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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Fake Reporter

empty sword peak 莫理士.盧布朗 12700Words 2023-02-05
According to the evening news of the "Volkswagen": Dr. Rattle has been kidnapped by lawless robbers.This newspaper is printing and has received an important story.Since it is appalling, its authenticity cannot be determined.The announcement is as follows, and we are not responsible for whether it is credible or not. Last night, Dr. Rattle, a famous surgeon, took his wife and daughter to watch Hernani's performance at the Comédie Française.Around ten o'clock, when the third act of the opera was just beginning, someone broke into his box.A gentleman with two attendants saluted the doctor and began to talk.His voice was very high, and Mrs. Rattle heard clearly: Doctor, I beg you with something urgent, please help me.

Who are you, sir? I'm Mr. Taichal, Police Chief.I have received orders from my superiors to take you to the Paris police station, where Monsieur Diduil is waiting for you. just this You need not explain, doctor, I beg you.You don't have to do anything else, or tragedy will happen.Let's go quietly and don't disturb others.I promise you, you'll be back when the show isn't over. The doctor followed several people away.When the show ended, he hadn't returned. Mrs. Rattle was very anxious, and went to the police station to inquire about the situation. She met Mr. Teychar, the real chief of the police station.

Only then did the lady realize that the people who took her husband away were some liars. After preliminary confirmation, they took the doctor into a car and drove to Concord Square. This newspaper will continue to introduce this bizarre adventure to everyone. It's sensational, but it's true.Soon, the case was found out. "Dazhong Daily" announced the news on the noon news page, and at the same time described the dramatic results of the incident in a paragraph. The result of the incident and its preliminary investigation, at nine o'clock this morning, Mr. Rattle arrived at No. 78 Durley Road in a car, and left at the door.No. 78 Dulei Road is Mr. Rattle's clinic. He goes to work here at this hour every day.

When the reporter of our newspaper rushed to interview, the doctor was meeting with the chief of the police station.Even so, they invited us to sit with us. I'm going to tell the newspaper, the doctor replied, and the three were very friendly and very polite to me.Their demeanor, intelligence, and eloquence made a deep impression on me along the way. How long was it on the road? About four hours. Where have you been and why? I saw a wounded man who was seriously injured and decided to have an operation on the spot. How is the surgery going? very smooth.But I can't guarantee that he is not disabled.If it's here, I'm pretty sure.However, the environment there

Is the environment bad? Quite poorly, in a hotel room, it should be said that there is no operation at all. So how did he get out of danger? It was incredible, the man was very strong. Can you elaborate on the case of this eccentric patient? no.I have promised them that I have earned ten thousand francs for the small clinic, and if I do not keep my word, this money will disappear. No way!You still trust them so much? Of course, I totally trust it.I think they are very serious. The above is what the doctor disclosed to us. According to the police department, the doctor did not explain to the chief the specific location where the operation was performed on the wounded, nor did he give details of the route the car took.It is not easy to know the real situation at present.

The newspaper reporter found it difficult to unravel this mystery, but a sensible person would connect this incident with the case of the castle of Ambrumesi that happened the day before yesterday and was published in many newspapers.The wounded criminal escapes and the doctor is held hostage, and the coincidence between the two is clearly compelling. And, after confirmation, this speculation makes sense.A fake driver who escaped on a bicycle, his whereabouts were found in the Arke Forest fifteen kilometers away.After running there, he threw his bicycle into a roadside ditch, and then came to the village of Niguola, where he sent a telegram:

Paris, 45th inning, A. l. N The patient is dangerous and must be operated on immediately. Please send a doctor from Highway 14. This is iron proof. After receiving the telegram, the party in Paris immediately took action.At ten o'clock in the evening they led the doctor along Route 14 to Dieubourne.During this time, the robbers set fire to take the opportunity to rescue their leader and send him to a hotel.At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the doctor came and operated on him immediately. All of this is beyond doubt.The Attorney-General Giannima and the detective followed suit and came all the way from Paris to deal with the people who drove the night before on the roads between Shelter, Cournay, Fuerjoux, Dieup and Ambromercy. A car, checked for whereabouts, was found to have disappeared half a mile from the castle.However, many footprints were found near the garden gate and beside the ruins.

