhong heard him talking about a lot of jewels, and she was already impatient, she frowned and said: Sorry, maybe all the girls you know like jewels, but I am an exception.Your priceless jewels that's your business, I don't want to hear about it. Mu Lianghua interrupted her, very disappointed, stunned for a while, then forced a smile: Yes, yes.I heard that your father is both talented in civil and martial arts, and his favorite is famous calligraphy and painting. Your family has a long history, so you must also like these elegant things.Then, let me take you to visit Liulichang. Liulichang is the most famous calligraphy and painting market in the capital. There are famous calligraphy and paintings from Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and this dynasty. Chu Tianhong smiled and said: You have found the wrong person, it would be appropriate for you to accompany my father to visit Liulichang.Although I am his daughter, I don't know anything about appreciating calligraphy and painting. Mu Lianghua said: You like to visit places of interest, that's fine too.Tomorrow I will go to the Great Wall with you, and the day after tomorrow to Lugou Bridge, there are 473 lions on Lugou Bridge Chu Tianhong said: My father is not free tomorrow. Mu Lianghua smiled and said: I'm going with you, who said I want to go with your father? Chu Tianhong said: I want to be with him. Mu Lianghua said: Your father has been to the capital before, I know he has visited all these places.He may not be interested in going again, why bother him? Chu Tianhong said: You are not him, how do you know that he is not interested before going.Let me tell you, the places you mentioned are exactly the places where Dad is going to play with me.We are going as a family, we don't need you to accompany us. Mu Lianghua was so bored, he was silent for a while, then smiled suddenly: "Your father can take you to play anywhere else."But there is a place that he cannot go to, and only I can try to bring you in. Chu Tianhong said: "Where is it?" Mu Lianghua said proudly: "The place where the emperor lives!"My father is the commander of the imperial forest army, and the big inner guards have to give me face.As long as you are willing to be wronged and pretend to be my book boy, I can take you to the Imperial Garden, maybe you can even meet the emperor! Chu Tianhong twitched her small mouth, and said with a sneer: Is it so strange?I don't want to be the emperor's slave, and if I see him, I may live a long life.It doesn't matter whether you want to stroll around the imperial garden or not. Mu Lianghua's complexion changed, and he said: How can you talk nonsense, fortunately no outsiders can hear you here. Chu Tianhong said: What did I say wrong?Isn't your father a servant of the emperor? Mu Lianghua smiled wryly and said: Are you really so ignorant, or are you deliberately trying to annoy me.The emperor is the emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and the princes and generals are all the emperor's slaves.To be the emperor's slave