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Chapter 121 Chapter 15: The Dragon Flying towards the Sunset Chapter 1

dragon family 李榮道 18061Words 2023-02-05
Thus, the last Dragon Soul Envoy of the Xiulizhe family died.As for the unknown person who wants to kidnap Nex Shulizhe and use war to conquer the chaotic country, he is still hidden in the veil of history, and the truth of his origin is still a mystery (omitted). The Marquis of Harshtel, who signed the contract of Dragon Soul Envoy and saved the country, has been missing since then, and was proclaimed king thirty years later (omitted). The war can be said to have come to an end, but Byzos and Jay Compared with the previous small wars, these last few periods of the Peng War can be regarded as unique wars in terms of many characteristics.This is because the shadow of the power of the great race of dragons is no longer cast on the wars of man.The names of Kigored and Kasaiple, who were once the nightmare of Jeppen, have become mere horror legends, to enjoy their glory (omitted) This war is the responsibility of human beings for the history of human beings.During this period, we can see the famous hero Shanson Feixifu and the great sage Carl Hetant (omitted in the middle) who will always shine with the history of Byzos in the battle between the dragon warrior King Lutanio and the great mage Hend. After the name of Lek, their appearance really shined, which attracted countless attentions of contemporary people (omitted in the middle). After that, the nobles were united under the name of the hero Sanson Fisher and the great sage Karl Hutant , in front of the Byzos royal family, dedicated his sword with all sincerity.This allows the Byzos royal family, which has been parasitic under the glory of King Lutanio for a long time, to become the leader of the country again, which makes Byzos a kingdom with modern significance (omitted in the middle) Zi once stated that the former Baizos could be called an organized group of admirers of the hero King Lutanio. This sentence is really worthy of repeated thinking (omitted in the middle). Disappeared, the real country rose up

Excerpted from "The Wise Apsilink Dolomenes, Trustworthy Citizen of Byzos and Historian of Kenton, Published at the Sponsorship of the Elegant Mayor of Kenton, Mares Jubelie The Mysterious and Valuable Words of the Slovakian People, Dolomenes, 770.Volume 34, page 1134. The forest on a winter night is dark. The constant smoke from the kettle was reddened by the campfire.I pulled the blanket around me up to my neck and lifted the water bottle.The sound of hot water being poured into the teacup sounded quietly.Gulululu. While smelling the tea, I looked around. A dark wood is certainly not much to look at.Suddenly, there was a gust of cold wind that could freeze the nose, and the campfire immediately burst into sparks.In the dark woods, what caught my eyes was the flaming campfire and the stars shining brightly in the night sky.

Also, the reflected light that shines from the broadsword. Oh really I can't help but sigh.What a bunch of stupid guys.How come they never learn from their failures?Is it so difficult to make some non-reflective treatment on the blade?Wouldn't it be enough to just smear some ash on it? Throwing the sticks into the campfire, I said, "Hey, Goblin, would you like a cup of tea?" Immediately there was a burst of screaming in the woods. squeak!was found! Yes, scary guy.What, what should I do?Squeak, squeak! This situation can really be described as ironic.I held the teacup with steam rising from it, exhaled from my mouth, and looked around.

One by one the orcs came out from behind the trees.During the time I drank several sips of tea, as many as sixty broadswords appeared. hum.There really is just so much.They were all very large, and it seemed that they must have been selected after much selection. Those half-orcs kept looking at me with expressions of being caught in a dilemma.Having said that, they originally planned to sneak attack, but in the end they sneaked halfway and were discovered from a long distance away, so now they all look like they can neither attack nor escape.I calmly produced a stick that was burning in the fire.The orcs froze for a moment, but I shook the stick as if nothing had happened, and looked around at the orcs.One of them looked familiar.

Axy?What a pleasure to meet you. Yakesu, wearing a black helmet, brandished a broadsword ferociously. Squeak, squeak!Monster Candlemaker!Today, I must clean you up, squeak! ah, is it?So you have this plan.Then do it quickly!It's late at night, there's not much time left today, isn't it? Yakesu lowered his wielding sword, kept blinking, and looked at me with a ridiculous expression.I put the firewood back, took a sip of tea, and waited for his answer. Yakesu looked like he had managed to speak out. Uh, squeak!etc!Where did all those other guys go? Gululu.Tsk.Those other guys?

Eye monsters!And elves, cheep!The woman with the trident!The one who shoots arrows!Squeak!Ogre Warrior!squeak!Where are the other guys? I chuckled and put down my teacup. ah.You said those other guys, I thought those people were discovered. squeak?be found? I mean the person hiding behind me. Yakesu first looked at me with a dull expression.But after the rustling started behind me, his and the other orcs' faces turned blue with fright.In their tense hands, the broadsword trembled slightly. Puff puff puff.The group of people with loud footsteps formed a row next to me.There are really a lot of people.I looked around and said: Let me introduce.From the left, Ricchu, Bilchu, Hachu, Babichu.

And from the right, there are Naraqiu, Liqiu, Daoqiu, Simaluoqiu, Hantarqiu, Qiqiu, and Hajiu!Tsk.The last Hajiu is me. Chichu Gege laughed.Uh uh.I'm almost like an orc.Why do these human names look like this?Yakesu opened his mouth wide in surprise and kept staring at us.And then, at last, a terrible cry burst from his lips: It's North, North, Squeak, the Shepherd of the North! Richie chuckled and said: Wow, there are as many as fifty or sixty of these orcs!Haven't seen these guys around in the North Ranch for ages.Isn't that right, Han Taerqiu? Han Taerqiu nodded quietly, and said: Because these guys have not come to attack our cattle recently.Could it be that we treated them too roughly?Anyway, long time no see!What a pleasure to see you now.

