Home Categories suspense novel sound of night
sound of night

sound of night


  • suspense novel

  • 2023-02-05Published
  • 53084

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Chapter 1 testimony

sound of night 松本清張 8589Words 2023-02-05
testimony one A woman is redressing her makeup in front of a mirror.The small three-way mirror was bought by Teichiro Ishino from a department store last month.The wardrobe and chest of drawers placed next to it are all front and back. Although there are only two rooms, each with an area of ​​only nine square meters, the home is well-decorated, full of the color and atmosphere of a young woman's residence.Forty-eight-year-old Teiichiro Ishino always feels as comfortable as rippling in the spring breeze whenever he walks into this room. Although his own home is much more spacious than here, and the furniture is also very high-end, however, Ishino Teichiro feels boring.The colors of the various furnishings are dim, cold and without the slightest sense of tenderness. At home, his feelings never exceed the heat of his own body temperature.As soon as you open your eyes, it feels like a cold air rushes straight into your heart.

Ishino Sadaichiro quickly changed into his suit, propped his head on one hand, lay on the mat and smoked, and looked at the back of the woman who was dressing.Umetani Chieko is very young, she is well-dressed and well-dressed, showing seductive power everywhere. Ishino's expression at this time is completely different from when he treated his wife at home. It has been a month since Chieko Umeya moved into this house.Chieko was originally an employee of the company, and Ishino, who was scheming and determined to make a fortune, knew that if this was known, his position as the section chief would be endangered.So, after this relationship happened, Ishino hurriedly asked her to resign.Therefore, no one in the company has discovered what happened between them so far.No one connected Umeya Chieko's resignation with Section Chief Ishino.

Ishino's home is in Omori, so he would not do such a stupid thing as arranging Chieko's residence on the straight line between Omori Marunouchi.He found a quiet house in a small alley in Nishi-Okubo and let Chieko live there.Whether it is leasing or paying rent, let Chieko come forward.Ishino Sadaichiro tried every means to prevent others from seeing his face and figure, and he only came here at night.This small alley is connected to other roads, and he can pretend to be a passerby.Every time he comes, he always observes the surrounding situation first, and then sneaks into Chieko's house nimbly.

In Tokyo, although the houses are densely packed, life is isolated from each other.Therefore, Chieko often proudly said that no one in the neighborhood knew that there was such a person as Ishino Teichiro. Sorry for the waitting. Saying that, Chieko turned around from the mirror, smiled coquettishly and asked Teichiro: My head teacher, how are you going to explain it to your family tonight? Ishino raised his arm and looked at his watch. It was only nine o'clock, and I said I watched a movie in Shibuya.The timing was just right. He stood up and helped Chieko put on her coat. Chieko asked:

Wouldn't it be bad if you asked about the plot of the movie? Teiichiro replied: The movie I watched last time is still playing.Isn't it okay to talk about it? Chieko said affectionately: Good for you! The two smiled at each other. Qian Huizi went out first, looked at both ends of the alley, and waved behind her.This is a signal that is often used between them. In fact, Ishino Sadaichiro didn't want Chieko to send him off.He was afraid that if he didn't pay attention somewhere, his flaws would be exposed, or he would be seen when the two walked together.Therefore, Ishino feels guilty when he goes out.However, Chieko insisted on sending Teiichiro to a place where he could hire a taxi.Zhenichiro regarded this as an expression of love and could not refuse.The solution is that when walking, the two of them take five or six steps back and forth, pretending to be unrelated passers-by.Every time Chieko hid in a hidden place and watched Ishino get into the car from a distance.

On December 14th, although it was night, it was not very cold.Ishino walked in front as usual, and Chieko followed behind at a distance.It takes about 600 meters to walk to the main road for cars.Although there were still pedestrians on the road, no one paid attention to Ishino and Chieko. About a hundred meters away from the main road, a figure walking towards him suddenly nodded to Ishino Teichiro.Shi Ye was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat, he panicked immediately, and nodded reflexively.By the light, Ishino recognized that the person was Sugiyama Xiaosan who lived near his home.Ishino and him are not acquainted, they just nodded at each other when they met.

