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Mystery House

Mystery House


  • suspense novel

  • 2023-02-05Published
  • 115092

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Chapter 1 excerpt

Mystery House 莫理士.盧布朗 404Words 2023-02-05
excerpt Rereading those books which gave as faithful a description as possible of some of my adventures, I found that each one was born of my own spontaneous impulse to court a woman.The Golden Fleece has changed, but it is always the Golden Fleece that I strive to conquer.On the other hand, since circumstances compelled me to change my name and personality every time, I always felt that I had started a new life; I had never loved before, and I fear I will never love again after that. Therefore, when I look back, I find that Miss Cagliostro, or Sonia.Krishnov, or Dolores.Kesselbach, or Miss Bi-eyed, is not Arsen.Robin, but Raoul.When Deressi, De.Duke of Charmeras, Paul.Serning, or De.Lord Lymercy.I feel like they're all different from me, and different from each other.They make me happy, worry me, make me smile, and distress me like I haven't personally experienced their different loves.

These adventurers resembled me like strange brothers, and among them I may have a partial preference for the Baron Denelis, the noble navigator, gentleman detective, who fought around the mysterious house in order to conquer the little model of Paris, the charming Arlette's heart
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