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Chapter 2 Chapter One

A fledgling big case 賈德諾 3945Words 2023-02-05
Pushing open the door and walking into the office, I stood by the door with my hat in my hand. There were six men in the office ahead of me, and the advertised age was twenty-five to thirty, and someone obviously had to tell a lie, whichever way you look at it, it shows that our group is not doing very well. . A blond secretary with straw-colored hair sits behind a typing desk typing on keys.She took a good look at me, with the same poker face she used when she was playing stud. What's the matter?she asked. I want to see Mr. Ke. Why? I tilted my head and made a gesture in the direction of the six people sitting, and the six people looked at me somewhat hostilely.I'm here to apply.I said.

Sit and wait.she says. It's as if I'm looking around: there's nowhere to sit. Just wait and there it will be.You can stand and wait, or you can come back later. I stand back, it doesn't matter. She turned back to her work.After a buzz, she picked up the phone, listened for a while and said: Yes!Looking expectantly at the door leading to the inner room, on the door is painted with gold letters Koshi, office.The door opened, and a man came out, walking out quickly as if he was in a hurry to breathe the fresh air, and headed straight for the corridor.The blonde said: Mr. Wang, please come in.

With broad shoulders and a narrow waist, Mr. Wang pulled the lower edge of his suit vest, straightened his tie, squeezed out a smile, and opened the door to enter the inner office. The blond asked me: What's your name? Lai, Lai Tangnuo. blue?blue color blue?she asked. rely.I said. She wrote down my name and looked at me with her green eyes.The right hand kept marking under my name with her shorthand, and I knew she was categorizing my appearance. that's all?I waited for her to observe from head to toe, then stopped writing and asked. Um!Sit there and wait. I sit down and wait.Mr. Wang was not long in the room and came out in two minutes.The one who went in was even faster, as if popping out.The third person went in for ten minutes and felt a little confused when he came out.At this time, three more applicants came, the blond registered their names, made a mark, asked them to sit down, picked up the phone and said solemnly: There are still many.After listening for a while, I hung up the phone.

After the next one came out, the blonde walked into the inner room and stayed there for five minutes. When he came out again, he nodded to me, Mr. Lai, please go in first.she says. The person who came before me looked at her questioningly, then at me.They did not speak.It's obvious she doesn't care about the way they look at her, and I don't care much more. The interior was quite large, with filing cabinets, two comfortable chairs, a small table, and a desk, which was large. I showed the most friendly smile and said: Mr. Ke, I immediately brake, the person sitting behind the desk is not Mr.

She is less than sixty years old, with gray hair, bright gray eyes, a grandmother-like expression, and a weight of more than two hundred pounds.She said: Please sit down, Mr. Lai, no!Not that chair, sit here and I can watch you.right!That's fine.Listen to me, don't lie to me. She swung the swivel chair under her seat and looked at me as if I was his beloved grandson coming back to ask her for candy.Where do you live?she asked. I don't have a permanent mailing address, I said: I am currently renting a dormitory in West Valley District. What learning experience do you have? There is no learning experience that is useful now.I replied: I have been educated in art, literature, and humanities, and I am not very good at changing money.In fact, no one can engage in art, literature, or philosophy of life without money.

How old are you? Twenty-eight. Are father and mother there? No. She said: You look like a small shrimp, I think you weigh less than one hundred and twenty pounds, right? One hundred and twenty seven. do you fight I don't fight sometimes, I get beaten most of the time. It's a man's job. I am a man!I replied angrily. It's a pity that you are too thin, and others will push you around. When I was in college, I said: There are many people who have tried it, and finally told them not to try again. I don’t like people teasing me. There are many ways to punish people. Fighting is not one of them. I have my own method. , and very bright.

Have you read the job advertisement carefully? I think it's clear. Do you consider yourself qualified? I have nothing to do with it, I said: I think I have courage, not a little courage, a lot of spontaneity, and I should be wise.If there are no such advantages, isn't the past education a waste of money? Who pays for your education? my father. When did he pass away? two years ago. What have you been doing these two years? odd jobs. She didn't change her face, she was very steady, and said to me with a smile: You are a big liar. I pushed the seat back with the palm of my hand and said: You are a woman, you can say what you like.I'm a man, so I don't need to be angry with you.