At such a ghost time, I ran into a neighbor.He was so disgusted by this encounter that he clicked his tongue.That guy seems to be an employee of some company. Why is he passing by Nishi-Okubo at this time?What a nasty fellow!After the other party passed by, he immediately felt very regretful.Why should I nod in return?How about pretending not to recognize it?In that way, you can use the wrong person to come to trouble.At night, that's not out of the question. However, the other party may also think so.Thinking of this, Ishino Teiichiro's face became gloomy. On the road, Qian Huizi quietly approached Shi Ye who was waiting for the car, and asked in a low voice: "That one just now, is that your acquaintance?"Chieko who was behind also seemed to have noticed.

Ishino replied in a low voice: A guy who lives near home. ah!Chieko swallowed back what she wanted to say in surprise, and asked worriedly: Is it okay? It doesn't matter. Will he tell your family? Not that familiar, just nodding acquaintances, and usually haven't said much. Chieko was silent for a while.Empty cars never come.Ishino Sadaichiro was about to let Chieko leave early, Chieko asked again worriedly: My dear, did that person see that you and I are together? Ishino was shocked when he heard that.If that person found out about their relationship, he might tell the neighbors when he went back, and then it would become a rumor, and then spread to his wife's ears.This is quite possible.

You walked away from me behind me, didn't you?Ishino asked. yes! Did he pay attention to you when he passed you? No.Without even turning his face, he just walked by. Don't worry, you won't be found.Ishino said with a sigh of relief. Then he said to Qian Huizi: "Get out of here!"Be careful!Finally, a taxi with the red light of Empty Car came at a high speed. Ishino Teiichiro swayed with the car seat, worryingly recalling what Chieko said just now. Will this guy named Kozo Sugiyama tell his family members that I was still walking around Nishi-Okubo after 9 o'clock in the evening?Maybe, maybe it will be publicized as an anecdote!This will inevitably be heard by the wife.Ishino knew very well that if his wife knew that he was wandering around Nishi-Okubo with a young woman at night, there was no legitimate reason and no relatives, she would definitely become suspicious.As soon as this entanglement develops, it will be known to Gong Ke in the end, and the job of the section chief will definitely be ruined.

However, Chieko said, Sugiyama Xiaozou walked over without turning his eyes.This is also possible, he might not have thought that Chieko Umegu, who was only 22 years old, would be his companion two meters away.It is very likely that they are passing by who have nothing to do with each other, so they don't even look at Qian Huizi.If he realized it, Chieko should be the object of interest of the other party, at least he should take a look at her. The more Ishino Sadaichiro wanted to dispel the random thoughts in his mind, the more he felt uneasy for fear of a loophole, there was no end to it.The car was speeding on the outer ring road, he opened the window glass a little, the cold wind blowing in made him shiver a few times.

