Home Categories martial arts novel Legend of Heroes of the Three Kingdoms‧Volume 3

Chapter 4 The fourth round of searching for dragons

Zhao Zilong didn't know that in the middle of the night on the day when Tianji Monk left, two figures, one old and one young, came out from the cliff under the cloud-shrouded Tianji Temple, as swift as apes. Yes, he jumped to the top of Jiusong Ridge, and then went down at a fast speed. The next day, on the westbound mountain road at the foot of Wuyi Mountain, an old monk with a silver beard and white robe appeared, and beside him was a little boy of fourteen or fifteen years old with a hair on the top of the baby. A bunch of hair, probably not yet shaved, looks very weird when he is around the old monk. I don't know if the little baby is the old monk's apprentice or the old monk's grandson, but how can the monk have offspring?

What's even more strange is that the little baby's appearance is somewhat monkey-like, with a narrow forehead and a pointed mouth. If his eyes were not so black and rolling, black and white were distinct, and very spiritual, people would have thought he was a talking monkey. It turned out that the little boy was the young monk Zhao Zilong had met once in the Tianji Temple, and the old monk was naturally the Wuji Tianji Monk who never saw the end of the dragon. The origin of this young monk of Tianji Temple is also very strange.One day, Tianji Monk suddenly found a half-human, half-monkey monster in the mountains and wild mountains. He felt strange, so he used his peerless lightness kung fu to capture the monster. The monster turned out to be an abandoned baby. The female monkeys were brought into the deep mountains to be fed and raised, so they resembled monkeys five minutes in length.

The Tianji monk brought him back to the Tianji Temple, and after a lot of Buddhist training, he finally changed most of his monkey habits, but his appearance could not be changed.Feeling deeply moved, Tianji Monk simply named him Laughing Monkey, which means small, and Laughing Monkey also means little monkey, and at the same time, it also means to hope that he will never suffer in the future and smile often. Laughing Monkey likes this name very much. He has followed the Tianji Monk for more than ten years. In addition to comprehending Buddhism and Zen, he also has a very solid foundation in martial arts, which is enough to rank with the masters in the martial arts world.

Tianji monk took Laughing Monkey with him, traveling from south to west, and walked hundreds of miles without knowing it, but Tianji monk still had no intention of stopping. The Laughing Monkey is not tireless, he still has a third of his monkey nature, running around all day long, which is exactly what he wants, but the monkey nature is naturally curious, when encountering unknown or new things, he will curiously scratch his ears and cheeks, and the Laughing Monkey himself He was fed up by a monkey, and his nature is exactly like that of a monkey, so he is much more curious than the world.

Uncle Master.Laughing Monkey finally couldn't help screaming, although Monk Tianji forbade him to talk too much on the road, but after all he couldn't restrain his curious monkey nature, the title of Master Uncle was what Laughing Monkey was used to when he was young. Tianji Monk glanced at Laughing Monkey, seeing him scratching his ears and scratching his cheek, he couldn't help being angry and funny, so he deliberately said: "Hou'er, I've banned you from talking today, it must be like burning you, okay, you have something to say." Just ask quickly, but on one condition

When Laughing Monkey heard this, Ru Xing's spiritual eyes could not help but flash, and he thought to himself: Uncle Master let him ask questions, which is of course very good, because if he is not allowed to speak again, he will be suffocated to death, but although Uncle Master treats him like Master, when he became stricter, when forcing him to practice martial arts and cultivate his character, the conditions he put forward were also very harsh. For example, asking him to imitate the master uncle and meditate on the futon for three days and three nights would almost kill Laughing Monkey.

The laughing monkey couldn't help being surprised and delighted, and said cautiously: Uncle master, what are the conditions? Monk Tianji said solemnly: There are three conditions. First, you can only keep in your heart what Uncle Master said today, and you must not reveal it to anyone. Laughing Monkey was frightened and said to himself: This first condition is very serious. Uncle Master knows that I am curious and likes to ask people, but if I don’t tell others what I know, how can others tell me what they know, Laughing Monkey, But if you don't agree, you will be suffocated before your eyes, so it's better to agree first.