Next, Haqiu sneered and pulled out a dagger that looked scary. Yeah, and it's been a while since I've skinned an orc with this. Haqiu drew his sword like a signal, and the other shepherds followed suit. And the sixty half-orcs began to show off their jade-like skin, trembling non-stop. But, damn it!squeak!Why did the shepherds from the north come here?Squeak! The orcs aimed their broadswords at me as if they were bows, ready to shoot at me.For now they were aiming at me with broadswords at a distance of about thirty cubits, which of course I must call a bow.I put down the blanket, still holding the teacup, and stood up slowly.In an instant, the distance between me and the goblin was about fifty cubits.It seemed impossible to stop them from retreating.

Are you going to use it? Squeak, squeak?What did you say? grunt.hum.I'm asking you, are you going to throw a big knife?Otherwise, how are you going to attack me when you stand so far away? After I drank all the remaining tea in the cup, I slowly put it on the ground, and at this time, the orc had already started to back away quietly.Yakexu looked at the left and right sides, and then shouted like crazy: You bastards!While they are monsters, monster candlemakers and, cheep!Northern shepherds, however, cheep!We are five times their size!do not be afraid!Squeak! He is so stupid.Not five times, but six times.It's a pity that Yakesu's courage failed to achieve any effect, and all the orcs looked like they wanted to escape on the spot.Their posture was one of those ready to run as soon as someone yelled.no.I should be gentle with them.

Well, I said affectionately in a trembling voice: Ah, my dear half-orcs! Maybe Yakesu didn't faint because he was a half-orc.Riqiu had already started to hiccup, while Naraqiu kept looking at me with a funny expression.I stepped forward, spread my arms, and said: You friends with beautiful teeth, ah, my dear brethren!Please stop and listen to what I have to say. Xiu, Xiu Qi?What did you drink just now? Haqiu asked me in fear. When Biqiu heard it, he picked up the cup I had just put down and began to smell it carefully.I ignored them and said to Yake: Please, please listen to me first.We have maintained this sad and unfortunate relationship for a long time, and finally waited for the time to settle the final score. From now on, let our relationship bloom a little bit of beautiful light like the fragrance of spring. What do you think?

squeak!What, what are you talking about? This is actually a very difficult thing.I have to get to the point slowly. well.Let me tell you briefly. Listen carefully.You call some of your strongest guys here and run around in this season, there must be a lot of troublesome questions.For the question of preparing for the winter, you must be at a loss.So, I give you food for the winter.The condition is: forget the unhappiness between us. what? what are you talking about? Rikyu and Aksu shouted at the same time.Are these two brothers who have been separated since childhood?Um.It seems that I should bury this question in my heart.After I shrugged to Liqiu, I said to Yake: I will give you four hundred cows, how about it?I will literally give you four hundred cows, so from now on.Stop chasing after me. Those half-orcs all stopped their steps of retreating.Yakexu seemed to be in disbelief, and said: Four, four hundred?Wow!squeak!Four hundred cows? Before I had time to answer, Liqiu started yelling in a northern accent: Hey, you bastard!So you are going to buy our cattle because you intend to send cattle to the orcs?This is really outrageous!Are you going to give our cows to orcs? Well, now that I've paid for it, it's my cow.I can do whatever I want, can't I? But no matter what, there is no such thing in the world!To the orcs, oh my god, Shankerel! Riku raised his arms to the sky and let out a cry.I burst out laughing, thinking of the scene I saw Liqiu in the pure heaven of Byzos Imperial City. At that time, Riqiu was sitting in Pure Heaven with his head downcast, drinking heartbreak wine all the time.The reason is: after Gigored disappeared from the battlefield, the 400 cows that were supposed to be his food were faced with breaking the contract.In addition, they delayed the time in Xifei Yapanling and arrived later than the agreed time, so they couldn't get any money such as liquidated damages.When I suggested that I buy the whole herd, Richu almost kissed the back of my foot.Now he will be like this, just because he is very sad to give the cow