Janima believed that the lock on the small door had been pried open. So far, the situation has become clear.The first thing to do is to find the hotel the doctor said.This matter is quite easy for the experienced and tenacious Janima.There are not many hotels in the area, and the wounded prisoner was seriously injured, so it can be concluded that it is near Ambrumesi.Janima set off with the sheriff, and they searched all the hotels within 500, 1,000, and 1,500 meters. Surprisingly, there was no sign of the wounded at all. Janima didn't stop.On Saturday night, he boarded at the castle and planned to investigate in person tomorrow.On Monday morning, the patrolman told him that last night, a person was found disappearing on the potholed path outside the fence.Could it be his accomplices who came to inquire about the news?Is the bandit chief still in the monastery?

In the evening, Janima assembled a squad of policemen and asked them to walk openly to the farm, while he and Fu Langfang hid by the small gate outside the fence. Nearly midnight, a man ran out of the woods, passed quickly among them, entered the small gate, and groped into the garden. He lingered by the ruins for a full three hours.Squat down for a while, stand up for a while, climb up the broken pillars for a while, and stand for a long time for a while.Finally, he returned to the small gate and walked between the two of them. Janima grabs him by the neck suddenly, and Fu Lang hugs him as if taking advantage of the situation.Without resistance, he obediently let them handcuff his hands, and was led into the castle.During the interrogation, he stated that he had nothing to do with them and that he only wanted to see the examining judge.

So they shut him up in their middle bedroom, and tied him tightly to the leg of the bed. At nine o'clock on Monday morning, as soon as Mr. Fayer arrived, Janima informed him that a prisoner had been caught.It turned out that the prisoner was Bertley. Mr. Brettley, Mr. Fayer shouted happily and stretched out his arms. What an unexpected harvest, I didn't expect that we will meet again!Mr. Attorney General, allow me to introduce to you, our excellent detective is at our service again.Mr. Brettley, a student in the grammar class of Shangsongde Sai Public Middle School. Janima was a little overwhelmed.Brettley saluted Janima as he would a colleague.Then he said to Mr. Feyer: Mr. Examining Judge, maybe you already have my real information?

That's right!First, Miss Ramundy thought she saw you on the potholed lane, and you were in Fall.happy.loth.I am confident that I will catch the person who is similar to you.Second, you are indeed Brettley, a grammar student.Study hard and be excellent in character and learning.Your father is in the provinces, and every month you go to see his agent, M. Bernaud.He appreciates you very much. therefore Therefore you are free. completely free? completely free.oh!It's just, you know, I can't just let go of a gentleman who drugged someone and jumped out of a window and was arrested red-handed in a private home.You'll have to make up for it and meet one of my very small provisos. You speak. Very good, let's finish what we didn't finish last time.Tell me, how is the investigation going?After being free for two days, it should be a little rewarding. After hearing these words, Janima had a contemptuous look on his face.He was about to go out, but was stopped by the judge: "Wait, Mr. Attorney General, your office is here. I assure you, what Mr. Brettley has to say is very valuable."According to my investigation, Mr. Bertley had a reputation as an observer at the Sonder Sai High School.He can see everything, and his classmates regard him as your opponent and compare him with Sherlock Holmes. no doubt!Janima sneered.The judge went on: "Excellent."Some of the students wrote in the letter: If Bertley mentioned that he knew something deeply, you must firmly believe that he will not have the slightest falsehood, and his words can be regarded as the truth. Mr. Brettley, don't miss this opportunity, tell us the truth of the matter, and prove the confidence of the students in you. Brettley smiled slightly after hearing this, and replied: "Mr. Examining Judge, you have spoken too seriously. You are teasing innocent and ignorant students. They are just talking casually."You're