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Chapter 8 8 tentative

golden rattlesnake 白天 8327Words 2023-02-05
Xiao Zhu heard that Jin Shengbao made a lot of money, but as the second child of the Black Knight, he didn't know it at all. He really felt bad, thinking that Jin Boss left him alone and deliberately took the huge sum of money. The more I thought about it, the more irritable I became, and I led a mighty motorbike convoy. When I returned to Hong Kong, I drove straight to the Black Beauty Bar, because this is the base camp for their gatherings, and they spend all their time here. Unexpectedly, Jin Shengbao was not there. When I asked the flirtatious and sexy female manager, I found out that Boss Jin hadn't been here all day today.

As a result, Xiao Zhu became more suspicious and angrier, so he immediately left the rest of the people in the bar and rode his motorcycle alone to find Jin Shengbao. After searching for a few times, but still unable to find it, Xiao Zhu was almost mad with anger, riding a motorcycle rampant on the street, as if to take advantage of this to vent. Finally, he found Jin Shengbao's Harley heavy motorcycle in Xiyingpan, and found him on a flower boat. Jin Shengbao was completely drunk at the moment, and was lying in the arms of that half-naked Jianshui girl (a prostitute who used a boat as a nest to sell her body).

Xiao Zhu shook him vigorously to wake him up, and then he looked at Xiao Zhu sleepily, and giggled. Seeing that he was so complacent, Xiao Zhu became even more angry, and said viciously: Boss, you are so happy! happy?Haha Jin Shengbao tilted his head weakly, and bit the woman's nipple that was ready to come out through the thin shirt. The pain made the woman scream strangely, but he asked: You, are you happy too?Ha ha Boss, don't pretend to be crazy by drinking.Xiao Zhu grabbed his arm and shouted loudly: You are too mean! Not interesting enough?Jin Shengbao smiled and choked on wine: interesting enough!You actually took all my money, you, what do you want? Your eyes are bursting with fire, as if you want to eat Xiao Zhu to be reconciled.

Xiao Zhu was taken aback, knowing something was wrong, and asked urgently: Boss, what are you talking about? Say you are too inhuman!Not interesting enough!Do you understand? Ha ha! Jin Shengbao laughed wildly, saying that he was laughing, but it was actually worse than crying.After laughing for a while, he suddenly snored loudly, and it turned out that he had already fallen asleep. Xiao Zhu knew something was wrong, and immediately ordered the woman: Dock! The flower boat docked at the pier, Xiao Zhu carried the drunken Jin Shengbao on his shoulders, went ashore and found a small hotel, opened a room for Jin Shengbao to sleep in, and then asked the waiter to sell ice cubes and wrapped them in towels for him. He is cold.

After more than half an hour of tossing, Jin Shengbao finally sobered up from alcohol, opened his eyes, and yelled repeatedly: money!money!my money! Xiao Zhu held him down firmly, and said in a vibrating voice: Boss, you are quiet! Only then did Jin Shengbao recognize Xiao Zhu in front of him, and he couldn't help crying sadly: Baby, I'm done, it's all over What is going on?Xiao Zhu asked anxiously: Didn’t it mean that you got a big ticket today, didn’t you? Jin Shengbao's nerves seemed to be pricked by a needle, he sat up suddenly, pounded his fist on the bed, and said angrily:

Who told you I got a ticket? Boss, little Zhu was always afraid of him, but at this moment, his heart turned dark, and his face sank: We brothers, we share our troubles and share our blessings, there seems to be no need to hide it, right? Damn Diao, did you hear that you are jealous of a million people?Jin Shengbao was so angry that he jumped out of the bed and pointed his finger at Xiao Zhu's nose: I tell you, it was for my two older sisters who disappeared. In the event of an accident, the money must be returned to Zheng Lao Er in full, not a penny less! I didn't know that Xiao Zhu knew he had been duped, so he said with mixed belief.

