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Feng Shen Ji

Feng Shen Ji


  • fantasy novel

  • 2023-02-05Published
  • 686148

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Chapter 1 Volume 1 Chapter 1 The Oath of Migratory Bird God

Feng Shen Ji 黃易 13609Words 2023-02-05
I may be the last human being. There is only silence and darkness on the SenseNet, which is considered by some creatures to be the edge of the universe, a region filled with chaos, within the range of ten migratory bird years, I am the only object.Ten years of migratory birds is the limit of my emotional nerves. To be here, only God understands the effort and price I put in, assuming it really exists.There was a time when I was convinced that the universe was nothing but void, atoms, and the wind of life, but I am no longer so sure. I am waiting, waiting for the appearance of the legendary Pegasus.Pegasus is the most bizarre creature besides migratory birds.Strictly speaking, it is more elusive than the migratory bird god, and does not belong to any known category of creatures. It is a heterogeneity between living things and dead things, and a symbol of the upper limit of the speed of the universe.

Since ancient times, there has been a legend that as long as you catch up with Tianma, it will be controlled by you willingly from that moment on. Regardless of whether Pegasus is real or not, because it is obvious that it has never been overtaken by any creature, and even if it did exist, it is theoretically impossible at all.Who can catch up with the fastest flying thing in the universe? There is nothing different around, just like any moment in the past two festivals. Zhou, Hou, Duan, Festival, Year, and Day are universal time divisions widely recognized by billions of races. They originate from the great and noble god of migratory birds. They are deeply integrated with the rhythm of nature and represent the sacred mission of their existence. .Thinking of them, my emotional nerves are filled with sad emotions, human feelings, because this beautiful and strange life has been brutally destroyed, and the reason is me, the only remaining human being.From that moment on, there was an additional mission on his shoulders, which was to complete the oath of the migratory bird god.

The life cycle is subdivided into hundreds of periods, each period of one hundred periods, one period of one hundred periods, one period of one hundred years, and one year of one hundred days.So a cosmic year is approximately equal to two earth years, and a cosmic day is approximately seven earth days. I don't mind waiting a few more festivals, even though I don't want to admit that Tianma is indeed my last hope, this is a cruel reality that I have to face.In this era of the Three Kingdoms in the universe, in this fierce war that has lasted for millions of years, I am at an absolute disadvantage. As long as there is a chance, I will not miss it.

My success or failure is the success or failure of human beings, representing the life and death of human beings. In the distant void of the nine years of migratory birds, the energy conversion caused ripples on the web of my thoughts and feelings. Although they were only noticeable, they were enough to touch my thoughts and feelings. After four hundred years of a seemingly endless sleep, I finally woke up.The energy condenses and changes, the fighting nerves condense again, the energy cells are frequently active, and the spirit is refreshed, and the precise grasp and calculation of the abnormal movements in the distance.

The year of the migratory bird is the distance of a year when the migratory bird gods enter the season of chasing the angry wind, when their speed is a thousand times faster than that of ordinary light.A light year is roughly the distance of twenty trillion human miles, and a migratory bird year is twenty thousand trillion miles. The energy fusion is completed, and the human form I am proud of appears. It is no longer a mass of life energy suspended in space without substance. The flesh and blood are wrapped in energy armor, fighting against the dark edge full of destructive energy. Breathless strong impact.

The black dragon Zangbo of the gyro galaxy divides the creatures in the universe into nine classes according to the way they absorb and use energy.Primitive humans use their bodies to absorb energy. They belong to the lowest level of creatures. They had the opportunity to evolve to a higher level. Unfortunately, they took the path of no return to material civilization. When they left the galaxy, they encountered higher-level enemies. is vulnerable. Now I have finally climbed to the ninth level. Energy is life. When my energy is completely destroyed or absorbed, it is the moment when my body and spirit are destroyed, and human beings will be extinct with me.But at least until now, I am still tenaciously alive, stronger than ever before.

The energy ripples expand like ripples, just as the legend describes the first appearance of the colored stone torrent, and Tianma is the only foreign object that can live in the colored stone torrent.The harbinger of Tianma's appearance has appeared, and my heart beats powerfully, pushing my energy to the peak. boom! The energy exploded, and the real body, which was no different from the ancient human beings, turned into trillions of poles of the most subtle energy body in the universe. Each pole contained my whole body, and began to rotate, slowly and quickly. As far as I know, among the creatures in the universe, there are not many who have reached the ninth level of evolution, but they can turn into poles and project them into the distance. Looking around the universe today, there are no more than ten creatures, and most of them are my sworn enemies.In pure martial arts competition, I have always been at a disadvantage, and I can only avoid death.But none of them is my opponent in the instantaneous space transfer of the polar projection level, because I used to be the god of migratory birds, and I was the only creature in the universe who could integrate seasonal flight into the polar projection, which they could not.But this time I am desperate, because the nine years of migratory bird years of distant projection will consume most of my energy. If the mission fails, I will not be able to recover within more than 100,000 years, and I will not be able to fight back against my formidable enemy.

