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Chapter 13 【Third round】Children and Old Men

Cyclone Eighteen 高庸 19418Words 2023-02-05
Luo Yongxiang said again: "Besides, we know better that Li Shun is still hiding in the backyard of Cao's villa. Is there such a thing?" Yingchun was taken aback, and said in a low panic: This, this Luo Yongxiang shouted: "Do you dare to shirk my prevarication?" With the sound of drinking, a red-hot iron bar was stretched out in front of her face. The iron bar was several inches away from the face, and the scorching heat had already made the cheeks blazingly painful, and the few strands of hair on the forehead had been scorched, emitting a light popping sound and a burnt smell.

Yingchun was terrified and had no choice but to admit: You all know, why bother to ask again? Luo Yongxiang said: "I want you to tell the truth, did Li Shun poison and murder Ghost Eye Jin Chong, was he instructed by Cao Leshan?" Yingchun said loudly: No!This matter has nothing to do with the old master, it was definitely not the old master who ordered him to do it! Luo Yongxiang said: Then, why did Li Shun hide in Cao's house? Yingchun said: Because he is Li Qiye's nephew, Li Qiye took him in and hid him in the backyard privately. Luo Yongxiang then asked again: Didn't Cao Leshan know about this?

Yingchun said: "I didn't know at first, but later the old master found out, and wanted to drive him out, but Li Qiye killed him first, making the old master unable to live or die, and he is still paralyzed on the bed." Luo Yongxiang suddenly said: So, it was Li Qi's idea that Tongrentang Pharmacy closed its doors? Yingchun choked up and said: "That's right, it's all a trick played by Li Qiye alone. Now, all matters big and small are under his orders, and the old master's life is also in his hands. Anyone who dares to disobey will be tied to a tree by him, and let him live." dog killed

At this point, he couldn't make a sound because of choking, so he started to cry. Luo Yongxiang asked: Then what is the origin of Li Qi?What is the relationship with Cao Leshan?How could he be so domineering in the Cao family? Yingchun cried and said: "He has nothing to do with the old master. He was just a handyman. The old master saw that he was deaf and dumb, and his background was pitiful, so he slowly promoted him to be a housekeeper. He didn't expect that he would avenge his kindness and take the old master hostage instead. Seeing that the Cao family's property was about to be taken over by him.While she was talking, she was crying, she burst into tears, only to hear Huo Yuhuan and Aunt Tie Lian sigh.

Luo Yongxiang still didn't relax, and then asked: Li Qi held Cao Leshan hostage, and it can be said that he wanted to seize the property of the Cao family. He instigated his nephew Li Shun to poison Jin Chong, and why? Yingchun said: "The property of the Jin family is more than that of the Cao family. Needless to say?" Luo Yongxiang said: "Since it is seeking property, we should poison Grandma Jin to death together. Why did she let her go?" Yingchun said: There must be no chance, maybe because the whirlwind eighteen riders were stationed in Xiaoyue Villa at that time, so he didn't have time to make a move

Luo Yongxiang interrupted and said: How do you know that the whirlwind eighteen riders were stationed in Xiaoyue Villa at that time?who told you Yingchun was taken aback, and said: It seems that I heard Li Shun say it himself. Luo Yongxiang scolded: Who said it?Don't say it seems! Yingchun paused, then said: "It's Li Shun." Luo Yongxiang said: How could he tell you these words? Yingchun hurriedly said: No!He didn't tell me, but I overheard it when the old master asked him. Luo Yongxiang sneered and said: Good!Let me ask you one more thing, since Li Qi came to Cao's house, who has he been in contact with?Does he go out a lot, or do strangers come to him?

Yingchun thought for a while in silence, then shook her head and said: I am serving the old master in the inner house, I don't know the situation outside. Luo Yongxiang said: Really don't know at all? Yingchun said: Really!I have no relationship or reason with him, why should I hide it for him? Luo Yongxiang nodded and said: Very good, now I will tell you honestly, last time at Xiaoyue Villa, Li Shun once ruined our big event, this time, we are here to seek revenge from him, but the whirlwind eighteen There is always a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, if you really did not hide it for him, we will naturally not embarrass you

Yingchun hurriedly said: I can swear that I never concealed a word for him. Luo Yongxiang said: "There is no evidence to say it. We will go to Cao's villa to verify it in person. We have to temporarily detain you here until we prove your innocence." Yingchun said: But, how long will it take you to find out? Luo Yongxiang said: "The minimum is ten days, and the maximum is half a month." Yingchun tremblingly said: Why did it take so long? Luo Yongxiang said: Because we have a more urgent matter, we must rush to Xiqing Mountain immediately, and we can only deal with this matter when we come back from Xiqing Mountain.

Yingchun Road: Xiqing Mountain is not far from here. Three or four days are enough to go back and forth. Why do we need ten days and a half months? Luo Yongxiang said: "To tell you clearly, it doesn't matter. Recently, someone has faked the name of our elder brother Huo Yuhuan, and committed several major crimes in the Jianghu, causing us to take the blame for him. These days, we are going around to track down the traces of that fellow." , now, finally, there is a clue He was about to continue talking, but Huo Yuhuan stopped him and said: Third brother, be careful not to leak the news, that guy will change his mind temporarily and refuse to go to the appointment.

Luo Yongxiang said: No, that fellow agreed with us on the twenty-ninth of this month at midnight on the 29th of this month, a decisive battle will be held on Laoya Ridge in Xiqing Mountain. Today is already twenty, as long as we detain this girl until the end of the month, the news will never be possible leakage. Huo Yuhuan said: "Brother Yu is not worried about this girl, he is only worried that the news will be learned by the Shuanglong Escort, and rushing to intervene in advance, wouldn't it add unnecessary trouble to us. Luo Yongxiang smiled and said: Brother, I am too worried. This time we plan to meet at the Shanjia Ranch. On the 29th, we will go to the Laoyaling Lama Temple to fight against that guy. Both the Shanjia Ranch and Laoyaling are very secretive. It was hard to find, but there were only eight or nine days left, so even if the news leaked out, they would have no time to go.

