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Chapter 2 Chapter two

Boat 瓊瑤 6563Words 2023-02-04
It's late at night, the guests are gone, and the hustle and bustle is a thing of the past.In the huge living room, colored paper and used paper cups were scattered all over the floor, sofa cushions slipped on the ground, melon seeds were piled up on the coffee table, and there was a mess everywhere.The small light bulbs on the Christmas tree are still flickering on and off, shining in the empty room with a lazy tiredness.The record player stopped, and dozens of records were scattered on the floor, the sleeves and records were separated, and one by one was scattered here and there. Tang Kexin was sitting on the floor next to the record player, trying to put the record back into the case.

Jia Ling took off her high heels, held them upside down in her hands, yawned wearily, and said: oh!I'm so tired that I can't lift my feet, I'm going to bed!Opening her mouth, she yawned again, and staggered towards the inner room. Jialing!Jiawen shouted dissatisfied: You go to sleep after playing, sorry?Help me clean up too! Pack what?Jia Ling yawned and said: Ah Zhu will clean up tomorrow morning, why bother?What is the purpose of paying for a girl?After finishing speaking, she yawned again, picked up her shoes, and stumbled into her own room. Jialing is like this, Jiawen said, kneeling beside Kexin and helping her put the record on.The lady is full of airs!

Let her go, she is really tired, she has been dancing all night without resting for a minute!Ke Xin said, hastily stacked the arranged records together.what time is it?Jarvan?It's time for me to go back. Mom is alone at home. Jiawen held Kexin's hand, knelt on the floor and stared at her. Never mind the time, Kexin, you belong to me all night long.Holding her chin up, he looked at her fair and beautiful face, and her pair of eyes that were always blurred, as if floating in fog. People are so strange, Kexin, why did we find this group of people to make a fuss?Make oneself have no time to get together.

Kexin smiled and shook her head at Jiawen. Your personality is like this, the old problem relapses, every time you are very energetic beforehand, and then you become disheartened afterwards.Probably everyone has this kind of problem. She looked around the messy and empty room and said with a sigh: "It's so desolate!"Especially after the carnival just now.It creates a sense of emptiness, and no wonder you feel wronged.But, Jarvan, that's what we do often, don't we?Busy for a while, chaotic for a while, I don't know what to get in exchange.Anyway, it's a good evening, your guests are happy, and Jia Ling is also happy, that's the price, right?

There is one person who is not happy. who? Ji Yuan. Ji Yuan?Kexin tilted her head in thought.How do you know he is not happy? I can see it. Seriously, Jiawen, Kexin lowered her eyes and looked at a record on the ground.I don't think Ji Yuan is anything special. On the contrary, I think he is too sophisticated and hypocritical. When I first met him, I was poisoned by your propaganda. I may have been too frank with him. I didn't expect him to You didn't recognize him clearly, so don't draw conclusions too early!Jiawen interrupted her: he is a person that cannot be understood just by meeting him!

Kexin looked at Jiawen. how?She smiled and said: Are you unhappy?Why are you frowning?Ji Yuan holds more weight in your heart than I do!I just said a few words, you Don't be silly!Jiawen yelled, pulled Kexin over and blocked her with his mouth.Don't talk about those guests anymore, there are no guests here now, just the two of us. Stop messing around, Jiawen, I really should go, won't you send me back?Kexin pushed Jiawen away, trying to stand up from the ground. Wait a minute, it's still early.Jiawen hugged Kexin, held her tightly, and searched for her lips.Don't leave, Kexin, the house will be even more desolate if you leave.The most intolerable thing in my life is loneliness, Kexin.He stares at her.You have no idea how beautiful you look in this light.

Oh, Jiawen, stop making trouble, really stop making trouble, mom is at home alone, I should go back.Where is your father? I don't know, he said he would give the house to our younger generation Ke Xin, you are no longer interested in me, I know Nonsense! So why are you in such a hurry to go back? Don't you think we're being too selfish?Jarvan?We only pursue our own happiness, and leave our loneliness to the older generation, my mother, your father, Jiawen, we really shouldn't!Jumping up from the ground, she became impatient.I have to go no matter what! Gavin held her back.Before you leave, you still owe me one thing!His arms were around her.