The speed of rotation reached the limit, and the waves of chaos around retreated in all directions, with astonishing power. Peng! The swirling energy turned into a strong long awn that split the void, then quickly disappeared, and threw it towards the distance of nine migratory bird years. Five million cosmic years ago. I became the sky, blending in the still thin atmosphere, and shining on this beautiful planet with nine moons in every possible way.When I first saw her, it was love at first sight. Migratory birds are passionate but dedicated creatures. I have a taste of fascination for this extraordinary planet.

The memory of the past is blurry, what I can remember is that I don’t know how many festivals ago, my most beloved partner and mentor Fanaxian and I will be far away in a super-large piece of land that is one-seventieth of a light-year away. Huibing, using the planet's gravitational attraction to attract it back, placed it into the outer orbit of the planet to become the tenth largest and brightest moon, and then used various means to cause the sun at the core of the galaxy to explode and change, fan the wind to ignite, and greatly increase the number of stars in the galaxy. Hui Bing couldn't stand the temperature, and turned into wind, thunder, rain and electricity for more than 2,000 cosmic years, and finally succeeded in waking up the sleeping planet.

The planet has undergone earth-shaking changes. Seas and lakes gather in low-lying places, and rivers follow the surface torrent between the valleys and pits. Due to the climate and terrain, they are in various shapes and cycles. The creative process is beautiful, my mind and energy are so absorbed that I forget about everything else, past and future, most of the time. But sometimes I wonder. I will think about my own existence, and realize that there is always a reason behind any existence. From the way of life of migratory birds, the mysterious beginning and end of the cycle of anger, I vaguely feel that there is something outside my mind, but it is me. Unable to grasp.My thinking behavior is extremely abnormal in our migratory bird family, and it also makes me doubt myself, but I will not be suspected by other migratory birds, because doubt does not exist in their thinking domain.

