Home Categories suspense novel Las Vegas money is coming

Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

Las Vegas money is coming 賈德諾 13424Words 2023-02-05
Ke Baisha and I were on the same plane, and the rest took the plane rented by Fei Li. At the last minute, Ai Paulo decided to go with him. There was no reason, he just followed suit. As soon as we took off, the rhythmic sound of the engine lulled me to sleep. Many times Baisha tried to wake me up and asked me questions. I hesitated with yes and no, and fell back asleep on my side.Tang Nuo, you can't go against Hua Yasai. uh-huh. You little devil, Betha knows you're not going to really love a woman, you love women, I mean really love a woman, you like your job more than women, don't you?Tang Nuo, answer me!

yes. Tell me, did Hailun Xun kill the man she lived with? She didn't live with him. oh?No wonder. business partner. Ghost letter. I didn't make a sound, and after a while, Baisha said: You haven't answered my question yet. what is the problem? Did she kill him? I wish she hadn't. I didn't open my eyes, but I guessed that Baisha's bright eyes were carefully watching the expression on my face.She said: At least Xun Hailun knew who killed Kenny. Maybe. She dared not tell the police. possible. I bet she told you all about it, you have your own way, brat.Tang Nuo, tell me, what method do you use, do you use hypnosis?It must be, otherwise how can I do it, of course it is impossible to give her a stick like the cave man, or fight for them, women like men to fight for them, and also like to take care of the injured, Tang Nuo, no wonder you Often bruised and swollen.

My head fell straight forward and I fell asleep.Bai Sha helped my head back, and kept patting my shoulder. My dear, have you ever thought about the consequences of this incident? What consequences? The Hua family is rich and powerful, and Yasai has brains, he doesn't like to be manipulated by others. I didn't say anything. I bet the woman surnamed Xun will do whatever you want her to do. Of course, this sentence is not a question, and there is no need to answer it. Bai Sha said: If the surname Xun really knew who the murderer was, the murderer would be trembling with fear by now.

I said: I think she knows. Then she must have told you. No. However, once the police asked her, she would speak up. I can't see it. Tang Nuo. Um. Do you think the murderer knows? what do you know? Xun Hailun would not speak out. It depends on who the murderer is. Bai Sha suddenly said: Tang Nuo, you know who the murderer is, don't you? I have no idea. Do not know what is this? I don't know if I know or not. Baisha said.What kind of answer is that? Yes is not an answer.I agree with her, falling asleep within a few seconds and waking up only after the plane landed.

Kebetha sat in her chair, straight and sacrosanct, fully expressing her displeasure with me, looking out the side window, another plane was landing just as well. After we got together, Ai Paulo spoke first: I saw a flight leaving for San Francisco in fifteen minutes. I think I will go to San Francisco from here. Fortunately, everything has been resolved.He looked around.Eyes met old Mr. Hua: Good luck, Mr. Hua. They shake hands. Ferry said: I really need someone to wish me luck, Dad, do you think she will recognize me? Mr. Hua said shyly: I think she will. Mr. Ai and Fei Lu also shook hands and said: "Keep your head up and chest out, we are all behind you."

Feru wanted to say something, but his trembling lips were a little uncontrollable, and Mr. Ai immediately patted him on the shoulder with a series of light pats to cover his embarrassment. We gathered together and waited for a taxi to be called by phone. I said I wanted to make a phone call, so I left them temporarily. I wanted to make a call to say hello to Louis and Helen, but the number of the gas station in the suburbs was not in the phone book, so I left. Come back, run in place to increase calories, and continue to wait for a taxi.After a while, the taxi came and everyone began to enter. Hua Yasai gave a few words to Ai Paulo, shook hands, and finally boarded the car.

What hospital?Baisha asked. Mercy Hospital.I told the taxi driver. I secretly looked at Mr. Hua, he didn't have any expression, pretending to be an old-fashioned gentleman, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.Ferry was just the opposite. He bit his lower lip, touched his ears, twisted his body, and looked out of the car window to avoid meeting our eyes, no doubt not wanting us to guess what he was thinking. We stopped in front of the hospital, and I reminded Bai Sha: From now on, it is purely the Hua family's housework. Hua Yasai said to his son: I think you can go up alone first. If she sees you and doesn't recognize you, don't be too disappointed. We still have Doctor Xie.