I started walking towards the door. Wait a minute, she said: You have a chance to get the job. I don't want this kind of work. Don't be stubborn, come back here, look at me, you're lying to me, aren't you? What's the difference, anyway, this job is blown.I turned around and faced her.Yes, I said: I am lying to you, it has become a habit to lie to others, and it is useless not to lie. Ever been in prison? No. Come back and sit down. I turned around and sat down again, I only had a dime in my pocket, and I haven't eaten since noon yesterday.The employment agency couldn't help me, so I ended up trying this weird looking job ad, which was my last move.

Now, tell me the real truth.she says. I'm twenty-nine, my parents are dead, I'm college educated, I have a high intellect.I'm willing to do any job, I need money, if you give me a job, I'll do my best. anything else? there is none left. May I have your name. I smile. From this point of view, your surname is not Lai. I have told you all the facts.I said: If you really want to listen again, I can talk endlessly, this is my specialty. I can see that you have the ability.She said: Just tell me what you studied in college? Does it matter? I don't know if it's related, she said: But when you said you were in college, I thought you were bragging. I don't think you even touched the edge of college.

I went to college. That is not to graduate. I graduated. She pushed her upper lip up with her lower lip.How much do you know about human anatomy? not much. what did you study at university Want to hear me messing around? No, she said: at least not now, I would like to hear how you cover it.Our kind of work sometimes needs to be covered, and it must be covered well. I don't like the way you lie when you come in. Ok, now let me tell you the truth.I point it out sternly. No, you'd better make up some lies. Which aspect? Whatever, she said: as long as it's believably built, made up, stitched up, what do you study in college?

Microbes love life.I said: So far, all scientists regard microorganisms as experimental objects.No scientist has ever considered the needs of microorganisms from the standpoint of microorganisms.When I study the love life of microbes, you can imagine it's your own love life I never had a love life.She interrupted my conversation. It's exactly the same, I just kept going, just as if she didn't plug in: give these microorganisms the right temperature, humidity, and sufficient nutrition, and they will be very romantic. In fact, they She stuck out her fat palm, as if to push my words back into my mouth: Enough is enough, well covered, because no one cares about that anyway.Tell me, do you know anything about microbes? Not at all.I told him. Her eyes are flexible and bright: How do you deal with these bullies in college? If what you want is live, we'd better not talk about this subject. I want to know the real situation, and I also want to know more about you. I use outsmarting, and I am also very difficult. I said: Everyone must protect themselves, and there are other ways to make up for weaknesses.Someone bullies me, I will never give up, even if I can hurt people with a back arrow, I must make the person who hurt me regret that he should not fight, and make others dare not try again, I always have a way, and others know I'm not easy to pester.Now, my time is also precious, if you think you have had enough fun, I'm leaving.I really don't like people making fun of me. One day you won't be able to laugh, and I will find a way to fix you. She sighed, not the weary and panting sigh of a fat woman, but the kind that lifts a heavy burden from her chest.She picked up the phone on the table and said: Ai Qian, I hired Lai Tangnuo and sent away all other applicants. There is a sign at the door saying that there are already applicants. I have seen enough down-and-out people today. She tossed the phone back on its cradle, opened a drawer, pulled out some papers and started reading.After a while I heard chairs and voices outside, and knew that everyone else had left disappointed. I sit quietly.A little doubtful, but wait. Do you have money around?the woman asked suddenly. Not much, and it can be supported for a while.I told her. She looked at me from the top of the bifocals: tender!It's not like telling a lie, it's worse than microbes.This rotten shirt, you should buy a new one for a few bucks.Throw away this tie.Spend fifty cents on a new pair, polish your shoes, go get a haircut, I think your socks must be leaky.Are you still hungry? I'm ok.I said. God, don't be tough on me.Take a look in the mirror, you have sunken cheeks, dark circles under your eyes, you look like you haven’t eaten for a week, go out and have a good breakfast, and you only need to spend 20 cents for breakfast.You still need a set of clothes, and today is of course too late.Now that you are working for me, please don't misunderstand that you can use my time for personal business and shopping.You can go shopping for clothes after get off work. It's five o'clock in the afternoon. I will advance you a little salary. Don't come up with any tricks.Here it is twenty dollars. I withdraw money. Going to have breakfast and do some errands, she said: Come back and report at nine o'clock, let's go! When I reached the door, she raised her voice: Tang Nuo, don't waste money, the upper limit for breakfast is twenty-five cents.
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