Home Categories martial arts novel The purple mansion is lost.Injustice and Debt

Chapter 20 Chapter 20

Shi Sanniang gritted her teeth tightly, and cried out sadly: Enemy, what am I doing wrong to ask you to seduce your wife outside, alas, I will fight you! The words were extremely sad and indignant, he said it too late and then quickly, the seven-section whip had already hit, Nan Xingyuan laughed, he was not afraid, he drew his left hand, his right arm grew suddenly, and he stretched out his hand to grab the whip from the opponent, it was a hard fight Robbing, Shi Sanniang is not weak, the seven-section whip is passed down from Yin-Yang evil sect, it is unusual, the move is not practical, turning the wrist and flying up, she has already given up Nan Xingyuan.

With this step change, Shi Sanniang had already shifted her target, her whip was whistling in her hand, and she turned to Sang Longgu to call. Sanniang received the whip, but she didn't dodge or evade, and even used a pair of fleshy palms to compete with Shi Sanniang. You must know that Shi Sanniang's seven-section magic whip is the best skill of Yinyangmen, and Sang Longgu is extremely capable, but it is difficult to resist this blow. Nan Xingyuan was startled, and in his busy schedule, he pressed his palm vigorously, with eight palms in the shape of a dragon. Hit out suddenly, suddenly there was a strong wind, and it hit Shi Sanniang's key point directly.

Shi Sanniang was about to succeed with a move, when she suddenly felt the wind blowing up her left flank, she couldn't help being startled, she threw the whip to change her shape, retreated more than ten feet, and said through gnashing of teeth: "Hello, my friend, I'm already so angry that I can't speak and tremble." Sang Longgu is a strong person, she looked down on Shi Sanniang, that's why she dared to dispel the enemy with her palm, and when she connected with Shi Sanniang, she was shocked, shocked by Shi Sanniang's strength, it really is The reputation is well-deserved, but she felt that her whip was not real, and it was already like a thorn in the wind, which made Sang Longgu's palms sore, numb and painful. The palm will be shaken so that the tendons will be broken and the flesh will be torn, and you will be embarrassed in court.

Sang Longgu was shocked, and also retreated Zhang Xu, and only then did she know that Nan Xingyuan came to help, she felt overjoyed in her heart, and thought to herself: Why don't you take this opportunity and join hands with Brother Nan to destroy this bitch? up! With a thought, hey, after a sneer, he screamed: "What a famous disciple, the girl has learned the lesson, come on, the girl will fight three lilies with you again!" Let's talk and do it, already move it over, hand over the jade palm, and dismantle it with Shi Sanniang. As soon as the two connected, Nan Xingyuan looked around and couldn't help being surprised, why did Shi Sanniang just move and dodge, but didn't greet the move and return the move, where is the momentum in the morning?

When I saw it again, my heart was shocked. Not only did Shi Sanniang retreat step by step, but her eyebrows were tightly drawn, her face was earthy, she held her heart in her left hand, and the whip with her right hand was getting slower and slower. It was clear at a glance that she could only parry, but had no power to fight back. , his heart suddenly lit up, he waved his hands again and again and said: Don't fight, don't fight, wait for me to settle this matter! At this time, Sang Longgu's palm gesture was as tight as the next move, which made Shi Sanniang flustered, and the danger suddenly appeared. He suddenly heard Nan Xingyuan's call, and couldn't help feeling angry, thinking: "The strange man outside the Great Wall is a mother-in-law. He can't do great things. Kill him." Killing this slut is like slaughtering a dog, why do you always object?

Thinking in my heart, putting more strength in my hands, not only turning a deaf ear to Nan Xingyuan's call, but actually doing it harshly. Suddenly, Shi Sanniang's complexion was pale, and she stepped back about ten steps majestically, gritted her silver teeth, and after a crackle of the whip in her hand, she was already trembling straight, distractedly stabbing at Sang Longgu. At present, this miserable woman, with her last breath of true energy, pumped her strength through the whip, and shook it out quickly, trying to put all her eggs in one basket. The seven-section steel whip that was shaken straight, after being shaken out vigorously, it was like an arrow leaving the string, and it was blown by a strong gust of wind, and it flew towards Sang Longgu in an instant.This woman only wanted to kill them all, but she would have expected that Shi Sanniang would be so bold that she would make a final struggle, she was astonished, she didn't dare to fight head-on, she moved into the stab, the whip sounded, and it was already from Sanglong. The aunt's waist flew past.Sang Longgu's figure slowed down for a while, just as she was about to rush forward, she only opened her eyes for a glimpse, and suddenly there was a change.