right, I can't get enough of the stuff to keep you entertained. From this point of view, Mr. Bertley, you are ignorant of the situation. do not understand.Simply say I don't know.I can't just take two or three points of information that I think are relatively certain as the whole situation, and I can also say that you have encountered this situation. that is? It means things are stolen. oh!You also know that things are stolen. Yes, nothing to doubt.I analyzed it at the beginning, so I don't think it is difficult to figure this out. Is it easy? Yes, not difficult!It's just an inference. Don't have to do anything else? No need. Infer what? It's easy to do, no trouble.For one thing, things were stolen.As the two ladies said, they witnessed the two bring out things. something stolen. Second, nothing was lost, and Mr. Risfeld confirmed this.He knows this better than anyone else. Nothing was lost. The two arguments can only lead to the following result: if things are stolen and nothing is lost at the same time, then the things that are stolen must be repackaged by similar things.Maybe this is too much, after all, it is a subjective inference without further confirmation.First of all, we must solve this problem. Only after careful inspection can we draw the correct conclusion. "Very well," said the examining magistrate in a low voice, appearing to be in high spirits. But, continued Brettley, what was the robber trying to steal from the drawing-room?There are only two things: one is the carpet.It cannot be lost, the rug is too old to be duplicated, and a counterfeit is easy to spot.The second is four oil paintings by Lu Bingsi. how? The four Lu Bingsi oil paintings hanging on the wall are fake. How can it! That's right!My subjective judgment can't be wrong.It's a pity that it can't be undone. I repeat, they can't do it. Mr. Examining Judge, about a year ago, a young man named Charbonne came to the castle of Ambrumes, intending to copy Lu Bingsi's oil painting.Mr. Risfield agreed to him.Xia Pu Nai worked in the living room all day long for five months.Today, the four original paintings hung in frames on the wall and given to his nephew M. Rysfeld by the Marquis Bobadia have been replaced by works copied by him. Do you have credentials? I have no credentials.A copy is a copy, and I have no desire to verify it. Mr. Feier and Janima looked at each other in silence, with expressions of amazement on their faces. The Attorney General is not going to go.The examining judge whispered: It is best to listen to Mr. Risfell's opinion. Janima agreed: Yes, listen to his opinion. They had the count called to the drawing-room. The young guy in the grammar class had achieved success of course, so the two experts in front of him had to pay attention to his inference.In the eyes of outsiders, this was something to be proud of, but Brettley didn't care about it, because this little thing was just to fill up a little bit of self-esteem.He waited with a smile on his face, no mocking expression on his face. Mr. Risfield came to the living room. Mr. Earl, the examining magistrate said to him, we have discovered an accident in our investigation, and we are not yet sure what it is. Maybe I think, maybe the thief came here to steal the four oil paintings of Lu Bingsi.A year ago, a painter named Xia Pu Nai copied these paintings.Maybe, he replaced them with replicas, please confirm, we intend to find out if it is true or not. The count was a bit annoyed, but he didn't show it. He looked at Brettley and Mr. Feyer, walked quickly to the oil painting, and said, "Mr. Examining Judge, I didn't want people to know. Since it can't be done, I'll just say it straight." Bar: These paintings are fake. Already clear? It was clear to me from the beginning. Why not speak out? People who collect art are never in a hurry to publish it, whether it is real or not. Is this the only way to get back the original? There is a good way. what do you mean? Keep it quiet so as not to scare away thieves, and when they can't handle the paintings, I'll pay them back. How to tell them? The Count made no answer.Brettley went on to say: Post an announcement in "Daily News" or "Morning Post": I intend to use money to buy back my famous painting. The count nodded. This once again shows that the young man is more alert than the elders.Mr. Feyer doesn't