You don't know?You know better than anyone else when you hear money ringing!Jin Shengbao vented all his anger to him: Now let me tell you again, the one million people were handed over to me in person. I personally wrote the paperwork and took the wallet back to Hong Kong. I never left it all the way. hand, but when I came back and opened the paper bag, all the paper inside was turned into waste paper! Boss, have you met the Golden Light Party?Xiao Zhu was taken aback. With a sad face, Jin Shengbao said with his head downcast: The Jinguang Party can only take advantage of people's unpreparedness to manipulate. My money has never left my hands, and it is impossible to have a chance to do it

When you ride the bicycle, where the money is kept, Xiao Zhu is more careful. He thinks that when Boss Jin is riding the bicycle, it is absolutely impossible to still hold the money in his hand. Sure enough, Jin Shengbao was reminded by him, recalled the scene at that time, and suddenly shouted as if he had realized something: By the way, when I ride, the money is in the purse on the back of the car. Let me think about it. On the car ferry, we have four cars parked side by side, and I have a cream colored Kai next to me on the far right. Tiraka, I didn't pay attention to the driver, there was a beautiful woman sitting behind, only she is the closest to my car

Do you think that woman is suspicious?Xiao Zhu asked. Well, only this bitch could!Jin Shengbao seems to have grasped the clue. Remember what that woman looked like?Xiao Zhu's tone is completely detective. If I meet her again, Jin Shengbao said with certainty: I will definitely recognize her! good!So now we have to try to find that woman.Xiao Zhu offered his idea. Jin Shengbaoming knew that this hope was extremely slim, but the situation was like this, what else could be done besides this?So nodded. Xiao Zhu suddenly remembered the agreement that Fang Tianchou would meet at the Black Beauty, so she said to Jin Shengbao:

Boss, do you know a man named John Niu? John Niu, Jin Shengbao was startled: Is it a note? Hearing his rhetorical question, Xiao Zhu felt that something was wrong, so she didn't explain it at the time, but pretended to be nonchalant and said: Let's go, he's waiting for us at Black Beauty. Jin Shengbao didn't ask any further questions. After paying the rent, they each rode their motorcycles and headed straight for the Black Beauty Bar. Fang Tianqiu came to the Black Beauty Bar and found that except for a few foreign sailors and a very small number of drinkers, the rest of the guests were almost all Feizi dressed as black knights, but Xiaozhu was not there.