Laughing Monkey's heart is extremely dexterous, he changed his mind like this, then nodded with a smile and said: In that case, Laughing Monkey had no choice but to agree. When Tianji Monk heard this, his expression widened, he knew that although Laughing Monkey was naughty, he would never disobey what he promised, as long as he didn't reveal it to others easily, the rest would be of secondary importance. Monk Tianji smiled slightly, and said: The second condition is that after you are informed, you must travel around to send messages on behalf of Uncle Master, and you must not be lazy.

Laughing Monkey said happily: Yes, yes, Master Uncle, your work of running errands and delivering letters is just in line with Laughing Monkey's temperament, I agree. Monk Tianji chuckled and said: The third condition is that you are only allowed to ask three questions, if you ask one more question, you will be fined to sit on the futon for an extra three nights, can you agree? When Laughing Monkey heard this, he was terrified at first, because he was terrified of sitting on the futon, but he couldn't help being curious, so he nodded in agreement. Tianji Monk smiled and said: Okay, then you can ask.

Laughing Monkey thought and thought, and then asked cautiously: Uncle Master, since you came out of Tianji Temple, you have been running here and there, searching all over the mountains and mountains, what exactly are you searching for? Monk Tianji couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and said to himself: This monkey asked very cleverly, one question covered everything, but he grasped the key points right away, which shows that his mind is becoming more and more dexterous. Monk Tianji likes Laughing Monkey very much, and guides him into the door of Tianji all the time.Seeing his rapid progress now, I feel happy in my heart, so I said calmly: This matter is a long story, and it is difficult to explain it in detail for a while.Master Uncle can only tell you that this matter is due to an impending martial arts catastrophe. In order to resolve this catastrophe, Master Uncle has no choice but to run around

Laughing Monkey was impatient, and before the monk Tianji finished speaking, he hurriedly said: "Then how can Uncle Master resolve it?" Monk Tianji chuckled and said: Good!This is the second question you asked. The big brother Zhao Zilong you met in Tianji Temple a few days ago was unfortunately poisoned by the flying butterfly poison of the Peach Blossom Girl in the Flame Gate. Therefore, he had to try to dissolve the Gu poison in Zhao Zilong's body. The more Laughing Monkey listened, the more curious he became. He also forgot the third condition of Tianji Monk, so he couldn't help but said anxiously: Then why can big brother Zhao Zilong dissolve a martial arts catastrophe by dispelling the flying butterfly poison in his body? Monk Tianji suddenly turned serious, and pondered: This is also the method that the old monk can't do, and all the right and wrong grievances in it are beyond your comprehension.The old man can only say that this matter involves the love and hatred of the famous martial arts masters of the previous generation. If it cannot be resolved, the mutual hatred will be deepened. No matter what, the old monk will resolve it for him, so as to eliminate the bloody storm in the martial arts.Well, this is the third question, Monkey, do you have any more questions? Laughing Monkey was half-blinded and half-confused, and couldn't fully comprehend the twists and turns. He continued to inquire, but suddenly realized that he had already asked three questions. slipped away. Monk Tianji was startled, he stretched out his hand towards Laughing Monkey, and with a strong soft force, he pulled Laughing Monkey back.Monk Tianji said: Monkey, why are you running away in such a hurry? Laughing Monkey said with a smile: Monkey has already asked three questions, if he doesn't leave, he will definitely not be able to resist asking again. In this way, wouldn't Monkey's butt turn into an iron plate, sticking to the futon and never being able to move? ?Terrible, didn't this suffocate the monkey to death, so he never dared to stay for a moment longer! When Tianji Monk heard this, he couldn't help but smile, and didn't say anything more.At this moment, his mood is also very heavy and anxious, because he knows very well that the bloody storm in the martial arts world is about to come, and the reason has a lot to do with his Tianji monk. His meritorious deeds will be exhausted in one day, how can he wait leisurely?And the root cause of all this, the laughing monkey will definitely not understand it, he only needs to know that what he is doing now has to be done, fully assist, and not afraid of