But when Shi Sanniang shook out her whip, she couldn't support herself, turned over and fell down, her face was ashen, her breath was like a gossamer, she was already groggy, and fainted on the ground. Sang Longgu was overjoyed again, if he didn't kill him now, when would he wait?After a long body, he followed, half bent, raised his hand and swept in, and smashed Shi Sanniang's Tianling Cap, wanting to kill the miserable woman. He only handed his palms, but he felt a flash of golden light, like a long rainbow across the sky, and that long rainbow was running towards his Quchi acupoint.Sang Longgu was furious, not waiting to injure Shi Sanniang to death, she flicked her wrist, spread her five fingers, and came to catch this long rainbow.

The long rainbow was sent and received, but he heard an urgent cry: Sister Sang, you are too ruthless, Shi Sanniang is already at the end of her strength, why bother to persecute her again! It turns out that the Changhong is a weird snake sword, and the person holding the sword is Shan Chan. Although she conspired with Sang Longgu to seize love, she and Shi Sanniang have been friends since childhood, and they love each other as brothers and belong to the same family. As a middle-aged man, when it comes to a critical moment, he cannot bear to see Shi Sanniang blood-stained and die at the hands of others.This is human nature, which cannot be measured by love or hate.

Sang Longgu's move was blocked, and she failed to grasp, and then she heard the other party's words, rolled her eyes, and said coldly: I don't know who it is, so it's you girl. Pointing at Shi Sanniang, she said, "Are you helping this bitch too?" Shan Chan sadly cried out: "Sister, my sister is not helping her, it's because my sister has a deep relationship with her, and my sister has no deep hatred with her, why bother to kill her?" Sang Longgu laughed and said: You are just like Brother Nan, mother-in-law and mother's land belong to the benevolence of women.

Shan Chan's heart trembled, she thought to herself: What a vicious Sang Longgu!But without any trace, he persuaded: "Sister, why do you do this? If Shi Sanniang is willing to admit defeat and give up Brother Nan to you, then why bother to do this?" While talking, Nan Xingyuan had already come close, instead of explaining to Sang Longgu, he asked Shan Chan: "What happened to Shi Sanniang, why did she fall to the ground for no reason, didn't she get injured because of defeat?" The words were warm and caring was evident, Sang Longgu felt sour for a while, and said angrily: My friend, since you are reluctant to part with that bitch, why did you come to provoke me?

Nan Xingyuan frowned and said: It's not that I don't love you, but God has the virtue of loving life, if this matter can be settled, why bother to hurt other people's lives? The words are exactly the same as that of Shan Chan. You must know that Nan Dan and the two of them did such an act of disobedience and injustice because one was obsessed with beauty; Pure and good, how could Sang Longgu be comparable in viciousness! Although Nan Dan and the two tried to persuade each other, Sang Longgu was still unhappy in her heart, nagging, chattering, and complaining, Nan Xingyuan was distracted and upset, and it was inconvenient to attack, so she had to pretend to be demented, and asked Shan Chan, Shi Sanniang Why did he suddenly fall to the ground? Shan Chan didn't answer, ran up to Shi Sanniang, inspected it carefully, felt pity in her heart, regretted that jealousy caused misfortune, and caused such a miserable scene to her childhood friend. As soon as she raised her head, she burst into tears, and said to Nan Xingyuan: "Brother Nan, Sister Shi is expected to move her belly because of her anger, and fight hard. She is pregnant with Liujia, so she is different from a woman who has many children. However, this is not dangerous yet, if you get some anti-abortion drugs, it will surely save her life! Nan Xingyuan raised his eyebrows, rubbed his hands together and said: It's too late now, go get anti-abortion medicine there! Ladies and gentlemen, the storyteller has written a few words so far, so I can't help but explain a few words. It turns out that in ancient martial arts, no matter whether it is internal or external, it is most forbidden to attack fetal gas. If there is a piece of flesh in the abdomen, once it is injured, the blood will be blocked. , and cannot be rescued by pushing the blood across the uterus, because this method will definitely affect the safety of the fetus.That's why Shan Chan could only stand by and watch, she didn't press her hands, she just said that she was looking for an anti-fetal medicine. Don't worry about talking, let's talk about Nan Xingyuan's words, only to hear Sang Longgu coldly say: "It's fine if you don't hurt her anymore, why do you want to save her?" Nan Xingyuan shook his head and said: That's not what you said, Sister Sang, do you know that the matter between me and her is not over yet? Sang Longgu's heart brightened and said: Are you suspending