Huo Yuhuan said: Although the words are good, but always be cautious. Then, he turned to Aunt Tie Lian, waved his hand, and continued: "This girl is temporarily entrusted to you. Before we return from Xiqing Mountain, we must strictly guard it, and we must not neglect it." Aunt Tie Lian nodded and said: Don't worry, there will be no delay. Then he got up, and personally escorted Yingchun into a stone room at the back of the house. There is a courtyard between this stone house and the front hut. The walls are made of stones and the roof is covered with thatch. According to the situation, it was originally a firewood house, but now it is temporarily used as a prisoner's cell. Apart from a pile of straw and a small wooden stool with a broken leg, there is nothing else in the room. Aunt Tie Lian put the Kongming lantern on a small wooden bench, and the two big men lifted up Yingchun together, and fell heavily into the haystack. The haystack was not thick, and Yingchun was tightly bound by tendon ropes. When she fell, she couldn't help crying out in pain. A Tielian aunt immediately scolded the two big guys: "Don't torture people like this, how can a girl withstand such a throw?" The two big men made no noise, hurriedly stepped forward again, and helped Yingchun to sit up. Aunt Tie Lian asked kindly: You haven't eaten yet, have you? Yingchun shook her head. Aunt Tie Lian ordered: "Go to the kitchen and see if there is anything to eat, bring some over here." The two big men agreed at the same time and withdrew. Yingchun raised her head and saw that Aunt Tielian had a gentle expression, she was not the dominatrix she imagined, she couldn't help but said gratefully: Thank you for your kindness, the Bodhisattva will bless you for a long life and become a fairy and a Buddha Aunt Tie Lian smiled slightly and said: Don't be afraid, stay here for a few days in peace, we are all women, as long as you don't run away, I will never make things difficult for you. Yingchun said: "I beg the girl to be merciful, please tell Huo Daxia for me, let me go, I am really innocent." Aunt Tie Lian said: I also know that you are innocent. We keep you here just to prevent the leak of news. When the eldest brother goes to Xiqingshan Laoyaling to deal with the impostor gangster, he will definitely let you go back. Yingchun said: "Girl let me go, I swear that I will never leak any information, not even a single word." Aunt Tie Lian shook her head and said, "I can't make the decision about this.Fortunately, it's only a few days, so you should feel wronged. Yingchun also knew that she couldn't get what she wanted, so she had to settle for the next best thing, saying: "Ten and a half months, the days are not too short. If you are tied up like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it through when Huo Da comes back soon. He has already been tied up to death. Girl, please do it." All right, loosen the rope for me and let me walk around the house, okay? Aunt Tie Lian thought for a while and said, "Can you promise me that you will never run away?" Yingchun hurriedly said: "I'm just an ordinary woman. Even if the girl tells me to run away, I don't dare to run away. Even if I dare to run away, it's not easy for the girl to catch me back. No matter how stupid people are in the world, they won't do this." kind of silly. Aunt Tie Lian smiled and said: "That's the truth, well, I'll make a bold decision once, I hope you'll be more sensible and don't cause trouble for me." As he spoke, he untied the tendon rope for her. Yingchun was in a hurry to kowtow and bow, thank you so much.Not long after, the two big men came back with food in their hands. There were fish and meat, and a bowl of hot soup. Aunt Tie Lian said: "It's getting late. After you finish your meal, stay on the haystack until midnight. I'll ask them to send you a bed tomorrow." After explaining a few words to the two big men, he turned around and went back to the cabin in front. Huo Yuhuan and Luo Yongxiang were changing clothes. On the table was a bamboo cage with two white rabbits in it. Luo Yongxiang asked with a smile: How is it? Aunt Tie Lian nodded and said: "Everything has been arranged according to the third brother's order. I have already untied her and prepared an empty boat by the river." Luo Yongxiang said: This is very good, but don't let her get away too early, so as not to hinder our action to meet Miss Lin. Aunt Tie Lian said: I will trip her up, and I have to wait until dawn before giving her a chance. Huo Yuhuan lifted the bamboo cage and said: Third brother, let's go! The two flew out of the small wooden house, and went straight to the back garden of Cao's villa under the cover of night. Arriving outside the gate of the back garden, it was almost four o'clock. Luo Yongxiang took the bamboo cage, and said in a low voice: "Brother, please stay, wait for the younger brother to go first." With a long figure, he jumped onto the wall first. The lights in the garden were turned off and everyone was silent. There was only three sticks of incense stuck in the window of the small building in the main house. Looking from a distance, they looked like three cold stars in the night sky. Huo Yuhuan also climbed to the top of the wall, looked around, and said softly: "The incense horn has appeared, which proves that Miss Lin is safe and sound, we can go down." Luo Yongxiang said in a hoarse voice: "Wait a minute, we still have to guard against those dozen mastiffs."As he spoke, he took a breath, opened his arms slightly, and flew from the wall into the garden. Sure enough, as he expected, the talent landed, and there was a low growl in the darkness, and seven or eight mastiffs suddenly rushed out from the surrounding grass. Luo Yongxiang was already prepared. With his right hand, he tore