is something no one else can ask for! Chu Tianhong said: You are used to being slaves, of course you are proud of it.I don't want to wrong myself.I don't even bother to be the emperor's slave.Not to mention being a slave to a slave. Mu Lianghua smiled wryly and shook his head: I really can't do anything about you, well, if you don't like going to the palace to play, then don't go.Don't say it so harshly. While speaking, he had already arrived at Xishan before he knew it. Xishan in Beijing is the sum total of the three peaks.The three peaks are: Cuiwei Mountain, Lushi Mountain and Pingpo Mountain.They arrived at Cuiwei Mountain first. As the name suggests, Cuiwei Mountain is extremely beautiful.At this time, it is the time when the maple leaves are covered with frost and the mountains are full of red. When you look at it at a glance, you can see the layers of forests like dyes, which makes people dazzled.Chu Tianhong exhaled the turbid air in his chest, Fang Shi felt that this trip was worthwhile. Firstly, the mountain road is rugged, and riding a horse is not as good as walking; secondly, since their purpose is to appreciate red maples and yellow chrysanthemums, it is not suitable for them to ride horses to see flowers, so they got off their horses and walked as soon as they reached Cuiwei Mountain.Their mounts are all well-trained war horses, and they don't need a groom to look after them. Let them go to the forest to find forage by themselves, and they are not afraid of getting lost. After going up Cuiwei Mountain, Chu Tianhong only saw Xu Jinyao's horse, but couldn't see her and the second young master. Chu Tianhong quickened his pace and walked for a while, only then could he faintly hear someone's voice in the high place ahead. She has practiced listening to the wind and distinguishing instruments since she was a child, and her hearing is particularly keen.Listening intently, I heard Xu Jinyao's voice. Xu Jinyao seemed to be arguing with that Young Master Mu. The voice floated intermittently: nonsense, who will be paired with you? Hee, hee, your dad wants you to marry me, don't you know?This is Mu Liangju's voice. Then hearing the sound of chasing footsteps, Xu Jinyao seemed to be panting and shouted: "Why are you stopping me, I'm going to find a girl from the Chu family!" Mu Liangju smiled and said: She is accompanied by her second child, why are you looking for her? Xu Jinyao snorted and said: So your brothers are uneasy and kind, and want to bully us!Hmph, hum, it doesn't matter if you bully me, do sisters from the Chu family allow you to bully me?do you know her father Mu Liangju smiled and said: "I know her father is Chu Jinsong, a hero of Yangzhou, but our brother's father is the commander of the Imperial Forest Army!" Xu Jinyao sneered and said: "The official title of Commander of the Imperial Forest Army may be able to scare my father, but I'm afraid it may not scare the Great Xia Chu!"If he knows that his daughter is being bullied, I'm afraid you brothers will suffer a lot! Mu Liangju