the letter for that Lao Shizi? Nan Xingyuan nodded and said: Yes, if she doesn't wake up, how can I give her the letter of divorce myself! It turns out that the ancients valued etiquette, and the letter of divorce must be given in person, otherwise it cannot be relied upon, so Nan Xingyuan threw the letter of divorce in front of Shi Sanniang.Sang Longgu thought for a long while, suddenly a strange expression appeared on her face, and said resolutely: "Okay, for the sake of your future happiness, I've made that bitch cheaper, let me give her some pills to save her!" While talking, he took out two elixir with a strange fragrance from his bag, this elixir was made from medicinal materials such as calming the nerves, it was called Dingxin Pill, it was originally a secret recipe handed down from the Eight Desolation Sect, Sang Longgu always carried it with him , it is just right at this moment. Sang Longgu was a little reluctant, but had to take out the elixir. Nan Xingyuan glanced at it for a while, took the ball and squeezed it, found a ladle of water to flush it, and then taught Shan Chan to pour it into Shi Sanniang's mouth. After drinking a cup of tea, Shi Sanniang's face turned red, her dantian gurgled for a while, she breathed a sigh of relief, and woke up leisurely.With only one pair of eyes, he was already yelling. Nan Xingyuan frowned, but didn't answer, Sang Longgu's almond-shaped eyes widened, her willow eyebrows stood on end, and she let out a yell, ready to attack again.This woman stood side by side with Nan Xingyuan, her body moved suddenly, she had already been turned around by him, and said in a low voice: "Sister Sang, don't make a mistake, although the bitch is stubborn, the crime is not fatal, forget it!" At this time, Shi Sanniang was already sitting upright on the green grass, sighed, and burst into tears. Seeing this scene, Shan Chan felt very desolate, walked over slowly, and knelt down in front of her, Sadly, she said softly: "Sister, it's useless to scold at this point. You are pregnant, you should take care of yourself. It's not a joke if your body is broken by suffering!" The tone of the voice was extremely mournful, and when it penetrated into Nan Xingyuan's ears, he couldn't help but tremble, and his thoughts turned: killing a bitch is not a big deal, but the piece of meat in her stomach is the blood of the Nan family after all, even if the wolf and the tiger Love her son, not to mention I am a monster beyond the Great Wall, just let her go! Not to mention Nan Xingyuan's heart is full of embarrassment, Shi Sanniang's heart is also turning around at this moment, she thought: The enemy has changed his mind, and she is pregnant, the bitch Sang Longgu is so fierce, even if she tries her best, she will only end up in ruins One life, sister Chan's words are justified, it is better to endure the humiliation for a while, and it will not be too late to find a chance to take revenge! The two have their own concerns, why is Sang Longgu not alone?She pondered: Brother Nan spares no effort to benevolent as a woman, if he doesn't cut the weeds today, he will be in serious trouble in the future, especially the piece of meat in her belly will be even more worrying in the future! She rolled her eyes and screamed: "Brother Nan, if you don't kill this bitch today, in the future she will go to Changbai Yinyang Gate to report and attract two strange enemies, you and I will die!" This was a good remark, Sang Longgu opened her tongue like a tongue, and said that she just wanted Nan Xingyuan to kill Shi Sanniang. Nan Xingyuan smiled lightly, and said: Sister Sang, you don't have to worry about it. This bitch and I left the border, it was an elopement, even if the bitch didn't report the news, the Yin-Yang sect monsters would also come looking for us, I It is expected that she would not dare to return to Changbai, you know that the second monster Huo Su has a temper. These words made Sang Longgu speechless, and she didn't dare to mention the piece of meat in Shi Sanniang's belly. She was muttering to herself when Shi Sanniang yelled. As soon as Shi Sanniang made up her mind, she felt a little war of grief, she stopped crying instantly, and said coldly: "My friend, if you want to kill me, you can kill me. Why are you nagging?" Nan Xingyuan couldn't bear it, but said: Who wants to kill you? Shi Sanniang opened her eyes and drank again: But if you won't kill me, what will happen to you? Nan Xingyuan smiled wryly and said: Sister Shi, it's not because of my brother's heartlessness, the relationship between you and me has already ended in this life, and we are forced to get together, it will only cause you and me pain! Shi Sanniang raised her voice and said: Good!How can I lose my virtue? If you want you to say these words, in this way, are you going to divorce me? Nan Xingyuan shook his heart, laughed and said: That's right, I'm going to divorce you.It doesn't matter whether you lose your virtue or lose your virtue, you and I are already destined, so we have to separate! One must know