The survival philosophy of the migratory birds is to be happy with life, only to accept, not to reject; only to defend, never to fight back.They only have the world in front of them. The most unique ability is not to find the ideal planet and create a new world before the wind of anger blows, but also to shape the most favorable conditions for the growth of life according to the conditions of each planet. They sow the seeds of life when the wind of anger blows, but they have a mind-linking technique that no creature, including them, can understand. It connects the spirits of forty-eight of the forty-nine migratory birds in the whole family, regardless of distance. Thousands of years of migratory birds are separated, and we can also share the joy and experience created by each other at the same time.This creates our unique spiritual world and cosmology.Beyond that, we have no interest. It's just that I am the only exception. This bird is the forty-ninth migratory bird.I'm not worried because I'm still young, maybe a late bloomer!Finally one day I will have this magical power that the universe bestows on migratory birds.I often think that because I am not connected with the hearts of their birds, I fall in love with thinking alone and thinking wildly. well!How should I say it?I am the only migratory bird that has been born in the past seventy cycles of anger.This is of course a rare thing, because the wind of anger seldom visits the same galaxy again, only when the wind of anger blows to the same place three times in succession, an angry crystal cocoon will appear in the most energetic part of the galaxy and become a migratory bird At that time, the migratory birds gave birth to the induction, and sent the most outstanding migratory birds in the family to find the embryos, carefully protect and nurture them, until the migratory birds broke out of their cocoons and were born in the universe. I was this newly born migratory bird, which happened half a life cycle ago.The person who takes care of me is Fanaxian, the most intelligent and powerful migratory bird of the migratory bird family, who has penetrated into every rock and sand of the planet. I am the sky and he is the earth. This situation will continue until the wind of anger blows. At that time, we will bid farewell to this world of nine moons and set off to find the next ideal planet. Interfering with the process of life.Because the wind of anger is not simply anger, but also includes death energy.The chances of the planet's life going astray to death are no less than half.Soon, we will forget the past. Fanaxian is the only migratory bird who can connect with me. I only hate that this connection is one-way, and I am absolutely passive.well!I really don't understand what happened to my little migratory bird. How can a migratory bird without the ability to connect hearts deserve to be called a migratory bird?What is it?Fanaxian has no answer, but he is already the most intelligent migratory bird. If he can't understand the mystery, there is probably no creature in the universe who can do it. Because I was so bad, Fanaxian had to give up the solitary living habits of migratory birds, and stayed by my side every step of the way, protecting me and nurturing me.Without his help, I simply wouldn't be able to get into season flying. The night and day of the planet are unreservedly displayed in the field of vision. energy fluctuations. Fana is clearly calling me.The energy I spread across the sky immediately shrank towards the energy core, threw it towards the heart, and finally formed a ball.Fanaxian's energy jump began to increase until it was in sync with mine.My heart beats much faster than theirs, which is one of the reasons why I can't connect with other migratory birds, not just because I don't have enough energy.Now our energetic hearts are finally connected.I lost my vision of the planet and became a being of pure energy, focusing inward instead of outward. Fana's energy surrounding me began to become stronger, and the quantum movement around me became active, and then I received a message from him, saying: Look! Compared with him, my insignificant energy is first transformed into a micron that is one order higher than the quantum, and then sent out, along one of his emotional nerves, gradually speeding up, and after leaving the galaxy, it is thrown into the void outside the galaxy at the speed of ordinary light. go. Between migratory birds and migratory birds, there is no need for any language. Heart-to-heart communication surpasses any language. The problem is that I don’t understand heart-to-heart, so I have to translate his telepathy into a symbol of thought that I can understand. Why do I have this translation? Ability, and what language I use, has always troubled me like I have pompous appearance but no ability of migratory birds.In the process of this translation, a lot of things must have been lost. From this, it can be deduced that Fanaxian has to spend a lot of effort on the task of cultivating me. My vision was restored. The sun of the galaxy quickly set in the distance behind and dimmed.The vast and boundless black sky studded with stars became my world.I don't know if it's another exercise or a test, but I really enjoy the feeling of flying at high speed in the void.Each of the billions of photoelectric lights around represents a galaxy or a galaxy, and the countless planets in it, with life or without life, are all lonely and isolated worlds, and none of them are the same. What a wonderful fact this is. Fanaxian's sensory nerves can be extended to three migratory bird years, and