said: I'm not afraid!Do you want to know a secret? Xu Jinyao said: What secret? They were going in the wrong direction, Chu Tianhong couldn't hear clearly when he heard this.Chu Tianhong hurriedly quickened her pace and ran towards where the sound came from. Mu Lianghua caught up panting, and shouted: You just said that running a horse to see flowers is a bad thing, why are you running so fast? Chu Tianhong said: Don't worry about it!Once disturbed by him, the voice above became even more unclear. Mu Lianghua smiled and said: "Others are flirting with each other, do you want to do something worse than horse racing and looking at flowers?" Chu Tianhong said: What nonsense are you talking about? Mu Lianghua said: I'm serious!Do you want to know a secret?It was exactly the same as what his brother said to Xu Jinyao. Chu Tianhong's heart moved, and he said: Oh, is there any secret?tell me the story. Mu Lianghua said: Xu Zhongyue wants to promise his daughter to his eldest brother, so ask Mr. Jianda to try my father's tone. Chu Tianhong thought to himself: No wonder Dad looks down on Xu Zhongyue, it turns out that he is really a follower of power, and has no reputation as a hero.Then he sneered and said: "What kind of secret is this? I don't think it's strange that Xu Zhongyue wants to marry you guys!" Mu Lianghua said: There are more.Guess what my dad said? Chu Tianhong said: I am too lazy to guess. Mu Liangju said: Alright, then let me tell you.The person my father likes is you! Chu Tianhong said angrily: "Young Master Mu, you shouldn't have said such things to make fun of us poor girl!"Are you not afraid of insulting your own father? Mu Lianghua was startled for a moment, then laughed and said: You misunderstood.My father likes you because he wants you to be my daughter-in-law! Chu Tianhong said: Nonsense, who will be your wife? Mu Lianghua said: Don't you want to know this secret? Now I'm just relaying what they said.Whether you want to be the daughter-in-law of the Mu family is another matter, but I'm not talking nonsense.Do you want to listen to it? Chu Tianhong remained silent.Mu Lianghua continued: "Daddy said that even if he and Xu Zhongyue are not in-laws, he is not afraid that Xu Zhongyue will not be used by him."What he hopes most is to marry the Great Xia Chu of Yangzhou.Mr. Jian Da said, if you want to get married with Daxia Chu, you may need some help from Xu Zhongyue's father and daughter.How about this, anyway, you have two sons, one married a daughter from the Xu family, and the other married a daughter from the Chu family, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds.Hee hee, the secret has been told to you, now it's up to you to agree or not? Chu Tianhong covered her ears and hurried away, saying: I don't agree, I don't agree!I don't want to hear any more of your nonsense either. Mu Lianghua's face turned red, and he quickly chased after him, saying: "I've already taken a fancy to you, you have to agree if you don't agree!" Chu Tianhong said: What do you want to do? Mu Lianghua