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Chapter 9 Chapter Nine Alicia's Escape

uncle tom's cabin 比徹斯托夫人 12802Words 2023-02-05
In the evening, Alicia finally escaped the Ohio River.In the evening, the smog on the river gradually engulfed her figure, and soon she disappeared on the bank of the river.Between her and the pursuers, the rushing river and the criss-crossed ice rafts formed an insurmountable natural roadblock.Hurley was very angry, and slowly returned to the inn.The hostess of the inn opened a room for him to rest.There was a worn carpet on the floor, a black cloth shiny with oil on a table, high-backed chairs scattered around the room, and brightly colored plaster statues on the fireplace. There were also sporadic fireworks, and an ugly hard-board couch extended its body up the chimney of the fireplace.Hurley sat on the ugly wooden couch, and thought from time to time about the vagaries of life and the instability of hope for happiness.

Why did I have to hunt down that little thing?He thought to himself, this little thing has made me so embarrassed, even in a dilemma.Hurley cursed himself secretly for spiritual relief, spitting out some indecent words from time to time.Although we have every reason to believe that Hurley himself is well suited to such indecent expletives, we omit them because they are so indecent. Startled by a loud, harsh voice from a man who had apparently just dismounted, Hurley hurried to the window to get a better look. God!I'm really lucky today, this is called auspicious people have their own nature, Hurley said, if I read correctly, isn't that Tom Rocco?

Hurley hurried over.In one corner of the room stood at the bar a strong, muscular man, six feet tall, with a savage expression on his face.He was wearing a suede buffalo coat, which matched his hair very well, giving him a shaggy look, which suited his appearance very well.Every organ in his head and face, and his ferocious appearance are in an extremely terrifying state, which fully demonstrates his ruthlessness.Indeed, if our dear readers could picture a watchdog in a hat and clothes wagging its tail as it ran into people's yards, it would not be difficult for them to imagine the size and mannerisms of the man .Beside him was another person, whose appearance was very different from his in many respects.He is not tall, his body is very thin, his body can be bent like a cat, his eyes are very sharp, it always makes people feel that every part of his face is being spied and studied by him at any time, as if he sharpened it on purpose Like your own eyes.His long, thin nose stuck out as if it was eager to understand the mysteries of everything in nature.His thinning hair was eagerly stretched forward, and his every move, every word and every action showed that he was a calm, serious, sensitive man.The tall man poured half a glass of strong wine without water, and drank it upside down without saying a word.The little man stood there, tiptoeing, poking his head from side to side from time to time, and sniffing in the direction of various bottled wines, and finally ordered a glass of peppermint whiskey with a thin, slightly trembling voice.After it was poured, he smugly picked up the wine glass and looked at it, as if he had just done a very correct and decent thing, he nodded with his index finger on his head, and then took a leisurely sip.

Hi, how are you, Loko, don't you think it's a coincidence to meet me here?With that said, Hurley stepped forward and extended his hand to the tall man. hell!The man politely replied, What brought you here, Hurley? The mean-eyed man named Marcos put down his glass at once, poked his head forward, and fixed his eyes on the new acquaintance, like a cat seeing a moving dead leaf or other thing to chase. I said, Tom, I'm so lucky today.I'm in fucking trouble, you gotta help bro. Ah, of course, what's the trouble?The old man proudly said, when people are happy to see you, you must understand: they must want something from you.What trouble did you have today?

Is this your friend?Hurley eyed Marcos suspiciously and said, He's your partner, isn't he? Yes, he is my current partner.Hi Marcos!This dude was my partner at Natchase. Nice to meet you, said Marcos, holding out his skinny hand like a chicken paw, I think you are Mr. Hurley? That's right, sir!Hurley said, first of all, gentlemen, since we have the pleasure of meeting here, let's celebrate it first.Here, old raccoon, he called to the innkeeper, bring us some hot water, sugar, and cigars, and something nice to drink, and we'll have a good chat. The innkeeper, therefore, lit candles, and fanned the fire in the hearth, and the three of us sat round a table, which was covered with the above-mentioned order for affection.

