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Chapter 13 12 scientific research

darwin girl 賈桂琳.凱利 4481Words 2023-02-05
Few people will diligently inspect the vital organs inside, and compared with other individuals of the same species. The following Saturday, Grandpa took me to Lakha in a buggy.The excuse I told my parents was: I want to go to the library; Grandpa didn't need to say any excuses, just tell Albert to prepare the horse.Although Grandpa no longer cares about things, everyone still obeys him.As long as I declare his name, it's like turning a golden key, and all the doors that were closed to me can be opened. I held the precious samples in the cardboard box on my lap while Grandpa drove.Although the sky was overcast, I took my mother's old parasol and propped it up on me and the nest vegetable that had been planted in a small earthen pot.Grandpa first poked holes in the soil with a pencil, and then slowly transplanted its fragile stems into its new home.We irrigate it with fresh well water.I am very proud that my grandfather entrusted me with the heavy responsibility of taking care of it.

But the carriage was only halfway there, and the plant looked like it was about to wither, which made me worry. Grandpa, it looks a little tired. Grandpa glanced at it and didn't seem to care much.This is a normal thing because it was dug out of the soil by us.You pour some water from the kettle for it.It's a fine day for a carriage, don't you? I felt the same way, and my mood unknowingly relaxed.Grandpa whistled, it was Mozart, and then he sang again.The lyrics sound very vulgar, and the general idea is that a sailor is drunk, what should everyone do.To pass the time, he taught me all those lyrics.

When we got to Lakha we parked the buggy in front of Howack's photo studio.But no matter what Grandpa explained, that Mr. Howack just couldn't understand what we were going to do. You want me to take a picture of a plant?he kept asking.I thought this Mr. Howak might be good at taking pictures, but not so good at understanding our needs.Grandpa explained it again, and he said reluctantly: Oh, but I still have to charge the normal price.A close-up of a dollar. no problem.Grandpa said without hesitation.Mr. Howack immediately looked annoyed, as if he regretted not adding the extra fare and wanted to kick himself.

Oh well.He said: Please follow me to the studio in the back.Little sister, you wait here. That's not okay, sir.Grandpa said: She is my partner. Mr. Howak looked at his grandfather, and had no choice but to lead us through the curtain silently without making a sound. There were many different chairs, lounge chairs, and wicker furniture in the studio, but everything seemed strangely familiar to me.It took me a while to remember that I had seen them in many different family photos.Everyone uses the same props.Mr. Howack opened one of the drawers, turned out a blank sheet of paper, then opened the other drawer, and took out an empty photo book.He tore apart the photo book and took out a rough black paper.

Is that so?He asked Grandpa: A black paper and a white paper? That's it. Oh well.Mr. Howak obviously still doesn't understand.It's your money anyway. That's right, sir, and it's going to be your money soon.Grandpa said boldly.I've never seen him in such a good mood, especially since he hasn't even touched whiskey today.Grandpa blinked at me, and I wanted to blink back, but I only blinked both eyes at the same time, which looked really stupid.I think this is another important skill that I have to learn. Mr. Howack nailed the white paper to the wall, placed the plants on the wooden box in front, rolled up his concertina camera, and began to adjust.

Please get closer.Grandpa said: The closer the better, but the details must be clear.We had to bring out that hanging hooked leaf. that leaf?Mr. Howak said in surprise: Is that what you want to shoot? That's right. Mr. Howack frowned.Get too close and it becomes blurry.I think about it.He looked at the plant from various angles and said: I think we need to fill in the light from this direction, make it a little more three-dimensional here, and then add the flash.After speaking, he pushed a roller frame with many lights on it to the side of the plant to light it.There were nine lights on it, and he pushed and turned it around until he found a satisfactory angle.

Then he looked through the camera and said: Well, that's about as far as I can get.I have to say something up front: Even if you are not satisfied with the results after reading it, you still have to pay. ok sir i understand.Although I don't think it's fair, Grandpa agreed without saying a word. Even if you can't see the thing hanging down. I accept your terms.bring it on!Grandpa reaches into his pocket, I'll pay you now. No, no, I just want to make sure you understand.Mr. Howard filled the tray with chalk and buried his head under the black cloth.A second later, there was a light bump, and a strong white light flashed at the same time, making my eyes blank for a while.

Never move until the eyes can see.Mr. Howack poked his head out from under the black cloth to warn us.I remember one time, a lady fell and nearly broke her mother's leg.He pulled the film out of the camera, turned around and saw me.Oh, bad!Girl, sorry for my inappropriate wording.Just pretend you didn't hear, and don't tell your mother.Please wait a moment.He disappeared into a small room with the negatives.We could hear him clattering and busy inside.After a few minutes, he came out holding a wet and limp photo with two wooden clips between it. Usually I don't take out the photos when they are not dry, but I guess you must be eager to see, he said: You can't touch it!