care about personal gain or loss. oh!What a good eye, what a clever deduction!Dear Sir, I am more convinced now that your classmates are right.If things go on like this, Mr. Janima and I should retire. Cough, not worth mentioning. According to you, the problem is still behind?I remember, when we first met, it seemed you knew quite a few other things.If I remember correctly, you know the murderer's name. That's right. Who killed Dafar?Is the murderer dead or alive?Where did you hide it? Mr. Judge, we have a misunderstanding. To be precise, you misunderstood the matter, and you misunderstood it from the beginning.The murderer and the fugitive are not the same person at all. What did you say?exclaimed Mr. Feyer, the man Mr. Rysfeld had seen in the little parlour, and had fought with him, the two ladies had seen in the big parlour, and Miss Remonty shot him down in the garden. Isn't the man we've been hunting down here the murderer of Dafar? no. So, before the two ladies arrived, you found out the whereabouts of the third accomplice? did not find. It confuses me too much. Who murdered Dafar? he was Brettley closed his mouth, thought for a moment, and then said: Before naming this person, it is necessary to talk about the situation of my investigation. The process of the matter is clear, and the motive for the murder is clear. .However, it's not absurd.There is a very important detail that has not attracted enough attention.When Dafar was killed, he was wearing a uniform and high-waisted leather shoes on his feet, the same as he wore during the day.However, the murder happened at four o'clock in the morning. Yes, very unusual, I noticed that too.The judge said that Mr. Risfell had explained to me that Dafar often worked late into the night. According to the servants, he went to bed very early every day.Even if he didn't sleep, why mess up his bed, making people think he went to bed early?Even if you go to bed early and hear the noise, why do you spend so much time dressing yourself up neatly?Why not just put on some clothes?When you were having lunch that day, I checked his bedroom and found his slippers under his bed.Why don't you wear slippers instead of heavy nailed high-waisted leather shoes? That being said, I still can't see Having said that, all you can see are anomalies.After I learned that Xia Bonai, who copied Lu Bingsi's oil paintings, was introduced to the count by Dafar, these circumstances deepened my suspicion. What does this mean?asked Mr Judge. It can be concluded that Dafar and Xia Pu Nai colluded together.It's just one step away.After we talked, I went through this step. I feel like I'm going a little faster. I know you want evidence.In Dafar's bedroom, I found a piece of transferred blotting paper from the plywood he used to write on, with an address printed on it: Paris, 45th Bureau, A. l. n. .The next day, everyone found the telegram sent by the fake driver in Niguola Village, which also used this address: Bureau 45, A. l. n. .Based on this, Dafar is related to the group that stole the oil painting. . Mr Feyer made no objection. It can be said that there is a relationship, so what? That would be easy, since they were a gang, and the one who got away couldn't have killed Dafar. Why? Mr. Examining Judge, do you still remember the first sentence Mr. Risfell said when he recovered from the coma, which was recorded by Miss Susan: I am all right, Dafar?is he aliveLet me ask you again to compare what Mr. Risfeld said when he was attacked.He said: "The man rushed at me and punched me on the temple and I passed out.When Mr. Dafar was hacked, Mr. Risfell was already in a coma. Why did he first ask Mr. Dafar if he was dead or alive when he woke up? Brettley was going to finish the sentence in one breath, not wanting to be answered or interrupted at all. So, it can be said that Dafar brought the three robbers into the drawing room.When he was staying with the leader of the thieves, he heard a noise in the small living room.Dafar opened the door, and Mr. Risfell just came out, so he raised his knife and slashed.Mr. Rysfield grabbed the knife and stabbed him back, and then he was punched to the ground.The man who beat him was the same man whom the two ladies saw a few minutes later. Mr. Feyer and the Attorney General exchanged glances.Janima nodded secretly, with an unnatural