then objects and creatures that are three migratory bird years away from his energy core can't escape his observation. What an amazing sensory network.In comparison, my emotional nerves are pitifully narrow. The galaxy to which the September star belongs is already a size that I can't take into account, let alone the year of the migratory bird. A gigantic monster appeared in front of me, flying towards me, exuding misty rays, with a destructive and strange beauty.I suddenly realized that what appeared in front of me was the magic meteorite known as the planet killer, and it is our natural enemy, because they are best at destroying planets that have life or may produce life.If it enters the galaxy to which Jiuyue star belongs, it will use the gravity of Jiuyue star to directly hit Jiuyue star, causing the planet to collapse and the ground to shatter, and the ground fire will escape, and the dust will cover the sky and the earth. The moon and stars will miss the favor of the angry wind. Magic meteorites are by no means ordinary meteorites. One theory is that they originate from mysterious magic caves, rather than ordinary wandering meteorites. They can perish with planets like hunters looking for prey.Some are more capable of destroying stars and destroying entire galaxies. Energy changes, I keep slowing down and braking to a stop. I have nothing to do with this magic meteorite, which shows that it can't see life but seems to have its own will. Fortunately, this is the third time I have encountered a magic meteorite in the half life cycle that Fanaxian and I have been together. The energy spent on one ball and two balls is enough to blast it back to its hometown. The energy of one section is the energy reserve that migratory birds absorb continuously in one hundred cosmic years, and one section can be subdivided into eight balls.And every creature, no matter how outstanding it is, still has an upper limit of capacity.Like the great Fanaxian, the upper limit of energy storage is twelve knots, and the second-ranked migratory bird is nine knots.Of course, the young migratory birds are at the bottom seat, but they are just a pitifully small six-ball.It takes about one knot of energy to fly in the seasons of 60 migratory bird years. Even if I can fly in the seasons, I will die before reaching the destination and exhaust the energy. At this moment of relaxation, a sudden change occurred. boom! For a while, I didn't know what happened. I only knew that I was definitely not hit by a magic meteorite. The core of energy seemed to be broken, the quanta ran wild, and my consciousness collapsed. There was a feeling that I could never return to its original state. Fanaxian's emotional nerves collapsed at a speed faster than light. Unprepared and without warm-up, I entered a dangerous super-light flight and retreated back to the galaxy like scattered sand.No creature dares to fly beyond the speed of light in the gravitational field of the galaxy, and that is no different from suicide.If the current situation continues, after twenty heartbeats, it will be the moment when my body and spirit will die. How I wished that this was just another sudden test of Fanaxian on me, but I knew it was far from ideal, because I had sensed that Fanaxian had been attacked by surprise and had a fatal blow, so the situation at this moment existed.My heart was beating at a crazy rate, my energy nerves were half paralyzed, and my mind was full of questions. In the short distance with only a few heartbeats left, Fanaxian's energy recovered, obviously not as good as before, but it was enough to save me from death.The scattered and lost microns quickly stabilized, reorganized into quanta, and the quanta were further combined into atoms, and the energy system was formed. I returned to normal, stayed at the outer edge of the gravitational field of the galaxy, and narrowly avoided death. Fanaxian's telepathy sent the message into my heart and turned it into words, saying: "Child!We are under attack, you are our last line of defense, you must put aside the fear of life and death, turn into a bird shield, and face the enemy. His words ignited me like a flame, and the fighting spirit that came out of nowhere in an instant filled my heart. There was less than five balls of energy left, and it surged up. The internal situation of the galaxy has all fallen into my grasp, and I have grasped an energy arrow with destructive energy, which is composed of particles of unknown order, and it is shooting out from Fanaxian's heart. The upper limit of speed is flying towards me at the speed of light, and I can't wait any longer. According to the method taught by Naxian, I sacrificed the only defensive magic weapon I know, the migratory bird shield. The migratory bird shield is the super defensive weapon of our migratory bird family, which is famous in the universe. The only way for migratory birds to save their lives is a defense system that the universe knows that our migratory birds exist and cannot be destroyed.Migratory birds can only defend and never fight back, but our defense is flawless and flawless.When the forty-eight migratory birds are connected to each other, their energies are miraculously combined. If any migratory bird is attacked, all of them will help defend. It is conceivable how powerful the migratory bird's shield is.According to Fanaxian, in the past hundreds of anger cycles, no one dared to mess with us anymore.I just hate the fact that our migratory bird shield has been breached for the first time. Even if there are creatures in the universe capable of breaking the shield of migratory