Hurley spoke somewhat sentimentally about his misadventure.Locco kept his mouth shut and listened to him with a gloomy face, while Marcos was busy mixing drinks to suit his own taste, and occasionally raised his head, almost sticking his nose and chin to Hurley's face.He listened carefully to Hurley's story from beginning to end, and he was obviously more interested in the end of the story, because his shoulders were shaking quietly, his thin lips were raised high, and he was obviously excited. Then, you're at your wit's end, aren't you?He said, hey!Hey!Hey!She did it really neatly.

In this kind of business, children are the most troublesome.Hurley said sadly. If we could buy a woman who didn't love her child, said Marcos, I tell you, I'd consider it the greatest and greatest modern improvement.When he finished, he chuckled under his breath, as if it would back up his joke. Yes, says Hurley, I never figured that out.The children were such a burden to them that one would have expected them to be happy to be relieved of that burden, but the opposite was true.The more troublesome and useless the children were, the more they were reluctant to let them go.This is generally the case.

Mr Hurley, Marcus said, pass me the boiling water, please.Sir, what you just said, I agree with everyone.Once, when I was in this business, I bought a woman who was tall and well-proportioned, and very pretty, and very intelligent.She had a child who was really sick and a little hunched, so I gave him to someone else, who wanted to keep it to try his luck, and it didn't cost any money anyway.But I didn't expect that woman to take this matter very seriously, you should see how fierce she is!Really, that child has a bad temper and bothers her all day, why does she still value this sick child so much?She wasn't pretending, she was really crying, she didn't have any energy, as if she had lost all her relatives and friends.Think about it, this matter is really strange. Women's affairs will never end.

It happened to me too, Hurley said. Last summer, in the Red River area, I bought a slave girl with a child. The child was very beautiful, with small black eyes like yours.But when he went to look, he found that his eyes were blind, and he was completely blind.I figured it wouldn't hurt me to sell him, so I didn't make it public.I traded the child for a barrel of whiskey, but when I took the child from the woman she turned like a tiger.Before we set out and I didn't lock up the niggers, the woman jumped on the bale like a cat and snatched one of the sailor's knives, and she scared everyone away in a flash.When she found it was useless to do so, she turned, snatched up her baby, and jumped headfirst into the river, never to rise again.

You two are trash!Tom Rocco choked back their stories with disgust, and said, I tell you, my niggers never dared to be so presumptuous. Really?How do you deal with them?Marcos asked in a relaxed tone. How to deal with them?I bought a slave girl, and if she happened to have a baby to sell, I'd walk up to her and put my fist in her face and say, listen, if you say a word for me to hear, I'll break you face; I don't want to hear a word, not even a mumble.I told her that from now on, the child belongs to me, he is no longer yours, and there is no connection between you and him, as long as there is a chance, I will sell him as soon as possible.Listen, don't think of anything, or I'll make you regret why you were born.In this way, they will not play tricks on me, they know that it is useless in front of me.I made them obey me.If anyone dares to dispute that Mr. Locco's slamming of his fist on the table represents that self-evident result.