to the orc, so it should not be his real intention.It seems that I should first unify everyone's opinions. I folded my hands on my chest and started to look at Riku with a slightly provocative look. If you don't like this, now all you have to do is return the gems I paid for, and take the cattle back to Baixos Imperial City. Riqiu, who was making exaggerated movements, was startled and looked at me.What should I do at this time to show a more sinister and cunning expression? Ah, I was wrong.Anyway, there is no way to sell those cattle when you go back to Baixos. Well, it seems that you must drive these cattle back to the north.I'm afraid it will be difficult.It's really tough.Because now even the grass for the cows is almost gone.It may be that they all died on the way back.Um.What a shame.As long as those half-orcs sneak behind you, they should be able to get four hundred cows.I was lucky, then, to have the money with me, and the Orcs were lucky to get four hundred cows.But you have lost a lot, and you will definitely feel very heartbroken! Yakesu had a listening expression.Liqiu shook his hands and said: I got it, I got it!Just do what you want!You bad boy. very good.So, Aksy?What do you think of my proposal? Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation, Yakexu stood still with a gaping expression at first.etc.Could this guy have listened to what I just said and felt that even if he ignored my proposal, it wouldn't have any effect?In other words: 1. Yakesu ignored my proposal.2. I take back the gems from Liqiu and return the cattle.3. Richu and the shepherds must go north with the cattle.4. On the way back, all the cattle died one after another.5. Therefore, those half-orcs only need to follow the shepherd good!squeak! Warren Cha.You have worked so hard.It's really admirable that you take such good care of these guys.As expected of a god, no matter how you say it, he is different from humans. However, it took a lot of time to hand over all the cattle to the orcs.First of all, it is a big problem to bring more than sixty orcs to the valley where the cattle hide Followed behind), as soon as he reached the valley, Riqiu began to delay time.Because, Riqiu wanted to say goodbye to the herd of four hundred cows one by one. Don't say goodbye again, okay? Wait, wait a minute.This cow is the one I delivered.Because it was difficult to deliver at that time, I put my hand into its mother's body, tied it with a rope, and then pulled it out. Oh, this guy!If I had known that you would be taken away by the orcs, I would have given up on you then! right.finished? Ah, wait!This cow, this bull calf!I just want to think of the incident when I rescued it from being almost taken away by wild wolves Richu began to hug the bull calf, rubbing its whole body.Because it was night now, the herd of cattle didn't make any sound, they were all very quiet, only Riqiu's muttering to himself could be heard clearly.Those half-orcs were all furious, but because the other shepherds were watching them with murderous eyes, they could only squeak anxiously.But Yakesu simply sat on the rock with his legs hanging and roared.However, most of the time, Yakesu was peeking at the cows that filled the valley, and showed a satisfied expression. Whether eaten by dragons or orcs, the final destination of these cattle is the mouth of an animal anyway.It is a coincidence that these two situations are the same, but there is a difference.Wouldn't it be better to be eaten by dragons, but worse to be eaten by orcs? Finally, when the dawn was about to break, Riqiu backed away.Maybe it's because he can't stand the tired relationship anymore.Liqiu yawned one after another, but at the same time, he took another sad look at the cows all over the mountains and valleys. farewell, farewell I'm getting goosebumps, really!Yake Xu was full of displeasure in his eyes, and said to me: Can we go now, squeak? Ah yes.Thank you for keeping you waiting.You have to abide by the agreement! squeak!certainly!The revenge is over! well.Ah, I have one more condition. Squeak, what did you say? Hey, since you have food for the winter, let go of those mechanics who were caught in your caves.how? Yakesu started to stare at me fiercely.hey-hey.How do you want to treat me with that look?Hey, I have witnessed twelve dragons fighting with my own eyes.Yakesu growled and nodded in agreement. squeak!good! very good.okay.So Mr. Riqiu? Liqiu was still looking at the cows with a sad face until then, so I had to call