expression. The judge asked: "Mr. Earl, can I believe this statement?" Mr. Risfield didn't respond. Monsieur Earl, your silence makes us feel Mr. Risfell said with certainty: That's right. The judge exclaimed: What, I don't understand, why are you joking with the law?Why don't you say it's self-defense? For more than 20 years, Mr. Rysfield said that the work of Dafar has never left me, and I trust him very much.He is my right-hand man.I don't know why he betrayed me, what evil drives him to do it, and now he betrays me.I have to talk about my past friendship, and I don't intend to make his betrayal of me public. You don't intend to, that's another matter.but you must I disagree with you, Mr. Examining Judge.No innocent person has been implicated in this case, so I have the right not to accuse someone who is both a criminal and a victim.He died, so I think he paid off his punishment by dying. But now, Monsieur Earl, now that the case has been revealed, it is time for you to speak. Yes.I have two letters he wrote to his associates, which I found in his wallet a few minutes after his death. Is there a motive for committing the crime? At No. 18, Rue de la Dieu, there lives a lady named Vertier.Dafar had known her for two years.In order to get her money, he started stealing. All the facts are clear and the mystery is about to be solved. Risfell turned to Brettley and said: Please continue. ah!said Brettley cheerfully, that there was almost nothing left to say. Where did the wounded fugitive go? He, Mr. Examining Judge, you know as well as I do, you have checked his tracks on the abbey lawn, you know it well yes i know.However, he was rescued later.What I have to do now is to find the hotel Brettley laughed loudly and said: Hotel!Where did the hotel come from!It's just a trick to cover people's eyes and get rid of the bailiff.A very neat trick because it works. However, according to Dr. Rattle Ah, here lies the trouble.Brettley exclaimed confidently that Dr. Rattle had said it, but his words were not credible.Dr. Rattle's account was only a few incidents of his experience, and he was vague, and he did not want to give details, for fear of hindering the safety of the wounded.To this end, he turned everyone's attention to a hotel.You should be aware that the name of the hotel he gave us was merely conveying someone else's opinion.He was driven to do so, otherwise, he would have been hit by misfortune.He has a wife, a daughter, and he loves them, so he must obey the gang.He felt they were powerful.So passing on the exact message to you. Definitely nowhere to look for this hotel. So accurate that you have no doubts about its reliability and look around for that hotel.Your eyes follow it, and you stop paying attention to the only place where the wounded may be hiding, the secret place that you have never left and have no way to leave after being shot and wounded by Miss Remondi.He got into that cave like a monster. monster!Where did it go? In the ruins of the monastery. There are no ruins, but a few wall stacks and a few broken pillars. Mr. Examining Judge, there he is.Brettley said aloud, you must look for it there, and nowhere else.Only by going there can we find Yasen.Luo Ping! As soon as the resounding name came out, there was a moment of silence.Yasen.Luo Ping, this great bandit and adventurer, will he be the defeated enemy?He didn't show his face.Could it be that he was the one who had been searching hard for the past few days? For the examining magistrate, the arrest of YassenLuo Ping, it is indeed a good opportunity to get promoted, get rich, and enjoy wealth!Janima didn't respond. Brettley turned to him and said: Do you agree with me, Monsieur Attorney General? Yes! You never thought that he was the mastermind in this case? Never thought about it, the evidence is like this!Yasen.Luo Ping's approach is different from others, as if everyone's appearance is different.If you don't observe carefully, you won't notice it. Believable? Believable? Mr. Feyer muttered. Believable, absolutely believable!The young man said, put everything else aside.Although the small things are inconspicuous, these are the letters they use to communicate. A. l. N, A are the initials of Luo Ping's name, L. n.It is the first and last two letters of Luo Ping. Oh, good eyesight, said Janima, the young man is