smiled softly: "It's nothing, I just want you to be my little wife."Hee hee, what kind of spices do you use, it smells so good.Let me smell it, okay?He caught up and stretched out his arms to hug Chu Tianhong. Chu Tianhong shouted: Get out!Mu Lianghua smiled and said: Do you want to try my martial arts?Using the cloud-climbing gait handed down by the Mu family, he flashed behind Chu Tianhong and pointed her to a Ruianma acupoint. Unexpectedly, although Chu Tianhong is young, his father taught him kung fu since childhood.The Chu family's acupoint acupuncture skills are unparalleled in the world, and Mu Lianghua's acupoint acupuncture can be said to be like a master's axe.Chu Tianhong waved his backhand, the posture was extremely beautiful, using the technique of Lanhua hand, the little finger first touched the Quchi point on the tip of Mu Lianghua's elbow. At this moment, there was a faint scream from the mountain, which could be heard as a woman's cry. From this example to that, Chu Tianhong already knew what was going on without much doubt.I thought to myself: Sister Xu is a very good person, I can't let her be bullied by Mu Liangju. Chu Tianhong sneered and said: If you want to bully me, you have to practice for another three years!As soon as she got rid of Mu Lianghua's entanglement, she immediately ran forward. Mu Lianghua lit Quchi acupoint for her, one arm was numb, but both legs could move.He became angry from embarrassment, and chased after her again, shouting: You ignorant girl, how dare you get rough with me.I let you because I like you, do you think my martial arts are really inferior to yours?Hmph, if you don't eat a toast, then you'll have a fine bar! Chu Tianhong had no time to tangle with him, so he just said coldly: "Okay, you want to compete with me, and then you can compete on the top of this mountain." Her lightness kung fu was originally slightly better than Mu Lianghua's. The acupuncture points on Mu Lianghua's hands were touched, and her lightness kung fu was affected. Liang Hua was far behind.But Mu Lianghua's inner strength is deeper than Chu Tianhong's, and at this time he has cleared the customs and solved the acupoints by himself.Turning from embarrassment into anger, he chased after him yelling and drinking. Chu Tianhong ran for a distance, and the voice above could be heard clearly again. Silly girl, that little girl from the Chu family is flirting with my second child, what are you doing to scare the couple away.Obediently make out with me.They are a pair, we are a pair, each have their own fun, wouldn't it be great!It was Mu Liangju's voice. Chu Tianhong was angry in his heart, but he was also a little relieved. Hearing this tone, Xu Jinyao had not yet fallen into the clutches of the devil. Xu Jinyao sneered: "Chu's sister will fall in love with your second child?"Hmph, I'm not good at learning, so I'm being bullied by you; the sister of the Chu family is much more capable than me, and your second child may not be able to bully her. Mu Liangju smiled and said: Don't use