that Nan Shi and two are childhood sweethearts, they have loved each other since they were young, once they leave suddenly, although Nan Xingyuan is as daring as iron, Shi Sanniang is heartbroken, upon hearing this, he couldn't help feeling sad, and couldn't stop crying. Sang Longgu yelled: Brother Nan, what are you doing talking nonsense with that bitch, just throw the divorce letter at her! Nan Xingyuan was like a devil in his arms, without thinking about it, he took out the stone slab from his bosom, raised his hand, and the place where the white light flickered fell into Shi Sanniang's hands, Shi Sanniang knew after a brief glance. Looking at it carefully, grief and indignation were mixed in my heart, a little bit of strength crushed the corner of the stone slab. Nan Xingyuan said loudly: "I have given you the letter of divorce, and we will go our separate ways from now on. Shi Sanniang, let me do it for myself. I have to go!" Shi Sanniang was so angry that her eyes turned red, she threw the stone tablet in her hand, and shouted: "Give it back to you!" The stele looks forward and shoots, like flowers raining in the sky, flying and flying.When she took a closer look, there were still two shadows of Nan Sang there, and they had disappeared without a trace. Shi Sanniang looked around, only to see the twilight, the silence, the emptiness except for the chirping of insects and the singing of frogs. She rubbed her teary eyes, gritted her silver teeth and stood up, about to go back to the monastery, when she heard someone calling her name, which shocked her! When he looked around, he saw that not far away, there was already a person standing Chuochuo, and this person was none other than Tang Gulatie, a master of Zifumen. It turned out that Tang Gulatie, his lover Qin Yu and his uncle were chasing Fengshen old man, and they arrived at Emei tonight. After visiting the head of the Emei sect, they passed by here and witnessed a tragic change in ethics However, because Zifu Palace's lightness kung fu is unique in the martial arts world, and it comes and goes like the wind, so none of the people in the arena noticed it. When Shi Sanniang saw that the other party was Tanggula Tie, she couldn't help crying bitterly when she met her homeland, as if she was in a desperate situation in another country. All of a sudden, a figure, extremely slim and fast, has already passed in front of Shi Sanniang when she opened her eyes, hugged Shi Sanniang and shouted: "Sister Shi, you This person is none other than Qin Yu. This girl not only sympathizes with what Shi Sanniang has suffered, but also deeply feels the kindness of Shi Sanniang's repeated help outside Changbai Pass, so she is greatly moved, and she can't help walking forward, hugging her Shi Sanniang burst into tears. Suddenly Tang Gulatie shouted in a low voice: "Sister Yu is going to show her face, Sang Longgu and the strange man outside the Great Wall may not have left!" This drink was really effective, the two of them immediately suppressed their sorrow, tightened their voices, only heard a slight weeping like dust. Tang Gulatie slowly moved forward, his feet changed three times and six times. Shi Sanniang looked up at Tang Gulatie, with tears streaming down her cheeks, and said sadly: "Mr. Tang Gu, please be kind and avenge me, and kill those dogs and men!" Tanggula Tiedi looked at Shi Sanniang for a long while, and sighed, "Let's bring this up again slowly?"Since Nan Xiongtai has changed his mind and left, dare to ask Miss Smith what plans she will have in the future? There was no extreme feeling in the words, Shi Sanniang was stunned for a moment, and thought about it: that enemy is benevolent to Zifu Palace, it seems that Mr. Tang Gu would not intervene in this matter, but Sang Longgu, that bitch is Zifu Palace. If the grievances and grievances of the rivals in the palace are clear, Mr. Tang Gu will have nothing to do! After thinking for a while, I said sadly: I am an outcast, Pu Liu is weak, although the world is big, it is really difficult to settle down here, Mr. Tang Gu, I only have one death to show my ambition! Wu is so sad that he can't help but choke.Qin Yu was shocked when he heard this, and said in amazement: "Sister, don't commit suicide. You will have a long time to come. You should take good care of your body, practice unique skills, and avenge this deep hatred. That's the right thing to do. Besides, my sister is not desperate. There is a piece of meat in her belly, and she will grow up in the future." If he succeeds, he will be able to vent his anger on his mother's behalf! What Qin Yu said was very reasonable, and Shi Sanniang's heart suddenly brightened, and she said resolutely: "Miss Qin is right, so I will follow your words and cultivate well!" Tang Gulatie interjected, "Since Miss Smith is at odds with Brother Nan, why don't you reunite with us temporarily, and then I will slowly try to persuade the strange man outside the Great Wall for you, teach him to recover after being overwhelmed, and teach you to reunite after a