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Chapter 5 4. The process of tragic death

previous life 倪匡 7051Words 2023-02-05
Newton spoke in great detail, and we listened attentively.Newton continued: I was also furious, this bank clerk is too stupid, I shouted: Wait for me to teach him a lesson!While calling, I waved my hand and reached out to answer the phone. I said: You are waving with one hand, and answering the phone with the other hand, and the waving hand is still holding a knife. Newton: Yes. I signaled him to continue talking and was about to get to the center of the matter. I suddenly remembered something and interrupted him. Newton: At that time, I noticed that Ajia looked at me differently. She must have felt cheated, so she felt a kind of anger after being insulted and cheated. This kind of anger will explode soon. come out.I know that if I can't figure out the matter in the shortest time, it may bring extremely serious consequences, so I almost rushed forward. Ajia's anger has begun to break out. fell over.I dodged instinctively, but because things came too fast, I lost my center of gravity when I was dodging, and I fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Newton was already sweating profusely when he said this. Beads of sweat even flowed down his thin face and landed on the carpet. His perspiration, of course, is not due to heat, but due to his mood. Everyone didn't urge him, and he couldn't help panting heavily. Pusoli gave him another glass of wine, and he swallowed it in one gulp, but he coughed for a long time. He could finally start talking again, and while speaking, his face was changing until it became deathly gray. What he said was: I fell to the ground, of course I immediately wanted to get up, but at this moment, I felt a basin of hot water poured on me, splashing my head and face.I thought it was Ajia's anger, so I stretched out my hand to wipe it on my face, and kept yelling: "Ajia, just listen to me, and I saw Ajia in front of me, her eyes wide open. The hatred and resentment revealed in the eyes made me tremble violently as if I had been immersed in ice water.I thought that Ajia had also fallen, so I wanted to help her up, but when I stretched out my hands, I saw that my hands and arms were covered with blood, and even the knife in my hand was covered with blood. , I wanted to help Ajia up, but it was empty. Ajia Ajia's body was gone, only her head was on the ground

Newton struggled to say this, his body trembling violently, his eyes wide open, looking at us with a terrifying look. I saw everyone's expressions were horrified, and I also felt a chill. The scene Newton described was indeed terrible. Everyone was silent, and Newton's body was shaking violently, and he also made a strange sound. After a while, Newton said: I don't know how long I stayed there, I wanted to avoid Ajia's gaze, but my whole body was stiff and I couldn't move at all. Then, I felt something heavy on my body, My whole body trembled, and it was Ajia's body that was pressing on me. Her hands could still move, as if she was trying to grab something, and finally she clenched her fists tightly, making her knuckles crack

When he said this, his face twitched, and he pointed to his ear: Since then, this terrible sound has been lingering around me, day and night, awake or sleeping, it has always been there, and it is now. Been rattling in my ears, rattling He spoke hoarsely, covered his ears with his hands suddenly, stood up abruptly, first turned around in a circle, then ran to the wall, bumping his head against the wall again and again, the situation was horrifying. Pusoli shouted: Wei! He knew that although Newton's figure was thin, he would be extremely powerful in such a crazy state, so only I could subdue him.

I stood up in response, walked up behind him with a stride, stretched out my palm and slapped it on top of his head. On the top of the human body, there is a collection of acupoints, called Baihui acupoint. This acupoint is a major vital point of the human body, and it is the fatal point.But everything has its pros and cons, deadly acupoints can also save lives, and when insanity reaches a serious level, only by stimulating these fatal acupoints can the situation be improved. Naturally, the strength of this blow must be controlled just right, otherwise, with one palm down, the person will not be saved, on the contrary, he will die.

There was only a slap on the ground, and Newton's body was gradually curling up. This is a natural reaction of a person in an extremely painful situation.After I slapped him, his body straightened up suddenly, his eyes were still wide open, but his expression gradually changed from pain to disbelief, and then he blinked, put down his hands covering his ears, and his throat core moved up and down rapidly , speechless. I smiled at him: But the rattling sound that haunted you for thirty years no longer exists? Newton was overjoyed, burst into tears, nodded again and again, and whimpered, and after a long while, he finally uttered the word yes.