What if she restores her memory after seeing me?Ferry asked. His father put a hand on his shoulder and said: I'll wait for you here. Kebaisha looked at me. I said: The hospital often makes my hair stand on end. If I go out for an hour and come back, if I have something to do, I won’t miss the job. Baisha asked: Where are you going? Oh, I've got some odd errands to do, I'll just use that taxi. Hua Yasai said to Baisha: It seems that you and I are the only ones left walking around here together. Don't count me out.Bai Sha said: I will go to the city with Tang Nuo, come back in an hour, and have breakfast together.

That's it. Baisha nodded to me. Yasai said loudly to Baisha in a loud voice that Fei Li can hear: I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you and I will repay you, I think you all know.He put his hand on Baisha's shoulder affectionately: Your understanding and sympathy for me are extremely extreme, and I still hope that you can control the overall situation.You and his voice were blocked, he patted her shoulder three or four times, and turned around quickly. Fei Li inquired at the counter, followed a nurse, and walked to the elevator. Yasai walked to a chair and sat down alone. Baisha and I walked out the door. The air in the high place was bitterly cold.

I said vaguely: we can go into the city by car, and then Baisha grabbed the crook of my arm with her hand, turned me to face her, and pushed me back two steps, leaning against the hospital wall.Don't play this game with me.She said: You can fool others, but not me, where are you going? Go to see Xun Hailun. I am coming too.Baisha said. I don't need a light bulb. That's what you're saying. I said: think about it, she is still in bed at this time, I can't wake her up to introduce you Come on, she is on the bed, you will not go near that bed, you are not that type of man, you will stand guard outside the door, Lai Tangnuo, what kind of medicine are you selling?

I told you all. There are a few more in your gourd that I haven't seen. OK, you are interested, let's go together.I said. This is just like the words. We walk to the taxi. I told the driver: We are going out of the city, so I told you to stop. After we go out, you wait where you are, until we come back here together. He looked at me, a little suspicious. After crossing the train level crossing, reset the stopwatch to zero. I have to check the mileage at any time. When I am waiting, I will be billed as waiting, but the lights cannot be turned on, and the engine must be turned off, understand? He said more suspiciously: It seems that you have no problem, but it is so cold and dark, go to the suburbs and wait alone by the side of the road.besides I'll send ten yuan over, is that enough?I asked. no problem.he said with a smile. Once you cross the level crossing, reset the stopwatch to zero. Can't go wrong. Kebetha leaned back in her seat: Give me a cigarette, dear, tell me what the hell is going on. Who killed Xue Jianni?I asked and handed her a cigarette. How would I know? I said: It must be someone very close to Hua Yasai. Why?she asked. Xue Jiani played a trick of extortion, and someone betrayed him. Betha forgot to light her cigarette: tell me. The most important point here is that Xun Hailun did not write to Fu Kena, and someone else wrote to Fu Kena in the name of Xun Hailun, and asked her to reply. go on. If Kona really believed in the letter and thought that she married Fei Li first, Kenny would file for a divorce. Of course, her marriage to Fei Li was a bigamy, and Xue Jianni would never divorce, so Xue Jiani could do it. Blackmail her for a long time until she is killed. Do you believe that Xun Hailun did not write this letter. I know she doesn't. Why? First, she told me she didn't write it.Second, women don't write letters to women with this kind of tone and solution, it must be written by someone else, and this person is very familiar with Xun Hailun. how do you know. Because the designated reply letter was left by the post office for Xun Hailun to receive personally. Why not just specify the apartment address? Because Helen Xun did not want to receive the reply letter at all. When Helen Xun first arrived in Las Vegas, the post office left the letter for collection. Sometimes Xue Jianni went to the post office to pick it up for her. He might have her written power of attorney, or Everyone at the post office still knew him. I understand. The people at the post office work very efficiently, which is one of the reasons for this accident. I get it, I get it.Baisha said: Go on, they sent the letter to the apartment, Xun Hailun received the letter, but she didn't know what to say, but what does it have to do with Kennedy's death? Because Kenny was one of the masterminds, but