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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

purple shell 瓊瑤 7550Words 2023-02-04
Mengxuan sat in the office, looking at the hundreds of urgent matters on the table.Every day when I come to the office, I fight for time like a war: there are so many business affairs, letters and phone calls, I often wish I could give birth to three heads and six arms, so that we can deal with everything at once.His female secretary, Ms. He, was sitting next to him, holding a small notebook to record what he had ordered, and he was opening and reading the letter as he spoke: I want Mr. Wang to go to the Bank of Taiwan to settle foreign exchange. Director Li wants him to come to me immediately after he comes back from the Green Fruit Association.Also, has the advertisement for handicrafts that I ordered to be printed last time been printed?

It's printed. Show me these letters and hand them over to Director Wei. This list needs to be typed. Tell Manager Zhang that I have read the letter of credit sent by the American XX company. .Ask Miss Chen to send the written letter to me for signature.When you go out, ask Director Zhao to come in.Again, Miss He, cancel tonight's banquet, I have something to do. Oh, Mr. Xia, Mengxuan has always disliked his subordinates calling him chairman, boss, etc., so everyone always called him Mr. Xia. The banquet tonight is very important, they may have to import a batch of western medicine.

Manager Zhang please go on my behalf. Yes, Mr. Xia.Ms. He pushed her thick glasses, and looked at Mengxuan curiously, wondering that her boss did not go all out for the company's business as before. Well, it's all right, let's go! Miss He left, he lit a cigarette, and gave instructions on the handling of several important letters that had been opened. Director Zhao knocked on the door and walked in. Mr. Xia? Our business needs to be more active, Director Zhao, hurry up and make that list of import categories, I need to study it.Also, I hope that onions will be exported this year.

However, last year XX trading company lost a lot of money handling onions. It is due to the climate. The onion products are too bad, so they won’t be able to do so this year. I guess if they get the mark this year, they can make a lot of money. All right, Mr. Xia. Just as Director Zhao left, the phone rang, and Ms. He said on the phone: Mr. Xia, Mr. Tao Sixian wants to see you. oh!He frowned: tell him He's already in.Miss He said hurriedly. Sure enough, the door opened, and Tao Sixian strode in, looking like no one else was there, with a Filipino cigar in his mouth.As time passed, Tao Sixian became more and more vapid, and he found the most convenient way to live, which is bluffing and swindling, which is very suitable for his personality, and he is indeed talented in this aspect, so although He has never had a serious job, but there are seven or eight beautiful titles on his business card. He gets in and out of taxis, wears a neat suit every day, smokes cigars, and visits restaurants, dance halls and the most luxurious nightclubs.

oh what?Mengxuan, don't you welcome me?Tao Sixian said with a half-smile, and sat down on a sofa by himself. Nothing, Mengxuan reluctantly said, you sit down first, I will deal with these few things right away.He glanced at Tao Sixian, and intuitively felt that he came here today with bad intentions, what factors made him look so high-spirited? Okay, I'm fine anyway, so go ahead!Tao Sixian crossed his legs, took a deep breath of the cigarette, let the smoke swirl in his mouth, and then spit it out. Mengxuan returned to his work and quickly dealt with several things.Tao Sixian's eyes kept flicking around, looking west, and studying the import and export curves on the wall, showing great interest.Mengxuan felt bored in his spine, finished his work in a hurry, turned his chair around, faced Tao Sixian and said:

how?how have you been? Without you, it seems that your business is getting bigger and bigger. He pointed to the chart on the wall: I did the math, and there are as many as fourteen countries that have business dealings with you. To use a common saying, This is how your business prospers all over the world, and your wealth reaches Sanjiang! Mengxuan felt more bored, forced a smile, and said socially: What I do is import and export, and I always have a little contact with foreign countries.In fact, mainly Southeast Asia and Japan.Didn't you say you were going to open a dance hall with your friends last time?How about it?

Tao Sixian shrugged: No approval.There are too many nightclubs and dance halls these days. What are you going to do recently? Real estate is currently the most promising sub-sector. oh?Mengxuan expected that the next step would be to borrow money.Do you partner with others? Yes, of course I can’t do it myself. Capital is not a small amount. I plan to build a house in Shilin and Beitou, where the land is cheap, and I can rent land from the Yangmingshan Administration Bureau. : Mengxuan, you recently bought a property in Bitan, why didn't you notify us so that we could congratulate you?

Mengxuan was startled, raised his head, and looked directly at Tao Sixian, this high-class hooligan who is not doing business, is now also doing blackmail?Tao Sixian raised his head and laughed, stood up, patted Mengxuan on the shoulder, narrowed his eyes, and said affectionately: Don't be nervous, Mengxuan, if we men hang around outside, such things will inevitably happen, don't worry, I will never tell Meichan, and I won't say a word in front of Yachan, how about it?Their women are all jealous, making noise and smashing things is a trivial matter, and those who are looking for death will be troublesome, or they will go to the court to sue, what harms the family, it is even more annoying, right?