off the lid of the bamboo cage. With a shake of his left hand, he threw the two white rabbits out of the bamboo cage. He touched the ground with his toes, shot backwards in the air, and quickly returned to the top of the wall. The two white rabbits landed in the grass, and immediately separated and fled, seven or eight mastiffs immediately changed their targets, and all chased the two white rabbits, no one cared about the wall! As soon as Luo Yongxiang raised his true energy, he regained his figure, flew across the garden several times in succession, and entered the verandah outside the small building. Huo Yuhuan followed closely behind, and flew out of the small building smoothly. The door of the building opened quietly, Lin Xuezhen raised her head and waved, and said softly: Come in quickly The two stepped in sideways, and found that the small building was divided into upper and lower floors. The lower part was just the living room and study room, and the upper floor was the bedroom. There was another downstairs room and a small kitchen, but they were beside the corridor outside the building. Huo Yuhuan pointed upstairs and said in a low voice: Is Cao Leshan there? Lin Xuezhen said: You just have to talk at ease, although the other person is upstairs, he is actually dying, just barely dying. Huo Yuhuan was surprised and said: Is it sick?Still injured? Lin Xuezhen said: Looking at the situation, it seems that she is seriously ill, so thin that only skin and bones are left, and it is difficult to even drink water. Huo Yuhuan said in a daze: So, Yingchun's words are actually true? Luo Yongxiang said: Let's go upstairs and have a look! Lin Xuezhen led the two of them up the stairs to Cao Leshan's bedroom, first put down the curtains, then lit the lamp, and moved closer to the bed. Under the light, I saw a haggard old man lying upright on the bed, with pale beard and hair, dark complexion, deep-set eyes, and raised forehead. As Lin Xuezhen said, only a layer of skin and bones remained. Although the old man was as thin as a stick and looked like a skeleton, his eyes were wide open, staring straight at the ceiling, obviously he was still alive. Luo Yongxiang stretched out his hand to test his pulse, although it was weak and difficult to distinguish, the tentacles were still slightly warm. Huo Yuhuan said: Third brother, do you see that he is really sick? Luo Yongxiang shook his head and remained silent. Huo Yuhuan said again: Could it be that someone poisoned him?Or hurt the internal organs? Luo Yongxiang pondered for a long time, and then solemnly said: According to my younger brother, he was neither poisoned nor injured, nor did he seem to be sick! Huo Yuhuan asked in surprise: What happened? Luo Yongxiang said: I don't think he is Cao Leshan at all! As soon as the words came out, the left hand suddenly tightened, pinching the old man's wrist, and the right palm came out quickly, and slapped the old man's chest like lightning. Huo Yuhuan was about to stop him, when he suddenly saw the old man with a dry manuscript quickly raised his left arm and grabbed Luo Yongxiang's right elbow. At the same time, he smiled and sat up from the bed. In that instant, his absent-minded eyes suddenly became radiant, and he laughed loudly: "The one surnamed Luo deserves to have a good eye, but it's a pity that you knew it too late." Although Luo Yongxiang grabbed the opponent's right wrist, his own right elbow was also tightly held by the opponent. He tried his best to break free, but he couldn't break free. He hurriedly said in a deep voice: "Brother, hurry up!" Someone outside the building interjected: Where else do you want to go? A gust of wind came in through the window, and with a puff, it hit the white gauze palace lantern in Lin Xuezhen's hand. The lights went out immediately, and then, a figure flashed, and suddenly there was a little boy with braids on his head in the room. In a hurry, Huo Yuhuan and Lin Xuezhen were a little at a loss, until the palace lantern in Lin Xuezhen's hand was knocked out, and the two realized that the surroundings of the small building were crowded with people and full of flames. Huo Yuhuan knew it was a trick, he stepped back two steps, flipped his arm, and withdrew the fish-scale sword. At this moment, the boy rushed into the room, and was hacked three times by Huo Yuhuan, unable to stand up, and retreated with a somersault go out. Lin Xuezhen didn't bring a weapon, and seeing Luo Yongxiang and the haggard old man clasped their hands together, but with a long sword slung behind their backs that could not be used, Lin Xuezhen leaned forward and pulled out the long sword. Huo Yuhuan shouted: "Miss Lin, stick to the window, this old guy is handed over to me." Just as Lin Xuezhen ran to the window with her sword in hand, she suddenly let go of her hand with an ouch, and the long sword dropped to the ground. Huo Yuhuan asked in surprise: What's wrong? Lin Xuezhen picked up the long sword with her left hand, gritted her teeth to resist the pain, shook her head and said: "The little devil used a slingshot to attack me outside and hit me in the socket of the shoulder." Just as he was talking, black shadows flickered at the top of the stairs, and two people rushed up suddenly. Huo Yuhuan yelled loudly, and swung his saber to meet him. The saber was like a gust of wind, and he slashed several times, forcing the two of them back. This time, he recognized these two people, they were the Long brothers of Shuanglong Escort. Huo Yuhuan was terrified, and hurriedly asked: "Old man, who are you?" The haggard old man laughed and said: "It's okay to tell you. The old man's surname is Dong Mingxun, and he is known as Zhuzhang Weng. The little boy who slingshots just now is the old man's grandson Dong Xiang'er." Luo