him again. What? Please drive the cattle to where these goblins are going.And please monitor these orcs and release all the mechanics. What, what, what!You even want us to serve orcs? The shepherds all looked at me angrily.Ha ha.This is a trick I learned from someone.Although he didn't teach me directly.However, this is the method of the guy named Taiban Hashik: Even if it is forced, let them act together. I nodded and said: Otherwise, how would these orcs go with so many cows?They were lucky not to be trampled to death by the herd.And these cows can only be at ease if you bring them.Ok, this is my last condition.Moreover, if you help drive the herd of cattle to their destination, and monitor the process of releasing the mechanics who were imprisoned in the orc cave, then I can give you another gem that is exactly the same as the one I gave just now.Do you want it? What?Give another one? Instead of answering, I took a diamond out of the bag, threw it up, caught it again, and so on.The eyes of the shepherds and half-orcs started to dance up and down together.Hahaha!From the point of opening their mouths at the same time, the two groups of guys are really too similar. Probably when I threw it up for the fourth time, Riqiu intercepted the diamond from midair.I giggled, and Liqiu nodded with a gritted expression on his face, and said: Good!good!Really, once I go back, I must do witchcraft and ask Shankle to drive away evil spirits.This trip must be cursed. Ha ha.Thank you for your hard work. I waved to the shepherds, and I waved to Aksy.Although the shepherds wrinkled their faces to accept my farewell, Yakesu didn't even look at me, and was only on high alert to those shepherds.I shrugged and turned to my horse. Ah, this is really nerve-wracking.The height of the horse is really too high, and it is not easy to step on the stirrups.It seems that I should adjust the rein rope.I sat on the horse and looked around the valley again. The shepherds and the half-orcs were looking at each other awkwardly. Behind them, four hundred bulls were roaring.On the other side of the valley, that is, in the east, the morning glow dyed the sky red.The strong backs of the herd then writhed red.They seem to be all awake now. OK, then I'm leaving.May you all have a peaceful trip! Until that time, Rikyu was still competing with Aksu for staring at each other, and then he lowered his shoulders and looked back at me. Just curse at me, you boy!goodbye! The other shepherds also showed wry smiles and waved to me.I laughed and gave the stirrup a little kick. Let's go, Thundermaster! Hee hee hee hee hee! The thunder warrior let out a sharp hiss and started to gallop.The light silver mane is flowing, and in an instant, the valley has disappeared behind.After a while, I started walking up Central Avenue.Yeah, if you want to get used to this speed, I think it will take a long time! Alright, Thundermaster!All day today, another race against the sun.Let's go, go west! No matter how hard you struggle to survive, it is impossible to leave life without experiencing death.In the same way, even a thunder warrior cannot outrun the sun.Um.My analogy seems to sound very depressed!I was depressed alone because of this thought, while looking at the night view of Erasmus City. so tired.Traveling should really be accompanied by a partner.Traveling alone seems to tire you out faster.This is because you have to bear everything by yourself.However, if you have companions, you can bear each other's safety and share each other's affairs, so of course you won't find it hard.How on earth did the dragon take on himself alone?We and dragons are on opposite extremes, and there is nothing wrong with that statement.I'm cranky again. Damn you bastard dragons, you damn bastard humans. Hoo hoo hoo. A bitter cold wind blew across the night roads of Erasmus City.Crack, clack, even the hooves of the thunderkeepers can't help but sound heavy.Although it is still early, the winter days are short and the sun has already set.Every thick window and heavy door was shut, so that I, the wanderer, could only wander my eyes in bewilderment.Not only was the surroundings quiet and dark, what was even more disturbing was that no one came out to move around at all.Since there was no one to ask directions, I had to follow my memory, which took a lot of time. So, by the time I reached the Winds of Tramonica, it was about the end of dinner.And I was already shivering with cold.Hope they keep at least some hot stew for the poor