We see: the plant, and clearly see that crucial little leaf at the base of its stem. Grandpa smiled.Sir, you shot very well, very well. Mr. Howak blushed and lowered his head.I bet if there was dirt on the studio floor, he'd kick it.He whispered: Do you like it? It was shot perfectly.Thank you very much. The shape of that leaf is very clear. You did an amazing job!That's amazing, sir!Let's take another picture!I figured Mr. Howack would have liked to have stood there all day, basking in the admiration he'd received for taking a picture that was so queer.This time, he placed the plant in front of the black paper and repeated the whole process.I closed my eyes before the strong light from the chalk came out; but through my eyelids, I still saw the blinding light.Mr. Howak hurriedly came out with the next photo, enjoying more compliments.Now, he seems to be part of our expedition too, asking Grandpa a bunch of questions about the new species and the Smithsonian in Washington.

I put the plants in the cardboard box, and when I was about to go home, my grandpa suddenly said: "Kapunya, wait a minute!"Mr. Howak, I would like to take another picture.He arranged the plants on a stylish wicker trellis. Kapurnia, you stand here, I stand here.So I tugged on my apron, and Grandpa patted his beard.I stood up proudly and assumed the most beautiful standing posture. Holding his breath, Mr. Howack shouted: Don't breathe yet, come, three, two, one! This time, the bright light hitting our faces was enough to stop a rhino from advancing, and the whole world turned white.Snow, is it like this?Amidst Mr. Howak's chattering voice, my vision gradually recovered.He took three photos and walked to the front counter, ready to stamp a golden stamp of Howard's exquisite portrait photography on the lower left corner of each photo, but his grandfather blocked it in time.

Sorry, grandpa said: Please cover the back of the photo.This is a scientific exhibit, and the appearance must be very complete.Mr. Howak's face darkened, and Grandpa hurriedly said again: "Although it is behind the cover, the whole world will still know that you are the one who took these photos."As for the commemorative photo of me and my granddaughter, you can stamp it on the front.He gave Mr. Howak three silver pieces. The photographer wrapped the photo in brown paper, tied it with string, and handed it to us.When we were about to leave, he reluctantly and chattered all the way to the carriage.He even insisted on holding the plant box for me as I climbed into the buggy.He kept staring at it fascinated, as if hoping it would talk to him.I set up the parasol, brought the plant back, and placed it on my lap.Grandpa clucked a few times at the horse, coaxing it to move forward quickly.Mr. Howak stood on the road and shouted: Goodbye!Come visit again next time!goodbye!Be sure to let me know the follow-up news.Let me know if they like my photos. When we got home, grandpa said: I will write a letter immediately and send it with a photo.Then, we can only wait.This is probably the hardest part.Could you please water our samples, please? Grandpa and I still had a lot of energy to expend on the long drive back to Fentress, some of which we spent singing those rambunctious sailor and pirate songs, but as soon as other carriages approached, we Immediately changed to hymns.When it was close to dinner, we finally returned home exhausted, tired and happy.We return the plant to its bed in the lab and then we go inside the house to have dinner with everyone. It seemed like I couldn't finish this meal. Any news from Rakha?Dad asked. I believe the future is good for cotton.Grandpa said: Also, Kapurnia and I took a group photo. Did you take pictures?Soros stared at me like a prisoner and asked.Why are you taking pictures? To commemorate this day!said grandpa.He looked around at everyone at the table.Capunia and I may have discovered a new species of plant. That's fine.Mom said absently. What kind of plant is it?Harry asked. Please pass on the potatoes for me.Rama said. Possibly a nest vegetable of a new species.said grandpa. Oh, says Sam Huston: Vegetables. Oh, nest vegetables.I was so angry that I was about to vomit blood and kill someone.I'd love to flip over the table and pounce on Sam Huston; but, I don't.I held back my breath silently, and finished this meal that seemed to last forever.In my mind, I've never seen the obligatory conversations at our family dinner table so stupid.I have never seen my family members so retarded, so bumpkins, such fools.The only one who can be saved is Dad.As the owner of the cattle herd, he still knows at least one new breed, the importance of nest vegetables, and even asked grandpa if it can be used to feed the cattle; however, I was too angry to listen to it. Finally, with great difficulty, the dinner was over, and my grandpa and I entered the study and closed the door.He removed a small key from the chain on his waistcoat, opened the locked desk drawer, and took out some thick, cream-coloured letter paper. He said: Light up the lamp, Kapurnia, we will illuminate the dark corners of this unknown land.We have to hold up the lamp of knowledge high and get rid of another dragon on the map.We're going to write to the Smithsonian. I struck a match, lit the fire, and ran for more lamps, which I placed around the blotter like a cluster of stars.Grandpa took the pen, dipped it in the ink, then stopped to look ahead, dipped it in the ink again, and then began to write letters in the old-fashioned font. August 8, 1899 to whom It May Concern I am honored to have this opportunity to present to you a probable new species of Nest vegetables.At first glance, it looks no different from common vetch, also known as vetch; however, from the description and photos in the appendix, you will find that Next, Grandpa used two full pages to describe this plant and that important little leaf in detail; I kept watching from behind him; finally, he signed his name at the end of the letter. walterTed and Kapurnia.Virginia.Sincerely, Ted Grandpa leaned back in the chair.It's done!He said: We'll just wait and see.I can only wait. I put my hand on his shoulder.He took a deep, slow breath and said: I thought this day would never come, my good granddaughter.I thought I could never wait for this day until I died. However, we have waited, a new species, and a photo, and I am his good granddaughter.
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