He chose a booth near the bar, and just sat down when the flirtatious and sexy female manager came over to sell pornography to him. This gentleman doesn't seem to frequent our place often, does he?She launched an offensive against lonely men. This was the first time a big girl entered a sedan chair.Fang Tianchou said humorously. I hope you will come here often in the future. She laughed so hard that it was enough to reveal her unrestrained nature, and then said flatteringly: "Our lady here is the most enthusiastic. Let me introduce you to one." Before she could finish speaking, Fang Tianchou had already said: I want Bessie. Bessie?She seemed surprised and said in a difficult way: Sir, do you know her?Why must she?Shall I introduce you to someone younger and prettier than her Fang Tianchou shook his head and said firmly: I just want Bessie! Her female manager's eyes flicked around, probably to see if Xiao Zhu was there. Fang Tianchou also knew the female manager's scruples, so he said with a smile: It doesn't matter, Xiao Zhu and I are friends. The female manager stood up with a smile and said: OK, I'll call Miss Bai right away. Dim lights, crazy music, flirting between men and women, drunken sailors, all kinds of Women, pornography, alcohol, and lingering smoke are the characteristics of bars! The booth Fang Tianchou chose was at the right angle to have a panoramic view of the entire bar, and it was facing the two loose-leaf doors that came in, so everyone who entered and exited the bar could see it. At this moment, he already felt that those Feizi were looking at him with hostile eyes, as if there was a possibility of conflict at any time. But he is calm about the current situation, making people feel that his calmness has an inviolable majesty! Suddenly, Bessie walked in front of him in a silver-gray dress with a bare chest and back. When he found out that it was Fang Tianchou who invited her to sit on the table, he was almost surprised. It's you?Bai Qian couldn't hide her surprise. Hello, Miss Bai.Fang Tianchou greeted her with a smile, as if he had no worries about his situation. Mr. Niu, Bai Qian sat down beside him, glanced anxiously at the flying boys, and said in a low voice: How could you come here? Xiao Zhu and my friend met here, Fang Tianchou said casually: How could I not come? you Before Bai Qian could say a word, another Fei boy walked over and stood proudly, with two thumbs hanging by the pocket of the black leather jacket, half a cigarette in his mouth, his head tilted, his face full He said to Fang Tianchou evilly: Hey, let's shine a light on Zhaozi, Miss Bai is our second best friend, don't let the old birthday star live impatiently eating arsenic! Haha Fang Tianchou laughed boldly, I call it an ax with a big knife! Good boy, kind!That Feizi pointed his thumb to the door with disdain: Let's go outside and put it on! He looked as if he was about to fight. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the female manager hurried over, pulled him aside, and said softly: Don't mess around, he knows Xiao Zhu. This sentence was really effective. Although Fei Zai was unwilling, but he heard that Fang Tianchou knew Xiao Zhu, so he could only hold back his breath, glared at Fang Tianchou fiercely, snorted coldly, and then resigned Go back to your seat. Bai Qian let go of her nervous heart, but she still felt that Fang Tianchou shouldn't have come here. Mr. Niu, I think you should leave here.She said worriedly: "When I turn around, Xiao Zhu is here." Xiao Zhu asked me to come, Fang Tianchou said: Since I have come, if I leave without seeing him, wouldn't he laugh at me for being cowardly? You are a real person, Bai Qian sighed, even if you are brave and a hero, can you fall out with them? I'm not here to make trouble.Fang Tianqiu said: so you My main purpose is to find you! Find me?Why? There is something I want to ask Ms. Bai for help. If Ms. Bai agrees Before he finished speaking, Bessie had already expressed it readily. You don't have to put forward conditions, as long as I can help, I will definitely agree. good!I would like to thank Miss Bai in advance.Fang Tianchou said happily: After the matter is completed, I will definitely If you want to thank me for something, Bai Qian said seriously: "Then I have no choice but to say no, but, Mr. Niu, can you tell me first what you want my help for?" Fang Tianchou felt that the environment here was really not suitable for talking, he said: It is difficult to say whether this matter is difficult, and it is not easy to say that it is easy. It cannot be explained clearly in a few words. So be it.Bai Qian thought for a while and said: This place closes at two o'clock, I can go back early, you can come to my place. Xiao Zhu won't i can handle it Just at this point, the two loose-leaf doors were knocked open with a bang, and Jin Shengbao and Xiao Zhu rushed in aggressively. At this moment, the entire bar was silent. The foreign sailors also seemed to be affected by the sudden quiet atmosphere, they stopped flirting and cursing the girl in their arms, and cast their surprised eyes on the two young men who came out of nowhere. Xiao Zhu glanced everywhere, found the target, lightly touched Jin Shengbao with his arm, and slapped Fang Tianchou in the booth, saying: it's him! Jin Shengbao looked at Fang Tianchou who was beside Bai Qian, but he didn't recognize him, so he walked towards him aggressively. Xiao Zhu followed behind, approaching Fang Tianchou hurriedly took two steps forward, and said in a vibrating voice: Niu, our boss is here! Fang Tianchou held out his hand to Jin Shengbao with a very calm expression. Boss Jin, I've admired you for a long time. Jin Shengbao didn't bother to shake hands with him, and asked coldly: Are you John Bull? Embarrassed, Fang