birds, why would he come to kill creatures that are peaceful and benevolent like us? The atoms of the quantum system that make up the energy cells are first decomposed, and each atom releases different types of quanta with different loads and properties, and then the quanta are recombined to become defensive atoms with defensive power. The microns with lower quality but higher energy are the exclusive defensive weapons of our migratory birds. Hundreds of millions of them can form ever-changing migratory bird shields under the command of my spiritual nerves. As long as the opponent's energy is less than ten times the sum of my energy, I have a 90% chance that the weak can defeat the strong.However, this calculation is only applicable to the fact that both the enemy and the enemy are using neutrinos of the same order. The enemy and the enemy are within ten heartbeats. The hit Fanaxian must have absorbed and dissipated most of the arrow's energy, it should be at the end of its strength, but if it shoots through my migratory bird shield, Fanaxian and I, who has lost defense capabilities, will die.I will never allow this to happen. I managed to let go of my instinctive fear of life and death, something I had never done before. The defensive microns are all gathered at the core of the place, forming a circle of energy, which wraps me in twelve layers. Five beats. To my surprise, the entire space seems to be collapsing. Before the arrow arrives, it already has the power to destroy the world. What kind of quantum is this arrow made of, and it has such power? I really can't grasp the energy loaded by the enemy's arrows, and I am at an absolute disadvantage in the strategy of knowing the enemy, which also makes me unwilling to fight head-on, because it would take too much risk.In a heartbeat, I drew up a defensive strategy. All the defense microns that are moving at extreme speed, under the unique mental method of my migratory bird, go from dynamic to static.This is one of the three secrets of the bird shield, which uses static braking, and the others are incarnation outside the body and bird escape. My static braking skills are not top-notch, and I can only last a few heartbeats, but at this moment when life and death are at stake, it should be enough.The expected situation is that the enemy will suddenly lose the target of attack, and will no longer be able to lock me.The enemy who shoots this energy arrow is definitely not in this airspace, and can only remotely control the arrow in another space. With the sensory nerves that can travel across distant spaces, of course, the control cannot be as handy as it is here. So my strategy works. The enemy arrows disappeared in a flash. I could hardly believe my vision, it was impossible, my psychic network could not grasp its location, whereabouts, and its existence. boom! I have been hit, and the strategy of using static braking is useless at all, let alone avoiding the enemy's strength, attacking the enemy's weakness, and adapting to the situation. I felt the pain of energy being torn apart. The energy arrow pierced straight into my shield from one side of the galaxy until the outer five layers of my twelve-fold energy shield were torn apart. The blood-red light spots, each point represents a unit of unknown destructive energy, which is like a living individual without any gaps, dissolving and eroding my shield, and will be heavily besieged, leaving me with no way to go to heaven. There is no way to go, and there is no way to avoid it. Under my absolute reluctance, the enemy and the enemy confront each other head-on, the comparison is the strength and use of energy. I finally saw a higher-level energy body than the micron. Because this energy body surpassed my level, I couldn't grasp or see it at all when it was activated.It's no wonder that Yi Fana's ability is also known. Now I can only use the most primitive method to struggle to the death, and send the energy that has been stored in the energy core for a long time to support the life of less than two balls with the heartbeat to the outermost heaviness. The shield is used for support, hoping to dissipate the energy that is attacking me before the energy is exhausted.The energy of the shield tried to expand outwards, but the energy attacking me couldn't help compressing the shield. The opponent hit violently, producing a series of explosions, rays, and magnetic winds, which distorted time and space, and the temperature rose crazily, putting the energy in an abnormal state. The state illuminates the outer space of the galaxy, just like another new sun just born outside the galaxy.My shields were destroyed one after another. Boom! A violent explosion more earth-shattering than any time since the war shook my emotional nerves, and the next moment my emotional nerves were completely paralyzed. I fell into nothingness and darkness and lost consciousness completely. When I regained consciousness, I was manifesting my real body at the high altitude of the planet with nine moons, spreading my wings and flying. In front of me was the sun descending towards the horizon, and below was one of the vast wildernesses on the nine moons. The earth is lonely and desolate.The hills and slopes undulate like waves, rushing to the limit of vision.The emotional nerves shrank into the brain of the real body, and I lost the ability to appreciate the entire expression of the planet at the same time, and I was beaten back to my original shape. still not dead?Where is Fanaxian? A halo of light gathered in front of me, changing from light to thick, the luminosity surpassed the setting