hardships, that is enough, the rest of the details are the secrets of heaven. The monk has no time to explain. Soon, Tianji Monk and Laughing Monkey traveled westward from the south of Wuyi Mountain, hundreds of miles away. The two entered the area of ​​Wen County, Hanoi. At noon that day, Tianji Seng took the laughing monkey up to a mountain peak. This mountain seemed ordinary at first glance, but when he climbed to the peak, Tianji Monk looked south. But his eyes couldn't help but suddenly brighten up, and he thought to himself: I have worn out my iron shoes and found nowhere to go, but unexpectedly I appeared in front of my eyes? It turns out that there is a mountain peak rising from the south, standing at the head of the mountains, graceful and graceful, like a slim fairy, and like a spring flower smiling, it is refreshing to witness, and then happy. Monk Tianji secretly said: The flying butterfly poison in Zhao Zilong's body belongs to the yin within the yin. Apart from the antidote from Peach Blossom Witch's sect, the only way to cure it is to use the method of searching for dragons from the earth's veins to create a dragon for Zhao Zilong. A strange woman with yang within yin, as long as this woman combines with Zhao Zilong, the dragon energy of yang within yin can dissolve the poison of flying butterfly Gu poison of yin within yin on Zhao Zilong's body, and I am running around , it is for this purpose! Monk Tianji's thoughts turned, and he didn't dare to neglect, he quickly stretched out his body, and flew towards the mountain peak in the shape of a jade girl to the south. Seeing this, the laughing monkey also flew up. The cliffs of Tianji Temple can also be swept up, let alone a mere mountain road. Going up to the top of the peak, Monk Tianji looked around, and saw that the mountains and rocks were beautiful and smooth, and the vegetation was lush, like mountain flowers with beautiful women on the temples, beautiful and beaming. Monk Tianji was so excited when he saw it, for some reason, even he, a top expert with profound kung fu, climbed up this peak, his heart couldn't help but his heart fluttered, he couldn't help it, but all his worries disappeared, only joy was left, and his heart was full of joy encouraged. The laughing monkey came up after him, and suddenly he danced happily, scratched his ears and laughed, and after a long while, he laughed and panted, "Uncle Master, what's the matter, the monkey died of joy, but why did the master today So happy? The laughing monkey's cry came to his ears, and the monk Tianji's heart couldn't help shaking, and then he suddenly realized that even he himself was confused by the strength of the mountain, and he could hardly restrain himself. The turmoil in his body was subdued, and his eyesight soon became clear. Afraid that Laughing Monkey's internal strength would not be able to resist the temptation of the mountain's terrain, Monk Tianji stretched out his hand to press Laughing Monkey's back, using Buddhist magic skills to help him resist. After a while, the laughing monkey became quieter and stopped dancing, but still laughed happily and said, "Okay!"Uncle Master, this mountain is very good, haha, when I climbed this peak, I only feel happy in my heart, but I can’t feel sad even if I want to, why? While helping him resist, Tianji monk enlightened Laughing Monkey and said: I have explained to you the way of searching for dragons in the earth's veins, and what you meet now is infected by the earth's force of the dragon's veins! Laughing Monkey hurriedly said: Is this caused by the force of the dragon's veins?That's amazing, what's the name of this dragon vein? Monk Tianji stretched out his left hand, pointed around, and said, "Monkey, look, is this peak shaped like a fairy, and is it like a smiling spring flower, which is infinitely joyful to witness?" Laughing Monkey's internal strength is already very deep, and now with the help of Tianji Monk to resist, his mind has regained clarity, he looked around, couldn't help but nodded and said: "Excellent!"Yes!Uncle Master, this mountain peak looks like a fairy, and it looks like a smiling spring flower in full bloom! Monk Tianji knew that Xiaohou'er's mind had recovered, so he withdrew his right hand that was on his back, and said with a smile, "That's right, so the dragon's vein hidden in this peak can be called the Michelle Spring Flower Immortal Vein." The laughing monkey said: What are the benefits of smiling spring flower fairy veins? Monk Tianji said: "Smiling spring flower celestial veins have very strong land power. If the person who inherits this dragon energy is a man, a generation of emperors and generals will be born in the future. It is extremely valuable, because