broken mirror!" Shi Sanniang thought about it for a while, the only way to go now is to go with Tanggula Tie, to temporarily settle down, and to be safe. It is expected that Sang Longgu's mother-in-law will be unstoppable no matter how fierce she is.Thinking in my heart, but said in my mouth: That enemy's heart is as hard as a stone, and it is expected that it will be difficult to change his mind, but how can I bother everyone! Tang Gulatie smiled and said: What Smith said, you are so kind to us, and getting along with us, although men and women are different, there is no inconvenience. Sister Qin is lonely on the journey, and she is worried about losing a friend in her boudoir! Qin Yu didn't wait for Tang Gulatie to say, he had already pulled Shi Sanniang up and said: "Sister, that's it!"It's inappropriate to stay here for a long time. If the strange man from outside the Great Wall comes back, it's not beautiful. Let's go! Turning his head, he said to Tanggula Railway: Brother Tanggu, please lead, we are on our way! As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up and rushed down the mountain. With the light work of three people, he arrived at the side of the mountain in a short while. Shi Sanniang asked: "Mr. Tang Gu, where are you staying?" Tang Gulatie pointed forward with a smile, and said softly: Here we are, here we are! Shi Sanniang looked around, and saw an ancient temple not far away. The ancient temple was very old. As far as Mount Emei was concerned, there were as many temples and temples as a cow's hair. before braking. All of a sudden, three figures appeared in a flash, with a neat figure, which was rare before. Shi Sanniang was startled, but she knew that they must be the old chasing wind god and his two juniors. Sure enough, after a series of laughs, the person in front shouted: "What wind brought Smith here?" Tang Gulatie was busy introducing the three elders, and entered the temple to sit on the ground. Tanggulatie told his uncle in detail what he had just witnessed. In his mind, he just wanted his elders to give him an idea , with the reputation of the Zifu Palace, making decisions for Shi Sanniang, and persuading the strange men outside the Great Wall. Chasing Fengshen's old man wrestled his long eyebrows frequently, and after a long while, he muttered: Miss Smith is a benefactor of our sect, and it is absolutely impossible for us to stand aside from reasoning, and Monet's opponent is also a benefactor of our sect, so I, I can only try my best to persuade you to make peace, there is no other way! Shi Sanniang was overwhelmed with sorrow, and couldn't help feeling sad again, she burst into tears and sobbed softly.All of a sudden, the old man chasing Fengshen's eyes shined brightly, and his light shot brightly, and he shouted: "Yes, my old man has already figured out a plan to avenge the girl!" Not only did Tang Gulatie look at this cry in astonishment, but Shi Sanniang was overjoyed when he heard it, so he hurriedly asked what to do? Chasing Fengshen smiled and said: Miss Smith, don't worry, if you are anxious, once you say this plan, you will be disappointed again! At this juncture, it is extremely boring for this old man to show off.Qin Yu listened, and couldn't help but frowned and said: Uncle, if you have something to say, you can say it. Miss Smith is heartbroken, so I have the patience to listen to you! This girl has already followed her lover Tang Gulatie to call Chasing Fengshen his uncle.The old man chasing Fengshen rolled his eyes at her, and smiled at Shi Sanniang, "Forgive me for being abrupt, are you already happy?" Shi Sanniang bowed her head in embarrassment, and said: Yes! Old Man Chasing Fengshen laughed, and said: The trick of the old man is to get a piece of meat in the girl's belly! Everyone in the audience was stunned, Tang Gulatie was about to complain about his uncle's indecency, and then heard the old chasing Fengshen continue: "My family feels that the girl rescued the great virtue on Changbai, and there is no repayment, so I decided to let me The old man is in charge, after the girl is ten months old, it will come to fruition, no matter whether you give birth to a boy or a girl, we will use unique skills to give you an heir, so as to prepare for future revenge.But this matter must be done in ten years, the old man is old, I am afraid that it will be difficult to wait for such a long time, Tie'er is still young, so the old man entrusts this matter to Tie'er, Tie'er, after ten years, you must remember to be our sect Repay your kindness, and give Smith's sons and daughters the unique skills of the eight-handed martial arts! The old man was the elder of the Zifu Palace, and he kept his promises. Shi Sanniang turned his grief into joy, and Yingying bowed down to thank him.Tang Gulatie was also awe-inspiring, and generously promised, the most important promise in the world, which planted the cause and effect of the later head of the Zifu passing on Yuxiao Langjun Liuyun Feixiu. After the persuasive persuasion of the people in the Zifu, Shi