the word bully, okay?Your father wished I could bully you like this. Xu Jinyao reprimanded: Nonsense, you are shameless, and dare to falsely accuse my father! Mu Liangju laughed and said: What slander?Well, to tell you the truth, it was your father who came up with the idea.He wants our brothers to accompany you on a mountain tour, and especially told the second child not to be afraid, no matter what means he uses, he must get the little girl Chu Tianhong.If you can't do it softly, then come hard.He said that as long as the raw rice was cooked and cooked, Chu Jinsong would not be afraid of not agreeing to the marriage. Xu Jinyao blushed and shouted: Nonsense, nonsense!My dad will never be such a shameless villain! Although he said he didn't believe it, his voice trembled.Chu Tianhong heard it in his ears, while sighing for her, and at the same time rejoicing for himself.You must know that the fathers of both of them are known as heroes, and Xu Jinyao's father is probably the most famous.Zhongzhou heroes are bigger, but their character is not the same.At this moment, Chu Tianhong also thought in the same way: Fortunately, my father is not the same as hers. There was another scream from above, followed by Mu Liangju's loud laugh: See, you can still escape my palm!Xu Jinyao was able to escape the last time she screamed, but this time it seemed that she was really caught. Hearing Xu Jinyao's anxious cry, Chu Tianhong didn't care so much anymore, quickened his pace, and shouted: "Sister Xu, sister Xu!" Sure enough, Xu Jinyao was already in Mu Liangju's arms, struggling, when she heard Chu Tianhong calling her, she was overjoyed, and immediately called: Tianhong sister, you Mu Liangju whispered in her ear: "You tell her to come up, and I'll tear your clothes right away and make you look ugly in front of her. Let's see what she dares to do to me!" Mu Lianghua was also chasing after Chu Tianhong, almost at the same time he shouted: "I told you not to mind your own business."Can you hear me?come back, come back!Otherwise, I will really be rude to you. Xu Jinyao didn't know that Mu Liangju couldn't beat Chu Tianhong, let alone run against Chu Tianhong, thinking that even if Chu Tianhong wanted to save her, he would be powerless, and his heart sank again unconsciously.Thinking: Miss Tianhong can't protect herself, if I am insulted, Daddy probably won't stand up for me.A hero does not suffer from immediate losses. She was afraid that Mu Liangju would tear her clothes, so she quickly changed her words: Sister Tianhong, don't come up, the mountain road is steep and difficult to walk, we will go down later! Chu Tianhong wondered whether what she said was true or not.Suddenly I realized: No!Sister Xu knows that my lightness kung fu is better than hers, if she can go up, why should I not go up?Although she was young, she was not weak in intelligence. Thinking of why Xu Jinyao had to tell lies, she kept silent and quickened her pace again. Xu Jinyao's martial arts is not as good as Mu Liangju's, but even though she is