sun, it was very eye-catching, I had a feeling, knowing that Fana had shown her real body.Since I was sensible, I have never seen his true face. Any creature, no matter where it is on the evolutionary ladder, always retains the indelible imprint of its original form. Even if it becomes a pure energy body that can freely traverse the galaxy, the imprint is still hidden in the core mysterious space.This space is called the core, which will be transformed from a pure energy body into matter. It has the characteristics of the original form and flesh and blood. It is supported by the energy in the core, and there is no difference in function. If it is destroyed, it means that the core is destroyed, and it will be shaped God is gone. An image gradually appeared in the halo, with a head, body, limbs, and a pair of wings three times longer than the body like me. The whole body was twice as big as me, but it didn't feel bulky at all, because he seemed to be bigger than air. Still light, the whole body is crystal clear, with a jade-white clear light, flickering unsteadily, making it hard for me to see clearly, there is a kind of weirdness that seems to be there.The biggest difference from mine is that his head is covered with long, thick and transparent soft black hair, which flutters and rises with the movement of flight like a waterfall.I was stunned for a while, the beating of his wings was full of rhythm, natural and leisurely, and it was so beautiful. The sun sank below the horizon, and a round of bright moon rose from where it set like a relay, igniting the floating clouds in the sky and shining on the vast surface of the earth. We chased and passed an extinct volcano, which used to be the most powerful volcano on September. Although it was in a truncated cone-shaped static state, five thousand universes ago, I witnessed its majestic eruption. The strange landforms formed by the condensed stratified volcanic lava still evoke deep memories.At that time, the earth trembled, the sky shook, smoke billowed, and flames flew everywhere. Due to the withdrawal of the sun, the other two moons, which were originally covered by her light, appeared in the middle of the sky and at the back.The beauty of the starry night sky in September is unparalleled.Jiuyuexing is the first new world I created since I was born, and every grain of sand in it has planted my deepest feelings. Fana Xian slowed down his flying speed and let me catch up with him.On the surface of a planet, the speed is limited to a certain extent, subject to the size of the planet's force field and the resistance of the air, basically it cannot exceed twice the escape velocity, which refers to the minimum speed required to escape from the planet's force field, otherwise it will Is the doom of the energy explosion. At the same time, Fana Xian adjusted the heartbeat rate and the pulse of energy, and gradually synchronized with me. When I flew under his wings, our energy was connected and our spirits were harmonious. I didn't feel lonely again, and my heart was filled with endless Confucianism. The feeling of admiration and respect is like a son returning to his mother's arms after a long absence. The contours of his face are graceful, as if blending into the air of the planet, faintly visible, shrouded in clear light, like another bright moon burning in the dark night, flying with me across the endless night sky. child!Let me see in your eyes, what do I look like? I opened up my shrunken emotional nerves, and my heart was filled with strange feelings. I wondered if what I saw was still not his real body, but just a visual translation? After a while, Fanaxian fell into deep thought and did not speak again. Over the coast, to the sea. As in normal times, I would enjoy the pleasure of flying freely on this planet, but now I am restrained by anxiety and doubt, because I know the real situation, it must not be as peaceful and peaceful as before.Fortunately, Fana appeared safe and sound, as strong as ever, which made my heart settle down a bit. At the sea level in the distance, an island is hidden in the smoke and clouds, and the towering peaks are covered with ice and snow.After more than 50 heartbeats, we came to the sky above the small island. Fanaxian led me to fly three times in the air, and then landed on the highest snow peak in the center of the island. With my claws sticking out, I broke through the snow layer and grabbed Shi Aoli. The wings were retracted to wrap the whole body, and the spar-like eyes looked affectionately at the turbulent, white waves, and the boundless ocean that was blowing with strong winds. My hair danced with the wind. I fell beside him and stood like him.After I became sensible, I have been imitating him. Fana said softly: "My child!Tell me, what happened before you passed out? I thought about it, reorganized what happened at that time, and replied: The situation was very critical at that time, I had no ability to fight back, and suddenly lost consciousness, but when I woke up, I was flying in the force field of the planet. Fana stared at the end of the sea, and said with a smile: You should be the first migratory bird thinking of fighting back against the enemy.It was indeed a tense moment when life and death were on the line. In the space where you and the enemy confronted each other, a supermicro-level explosion occurred, shaking the space inside and outside the entire galaxy.The volcanoes on the three outermost galaxies of the galaxy could not withstand the impact and released ground fire.When everything calms down, the enemy's energy arrows have nothing left, and only you