She looked up and met his affectionate eyes.There was a surge in her heart, and she felt so unable to hold herself.His eyes seemed to have been looking into the depths of her heart, stirring up all the delicate emotions in her heart.With a sigh, she closed her eyes and said in a low voice: "Okay!"Jiawen. He kissed her.A long, lingering, delicate kiss.The bells of the church in the distance are ringing, the singing team of good news is passing by the street, occasionally there is a car horn or two, and the door seems to be ringing lightly. The door was pushed open, and Kexin suddenly left Jiawen's embrace.Looking back, Jiawen's father Du Yi was standing at the door with a smile.

Oh, Uncle Du!Ke Xin murmured, blushing because of the scene just now. how?Du Yi stepped into the door, took off his overcoat, and put it on the back of the sofa.Have a good time? He stared at the two children in front of him, admiring the flush on their faces.Youth, joy, love, this belongs to the younger generation.Time is really a cruel thing, it will bring you everything you are nostalgic for, and bring you the old age and loneliness that you fear.However, time is also fair. There are old people today and young people in the past, right? Oh great, Dad.Jiawen said happily: You didn't see how lively it was.

I can imagine that Du Yi looked at the messy room and those paper hat stripes, and said with a smile.He looked at Kexin again.Kexin, how is your mother? very good. Give her my regards. Kexin nodded. Du Yi looked at that young face, those foggy eyes, that small pointed chin, and a moment of trance and confusion passed through his heart.The smile disappeared from his lips, and fatigue suddenly enveloped him.Nodding his head, he was not interested in continuing the conversation with the children. He turned to the back room and said with some disinterest, "Okay, Jiawen, you want to send Kexin off."I went to rest first.