Yongxiang lost his voice in astonishment: Qilian children and old people are both amazing The Zhuzhang Weng smiled and said: Yes, we have admired the famous Whirlwind Eighteen Riders for a long time, last time we met at Xiaoyue Villa by chance, unexpectedly we met here. Luo Yongxiang said: "Brother Xuanfeng and Qi Lian's faction have nothing to do with each other, why did Senior Dong bother to wade through this muddy water?" Zhuzhang Weng said: "We are entrusted by others, and we are loyal to them."At the beginning, Ssangyong Escort Bureau and Whirlwind Eighteen Cavalry had no feud, so why did you provoke Jie Escort and not leave room for others? Lin Xuezhen interjected: Although Ssangyong Escort lost its dart, the owner did not ask for compensation. Zhuzhi Weng shook his head and said: "A miss in the bodyguard agency means that the lifeline is cut off. Even if the owner of the goods does not ask for compensation, he must recover it. This is a matter of responsibility and reputation, and has nothing to do with the owner of the goods!" Lin Xuezhen said: If the person who robbed the dart was the owner himself, what should we say? The Zhuzhang Weng was startled, and said: "I don't understand the meaning of what the girl said." Lin Xuezhen said: I mean Huo Yuhuan suddenly rushed to say: "Miss Lin, don't waste time talking with him, since we have robbed the bodyguards of Shuanglong Escort Bureau, we are not afraid of seeking revenge and pursuing them. A small building in this area may not be able to surround us." The Zhuzhang Weng laughed loudly and said: Boss Huo, if you don't enter this small building, maybe no one can do anything to catch you. Now that you are in a cage, I'm afraid you won't be able to show off your prestige again. Huo Yuhuan snorted angrily: I want to try it. After the words fell, he swung his sword and rushed towards the bed. Zhuzhangweng interlocked his hands with Luo Yongxiang, and was still sitting on the bed. Seeing Huo Yuhuan attacking from the end of the bed with a knife, he suddenly flashed towards the head of the bed, intending to drag Luo Yongxiang's body towards the edge of the knife. Huo Yuhuan was afraid of accidentally injuring Luo Yongxiang, so he hastily withdrew his move halfway and turned to attack the head of the bed. Zhuzhangweng turned to one side, then dodged to the end of the bed, still using Luo Yongxiang to block Huo Yuhuan's saber gesture. The bed was already very narrow, and Luo Yongxiang happened to be in front of the bed. This way, Zhuzhang Weng could dodge calmly, but Huo Yuhuan was a little wary, and it was difficult to succeed. At a stalemate, the figure broke through the window, Yao Weifeng, Canglang Ke, took the opportunity to rush in through the window, and immediately started a fight with Lin Xuezhen. Huo Yuhuan had no choice but to abandon Zhuzhangweng, and swung his knife to take Yao Weifeng straight. In less than three strokes, Yao Weifeng retreated, and the Long brothers rushed up the stairs again. Huo Yuhuan was so provoked that he was furious. He was like a mad tiger and a knife like a raging wave. He rushed to the stairs for a while, and rolled back to the window for a while, rushing repeatedly, gradually becoming a little restless. The heroes outside the building, however, entered when there was an opportunity, and retreated after a short fight. They were obviously using the wheel fighting method to consume Huo Yuhuan's energy. Luo Yongxiang saw that the situation was getting more and more critical, but he was entangled by the bamboo stick man and couldn't get away, so he turned his heart and gathered his shoulders, and suddenly slammed into the bedpost on the right. With a loud crash, the bedpost broke, the curtain and the top of the bed all collapsed, falling right on top of the bamboo stick. Luo Yongxiang suddenly let go of his left hand, and with his vertical palm like a knife, he slashed hard at Zhuzhangweng's left arm. He was really risking a lot by doing this, because Zhu Zhiweng's kung fu is obviously stronger than his. The two clasped each other's wrists, and neither could do anything to the other. The restricted position may be taken by the opponent at any time. Luo Yongxiang broke the bedpost, but he just wanted to distract Zhuzhangweng, and then let go of the chaos, and hit with all his strength, in order to escape.If this palm can't force Zhu Zhangweng to let go of his left hand, the consequences will be disastrous. Unexpectedly, the Zhuzhang Weng responded very quickly, the moment the bedpost broke, he flew from under the curtain and landed on the ground, his five fingers were still tightly clasped, and he did not relax. He jumped off the bed, and the position of his arms naturally changed accordingly. Luo Yongxiang's palm could have hit his Guancucupoint, but it missed. With a palm splitting, Luo Yongxiang knew that there was no hope of escape. Not only could he not escape, but he would also become a burden for Huo Yuhuan to escape. One's own life and death is a small matter, if Huo Yuhuan is also arrested because of this, and half a lifetime of fame is lost, the prestige of the whirlwind eighteen riders will also be wiped out from now on. Luo Yongxiang was in a hurry and desperately, suddenly shouted loudly, lifted his feet off the ground at the same time, pointed at Zhuzhi Weng's belly, and gasped violently. This move has neither moves nor martial arts methods, it is completely a rascal's slapstick style. Anyway, he can't beat you, and kicking you counts as one kick. Unexpectedly, this kick was accidentally hit by him and landed right. It was all because Zhuzhang Weng had just jumped off the bed and had not yet stabilized his footing, and he was confused by Luo Yongxiang's automatic loosening of his wrist. At this moment of being slightly