Mengxuan lit a cigarette, looked at Tao Sixian coldly, the latter walked around, shrugged and laughed exaggeratedly, making Mengxuan dazzled.He had heard Tao Sixian's implication, sneered, and said: This is not a secret, even if Meichan knew about it, she should be able to forgive it. understanding?Tao Sixian sat down on the table with a gloomy smile on his face.You don't want women to understand this kind of thing. According to the law, this is a complaint. If Meichan sues your wife Ru for harming the family, your small mansion will be over. You should be smart and don't say it. As for me, don't worry, I will be completely on your side.A man is a man. If you have money like you, what is a small mansion?I am in favor of men having three wives and four concubines!

Hmph, Mengxuan looked at him: I can't tell, you are also very familiar with the law! You should do your research, it will help you a lot!Tao Sixian smiled wickedly. I don't think Meichan will go to the court to sue, Mengxuan took a puff of cigarette: Of course, if someone instigates it, it will be unreliable. Ha ha!Are you hinting at me?I will not spoil your good deeds!Men are supposed to help each other out, right? The phone rang suddenly. It was Mengxuan's private outside line. When he picked it up, Peiqing's clear and crisp voice came from the opposite side. For convenience, Mengxuan also installed a telephone in Bitan's hut. .

Peiqing's tone was coquettish and timid, gentle and gentle: Mengxuan, is that you? Yes.Mengxuan glanced at Tao Sixian. I know you're busy, I'm fine, I just want to hear your voice.Peiqing said: I'm really troublesome, aren't I? No.A warm current flowed through Mengxuan's heart, full of feelings, and wished that he could not convey it. Since Tao Sixian was beside him, he could only shorten his sentences. You're not coming back today, are you?Peiqing seemed to be sighing.However, I am not blaming you, I know you still have difficulties, but I will be very lonely.Hey, Mengxuan, why don't you talk? I, Mengxuan, couldn't speak freely, so I took another look at Tao Sixian, and he hurriedly said: I have something to do now, I'll call you later, okay? oh!Peiqing said softly, hung up the phone, and Mengxuan said hello twice, knowing that she had hung up, so he had to put down the line, he was a little uneasy, Peiqing's feelings were so delicate and fragile, she I will definitely misunderstand his indifference, and I will be sad in silence. Raising his head, he looked at Tao Sixian, decided to solve the matter simply and clearly, took out the checkbook, and said: I still have something to do, Sixian, do you need some financial support? Unexpectedly, Mengxuan would ask such a straight-forward question, Tao Sixian was a little embarrassed, but he had already trained so that he would not blush. Well, let's count you as a shareholder!He said grimly. real estate?Mengxuan said: To be honest, I have no interest. I am already busy with my own career, and I don't want to develop anything else.Here is 10,000 yuan, you can use it first! Ten thousand? !Tao Sixian said: You didn't want to help the coal mine last time, and this time you refused to take a stake. Mengxuan, you are not enough friends, right? How about you take it first?As for the shareholding, let me think about it, okay? Well, you think about it, Tao Sixian said with something in his words, he took the check nonchalantly, and took a deep look at Mengxuan: I will listen to your reply in three days, since you are busy, I will not bother you anymore , I hope you squint at him: a lot of help!We are each other!tacit understanding!Walking towards the door, he turned back again, leaned into Mengxuan's ear and said: When will you invite me to Bitan to meet the one of you?He must have drawn an arc in the air with his finger, indicating a female figure, very beautiful, right? A burst of anger burst out of Mengxuan's heart, and for a moment, he had the urge to punch Tao Sixian's fat chin, but with difficulty, he restrained himself, and his face became very ugly.Tao Sixian also saw that Mengxuan's expression was not good, and walked towards the door, he laughed at himself and said, "I'm just kidding, I know you are Jinwu Cangjiao!"Well, goodbye, I'll be back in a few days! Watching him go out, Mengxuan sat down heavily in the chair, he didn't call Peiqing in time.Sucking deeply on the cigarette, he saw that there were many problems in front of him.He and Peiqing are not like what he thought before, they can live a life indifferent to the world. There are still many thorns in front of them, and there are also many hazes. In fact, this love has no guarantee at all. .His mood became very bad, and suddenly, he realized that he was just a weak person, and he built a small nest for Peiqing on the sand dunes, and this small nest could be destroyed by the roots anytime, anywhere. He didn't have the heart to work anymore, he paced back and forth in his office all day long, he knew that he had to come up with his own ideas, if he accepted Tao Sixian's blackmail, it would become a bottomless pit, moreover, the fire could not be covered with paper, how could he predict this Can secrets be kept forever?However, if Mei Chan is told, who can predict what will happen to her?She is a woman who doesn't care about anything, doesn't need to think, and only relies on her intuition. If her sister and brother-in-law give her some advice, what will happen? In the afternoon, he left the