struggling, Mu Liangju can't make her submit in a hurry.Mu Liangju smiled and said: You are mine anyway, so what's the point of kissing me?As long as you are sensible, be gentle with me, and kiss me, I will let you go. Xu Jinyao said angrily: Nonsense, who belongs to you!He got up anxiously and hit him with an elbow hammer.It's a pity that the two people's martial arts are far from each other. This elbow hammer hit Mu Liangju's left flank. Although it made Mu Liangju feel pain, it couldn't make him let go.Mu Liangju used a small grappling technique and twisted her arms, Xu Jinyao couldn't move. After some struggle, Mu Liangju subdued her by force, but after doing so, Mu Liangju felt that life was boring.One must know that he has always admired himself, thinking that as long as his uncle likes it, all the beauties in the world will flatter him, how many times have he ever been ridiculed like this? He was hit by an elbow hammer, the pain still persisted, he was also a little angry, he thought to himself: You have to use force to get it, that's not very interesting, I just want this young lady to be willing.I only abandoned her when she was really moved and wanted to cling to me, and that was how I got angry! He snorted and said: "Your father promised you to me, but you refused to obey. Could it be that you have another sweetheart?" Xu Jinyao said: Yes, I have a sweetheart, so what? Mu Liangju said: "Who is that person?"Xu Jinyao said: Why should I tell you?In short he is much better than you! Mu Liangju originally wanted to use soft skills, but after all, he still couldn't get rid of the young master's temper. Hearing this, he became annoyed again, and said: Oh, he is much better than me?Is his family better than mine?Is his martial arts better than mine?Is his writing better than mine?Is he more handsome than me? Xu Jinyao said: What you said, maybe he is not as good as you, but I admire him, he is better than you!What she thought of was her senior brother Guo Yuanzai. Guo Yuanzai was indeed not an outstanding person, but among all the disciples under her father's school, he was the only one with a strong bone. Mu Liangju said: Oh, don't I have something you can admire? Xu Jinyao said: Let me think about it.I'm sorry, I haven't thought of it yet, let me talk about it after you let me go. Mu Liangju was already in a slumber at this time, but the young master's temper was not reconciled to letting her go like this, he said: "Okay, just give me a smile, call me brother, and I'll let you go." Xu Jinyao couldn't cry out, nor could she laugh. 不料她沒有笑,另一個人卻在笑了。 這個人也不知是在什麼地方突然鑽出來,此時正倚著一棵離他們不到十步之遙的松樹,面對他們冷笑! 冷笑刺耳之極,穆良駒聽得尤其難受,他一驚之下,不覺就放開了徐錦瑤,猛地跳起來。 一瞧,只見這個肆無忌憚發聲冷笑的人是個年紀似乎比他還輕的少年。 穆良駒喝道:你是什麼人,你笑什麼? 那少年人道:我是什麼人,待會兒自然有人會告訴你。至於你問我笑什麼,我倒是現在就可以告訴你。我看見一頭癩蛤蟆,這頭癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉,我禁不住笑了! 穆良駒大怒喝道:你敢笑我是癩蛤蟆! <碰上了飛天神龍> 說話之間,楚天虹與穆良驊,一前一後,都已來到。楚天虹避過一旁,不與穆良驊站在一起。 那少年哈哈一笑,說道:我說錯了,原來不只一頭癩蛤蟆,是兩頭癩蛤蟆! 穆良駒那曾受過如此辱罵,唰的就拔出劍來! 穆良驊雖是弟弟,卻比哥哥較為慎重,心思也較細密,見這少年一副有恃無恐的樣子,心裡想道:這小子膽敢如此猖狂,定必有幾分本領,我們和他打架,縱然可以打贏,傷了皮肉也是不值。