it never occurred to him that someone was behind him, someone wanted to If you want to have a leg, you want to get a share. no.I said: Sit Kinney has already used him. Sit Kinney's part is someone using him. The so-called being able to blackmail him in the future is a bait to lure Sit Kinney into the trap. To the letter, he will not get married, and the purpose of using him is not to blackmail but to prevent this marriage. Who is that, who is behind this? Many people may participate, Hua Yasai, any one of the three of the Peng family, or all three of them, it may also be Ai Paulo, or even Fei Li himself. go on. It was a good plan, and it went very smoothly. The only difficulty was that after the goal was achieved, Kenny knew that he was being used. Of course he was not happy, and threatened to announce it. In the end, he ate health pills?Baisha asked. that's all.Baisha said: Hua Yasai would not do such a thing. He had no alibi. How is the Peng family?Baisha pointed it out. This family is as smart as ghosts, and I don't trust them at all. The car had already passed the busiest main street in Renault and the residential area lined with trees. Baisha said: So, now you go to Xun Hailun and ask her to tell who is behind the scenes. I've made up my mind to keep her out of the affair, and I only hope the murderer keeps her out of it too. I don't understand. I'm very sorry to tell you that I left you in Las Vegas mainly to let you keep spreading the word that I'm a bad guy. I didn't care about you and eloped with Xun Hailun. This news only affects one person. who? the murderer. Talking nonsense, Bai Ping said: I think these are all nonsense, you may really fall in love with Xun Hailun, you worry about her and protect her, that's why you thought someone would want to hurt her, if it's what you think, Bai Sha Let's see who can hurt her. You can wait in the car if you are afraid of a fight. However, among these people, it is impossible for anyone to come here for the time being! This is not necessarily the case, you see, Ai Paulo stayed at the airport; Hua Yasai did not go upstairs with his son.Peng Jiateng is a good pilot, he owns a quarter of the plane, Fei Lu is in a hurry to rent a plane, Jiateng didn't say anything, why? Probably because he is only a quarter sovereign. Possibly, or possibly because he himself was in a hurry to get elsewhere. Maybe take his sister? It could also be mom. Ke Baisha said disappointedly: "It's out of nothing, mediocrity, Tang Nuo, this is all the result of delusional disease, I should really wait in the hospital, it's better, I think you are crazy." I told you not to come.Now you can let the car take you back first. Bai Sha sighed and said: things in the world are inherently contradictory. If I stay here and suffer in the cold, nothing will happen. , You have caught the murderer, and you are going to laugh at me again, no matter what, Tang Nuo, I will follow you. Well, but you asked for it. It's been so long with me, you haven't figured it out yet! I covered my eyes with my hands and looked out the window of the car, constantly seeing the terrain and features. We were climbing a small hill and turned down the hill to the other side. The gas station and the bungalow a hundred yards behind it passed by soon. Falling behind, I pull the window open: stop here, please. He pulled over and I said: turn off the engine and don't turn on the lights. I don't understand. I want you to wait here for me. He put on the handbrake, turned off the engine, and turned off the lights.He said: Maybe the calculation of the mileage was wrong. There is nothing near here. It doesn't matter.I told him: I want to go out and have a look. When Ke Baisha came out with me, the eastern sky was a little bit whiter, but it was whiter, and the color had not changed. Coming out of the warm taxi, it looked even colder in the open air. We started to walk, the driver looked at us at first, then turned back to turn up the collar of the coat and draw down the body. Baisha asked: How far is it? It looks like half a mile. She stopped suddenly: Fuck you, I'm going back to the car. It's okay, you can call a car to take you back. I have a classic car here. It's no problem to go back to the city. I'll go back to the hospital if I see nothing. Baisha didn't say anything and went back to the taxi. I walked fifty yards and saw the light of the taxi turned on again. I walked to the side of the road. The taxi behind me turned around and passed me. After the red tail lights disappeared, I returned to the road. Walk. The bright light in the east has become more obvious, and any objects can be easily identified because of the black shadows on the gray sky. The gas station is already in sight, and so is the bungalow a hundred