amazing, I am convinced by Janima. As he said that, Brettley's face flushed red, and he squeezed the hand extended by the Chief Prosecutor. The three walked onto the platform together and walked towards the ruins of the monastery.Mr. Feyer babbled: So he didn't escape. No.said Brettley, in a very low tone, for he had not left the place from the first minute of his fall.According to logical reasoning and the actual situation, if he wanted to run away, Miss Ramondi and the other two servants would definitely find out. What is your basis? The basis, the accomplice who sent the letter is the basis.The guy who pretended to be the driver drove you here that night. Take away the physical evidence cap? Yes.Moreover, he also needs to understand the situation on the scene and find out the situation of the leader. He figured it out? I think figured it out.He was familiar with the hiding place there and understood the danger of the boss, so he was very nervous and wrote a threatening sentence: Once the master dies, the lady will suffer. Aren't his accomplices going to rescue him? When do you go out?Your men never left the ruins.Besides, where should I send him?How can a dying person withstand a long journey at most a few hundred meters away? Otherwise, you would have caught it long ago.Therefore I can say that he did not escape.His accomplices will not take him from the safest place.Just when the police rushed to put out the fire, they brought the doctor. However, what does he rely on to survive? Without food and water, he can't live for a few days. I don't know and I can't say but, I assure you, he's there.He won't be there.I was sure of that, as much as I saw him and touched him, he was there! He raised a finger, pointed at the ruins, and drew a circle in the air, which became smaller and smaller, and finally pointed to a point.The two people behind him followed his fingers and looked up, their eyes shone with blazing light, and their whole bodies couldn't help trembling. They went looking for that spot, struck by his confidence, and took his word for it.That's for sure, Arthur.Robin was there.Whether it is reason or fact, it is very clear, and the two of them have nothing to doubt.It is shocking and desolate that this well-known gangster, alone and helpless, is lying exhausted in that dark cave. What if he dies?Mr. Feyer whispered. If he were dead, Bertley said, there might be terror if his men confirmed that he was indeed dead.Ah, Mr. Judge, you should immediately pay attention to the personal safety of Miss Remondi. Brettley's day's leave was over, and in a few minutes he was going back to Dieup.In spite of Mr. Feyer's pleas, he was compelled to let go of this capable helper.At five o'clock, Bertley returned to Paris.At eight o'clock, he walked into Shangsong Middle School with his classmates. On the ruins of Amblumesi, Janima searched carefully, but finally gave up because she found nothing.That night, they took the express train and left here.As soon as Mr. Janima stepped into the house, he saw a letter: Mr. Attorney General: I have time tonight, and I have compiled some more materials. I hope you like it. Over the past year, Yasen.Luo Ping has been living in Paris, under the pseudonym Fredericks.People often read his pseudonym when reading the social or sports columns of newspapers.He wanders around and is rarely at home.Sometimes I went to Bangladesh to hunt tigers, and sometimes I went to Siberia to hunt arctic foxes.Some people say that he is doing business, but it is impossible to determine what kind of business he is doing. His current address is: 36 Malbouf Road.Note that Malbouf Road is near Post Office 45.On Thursday, April 23rd, the day before the accident at Ambrumesi Abbey, since then there has been no news of Fredericks. Thank you, Mr. Attorney General, for your kindness to me, and to you with the highest respect. Brettley: I did not spend a lot of time on the information provided to you above.On the morning of the accident, when Mr. Feyer was discussing his views with several celebrities, I planned to look at the peaked cap left by the fugitive. At that time, the fake driver had not replaced it. I memorized the name of the hatter, and following this clue, I found out the buyer of the hat and his address. Early the next morning, Janima found No. 36 Malbov Road.He asked