Pusoli sneered: Who told you to invite us, but hide from people, otherwise, you can save a few days of suffering. Newton took a deep breath, took another breath, and breathed in again, before he said: I never thought that Mr. Wei would be so capable. If Fang Qin didn't come, I told my business, and you would I won't believe it! As he spoke, he tilted his head, as if listening carefully. Judging from his situation, he was afraid that the rattling would come back again. I patted him on the shoulder: Don't worry, you will always have this hallucination because of overstimulation, it is a kind of insanity, and now it has healed, and there will be no more.

Newton bowed to me again, bowed his hands to me again, and thanked me again and again, Pusoli said: "Go on!" Newton said: The situation at that time was really horrific. I really don't know what happened, but Ajia was decapitated in an instant, and her head fell to the ground. Her eyes were still wide open. The resentment has not disappeared.I knew she must have misunderstood that I killed her, and everything matched the joke just now. I wanted to argue, but I couldn't say a word.My whole body was stiff, and it wasn't until dawn that I was able to move my body a little bit and struggled to stand up.

I asked again: At that time, you still held the knife in your hand? Newton said: Yes, my fingers are also stiff. I have to use my other hand to open the fingers holding the knife before the knife falls to the ground. I said: what about the knife?Can I take a look? Newton said: It's gone, nothing is there! Several people asked together: What do you mean? Newton gasped a few times: I didn't realize that something terrible had happened until I gradually regained my sanity.Ajia died unexpectedly like this, and my situation is very bad. There are only her and me in the manor, people will definitely think that I killed her.Basically, I can also feel that even Ajia thought I was the one who cut off her head. Although I am sad about Ajia's death, I have to imagine it for myself.

As he said this, he could no longer understand what he would have done at the time. One of them said angrily: If you destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, the real culprit will be at large forever. The balding middle-aged man is even more unkind: if there is a real culprit. That is pointing directly at the murderer is Newton! Newton opened his mouth wide and made an indistinct sound. After a while, he finally heard what he said clearly: I didn't even see who killed the murderer. What would other people think?I have no other way to go, Ajia said she came here, and no one knew about it, so I waited until it was dark, and set a fire. The fire burned for two days and two nights, and there was nothing left, Ajia Jia's body was also reduced to ashes.Of course, that knife and that knife are gone.