yards behind. I found a shadow and began to wait. The luminosity in the east is even stronger. If someone has been watching in the dark, they will see me approaching from the road. It is impossible to tell who it is, but I was too careless when I walked over. It was very cold, windy, and frozen. My earlobes might be blown off by the wind, and my nose is also cold. I want to jog in place, but I dare not. There is a strange sound of cars far away from the road, but they can be heard clearly. The tires are spinning on the road. Waiting anxiously, this may be the one I want, now I'm waiting here, I can't predict what will happen, what if Louie is drunk again?What if the person I'm waiting for has a gun and doesn't listen to me?One assumption.The car turned around the corner, with its headlights shining on the road, it didn't even slow down for a moment, passed me, and went straight to the distance, the lights disappeared, and even the sound disappeared in the silent darkness. I hugged my hands under my sides, trembling all over, my teeth were fighting each other up and down, my feet seemed to be in ice, there was no more car, no sound, only the cold surrounded me. I turned the surface to the east, but I couldn't see the time clearly, and I couldn't warm up immediately after sunrise. I couldn't bear the severe cold. I learned the power of dry cold air to absorb human body heat, no matter how many clothes I wear Useless. I didn't want to wake Helen, so I tiptoed to another window and called out carefully and softly: Louie, hello, Louie. No reply. I picked up a small stone and tapped it softly against the glass window.There was no response, so I scraped the wall with a small stone and continued to whisper, but there was still no echo. The east has turned orange, the stars have all receded into space, and I can't stop shaking. cried I, knocking my knuckles on the pane.Louie, Louie, wake up. The few seconds of silence that followed felt like years to me. I turned to the front of the house and knocked heavily on the door, but there was no sound from inside, so I tried the handle. The door didn't lock, and it opened inward when pushed. It is indeed cold outside the door, but the air is fresh. The air inside the door is closed and motionless, making it even colder. My heart is even colder. Louis should not have left the door open or unlocked. I have repeatedly reminded him, And tonight, while I've been out, I've gently closed the door with my foot and tiptoed inside, the floorboards still creaking under my feet, and Louie's door is closed and unlocked.I gently opened the door and said: Louie. The eastern light has enabled me to see everything in the house clearly, and no one has slept in the bed. Standing by the bed, I let the seriousness of all this discovery eat away at my brain. I rushed to Helen's room like a gust of wind. I didn't even have time to knock on the door. I turned the handle and kicked the door open. Her bed was also empty. It took me a few seconds to see the white thing pinned to the pillow. I walked over and picked it up. It was a sealed letter with my name and address on it.The envelope is stamped.She probably wasn't sure if I would come back.If I don't come back, I believe the landlord will post it for me. I opened the envelope and began to read: Dear: This is the only way to go in the end.You have your way of life, and I have my way of life.Never before in history have these two ways of life been able to mix, nor will it ever be possible.You are just you.I'm just me.I have to leave the city now.The roll for you.It was done the old way, and one of your companions stared at me.Although I slipped away, they will definitely continue to look for me.After you left, I had a detailed talk with Louis.He has been around before and can understand my mood.I can't play a tiger alone, I must be protected by someone with a hard punch, and an expert is even better.Louis felt the same way.Please believe that it is just a business partner, a gentleman's agreement between each other.After the sandbag incident, I will never repeat the same mistakes.Louis knows very well who my heart belongs to, and Louis respects you even more. At this point, you should have fully understood the sandbags.In fact, I believe that from beginning to end, you understand. This matter, not him, is one of us.He has a gun which is kept in my chest of drawers.He rents a house by himself, and he does not want to put some documents in his house, and I agree that he can occupy a drawer in my apartment.I also know that there is a pistol in the drawer.That day, he was close to madness due to jealousy.I sneak out the gun.Hidden in the cabinet under the kitchen sink.Here is where he can't see.He saw us on the street, got into trouble with the