are floating alone on the outer edge of the galaxy force field.I use magnetic energy to draw you back from outer space, activate your flying nerves, and then use the magnetic energy of the earth's atmosphere and the planet's poles to heal your strange coma. When you wake up, you have already flown more than ten thousand times around the September star . I was in a daze and didn't understand at all.Fanaxian probably didn't know the exact situation either.If I run out of energy, the consequence should be my physical and spiritual annihilation. Why should I support my real body, let alone annihilate the terrifying magic arrow of the enemy.Where does strength come from?It must not be in the heart core, because there is no way to hide it from me, let alone avoid Fanaxian's emotional nerves.The only explanation, the force is external. Fana seemed to put aside many puzzling questions that bothered us, and said calmly: "My child!Every word I say now is very important to you. You must grow up, learn to be independent, calm and patient, and learn how to live strong in adversity.You not only have to master the knack of becoming a migratory bird, but also surpass it.In my clan, maybe only you can do it. I panicked and said: Honorable Fanaxian, I don't understand what you are talking about. Fanaxian looked up at the bright moon in the starry sky, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her, she said calmly and slowly: "The ones attacking us are extremely terrifying and extraordinary creatures. Be well prepared.The target he chose was Falian Mountain, a young migratory bird in the clan who is only seventy life cycles older than you, with a core capacity of only four and a half sections, and the range covered by the network of thoughts and feelings is less than half a migratory bird year, and it is also the most experienced bird in the clan. Shallow, least capable migratory bird. I seemed to lose strength all over my body, and there was a resistance that I didn't want to listen to, because I guessed that what Fanaxian was about to say would be the most difficult reality to accept and face, and it couldn't be changed. Fana Xian continued: The enemy evaded Fa Lianshan's emotional network, and while he was concentrating on creating a new world, he suddenly appeared and attacked with all his strength. What's more terrible is that the enemy simultaneously cut off the Fa Lianshan and our mind-linking technique made us completely ignorant of what happened. Of course, we couldn't help defend, and the bird shield was useless.At the moment Falian Mountain couldn't resist, and the body and spirit were destroyed, the enemy withdrew the energy that restrained our mind linking technique, and took advantage of the moment we reconnected with Falian Mountain without knowing it, and fired forty-seven shots according to the location instructions of the heart net. The energy arrow that distorts the normal time and space hits the heart of every migratory bird at the same time.Except for us, no migratory birds had time to defend, and all of them died immediately, their bodies and spirits dissipated, and they no longer existed in the universe. I became completely empty, as if from this moment on, I had become nothing, I no longer belonged to myself, I was just a walking dead.The intense grief distorted my heart. This is not the emotion that a migratory bird should have, but belongs to another life, a feeling that I have never experienced before. Fana looked at me, her eyes full of love and compassion, and said softly: "My child!Are you feeling weird?The first time I saw you in the crystal womb, I felt that you were both a migratory bird and not a migratory bird. I shook my head blankly, not knowing what to say.What I feel right now cannot be expressed in words. Fana fluttered her wings and took off, carrying a large cloud of snow powder, flying in the sky under the strong wind, saying: "Children!follow me! Follow him and flap your wings between the starry night and the sea.The planet is still so beautiful, but my mood is very different from any previous flight on the planet. Fana's sweet and gentle voice was blown into my ears from the front like a wind and said: Look!How beautiful this world is. After three thousand cosmic years, the wind of anger will reach the galaxy and sow the seeds of life. The thirteen planets around the sun of the galaxy, only our September star can give birth to precious life. It is what migratory birds are most concerned about and longs for, and everything else is irrelevant. I couldn't listen to his words as usual, what I thought was to find the murderer who made me hate him so much, and fight to the death. Fana fell silent, maintaining an elegant flying posture.He should have known what was in my heart.All of a sudden, the sun jumped out from the sea level in front, shining brightly on the sky and the sea, the stars and the moon avoided, Fana seemed to have disappeared under the sunlight, only light, shadow and lines remained.Lost in despair, unexpectedly caught up with the setting sun. Fana said: You are a unique migratory bird, with the characteristics of a migratory bird, but there are more differences. Thinking of my own troubles, my mood plummeted even further.Even if the murderer can be found, what else can he do besides sending him to death? Fana and I rushed to his right and flew side by side, saying: Don't be depressed, this is not the quality of migratory birds.As I said, what I am about to say is very important to you and the Migratory Birds, because the future of the Migratory Birds rests on your shoulders, and you are our future. An