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Chapter 46 Forty-six not seeing is a blessing

seven steps 上官鼎 10378Words 2023-02-05
The dark night is so oppressive that people can't breathe through it, only a little bit of starlight occasionally shines through the gaps in the thick and thick black clouds. Lan Wenhou woke up slowly. Although he woke up, his eyes were still dark. He shook his head and thought about it carefully. A chill came from the bottom of his heart. He opened his eyes with his hands. , but still couldn't see anything, so he knew in despair that he was blind! For a split second, Lan Wenhou seemed to think of countless things in his mind, but he seemed to think of nothing at all. There was nothing in his mind, only two words, blind!blind!

He clenched his fists in grief and anger, his knuckles rattled, decades of heroic years flashed through his mind, and he murmured to himself, Farewell, all this will be farewell forever. The leader of the beggar gang who is famous all over the world for his seven-fingered bamboo skills, when anyone in the martial arts thinks of him, he immediately thinks of his heroic spirit. ? Lan Wenhou's chest heaved rapidly, there were too many grievances in his chest, resentment intertwined with blood and tears, two lines of heroic tears hung on his cheeks Bai Laosan is already finished, and the ancient four are probably finished too. Alas, my God, do you insist that all the good people in the world die?

Lan Wenhou muttered in a low voice, his mood finally gradually calmed down, he took a deep breath, and felt a faint pain in his chest, he boldly took another breath, letting the true energy circulate in his dantian For a week, apart from severe pain, there was no interruption. He exhaled that breath and told himself with desolate comfort that although the injury was severe, he once again picked up life from the gate of hell. So what if you regain your life?Is it possible to bring this pair of blindness to regain the glory in the martial arts?Lan Wenhou sighed dejectedly It's over, it's over.

Suddenly, he found that his body was covered with a thin blanket, and he was taken aback. What's going on? He clearly remembered that he had suffered a palm shock and rolled down from the horrible bloody battle. After all, he shouldn't have such a blanket! He touched the thin blanket with his hands, it was soft, like it was made of fine wool, he took it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, a faint fragrance came into his nose, he couldn't help being stunned. At this time, he heard a shy and gentle voice whispering in his ear: Are you awake? Lan Wenhou was so startled that he wanted to sit up, a warm hand was lightly pressed on his shoulder, Lan Wenhou said: Who are you?

The gentle voice said: Can't you hear it? Hearing what she said, Lan Wenhou felt that the voice seemed familiar, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out who it could be. He thought about the voice carefully, shook his head and said: I can't remember, girl , have we met? He judged from the voice that it was a young woman, so he called it a girl, but he heard the girl chuckle lightly, and then said: No. Lan Wenhou was stunned for a moment and said: Thank you for your kindness, Miss, I The gentle voice said: "Don't talk too much, look at the blood on your face, it seems that your eyes were injured, is it serious?"

When Lan Wenhou heard the word eyes, he felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle. He suppressed his excitement, and calmly said with the greatest ability: I'm blind. A scream, full of shock and horror Blind? The woman screamed wildly as if her eyes had been stabbed blind. She grabbed Lan Wenhou's shoulders forgetfully, and shouted in a trembling voice: You are a liar! Lan Wenhou felt the woman's extraordinary excitement, he felt a little grateful, but also a little miserable, he thought to himself: This girl is really kind. But he had to answer: he was blind, he couldn't see at all.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly fell silent. The woman didn't say a word, as if she had quietly left suddenly. After a while, Lan Wenhou seemed to hear a slight sob, and asked in a low voice. Said: Miss, are you crying? The sobbing stopped, and after a while, the gentle voice sounded again: No, no. Lan Wenhou was still choked up when he heard that sentence. At this moment, Lan Wenhou suddenly felt infinite emotions. He remembered that when he chatted with Bai Lao San Gu Si on weekdays, Bai Sanxia once said that he was like the ten heroes of the beggar gang. This kind of person spends his whole life working hard for the injustice of the world. When he dies, he is afraid that none of his relatives in the world will cry. It doesn't matter if wild dogs and hungry wolves gnaw them all out. Why do women and children cry for filial piety?Lan Wenhou didn't expect that in just one night, the corpses of those who said this had been exposed in the wilderness, and he had only lost a pair of eyes, and someone cried for him. Thinking about it, Lan Wenhou couldn't help being stunned.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of who this girl would be, but the voice became more and more familiar, and he couldn't help asking: Miss, what's your name? The woman hesitated for a while before replying: Ann, be quiet. Lan Wenhou said: "My name is Lan Wenhou, Miss An is kind, thank you very much." Although Lan Wenhou couldn't see it, he seemed to feel that Miss An smiled slightly. He wanted to ask why this girl appeared in this wilderness mountain in the middle of the night, and why she came to take care of his injuries without knowing her, but he was inconvenient to come again. Ask more.