police, and went straight to my apartment.Hiding in the closet with the lights off I didn't get home until after nine o'clock.Just turn on the lights.Beanbags jumped out of the closet.He has a definite madness, and there is nothing I can do to calm him down.He swore to kill us both.He also said that we deliberately attracted the police.Indiscriminate, hit me hard.Head straight to the drawer for the gun later.I fled to the gate and he got there before me.I went into the kitchen, closed the door, and before it could be locked, he was there.After the two struggled a little, I was pushed away, and he pushed me down to the ground in front of the sink.I opened the cabinet door and reached in, but he kept coming. I have absolutely no regrets.There was no other way.According to your logic, I should notify the police, wait for the police to come, tell the truth, let the police discover my past, ask me what I do for a living, arrest and wait for inquiries, etc.None of this is my way of doing things.I went to the next door and knocked on the door to find Mrs. Wu, just to make sure they were not at home.I went back to the apartment and ran away immediately.The door was not even closed.The gun has been disposed of.Will not be found again. There are several other things that should be reported to the king.The bunny-nosed girl's surname is Peng.I adore Ferry so much.Someone in Fahrenheit Enterprises asks detectives to investigate Fu Kena because they don't want Fei Li's marriage to be successful.He turned to Xue Jianni because he found out about Ke Najia.At that time, I didn't know the name of Xue Jianni, but I knew him as Geng Harley. Since he was active in the boxing circle, he was called Sandbag. Sandbags or in my name, write to Fu Kena.Sandbags are good at counterfeiting.He wants to cheat Fu Kena in the future.This plan was not designed by sandbags, but someone else was the mastermind and manipulated behind the scenes, with the only purpose of destroying the marriage. Fei Lu's father, learned of Fu Kena's reply and let me in by mistake.Please ask the Peng family to come and find me.The man found me, and the woman approached me in many ways.She once suspected sandbags, I don't know how she knew, but she knew that there must be a connection between sandbags and Fu Kena.She wanted to play tricks on herself, but the affectation was so obvious that I evaded it.Not taken seriously.You finally found my apartment, which I have been renting for over a week.I knew I couldn't live with the sandbags anymore and had to try to break up forever.After breaking up.It is absolutely impossible for him to think that I can hide in another rented apartment in the same city. After the massacre, I had to stay undetected. I bought a large amount of food, but when I went back to another apartment, I ran into Ms. Peng.She knew I was hiding and volunteered to help, for unknown reasons. When I returned to the apartment, the sandbag immediately took the cash I had exchanged.When Ms. Peng met me, I was close to destitution.She offered to give me groceries and I had to accept. We'll borrow your classic car for a few days.I get the feeling you won't be using it for a while.It will be returned soon, don't read it. I love you more than I've ever loved you before.The reason for leaving you is not to destroy the good impression we have left in your heart during the past few days.I know that this is the end of my destiny, even if I force it, the result will be to destroy the sweet memories. Louis didn't know the details, only the general idea.He said he just wanted to do something for you.If you want to kill someone, just put it in the Los Angeles Daily classifieds: Louie named so-and-so.That's it.Everyone treats you well, which shows that you are a successful person.In short, we miss you, bless you, and say goodbye to you. I was shivering from the cold inside and out.His hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the letter paper.I turned on the shower head, undressed, and rushed with the hottest water I could bear.When I came out, I felt a little better.After drying with a dry towel, come to the kitchen.Thank you Louie for being so faithful to me in the little things.All the firewood has been set up, and I only need a match to start a fire and warm up. As the flames blazed up, I lifted the lid off the stove and threw Helen's letter in.I put the coffee pot on the stove and looked for a few more shelves to see if there would be wine, but there wasn't.The warmth from the shower wears off and I stand in front of the fire and start shivering again. Looking out of the window, the east is red, the sun is beyond the horizon, the wood-burning stove is functioning, my frozen body is melting, the coffee is boiling, and I've had two lintels.Suddenly, I