Perhaps this can be temporarily called Xia Mawei, Marcos said.He poked Hurley in the waist, and then laughed.Don't you think Tom's approach is very special?Hey!Hey!Hey!Tom, I reckon niggers' brains are dull, but you've opened them up.Tom, they'll have no more doubts about what you mean.Tom, I say, even if you're not the devil himself, you're the devil's twin. Tom accepted Marcus's compliment humbly, and his countenance became as genial as ever, a geniality which, as John Bunyan said, was limited to the limits of his violent nature. After Hurley happily drank a few more glasses of wine in the evening, he began to have a feeling that his moral conception had been sublimated and expanded. It is not uncommon for a gentleman to undergo such a deliberate and significant change Phenomenon. Tom, he said, it's very bad of you to do it, as I've been telling you.You know, Tom, you and I talked about it a lot when we were at Natchase, and I tried to make you understand that if we were kind to them, we'd still make a lot of money, enough for us to live comfortably in this life.That way, when we are stuck and can't get anything more, we'll have a better chance of getting into heaven. Pooh!said Tom, don't I understand?Stop telling me these shitty things, now I'm getting goosebumps.So saying, Tom drank the remaining half glass of brandy. I said, said Hurley, leaning back in his chair and giving a big wave of his hand, I'll admit, I'm all in this business for money.But money is not everything, and we are not saying that you can't do other business except slave business.We all have souls, and I don't care whoever hears me say these things.Now it's better for me to explain everything clearly.I am a religious person, and I also want to live a comfortable life someday, and I want to save my soul.If it is not a last resort, why should I do bad things?Be a little more cautious now. Save your soul!Tom repeated contemptuously, if you want to find a soul in you, it is really troublesome, you better save yourself.Even if the devil sifts you through a hair sieve, he won't find the soul. Why are you angry, Tom, said Hurley, why don't you take it easy?Everything I say is for your own good. Say no more, said Tom angrily, I can take most of your words, but you keep talking about the soul, and it will kill me.After all, what is the difference between us?Do you have a better conscience than mine?Are your feelings kinder than mine?Those words are so despicable!You want to deceive the devil and save your soul, don't I understand your mind?What you say that you believe in religion is all nonsense and a lie.You've owed so much to the devil all your life, and now it's time to settle, and you want to slip away, there's no way. Hey, come on, gentlemen, I said we're not talking about business, Marcos said, people can see the same thing from different angles.Mr. Hurley was a good man, and undoubtedly he had a sense of justice and a conscience.Tom, you've got your way, and it's pretty good.But you know that arguing won't help solve the problem.Let's get down to business.Mr Hurley, what are you talking about?You want us to get that woman, don't you? That woman's none of my business, she's still Shelby's, and I'm a fool to catch that kid and buy that little monkey. You are so stupid!said Tom angrily. Come on, Loco, stop being angry, Marcus said, licking his lips, look, didn't Mr. Hurley give us a good job to do?You'd better sit there, I'm good at talking business.I said Mr Hurley, what does that woman look like?What is her job? Wow!She was fair, very attractive, and well educated.I was going to pay Shelby eight hundred or a thousand dollars for her, and make a fortune out of her. White skin, attractive looks, and a good education!Marcos' piercing eyes, nose, and mouth all come alive with astonishment, listen, Loco, seductive opening.We could even run our own business here.We agree to help you catch them.Of course the child belongs to Mr. Hurley, and we'll take the woman to Orleans to make a fortune.Isn't it tempting? Tom's big thick mouth, which had been open during the conversation, was suddenly closed, like a big dog biting a piece of meat, and he seemed to be chewing the business at a leisurely pace. You know, Marcos said to Hurley, we got permission from various wharf courts along the way, and they used to do little things for us, at our expense, of course.Tom was in charge of the fights and all that, and I got all dressed up and got out there and swore, and I polished my shoes and put on my best clothes.You see, Marcos said, with a professional pride on his face, and I'm pretty good at that.Today I am Mr. Tecum from New Orleans, and tomorrow I am a planter on the Pearl River with seven hundred slaves.Maybe one day I'll turn into a crony of Mr. Henry Clay or a veteran of KFC.You know, people have different talents.If there's a fight or something, Tom gets elected for being loud; but Tom's not good at lying and moving his mouth, you know, that's not what he was born to be good at.If there is a man in this country who can swear to God with all seriousness no matter what he does, who can blow it up no matter what the situation, and handle it beautifully and beautifully, then I really want to See him soon.That's the way it is.I was so confident in myself that even though some departments were more difficult than they