Lan Wenhou thought for a while and asked: How far is it from the top of the mountain? Miss An said: "The top of the mountain?"ah!Mr. Lan, are you asking about the top of the mountain?No, we have left there, here is a pasture behind two hills, not where you rolled. Lan Wenhou was taken aback, he had been in a coma for a long time, he asked: What time is it now? Miss An said: "It's almost dawn." Lan Wenhou thought that he would never see the sun rise again in his life, beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. Miss An said softly: Mr. Lan, your eyes will definitely recover, as long as you take a good rest for a while.

Lan Wenhou moved the corners of his mouth and made an indifferent wry smile. He was crying in his heart, but his tone remained calm, as if he was talking about another person, and said softly: I hope it is as the girl said. Miss Na'an said: "Mr. Lan, you have suffered such a great misfortune, and you can talk and laugh freely. I really admire your bravery." Lan Wenhou shook his head and sighed secretly: The so-called brave people just swallow their tears in their stomachs. He felt a little thirsty, moved slightly, and the gentle voice immediately rang in his ears: Thirsty? Lan Wenhou nodded. He was amazed at Miss An's superhuman care. He heard that she had brought water and approached him. He struggled to sit up, and then he felt that gentle hand gently pressing down on her. His shoulders, as soon as he inhaled, the severe pain in his chest made him groan, and he couldn't help it anymore, and fell backwards.

His head did not touch a hard stone, nor did he touch the prickly grass, but he fell into a warm embrace. Lan Wenhou only felt dizzy in his head. He traveled all his life, day and night What I have experienced is only the pus and blood of swords and swords. How have I ever been close to a woman?He only felt drowsy, and only felt that Miss An gently put him on the grass, and then he woke up, sweating profusely all over his body. Miss An stood up, and Lan Wenhou heard the rustling of her dress, and gradually left with slight footsteps. Lan Wenhou suddenly felt a feeling of attachment rising in his heart. He couldn't explain why, and finally called out: "An girl Miss An stopped, Lan Wenhou said: "Do you live here?" Miss An thought for a while before answering: Me?ah yes i live here with my daddy Lan Wenhou snorted and said: Your lord? Miss An hurriedly said: He originally lived here with me. He went to Zhoucheng half a month ago, and it will take a long time before he comes back. Lan Wenhou is such a sophisticated person, when he heard this, he felt that it might not be true, but he didn't make a sound, just sighed. He took a few breaths and felt that his physical strength had recovered a little, so he sat up on his back, put his hands on the ground, and planned to stand up and said: "Then Miss An, I will take my leave. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your kindness." Before he finished speaking, Miss An rushed to shout: Hey, you can't go! As soon as Lan Wenhou stood up, he felt dizzy, and immediately fell down again. Miss An came to help him, but Lan Wenhou had already fallen to the ground. He could only smell a faint fragrance, and then Miss An's hand held onto him. Hurt him, with a complaining voice: you, how can you just leave when you are hurt like this? Lan Wenhou's fall was not light, and the pain in his back was splitting. Unexpectedly, he was so weak that he lay on the ground and couldn't help sighing softly. Miss Na'an said: You can rest here for a while. Lan Wenhou felt an irresistible force coming from the tender hands on his arms, and he finally nodded. At noon, the kind Miss An came in with a smile and brought two plates of vegetables in one pot, and said to Lan Wenhou, "Come and taste the food I cooked. My dad likes to eat my cooking the most on weekdays." Lan Wenhou sat up, touched the bowls and chopsticks on the table, took a bite of the rice, it was half-cooked like gravel, he took another bite of the vegetables, he almost jumped up, he remembered that she said that usually her father likes to eat her the most Cooked dishes, wouldn't they become salt essence! Lan Wenhou was laughing in his heart, but he couldn't see it on his face. Probably that Miss An also tasted her own masterpiece, and