Tianchou changed his ready-to-handshake pose to one as if giving up his seat, and said with a smile: please sit down. Dude no more pretending!Jin Shengbao said aggressively: We'd better be the Stove Lord and say something to the sky!My brother's eyesight is very clumsy, I don't know which road my brother is a friend? Fang Tianchou deliberately looked at Xiao Zhu, and then said: This one is here, brother, is it convenient to talk? Jin Shengbao said sharply: There are absolutely no secrets between us brothers!These words were clearly meant for Xiao Zhu. The surname is Niu!Xiao Zhu roared: In front of the boss, you have to explain the matter clearly, otherwise don't blame me for calling you ugly! Fang Tianchou made an inexplicable expression, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile as if nothing had happened: The two brothers are meeting here. Are we talking about business, or are we going to fight? What do you mean by that?Xiao Zhu took a step forward. If we're talking about something, let's sit down and talk calmly. You don't have to put on such a posture, if you want to fight how?Xiao Zhu is ready to do it. Fang Tianchou smiled coldly, and said disdainfully: Brother is not interested in accompanying! Xiao Zhu gnashed her teeth angrily and rushed at him, causing Bai Qian to scream in fright. Little Zhu!Jin Shengbao stopped him. Fang Tianchou was completely indifferent, didn't even move, just said: Don't scare Miss Bai! Xiao Zhu almost rushed over Jin Shengbao's block again and rushed towards him, but was pulled back by Jin Shengbao. Niu, what on earth do you want to do?Xiao Zhu asked in a deep voice. The brother said it just now, Fang Tianchou glanced at the furious Xiao Zhu, and said slowly: "Your brother invited the brother tonight, and the brother just came here on invitation. As for what you can do, the brother just wanted to ask you." . He put all the matter on Xiao Zhu, which surprised Jin Shengbao. He couldn't help looking at Xiao Zhu and asked; You dated him? Xiao Zhu was in a hurry, and said with a livid face: Niu, what did you tell me in Kowloon City?Now in front of the boss, say it again! oh?Fang Tianchou seemed to remember suddenly and said: You mean the one million yuan? Um!Xiao Zhu's eyes were red again: Aren't you going to share half with the boss? Give me half?Jin Shengbao was taken aback. Fang Tianchou suddenly burst into laughter, laughed for a while, and then said: Whether to divide or not, it depends on Boss Jin. The surname is Niu!Jin Shengbao was furious and said: The one million yuan is the deposit paid by Zheng Erye. Within three days, if my two sisters can return to Lantian, they will have to return the same amount. What kind of door do you rely on to share half of it with me? Did I stop talking?Fang Tianchou said: "I don't want to divide, brothers don't dare to force it!" What do you mean by that?Jin Shengbao had already heard the other party's words, and it seemed that there were voices behind the strings. Fang Tianchou smiled and said: The matter is very simple, within three days, if the two elder sisters of Boss Jin cannot return to the Blue Sky Theater, what will happen to Erye Zheng's one million deposit? If it exceeds three days, he will give up the deposit.Jin Shengbao replied. Brother can make them not return to the blue sky within three days!Fang Tianchou said very confidently. you?Jin Shengbao was even more surprised. Fang Tianchou said in a confident tone: Similarly, the brothers can also bring them back to the blue sky to perform on stage at any time within three days! Jin Shengbao suddenly rushed forward, pointed at him angrily and said: Good boy!They were kidnapped by you? Boss Jin, please stop spitting blood!Fang Tianchou said solemnly: Brother has always been a good citizen who abides by the law. If you wronged brother for kidnapping, then we can't talk anymore. Then you said, Jin Shengbao was still angry, and asked sharply: Since you didn't kidnap them, how can you decide whether they can go back to Lantian? Brother just happened to find out where they were Before Fang Tianchou could finish speaking, Jin Shengbao asked impatiently: where are they?You take me there! Boss Jin is going to rescue them?Fang Tianchou asked deliberately. Doesn't the Black Knight have this power?Jin Shengbao said conceitedly: As long as I know the whereabouts, I will Fang Tianchou interrupted him and said disapprovingly: I believe that Boss Jin has enough power to rescue them easily, but my brother thinks that Boss Jin would be very unwise if he did this. Why?Jin Shengbao stared at him puzzled. Boss Jin is willing to return the one million deposit he got to Second Lord Zheng in full? This sentence really reminded Jin Shengbao that if the black knight's manpower is deployed, it is not absolutely impossible to save his two sisters.But in this way, as Fang Tianchou said, the security deposit that has already been obtained has to be returned to Zheng Erye in full. In terms of human nature, it is not absolutely impossible for Jin Shengbao to give up this windfall for the safety of his two sisters.However, the huge sum of one million yuan disappeared on the way home. He just wanted to care about his brotherhood. Where did the deposit that must be returned come from? money!Who doesn't love?Of course, Jin Shengbao is no exception, otherwise he wouldn't let his two older sisters earn money by selling their looks! Therefore, he hesitated. Fang Tianqiu didn't know that Jin Shengbao's huge sum of money had been lost, and seeing his hesitation, he thought that he was reluctant to give half of it to him, so he gave in and said: Boss Jin, my brother is just a bald man who follows the moon and wants to lend some light to your boss.Everyone is hanging out on the three-foot