the concierge, and went into the room on the right side of the apartment on the first floor.He checked the fireplace, and there was some gray carbon in it, but nothing else.Because four days ago, two friends of the owner came here and put words related to them.All records were burned.Just as Janima was about to leave, he happened to meet the postman, who delivered a letter for Mr. Fredericks.In the afternoon, the procuratorate obtained the letter.The credit is written in English and stamped with a US postmark. Sir: I have a definite answer to your agent.Once you get the four oil paintings of Mr. Risfell, please ship them out according to the agreed method, and if possible, please also bring other things with you.But I can't predict whether you can do it. I had an unexpected situation and had to go out.I will get there with this letter.Please come to the big hotel to meet me. Harrington On the same day, Janima quickly issued an arrest warrant and put Mr. Harrington, an American citizen, in a detention center, charging him with harboring and conspiracy. In this way, within 24 hours, under the astonishing advice of a seventeen-year-old child, the mystery was solved, everyone's thinking became clear, and difficult problems were easily solved.Within twenty-four hours, the criminal group's attempt to rescue the leader was instantly shattered.These people were in a mess, Yasen who was wounded and dying.Luo Ping is about to be arrested.They had his alias and his address in Paris, and for the first time saw through his elaborate trick, which aborted before it was over. The incident became headline news, a social sensation, public interest and admiration for young people.The fellow "Journal de Lyon" reporter was the first to publish an excellent article. The young grammar class student answered the reporter's questions.His suave demeanor, natural charm and tenacity of conviction are described vividly.Janima and Messrs. Feyer, throwing off their haughty professionalism and basking in the euphoria, let the situation slip inadvertently.Thus the public has a thorough understanding of Bretley's part in the whole case.It turned out that he did it, and the achievement should belong to him. People are in high spirits.Overnight, Bertley becomes a hero.People flocked in groups, asking their new admirers for details of the case.The reporters came to Shangsong De Saiyi Middle School, waiting for the school to dismiss, and questioned the students about Brettley's past and present situations.It took a long time for the judiciary to solve complicated cases. He only collected some information from newspapers, and then made logical deduction to constantly break through the difficulties.In this way, people know this character who is on par with Sherlock Holmes from among the students.The classmates asked Bertley some roundabout problems as entertainment after class.The students admired him for his incisive analysis of flexible use of deductive reasoning and exploration of profound issues.Ten days before the arrest of Jolis, the store owner, Brettley had proposed that the investigation should begin with the famous umbrella; St.As soon as the Kolu incident happened, he saw that the murderer was the porter. The most worth mentioning is the little book circulated among the students. This book was signed by Brettley and was printed and bound in ten volumes.The title of the book is "Arsen.Luo Ping's usual special means".In the book, he combines and contrasts the humor of the English with the sarcasm of the French. Brettley to Arsen.Luo Ping's various risky behaviors are studied in depth and meticulously in the book, and all the methods used by this gangster are exposed to the readers.The book talks about Yasen.How Luo Ping used machinery, how to cleverly set up traps, steal secretly, used tricks to blackmail, published letters in newspapers, and so on.The book also mentioned how he obtained confessions from the victim, let the victim fall into a trap, and used various methods to coerce him into submission. The commentary in the book is very profound, hits the point, is lively and funny, and the irony is natural but serious, turning many booers into his admirers, turning them to Yassen.Luo Ping's enthusiasm turned to Brettley.It is asserted that in the struggle between the two, the young grammar student Brettley