then he said softly: It seems a little too salty! Lan Wenhou said: "It's okay, it's okay." Miss An watched with great interest as Lan Wenhou ate four bowls of rice in a row, as if she had never seen anyone eat so much.Seeing that Lan Wenhou had finished eating, she cleared up the dishes. Lan Wenhou sat quietly on the side, trying to raise his energy and energy. Blind and blind life, the days pass slower than snails, boring and suffocating, every time Lan Wenhou thinks that there will be decades of such days in the future, he can't help but sweat profusely, When he suppressed the fiery passion with the greatest determination, he was filled with loneliness and boredom. The kind Miss An took care of everything meticulously, and Lan Wenhou had never lived such a comfortable life in his life. He felt that Miss An had some inexplicable weirdness. Why did she live alone in the barren hills?It's a lie that she lived here with some kind of father, how could she send the injured and unconscious Marquis Lan Wen over several mountains to this place with her own strength?Isn't she afraid of leaving a big man like Lan Wenhou alone in the barren mountains? Many things are difficult to explain. Lan Wenhou is a man, even if he has doubts, he can only keep it in his heart. He only silently uses his strength in the dark to heal his internal injuries. He will use his greatest wisdom to make a contribution for the rest of his sad decades in the future. A smartest arrangement, but he couldn't do it, because he couldn't concentrate on thinking about it at all, and when he thought of the endless darkness, he was discouraged, and all that was left was anger. Hello!Come and see, there is a pair of beautiful white sheep outside our door Lan Wenhou heard that delicate voice shouting, he leaned on the wall and walked to the door. hey come and see Lan Wenhou pushed open the door, and casually replied: How can I see without eyes? In an instant, Ms. An was stunned, her elation vanished in an instant, she absently supported a big tree beside her, and burst into tears. Lan Wenhou stepped forward slowly, and said in a low voice: Miss An, I didn't mean to be angry at all when I said this. Miss An wept and said, "Your eyes, your eyes Lan Wenhou touched his eyes, which were completely black, and stretched out his thick hands in a daze, comforting the sobbing man. Gradually, most of Lan Wenhou's internal injuries healed. What he didn't understand was why Miss An treated him so well when they met by chance. Lan Wenhou had never enjoyed this kind of warmth since he was born. He couldn't figure it out. Why, I had no choice but to smile bitterly and say to myself: She just pities me as a blind man. Suddenly, there was a scream outside the door, followed by the howling of wild wolves. Marquis Lan Wen was taken aback. He reached out and lifted a stick from the table, and rushed out of the house. He heard the sound of wolves within a few feet, so anxious that he forgot everything and ran away. Unexpectedly, he tripped over the threshold and fell into a big somersault with an ouch. Only Miss An scolded in a low voice: Beast, are you running wild! Then there was the sound of wild wolves howling in pain, and everything returned to calm. Miss An turned her head and saw Lan Wenhou who fell down. She approached and said, "A hungry wolf came to us to steal food, and I beat it away." . Lan Wenhou ignored her, he was thinking about an important question in his heart, from Miss An's low scolding just now, he concluded that the voice was familiar, maybe Miss An always spoke to him so gently on weekdays, making him He couldn't feel it, but from the low scolding, he could be sure that he must have heard this voice before! Seeing him pondering, Miss An thought he was thinking about beating wolves, so she explained with a smile: "A hungry wolf has no energy at all. My father also taught me a little kung fu on weekdays." Lan Wenhou sat up suddenly, grabbed Miss An's arm, and said slowly: Miss An, tell me, who are you?We must have seen it before, must have seen it! Miss An trembled all over, and Lan Wenhou asked: "Is it?"we have met before Miss An suddenly regained her composure, she said softly: That's right, we've seen it before. Lan Wenhou said: Tell me, when did we meet? Miss An's voice suddenly became quiet: Let me tell you, it was fifteen years ago Lan Wenhou said in surprise: Fifteen years ago? Miss An said: Yes, fifteen years ago, in Luoyang, do you still remember? . Lan Wenhou snorted and said: Well, yes, I did live in Luoyang fifteen years ago, but when did I see you? Miss An said: Lanlan Wenhou, do you remember Aunt Shen? Aunt Shen?Aunt Shen?you you All of a sudden, Lan Wenhou remembered that at that time he had just started to become famous in the martial arts world. He defeated the Three Swords of the Yellow River alone outside Luoyang City and became a man of the world in the martial arts world.That year, he defended Aunt Shen, the old landlady who lived there, killed four thugs overnight, and gave Aunt Shen three thousand taels of silver to flee Los Angeles.When Lan Wenhou recalled this past event, he couldn't help being startled and suspicious, and asked: Are you the cousin and niece that Aunt Shen carried with her who was separated from her family? Miss An's voice suddenly became mournful: Ah, thanks to you, Uncle Lan, who still remembers that innocent girl in Luoyang City, she thought that the young tenant who lived in Aunt Shen's natal house could kill four people overnight because of them. Personally, he donated three thousand taels of silver without hesitation, what would it be for?Of course it is for her, who knows, who knows that when Aunt Shen was so grateful that she could not repay her, she proposed to the young knight-errant to betroth her only niece to him. If you don't, Lanlan hero, you are so chic, do you know that your words completely shattered a girl's heart? Lan Wenhou was dumbfounded when he heard it. It was the past fifteen years ago, and he had long forgotten it. He never thought that he would meet an old friend here, and that part of the accident that hurt people without knowing it. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak, but sweat was beading on his forehead. Miss Na'an was sobbing when she spoke later.Lan Wenhou called out stiffly: "Miss An, Miss An, I don't know what to say. Where did you go after you left Luoyang with your Aunt Shen?" Miss An said: My aunt took me to the south, and the old man passed away in the second year, but it is said that I am alone and dawdling Hearing her pitiful words, Marquis Lan Wen felt an indescribable sadness in his heart. He thought that he would be a chivalrous man all his life, and he would have no regrets in what he did all his life. Now that he thinks about it carefully, he may have done many things wrong unknowingly. How many people were hurt. In fact, the most valuable thing for a person to live in the world is that drive. If people dare not do things because they are afraid of making mistakes, then who will do the things in the world?There is always a wrong to be right, not to mention there is only a thin line between right and wrong, and the right and wrong of a thing can only be proved by time. Miss An didn't go on, Lan Wenhou couldn't help asking: "What happened next?" Miss An said: "Later?In the next ten years, I became a completely different person and lived in another world. You don’t have to ask about the details, I won’t tell you, it’s my secret secret? Um Lan Wenhou suddenly remembered one thing: Miss An only met him fifteen years ago, and I forgot all about her, how could I remember that voice?Besides, I think that voice is so familiar He couldn't help asking: Miss An, haven't we met again in the future? Miss An paused and said: No, of course not Lan Wenhou frowned and thought hard, he felt that the mystery in his heart was becoming more and more difficult to solve. Another day slipped by in darkness. Ever since Ms. An told Lan Wenhou about the past, she didn't mention it anymore, as if she hadn't said anything, and took care of Lan Wenhou carefully every day. Lan Wenhou was deeply grateful, a kind of seemingly In fact, feelings that are light and indifferent are growing in Lan Wenhou's heart day by day. All this development, one day, reached its climax That day, Miss An rushed in ecstatically like a sick person, and shouted: "Look, look, what did I find?" Lan Wenhou was stunned.She immediately cried again: "Ah!Sorry, I forgot you can't see, but you'll see soon Lan Wenhou was taken aback: What?What did you say? Miss An said excitedly: I found a staghorn grass