ok dad.Jiawen complied obediently. Goodbye, Uncle Du!It was Kexin's soft and crunchy voice. goodbye!Du Yi's tone was full of fatigue, holding his coat, he retreated from this living room to his own bedroom. Turn on the desk lamp on the table, and the quiet light under the blue lampshade spreads softly.The room was spotless, with dark green curtains hanging from the ceiling to the ground, and the sheets on the spring bed were not creased at all.He sat down in the easy chair in front of the desk, turned the chair around unconsciously, looked at the room with an indescribable and tired feeling, it was so clean and tidy!He has always been a clean freak, but now he hates this neatness. There are traces of laughter everywhere in the messy living room, but here, there is only clean and deserted. In the afternoon, when he avoided going out, how much he hoped that the children would say: Dad!Don't go away, play with us! However, the children did not speak.He knew how embarrassing and restraining it would be for the younger ones if he stayed in the carnival, and he was an enlightened father, and he walked away to give the house to the children.But the cold street is not a place to stay, and Christmas is not a good day to visit friends. There is joy everywhere, but he is not in the joy. At one point, he considered going to see Kexin's mother, another lonely person.Thinking about it, it’s a little unnecessary. What happened thirty years ago has long since disappeared. It was just a too small episode in life. Now, the children of the two families have grown up and will be married. It is enough to make up for it in the past.If he visits now, Yazhen will be surprised. So where is he going?Walking on foot, a familiar big house was brightly lit, where there were happiness that money could buy, and a good way to pass the time easily, so he went.The lights are feasting, the dancing is colorful, and those dancing girls surround him. They know that he is the manager of ×× Bank, but they don't know his age!He circled among the dancers, dancing, wine, and the time that beauties can easily pass is full of emptiness that cannot be passed away! The ballroom was so bloody in his memory, what did he get in exchange for a period of intoxication in Shanghai?The woman abandoned the child and eloped with her lover.Jialing?Does she also have her mother's lustful blood in her body?Shaking his head, he stood up, walked to the window, and opened the curtains. The night outside the window was hazy, and he lit a cigarette.Stop thinking about it!Those past events!A puff of smoke was blown out, and the smoke spread on the glass window and dissipated. I am not famous and you are not married, so you must pity me and I pity you!Muttering, he unconsciously read these two sentences, but his own voice startled him.How can you think of these two sentences?How long?Thirty years ago?He once wrote these two sentences on a piece of paper and gave it to Yazhen in a book of "Hua Jian Ji".Now what?Her daughter is about to marry her son. Things in the world are so unpredictable and elusive.Time takes away all the beautiful, ugly, good and bad, and brings many unexpected new things.Du Yi, Shen Yazhen, a dream that ended.Du Jiawen, Tang Kexin, a dream weaving!Holding up the cigarette butt, he looked at the flickering fire, as if holding a wine glass in his hand, and said loudly: bless them! His voice was unexpectedly loud in the empty house, he was taken aback, looked around, and smiled wryly. Du Jiawen walked slowly down the street with Tang Kexin on his arm.The rain had stopped and the moon was hidden in the clouds.Kexin looked up at the sky, and there were a few stars shining through the clouds, emitting faint light.The cloud, still thick, is gradually drifting away. It will be sunny tomorrow.Kexin said. Do you have classes?Jarvan asked. tomorrow?certainly. It's a pity, otherwise you can go out and have fun. There is no place for fun, and the so-called scenic spots nearby are all tired of playing.Unless she smiles. Unless what? Xue Jiyuan, go hunting! Jiawen was stunned for a moment, his eyes sparkled, and he held Tang Kexin tight, and he yelled, "Kexin!good idea!We can organize a hunting team and ask Ji Yuan to take us there, maybe we can bring back a big wild boar!If Jialing heard about this plan, it would be strange if she didn't jump up! Look at you, when it comes to wind is rain!How easy is that? Really, we can make a plan, for example, go during the New Year's Day holiday and come back in three days, isn't it great?It's just that you girls probably can't climb mountains. forget it!Kexin smiled and said: You may not be much smarter than girls! What are you talking about?Du Jiawen squeezed Kexin tightly, and Kexin jumped up in pain.Let you know if my strength is the same as that of a girl! oh!Kexin breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Jiawen from the light of the street lamp. The latter's young and beautiful face glowed with radiance, his dark eyes gleamed, his thin lips were as gentle as a girl's, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, with A childish smile. Ke Xin appreciates his occasional childishness, and when he is stubborn, he doesn't make any sense, and does whatever he wants, completely like a spoiled child.She and Jiawen grew up together as childhood sweethearts. When she was very young, she knew that she would definitely marry Jiawen, and she liked him.However, she felt that her feelings for him were mixed with a kind of maternal tenderness, and she often couldn't help teasing him, and when he was in a hurry, she would coax him, spoil him, and pet him. At this moment, seeing the mischievous smile on his lips, the maternal tenderness surged in her chest.Smiling, she rubbed her sore arm, looked at him and said: Jiawen, your mother must be beautiful, isn't she? Why did you suddenly think of my mother? Because you are beautiful.Ke Xin said frankly: I often think that if you have a real sister, she may be prettier than Jia Ling. Hey, Kexin, don't let Jialing hear this. Jialing doesn't know that she and I were not born to the same mother. How could I talk about this!Ke Xin said.A layer of joy welled up in her heart. She was happy with Jiawen's attitude towards Jialing. Few people treat half-brothers and sisters indifferently, not to mention Jialing's mother had such a disreputable accident! The night was very quiet, the road was long, and the shadows of the two people moved back and forth on the ground.In just a short while, he had already arrived at Kexin's house.Kexin's father was originally a professor at X University, and he lived in a public dormitory. After his father passed away, X University did not take back the house because they were orphans and widows.It was a small Japanese-style house with an impossibly small yard planted with palm trees and hibiscus flowers. Kexin took out the key and opened the gate of the garden. Jiawen rested his hand on the wall, staring at her with deep and quiet eyes.She caught his gaze and forgot to move for a moment.For a long time, they just looked at each other like this. Then, it was Kexin who spoke first: go back, Jiawen, it's so late. No, wait a little longer.Jiawen pressed her hand on the back of her hand, and his stubborn and affectionate eyes looked into her heart, Kexin!He shouted softly. Um? Kexin! do what? Just wanted to call you! foolish!She smiled, turned around and walked into the yard. Jiawen held her back again: Wait a minute! What are you doing? tell me how much do you love me If you don't go back, it will be dawn! Why don't I go to your house and we talk until dawn! Don't be silly!We meet again tomorrow night, why are you like parting with each other? Annoyed, Jiawen wiped his face with his hands, and brushed a lock of hair to his forehead, which seemed to add a bit of stupidity, but the stupidity is so beautiful and cute! I am done!He sighed and said: Kexin, I can't live without you more and more, what should I do?A minute of parting seems to kill me! All right, Jiawen, Ke Xin coaxed a child and said: Go back!It's really dawn! OK, let me go!Jiawen turned around, anyway, you just want to drive me away! Yes, I want to drive you away!Ke Xin said with a smile, stepped into the yard, and immediately slammed the door. With the sound of closing the door, Jiawen yelled outside: Ouch!Your door caught my hand! Ke Xin quickly opened the door, and asked in a panic: Caught there? here!Jiawen pointed to his chest with his finger, with a grin on his face. Kexin let out a sound, and closed the door again, but did not leave immediately. Standing inside the door, she looked out through the crack of the door, until she saw Jiawen walking away in dismay, then she turned around, Sighing contentedly, he walked into the entrance. After getting on the tatami, she tiptoed towards her own room. There are three rooms in this room, the front one is the living room, and the back two are the bedrooms of Ke Xin and her mother Shen Yazhen. She had only taken a few steps when she heard her mother's voice calling: Kexin!came back? oh mom!Are you still asleep?Kexin asked, and went into her mother's room, opened the curtain, and sat on the edge of Yazhen's bed.Sorry, Mom, I'm so late! Who was here just now?Jarvan?Yazhen asked, looking at her grown-up daughter in the moonlight shining through the window. Yes, he sent me back! Why don't you let him come in and sit down? this late!Kexin said, looking at her mother.Mom, Uncle Du wants me to bring a message to greet you! Oh, Yazhen was stunned, Du Yi?Kexin's lover's father?greeting?She had a slight trance.Did he play with you? No, he went out and came back very late, he said he would give us the place, Kexin said, and slowly took off the stockings.I think Uncle Du is the most humane person! him?Yazhen responded subconsciously: Not bad. Mom, Kexin's hand reached Yazhen's neck, her head bowed down, and her hair touched her face.Mom, Jiawen and I got engaged during the winter vacation, how about it? oh!Ya Zhen breathed out lightly: Of course it is very good, I have been waiting for this day for a long time! Mom, you are so kind!Kexin bowed her head, put her cool cheeks on her mother's face, and said in a low voice: Mom, I want to tell you a secret. what is it I am so happy, so happy, so happy!Kexin said, jumping up, his face became hot.goodbye!Mother!I'm going to bed! Remember to close the windows!Yazhen exhorted, watched her daughter's shadow walk out of the room, and watched the two paper doors being drawn together, and let out a long breath involuntarily. Kexin, she is finally going to marry Jiawen, that fair and handsome boy!Du Yi's son!Turning over, she faced the bed and closed her eyes.However, she knew that she would not fall asleep.How many years ago?Du Yi, also a beautiful boy, was poor and lived in her home.She always had to find an excuse to run to the front room, and if she had nothing to do, she would go around a circle or two. His eyes followed her body and she opened them suddenly. What's wrong?What are you thinking about?Kexin, what a daughter, what did she say? I am so happy!so happy!so happy! Some people have been happy before, and some people have never been in their lives.Kexin!May she always have this happiness!She blinked her eyelids, and a wave of heat welled up in her eye sockets for no reason.People, it seems, the older they get, the more fragile and useless they become. Through a paper door, she heard Kexin humming softly: There is a small boat, drifting through the southeast, northwest, northwest, southeast. How many longings and dreams are contained, the boat is beautiful, the dream is charming, passing through the ocean, crossing the river, coming and going without any ties. She was shocked violently, and couldn't help being stunned.
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