will surely win. But can he emerge victorious?Mr Feyer and the Paris prosecutor's office still have several doubts.Because the identity of Mr. Harrington has not been determined, he is said to be Arsen.A member of Luo Ping Group, there is no conclusive evidence.Harrington never spoke a word.To make matters worse, the letter was verified and it was not his handwriting.The only information I have is that a gentleman named Harrington, carrying a traveling bag and wallet full of money, went to a big hotel to board.Besides, Monsieur Fayer was at Dieubourne, at a loss as to what to do with what Brettley had brought him. Before the incident, Miss Remonty discovered that the person similar to Brettley was still missing.How the four oil paintings of Lu Bingsi were stolen, who owns these paintings, and where the car carrying the oil paintings went at night are all mysteries. In Lunas, Yeweier, and Ifudor, traces of cars were found.On the road de Corbec-en-Gat, I heard that a car crossed the Seine in a boat early in the morning.It was confirmed that it was an open car that crossed the river, and it couldn't hold four large paintings at all, otherwise, the people on the boat would have noticed it long ago.Maybe it was the car, but a new question arises, where are the four paintings hidden? Mr. Feyer couldn't find an answer to his question.He wandered around the rectangular ruins almost every day, instructing his subordinates to look for the dying Yasen.Luo Ping's hiding place.If Brettley's words were followed, an invisible obstacle would have to be eliminated, but this brilliant judge did not intend to do so at all. No way, everyone thought of Brettley again, only he could unravel the mystery.He was gone, and the veils piled up and got thicker.Had his enthusiasm gone?I have achieved preliminary results, if I continue to work hard, victory is in sight! A reporter from the "Popular News" came to Shangsong Middle School under the name of Brettley's godfather Bernau and talked to him about this matter.Brettley replied solemnly: "Dear sir, there is Yasen in the society.Luo Ping, there is theft, there is investigation, and don't forget there is degree examination.It's May now, I don't want to fail the exam, doesn't my godfather understand? No.If you can put Yasen.Luo Ping sent to court, what will he think? Let's talk about it when we have time, and wait for the next vacation how is christmas All right.On Saturday night, June 6th, I took the first train to go. That is to say, on Saturday night, Arsen.Luo Ping will be brought to justice. Will you allow me to go on Sunday?Brett laughed. Why procrastinate?The reporter asked in a very serious tone.Everyone trusts him, and it seems that only through him can all problems be solved.At the beginning of the matter, people's sense of trust in him, although it is hard to say to what extent, is already very strong.In any case, he has become the most insightful, inferential, experienced, and skillful genius in people's minds.On June 6th, Bertley would take the express train to Dieup, and on the evening when the news appeared in the newspaper, Arthur.Luo Ping will be arrested and brought to justice! Yasen, Luo Ping's admirers also think: that day, unless he grows wings. Can't do it!All roads are blocked. Either way, he was seriously injured and would have died long ago. They would rather let their hero die than see him captured alive. Bo Tuorong once said: Yasen.Luo Ping is really going to die, and his companions will come to avenge him. On June 6th, six reporters went to St.There were two people who wanted to go with Bertley at Lazare station, but he refused. Brettley's box, he was alone.After several days of exhaustion, he fell into a drowsy sleep.朦朧中,他感到列車停過許多站,旅客們上來又下去。醒來時,快到.里昂了,依舊是一人。 他抬起頭,忽然看見一張大紙,被圖釘釘在對面座椅的靠背上。紙上寫著:有空去幹自己的事,少管他人閒事。何去何從任你選擇。 snort!他揉著雙手,想必對手亂了方寸,又用假司機的威脅手段進行恫嚇。什麼呀,亞森.羅蘋會這麼做嗎? 火車駛過隧道,開進古老的城市諾曼第。勃脫萊走到站臺上,活動一下身子,來回蹓躂了幾圈,向車廂走去,突然看見報窗裡的《里昂日報》。他驚叫起來,號外上刊登了一則消息,他馬上預感到問題的嚴重性:據最新消息:在迪厄埔,有人給報社打來電話。昨天夜裡,幾名強盜衝進安卜呂美西城堡,綁架了蕾夢蒂小姐。用布堵住她的嘴,把她帶走。在距城堡五百公尺的地方,發現血跡。在附近,又發現一條沾滿鮮血的披巾。從上述情況看,小姐已經遇害。 勃脫萊坐在車廂裡,彎下腰,胳膊肘支在膝蓋上,雙手托住下巴,呆呆地想著。 到了迪厄埔,他搭上出租汽車,趕到安卜呂美西城堡,在門口見到預審法官。法官向他證實了報紙上刊登的恐怖新聞。 有其他事情發生嗎?勃脫萊問道。 that's it.我跟你一樣,剛到。 此時,警長走到費葉爾先生身邊,遞給他一張發黃的破皺紙,他從離披巾不遠處拾到的。費葉爾先看了看,交給勃脫萊,說道:這東西幫不了什麼忙。 勃脫萊細細看了片刻,紙上有些數字、符號和標點。
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