in the mountains! Lan Wenhou said: "What is staghorn grass?" Miss An smiled happily: "You don't have to worry about it. With this staghorn grass, I only need to spend three hours to prepare a medicine stone to restore your eyesight!" Lan Wenhou asked dubiously: Really? Miss An gave a grin, turned around and ran inside. Three hours later, Ms. An came over with a pack of hot white ointment.She asked Lan Wenhou to lie on the bed, and then lightly applied the ointment on Lan Wenhou's eyes. Lan Wenhou exclaimed: "It's so hot." Miss An said with a smile: "Let's make do with it." She was almost laying on Lan Wenhou's body, and Lan Wenhou could feel the heat and breath on her body, and then he heard the sound of tearing the cloth, and he couldn't help asking: What are you doing? Miss An smiled and said, "Tear off your skirt and bandage it up for you." Lan Wenhou raised his head to let her bandage it, but bumped into her head. With the bandage in her hand, Miss An said happily: After wrapping it up, after half an hour, you take off the cloth, open your eyes and see, the beautiful world belongs to you again! Lan Wenhou said: When my eyes can see again, I must take a closer look at how cute you are, a lovely kind girl. Miss An smiled lightly: Didn't we meet fifteen years ago? Lan Wenhou Qiqi Ai said: At that time, at that time Miss An said: At that time, you lived with us every day, but you didn't see clearly whether I had a round face or a square face, did you? Lan Wenhou thought for a while, and argued strongly: No, your appearance must have changed in fifteen years. Miss An slapped him lightly, but she didn't say a word. She had obviously bandaged her up, but she still leaned lightly beside him. Marquis Lan Wen sighed softly, "Fifteen years, fifteen years, you should be thirty years old, right?" Miss An said: "More than that, thirty-two years and three months." Suddenly, Lan Wenhou put his arms around her waist and said in a low voice: Do you remember that year when your aunt betrothed you to me?I was so confused, you you are such a nice girl Miss An didn't speak.Lan Wenhou said: "Now, I beg you, are you still willing to marry me?" Miss An seemed to have been stabbed suddenly, the smile on her face was completely suppressed, and she sat up gently.Lan Wenhou hugged her waist and shook her, and asked urgently: "Answer me, answer me." Miss An tried her best to use a gentle voice: "Okay, okay, I promise you, let me get up first." Lan Wenhou let go of his hand happily, Miss An stood up, tears were streaming down like a spring, she thought silently: I should go, quietly away. She stretched out her hand and touched the bald top of her head, swallowing her tears and thinking: I have become a monk, can I still fall in love?He is the first man who entered my heart, and the only man who entered my heart in my life. Let him live in my heart forever. I have no desires and no ambitions. Buddha will not oppose his disciples to love others! She silently looked at the handsome man with cloth strips on his face, and her heart was surging like a giant wave hitting the shore: From the first sight fifteen years ago, I knew that I would never love another person in my life Afterwards, even though I became a monk, my heart was still attached to him. That year Zhuang Renyi instigated me to fight against him. How could I have fallen for that Zhuang Renyi's tricks?I just wanted to take the opportunity to take a look at him. Unexpectedly, he didn’t recognize me at all. Those precious brothers of his were as fierce as gunpowder, and they really fought together. Let's fight, when my aunt proposed marriage before, you refused so readily, to show you my ability, alas, the battle at Juyongguan was so bad, I really hate and anxious, those beggars still don't If you're willing to stop, you won't stop until you die, wound, and bleed, alas She glanced at Lan Wenhou, and continued to think: Later, you came to take revenge again. You ruined the prestige I have worked so hard to build over the past ten years. Forget it, let it be destroyed. What else is there if it is destroyed in your hands? What's the deal?It's a god-sent opportunity. I met you who were injured here. How happy I am to have the opportunity to do something for you. He stroked Lan Wenhou's forehead lightly, and said gently: From now