found that I hadn't eaten for a long time, only work, and I was hungry.I cracked some eggs, scrambled them in a pan, and toasted them in the oven.I poured another cup of coffee and enjoyed breakfast in the already warm kitchen. I want to have a cigarette, but this house makes me uneasy.Everything reminds me of her.Memories are everywhere, without her it's like a grave. I packed my luggage and stood in the sun, not wanting to stay in this house for a moment.The owner of the gas station came out, wiped his eyes, and prepared to start today's business.I walked over to him and said: I want to leave here by plane, and the others have already left by car.Rent paid in advance does not have to be refunded. He thanked me, looked at me curiously and said: I think I heard last night that your wife and that other man were driving away together. I walked towards the road, and on the road for three minutes, a car coming from the direction of Renault suddenly pulled over.I looked over, my heart pounding. It was a woman rolling the window, her arms and shoulders covering her face.I ran across the street and walked to the car. The car window was rolled down, and the hand that rolled the window no longer blocked the view.It's Kebetha. what have you been doingshe asked. Get it all done here. No one is going to make trouble, right? No. I'll just say it.how could be?Come back, we have jobs! Back to where?What job? Let's go back to Las Vegas first.That police officer could not wait to burn his brows and his butt.Only you can hold him. What's up, Ferry and that girl? She said: Hey!memory loss.He believes.Don't care about us. Are they reconciled?I asked. reconcile!You should see it. what are they doing? The two flew to Los Angeles.Let's deal with Officer Shi, come in. I climbed into the car and sat next to her.She said to the driver: OK, now go to the airport. A plane is waiting, we board and I don't speak.Baisha will not force me for the time being.Gradually drowsiness came, and I dozed off. A car picked us up in Las Vegas.Sar Sagaf Hotel.Baisha ordered.He said to me again: You are extremely ugly.Go take a shower, shave your beard, come to my room, and we will go find Officer Shi together. What medicine did you take wrong? He thinks you're smuggling a witness out of the country.He was very dissatisfied with everyone who left suddenly last night without notifying him.He thought he had the right to ask Fu Kena.He thinks it was the murder that gave you the clue to find Cora.You have to find a way to explain it to him.Better think of a story now. We go back to the hotel.I told Baisha that the buttons of my shirt had fallen off and asked her for needlework.She became motherly and wanted to take care of me, saying that she would sew for me, but I didn't accept her kindness. She just closed the door, and I hurried to the elevator.It is also a short walk from the hostel to Xun Hailun's apartment.I stood in front of the steps and watched left and right until I was sure no one was paying attention.I stabbed the needle that Baisha lent me into my thumb hard, and squeezed out the blood heavily.I walked up and down the stairs lightly. When I came back, Baisha was on the phone.I heard her say: Are you sure?I don't understand you asked the airport to investigate?That's right, we have an afternoon flight back.Nice to see you in Los Angeles tonight.See them say congratulations for me.goodbye. She hung up the phone and said: Weird! You're saying that Paul is missing.I asked. Her small eyes were bright again, and she stared at me coldly: Tang Nuo, where did you come up with such weird thoughts. Why? How do you know that Ai Paulo can't be found? tent!I don't know, you said it yourself on the phone. Nonsense.You already knew he was going to disappear.Where did he go? I have no idea. He didn't take the Reno flight to San Francisco.He just disappeared. I stretched, patted my open mouth with the palm of my hand, and said: When are we going to receive Officer Shi? He will be there soon. There was a knock on the door, and I went to open it.It was Officer Shi who came in. you!He said. It's me. You are so clueless. What's the matter with me? I gave you so much convenience, but you slipped away instead, making it difficult for me to be a human being. I said: I am going out to work for you. Thanks.Sour answer. In my opinion, I said: What you are most interested in is the murder of Sit Kenny. Forget it, forget it, it's a small thing.There's something wrong with the Sheriff.Forced me to die.A little to the east, a little to the west, it's not good for you.Worst of all is your sudden elopement.From the sheriff's point of view, you're out there not doing the serious taxpayer any favors.You should live and eat for free for a period of time.Where did that