the land power is the yang in the yin, and it can make people grow up." Positive people get great benefits.If it is a woman, there will be a generation of heroines among women, and this woman will be full of joy, joy, generosity and decentness. She is a happy woman who can relieve thousands of worries, just like a rare daughter of fairy music. . The laughing monkey couldn't help sticking out his tongue and said, "It's so powerful!"It's no wonder that as soon as the monkey climbed to this peak and felt the dragon's breath, he felt endless joy, but may I ask Master Uncle, do you plan to use this dragon's veins to create a talent for an emperor, a general, or a daughter of fairy music? Tianji Monk pondered for a while, and secretly said: My original intention, of course, is to create a daughter of Xianle who is a yang within a yin, so as to dissolve the flying butterfly Gu poison of a yin within a yin in Zhao Zilong's body. Mysterious, I don't know if I can do what I want?He changed his mind, and said briefly: "It's still hard for me to judge at this time, let's see how Zhao Zilong's fate evolves!"Monkey, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, please help me quickly. After Tianji Monk finished speaking, he immediately took out a compass, measured it around the mountain, and finally settled on a place. He ordered the laughing monkey to bring five stones and place them according to the five elements of east, west, south, north, and middle. Put five stones to restrain the Michelle Spring Flower Dragon Vein, and make a mark, and then go down the mountain to search around for the person who inherits the Dragon Vein. After leaving Yunv Peak in Wen County, Hanoi, Laughing Monkey became happy, because since then, Monk Tianji no longer surveyed in the deep mountains and wild ridges, but turned to walk in the villages and towns where there are many people. Naturally, there are food and tea in the place, which is much more delicious than the wild fruit in the mountain stream. In the evening, Tianji monk took Laughing Monkey into a big town. The market in the big town was not over yet, and it was very lively. In front of the Town God's Temple in the town, some people were performing juggling.Many people gathered in a circle, admiring and joining in the fun. Laughing Monkey is naturally curious, how can he let it go when he encounters such excitement?He tugged and tugged and begged Tianji Monk to let him go and have a look, Tianji Monk smiled slightly, and for some reason readily agreed. Tianji Monk and Laughing Monkey approached the crowd of onlookers, Tianji Monk's eyes were like lightning, and he didn't need to go in, he could distinguish the movement in the crowd from a distance, Laughing Monkey was clever, and sneaked in in a flash. I saw a man and a woman in the arena, the man was about fifty years old, his face was full of weather and frost, he was much older than his actual age, and his brows were deeply furrowed, as if he was deeply worried. The girl was only sixteen years old, with a sweet appearance, walking around the arena, laughing foolishly. This man and a woman, one sad and one happy, one sad and one smile, immediately amused the onlookers. Although Laughing Monkey was naturally curious, when he saw the girl's appearance, he couldn't help sighing, thinking: That man is obviously her father, her father is full of worries and frowns, but she laughs and laughs, she is really stupid up.Laughing Monkey is an orphan abandoned by others, he doesn't even know what his parents look like, he seems very happy when he sees his father and daughter reunited, he can't help feeling it. Monk Tianji stared at the foolish young girl, but his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, thinking in his heart, he stopped his feet, determined not to leave. At this time, the man suddenly took out an earthen jar, turned it around in his hand, then threw it, and then stopped on his shoulder. He clasped his fists in both hands, and turned around to the surrounding crowd, frowning tightly. He said loudly: "My fellow villagers and elders, this is the bone pagoda of my dead wife, and I can't afford to bury her."I have no choice but to burn it to ashes first, and then raise funds to bury it. I have nothing to repay, and I will chat with jugglers to entertain all benevolent and benevolent people. If you are rewarded by you, I will be grateful! As soon as the man finished speaking, some of the onlookers sighed and said: It turns out that he was doing a show for his dead wife to raise funeral expenses, what a pity!But I don't know if he is still in the mood to perform in the pain of his wife's death? The man put the deceased wife's skeletal tower aside, brought a bamboo ladder, and