When I got back to my home, it was already nine forty-five.Ishino couldn't help but look at his watch.In the dark, his wife turned on the light at the door and came out. I'm home!The wife said in a hoarse voice. Her body is wide and fat, compared with Chieko Umeya who just broke up, immediately makes Ishino's mood plummet. It was late enough to come back.Looking down at Ishino who was untying his shoelaces, his wife complained a little. Well, I saw a movie in Shibuya.Saying that, Ishino Sadaichiro walked quickly from the door to the living room. The atmosphere at home is icy cold.Why is this home so boring? have you eaten yet?The wife asked with a change of clothes. have eaten. Ishino Teiichiro wanted to keep his answer as short as possible. Although the fat wife was a little upset, she didn't ask any more questions.He smoked, drank tea, and fell asleep in peace. The next morning, when I opened my eyes, the sun had already hit the paper partition.There was the morning paper beside the pillow.Teiichiro Ishino stretched out his hands from under the quilt, and unfolded the headlines of Robbers Raiding Mukojima and Young Housekeeper Murdered on the social page.Ishino Teiichiro briefly slipped through the content.Between 9:00 and 9:30 last night, a 23-year-old young woman who was guarding the door alone was strangled to death by robbers who broke into the house. When her husband returned home, he found the body.This is the outline of what remains in Ishino's memory.Because I thought it was a common occurrence, I closed the newspaper without arousing much interest. Ishino Teiichiro wanted to sleep for a while, so he closed his eyes.Suddenly remembering that Umeya Chieko was always at home alone, I felt a little uneasy. two After that, nothing happened for about two weeks, during which time I went to meet Chieko Umeya once. Did the person who lived near you that you met on the road a few days ago say nothing?Chieko asked. Don't worry, nothing happened!It seems that they did not find you, so there will be no problem.Sugiyama Kozo's slender face appeared again in Ishino Teiichiro's mind.It just occurred to him that he hadn't seen him since that night. Very good!Saying that, Chieko smiled slightly.It was a sense of security that only the two of them could experience. The company is still the same, nothing worrying happened.No one found out about the relationship between Chieko Umeya who retired and him.Ishino Teiichiro still put on a straight face, put on a serious look, and worked at the table. One day, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, Ishino was reading official documents, and the civil servant reported that someone had come to see him. On the business card, it was written that Okuhei, the police officer of the first search section of the Metropolitan Police Department, was Ohei.Looking at the business card, Ishino Teiichiro couldn't help but feel hot, worried that they came because of Chieko Umeya. It's three people.The civil servant added. Let's lead them into the reception room first.Ishino replied. In order to express his composure, Ishino read two or three pages of official documents, but he couldn't calm down after reading anything.He finally made up his mind, and at the same time, he stood up and walked towards the reception room in order to get rid of his worries as soon as possible. Three men in suits sat next to each other at a round table, the one on the left was older and the other two were younger.Seeing Ishino Sadaichiro come in, they all stood up. I am Ishino.he said in an unexpectedly calm voice. My name is Opin.In the midst of a busy schedule, interrupt me. The older police officer bowed respectfully and introduced the names of the two people who came with him, but Teichiro Ishino quickly forgot. Inspector Opin had a square face that gave the impression of a businessman.He drank the tea poured by the civil servant, talked for a while, and kept showing a vague smile.Ishino Teiichiro struck a match and lit a cigarette.Because I have no idea, I feel uneasy. So, let's get down to business!Officer Opin took out his notepad and finally got to the point.Is your home in Osen Mamai ×× Fandi, Ota City? Ah yes! Ishino Teiichiro was flustered.He felt the policeman's narrow eyes staring at him eerily.What is written in his notepad? That's right.The officer nodded, so just wondering, do you know a guy named Kozo Sugiyama who lives around there? Ishino Teiichiro was shocked.Because of what happened that night.So be on guard. It's just acquaintance, no contact. The police officer nodded deeply and said: Well, if you meet him on the road, you should be able to recognize Sugiyama. of course.Although Ishino Teiichiro answered quickly, the scene of meeting on Nishi-Okubo Road that day still flashed in his mind.He thought: What exactly is the police officer looking for? Then, let me ask again, Sugiyama said, I met you on the streets of Nishi-Okubo at around nine o'clock in the evening on December 14th.Do you have an impression? It really refers to that thing.Ishino Teiichiro reacted quickly.Was that on the fourteenth?If we