bums! When I stopped the thunder warrior, and when I got off my horse and stood up, I heard a shout from inside the hotel: Damn girl!Where do you want to escape to?Want to escape?Go to hell, brat!to die! Ahhhhh!Uncle, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong! After a scream, there was a loud ping-pong sound of something breaking. I stood next to the horses, and just stood there listening to the noise from the hotel. You bandit girl!I have been raising you up and giving you food and clothing, but not only do you not want to repay your kindness, but you also hinder me from doing business?You are going to die for me today.hateful! Ahhh! Please don't do this, master.You're going to beat this kid to death! Yes, this kid has already admitted his mistake.You just stop. You let go!let go!This kind of stinky girl must let her die!Hey, crazy girl!You do this, do you think that pretentious man will come back?Why didn't you accept that guest, why! ah ah!Uh ah ah ah! This made my melancholy mood disappear all at once.Thank you so much!Instead, however, another emotion was roiling, and that was a big problem.I mounted the Thundermaster again.The thunder guard seemed to be a little surprised, and let out a snort. After sitting on the horse, I took a few deep breaths, and then drew out the giant sword.Clang.There was a sound from the sword that sounded great.I held my greatsword forward, pointing at the entrance of the Tramonica Winds. Hoo, hoo.Hello, boss.You are about to meet the guests who walk in the door in the most gorgeous way after opening today.And just might be the last guest you meet.I can't guarantee that this hotel building will still exist by tomorrow morning. I kicked Thundermaster in the stomach. Yahhhhhh! Hee hee hee hee hee! In the brief moment I continued to ride into the hall after destroying the door of the Tramonica, a thought flashed through my mind very quickly.Maybe it would be better to live alone like a dragon. Let me see.let me see ah ah ah ah Ah, sorry sorry.Did it hurt?You bear it a little longer.After rubbing this, it can heal quickly. I dab the healing potion on Merian's forehead.Although this is the treatment just after the injury, if you are not careful, there may still be scars.This is really disturbing.Whenever Merian frowned and tried to prevent me from touching the wound, I would shake my shoulders. It was not easy to find a working chair in this completely destroyed hall.So, I just brought a wine barrel, let Merian sit down, and treated her wound.God, there is such a bastard who uses a poker to whip a girl's forehead.And he beat his niece! The fellow who had the means to whip his niece with a poker yelled: Hush!Hush!You horse, go over there!Please, please, please take a look, sir!Carrots, carrots are almost gone! Yeah?If the carrot is gone, it should bite something else. Great, sir!Ouch, please, please!Hush, shush! Hello.That's a horse.While it was once a bull, at least it wasn't a chicken.Why are you booing non-stop. The boss struggled with a blue face.Now, this inhuman guy is tied up all over, hanging from a torch holder on the wall, and on his belt are several carrots that I brought from the kitchen.And the thunder guard stood in front of him, biting off the carrot with an elegant posture. The louder he chewed, the faster the boss's face turned red.While taking out the bandage, I comforted the boss in a very serious tone: Yours was bitten by a horse. This kind of experience is not common, and it will definitely stay in my mind for a long time.Don't struggle and move around, and experience this brand new experience obediently, right?Are you not at all curious about experiencing new experiences? Great, sir!Ugh! hiss!There was a tearing sound.Finally bitten?I turned my head and wanted to shout hooray, but when I looked, I saw the boss's crotch was split in half.After the crotch was torn, all the carrots fell out, so the Thunderkeeper was eating his dinner with his head down. Hey.boss.it's okay no problem.Only the pants were torn.That thing of yours is still there, huh?Huh?Hey, are you fainted? The boss was spitting out foam from his mouth, and had already passed out.Although Merian looked anxiously at the unconscious man whose crotch was torn and hung on the wall.But she can't seem to watch anxiously for long. Heck! Uh, uh.You don't laugh.I need a bandage.Well, then, uh.The bandage is knotted.okay.OK, how about it.Are you OK? Merian opened her eyes, gently stroked the bandages wrapped around her forehead, and