company early and drove back home by car.It was almost a rare thing for him to go home so early, Xiaofeng was so happy that he hung on his father's neck and cheered, while Xiaozhu circled around under his feet.He kissed the two children, went into the living room and sat down.Xiaofeng obediently presented her father with slippers, knelt on the carpet to help her father take off the leather shoes, and said, "Dad, why do you always go to Tainan, Taichung, and Kaohsiung?"Next time you take me there too, okay? Mengxuan smiled wryly, and hugged Xiaofeng to his chest. Recently, he and the children were too far apart.Xiaofeng sat on his lap, playing with his father's tie, and babbled on something, Mengxuan listened absent-mindedly, and agreed, Xiaofeng suddenly pressed her small face against Mengxuan's. On his face, he said sweetly: Dad!I love you so much! Mengxuan was stunned, and a moving emotion rushed straight into the depths of his heart, and at the same time moving up was anxiety and guilt. He wished he could spend more time with the children, they are so cute little thing!For a long time, children were his greatest comfort and joy.However, for more than a year, Peiqing has almost occupied all the space in his heart, and there is no place to accommodate the children. For the children, is it enough for a father to give them food and clothing?What they need more is care and love! Touching Xiaofeng's soft hair, he said emotionally: Dad loves you too. When Dad is free, he will take you and your brother to the zoo to see monkeys, okay? today! Not today, dad still has something to do today, he still has to go out! Mei Chan came out of the bedroom, she just woke up from a nap, she looked lazy, wearing a pink pajamas and pajama pants, her hair was messy and uncombed, her eyes were open and sleepy, Looking at Mengxuan, he smiled and said: How can you come back so early today? Uh, Mengxuan answered vaguely from his nose, feeling a little uneasy.Came back especially early. Oh, Meichan didn't intend to ask him why he came back early, she yawned and stretched, she said cheerfully: Now that we are back, let's go out and have fun, I haven't watched a movie for a long time, where are the newspapers?Looking for a movie to watch?We take the kids with us. good!Xiaofeng jumped off Mengxuan's lap, cheering and said: I'm going to get the newspaper! don't want!Mengxuan stopped Xiaofeng, faced Meichan, and said solemnly: Meichan, I have something to talk to you about. And me?Meichan asked in surprise, opened her eyes wide, looked at Mengxuan, and repeated with disbelief: Are you with me? Yes. What's the matter? Let's talk in the study, shall we? Mei Chan's face turned pale.Is it serious?Mengxuan?Is your business down?We're poor again, aren't we? No, no, not that kind of thing. Meichan breathed a sigh of relief.That's all right, what are you talking to me about?I don't understand those things in your company, she said while lazily yawning and walking towards the study.Don't let me negotiate with my sister. If it's their business, you should talk to them yourself! Mengxuan let the children play outside and closed the door of the study. He hadn't entered this room for several days. Ah Ying must have never cleaned it. in the ashtray.Opening the window to let in some fresh air, he sat down and let Meichan sit across from him. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak, he just stared blankly at Mei Chan, and kept puffing on his cigarette.Meichan couldn't hold back anymore, she stared wide-eyed, and asked: What are you doing?Are you sick? No, Mengxuan said sullenly, watching Meichan through the smoke, recalling in a trance the time when he and Meichan first fell in love. They didn't have any fanatical love, nor did they go through any twists and turns. They met and liked each other, and then they got married naturally.In ten years of married life, Mei Chan has never been at fault. She doesn't play cards, doesn't socialize, doesn't organize wife groups, and doesn't lose her temper with her husband and children. Sometimes she is too sloppy with housework, which is also her nature.In short, she is a law-abiding wife who enjoys herself without a city in her heart.For such a wife, how can he say that he has already built another incense nest?How could he have the heart to destroy her world and the ignorant happiness in front of her?What's more, even though he loves Peiqing crazily, he still has ten years of love as husband and wife for Meichan, a kind of dutyful affection and responsibility, and he wholeheartedly wants her to be happy.Puffing smoke, he watched those smoke rings spread and disappeared blankly, he couldn't say anything, he couldn't say anything anyway. Hello, what's the matter?Meichan asked impatiently, turning a diamond ring on her finger boredly. It was a gift from him for her eighth wedding anniversary.Do you want to speak faster! Can he not say it?Can he continue to hide it?Did Tao Sixian allow him to keep his secret?If it is exposed in the future, it will be tens of millions of times worse than the current situation!Or, if he can persuade Meichan and Peiqing to coexist peacefully, then there will be no problems. At present, there is only one way to go before him, and he must face the reality!Taking a deep breath of the cigarette, he sat up straight, determined to be desperate.Staring at Meichan, he said in a low voice: I want to tell you something, I hope you can listen to me well. Mei