were talking about meeting in Nishi-Okubo, it was only that time.He immediately thought of Umeya Chieko.If you say that you are wandering around Nishi-Okubo aimlessly, you will reveal your secret.Be careful. Oh, Ishino Sadaichiro tilted his head on purpose, pretending to be trying to remember, and tentatively asked: But, does this have anything to do with it? It's a big deal.The police officer suddenly said seriously, "To be honest, please keep this matter a secret."At around nine o'clock in the evening on the 14th, a murder took place in Xiangdao, which was reported in the newspaper.It was a young woman who was killed, and Sugiyama Kozo was the suspect.Although the suspicion is high, Mr. Sugiyama said that he was walking on the road in Nishi-Okubo at that time.The evidence is that I met you on the road, so you must testify to him.Since there is a considerable distance between Nishi-Okubo and Mukoshima, it can be concluded from this whether the conclusion that he committed murder can be established.If what he said is true, of course it means that he was not there at the time.Therefore, I hope that you must be very careful when providing testimony. The police officer's slender eyes kept examining Ishino. Ishino Teiichiro was taken aback.Unexpectedly, he ran into Sugiyama Xiaosan in such a ghostly place.If you say it, you will expose your privacy to the broad daylight.Suddenly, all kinds of tragic endings flashed before Ishino's eyes like lightning, and his heart trembled. No, I didn't meet Sugiyama in that place. Ishino Teiichiro answered clearly. three Ishino Teiichiro returned directly from the company to his home.He was disturbed by the presence of people from the Metropolitan Police Department during the day.It's easy to say anything about Sugiyama Kozo, but when asked if he met him in the small alley of Nishi-Okubo that night, Ishino felt very uncomfortable.He felt that the police were simply here to pry into his secrets, which was utterly annoying. He didn't know how Sugiyama Kozo became a suspect in Mukojima's murder.However, he did meet him on the road in Nishi-Okubo at the time of the accident.Because the other party nodded first, he nodded without thinking.If this fact can rule out that he was at the scene of the crime, he can become a witness. However, in this way, he would be in danger.With the exposure of Umeya Chieko, all flaws will be revealed.An ominous shadow flooded Ishino's heart.Is it worthwhile to lose one's own status and a stable life in exchange for the interests of Sugiyama Xiaosan, an outsider who has no relationship with him?What a fool! Pushing open the door, the fat wife came out to welcome her. Yo, it's really early today. Ishino Sadaichiro silently handed over the purse and took off his shoes. Oops, something big happened!The wife said excitedly in a hoarse voice. Just as Ishino Sadaichiro stepped into the living room, he was startled.The wife leaned over her snub nose again and said: I heard that Sugiyama who lived nearby was a murderer who killed a young woman in Mukoshima. His wife's eyes were round and round, panting heavily.Ishino Teiichiro hesitated how to answer. We don't know anything about it yet. I heard that he was arrested by the search headquarters the day before yesterday. It's really unexpected!He is so honest on the surface, but he really knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart.Yesterday, the criminal police kept coming and going in and out of his house, conducting investigations nearby and collecting street talk, which is really incredible.The next morning his wife was pale, as if crying.Those three children are poor! The more the wife gesticulated, the more agitated she became, chattering like a madman, and she couldn't calm down. Do you want to tell me about the police coming to the company?From changing clothes to sitting down at the dinner table, Ishino couldn't make up his mind.However, the police will definitely come to find out the situation again and again in the future. If something big happens, the police will always be extremely stubborn.So he made up his mind and said: Let me tell you, for this matter, the Metropolitan Police Department has sent people to the company today. Ishino Teiichiro tried his best to speak calmly.But his wife's face became serious in an instant, and her eyes widened immediately. Sugiyama said that at the time of the incident, he met me in an alley in Nishi-Okubo.That is simply impossible.There was never anything I wanted to do there.According to the police, in order to emphasize that he was indeed on his way to Nishi-Okubo at that time, Sugiyama said that he also met me.What nonsense, must be trying to escape this level. How did you answer that?asked the wife, holding her breath. Of course that's not the case.This can't be a lie.Ishino Teiichiro smiled slightly. The wife nodded and asked again: So, where were you at that time? Seeing his wife's searching eyes, he panicked.I feel that my wife seems to have a sharper intuition than the police. Watched a movie in Shibuya.Didn't I come back late one day? Oh, it turned out to be that