Everyone was silent, obviously for a while, and it was difficult to judge whether Newton's behavior was right or wrong. If he followed the correct method, he should naturally call the police for investigation, but as he worried, after reporting to the police, he was the most suspected. The possibility of being convicted of the crime is more than 90%. Pusoli spoke first: It was because you had ghosts in your heart that you immediately hid as soon as you received Fang Qin's letter. Newton said loudly: No, it's because I don't have ghosts in my heart, so after I received Fang Qin's letter, I had another idea. Pusoli let out a loud voice: I must listen carefully. Newton said: Ajia's tragic death, because of the fire, only two people in the world know, one is me, and the other is the killer. Everyone said ah, if it is true that Ajia did not kill himself as Newton said, then it is only natural for him to have such a reaction after receiving Fang Qin's letter. His idea was: the murderer had killed someone and was still unwilling to give up, so he made up such a story, with the purpose of scaring him, scaring him, and maybe blackmailing him. Pusoli said immediately: Do you think the murderer wrote this letter? Newton nodded: Yes, that's what I thought. Surprised and angry, I launched an investigation, and soon found head nurse Fang Qin.Moreover, since that day, I have been sending people to secretly monitor all her actions, hoping to find the murderer from her. The balding middle-aged man cried out: Thirty years? Newton Road: For 30 years, the level of surveillance is very high. Ms. Fang Qin has never been aware of her life and has been under strict surveillance. The bald middle-aged man shouted again: It's terrible! Newton said: If you have experienced the tragic death of Ajia, there is nothing more terrible in the world. It is certainly not a noble act to keep everyone silent and spy on others for thirty years, but if the purpose is to find the murderer, it seems understandable. Newton said again: I analyzed everyone who had contacts with her. Her life was very simple and she had few contacts, but no one was suspected.I thought that the murderer must be an extremely cunning person, and I wanted to compare my patience with him, so I waited year after year for the murderer to appear, but this year, after thirty years, I finally gave up, I believe Everything she said in the letter.I asked Sir Pursoli to invite you here because I need help. The balding middle-aged man said: Are you afraid that when thirty years come, the avengers will appear! Newton did not mince words: Yes, since you believe what Fang Qin wrote in his letter is true, you have to believe that revenge will happen.I was wronged and should not be treated as an object of revenge. For a while, everyone was silent, Pusoli said: You seem to have made a mistake, we are all spiritualists, from the perspective of spirituality, we can affirm that among the forms of life, there is really a reincarnation of the soul There are also examples of remembering past events.As for the record that the baby can speak as soon as it is born, it is not unique.But we are not bodyguards and cannot protect you from being harmed. The other continued: We are not great detectives, so we cannot help you find the real culprit. Newton took a long breath, looked at me, and his eyes stopped on me: You may not be, but Mr. Wesley is, he will definitely help me find the murderer, and I have read the experience he described in detail more than once . I frowned. I always thought it was a coincidence that I appeared here, but now that Newton said this, it proved that it was the inevitable result of his deliberate arrangements. I immediately looked towards Pusoli, and Pusoli shouted: "Wow!When you mentioned Wei Jun's name to me, it seemed that you mentioned it casually. It turns out that you had planned it long ago. Newton smiled bitterly: I know it is extremely difficult to invite him, and only through your friendship with him can we achieve success. I think, Mr. Wei, this is something within your scope of interest. You won’t be offended, right? I said coldly: whether I am interested or not, can't change the fact that you are so scheming. Newton's voice was crying: I really have no choice! I waved my hand vigorously, indicating that since I am here, I don't need to pursue this issue any more. I asked: After so many years, does Ajia have no relatives who care about her whereabouts? Newton Road: Yes, I have learned about it. Ajia’s home is in Leipzig, Germany. Her parents didn’t realize her disappearance until one month after the incident. Because Ajia is very active, she often leaves home for a long time. No audio.But it was too long this time, so they called the police, but they couldn't find her whereabouts at all. She didn't lie to me, and no one knew about her coming to Corsica. Let me ask again: Your description just now is very detailed, are you sure you haven't missed anything? Newton said: No, if you can find out the real culprit according to Wei Jun's reasoning, that would be great. I ignored his extravagant hopes, and glanced at everyone: I know there is a story about sharp blades, and I will tell everyone first. Because Newton's narration just now is very fascinating, confusing and shocking, so everyone is eager to hear my speculation to solve the mystery, but I suddenly want to tell a story, and everyone has a look of disapproval. I added: This story, it is possible that it may be helpful to the mysterious events that happened. Pusoli supported me the most. He kept saying: Please speak, please speak. I said: In an antique shop, a customer insisted on buying an ancient sword. The sword was extremely sharp and belonged to the owner's own collection. things.The customer didn't believe it, so he took the sword and wanted to see how sharp it was. He drew the sword out of its sheath, but the shopkeeper came to stop him, and the sword passed by, and cut off the shopkeeper's head. I said this in the simplest way, and after I finished speaking, no one made a sound. I said again: At the time of that incident, Mr. Newton had been holding a sharp Arabian knife in his hand. Newton said tremblingly: You mean, I cut off Ajia's head inadvertently? That's exactly what I meant, so I nodded. Newton screamed: Impossible, absolutely impossible, how is it possible, what kind of reasoning is this! I said: The process of reasoning is the process of confirming various possibilities. What is your reason for saying