frowned. Does it hurt?Uh, will you be in unbearable pain?etc.Are there any unbroken wine bottles here? I turned around to look for wine to replace the painkiller, at this moment, Merian's hand that was touching her forehead dropped and took mine.Wow, it's like the feeling of wax dripping on the back of your hand!How could her hands be so hot? Merian? Xiu Qi Xiu Qi? My body slowly leaned forward as Merian pulled my hand.After a while, I half-shrunk and bent my upper body, and was hugged by Merian sitting on the wine barrel. Merian? Melian strokes my back.Her voice trembled slightly, and said: It's true, you really came back.Thanks. Thank you for what.I'm really sorry I didn't come back sooner. This is already very fast.real.You come back really quickly. After I patted Merian on the shoulder, I gently pushed her away. If you keep rubbing your head on my shoulder like that, the wound will be more serious, and maybe when you get married, you may not be able to marry because of this scar! I'm just a hotel girl anyway. That is as of today. Um? I'll explain it to you tomorrow.You sit here and don't move.I'm starving to death.Also hungry at noon, and walked too much.I'm here to see if there are any unbroken bowls. Ah, here I come. Hello, hello!Just trust me.I'm a pretty good cook!Do you believe me when I say that even elves have eaten my cooking? Merian opened her eyes wide, and then burst out laughing immediately. Ah, you mean the elf at that time.Although I have heard all kinds of adventure stories from the drinkers in the shop, this is the first time I have heard of cooking for the elves. ah, is it?It's my first experience too. I giggled and began to check the stove mouth.I managed to light the fire.Then I smashed the tables and chairs without guilt to make firewood.Merian just opened her eyes and didn't say anything. After a burst of knocking noise, red sparks began to flicker in the stove.I began to grunt and haw to find food ingredients and start cooking.Merian burst out laughing, and said: You are really good at juggling knives. Yeah?Ha ha.Even the priests of the sword god Raiti recognized my knives with knives. Leti's priest?Ha ha. She seemed to think I was joking.But it's absolutely true.The priests of the Sword God Leti have indeed used all their strength to compete with me in swordsmanship hateful!It is the priests of Leti! Shan Sen's shout resounded through the whole mountain, forming an echo and sending it back.Wen Chai drew out his long sword, and said in a low voice: Thank you so much for telling me, Shan Sen showed an embarrassed expression when he heard Wen Chai's sarcasm.I frowned and looked up. The Marquis was looking down at us with a cold expression.And behind the hill where he was standing, the priests of Leti drew their swords one by one and appeared.Then, on the hill, the Marquis and more than thirty priests of Leti stood there and looked down at us. Ghisien growled: Cough, cough, cough!Marquis, you fellow!Are you, are you looking for death? The Marquis did not answer Giseon's words.He looked back and said to the priests: Get rid of them.No one is allowed to stay! Leti's priests did not answer.After the Marquis disappeared directly behind the hill, Leti's priests began to slowly walk down in our direction.Carl hurriedly shouted: What are you planning in your mind?Why obey the orders of the Marquis? Without any answer, they continued to walk over.At this moment, Alvnaid said in a trembling voice: I did not see him. Huh? Leti didn't see the white-haired priest.Could it be that he was taken hostage? ah! That's right.I didn't see the tough white-haired priest.Then, Leti's priests would have no choice but to attack!Then Karl shouted loudly: Hey, everyone!So, you and us work together to rescue the hostages. How about it? The priests stopped in their tracks.However, the blond priest among them stepped forward and said gloomily, "I'm sorry, Ghisien Byzos. Ghisien just looked at him with a fierce expression and didn't answer.The blond priest said indifferently: We chose the Marquis of Harshtel. yes, i know. Very good.Giseon said he knew.But I still don't know why they chose Marquis.I look back at Githion.For a split second, I was dumbfounded by the hostility on his face.Githion said: Cough.Just get rid of us all, yeah, then there's no one to prove Harshtel, ahem, Marquis The blond priest nodded. We are doing this for our country. For the country? If you return to the capital, there will inevitably be a confrontation between the