inserted it into the open space, the bamboo ladder stood firmly on the ground, motionless.Then he clasped his hands all around and said: "Everyone, I have no other skills, so I have to steal a fairy peach from the peach garden of the Queen Mother in the sky, and give it to each of you to share a bite, so as to help you prolong your life and live a long life." As soon as the man's voice fell, someone in the crowd shouted again: "That's amazing!"How dare you go to the Tiangong Pantao Garden to steal peaches!It is said that eating one piece of fairy peach can prolong life by nine thousand years, so if you eat one piece, wouldn't it be possible to live one or two hundred years longer?If you can steal the fairy peach back, each of us is willing to give ten taels of silver as reward!But how do you know that it is the fairy peach in Tiangong Pantao Garden? The man said: Of course, the peaches that fell from the sky are the ones that will prevail. When everyone heard this, they thought to themselves: If there are really peaches falling from the sky, then they are either immortals or gods!So they all said in unison: Good!Then let this be the standard. The man nodded silently, but no longer hesitated, and waved to the silly smiling girl: Zhi'er!Come here, Daddy has something to tell you. The girl was originally called Zhi'er. Although she was stupid, she obeyed her father's call very much. As soon as she heard it, she immediately walked over and smiled at the crowd, which amused everyone. Then she said to the man: "What does Daddy want Zhi Son? The man said: "Zhi'er, in order to raise money for your mother's burial, you can climb up the ladder, go straight to the peach garden in Tiangong, steal a fairy peach and come back, and reward all the villagers and elders." When Zhi'er heard it, she thought about it and imagined it, so she immediately laughed and said: "Yes!"Daddy, Zhi'er is going to steal the fairy peach right now and come back. As soon as the words fell, Zhi'er jumped up and was halfway up the bamboo ladder.Don't look at her being stupid, her lightness skill is high, but she is by no means inferior to a martial arts master. Laughing Monkey couldn't help but stare dumbfounded at this time, he was originally a monkey, and he also liked to eat peaches, but with this bamboo ladder, he really wanted to go straight to Tiangong to Tiangong Peach Garden, which he never dreamed about ! Laughing Monkey couldn't help but said to the Tianji Monk behind him: It's incredible!Uncle Master, even the Laughing Monkey would not dare to do it, how could a girl like her have the guts to do it? But Tianji Monk whispered in Laughing Monkey's ear: "Wonderful people and strangers in the world have seen it from time to time. Don't use your own skills to judge others' abilities. You must know that there are people beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky. If you can't do it, others can't?"Watch quietly, and don't make a fuss and make random noises to disturb the minds of the performers. Laughing Monkey stuck out his tongue and made a grimace, but he didn't dare to make another sound, he only stared nervously at the girl Zhi'er, to see how she could perform. At this moment, Zhi'er has already jumped up to the top of the bamboo ladder.Everyone couldn't help being puzzled, the bamboo ladder has reached the top, how can this girl climb up again? At this time, Nazhier suddenly saw Na Zhier pull out a bundle of silk ropes from her bosom, she stood on the top of the bamboo ladder, and threw the silk ropes up into the sky, the silk ropes fluttered straight up like a bird, rising higher and higher, gradually going straight into the air. In the cloud, Miao Miao does not see the end, only one end of the silk rope is left, which is held in Zhi'er's hand. The man looked up to the sky and asked: Zhi'er, are you ready? Zhi'er giggled and said: Ready!Daddy, Zhi'er will go straight to the Heavenly Palace, and go to the Tiantian Palace's Pantao Garden to steal peaches.As soon as the words fell, Zhi'er leaped, grabbed the silk rope with both hands, and climbed up in the air along the rope. In the blink of an eye, she had already climbed tens of feet high. Laughing Monkey looked up into the sky, but Zhi'er's pretty figure was getting smaller and smaller, and the clouds and mists were floating around her, it was obvious that she was already in the sky, and there was no hypocrisy at all. Gradually, Zhi'er's figure was as small as a bird, and she disappeared into the sky, and she was no longer seen. The onlookers couldn't help being dumbfounded, and there was no sound. Some people opened their mouths even wider and couldn't close them for a long time. One end of the silk rope was still tied to the wooden ladder. At