on, don't say a word, just count to three hundred silently, and then you can open the cloth bag. Lan Wenhou nodded. He was weaving a sweet dream in his heart. Ms. An reached out to wipe away her tears and said to herself silently: "It's time to go, I really should go, let's bury hopeless love in my heart, there is pain, Let me take it easy, when he opened his eyes, I was already far away, maybe he thought I was a fairy who descended from the sky She smiled wryly, took a deep look at Lan Wenhou, and then left like a ghost. Lan Wenhou counted silently, and finally counted to three hundred, he shouted: Hey, can I take it apart? No one answered. He asked again, but still quietly, he finally opened the cloth bag by himself, a bright light shot in, making him dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, the beautiful world appeared before his eyes again Yes, he was so excited that he almost cried out, but he found that Miss Ann was not there. He rushed out the door, yelling loudly, but there was nothing but his own echo, he couldn't help being startled and suspicious, and hurriedly ran to the front of the mountain using his lightness kung fu. He ran to the top of the mountain, and suddenly found a shadow in white clothes from a jungle, so he frantically took a shortcut and chased after him, his figure was so fast that he was almost as fast as a shooting star. Finally he got close, and climbed up from the side woods, just as he was about to shout, all of a sudden, it seemed as if the blood in his whole body froze. The woman in white was walking with her head bowed, her face was stained with tears, and a long strip was missing from the corner of her skirt, wasn't it just the cloth strip used to bandage her eyes?But she, she is actually the desert's golden sand magic skill Jiuyin God nun! In an instant, Lan Wenhou seemed to have become a puppet. It turned out to be her, and it was her. No wonder her voice is so familiar, no wonder she No wonder she's leaving! Lan Wenhou had thousands of thoughts in his heart that he wanted to shout out to her, but he didn't have the courage to shout out. At this time, he also thought in his heart: what other way is there for a hopeless love than to secretly bury it in his heart?I only need to call her now, and the pain will be a thousand times greater for the two of us in the future He hid behind the tree in a daze, his heart was in a mess, until the mountain mist blurred the slender figure, and tears blurred his vision.The day is late. The setting sun is slanting to the west, the twilight is gradually rising, and the golden sky light spreads on the edge of the earth, gradually dimming. This mountainous area stretches for dozens of miles. Although the mountain is not very tall, the roads on the mountain are extremely rugged, and there are always few people. The mountain road with the back of the sun is already dark at twilight, and there has been no one for a long time. Weeds are overgrown on the road, and the leaves are thick on the side of the road. Where the evening wind blows, shadows move quickly on the ground darkly, giving people a gloomy feeling. At this time, the sky was getting darker, and suddenly there was a sound of footsteps on the mountain road, and a tall and broad man walked out of the corner. The big man didn't walk very hurriedly, he didn't seem to be in a hurry, but it is really rare to walk alone in such a remote place at this moment.He looked up at the sky, sighed and murmured: "Green mountains, green waters and seas are my home, alas!"I've had enough these days. He shook his head, let go of the front of his chest, let the evening wind blow on his strong chest, raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, suddenly, his hand stopped on his forehead, and retracted the half-step. Forefoot, concentrating for a while, his face changed slightly, and he walked gently to the side of the road. He pondered for a while, then squatted down, the evening wind blew past, and there was a burst of human voices. The sound of people was getting closer, and the big man was squatting beside the road, surrounded by leaves and weeds, and the whole figure was very tightly covered. I saw two people coming from the other side of the road, the one on the left was about 60 years old, with a thin face, and the one