stunned, Luo Yongxiang's feet came up again, and he was a little late to dodge, but he was kicked hard on his left hip bone. With a bang, both of them couldn't stand and fell to the ground at the same time. Although Zhuzhangweng fell to the ground, the five fingers of his left hand still clasped Luo Yongxiang's elbow tightly, and he was ready to stand up as soon as he supported the floor with his right hand. Unfortunately, the place where he fell happened to be near Lin Xuezhen. Ever since Lin Xuezhen was shot in the shoulder and was unable to defend against the enemy, she has always wanted to help Luo Yongxiang, but she had no chance to use her mobile phone. Now that the bamboo stick man is automatically brought to him, he will be polite there. Down. Hearing the sound of the blade cutting through the air, Zhuzhang Weng hastily withdrew his arms and twisted his waist, turned his right hand, and clamped Lin Xuezhen's long sword with three fingers. It was caught, but he clasped Luo Yongxiang's elbow with his left hand and Lin Xuezhen's long sword with his right hand, but he was lying on the floor, unable to move. Huo Yuhuan was forcing Canglang Ke Yao Weifeng out of the window, when he looked back, he was overjoyed and rushed over immediately. Zhuzhang Weng only had two hands, how could he fight against three people at the same time, he had no choice but to shake his arms, throw Luo Yongxiang and Lin Xuezhen away with all his strength, jumped up hastily, and fled through the window Luo Yongxiang got away, quickly took out the iron bone fan, and urged: "Don't stay here for long, brother, fasten the face scarf, let's break through." Huo Yuhuan said: "Now that I have made it clear what to do, why do you still wear the face towel?" Luo Yongxiang said: "Although we fall into the trap tonight, Xiqingshan's secret arrangement has not been revealed yet, and the face of the eldest brother still cannot be shown to others." Huo Yuhuan patted his body and said: But, I left in a hurry just now and forgot to bring the veil, what should I do? Lin Xuezhen said: I have. Turning sideways, he took off a gauze scarf from his waist, and tied it on for Huo Yuhuan with his own hands. On the gauze, there is still warmth, and there is a faint fragrance, I don't know if it is the aftertaste of incense, or the unique body fragrance of girls? Huo Yuhuan didn't have time to distinguish these things, so he waved his hand and said: "Miss Lin is in the middle, third brother is dead, follow me!" The three of them walked in a single file, still going down the stairs, without being blocked on the way, they arrived at the living room downstairs smoothly. Listening again, the sound of shouting outside the building disappeared. Lin Xuezhen frowned, and said in a creaking voice: What kind of mystery is this? Huo Yuhuan laughed and said: Don't be surprised if you see the strange, the strange will defeat itself.You just follow me and go outside boldly. Lin Xuezhen said: There must be an ambush outside the main entrance, and there is a side entrance behind, let's go out through the side entrance. Huo Yuhuan said decisively: No!If we come in through the main entrance, we have to go out through the main entrance, so don't let others take it lightly.As he spoke, he hid the knife behind his elbow, flipped his left palm, Peng Zhen opened the front door, and strode out. The torch in the garden is brightly lit, shining like daytime, under the light of the fire, you can see all the heroes holding their weapons, lined up in front of the main gate like wild goose wings, all of them waiting intently, and there is no sound. The leader was none other than the divine fortune teller Liu Yuan, with a long sword in his arms, slightly bowed to Huo Yuhuan, and said with a smile: Huo Da is worthy of being an indomitable hero; as expected by Liu, he still walked out from the front door. Huo Yuhuan also bowed, and said: Your Excellency, don't be too confident, next time, maybe Huo will slip away through the back door. Liu Yuan laughed and said: People say Huo Da is bold and humorous, seeing you today, it's really good. Huo Yuhuan said: I've also heard about the name of Your Excellency's fortune teller for a long time, but when I saw it today, I was very disappointed. Liu Yuan was not angry, but still smiled and said: Could it be that this small plan tonight is not calculated correctly? Huo Yuhuan said: You have calculated every step very accurately, there is only one thing that has not been calculated. Liu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said: Really?It's time to ask! Huo Yuhuan sneered and said: You only counted that Mr. Huo will come, but you didn't calculate whether you can keep Mr. Huo. Hearing this, Liu Yuan's expression changed slightly, and he said: "Whether you can keep it or not, you will see when you are young, but since Master Huo is here, can you take off the veil so that we can have the honor to see the golden face of Master Huo?" Huo Yuhuan stepped back half a step, raised the saber to flatten his chest, and said slowly: It's useless to look at the face, and it's a skill to recognize the precious saber in Huo's hand. On the side, Long Botao sternly said: Huo, we respect you as a man, not because we are afraid of your martial arts, so please don't utter wild words again and again to force people too much. Huo Yuhuan laughed and said: "What do you mean by being too aggressive? With all of you in such a posture, can it be said that Huo can say a few nice words and everything will be done?" Long Botao said: It is true.We have a wrongdoing and a debtor.Someone Long learned first. Huo Yuhuan cupped his fists and said: This is the true qualities of a hero.Boss Long, please! Long Botao was not humble either, he swung his long sword, leaned forward and straightened