Home Categories fantasy novel Post-Base Pass: Edge of Base

Chapter 81 5

Ah, says Burano: He's trying to attack, Leonor, look! The index of the psychometer rose abnormally, and the pointer kept vibrating slightly. The development of the mental force field shield has already taken the base scientists 120 years.It has been a top secret science project, maybe only Harry.The psychohistorical analysis that Seldon developed independently was not comparable in its level of secrecy.Five generations of scientists have spent countless efforts to continuously improve this device. Since they have not been able to derive a satisfactory theory, everything has to rely on the accumulation of experience.

All progress, in fact, depends on the invention of the mind meter.This device can be used as an indicator of work, showing the direction and degree of progress at each stage.No one can explain how it works, yet it has always been able to perform miracles, measure quantities that are theoretically impossible, and display data that theory cannot explain.Burano had always had an idea (and some scientists shared it) that if someone at the base could explain how the mind meter worked, they would be on par with the Second Foundation in terms of mind control. But that's for the future.For now, the shield should be enough, and they also have an overwhelming physical weapon as a backstop against the Second Base.

Burano sent out a radio wave, a message carried in a male voice, the emotional overtones of the words were all removed, and it sounded flat and lifeless. Call the spaceship Star and the people on it. You have forcibly seized the aircraft of the Federation Fleet of the Base by force. Now you are ordered to surrender immediately with your people and ships, otherwise you will be attacked immediately. The answer they received was a natural voice: Mayor Burano of Terminus, I know you're on that ship.The Star was not hijacked by force, but its owner, Mann of Terminal Star.plum.CommScope took the initiative to invite me to come.I propose a truce for the time being to discuss matters of immediate concern to both parties.

Cordel whispered to Burano: Let me talk to him, Mayor. Burano waved his arm and made a disdainful gesture.This is my responsibility, Riono. Then she tweaked the transmitter slightly so it no longer intentionally distorted the sound.But her voice was almost as forceful now as it had been in falsetto, and just as emotionless. People of Second Base, recognize your situation, if you don't surrender immediately, we will destroy your spaceship at the speed of light and we are ready to attack.We have nothing to lose by doing this, because we don't have to keep you alive, and you don't have any information we need.We know you're from Trantor, and after we've dealt with you, the next step is to deal with Trantor.We'd like to give you a moment, but since you can't tell why, we're not going to listen to you for too long.

That being the case, Candib said: I'll cut to the chase and say that your shields are not perfect, and will never be perfect.You overestimated its function, and underestimated my ability, I can still touch and control your mind.Perhaps in comparison, it will be more difficult than without a protective cover, but it will not be a problem.When you try to activate any weapon, I attack instantly.I must solemnly warn you: If there is no protective cover, I can manipulate your mind in a safe way without causing any harm; once there is a protective cover, I will definitely break through. I can definitely do it, but like this Once it happens, I won't be able to do it steadily and dexterously, and your mind will be crushed by me along with the protective shield, and this result will be irreversible.In other words, you can't stop me at all, and I can stop you, but I will force you to a fate worse than death, and you will become a walking corpse without a soul.Do you want to take the risk?

Burano said: You know you can't do it. So, you are not afraid of the consequences I have described, and really want to take the risk?Candibe asked in a calm and pretended relaxed tone. Cordel leaned over and whispered: For Seldon's sake, mayor Chandib interrupted immediately (not really immediately, because light waves, or any wave or particle moving at the speed of light, must take a little more than a second to cross the distance between two ships): I know you are Think about it, Cordel, there's no need to lower your voice.I also know what the mayor is thinking, she is hesitating, so you don't have to panic now.I can know your thoughts, which is sufficient proof that the protective shield has holes.

Its power can also be enhanced.said the mayor in a defiant tone. My mental strength is still fine.Jiandibo is not to be outdone. But I just need to sit here and use the energy on board to maintain this shield. My battleship has enough energy to keep it going for an extremely long time.But you have to use spiritual energy to penetrate the shield, and you will naturally get tired after a long time. I am not tired now."At this moment, neither of you can give any orders to the personnel of this ship, let alone the personnel of other ships," said Candib.I can do this within the limit of not hurting you, but please don't use any unusual methods to try to break free from my control.If I were forced to build up my mental powers because of this I would certainly do so and you two would be permanently wounded in your minds as I just said.

I'll wait, Burano puts his hands on his knees, showing the utmost patience.You'll get tired eventually, and when you're done I can give orders.But my order is not to destroy you, because you will be out of combat by then, my order will be to send the main fleet of the base to deal with Trantor.Surrender now if you wish to save your world.Your organization escaped total destruction once during the Shoah, and I promise you won't be so lucky this time around. Can't you see that if I get tired, even though it's impossible, then I'll try to destroy you before my strength is exhausted, and won't this save my world?

You wouldn't do that, your main mission is to maintain the Seldon Project.If the mayor of Terminus is eliminated, it will be a blow to the prestige and confidence of the first base, and its power will be severely frustrated; for the enemies lurking in the galaxy, this is the greatest encouragement.Seldon's plans would fall apart, an outcome as terrible to you as the destruction of Trantor, and you'd better surrender. Do you want to take a gamble with your life to see if I really have any scruples? Burano took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, his chest rose and fell.Then, she said firmly: Yes!

Cordel, who was sitting beside her, turned pale in an instant.
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