this time, the man also flew up the ladder, holding the end of the silk rope and sticking it to his ear, as if communicating with his daughter hidden in the sky. The man listened for a while, and suddenly said loudly: "Okay!"Zhi'er finally sneaked into the Tiangong, entered the Nantian Gate, and is now sneaking into the Peach Garden. When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to make a sound, because this matter was so unbelievable, unbelievable, but the girl was obviously already in the vast sky. When everyone was astonished, the man suddenly shouted again: "It's really gratifying, congratulations, Zhi'er has stolen into the Peach Garden and picked a big fairy peach! Zhi'er, don't be naughty, don't be playful, first throw the fairy peach away." , Let the folks and elders have a taste. As soon as the man's words fell, a red light flashed in the air, and everyone was surprised, and there was a big bright red peach in the man's hand. The man was about to throw the peach down, when suddenly the end of the rope moved, the man had no time to drop the peach, so he put his ear close to the end of the rope, listened for a while, and then suddenly cried out in surprise: "It's not good!"Zhi'er was discovered by the heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the Taoyuan!Is she still alive? Before he finished speaking, an object suddenly fell from midair, brushed the bamboo ladder, and landed on the ground. When everyone saw it, it was a bloody arm! The man cried out mournfully: "Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals have chopped off Zhi'er's right hand for stealing the flat peaches. I'm afraid there will be more severe punishments!" The screams continued, and another object fell from midair. It turned out to be a human leg. . The onlookers at the scene originally only wanted to join in the fun and have fun, but unexpectedly killed them, and those who were timid and afraid of getting into trouble wanted to get out of trouble. When the man saw it, he jumped down from the sky, his lightness skill was so high that it was shocking.He swept around and blocked the guests who wanted to escape.Then he clasped his hands to everyone in the field and cried out: "Fathers and elders, don't be alarmed. The little girl accidentally offends Tian Tiao and dies in the Heavenly Palace. There is nothing I can do. It has nothing to do with everyone."But please take pity on her to pay for the funeral expenses of her deceased mother. She sacrificed her life for her relatives. She is a big festival and a filial piety. She also donates a few taels of rest money. Even if the little girl dies in the Heavenly Palace, she will have no regrets!Everybody please!please The onlookers on the scene were surprised, shocked and frightened at this moment. Seeing that their lives had been killed, they only hoped that nothing would happen to themselves, so they had to spend their money to prevent the disaster.But I saw that everyone gave money one after another, some were ten taels, some were five taels, and the worst ones were ten or twenty Wen. After a while, beside the bone tower of the man's deceased wife, dozens of taels of silver had been accumulated, white flowers, very dazzling in the sunset. Everyone was about to leave, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body, but the man suddenly laughed and said: "Everyone, please stay and wait for the little girl Zhi'er, and I would like to thank you for the gift of silver." As soon as the words were finished, a delicate figure suddenly appeared like a bird in the Town God's Temple behind the wooden ladder. Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that it was Zhi'er who stole the fairy peach and died in the Heavenly Palace. Zhi'er smiled at everyone, and thanked everyone for their generous blessings: Hee hee, thank you, thank you, hee hee Everyone was stunned by this sudden mutation, dumbfounded. But the man bowed his hands to everyone and said: Thank you for your generosity!It is true that the deceased wife died not long ago, and I have no means to bury her, let alone any other way, so I dedicate some small techniques to you all, for the enjoyment of you first, and if there is any offense, I hope you will forgive me a lot. Even if everyone felt upset at this moment, there was nothing they could do. They knew that the purpose of performing arts was to seek money, and it was your wish to use any means of skill, and there was no one to blame. After a while, someone couldn't help asking: Then, Master, where did the bloody hands and legs come from?Human life is at stake, so it's not a joke!The man smiled calmly when he heard it.Zhi'er laughed, she picked up the bloody hands and legs on the ground, and started to