royal family and the Marquis.But the Marquis is the elder of the House of Nobles, so the royal family might be at odds with the whole House of Nobles.In a country at war, it is best not to have this happen. I thought Githion was going to yell it out.However, Ghisien coughed violently, and instead, Carl yelled: And then!Because the crime of rebellion is as long as anyone involved is guilty, the Abbey of Armies cannot be exonerated, right? Frankly speaking, I don't deny that there is such a consideration.Please think about it.If the royal family is opposed to the aristocracy and the religious world, what good will it do for the country today?Of course it is no good.Instead, it will only lead to extreme confusion.Now just the war with Jepen, the royal family has been struggling very hard. Light, is it possible that the Tower of Light will stay out of it? Alvnaid shouted this sentence with all his strength, but the blond priest shook his head. Because of the Tower of Light, we cannot let you go back.You are a wizard, you should be a guild member, right?If you go back to the Tower of Light and tell everything about the incident, then the Tower of Light, which has been silent all this time, will definitely participate in this confrontation.Then, things can get out of hand. Alvnaid stared at the priest gaping.The blond priest said with a tired expression: And the same goes for the Dwarves beater Isaihand Eindev.If you get the dwarves in this country to rise up, Baizos will be turned upside down. Ai Saihande smiled cruelly and said: Really?How do you know that I won't turn a blind eye to this guy, Marquis Harshtel, and disturb Byzos? Because you are a dwarf. At this moment, Giseon said: So Ghisien's face was so blue that it seemed that he could no longer find any color.However, I found that after the severe cough just now, he no longer coughed.Ghisien said calmly: Anyway, I am a deposed prince, and everyone else is just an unknown adventurer, so there is no need for these people to shake the country, is that what you mean? You seem to enjoy drawing sad conclusions. You people actually underestimate the royal family so much! The priest nodded and said darkly: Baizos is not the king's country.Within this territory there are races, like elves or dwarves, who do not accept the rule of the king, and this is already contained in the contradiction. The real king has not appeared since the fourth generation of King Yeline.Byzos should be said to be the country of nobles. You just worshiped me Although Ghisien's words were low, the blond priest's face turned into an expression of being stabbed by a sword.He looked down at Githion, trembling at his temples.Githion said: Is it because of that relationship?So you try harder to ignore the royal family?You are just that I admit it is.And what we want to do is unjust, which I also The blond priest struggled to speak.And his shoulders that kept shaking up and down caught my gaze tightly. Justice is beautiful, but it is an impermanent name. Only when power is with it, can there be beauty.Gisean Byzos. You mean, you can do whatever you want outside of human justice?Just because you are the swords of gods? Yes.As you said just now, you are all unknown adventurers. Do you think that the House of Nobles really only believed the words of the notorious prince who returned to the palace after wandering outside the palace, and some wanderers who came out of nowhere, and persecuted the noble family of the Marquis of Hastel?Now we just want to prevent Baizos from forming chaos. Yes, but that is the truth!What the Marquis did is all true Nelia shouted sadly and excitedly, but the blond priest only frowned even more. It has nothing to do with fact. Huh? This lady, I suppose, may find your innocence attractive to your companions. Nelia widened her eyes.可是她立刻瞇起眼睛,瞪著那位金髮祭司。 你是在暗指我很愚蠢。What does that mean? 這和事實有無並沒有關聯,即使是貴族院,他們也不可能讓王室下令,將素有威望的貴族處刑。因為這樣等於是貴族院屈從於王室。貴族們會認為,如果王室開了先例,像哈修泰爾這種名門家族都被輕易處置,那麼王室隨時都可以逼迫貴族。 妮莉亞閉上嘴巴不說話。他媽的,說什麼國王是騎士中的騎士,而貴族們生來就是國王的騎士?That's really nice to say!他們其實是互相不露空隙,即使是一小塊的權力,也不想被搶奪走,如此互相牽制著! 還有還有,你是什麼東西啊!你身為一個奉獻給神的人,居然這麼詳細地說明政治上的東西,你這個祭司到底是在幹嘛!don't you know你在對妮莉亞說明時的態度,已經說明了不少事! 那位金髮祭司冷漠地說:我們會弄得像是你們全都是在阻止克拉德美索時死掉的。把你們當成國家的恩人,至少,這樣可以光耀你們的名譽。 那位金髮祭司把袍子衣角翻到背後。隨即,閃閃發光的長劍就握在他手上,指著我們。 即使我建議你們自殺,你們應該也是不會接受吧? 我、杉森和溫柴同時伸出劍來,往前站出去。卡爾往後退,舉起弓,而亞夫奈德則是立刻開始唸咒語。妮莉亞舉起了三又戟。那位金髮祭司歎了一口氣,說道:一鼓作氣殺了他們,盡量別讓他們痛苦! 雷提的祭司們紛紛往前滑下山坡。 這些混蛋! 我大喊著,在往前衝出去的那一瞬間,才發覺到我是用很妙的姿勢,停滯在半空中。然後在我還沒來得及好好品嚐飛行的感覺時,地板就已經用很快的速度接近我了。boom!哎唷,我的頭啊! 