time!The fat wife retracted her double chin with a groove in the middle to show that she remembered.But immediately said angrily: Sugiyama is also really annoying, what is he doing to you, why is he dragging you into being a witness. It's not for saving your life!People, in order to protect themselves, can create any kind of lies. Ishino Teiichiro was calm on the surface, but his heart was trembling.Isn't it yourself that needs to be protected now?Wasn't he the one who lied desperately for this reason? However, no matter how much the price will be paid, you must bite the bullet and do it to the end to prevent yourself from being destroyed. This is the first priority.Kozo Sugiyama probably noticed Chieko Umeya who was walking behind.Had he already told the police about it?If so, it would be impossible to tell the truth.I have to insist that there is no such thing at all, just say that I was watching a movie alone in Shibuya at that time.Neither in the movie theater nor when I left did I meet any acquaintances.That being said, isn't it reasonable? Ishino Teiichiro thought of Chieko Umeya who stayed in Nishi-Okubo, and cold sweat broke out on his head.It's too dangerous. Arrange for her to move to another place as soon as possible. As expected, Teichiro Ishino was summoned by the police several times.At first, they searched the headquarters many times to find him.Then, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Tokyo District Court, and the High Court searched for him many times. This order is the order of the prosecution, judgment, appeal, and rejection of the suspect Sugiyama Kozo.In the end the case went to the Supreme Court. At first, Ishino Sadaichiro didn't quite understand the whole story of the case, and he didn't consider how much impact his fabricated testimony would have, only thinking that it might be detrimental to the other party.Never expected that it would be the key to finalizing Sugiyama's case. However, with the gradual understanding of the case, Ishino gradually realized the weight of his own testimony. The murdered young woman was strangled to death from behind.At nine o'clock she was still shopping in a nearby store.It was half past nine when her husband came home and found the body.Therefore, the time of committing the crime was thirty minutes from nine o'clock to half past nine. The room wasn't too messy, just 15,000 yen in cash and a high-end camera were missing.No fingerprints of the inmate were collected at the scene. According to the investigation, the stolen camera was sold to a camera shop in Ueno.When it was sold, the name and address that the prisoner filled in on the purchase registration book were undoubtedly fake, but the handwriting left behind was an important clue. The investigators heard some irresponsible comments around the victim's home. Some people said: Isn't the life insurance salesman who often walks around nearby a bit suspicious?Therefore, the search headquarters secretly investigated Xiaosan Sugiyama, an employee of ×× Life Insurance Company. Sugiyama Kozo came to the victim's house several times to do business, and because it was daytime, they were always when the young woman was alone at home.That is to say, he is not only familiar with the environment and people, but also knows the situation of her family very well.Plus he couldn't prove that he wasn't there when the incident happened.According to Sugiyama Kozo's complaint, there was a sales target in Nishi-Okubo, and he was going there at that time, but unfortunately the family was not there, so he came back without saying a word.The evidence is that he once met his neighbor Ishino Teichiro on the road.Since Nishi Okubo is quite far away from the crime scene of Mukojima, if the encounter with Ishino is true, it can prove that he was not at the scene when the crime happened.However, Ishino Teiichiro denied it categorically, making Sugiyama's complaint lose evidence. Ask the owner of the camera shop to identify Sugiyama Xiaosan as the person who came to sell the camera. At the beginning, the owner just said that he looks a bit like him, but then slowly it turned out to be him, that’s right! . The handwriting identification was done by two experts, and the conclusion was: the handwriting written in the acquisition register must be the handwriting of Sugiyama Kozo. The above is a summary of the incident.Since no fingerprints were left at the scene, conclusive evidence is lacking.Although he couldn't find the stolen money from Sugiyama, it can be seen that he spent it in these two weeks.Another unfortunate point is that Sugiyama Kozo could not provide evidence that he was not present when the camera was sold. The matter is very clear, what kind of testimony Ishino provides is simply the basis for deciding life and death for Sugiyama Xiaosan.Because if the testimony says that he met Sugiyama Takazo in the alley of Nishi-Okubo at around 9:00 p.m. on December 14th, then Sugiyama Takazo is innocent. However, Teiichiro Ishino shook his head in denial until the end.Repeating what has been said many times.Accordingly, his testimony is