於是連忙叫道:哥哥且慢! 穆良駒道:什麼,你怕這小子嗎?用不著你幫手! 穆良驊道:不是這個意思。他剛才的口氣,似乎咱們這裡有人認得他,不如問清楚再作區處。說罷把眼睛望向楚天虹。 楚天虹對這少年倒是頗有好感,問道:喂,你敢情是和我的爹相識的吧?她只道這少年早已知道她的來歷,故此特地罵穆家兄弟做癩蛤蟆,替她出口氣的。 那少年道:令尊是誰? 楚天虹道:揚州楚勁松。 那少年啊呀一聲,說道:原來姑娘是揚州楚大俠的千金,失敬,失敬。令尊我是欽仰已久的了。 楚天虹回過頭來,瞪了穆良驊一眼,說道:你還盯著我看做什麼,我只可惜爹爹未曾交上這樣一位敢罵你們做癩蛤蟆的朋友。 那少年微微一笑,說道:多謝姑娘看得起我。 穆良駒驚疑不定,心道:莫非這小子就是她的意中人?哼了一聲,逕自向徐錦瑤道:你認識他吧? 自從那少年出現,徐錦瑤立即面色大變,竟然好像呆了一樣。 此時穆良駒向她一問,她方才如夢初醒的猛地叫了出來:他,他燒變了灰我也認識! 少年微笑道:徐姑娘,我也想不到會在這裡碰上你。你還恨我嗎? 徐錦瑤咬牙道:我恨不得一劍殺了你! 少年笑道:對不住,要我捨棄別的那還可以,要我捨了性命給你解恨這就做不到了。 穆家兄弟大吃一驚,齊聲問道:他是誰? 徐錦瑤道:他就是我家的大仇人飛天神龍! 飛天神龍搖了搖頭,說道:徐姑娘,你錯了。我和令尊雖然結有樑子,和你並無冤仇! 徐錦瑤怒道:你傷了我的爹爹,搶了我的繼母。令我徐家蒙受奇恥大辱,你還能說不是我的仇人? 飛天神龍笑道:那天你不是趕走姜雪君的麼,怎的現在又認她作繼母了。你給我定的這兩條罪名,我只能接受一半。姜雪君不是我搶走的。至於傷你爹爹,過錯也不在我! 徐錦瑤怒道:是你跑到我的家中傷人,難道反而是我爹爹錯了不成? 飛天神龍道:你是徐中岳的女兒,我不願意在你的面前辱罵你的爹爹。我只能說,要是你的爹爹的人品能及你一半,我也不至於和他結怨了! 這話雖然沒有明說,其實已是等於罵她的父親人品卑劣。徐錦瑤氣得咬牙切齒,只因自知本身的武功和飛天神龍差得太遠,動手就是送死,這才不敢魯莽從事。 穆家兄弟面面相覷,一時之間也不知該當如何才好。 飛天神龍笑道:兩位貴少爺,你們現在知我是誰了,你們打算怎樣?我在這裡恭候你們區處! 穆良駒膽子較大,喝道:你知道我們是誰,還敢這樣大膽! 飛天神龍哈哈一笑,說道:我不但知道令尊是誰,還知道令尊正要捉我呢!嘿嘿,我既然敢來京師,那是準備令尊和我為難的了。我不大膽也不行啊! 徐錦瑤心念一動,說道:穆大哥,你不是誇說你爹爹的躡雲劍法是天下無雙的麼,你又說你已得了令尊的衣缽真傳,那麼即使你比不上令尊,也可以進入當世高手之列了,為何你害怕飛天神龍呢? 穆良駒滿面通紅,說道:誰說我害怕他,只不過,只不過 徐錦瑤道:不過什麼? 穆良駒道:我與他無怨無仇,何必和他動手。 飛天神龍哈哈大笑:兩位穆少爺,我倒是佩服你們呢。 穆良駒怔了一怔,說道:你佩服我什麼? 飛天神龍道:佩服你們的涵養功夫。你是統領大人的公子,我罵你們是癩蛤蟆,難得你們竟不動氣。嘿嘿,不過話說回來,你們雖然與我無怨無仇,令尊卻是把我當作眼中釘的,你們不肯盲從令尊!這就更難得了! 飛天神龍說的當然乃是反話,但在反話之中,實也含有指點是非的深意。不過這對活寶貝卻能領略他的深意,聽在耳中,難受之極! 徐錦瑤火上加油,冷冷說道:穆大少爺,你聽見沒有,原來飛天神龍之所以對你佩服,是佩服你不肯與你的爹爹同流合污!不過這倒令我糊塗了,令尊是御林軍統領,你不是一向以有這樣一個父親為榮的嗎?怎的現在又鄙棄令尊了。 穆良駒本是唯我獨尊的大少爺脾氣,只因憚忌飛天神龍了得,這才不敢發作。此時被徐錦瑤一激,忍無可忍,大怒喝道:這小子胡說八道,你也跟他胡說八道。 徐錦瑤道:哦,你不要他佩服你嗎? 穆良駒道:誰要他佩服?我只要你佩服! 徐錦瑤笑道:你要我佩服你,這也容易得很,你給我把這小子拿下來吧! 穆良駒無可退縮,唰的拔出劍來,喝道:好小子,你膽敢侮辱我爹爹,是可忍孰不可忍!口裡這樣說,但卻並沒立即出招。口中說話,眼睛則是望著弟弟。 飛天神龍好似知道他的心思,哈哈一笑,說道:素聞穆家的躡雲劍法,以輕靈飄忽見長,兩人合使,尤其厲害 穆良駒哼了一聲,說道:你知道就好!嘿嘿,要是你不敢和我比劍的話,那也 飛天神龍哈哈笑道:你錯了,我的話尚未說完呢。我是想請你們兄弟倆並肩子上!一來可省我功夫;二來我不願以大欺小;三來我也想看看穆家的躡雲劍法是否真的厲害,還是浪得虛名。 穆良駒正是想要與他弟弟聯劍攻敵,聞言便道:飛天神龍,你欺我太甚。好,這話可是你自己說的,不是我們要以多為勝。弟弟,並肩子上吧! 穆良驊比較謹慎,但此時亦已萬難退避,心裡想道:我們雙劍合璧,縱不能勝,料想亦可保持不敗。不過我們兄弟上去拼命,這兩個丫頭卻站在一旁袖手旁觀,未免有點不值! 心念未已,只聽得飛天神龍又在說道:我不能佔小輩的便宜,這樣吧,我先讓你們十招我才出手,我一出手,三招之內,要是不能將你們擊敗,我願束手就擒,任由你們處置! 他的年紀其實比穆良駒還小,卻以長輩自居,令得楚天虹都忍俊不禁,笑了起來。 但穆家兄弟雖然生氣,卻也放下了心上一塊石頭。要知他們家的躡雲劍法以輕靈迅捷見長,躡雲劍法本來就是剋制輕功高強的對手的,兩人俱是想道:你若不還手,十招之內,我們傷不了你,除非我們是瞎了眼睛,又即使傷不了你,也決無在三招之內,被你擊敗之理! 穆良駒喝道:此話當真? 飛天神龍道:這兩位姑娘可作證人。我若是言而無信,豈不怕給她們恥笑! 穆良駒一抖長劍,喝道:好,這是你自作自受,死了可別怨我! 穆良驊忽道:哥哥,且慢。 穆良駒怔了一怔,說道:還不動手,更待何時?這話本應是飛天神龍說的,他怕弟弟臨陣退縮,搶先說了出來。 穆良驊暗笑哥哥草包,不知道乘機勒索,說道:哥哥,這小子是徐家的大仇人,你替徐姑娘報父仇,也該向她討個彩啊! 穆良駒瞿然一省,說道:對,我給你報仇,不能只博你一聲稱讚,總得有點實惠才行。你說,你準備怎樣報答我? 徐錦瑤躊躇未答,飛天神龍笑道:徐姑娘,你儘管答應他,我不會令你失望的! 穆良駒怒道:小子,你別挑撥離間,難道她還能希望我們打敗不成! 徐錦瑤一咬牙根,說道:好,你們若是能夠替我報得家仇,不管是殺掉了這小子也好,活捉這小子也好,你要我怎樣,我都可以依從! 穆良驊道:哥哥,你的彩物已經有了,我也得討個彩物啊!說罷,眼睛望著楚天虹。 楚天虹撇撇小嘴,說道:你們打你們的,與我何干? 穆良驊道:你怎能說不相干呢?令尊此次來到京師,不就是為了要對付飛天神龍這小賊的麼? 飛天神龍道:楚姑娘,我也聽說令尊是接了翦大先生和徐中岳聯名所發的英雄帖,只不知是真是假? 楚天虹低聲道:是真的。不過她本來想向飛天神龍解釋她的父親已有悔意,而她和她的父親也並非完全一樣的。但一想當能如此交淺言深?何況,嚴格說來,交淺言深這四個字都不能用,因為她和飛天神龍根本就沒有交情! 飛天神龍好像知道她的心思,說道:多謝姑娘沒有把我當作敵人。穆良驊怪叫道:哦,原來你們兩個已是一見如故麼?但我好像並未聽見楚姑娘這樣說過。楚姑娘,他以你的朋友自居,你承不承認? 楚天虹面上一紅,冷冷說道:不是敵人,未必是朋友,這裡的人,只有徐姐姐是我朋友! 穆良驊變了面色,冷冷說道:如此說來,你竟是把我們同這小子一視同仁了? 楚天虹板起面孔不作聲,心道:如果要我說出真話,恐怕更要氣得你們暴跳如雷!要知她雖然尚未把穆家兄弟當作敵人,但討厭他們之情,已是溢乎辭色。 