chew, and ate with relish, very happy. Everyone stared at her dumbfounded, thinking that this girl was really crazy. But the man said frankly: Everyone, to be honest, what the little girl ate was not human hands and legs, but actually just cooked noodles dyed with Zhu Dan, which is not worth mentioning to put it bluntly. Only then did everyone suddenly realize that everything was caused by the supernatural skills of the father and daughter. However, some people were shocked and said: "Although this is the case, the master's father and daughter's lightness skills and rope skills are absolutely unique in the world. We are lucky enough to witness it, and the one or two taels of silver are worth it." The man smiled and said nothing, and was quite proud of his family skills. The crowd of onlookers laughed for a while, and everyone dispersed. The man had already packed his luggage and props, and was about to leave. At this time, Tianji Monk strode up to the man, and asked together, "May I ask where the benefactor's fairyland is?" The man said: "Sima Fu is a native of Wen County. Why did the master ask?" Monk Tianji took a look at the man, and suddenly said: "Sima Almighty lost his wife in middle age, and lost his children. He also had a lung disease, coughing and coughing at night, and was in great pain. I don't know if this is the case?" When the man Sima Fu heard it, he was in a daze for a while, stared blankly at the monk Tianji, and said for a while, "Master's eyes are as immortal as gods, why did he see through my secrets?" Monk Tianji smiled slightly and said: "Sima benefactor has many crow's feet around his eyes, which is a sign of losing his wife in middle age; and benefactor's eyelids are deeply sunken, which is a fierce evil that crushes the roots of the mountain, which is extremely unfavorable to the heart and lungs; overall, it is not difficult to judge." speculate. When the man Sima Fu heard it, his face turned red, white, and black, as if he was full of thoughts and feelings, rushing to his heart.He sighed, cupped his hands suddenly, gave a deep bow to the Tianji monk, and said, "Master's amazing ability is really penetrating!"Since you can see through the suffering situation below, there must be a way to rescue, and Master Wanwang will give you a helping hand. When Sima Fu spoke, he wanted to kneel down to the Tianji Monk, but the Tianji Monk turned his palms, and Sima Fu couldn't bow down.Monk Tianji said: "Sima's benefactor is not polite. I'm telling you the truth. The old monk also asks for his benefactor. If he asks for it, he will give you something. But please ask the benefactor to explain his life experience in detail so that he can try to resolve it." At this moment, Sima Fu felt an incomparably thick and soft force supporting him, no matter what he couldn't go on worshiping, he knew very well that this was a person's internal strength, the monk in front of him must be a peerless master.He didn't dare to hide it, and said frankly: To be honest, I am the descendant of Sima Tan, the Taishi Ling of the Western Han Dynasty. Because my cousin Sima Qian offended the imperial court and was not tolerated by the world, I was hidden from the world. In the early years, I gave birth to a son on the way, named Simaer, who was only three years old, and unfortunately got lost in the market. It has been fifteen years, and there is still no news.He paused, and then continued: Later, the little girl Zhi'er was born, and in the blink of an eye for fifteen years, the late wife had nothing to do, until half a year ago, the late wife also died of illness due to exhaustion from traveling!I'm nearly fifty, and I'm about to die, but it's a pity that Zhi'er has suffered from obsession since she was a child, mentally incomplete, and stupid, leaving her alone, how can I feel at ease?The fate is miserable, but the teacher laughed at him. Tianji Monk did not mean to be sarcastic, on the contrary, he was full of sympathy, but even a little bit of joy.Because he has examined Simazhi's luck in person, and found that her mind obsessed with fantasy just matches the dragon veins of the smiling spring flower that he had discovered before. The Flying Butterfly Gu is very poisonous, and this kind of yang within yin is rare among females, but now they are found by Tianji monk, so I am very pleased. Monk Tianji nodded, sighed slightly, and said: "Sima Benevolent Master has a long life, very unfortunate."But misfortunes depend on blessings, and blessings lie amidst misfortunes. How can we know that the difficulties of the past will not be the blessings of the future?Don't be discouraged by Sima benefactor. Sima Fu said: "Before I met the master, I really had a crush on it, so I tried my best to raise