consistent and complete.Moreover, due to being asked many times and being processed continuously in the process of repeated narration, the testimony became more and more perfect, ingenious, and more and more real, even to the point where I even had an illusion, as if the facts were true. The presiding judge asked: Does the witness know Sugiyama Kozo? Ishino Teiichiro replied: Although he has no relationship, because he is a neighbor who lives nearby, so he is familiar with each other.But it was just a greeting when we met in the morning and evening. Question: If you meet him on the road, can you recognize him as Sugiyama Kozo? Answer: Yes. Question: Kozo Sugiyama said that on December 14th at around 9 o'clock in the evening, he met a witness on the road near Nishi-Okubo ×× Street in Shinjuku District. Do you remember? A: I never met Kozo Sugiyama in that place.At that time, I was watching a movie at the ×× Cinema in Shibuya. Question: From what time do you see what time? Answer: From about ten past seven until nine twenty.I watched the two movies of ×× and ××, and went home directly after watching them. Question: When the witness was in the movie theater, did he meet anyone he knew? Answer: No. Q: At that time, how many audiences were there in the cinema? Answer: I didn't pay attention.I think it's probably a lot, but I can't remember exactly. Question: What were the main contents of the two films watched by the witness? Answer: ×× movie, at first. The prosecutor's questions to the witness on specific issues, and the lawyer's counter-question to the witness, are both cumbersome and stubborn, but like a brave captain, Ishino Sadaichiro braved the waves on the windy sea and saved himself from danger time and time again. .And Umeya Chieko hid safely in the boat cabin. Four After the case reached the Supreme Court, there was no need for Ishino to come forward directly.His testimony has become a document, his double, kept in the court.He commutes to and from the company as usual every day and lives a free life. However, the guilt of perjury often haunts him.His outright lie became a court document, which was passed around in the hands of the presiding judge, prosecutors, and lawyers, but no one saw through it.Knowing that it is false, only the defendant Sugiyama Takazo. However, what Sugiyama Kozo knew was not just the lies of Ishino Teiichiro.The report of the nearby proprietress to the criminal police, the testimony of the owner of the camera shop who identified him, and the conclusions of the handwriting appraiser are all lies.It is as if a person is suddenly caught in a net for no reason, and he struggles desperately.However, I don't know when and where I fell into the absurd trap. If it was a trap, Ishino Sadaichiro protested to himself unconvinced: I also fell into it.Who let Sugiyama Takazo walk there at that time?His private life is threatened by Sugiyama Takazo's actions.If he hadn't passed by that place, if it hadn't been for that time of day, he wouldn't have put his life at risk, and he wouldn't have had an unpleasant connection with a difficult court, and hadn't gotten into trouble.If I had known this before, I might as well hang out with Chieko Umetani for a while, or the two of you could finish things earlier, or just smoke one more cigarette, so as not to run into Kozo Sugiyama by chance.It's just a difference of two or three minutes.This is also a coincidence that should not have existed. Thinking about it this way, Ishino felt that everything in the world was an involuntary coincidence.Once a private life is caught in a snare, it can have life-long consequences.Thinking of this, he was so frightened that he didn't even want to go out. As the Supreme Court decision draws to a close, it will be three years since that unfortunate en-route encounter.Ishino Zhenichiro, who had false testimony as a stand-in, was out of the incident, but after these three years, his own life has undergone unexpected changes. Chieko Umeya has a new young lover.Ishino Sadaichiro didn't notice it for a long time, and he didn't know it until the end.And it wasn't Ishino Teichiro himself who discovered this. When Chieko Umeya was having a tryst with her new lover, she accidentally told the other party as news: Sugiyama is so pitiful.He is innocent. The young lover asked why.After agreeing in advance to keep it secret, she lowered her voice and told the young man that it was true that Sugiyama Kozo and Ishino Teiichiro met on the road in Nishi-Okubo.The young man widened his eyes and listened carefully. Needless to say, this covenant was not kept.He told friends.Finally, it reached the ears of the lawyer in charge of the case. The lawyer charged Ishino Teichiro with perjury.Ishino Teiichiro's secretive private life was immediately exposed.Such a tragic ending, which he had carefully prepared for, quickly hit him. Ishino Teiichiro didn't know for a long time that Umeya Chieko had a new love.The reason for this is because she believed the lies of Umeya Chieko. A liar may be retaliated by the lie.
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