Sanniang gradually took this matter aside, and only hoped for revenge in the future.Shi Sanniang's matter came to an end for the time being, and the old chasing Fengshen recalled the section about cleaning up the traitors in his sect, and couldn't help being filled with resentment, and asked Tanggula Tie Er angrily: "Tie'er, since you bumped into that prostitute Sang Longgu, have you ever found out about that animal?" sacrifice news? Tang Gulatie shook his head and said: When I passed by the jingshe, I heard the sound of killing suddenly, so I went forward to spy with sister Yu. At the beginning, I didn't know that the woman was Xuanbing beauty. It suddenly dawned on her that Sang Longgu was not put on because she wanted to persuade Miss Smith. The old chasing wind god pondered: "It's useless even if you follow him. Since Sang Longgu is with the strange man outside the Great Wall, she must have found a place to hide, and then she will run to find that animal."However, I guess that since the beast fell in love with Sang Longgu, if we found the trace of Sang Longgu, it would be equivalent to discovering the trace of the beast! Tang Gulatie thought for a while and said: At any rate, we will go up the mountain tomorrow night to reconnaissance, and it is expected that the elder brother will not be able to hide there! Speaking of this, I have heard the sound of roosters urging the dawn. The long night is about to pass away. This moment is not the time for night walkers to go out to explore. The chasing Fengshen old man will know, and said helplessly: Forget it, except for Smith tomorrow night, we will split up Go out, search the area, and find the hiding place of the animal! That night, Tang Gulatie asked Qin Yu to arrange a lodging for Shi Sanniang. The time was running out, and everyone went to bed at their respective lodgings. During this day, everyone hid in the ancient temple, did not go out, talked and talked, and in a blink of an eye it was the next night, everyone was nervous and excited, and prepared separately.After the second drum, they have already dispatched, Zhui Fengsou went south, Tang Gulatie and Qin Yu went north, and the other two masters went separately. Before departure, Zhui Fengsou ordered that no matter who found the trace of the Demon King of the Purple Mansion, they should lure him When you come to the ancient temple, you will be captured, and you will agree on a secret sign, so that you can meet up at that time. Let's say that after everyone separated, Tang Gulatie and Qin Yu cautiously walked and explored all the way to the south of the mountain. They would use their palms to test all the jungles and grass, rock caves and caves, but they found no clues. At the end, Tang Gulatie was a little disappointed, and whispered to Qin Yu: Sister Yu, our efforts are wasted this time, I don't know if the uncle and the others have met that fellow? Qin Yu smiled and said, "Your temperament is so impatient and you don't have any patience. If you can't find it tonight, come back tomorrow night. I don't believe that he will never go out unless he is not on the mountain." After Qin Yu finished speaking, she suddenly saw three people standing indistinctly on a small peak opposite her. She hurriedly leaned her figure behind a weeping willow, stretched her fingers, pointed to the peak, and said softly Said: Brother Tang Gu, look, who is that? Tang Gulatie was startled suddenly, and looked at Qin Yu's point. Under the moonlight, he could already see clearly that it was the elder brother Zifu Demon Lord he was looking for. In addition, the other two are actually Sang Longgu and Nan Xingyuan, they are very intimate, one woman and two men, there is no bitterness at all. Tang Gulatie couldn't help gnashing his teeth and said: What a shameless man and woman, the elder brother is a depraved person, let alone him, it's just a strange man outside the Great Wall who is famous outside the customs, he was originally a decent person, why is he so shameless? While whispering, I heard the people on the top of the peak sneer, and I saw the Demon Lord of the Purple Mansion flicking his sleeves and shouting: "Wonderful!"I wondered who was driving here, it turns out that the good junior brother has arrived, hey, he also brought a beautiful daughter-in-law with him, wonderful!Thinking about it, I was afraid that my senior brother would be lonely in the barren hills, so I specially sent a beauty to my senior brother!After scanning it, he laughed and said, "Ah Tie, it's wrong to try to fight against me with your little skill!" It turns out that the Demon Lord of the Purple Mansion has already discovered Tanggula Tie's trail. The reason why he didn't show up immediately is to see if Tang Gulatie has any accomplices. Instead, he followed him all the way. He is really afraid of the masters of his sect. Chasing Fengshensou and others must have slipped away long ago, and this is also his fate. The Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion just finished speaking, and his