穆良驊不知趣,又冷笑道:楚姑娘,你想置身事外,但可惜此事卻是與令尊有關! 飛天神龍哈哈笑道:光明磊落的敵人往往勝過口蜜腹劍的朋友。楚姑娘,我不知令尊是否把我當作敵人,但你若是為了令尊的原故,站在他們那一邊,我也不會怪你的。 楚天虹已經得了一個主意,說道:我誰也不幫。不過,穆二少爺要我湊這個熱鬧,我倒不妨和他下個賭注! 穆良驊一愕,瞪眼說道:什麼賭注? 楚天虹道:你不是要和我比武的麼? 穆良驊氣往上沖,說道:你要我先比一場?這還不是幫這小子? 楚天虹道:我說過誰也不幫。我只想問你,比武之約,你不想取消吧? 穆良驊道:不想取消又怎麼樣? 楚天虹道:那麼你和飛天神龍比個高下就行了。只要你們兄弟二人聯手,能夠勝得了他,我就當作是我輸了給你! 穆良驊道:哦,原來你是把賭注落在他的身上。好,我和你賭。但你可不能只承認輸了就算! 楚天虹道:按江湖規矩,比武輸了,任由對方處置。只要你勝得飛天神龍,你拿我去為奴作婢也都可以。 穆良驊笑道:小美人兒,我可捨不得拿你作奴婢呢。 楚天虹喝道:住口。我還沒有說完呢,你們輸了,那又如何? 穆良驊道:你意欲如何? 楚天虹道:不許你再來與我糾纏!我不想要你這樣的朋友! 穆良驊幾曾受過如此輕蔑,心中自是惱怒萬分。但他自以為已是穩操勝券,是以心中雖然生氣,卻反而大笑起來。說道:丫頭你自抬身價,我也不屑與你計較。待會兒勝負一決,看你來不來求我? 飛天神龍冷笑:兩位穆少爺,你們只是光會耍嘴皮子的麼? 穆良駒一抖長劍,朗聲說道:徐姑娘!麻煩你替我們記一記招數,免得他抵賴!小子,瞧著,第一招來了! 經過許多做作,方始出招。楚天虹幾乎要笑出來。 但出乎她的意料的是,穆家兄弟雖然諸多作態,倒不是虛張聲勢。 只見兩道劍光,疾如電閃,登時就把飛天神龍籠罩在劍光之下。他們自小就練家傳劍法,果然是配合得恰到好處。這一招名為十字穿梭劍,正是躡雲劍法的絕招之一。 楚天虹年紀雖小,見識卻是不淺。一見他們使出此招,便知他們的劍勢是要織成十字穿梭,飛天神龍的身形容然不能擺脫十字的籠罩,身上就非添了兩個透明的窟隆不可。但而今飛天神龍的身形剛好是在十字交叉之點! 楚天虹大吃一驚,心裡想道:難道飛天神龍竟是浪得虛名?她本來想笑的也笑不出來了。 但心念未已,只覺眼睛一花,耳中已是聽得徐錦瑤說道:第二招!這第一招飛天神龍是怎樣避開的,楚天虹看也看不清楚。 躡雲劍法越展越快,也越來越見兇險。好幾招在徐、楚二女看來,劍尖似乎已經刺到飛天神龍的身上,但不知怎的,一轉眼又見飛天神龍似笑非笑的脫出劍光圈外。有時他甚至迎著劍勢跑過去,但穆家兄弟仍是刺不著他。 徐錦瑤看得驚心動魄,不知不覺,已是忘記了數第幾招。她自己也不知道,究竟是希望穆家兄弟得勝還是希望飛天神龍能夠脫險。 忽聽得飛天神龍說道:穆家的躡雲劍法本來是可以列為上乘劍法之一的,可惜你這兩個草包還未學得一成,莫說十招,一百招也不能傷我。在他說話之間,穆家兄弟又已連出三招。這三招楚天虹則是看得較為清楚了,兩兄弟的劍尖,連飛天神龍的衣角都沒沾著。 飛天神龍接著哈哈一笑,說道:已經是第十二招了,該輪我出手啦! 就在此時,忽聽得有人叫道:是誰在上面打架?隔著一段山腰,聲音還是好像在耳邊吆喝一般。楚天虹吃了一驚,心裡想道:這人內功倒是不弱,雖然比不上我的爹爹,相差恐怕也不太遠。不知他是來幫誰的? 穆家兄弟喜出望外,不約而同,齊聲應道:是我,彭總管,你快來!楚天虹這才知道,原來來的是就是以前當過大內一等侍衛,如今是在御林軍統領穆志遙軍中做總護院的彭大遒。 穆家兄弟口中呼喚,腳底一個移形易位,已是並肩而立,劍法也突然變了。從急攻變為固守,雙劍交叉揮舞,互相彌補破綻。楚天虹的劍法造詣較深,看出厲害,心裡想道:飛天神龍只憑一雙肉掌,若要擊敗對方,非用空手入白刃的功夫不可,空手入白刃必須有空門可乘,他們兄弟的劍法配合得天衣無縫,只怕水也潑不進去。飛天神龍卻又如何能夠在三招之內擊敗他們? 飛天神龍明知對方強援將到,卻是絲毫不以為意,哈哈一笑,說道:狗腿子來得正好,待我打了主人,再打惡狗。 穆良駒冷笑道:看你如何能在三招之內打敗我們?他生怕飛天神龍食言,特地又再出言提醒。 飛天神龍朗聲說道:我說過三招當然就是三招!你瞧著吧,第一招來了! 這第一招出手其實還不是出手,而是出袖。只見他籠手袖中,揮袖向穆良駒的長劍捲去。 穆良駒不敢輕敵,用了一招橫雲斷峰,他拿的是把寶劍,心裡想道:我這把劍吹毛立斷,你以為可以柔剋剛,那是做夢!只待他的衣袖捲來,登時就可削去他半截衣袖。打著如意算盤,要是飛天神龍縮手不快,說不定還可削斷他的手臂。 袖風劍影之中,只聽得錚的一聲響,穆良駒的寶劍沒削斷飛天神龍的手臂,卻和他弟弟穆良驊的寶劍碰個正著。 原來飛天神龍是用借力打力的手法,衣袖只是輕輕在穆良駒的劍脊上一揮,便將他的劍勢引過一邊,恰好和他弟弟的寶劍碰上。 兩兄弟劍法相若,功力相當。飛天神龍這一從中牽撥又恰到好處。只聽得錚的一聲響,雙劍同時脫手。 飛天神龍出手如電,立即左右開弓噼噼啪啪,打了穆家兄弟兩記耳光。 飛天神龍喝道:這是第二招,還有一招,怕你們禁受不起,權且記下,以後再討。Get out of here!大喝聲中,穆家兄弟滾出數丈開外。他們各自受了兩記耳光,臉上都好似開了顏料舖一般,皮綻肉裂,滿是血污。 一個轉身,飛天神龍到了楚天虹面前。楚天虹料想他不會將自己難為,也不禁吃了一驚。 只聽得飛天神龍低聲說道:有句話想請姑娘轉達令尊,不知姑娘可肯答允? 楚天虹定了定神,說道:多謝你替我出了口氣,請說。 飛天神龍道:令尊是正派俠士,何必沾這種渾水?有個秘密,那翦大先生!他似乎不願意讓徐錦瑤聽見,說到秘密二字,聲音越發小了,身體也不知不覺向楚天虹靠近,好像要和她咬著耳朵說話。 楚天虹心頭一跳,記起父親也曾說過翦大先生和以前判若兩人的話,暗自想道:爹爹對翦大先生早已起了懷疑,只不知他為何會變得這樣?飛天神龍說的秘密,莫非與此有關? 她忐忑不安,正在等待飛天神龍說出秘密,不料飛天神龍在說出翦大先生這四個字後,忽然怔了一怔,停了下來。 就在此時,只聽得霹靂的一聲大喝:鼠子膽敢欺侮我的女兒! 聲到人到,原來是楚天虹的父親,揚州大俠楚勁松到了。 他用的是獅子吼功,獅子吼功,因人而施。對方內功造詣越深,感應也越強。飛天神龍在他的一聲斷喝之下,也禁不住心頭一震,耳鼓嗡嗡作響。飛天神龍大吃一驚:楚勁松果然名不虛傳,比彭大遒強得多了。一時之間,無暇自辯。 楚勁松遠遠的看見飛天神龍和他的女兒頭並著頭,只道飛天神龍心懷不軌,暴怒之下,飛快趕來,一照面就下殺手。 楚天虹連忙叫道:爹,他沒欺負女兒,你別冤枉好人二字尚未吐出唇邊,楚勁松那一掌已經劈了下去,蓬的一聲,與飛天神龍對了一掌了。 但也好在楚天虹這句話說得還算及時,雖然說得尚未完全,楚勁松已經知道是誤會了。 他的功夫己練到收發隨心境界,聽了半句,本來已是使出十成力道的立即減為只用五成功力。 也幸而他及時收回了五成力道,方始避免了兩敗俱傷。 原來飛天神龍見他掌勢來得急猛之極,雖然不欲與他為敵,但逼於無奈,也只好施展本門絕技,力圖化解。 飛天神龍用的是齊燕然所創的獨門武功,名為大挪移五行推手,乃是當今之世最巧妙的一種借力打力功夫。剛才他用來對付穆家兄弟的第一招,就是
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