up, one stroke and one Qi transformed the three cleans, he made a series of strikes, and made three strikes one after another. Huo Yuhuan stepped on T-steps, his treasured sword swung, and he made hard moves. when!when!when!After a series of crisp sounds, the lights of the swords and swords stopped at once, and Huo Yuhuan's pattern did not move, but Long Botao staggered back two steps. Seeing this, all the heroes turned pale. The second child, Long Bocang, suddenly shouted loudly: Huo Yuhuan, you also take three tricks from me! In the sound of drinking, the human sword merged into one, and shot through the air.This method of flying and shooting is also known as the double flying of sword and soul. The person who carries the sword has concentrated all his energy on the sword, rushes straight into the air, and makes a thunderous blow, which often makes the opponent dare not hit him hard. front. But this kind of move is easy to launch but hard to stop. If you encounter an opponent with profound skill and refuse to evade, and counterattack with all your strength, the person who uses the sword is very likely to destroy the sword on the spot and lose his life if the move is too late. For the two Long brothers, in terms of skill, Long Bocang is slightly inferior to Nai brother. Now the boss Long Botao has already made three moves and was forced to retreat by Huo Yuhuan. Isn't it too dangerous for Long Bocang to put all his eggs in one basket? Therefore, when Long Botao saw that his brother had used Sword and Soul Flying, he couldn't help being shocked, and quickly helped him, swinging his sword to attack Huo Yuhuan's lower body. At this moment, Dong Xiang'er also released a projectile at the sound of the bowstring. The Long brothers fought together with their swords, and Dong Xiang'er's magical bullet shot at the same time. Although the three of them hadn't discussed it beforehand, they seemed to have a tacit understanding. Lin Xuezhen scolded coquettishly: Relying on the many wins, are you shameless?As soon as the long sword sank, he wanted to intercept Long Botao. Luo Yongxiang also shook the iron bone fan away with a slam, ready to block Dong Xianger's magic bullet. The two of them just moved, but they heard Huo Yuhuan yell loudly, saying: "Stand back, don't make a move!" He stumbled his feet, his burly body suddenly rose four feet, narrowly dodging Long Botao's sword move, his left foot flew up, just in time to kick Dong Xiang'er's magic bullet, and the sword turned into a long rainbow.And in time to meet Long Botao's long sword in the air Amidst the clanging of gold and iron, Huo Yuhuan made a somersault, but still landed on the same spot. But Long Boxang turned over twice in the air, and when he landed, Deng Deng Deng took four or five steps back, and finally sat down on the ground. There was only half of the long sword left in his hand, the clothes on his shoulders were torn, his face was as pale as paper, his mouth was wide open, and he was panting. Long Botao hurriedly asked: Second child, is the injury serious? Long Botao shook his head, gasped and said: Fortunately, Huo only uses the back of the knife. Although Long Botao's face changed, he turned around, bowed his hands to Huo Yuhuan, and said: "Thanks to Brother Huo for showing mercy." Huo Yuhuan chuckled lightly and said: Well, I didn't intend to use the back of the saber, but was forced to panic by Boss Long and that little brother, and held the saber backwards. Long Botao's face became hot, and he said embarrassingly: "Thank you for your kindness, Brother Long thinks he is not the opponent of Brother Huo, he has no face to bring up the matter of missing a dart, and the grievance is over here, Brother Huo, please!" Huo Yuhuan seemed a little surprised, looked around, and said: There are still many experts present, and they didn't make a move, so forget it, isn't it a pity? Long Botao clasped his fists in both hands, made a round bow to the four directions, and said loudly: "Everyone is a close friend, and you have helped each other out of righteousness. Longmou is here to thank you for your kindness. I hope you will be successful all the time, and I will give you a piece of noodles. When we return to Taiyuan, brother , After taking a break from the escort agency, they knocked on the door one by one to thank them. After hearing this, the heroes all looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.Especially the fortune teller Liu Yuan showed infinite guilt. Huo Yuhuan suddenly smiled and said: Boss Long, I have something to tell the truth, do you believe it or not? Long Botao clasped his hands and said: Ask for advice! Huo Yuhuan said: "If I promise to send the robbed bodyguards back to Shuanglong Escort in person within three months, are you willing to wait for me for three months before taking over the Escort?" Long Botao was startled, and said: Brother Huo, are you serious? Huo Yuhuan shrugged and said: "It's true, you'll only know when the time comes."Fortunately, three months is not too long. If I miss the appointment by then, it will not be too late for you to close the escort agency. Long Botao pondered for a while, and said: All right!Long X obeyed the order and waited in the court for three months. After finishing speaking, he stepped back sideways to make way for a passage. Huo Yuhuan put the knife back into its sheath, walked slowly, walked up to the fortune teller Liu Yuan, stopped and said with a smile: Brother Liu, can you tell me, how did you know we would come to Cao's villa? Liu Yuan smiled slightly, and said: "It's ashamed to say, we followed Li Shun to the Tong Ren Tang pharmacy, accidentally discovered Brother Luo's internal line at Cao's house, and asked about the communication method, so we used our plan and set up this