我一面揉著頭,一面站起來,就發現有一道覺得十分有趣的目光射向我。 你的起床動作怎麼這麼妙? 原來是梅莉安,站在從窗外歪斜地射下的早晨陽光中,面帶著微笑。她把雙手放在膝蓋上,坐在地板上看著我。原來是一場夢!真是的,好可怕的夢。我整個頭疼痛不已。呼嗚嗚。 我用一隻手撫摸頭上的腫包,另一隻手拄著冰冷的房間地板,說道:你在這裡做什麼啊? 我在看人睡覺。 Ha ha.看來你好像事先就知道我會這樣轟轟烈烈地起床。 梅莉安嘻嘻笑了出來,說道:剛才我看你一直邊睡邊哼哼呻吟。你是不是做了噩夢? 如果說是噩夢,還真是噩夢。我無力地笑著抬頭看梅莉安。因為從旁邊斜射下來的陽光的關係,她的右側臉龐呈現一道明顯的鼻子陰影。讓人感覺梅莉安的臉孔很陌生。 記憶乃是夜之帝王,以夢現身時,能支配萬物,我剛才就是在親身實驗這個理論。 看來,你做噩夢了! 你把重點歸納得很好哦。 梅莉安露出微笑,站了起來。她打開房門,一面走出去,一面說道:你既然已經起床了,就先梳洗再下來吧。還有,下來的時候,要記得穿得整齊一點。 Uh uh.你是因為把我全看光了,才這樣說的嗎?你幹嘛叫我穿整齊一點啊? 梅莉安從門外格格笑著說:反正我以前都看過了。趕快下來吧。警備隊員們正在等著呢。 警備隊員? 我穿好衣服,一走下樓梯,就聽到人們鬧哄哄的聲音。我站在樓梯頂端,俯視大廳。 大廳仍然還留有昨晚騷動的痕跡。Wow.雖然那是我做的行為,但我真的破壞得很徹底。我一面在心裡覺得自己很厲害,一面環視四周圍,便在那片廢墟之中,看到一些像是伊拉姆斯市警備隊員的人站在那裡。他們環視被弄得亂七八糟的大廳,個個都露出難以置信的表情。而昨晚被吊在牆上的老闆,則是坐在地上,正在哼哼呻吟著接受警備隊員的治療。幾名警備隊員看著站在大廳一角的御雷者,讚歎著:哇啊!這匹馬真是不錯! 而其他警備隊員之中的一位,則是拿著壓扁的青銅燭台,用畏懼的語氣說: 這到底是怎麼弄的?是用什麼把它打成這樣的? 不過,這些人也未免出動得太快了吧。昨晚的騷動竟然到了今天早上才出動?此時,坐在地上的老闆喊著:在,在那裡!他從那裡下來了! 那時候警備隊員們才發現到一直站在昏暗的樓梯頂端的我。警備隊員們在剎那間都驚慌地握住戰戟。我一面聽著武器舉起的當唧響聲,一面下到樓梯口,隨即其中一個像是帶頭的男子用啼笑皆非的語氣說道:什麼啊?他只不過是個年輕小伙子嘛! hum.他們好像因為樓梯頂端太過昏暗,所以錯看了我的模樣。 其他隊員們也一副啼笑皆非的表情,一下子看看我,一下子又看看老闆。老闆呻吟著點了點頭,隨即,那名帶頭的男子就放下了原本緊握住的戰戟,開始摸著他的下巴。他說道:這可真是怪了。鬧出這種騷動的傢伙居然連逃都不逃,而且還睡了一覺,這已經夠不可思議了,而且犯人竟然是這種小鬼?到底這是怎麼一回事啊? 我留意注視著那名男子在摸下巴的動作,說道:啊,您好像是因為一大早就出動,所以沒時間刮鬍子。My name is Shuki Niedfa.Good morning! 你在高興什麼啊?你這傢伙,你一個人嗎? 真是的,這個人見面第一句話就這麼凶!I nodded.隨即,那名帶頭的人就搖了搖頭,說道:真是令人難以置信。good.先將你羈押在警備部。快放下武器。 要我放下武器?那我當然是很樂意。我用慎重的表情,長長地伸出舌頭,試驗它上下運動的性能。也就是說,我對他吐了吐舌頭。 那名帶頭的人突然受到嘲弄之後,稍微張著嘴巴,用驚訝的眼神看我。 舌頭是我最強的武器。俗語說,三寸不爛之舌勝過一把劍。 This nasty guy! 這名男子的拳頭立刻往前飛來。Snapped!hum.比起杉森的拳頭力道,這簡直就是在搔癢嘛。在他收回拳頭的那一瞬間,我冷冷地笑著說道:是你先打的吧? What's the meaning? 我說,是你這邊先打的。所以這可是正當防衛行為。 我根本不讓那名吃驚的男子有空檔說話,立刻揪住他的領口,往上提起。我聽到周圍的尖叫聲,以及比周圍尖叫聲還要尖銳的那名男子的尖叫聲,然後我開始抓著他轉圓圈。一直轉到發出風聲之後,我就把他摔到地上,隨即,那名男子連站都沒辦法站穩,就重重地跌坐在地上。boom!他坐在地上之後,開始往左右搖晃他的頭。 這,這個可惡傢伙! 警備隊員們全都一齊喊出怪聲,在他們舉起戰戟的那一瞬間,我雙手交叉在胸前,喊著:攻擊國王的騎士乃是叛亂罪! What? 警備隊員們手上所持的戰戟突然停頓下來,他們的臉色按照個人體質的不同,開始呈現出各式各樣的顏色。我格格笑著從袋子裡翻找出勳章,在臉孔面前搖晃了幾下。看著勳章的那些警備隊員們的臉色,個個都發黑了。 我面向那些臉色發黑的臉孔,展開了一場訓話。 各位,你們只要看到那匹雄健的馬,就應該知道了,不是嗎?而且你們看到我製造出這種騷動卻還很泰然,你們早就該看出來了才對啊。因為,我這小鬼一定是有什麼可靠的權力,才敢趾高氣昂的,不是嗎?唉,該死的權力!這種東西就像抹布一樣,越是用它,就會越髒,但是有了它,卻一定會去用它。咳,呸! 警備隊員們對於我問的問題,吃力地問道:國,國王的騎士?請問你是貴族嗎? 啊啊,我真的用不慣這個名字,不過,我還是再自我介紹一次好了。我是尼德法伯爵家的修奇·尼德法。 dad!您可以高興了吧。這是尼德法伯爵家第一次的宣言。而且是尼德法伯爵家代替國王行使的第一次為民服務。因為,這是在救國王的國民梅莉安,不是嗎?嗯哈哈哈! 我身為國王的騎士,代替國王,來懲治折磨自己侄女的惡劣旅館老闆。這傢伙殘酷地使喚侄女,這件事身為同鄉人的你們,應該是更清楚才對吧?好了,現在我問各位,你們要攻擊我這個國王的騎士,來背叛王室嗎? 剛才一屁股坐在地上的警備隊員帶頭人,像是如坐針氈般趕緊站起來。他用很有禮貌的動作敬禮,他這副模樣還是可以看出他不久前才失去平衡跌坐在地上。 我千不該萬不該!我會以虐待青少年的罪名,立刻逮捕特拉摩尼卡之風旅館的老闆! 嗯,這個時候,我當然是不能用修奇式的回答方式來答話!我以尼德法伯爵家的第一代伯爵身份,嚴謹地說道:您這是優秀的警備隊員所具備的行事態度。伊拉姆斯市的未來是光明的。我等一下一定會去找市長大人稟報此事。 我敢說,傑米妮要是看到現在的我,一定會笑到昏厥過去。不過,那名帶頭的警備隊員又再一次敬了一個快把額頭弄傷的舉手禮。 must win!啊,不是,謝謝您! 過了一會兒,旅館老闆就被捆綁起來,正要被警備隊員帶走,我坐到倒放的酒桶上,一面懸腿搖晃著,一面格格笑著觀賞這一幕。警備隊員們和老闆都走了之後,我回頭一看,就看到梅莉安表情呆滯地站在大廳角落看著我。 Merian? 她像是剛睡醒似的,肩膀驚顫了一下,隨即立刻低下頭來。 伯,伯爵大人 Uh uh.看來還是蠟燭騎士或者半獸人的悲劇這些稱號比較適合我,修奇伯爵大人好像不怎麼適合我。我把腿舉到酒桶上面,咻地轉了半圈。Well!我的屁股! 喂,你該不會以為你那樣叫我,我會很高興吧? 梅莉安的表情變得很高興。她用右手的食指和姆指拉了拉下嘴唇,說道:可是,我知道你是伯爵,就無法繼續叫你修奇了啊。 um, eh?你現在叫過一次就行了。以後就叫我修奇吧。 good.修奇,可是,這是怎麼一回事啊? 你是說我怎麼當上伯爵的?It's a long story.簡單地說,我為國家立了功,所以獲封爵位。 真令人驚訝,真的。跟那些來往這裡的別腳冒險家相比,你還真是了不起呢。你是真正的冒險家。 我瞇了一邊眼睛之後,對梅莉安做了一個手勢。 Ha ha.好,那麼你坐在那裡一下。 Um? 我要你坐那裡,嗯。那把椅子應該沒壞吧。因為我有話要說,你坐著吧。我不是要談早餐吃什麼好的這類複雜微妙的事,所以你大可放心。 梅莉安嘻嘻笑著拉了椅子坐到我對面。我在講話之前,乾咳了幾聲。早上總是令人覺得口渴。 我可以給你機會。說起來,我真的長大很多。居然已經可以給別人一個轉換人生的機會。hum.我要你自己來判斷,看你是否要抓住這個機會。 Chance?What does that mean? Um.首先,如果你不想離開這個都市,我可以讓這間店變成是你的。啊,絕對不是不合法的事。我的意思是,可以把這間店買下來給你。而如果你對經營旅館沒有自信,說得也是,你年紀還小,對你來說這一定是不容易。可是,你應該是找不到其他的保護人吧? Um 你有男友嗎? 梅莉安緊盯著我,然後搖了搖頭。 good.我認識一個很優秀的人。我在想,要不要把你交付給他。嗯,他雖然不是什麼有錢人,可是個性不錯。他可能沒辦法讓你養尊處優,不過,他應該可以讓你過得心情舒坦。 你這是在做媒人嗎? 哦,沒這回事。我不是說過了,我是在幫你找保護人。我是打算把你托付給他,直到你長大到足以去尋找自己的路為止。哈哈,真是的。這種話是上了年紀的人才會說的話,可是,由一個和你年紀差不多的男孩子口中講出來,聽來實在是很怪異,是吧? 梅莉安又開始拉她的下嘴唇了。所以,她的答話聽來有些不清楚。 I have no idea.這實在是太突然了。 I can understand that.你慢慢考慮吧。我想要現在去找市長,表明我的身份,討論如何處置老闆。在這段時間裡,你好好考慮吧。 I see.對了,你應該先吃點早餐吧? It doesn't matter.我進到市長官邸,再去吃他一頓吧。我應該給伊拉姆斯市長大人一個招待尼德法伯爵的機會。 Ah, ah.yes.因為你是伯爵大人 Ridiculous, right?Ha ha.可是,這是不得已的。因為,在禮貌上,我進到一個都市或領地,就得去向當地市長或領主打聲招呼。啊,對了,你要不要一起去? Oh no.I'm fine.嗯,你現在是以伯爵身份去見市長大人,是吧? 嗯當然是啊。 I see.我怎麼敢跟著去。hehe.你不要露出那種抱歉的表情。I can understand.而且這也沒什麼啊。 我沒有回答,而是跳下酒桶,把手指放到嘴邊吹口哨。Hush!站在大廳角落的御雷者可真乖,它立刻走了過來。 我騎上馬,一面走出大門,一面往後看了一眼。梅莉安呆坐在空蕩蕩的大廳之中,一副驚慌與感歎交雜的複雜表情。她獨自坐在形同廢墟的大廳之中的模樣,簡直就像是在顯示她現在的處境。真是令人覺得憐惜。可是,在她臉上浮現的希望卻讓我滿懷感動。哈哈,那份希望的原因正是因為我的緣故吧?梅莉安,你不要擔心。我會幫助你的。 我昨晚的那個想法要暫時保留了。我們是不可能像龍那樣活著的。至少,梅莉安是不可能做得到的。我的意思是,他人的親切會讓人多開心啊。這完全不同於那時候對伊露莉是否幫忙都不在意,還有傑倫特,一幫忙就立刻勃然大怒的基果雷德因為,梅莉安是人類。 即使身處廢墟之中,也懷著希望在笑的人類梅莉安舉起手來。 快去快回吧。 我也對她搖了搖手之後,就高興地出發了。 Ah ah!走吧,御雷者! Well!I was wrong.我在興高采烈之餘,就不顧一切地奔馳出去。可是,我不知道市政府在哪裡啊!
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