girl surnamed Xun go? I have no idea at all. Did you leave with her? Where did you break up? Renault. How did you break up? Someone else was waiting for her. I felt Betha's eyes on me.Officer Shi asked again: Who is it? A surnamed Sun. The one who identified the corpse, it's him. Girls will fall in love with him? I also suffered because of thinking like this. He said: "It's no use talking nonsense, you know we'll investigate. No problem, I told him: I can give you the name of the landlord who rents our bungalow, who also owns a gas station. what does he know This morning, he told me that my wife and that man drove me away last night. Officer Shi said: Isn't it bad?No wonder you look so molly.You need long breaks.We in Las Vegas have the best climate in the entire West.We don't want Goodbye for you to leave freely without notice.I will make an official notification to you.lest you slip away again. I said: Then there is no need to rush.Here are a few things you should greet first. What's up? Remember Ai Paulo?Mr. Hua's left and right hand? certainly. I don't know if you have heard Mr. Hua say it.When his son got married, he would give half of the company's equity as a gift.Tax agencies pay the most attention to such matters.When the father and son are formed, even if Mr. Hua thinks it is not necessary, the taxation unit will ask for the account to be cleaned up. I saw Officer Shi becoming more and more interested in this topic.He said: Go on. I said: I can't predict anyway, but I bet you.Once the accounts of Mr. Hua's company are cleared, you will know why Ai Paulo doesn't like the success of this marriage.That's why Ai Paulo asked Helen Xun to write a letter to Fu Kena to forcefully destroy the marriage. What does the letter say?Officer Shi asked. I can't fully know, it seems that Fu Kena's father ran away from home when she was fifteen years old.There is no evidence for what I said, but the letter said that Ke Na's father had been arrested and imprisoned.Of course, Ke Na felt ashamed and did not want to marry the Hua family. She never thought that running away would be unfair to Fei Lu. This is you telling a story, Officer Shi said: Does the story have an ending? Kona must have spent a lot of time thinking about it.She was overworked and was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown.She wanted to go out and investigate for herself whether it was true, and she couldn't discuss this kind of matter with someone, and she couldn't trust someone she didn't trust.She must have had to postpone the wedding until she had fully figured it out. Won't this take too much of her time? No, if this incident didn't hit her too hard and make her mentally collapse, I believe it wouldn't take too much time.But yesterday, she was spotted wandering the streets of Reno, not knowing who she was or what she was doing. Police officer Shi closed his right eye into a very thin slit, frowned and said, "Lai Tangnuo, I regard you as a friend, I have helped you, and I have burned my hands too."All you throw are changeups.This time, whether you want to use me or not, you must pass the level of the sheriff. Why do you think I'm telling you this?I asked him. I wish I knew.To be honest, I'm a little skeptical. I said: Paulo is fighting for time, the closer the marriage is held, the better for him.Xue Jianni is his backstage, and Xue Jianni will testify when necessary. He saw that Ke Na's father had been in prison.Ai Paulo will pay him, of course.You have met Xue Jianni, he is suspicious and has a violent temper.Arbor just wasn't supposed to visit him when he was at his worst.When he left, Kenny was no longer alive. very good.Officer Shi said: There are just too many loopholes.Even if it is a theory, it cannot be established.You yourself will not have any proof for this myth. There is proof. Police Officer Shi said: Okay, let’s start from this point. Please explain first, how can Mr. Ai do this kind of thing at the same time while watching a play in the theater? I said: If the person who killed Xue Jianni was a woman, the time of killing would be between 8:30 and 9:15.If it is a man, the time is not necessarily. Why? I said: The sheriff and you are both guilty of cutting your feet to fit your shoes.You have a theory first, and then try to find facts to make up.Your theory is that because the Wu family next door did not hear the gunshots, the time of the shooting must have been when they were not at home. What are you going to do, shoot in that apartment and the neighbors can't hear it? I said: If the shooting did not happen during the period when Mrs. Wu was away from home, and Mrs. Wu did not go out at this time, she was at home, and she said she did not hear the gunshot, you would ask why you did not hear it? Don't tell