ground, talking about not being able to get on the road, as long as you, the boss, let your brother get a few flowers, the brother will treat you as a friend, and you will never talk like a lion. Jin Shengbao remained silent, Xiao Zhu seemed to understand his embarrassment, pulled him aside, sat down in an empty seat, and the two began to discuss secretly. When they left, Bai Qian couldn't help asking in surprise: Jin Shengbao's two older sisters are missing? Um!Fang Tianchou nodded, not to explain it secretly. Jin Shengbao and Xiao Zhu over there seemed to be arguing, and the voice of the conversation gradually became louder. Damn it, I will never admit it!Jin Shengbao became angry, clenched his fists, and thumped the table vigorously. After finishing speaking, he stood up abruptly and walked towards Fang Tianchou. Are you sure that they will not return to Lan Tian within three days?he asks. Without this certainty, the brothers would not have dared to come.Fang Tianchou said confidently: As long as Boss Jin says a word, brother is fully responsible! Now I can't make a decision, Jin Shengbao has a hard time and can't tell, so he has to use the tactic of delaying the attack: Can I think about it? Don't worry, Fang Tianchou said: Fortunately, today is only the first day, and there are still two days left, I think it's enough for your Boss Jin to consider. How can we get in touch?Jin Shengbao wanted to find out where he lived. Er, Fang Tianchou naturally won't reveal it, and said with a smile: "My brother came to Hong Kong for the first time, and he doesn't have a place to live yet. How about it, brother, call here tomorrow night, what do you think?" good!Jin Shengbao agreed and said: If I am not here, I will leave a message to explain to the people here. It's a deal! Fang Tianchou stood up, adjusted his tie slightly and said: Brother is leaving now, goodbye, Miss Bai, thank you for your hospitality, goodbye. He gave Bai Qian a wink, dropped a thousand-yuan bill, and walked out of the bar in a leisurely manner. Under Jin Shengbao's wink, the Feizi didn't dare to stay in trouble, so they could only look at each other angrily, their teeth itching with hatred, but there was nothing they could do. The one who was most angry was Xiao Zhu. He had suffered from Fang Tianchou's loss, and he was naturally unwilling to see him leave in a big way.Just when he was about to chase him out angrily, a middle-aged gentleman with a pockmarked face and bald head pushed away the girl next to him and stood up in the booth in the corner, walking towards Jin Shengbao. Xiao Zhu only glanced at him, winked, and led a few Fei Zai away in a hurry. Jin Shengbao knew that Xiao Zhu was going after Fang Tianchou, and was about to stop him when the bald and pockmarked gentleman started talking to him: Boss Jin, how about we have a drink? Your Excellency is Jin Shengbao. I think this person is very strange. Businessman, the man yawned: Brother just arrived in Guibao, intending to make friends like Boss Jin, haha Although Jin Shengbao didn't know this person, he felt that he was harmless. At the same time, he was upset and desperately needed a drink to relieve his worries, so he nodded noncommittally and sat on the round stool in front of the bar. The gentleman followed, and the female manager hurried over to flatter her. What wine do you two want? Is XO okay?The gentleman seeks Kim Seung-pao's opinion. Jin Shengbao nodded again, and added to the female manager: Give me a double!It looked like he really wanted to get drunk again. The girl at the bar quickly brought over two glasses of XO brandy without being greeted by the female manager. I'm sorry, the gentleman said to the female manager very politely: I want to say a few words of affection to Boss Jin. The female manager smiled, and walked away with the girl knowingly. Come!Boss Kim.The gentleman raised his glass to Jin Shengbao. Jin Shengbao took a big sip, looked at him, and suddenly asked: What do you have to teach? I heard that Boss Jin is a bit difficult?The gentleman produced a gilt cigarette case and handed it to him. Jin Shengbao took a Garlick cigarette from the cigarette case, and the lighter on the Kacha cigarette case burst into flames. He moved closer and lit it, took two puffs, and then looked at the other party and asked: Please speak! To make friends is to make friends through adversity. The gentleman lit his cigarette and said with a smile: Brother is willing to help Boss Jin. You may wish to speak directly without hesitation, I am the most loyal person, as long as your brother is a friend, brother dares to use the head of your neck as a guarantee, there is no ambiguity!Jin Shengbao heard the clue, that's why he was so hearty. For example, the gentleman has an enthusiastic and cheerful look on his face: Just now, brother seems to have heard that Boss Jin and that friend were arguing over some money. Although one million is not a small amount, brother can still do a little favor. . You, Jin Shengbao, were so moved by this unfamiliar enthusiasm that you were speechless for a moment. The gentleman smiled indifferently, and suddenly took out a business card from his body, and took out a precious pen, and wrote a line of No. 303 International Hotel on the back of the card, and then said: This is my brother's residence. If Boss Jin is interested, please come and give me advice at any time. After speaking, he put down his business card and two thousand yuan to pay the bill, and left with a treacherous smile. Jin Shengbao watched the gentleman leave, was startled, and then picked up the business card on the bar counter to look at it. There is no title on the business card, but the two characters Hong Kun are imprinted impressively.
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