trap." Huo Yuhuan said: Then, where are Cao Leshan and Li Shun now? Liu Yuandao: Li Shun only hid in Cao's house for one night, then escaped from Lanzhou without a trace. Cao Leshan has been living in the backyard of Tongrentang without being disturbed. Huo Yuhuan asked again: Is the spring welcoming girl an old member of the Cao family?Or was it sent by Brother Liu? Liu Yuan said: "The house is full of old people from the Cao family. We haven't changed any of them, but we have instructed them in advance to act according to plan." Huo Yuhuan patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said: "Brother Liu is indeed brilliant in fortune-telling, but he didn't expect the matter to end like this, did he?" Liu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said: "A wise man has a lot of worries, but he will eventually lose something."Boss Huo was cautious all his life, but he also fell into the trap. Huo Yuhuan laughed loudly, and said: Each other!each other! The three of them stepped out of the gate of Cao's villa, and immediately quickened their pace, rushing back to the cabin by the river. Back in the house, the sky is already twilight. Aunt Tie Lian was anxiously waiting, and hurriedly greeted her and asked: Why did you delay until now?I thought something was wrong! Lin Xuezhen breathed a long sigh of relief, and said: "It's not like something went wrong. Fortunately, my eldest brother's martial arts is so strong that he can deter the Long brothers. Otherwise, we might not be able to get away." Aunt Tie Lian was surprised and said: How did you meet the Long brothers? Luo Yongxiang shook his head and said: Alas!Don't mention it, it's all my fault for being confused, I almost fell into a big somersault Huo Yuhuan smiled and said: Liu Yuan is right: a wise man thinks a lot, and he will eventually make a mistake. It is rare to make a mistake, so what does it matter? After a slight pause, he asked Aunt Tie Lian again: "That girl Yingchun, has she escaped?" Aunt Tie Lian said: Not long after she escaped, she didn't use the boat we prepared for her, and traveled by land. Huo Yuhuan's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Third Brother, this is called the East of Lost, and the Sangyu of Harvest, that girl must have gone directly to Tongrentang in the city to report the news to Cao Leshan." Lin Xuezhen said: "This proves that the third brother's speculation is still correct. Cao Leshan from Tongrentang must be the opponent's eyeliner, and the gang of Shuanglong Escorts did not discover these secrets." Luo Yongxiang hissed lightly, and said: I hope there will be no more accidents this time, otherwise, the consequences will be worrisome. Huo Yuhuan said: We were worrying that the Ssangyong Escort would have a foot in Xiqing Mountain, now that the worries are gone, what else is there to worry about? Luo Yongxiang said: Brother, don't forget, there are still people from the Thirty-six Villages in Yanshan who have not shown up. Huo Yuhuan said: Miao Feihu is not as smart as Liu Yuan, he is easier to deal with, it is getting late, we still follow the original plan, first go to Shanjia Ranch to set up lures, let's go now! With a gourd stuffed in her stomach, Aunt Tie Lian hurriedly stopped her and said: Brother, what happened to you at night?you haven't told me yet Huo Yuhuan had already stood up, waved his hands impatiently, and said, "What's the rush!I'll tell you when I'm on the way. Aunt Tie Lian touched her dead body with a soft nail, and wanted to ask again, but suddenly she saw Lin Xuezhen squinting at her and pursing her lips and smiling, as if she was very proud, she got angry and stopped asking. Luo Yongxiang left four brothers behind to continue to monitor the Tongrentang Pharmacy, and the group rushed straight to Xiqing Mountain. On the second night, we arrived at Shanjia Ranch.Daoist Wuwei and Meng Zongyu have already led the whole team of whirlwind eighteen riders, and arrived one day earlier. Huo Yuhuan inspected the underground secret room and the corridor at the back of the mountain overnight, and he couldn't help admiring, saying: "Shan Lun and his son have spent a lot of blood and sweat in running this ranch. No wonder the murderers are trying to occupy it. Even I saw it, and I couldn't bear to leave." Luo Yongxiang said: "If such a fine structure is obtained by an honest gentleman, it will be a good place to live in seclusion. If it is occupied by evil gangsters, it will become a gloomy and terrifying hell area."After this incident, if we don't intend to stay for a long time, it is better to destroy it so as not to damage the future. Huo Yuhuan shook his head and said: It's a pity to waste everything, even if we can't live for a long time, it is always useful to keep it. Speaking of this, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, she looked back at Meng Zongyu and Lin Xuezhen. Luo Yongxiang immediately understood, and hurriedly said: Yes, Brother Meng and Miss Lin have avenged their teachers, if they can live here together in the future, it would be the best. Meng Zongyu's face felt hot, and he bowed his head in silence. But Lin Xuezhen said coldly: "Thank you third brother for being so thoughtful for us. Since this place is so good, according to me, it's better for third brother to keep it for his own benefit!" Luo Yongxiang shrugged and said with a smile: It's a pity that I'm alone, wouldn't it ruin the fairyland? Lin Xuezhen said: Maybe Ninth Sister is willing to stay here with you. As soon as these words came out, not only Luo Yongxiang's smile stopped, but Aunt Tie Lian's face changed suddenly Without waiting for Aunt Tie Lian to get angry, Huo Yuhuan quickly laughed and said, "So, I might as well move here, let's tidy up here and use it as a second base." Everyone also