Chan looked at him suspiciously. A year and a half ago, he said slowly: I met a couple. The husband was cruel and snobbish by nature, and the wife was very delicate and weak. I talked very congenially with that wife. He bit his cigarette butt and didn't know what to do. Go on for a long time before continuing: that lady has read my novel, she is a warm, sincere, thoughtful and emotional woman, we talked several times, this made the husband very angry, so he abused her , beat her, and made her miserable till she was so sick that she nearly died Meichan was still staring at her big eyes, as if she was listening to someone else's story, her simple mind could not connect the story with herself. The lady was taken to the hospital. For several days, doctors and friends thought she was hopeless. However, she finally passed the danger. However, she was insane and didn't know anyone. Her husband left her. After getting married, she spent more than a year in a mental hospital. Meichan showed a caring look. This story shook her feminine and kind heart, and aroused her sympathy and pity. It wasn't until a month ago that she recovered from her illness and was discharged from the hospital, so he paused and exhaled a thick puff of smoke, letting the smoke lie between him and Meichan.A man who loved her took her out of the hospital and lived with her. Meichan tilted her head, her thoughts still hadn't turned around, and she didn't understand at all why Mengxuan wanted to tell her this story. how?she asked. Oh, Meichan, haven't you understood?Mengxuan sighed and stared at her deeply.I'm here to ask for your forgiveness, I hope you can sympathize with her and me, so don't blame us too much you?Meichan asked in a daze. Yes, I was the man she lived with. Meichan suddenly stood up from the chair, her face suddenly turned white, staring at Mengxuan, she murmured: Why did you make up this story to lie to me?You live with her?I don't believe it, I don't believe it at all! It's true, Mae Chan, I swear to you it's true!He grabs her.Meichan, I don't want to do anything to be sorry to you, God knows, how much I don't want to break your heart, now that things have happened, I tell you, his voice trembling involuntarily when he begged you to forgive him.Especially, asking for your sympathy, I will never treat you badly! Meichan was confused, flustered, and, moreover, completely petrified!She had never seen Mengxuan so excited and humbled before, this was not the Mengxuan she was used to at all.But then the terrible fact tore her apart, that her husband was abandoning her, leaving her, and loving nothing else.This kind of thing that had never threatened her fell from the sky in front of her in an instant, shattering her world and frightening her into a loss.She stood there in a daze for two minutes, then suddenly covered her face with her hands, and burst into tears with a wow. Mengxuan hugged her, patted her back, and said in pain: Mei Chan, please be quiet and listen to me, okay? You don't want us anymore, do you?Meichan cried and shouted: You have another woman, you!How can you do this?I don't want to live anymore!I'd better go die! Meichan, Meichan!Don't shout, don't let the children hear, Mengxuan covered her mouth.I didn't say I don't want you, you are still my wife, Peiqing doesn't fight for any title, do you understand? Meichan struggled, cried and yelled, no matter what Mengxuan told her, she just cried and yelled, but she finally understood something, wiped her tears, she said: You got a concubine, didn't you?You want me to accept her, don't you? Mengxuan closed her eyes, saying that would be cruel to Peiqing, but now she can't care about so much. She won't hinder you, Meichan, you don't have to meet each other, I live with her a few days a week, that's all.He reluctantly said: Meichan, you have always been so kind, if you can forgive me, he sighed deeply, tears clouded his eyes: I can't express how grateful I am to you! Meichan's mind was confused again, she had never seen Mengxuan cry, in her heart, her husband was as strong as a rock, now begging her so humbly made her full of panic.While panicking, she was also afraid of losing everything in front of her. However, Mengxuan's thousand guarantees, Wan's explanation, and the endless good words finally convinced her that life would not change. She doesn't have any needs. She doesn't know much about love, and she doesn't have such emotional needs. She thinks that a man loves her as long as he feeds her and buys her beautiful clothes.What's more, Xia Mengxuan didn't start a rich man begging his concubine.Therefore, after two hours, Mengxuan finally persuaded Meichan to accept this fact. In order to comfort her, he didn't go to Bitan that day, but took her and the children to watch a Huangmei Diao movie she loved, ate at a small restaurant, and bought a necklace of cultured pearls for her. However, when he was lying on the bed late at night, his whole heart was the shadow of Peiqing, he was relieved by the haze lifted, and he felt guilty for not going to her place, listening to Mei Chan's peaceful breathing beside him, he also loved her Feeling guilty.He had insomnia and felt the pain of being weighed down by guilt.Looking at the starry sky outside the window, he murmured to himself: Who can get what you get?It's only fair that you should pay something.Because you love and are loved, you must suffer.
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