me that Mrs. Wu is committing perjury. We checked and she has no reason.Officer Shi said. I said: the body was found in the apartment.The people in the apartment in the suburbs did not leave except for the period from 8:50 to 9:15. This is very beneficial to the police. You use this period of time to investigate the murderer.Anyone with an alibi is not suspected.This is perfectly true if the murderer is a woman. The murderer is a man, what difference does it make?Officer Shi asked. I said: A man who is too different and strong can shoot him in the alley, shoot him in the car, take the body to the scene in a car, put the body on his back, and throw it in Xun Hailun's apartment , and then he can go to a movie to create an alibi for himself.Have you ever studied that Paul traveled all the way to Las Vegas just to see a movie?Go crazy? Officer Shi said: It doesn't make sense. You asked me to give you something, and you can tell the sheriff.Don't say I didn't give it to you. Here's your theory.Officer Shi said.It's full of loopholes. If I take it to the sheriff, it will be criticized for nothing. Do as you please, if you don't listen to me, you will be out of luck. Maybe I am unlucky, but you will be even more unlucky, go!I'm going to take you to the bureau. I said to Baisha: If you want my letter, you can send it to the police officer. Why?As Bai Sha spoke, she stood up and faced Police Officer Shi. Although her eyes were staring out, they were still as small as a pig's eyes.Who do you think you are, arresting people randomly?You can't run, is there a lawyer in town? Police officer Shi said: Of course, there are lawyers in the city, and they are available when you pay money.Mr. Lai is coming with me now.He took my elbow.And said: Let us go out quietly. We walked out quietly.Ke Baisha stood at the door, muttering unpleasant words, but Officer Shi ignored her. When we walked through the lobby of the hotel, Officer Shi said: Lai, I had to do this as a last resort. Your theory just now is not convincing enough.Why don't you want a better one to come out. I'm fine.Don't underestimate Ke Baisha.She won't quit.After a while, when you have a chance to think back, it is the most embarrassing time for you. I know you mean enough, Officer Shi said: You also have brains.If you want me to get by, I won't care about the slightest mistakes you make. He took me to the police station, instead of locking me up, he put me in an office with a police officer on guard.At noon, Sergeant Ge came. The sheriff said: Peel, talk to me. That's fine. Mrs. Ke is outside and has brought a lawyer to bail you out. Mrs. Ke is a very resourceful person. He doesn't believe the theory you gave Peel, but I think it makes sense.He said. It's just a theory. Do you have any evidence to support this theory? Nothing I can bring up for public discussion. But do you still have a little? No, just a concept. He said: Where did the concept come from? idea. He shook his head: don't go around in circles.Thoughts, concepts, there must be something you refuse to say, did the girl surnamed Xun tell you something? I raised my eyebrows, looked very surprised and said: What's the matter?Will she know something? You did not answer my question.Did Miss Xun tell you anything? Indeed I can't remember.We talk about many things.You can see that the two talk about everything and spend many days together. There are still several nights.He said. I didn't answer. He grasped the lower lip with his thumb and forefinger, pulled it out, let it go, and let the lower lip bounce back by itself.After a while, he said: You, your imagination is still very rich. What's the matter? He said: After Peale told me about your theory.I went back to the scene to observe inch by inch.The steps at the door are also checked step by step.We found more than half a dozen drops of blood. Really! He said: This discovery shattered Mr. Ai's alibi. So you should ask him? No, he slipped away. Is that so? That's right.He went to Reno with you last night.No one has seen him since.He said. Didn't he fly to San Francisco? No. What did Mr. Hua say? Mr. Hua talked a lot.I spoke with him on the phone.He is calling for an auditor to check the accounts. I said: I'm really interested.Nervous, exciting.I would also like to advise you not to keep Baisha waiting too long.She sometimes acts unexpectedly. The sheriff sighed, put his palms on his knees, and stood up: I still hope you can give us some clues.On what evidence did you come up with this theory.It will help us a lot. 對不起,只是靈機一動,沒證據。 是不是有人給你打小報告? 我不知道你們為什麼確定這一點?在我,這是一個合理的推理。現場發現一個屍體,並不一定說人是死在現場的。 你準備什麼時候離開拉斯維加斯?asked the Sheriff. 第一班班機。我絕對不要見什麼新聞記者,在我言來,你已經把案子破了。 他把眼光移開:這一點,我倒不太在乎。 我不過提醒你一下,有的人很注意這些小地方。
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