saw that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, and they laughed in unison, saying: "Good idea, with this good place, we can adopt more orphaned children." The laughter covered up her anger, Aunt Tie Lian gritted her teeth with tears in her eyes, and finally turned and walked away without saying a word. Huo Yuhuan took the opportunity to change the subject, and asked Taoist Master Wuwei, "Have you gone to investigate the Laoyaling battlefield?" Daoist Wuwei said: Brother Meng and I just came back from Laoyaling today, and we have all the equipment ready for use. We can start to decorate only after Big Brother has seen it in person. Huo Yuhuan thought for a while, and said: Today is too late, let's go to Laoyaling together tomorrow.Who should be stationed here?How should personnel be allocated?The third brother told them quickly, from now on, Miao Feihu may come at any time, so don't be negligent. Luo Yongxiang nodded and said: "My little brother will take care of it." 霍宇寰輕嘆了一口氣,道:兇徒狡詐萬分,苗飛虎老奸巨猾,都不是易與之輩,咱們如今兩面受敵,成敗全看這一計能否收效了。大敵當前,協力同心尚恐不足,怎麼還能再鬧意氣呢? 他這番話,乃是有感而發,雖未指明在說誰,大伙兒心裡自然全都明白。 林雪貞訕訕地道:都怪三哥不好,無緣無故拿人家取笑。 霍宇寰沒有再說下去,只揮揮手,道:大家都去休息吧! 待眾人陸續散去,最後剩下羅永湘一人,霍宇寰才肅容問道:明天分派人手,你打算如何安排九妹和林姑娘? 羅永湘道:九妹一向追隨大哥,林姑娘要辨認真兇的相貌,勢必都得去老鴉嶺 霍宇寰搖頭道:這樣不妥,最好將她們分開,一個去老鴉嶺,一個留在牧場內。 羅永湘沉吟道:可是,究竟留下誰在牧場內才好呢? 霍宇寰道:林姑娘師仇在身,既然不能不去,只有讓九妹委屈些了,不過,這件事你要對她婉轉解釋一下,無論如何,人家是客,咱們卻是自己兄妹。 羅永湘道:大哥何不親自跟九妹談談? 霍宇寰輕噓道:我跟她說,她一定會誤會。well!我的苦衷,她是永遠也不會體諒了。 羅永湘也輕輕嘆了一口氣,道:好吧!還是由我去告訴她吧。 霍宇寰伸出雙手,重重按在羅永湘的肩頭上,注目道:三弟,只有你瞭解我,也只有你才能為我代勞。這次西傾山之會,萬一發生不幸,你要多管我照顧九妹。 羅永湘愕然道:大哥,你 霍宇寰笑了笑,道:我是說萬一,並非說一定會發生,須知人無遠慮,必有近憂。我的意思是,如果真有那麼一天,你二哥是出家人,不嫺俗務,這千斤重擔,就全在你肩上了。 羅永湘忽然感到一陣酸楚,激動的道:不!假如真有什麼不幸,我也提不起生趣了 霍宇寰搖頭笑道:瞧你!咱們不過是隨便聊聊,你何必顯得這樣緊張呢? 羅永湘哽聲道:可是強敵當前,大哥實在不該說這種不祥的話。 霍宇寰笑道:好!不說就不說。咱們談別的。 他故意停頓了一會,等羅永湘的情緒漸漸平定,才繼續說道:關於苗飛虎的行蹤,可曾派人去打聽? 羅永湘道:已經派人去打聽了,只是,還沒有確訊回報,據小弟猜測,他必然仍在蘭州附近窺伺,絕不會返回燕山。 霍宇寰道:你有把握,這次西傾山約戰的消息,一定能傳到他耳中嗎? 羅永湘道:只要消息能傳到那冒名兇徒耳中,就一定能傳到苗飛虎耳中。即使他打聽不到,那冒名兇徒也會設法轉告他。 霍宇寰道:萬一他二十八日以前,不到單家牧場來,卻在二十九日那天直接趕去老鴉嶺,咱們的計畫豈不落空了? 羅永湘肯定地道:不會的。苗飛虎的目的全在奪取珠寶,對於真假兩個霍宇寰決戰的事,不會很重視,他縱然有意趕去老鴉嶺看看熱鬧,也會先來單家牧場,何況,咱們既有老鴉嶺之約,單家牧場防禦必然薄弱,這種機會,苗飛虎怎會放過? 霍宇寰微微一笑,說:這麼說,我就放心了。咱們務必要先困住苗飛虎,才能全力對付那冒名兇手,否則,一著之差,可能全盤皆輸。 羅永湘道:大哥請放寬心,除非苗飛虎不來,只要他一到西傾山百里以內,咱們就會得到消息。 霍宇寰欣慰地點點頭,道:好,明天一早還得去老鴉嶺,該休息了。 兩人分了手,各自回到臥室裡,熄了燈,躺在床上,其實卻各懷心事,誰也沒有睡著。 關於老鴉嶺設伏誘敵的計畫,可說已經思慮周詳,天衣無縫但是,不知為什麼,兩人都莫名有種不祥的預感。 古人有句話,人生長恨水長東。 人生是否長恨?這話很難下斷語;至於水長東,則未必盡然。 至少,西傾山的水,大都是向西流的。 老鴉嶺的地形,和西傾山彷彿相似,嶺雖不高,卻東陡西斜,好像整座山峰,倒塌了半邊。 正因如此,才使它遠遠看去,宛如一頭站立著的大烏鴉。 東邊鴉頭部分,下臨百丈峭壁,無路可通,只有西邊傾斜的鴉背,才是唯一登嶺的通路,而通路出口左右,又有兩座小山夾峙,正像烏鴉斂翅休息時的兩道翼脊。 許多年前,東首絕壁頂上,建著一座喇嘛寺,如今早已廢棄了,屋宇雖未倒塌,前後上卻長滿了野草。 現在,寺內空場周圍的野草,已經全部鏟去,正殿屋頂和一座鼓樓,本來並未倒塌,卻被羅永湘下令弄塌了,只剩下空場右側的鐘樓,尚稱完好。 霍宇寰詫道:野草鏟去就行了,好好的正殿屋頂和鼓樓,為什麼也故意弄塌呢? 羅永湘道:這是計畫中很重要的一部分,屆時大哥和假扮的人在空場中決戰,那廝必然隱身附近窺探,咱們弄塌了正殿和鼓樓,使他別無藏身之處,只有潛入鐘樓,正好請君入甕。 說著,又領著霍宇寰來到鐘樓下,指點著解釋道:這兒的鐘已經取走,僅留下橫樑,樓下沒有梯子,那廝若想偷看場中情形,非攀附橫樑不可,咱們卻在樑上暗佈倒刺刀釘,只要他的手一搭上毒釘,就再也發不出那魚形暗器了,到那時候,伏兵齊出,截斷了退路,便不怕他會飛上天去了。 霍宇寰一邊看,一邊點頭道:這些安排都很好,不過,釘上最好別淬毒,咱們要捉活的。 羅永湘道:釘上淬毒,只是使他手部暫時麻痹僵硬,無法施放暗器,絕不會傷他性命。 一旁林雪貞笑道:咱們還在出口準備了一面大網哩,網上有倒鉤,也浸過麻藥,只要他敢來,就休想逃下老鴉嶺去。 霍宇寰想了想,又道:那廝行蹤飄忽,一直對咱們的行動很注意,我想,這次他一定也會事先潛來老鴉嶺踩探,這些佈置,能夠瞞得過他嗎? 羅永湘道:大哥請放心,就算他潛來踩探,發現咱們已在嶺上準備佈置,也絕對想不到是為了對付他的,何況,真正重要埋伏,譬如暗藏毒釘的橫樑,咱們得等到當天夜裡才換裝上去,絕不會被他事先發現的。 經過這番解說,霍宇寰也覺得再無破綻了,但心中那一絲不祥的陰影,卻仍然揮之不去。 他始終感覺到,還有什麼地方不夠妥當,卻又說不出哪兒不妥? 就在這時候,一條人影如飛而至,竟是燕子陳朋。 陳朋在旋風十八騎中,以輕功最佳,專門負責通訊聯絡的工作,大伙兒一見他趕來,便猜想到必是單家牧場有事了。 霍宇寰連忙迎了過去,問道:是有什麼消息嗎? 陳朋興奮地道:三哥果然料事如神,誘敵的事已經見效了。 霍宇寰道:怎麼說? 陳朋道:今天上午接到消息,在烏鼠山附近發現苗飛虎的人馬,正向單家牧場移動。 霍宇寰哦了一聲,精神頓時振奮起來,回顧羅永湘一笑道:真想不到,消息會傳得這麼快! 羅永湘忙問道:是什麼時候發現的? 陳朋道:大約是昨夜,因為夜間不便施放信鴿,遲到今天上午,消息才送到單家牧場。 羅永湘道:共有多少人馬?是否苗飛虎親自率領? 陳朋道:據估計約有五十餘騎,由苗飛虎親自率領,其中除了九頭龍王楊凡和飛天骷髏歐一鵬之外,全是燕山三十六寨的精銳。 羅永湘得意地笑笑,道:好極了,來得越多越省事,正好將他們一網打盡。 林雪貞接口說道:咱們快回牧場去準備吧! 霍宇寰點一點頭,說道:二弟和四弟留在這兒,繼續佈置,老七先走,通知探巡的弟兄要謹慎監視,隨時報告對方的動向,千萬不能被苗飛虎發覺了。 陳朋答應一聲,轉身便走。 霍宇寰帶著羅永湘和林雪貞、孟宗玉等人,也隨後離開了老鴉嶺。 回到牧場,又接獲兩隻信鴿,密函中報稱:燕山人馬已抵臨洮,天明即停,未再繼續前進。 霍宇寰道:這是什麼緣故?難道發生了什麼變化? 羅永湘道:不要性急,且等下一次的消息再看。 第二天上午,信的又到了,函內報道:苗飛虎率領眾自昨日入夜後出發,黎明前抵達臨夏附近,即行領駐紮營,僅派探子入城,打聽單家牧場位置,現無進一步動向。 霍宇寰看罷,笑道:原來他也怕洩露了行蹤,居然晝伏夜行,十分謹慎。 羅永湘說道:以他們的行程估計,二十七日可以進入西傾山了,如果他們選擇夜間發動,正好是在二十八日晚上,跟咱們預期的時間,可巧不謀而合。 霍宇寰道:萬一他們順利地找到這座山谷呢? 羅永湘笑道:不會的,小弟早已在沿途佈置了人手,偽裝土著,負責替他們帶路,一直要把他們引進了後山隧道,才算功德圓滿。 果然,信鴿繼續傳來消息:燕山人馬,二十六日在韓家集備辦乾糧,二十七日夜晚,前隊已經進入西傾山口,隨即在荒山中紮下營帳,派人四出探路 苗飛虎雄踞燕山,儼然北五省綠林盟主,自視極高,是以總喜歡擺擺排場。 他那座帳篷,也與眾不同,墨黑的圍幔,大紅色的帳頂,四周配以金黃彩縷,帳中設了虎皮交椅,地上更鋪著厚厚的毛毯當真是既豪華,又威武,氣派不遜將帥。 若在平時,天色還沒入夜,燕山人馬駐紮的營帳中,早已燈火通明,金鼓不絕了。 今夜,苗飛虎卻顧不得擺排場了,下令營中不許燃燈舉火,禁止高聲喧嘩,連他自己的寶帳中,也是鴉雀無聲,一片漆黑。 十幾座帳篷搭在樹林裡,看不見一絲燈光,聽不到半點人聲,只有刀鋒劍刃上偶然閃現的寒芒,映著幾十張肅穆凝重的臉。 四五十名高手,都已經飽吃乾糧,結紮停當,只等苗飛虎令下,便可立即出發。 然而,苗飛虎卻全身勁裝,背插兩支烏金雙戟,端坐帳門前,一點舉動也沒有。 飛天骷髏歐一鵬抬頭望望天色,神情顯得十分焦急,憋了好半晌,最後終於忍不住了,低聲道:老爺子,還等什麼?西傾山總共就只有這麼大,咱們 苗飛虎突然舉手一按,冷喝:禁聲! 話聲方落,只見兩名黑衣大漢飛步而至。 兩人向苗飛虎抱拳躬身。左邊大漢道:回老爺子,西南方發現燈光,離此地約莫四里左右。 右邊大漢接口道:樹林後面有一條車道,已被大樹和亂石截斷,路上有馬蹄印,是最近三五天內的新痕跡。 苗飛虎緩緩點了點頭,道:附近可曾發現對方的暗樁? 右邊大漢道:沒有。但小的奉命及時回報,未敢深入。 苗飛虎又問:有沒有小路可以繞過去? 那大漢道:並無小路,不過,若由側面山坡繞道,並不算困難。 苗飛虎以手撫鬚,微微一笑,說道:很好,你們在前面帶路。傳令下去,不許騎馬,一律步行。 兩名大漢躬身應諾,退了下去。 歐一鵬奮然道:洒家負責開路,大伙兒隨我來。 苗飛虎既未贊同,也沒有攔阻,只揮了揮手,站起身來。 歐一鵬邁開大步,當先開路,其餘大隊陸續出發,穿出樹林,果見林後有一條車道,也果被許多大樹巨石截斷。 那車道一邊是樹林,一邊傍著小山,如今路中,堆滿了斷樹和亂石,倘若不細心觀察,的確是不易發現。 歐一鵬笑道:看來旋風十八騎已經黔驢技窮了,弄這勞什子的障眼法有什麼屁用,咱們不必繞道,每人搬它一棵樹、一塊石頭,不消多久,就能把道路清出來了。說著,雙手抱住一棵樹幹,一挺腰,便舉了起來。 苗飛虎突然喝道:給我放下! 歐一鵬不禁一怔,詫異地說道:老爺子,您這是 苗飛虎沉著臉,說道:我叫你把樹幹放下,而且,要輕輕收回原處,不許弄出聲音來,你聽懂了沒有? 歐一鵬聽是聽懂了,卻想不透為什麼要這樣做?吶吶道:這這 楊凡急忙上前兩步,低聲道:老爺子是不願驚動對方,以免對方有了警覺,歐兄就快些放下吧! 歐一鵬總算領悟過來,忙不迭鬆手,蓬的一聲,樹幹墜地。 荒山靜夜裡,這一聲巨響,恍如平地一聲閃雷。 苗飛虎怒叱道:蠢物 叱聲方出口,忽聽前面山腳有人喝問道: 什麼人深夜入山? 眾人吃了一驚,紛紛拔刀抽劍,準備應變。 苗飛虎卻擺擺手,示意眾人不許妄動,一面向九頭龍王楊凡呶了呶嘴皮。 楊凡會意,啞著嗓子應道:是我。 那人又問:是老宋回來了嗎? 楊凡道:唔!good. 口裡答應,探手入懷,扣了一枚三棱鏢,舉步向小山坡走去。 皆因那車道阻塞處,正好在山腳下轉彎的地方,楊凡只能聽見那人的聲音,卻看不見那人藏身何處? 誰知他剛剛踏上斜坡,那人突又喝道:站住!你真的是老宋? 楊凡漫聲道:難道還有假冒的不成?你若不相信,過來看看就知道了。 那人道:你先報出今夜的口令,說對了再過來! 楊凡一怔,答不上話來,忙回頭望望苗飛虎。 苗飛虎也知道無法再搪塞下去了。舉手一揮,示意眾人都準備暗器,待機出手。 楊凡笑道:自己人要什麼口令,見面就認識,何必故意刁難笑聲中,身形一閃,掠過了斜坡。 他身形甫動,對面山腳下也同時飛起一條人影,顯然,那人已經發覺情況不對,準備逃走。 楊凡低喝一聲:打! 身未落地,三棱鏢已抖手打出。 他一出手,後面四五十人也緊跟著動了手,剎那間,滿天暗器,密如飛蝗,都向黑暗中射去。 那人一聲悶哼,凌空一個觔斗由樹上翻落下來,急急循著前面
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