extremely ominous feeling passed through my heart, and I said tremblingly: "Respectable Fanaxian, isn't there still you?" Fanaxian didn't answer me directly, but said directly: the universe has its own ever-changing laws, such as the mutual interaction between life and death, the cycle of day and night on the planet, and the yin and yang of life, water and fire.You are a migratory bird, but there is a fundamental difference with all our migratory birds. I have been hiding this aspect for fear of affecting your growth. Now it is time to say it. Maybe you have already translated from the form, See the difference between my attributes and yours. I felt that my heart was about to be overwhelmed, and said sadly: What is the difference between me and the venerable Fanaxian? Fana said: I said before that the first time I saw you, I knew that you were not an ordinary migratory bird, because your crystal embryo was engraved with an innate and unchangeable male imprint of life, while our other migratory birds are all A female imprint, you are the first male migratory bird in our family. I shook my head and said: I don't understand. Fana looked at me carefully, and said relaxedly: One day you will understand what I said.Secondly, your real body is in the form of matter, not micronized like us.We migratory birds are born as micronized creatures without material form.So when I saw you for the first time, I felt that something was unusual. A land bank appeared ahead, and we flew across the magnificent sea without knowing it.Right below the abrupt mountains, there are ups and downs, weathered rocks can be seen everywhere, and on the slopes and depressions backed by the sun, there are remnants of winter snow.Just at the corner of this planet with exposed rocks and gravel, in a valley covered with snow on all sides, there is a beautiful small lake lying quietly. Fanaxian flew towards the small lake and landed on a strange rock that was sharp like a blade by the lake.I landed on another stone beside Fanaxian, full of doubts in my heart. Fanaxian was still so elegant and quiet, looked at me lovingly and said: We didn't abandon you because of your abnormality, let alone give up on yourself.A dead planet, from lifeless to vibrant, is based on the spirit of never giving up in life.You have to pay attention to what I am about to say, treat it calmly, and never be swayed by the emotions in your heart.child!Are you ready? I gathered my mind, suppressed all the emotions that made me uneasy, and nodded.真古怪,為何醒來後,我總愛以搖頭和點頭來表示否與是的心意呢? 法娜顯目光落在澄碧的湖水,有條不紊的道:在抵達你的出生地,迎接你的誕生前,我的思感網曾多次捕捉到一個模糊的感覺,那是被另一生物追蹤的感覺,卻沒法掌握對方的速度和位置,可知追蹤者絕非尋常之輩,且是超越了微子級的高手。 我開始有點明白,難怪法娜顯強調她現在說的每句話,我都不可以掉以輕心,因為她所說的,是有關我這異種的秘密,藏在她心裡達半個生氣週期,超過五千萬個宇宙年。 法娜顯續道:當時的跟蹤者,大有可能是這次攻擊我們的敵人。當我抵達你的生地,正是跟蹤者最接近我的時刻,離我們只有三個普通光年,且是全速趕來,毫無忌憚,故而避不過我的思感神經。我直覺對方是衝著你而來的,於是把你的晶胎微子化,儲存在心核裡,然後進入季候飛行,帶你遠離險境。 我再次被不安的情緒征服,這回是不能遏制的歉疚。well!是我為他們惹來殺身大禍。我明白她們,賦予生命一個機會是候鳥族崇高的使命。 法娜顯微笑道:真的不用感到難過,從那一刻開始,你成為了我族的一分子,我們從沒視你為異類。 我頹然道:我唉!我究竟是什麼東西? 我是族內唯一會長嗟短歎的候鳥。 法娜顯目光回到我身邊,平和的道:在培養你成形前的數百個宇宙年裡,我們一起思索這個問題,結論是你的本原,是自外而來不可思議的離奇精氣,級數遠高於微子,被某股不知名而又擁有超卓能力的異力,打進尚未形成生命烙印的晶胎內去,也只有這樣,你才可以既有候鳥盾特質,又有與我們有別的生命烙印。 我聽得發呆,道:那我原本究竟是什麼生命體? 法娜顯欣然道:該就是你現在眼中的我和自己那種形態的生物,雖不中亦差不了多少。你具有我們欠缺的無比神奇的翻譯功能,可知你的生命烙印內,藏有龐大的資料分析庫,令你可與宇宙內不同種類的生物溝通,特別是對像我們般純能量的生命體,你的感官翻譯功能,更是妙用無邊。例如我們並沒有眼睛,你竟可看出眼睛來,只有這樣你才可以直截了當,以你最能明白和熟悉的方式,捕捉我們的心。可惜我們對候鳥世界外的事物大多無知無覺,否則我大概可以告訴你該屬於哪個種族。 我痛苦的道:我糊塗了! 法娜顯雙目閃爍著智慧的異芒,柔聲道:你本原的來龍去脈,是無從考究,不過已發生的事推斷,在投進晶胎前的你,肯定大有來頭,故引起宇內罕有超微子級的生物,踏遍宇宙的搜尋你,更為了你不惜一切。只有他曉得你的失蹤,與我們有關係。當時他仍未有破我們鳥盾的把握,竟能鍥而不捨,按兵不動達半個生氣週期,到有十足把握,出其不意地攻我們的不備,一舉毀掉我們,完全漠視對宇宙各種族具有相當震懾力的樹王預言。 我一頭霧水的問道:預言? 法娜顯答道:預言來自被稱為樹王的生物,從任何角度去看,樹王都是獨一無二的奇怪生命體,真身是獨霸整個星球的一棵超級巨樹,也是罕有不經生氣之風洗禮獨立茁長壯大的生命,擁有預知未來的超凡能力,作出的預言都是有關宇宙的未來,不多,卻總能一一應驗,所以沒有知道他存在的生物,敢忽視他的預言。在一個生氣週期之前,他向宇宙有能力感知他的生物傳送最後一個預言,說候鳥終會被滅族,但最後一頭候鳥將存活下來,全力反擊,宇宙從此陷入史無前例的大亂劇變。這個預言之後,樹王像在宇宙蒸發了,從此沒有生物感覺到他,見過他。 一直以來,我心中只有候鳥的世界,從沒想過有如樹王般能知過去未來的奇異生命,令我大感難以置信。最震撼的是事實擺在眼前,我正是樹王預言裡那最後一頭候鳥,更會對敵人作出反擊。正如法娜顯先前說過,我是族內唯一能興起反擊念頭的候鳥,現實和預言吻合得令我感到動魄驚心。問題在我怎可能有大鬧宇宙的能耐?又想到法娜顯仍在,我並不是最後剩下的一頭,安心了些兒。 法娜顯凝望著我,瑩白的臉散發著神聖的光輝,正容道:我們一直不放樹王的預言者於心上,我們的世界不慣容納其他東西,直到你誕生,深埋的預言再次被挖掘出來,引起我們的警惕。為此我們立下了唯一的咒誓,縱然只剩下一頭候鳥,他仍會繼續創造新世界,予生命一個機會。 我忍不住道:可是我還有可敬的法娜顯啊! 法娜顯愛憐的道:你還不明白真正的情況,我剛才說出來的,就是要使你掌握到眼前的形勢。現在首要之務,是如何令你榮譽光輝的活下去,發揚光大我們候鳥族的優秀傳統。你千萬不要沮喪,我們尚未算一敗塗地,沒法殺死我,是敵人最大的失著,我們必須好好利用他這個錯誤。 我惶恐的道:可敬的法娜顯仍未回答我剛才的問題。 法娜顯道:我能避過死劫,原因在我練成了盾中之盾,我們稱之為心盾,很快你會明白心盾無窮的妙用,這可說是我們聯手打造的候鳥族終極的防禦武器,能在任何情況下護著我們的心核。而沒有你,就不會有心盾,要應付的正是剛才發生的情況,可惜剛完成第一個心盾,事情便發生了。當敵箭命中我的心核時,心盾硬擋了它一記,令他改變目標射向你,我只好把能量全貫注到你那裡去,但仍沒法助你度過難關,還損耗了大部分的能量,現在只剩下二節的能量,其中二球又注進你的心核內。如讓敵人找到這裡來,我們必死無疑。 我倒沒有考慮及此,登時生出危機四伏的懼意。自出生以來,我是破題兒第一遭嘗到恐懼的滋味。 法娜顯平靜的道:不用恐慌。法連山受襲的河系,離這裡超過一百五十個候鳥年,何況敵人雖一戰成功,但已損耗大半的能量,沒有數十萬個宇宙年,休想復元。這段時間是你唯一逃生活命的機會,你必須好好把握。 我焦慮的道:我們不是一起走嗎?沒有可敬的法娜顯,我哪裡都去不了。 法娜顯道:孩子!你必須面對現實。我真的希望陪你多走一程,但實際的情況絕不允許我這般做。讓我告訴你真正的情況,於你來說,你已耗盡能量,現在仍能活動自如,保持清明,全賴我輸到你真身的兩球能量,而我剩下的能量,只夠我們其中之一作一個長途的季候飛行,你明白了嗎? 我以哀求的語調道:可敬的法娜顯,請重新考慮你的決定,我們可以去近一點的地方,趁還有點時間,盡力吸取宇宙的能量,再想方法應付敵人。 法娜顯平靜的道:讓我告訴你我的計劃,你當會明白為何我沒有別的選擇。我會以一節的能量,憑感覺送你到最安全和生機最盛的空間,那會是離這裡遠達六十個候鳥年的某一處所,同時把心盾裝置到你身上去,作你的護身武器,也是我代表候鳥族送給你這位繼承者最後的禮物。裝置的過程絕不簡單,還會使你受到很大痛苦,更耗掉我僅餘的六球能量中的五球。不要再說廢話了,在這個時候,我們必須作最明智的決定。對於你的將來,我只有一個指示,就是找出你自己是誰,尋回失去了的本原。其他一切,要靠你自己的智慧和努力。 我心神俱顫的哀求道:可敬的法娜顯,你要我永不言棄,為何你自己卻要放棄呢?敵人的目標若是我,我豈非可引開敵人,你 法娜顯截斷我的話,微笑道:孩子!你忘掉魔隕石哩!它現在離星系不到九分之一個普通光年。 我的心直沉下去。明白了,我終於明白法娜顯完全沒有選擇,她是要犧牲自己,憑餘下的一球能量,以擋格魔隕石,與它同歸於盡,保著她創造的最後一個世界。 法娜顯目光重投遼闊的澄綠天空,感慨萬千,卻仍是那麼平靜自若,輕柔的道:失去了夥伴,這個宇宙對我再沒有任何意義,你或許仍不瞭解我們進化的方式,多一個夥伴,我們便在進化的階梯上多走一級,回頭走是任何生命不能容忍的折磨。我的生命已到了盡頭,一切唯有寄望在你的身上。你未來的路會非常難走,但你絕不可放棄。Understand?child!進入季候飛行的時刻到了。 我想說話,卻說不出半個字來,法娜顯的能量完全攫抓著我,變化我真身的能量結構,最後一個意念,就是縱然飛到了千萬億個候鳥年外,我破碎的心,將永遠埋在九月星的泥土裡。
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