a sum of money and leave it to Zhi'er, so that she can live on it in the future."But her obsessive appearance finally makes me feel uneasy, if the master can give a helping hand to resolve Zhi'er's obsession, then I will die without regret!I still hope that the master will complete it. Seng Tianji pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: Was the daughter of the benefactor Sima born with this obsessive appearance?Or was it caused by another calamity? When Sima Fu heard it, it touched the sore spot, he couldn't help sighing, and said with a wry smile: To be honest, the little girl has been like this since she was born, stupid and obsessed, it's heartbreaking.Although he is very skilled in learning, such trivial skills can't make a big impact.In the middle age, his wife was lost and his son was separated. Seeing that the Sima clan was about to disappear in smoke.It's beyond embarrassing. At this time, Tianji Monk called Sima Zhi close to him, and looked at her carefully. Sima Zhi saw Tianji Monk with silver beard and white beard, with a peaceful face, like a white-bearded fairy. And laugh, very happy. Sima Fu smiled wryly and said: "Master makes such a judgment, I hope the master will fulfill it." At this time, the Tianji monk didn't hesitate anymore, and said resolutely: To tell the truth, the old man is the Tianji Temple Tianji monk.In order to resolve a period of catastrophe, he ran around looking for someone who could help resolve it.This person can not only help me resolve the catastrophe, but also benefit himself a lot from it.The old monk has chosen Qianjin to be the candidate. I don't know if Sima benefactor is willing to let Qianjin take on this important task? When Sima Fu heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed and said: I have heard about the great reputation of Master Wuji Tianji in Tianji Temple for a long time, and I know that the master is a peerless master. Unexpectedly, I am lucky enough to meet you today!The master has given instructions, how can I refuse?I am happy to do so. Tianji Monk smiled and said: "It's so good."So please ask Master Sima to take his wife's bone tower and follow the old monk to a place. When the laughing monkey heard it, he couldn't help panicking: "Uncle Master!"Are you going to the mountains again? When Sima Zhi heard it, he clapped his hands happily and said with a laugh, "Okay!"It must be fun to go to the deep mountains and wild mountains with the monkey brother. Sima Fu couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "Master, look at the appearance of the little girl, can it really be cultivated?" Monk Tianji smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and tapped the laughing monkey's head, and said, "He was fed by wild monkeys. He was originally full of monkey nature, but he has achieved something so far."Because of sincerity, gold and stone are opened, so why should the donor lose confidence first. Sima Fu quickly nodded in agreement, and soon the four of them entered the mountain hand in hand. On the way, Simazhi was very happy, laughing, jumping and screaming, even the laughing monkey who had not lost his monkey nature was frowning by her. Sima Fu secretly felt ashamed, but his daughter was born like this, so there was nothing he could do.But Tianji Monk didn't seem to notice it, and let Laughing Monkey and Sima Zhi play along the way. The journey was uneventful, and soon, the four of them arrived at the Yunv Peak where the Tianji Monk surveyed the dragon's veins. On the way, Monk Tianji has explained to Sima Fu the intention of this trip, that he wants to use the power of the earth's dragon veins to train Sima to produce a generation of heroines.Seeing that his daughter's bad luck had turned around, Sima Fu was naturally delighted and surprised. He carried props for playing skills with him, so he didn't even need to prepare a hoe and shovel for digging. The four of them climbed up to the Jade Maiden Peak.Tianji Monk and Xiaohou'er were naturally very relaxed, Sima Zhi didn't change his face, and he didn't breathe, but Sima Fu was panting after he climbed to the top of the mountain due to his accumulated illness. Fortunately, although Sima Fu was exhausted, he did not flinch. He gritted his teeth and climbed hard, and finally he also climbed to the top of Yunv Peak. Sima Fu took a breath, and climbed to the top of the peak, but his spirit suddenly lifted, and he couldn't help but feel relieved, his body and mind were refreshed, the previous sorrow seemed to disappear suddenly, and he even spoke openly: Master!Really good place!What a beautiful view!Isn't this a desire to see a thousand miles away and climb a higher mountain?
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