on the right was a young man, about 21 or 2 years old. They talked and walked, and they came to the place where the big man was hiding. , suddenly stopped. Just listen to the old man say: Mr. Ting, your uncle is too wordy The young man said, "It's just because the kid surnamed Qi has a lot to do with it, but Mama Huang hesitated, as if she had some secret in her chest." The old man hummed and said: "Your uncle is indeed worried about this, and you were not paying attention just now, and that thing was snatched away." The young man was ashamed and said: "It's the disciple's carelessness." The old man snorted and said: This mountain depression is indeed too steep. In our estimation, your uncle and I have no way to get it back in time before she destroys it. The boy hummed.The old man said again: Fortunately, when the thing is really useless, it doesn't matter if she destroys it, but your uncle has the patience to treat her stiffly. The two of them, one old and one young, sounded like a pair of master and apprentice, the big man squatting by the side of the road used all his strength at this time, and saw that the old man's eyes were not angry but mighty, his eyes flickering unsteadily, he was clearly a top expert in the inner family.He had plenty of experience, he had already taken a long breath of true energy, and took a breath very carefully. The old man looked at the sky and said: "The moon is about to rise, wait for her for a while, let's go, and see what your master uncle has in mind." As they spoke, the two walked slowly towards the original road. The big man hiding in the darkness let out a sigh of relief and stood up slowly. Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, so he squatted down again, picked up a small piece of hard mud on the ground, and walked about five feet away to the right. With a light flick and a snap, small clods of mud fell into the road. The big man waited for a while, but when there was no movement, he stood up, pushed aside the branches and leaves, and followed him. Passing the corner of the road, I saw four people standing more than twenty feet away. At this time, the sky was already dark and the distance was too far, although the big man had excellent eyesight, he could only vaguely distinguish two people as the old one and the young one just now, and he couldn't see clearly the other two. He thought for a while, took a deep breath of true energy, and slowly moved forward along the shadow of the bushes. From the behavior of the old man, he could tell that the old man possessed unique skills, and he must not be careless, so even though it was so far away, he was still very careful. He moved forward cautiously, about five or six feet away, when suddenly the moonlight shone, the moon crawled out from the clouds, and the ground shone brightly. The big man was in a dark place, he could see things in the bright place very clearly, and after shortening the distance, he could already see the eyebrows of the four people. At a glance, among the four people, apart from the old and the young, the other couple is also an old man and a young man. The old man's appearance was simply extremely majestic, and his demeanor and demeanor seemed to have the air of a king in all directions, and the big man couldn't help but secretly startled. Turning his eyes to look at the young man, the big man's heart was shocked suddenly, he almost exclaimed, he saw that the young man was handsome and unrestrained, he was Qi Tianxin who was famous in the world recently. It turned out that Qi Tianxin lost his footing and fell off the cliff during the battle with Jin Nandao that day. Those who knew the inside thought that Qi Tianxin was dead. Unexpectedly, when he fell, he grabbed a mountain vine in a daze with his hands. When he was about to be smashed to pieces, he stopped and survived.But Tianmei and others followed him and captured Qi Tianxin while his injury was still in recovery. The big man saw the expression on Qi Tianxin's face, he was too old to be old, and he knew that Qi Tianxin was restrained by other people's acupoints, and he couldn't move. With Qi Tianxin's skill, he was controlled by others, the big man's thoughts turned, but he still couldn't remember where the two people came from.
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