it is impossible? Newton exclaimed: Why should there be a reason?I couldn't have cut off a head and didn't know it! I looked at everyone, and Pusoli frowned: I also think that this statement cannot be established. I said: good, not established.Then, the human head will not fall off by itself. There must be another person holding a very sharp knife. Why didn't Newton see it? The bald middle-aged man suddenly said: Maybe it is an invisible person, using an invisible knife. Newton's face turned red and then blue: At that time, it happened so suddenly, if someone had been hiding earlier, I would not have noticed it.Afterwards, I froze for a long time, and it was easy for him to leave. I said: If your statement is true, then the murderer premeditated the murder. What is the motive? Newton was so frustrated: I didn't know that I investigated after the fact. I thought that the only possibility of the young Ajia being killed was her former lover, who went crazy and committed a murder because Ajia was with me. Several people asked together: What was the result? This is indeed the biggest reason why Ajia was killed. Newton Road: The result of the investigation is that Ajia does have a very close boyfriend, but at the time of the incident, the man did not leave Germany, but was studying in a seminary in Leipzig, unless he paid the murderer to kill the man. I don't know where it ends. The balding middle-aged man sneered: Didn't you keep monitoring him? Newton confessed: I have been monitoring him for five years, and I don't think he is really like a murderer, so I gave up. The balding middle-aged man sneered again: Why did you find out with your conscience? Everyone felt that the words of the balding middle-aged man were a bit too much, so they looked at him together. Pusoli wanted to speak, but I stopped him with a wave of my hand.Because I have long felt that this bald middle-aged man is very hostile to Newton, and maybe there is some entanglement in it, and it is better to let it develop. Newton didn't have any special reaction, he sighed: This man didn't know that Ajia was dead, he just thought she was missing.He must love Ajia very much, so after half a year, he began to search for Ajia all over the world. His financial situation was not good. When he was in India and Hong Kong, he even worked as a coolie to make ends meet. He has been looking for five years. In 2000, he lost track in Italy.I didn't pursue it further, because if he knew that Ajia was dead, he would definitely not be able to endure such great pain.He has been looking for it for five years! I asked: Since then, do you know where he has gone? Newton Road: I don't know. I suddenly reached out and pointed at the bald middle-aged man: You know! The bald middle-aged man covered his face with his hands. Although my question was abrupt, seeing the bald middle-aged man's reaction, everyone knew that there must be something strange, so they all waited for his answer. The balding middle-aged man covered his face with his hands at first, and remained motionless, almost making people think that he was already stiff.But not long after, he suddenly screamed wildly, jumped up, and threw himself at Newton, and, with his ten fingers like hooks, tightly grabbed Mr. Newton's neck. The bald middle-aged man's approach was so fierce that no one was on guard.Once Newton's neck was pinched, his eyes bulged out, showing how hard the bald middle-aged man exerted himself.Everyone shouted, I stepped forward, flicked my fingers on the left and right elbows of the bald middle-aged man, his hands loosened, and his arms drooped softly, no longer Can't lift it up. Newton made a strange sound, and scrambled to avoid it. He rolled to the corner, and then he called out: You, you are Ajia!You are Ajia! It seems that all Newton thought was that Ajia would come to seek revenge on him, so when he was attacked suddenly, he naturally thought that it was Ajia who came to revenge. Of course I knew it wasn't, because no matter how the bald middle-aged man looked at it, he wouldn't be thirty years old. I had a guess about his identity, and I said: Of course he is not Ajia, he is Ajia's lover back then, that is, the one who was followed by you for five years and then disappeared. Newton's eyes widened, and he looked at the bald middle-aged man with a terrifying expression.The balding middle-aged man roared again, and then rushed forward again, but the other two hugged him tightly, and he burst into tears while cursing: You thief who has gone to hell a thousand times , you lured Ajia with money and then killed her. I don't have to wait for her to come, I will kill you to avenge her! Newton also neighed: I didn't kill her, I didn't kill her! Pusoli sighed: But you seduced her with money! Newton wailed: Who in this world does not use money to seduce others, she is completely voluntary, and I have never forced her. All of a sudden, the chaos reached the extreme, I came to the bald middle-aged man, and said coldly: You have been in the monastery for many years, how can you act so recklessly. The balding middle-aged man said angrily: How do you know my past? I said: Unless you live in the monastery, otherwise, how can the people of Newton not find you. The balding middle-aged man gasped: I'm not reckless, I'm going to kill him, for Ajia! He spoke so seriously, and what he just did was indeed a murderous act, which made people believe that he could do what he said.Pusoli shouted loudly: York, you will pay for your life if you kill someone! I didn’t remember that Pusoli did call him that when he was introduced, but the name was too common, so I heard it a few times, but I didn’t remember it. Upon hearing this common name, Newton groaned again.He naturally knew that Ajia's lover back then was indeed by this name.At this time, of course he also thought that if he hadn't appeared, Ajia wouldn't have died tragically and lived an ordinary life. York (the balding middle-aged man) said sharply: Of course I know that Ajia is a good young man in his thirties now, and he cannot pay his life for killing him as a thief, but Ajia must take revenge, so let me do it Well, anyway, I was the one who died once. In the year when Ajia suddenly disappeared, I was already dead! He spoke tragically and inexplicably, which shows that he really has deep affection for Ajia, which cannot be faked. Newton said weakly: When Ajia knows that I am not the murderer, she will not kill me.
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