face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "A Tie, do you know the distance of this gate?" Tang Gulatie was stunned, and replied loudly: "Why don't I know the rules of our sect? Our sect always respects the rules of the sect. If any of the followers of the sect do evil outside, no matter who they are, as long as they are the disciples of Zifu Palace, they have the responsibility to clean up the sect!" Wu's words are harsh, and he doesn't give in at all.The Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion gave him the whitening, one part of his face was blue and the other part white. With a flick of his right sleeve, he swept it towards a nearby big bluestone. The rest of the boulders were already blown into the air by the wind in his sleeves, and they were broken into pieces, scattered all over the ground. The Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion showed this hand, his skill is so strong that it is really not inferior to any master in this sect, no wonder this guy is arrogant.When one sleeve was thrown out, he heard him call out coldly: "A Tie, this school always respects respect and inferiority. I am the elder brother and you are the junior. Is it true that I speak to the elders of my school?"OK!I'm not going to discuss with you about cleaning up the house, I want to check how your skills are after leaving? The elders of Zifu Palace have always assessed the studies of the juniors, which is true, but the current situation is different, the two sides have become hostile, so it is ridiculous to say that the academics are assessed. Tanggula thought hard: lure this beast down the mountain first!But he laughed and said: "What qualifications do you have to judge me? You have been expelled from this sect. What face do you have to be arrogant in front of me!" The Demon Lord of Zifu's eyes became red with anger, and he didn't reply, he just snatched away in a flash. The Lightness Kung Fu of Zifu Palace is already exquisite, but the Demon Lord of Zifu Mansion was extremely agile in his anger.The figure was not stable, the sleeve move had already been released, and with a loud whistling sound, he threw at the two people in front of him. Tang Gulatie stretched out his left hand towards Qin Yu's arms, and raised his right sleeve, but saw the shadow of the sleeve shaking like a forest, and the eight-handed magic skill had already shown to meet the enemy, just in time to hit his big brother with a strong palm with. Hearing a sharp sound of silk tearing, Tanggula's iron body turned upside down, the sleeve had already been cracked by the Zifu Demon King's sleeve strength, and this competition had already been beaten by his elder brother. Tanggula's iron body fell down, and he took advantage of the momentum to shake Qin Yu, and walked towards the ground like the wind, shouting: "What a powerful traitor, do you have the ability to come with me to Master Tanggula?" ? The two of them were like a puff of smoke, and they slid towards the side of the mountain. The Demon Lord of the Purple Mansion would not let it go, he winked at Qin and Sang, and then he followed.The Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion screamed strangely: "A Tie, where do you run away? If you don't let go of that beauty, don't even think about running away. I'm going to catch up with you too!" Tanggula Tiena dared to reply, breathed out his true energy, his footsteps tightened suddenly, Zifu Qinggong, really wonderful use, his castration is extremely leisurely, but it is as fast as purple lightning.The two sides started a battle of lightness kung fu, Qin Yu had already learned the footwork of the Mizong because he had been with the masters of the Zifu Palace for a long time, and with the help of Tang Gula Tie, the walk was effortless!Since the Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion is a member of his sect, he can catch up naturally, but Nan and Sang are only able to catch up for a moment, and they are already far behind. In a blink of an eye, the ancient temple was in sight, and Tang Gulatie said softly to Qin Yu: "I let you go, and you run forward, but don't pay attention to me. Although the master's skill is strong, I can still handle it!" After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Yu's reply, he flicked his hand and sent Qin Yu forward. Qin Yu, like a man in a cloud, had already rushed to the ancient temple. Tang Gulatie's sudden action made the Zifu Demon Jun was taken aback for a moment, and started to walk slowly. Suddenly, Tang Gulatie stopped and sneered, and shouted: You traitor, I respect you as the elder of my sect, so I don't care about you, do you think I'm really afraid of you? During this time, the Demon Lord of the Purple Mansion had come to him, he laughed and said: "Junior brother, do you want to take me back to the master?"Come on, let's have a fight, brothers, to see who is stronger and who will catch who! Suddenly, his stature grows suddenly, there is a whirring sound, his sleeves are swaying again and again, and he has also shown his unique skill of eight hands, and the shadow of his sleeves is like a mountain, throwing directly at him.Tanggula Tie raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, Panlong circled around like a fish, and passed by the sleeve of the Demon Lord of the Purple Mansion. The Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion shouted: What a handsome skill!Junior brother, it has only been two years since I left, and my kung fu has improved a lot! As he said in his mouth, he was not slow under his sleeves, he flicked the flowers and stones to the left to pull the willows, one move was as tight as the other, and came in a variety of ways.Tanggula raised his iron thick eyebrows, and immediately turned his fists into claws, grabbing at his senior elder brother and hitting the flying sleeves, and in a short while, turned into fists again, rustling the palms of the fists, swift like a civet, swift like an eagle, and powerful I am not weak either.The two brothers began to fight like this. Sang Longgu's eyes were about to burst, but Nan Xingyuan didn't move.After fighting for half an hour or so, the two had already exchanged hundreds of moves, but the outcome was not decided yet. Slightly inferior to the big brother, although he strongly supported him, he couldn't resist. Watching the two onlookers, although their expressions were different, they didn't intervene. Sang Longgu had already seen that Tanggula Tie was not the enemy of senior brother, and she didn't bother to help, so as not to be ridiculed by the mobs in the world. This woman has changed her mind , in her mind, she also knew how powerful the masters of Zifu Palace are, so if she doesn't intervene, half of them are afraid that there will be endless disasters in the future. At the end of the battle, Tanggulatie had already fallen into the sleeve net of his big brother, and he was about to lose, and he was very fierce, but when he saw his supernatural power, and the strength of his palms rose to meet him, he came to fight the Demon King of the Purple Mansion and flew to his sleeves .One must know that the Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion has superb skills, with both palms piercing with strength, the strength is as fierce as Mount Tai, how can he resist it? As soon as the two sides met each other, Tang Gulatie shook the robes of his elder brother in the air amidst the laughter of the Demon King of the Purple Mansion. When everyone saw him, they felt strange again. They saw him turn a somersault in the air, but Uninjured, his body fell slantingly ten feet away, and he pulled out his arms, and unexpectedly pulled out a round object, pinched and flicked it with two fingers, and bounced the object high, the object was also strange, Jumping to the sky, it immediately blossomed, and it turned out to be a Liuhuang marble. In the night sky, sparks shot out suddenly, and the light blazed in the sky. The Demon Lord of the Purple Mansion changed his color at a glance, and shouted violently: "What a boy, how dare you call your companions to help you punch!" It turned out that this was a signal from the Zifumen to summon their companions. The former Chasing Fengshen told them to gather here at that time, so they naturally had this gathering signal. up. The Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion just finished speaking, only to hear Tanggula Tie sneer and say: "Traitor, you have fallen into my way, and you are surrounded, and you have to be captured with your hands tied up obediently. I will wait for the elders of this sect to tear you to pieces." Duan? As soon as Tang Gulatie said this, he was so angry that the Demon King of the Purple Mansion jumped into a rage. He spun around suddenly, and shouted to Nan Sang and his wife: "Shoulder together!"Capture this little thief first, and then deal with those old thieves! In his heart, he had already expected that the second expert in his sect, Chasing the God of Wind, had followed him here. Tang Gulatie's sentence in the morning: "I want to wait for the elder of my sect to tear you to pieces." How could he not be shocked, after being shocked, he changed his mind and waited to capture Tanggula Tie as a hostage, and then waited for the opportunity to escape from the masters of his sect. This idea is really good, but Tanggula Tie's martial arts skills are not ordinary, how can he be a person who can be easily caught without a fight?Therefore, the Devil Lord of the Purple Mansion knew himself, so he ordered the two to join forces, with three enemies to one, the chances of victory would be assured. But Nan Xingyuan didn't move, and said with a smile: "Hero of the Zifu, forgive me for disobeying my orders. This is a family matter of your family. I'm an idler outside the Great Wall. How can I intervene!" It's right for Nan Xingyuan not to intervene, he was originally benevolent to Zifu Palace, and he didn't like Zifu's Demon Monarch, he only wanted to be beautiful, how could he suddenly intervene and ruin the previous relationship?
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