looked, I could smooth it out and get away with it.Sometimes, I even wish they were more difficult, and give me more trouble, you know, that's the only way to make things more interesting. Loco, the guy we've put him on, the slow, slow guy, suddenly punches the table so hard that Marcos is interrupted and everything on the table rattles , you've said enough!He said. God help you, Tom, you don't have to break all the glasses, said Marcos, put your fist away and take it out when you need it. But gentlemen, can't I get a piece of it?Hurley asked. We help you get that kid back, isn't that enough?Loko said, what more do you want? Well, Hurley said, I'm giving you this job, and it's profitable, and I think you're going to pay me ten percent of the profit, in addition to expenses. Don't I know you yet, Dan Hurley?Loko cursed fiercely, and banged his fist on the table hard, don't expect to play tricks with me, do you think that Marcos and I are in the business of catching escaped black slaves, just to please gentlemen like you?Don't we do something for ourselves?That's not the case!That woman belongs to us, you just be honest, you know, if we want those two people, who would dare to object?Didn't you tell us about the prey, I think, you and we can hunt them down.If you and Shelby want to catch us, go find the grouse we lost last year.If you spot them or catch up with us, you'd be more than welcome. Oh, of course, just as you say, said Hurley alertly, you just catch the children, Tom, we have always dealt fairly before, and everyone must keep their promises. You know, said Tom, I'm not going to cry about rats and fake sympathy like you do.Even if I do business with the devil, I will not break my promise.I will do what I say.Dan Heli, you know me very well. Yes, yes, Tom, I said that too, Hurley said, as long as you help me catch the kid within a week, you can choose where we want to meet, which is all I ask you to do. But that's not all I ask, said Tom, and don't expect me to work for you this time, Hurley, as I did last time at Natchase.When I catch a loach, I have learned to hold it firmly and not let it go.Let's face it, you've got to pay us fifty dollars first, or you're never going to get that kid.I know you too well. Well, you've got a business that's going to bring you a thousand dollars or sixteen hundred dollars in net profit, Tom, and you're not doing it justice.Hurley said. Yes, we'll be busy with your business for the next week, and that's all we can do.Think about it, we threw away other businesses and devoted ourselves to helping you catch that little devil, but in the end we failed to catch that woman. You know women are the most difficult to catch, so what should we do?Will you give us a penny then?I think I've seen you through, no, no, give us fifty dollars first.If we get the kid and there's money to be made, I'll give you the fifty dollars back, and if it doesn't work out, it'll be our labor bill.That's fair enough, isn't it?marcos. Of course, of course, Marcos mediator said, look, this counts as our deposit!Hey!Hey!Hey!You know us lawyers!We have to keep a good upbringing, take it easy, you know.Tom will get the boy back for you.Tell me, we can deliver anywhere.Tom, what do you think? If I catch that young boy, I'll send him to Cincinnati, and I'll put him at Grandma Becher's.Loko said. Marcos pulled a greasy wallet from his pocket and pulled out a long piece of paper.He sat down and looked at the paper with those piercing black eyes.And began to read it softly: Jim of Barnes Shelby, male slave, three hundred dollars, life or death; Edwood couple Dick and Ruthie, six hundred dollars; female slave Polly and two children six hundred dollars; A hundred dollars, take her alive or take her head.I just want to take a look at our business and see if we can get this done by the way.Loko, after a pause, said we must send Adams and Spurrig to get them, they've had a long appointment with us. They'll charge us crazy prices.Tom said. I'll set it up, they're new to the business and can't expect high prices, Marcos said, and read on, there are three deals that are easier to do because all you're doing is killing them Or insist that they have to be shot, and of course they won't ask for much money.For the other few businesses, he rolled up the list paper while talking, and it can be delayed for a while.Now let's talk about the details.Well, Mr Hurley, you saw the woman come up to the bank, didn't you? Of course, I can see clearly. A man helped her ashore, didn't he?Loko said. Yes, not bad at all. She had probably found a place to hide, Marcos said, but the question was where.Tom, do you think so? There is no doubt that we must cross the river tonight.Tom said. But there's no ferry here, said Marcos, and those ice rafts running wild in the river, Tom, looks dangerous, doesn't it? It may be dangerous, but we must cross the river.Tom said without hesitation. oops!Marcus said anxiously, if I said this, he walked to the door and window, it was as dark as a wolf's mouth outside, Tom After all, you're scared, Marcos, but I've made up my mind, and you must go.You don't want to rest for a day or two until the woman is secretly transferred to Sannessee, then you go! Oh no, I'm not scared at all, Marcos said, it's just But what?asked Tom. It's a boat, you know, there's not even a shadow of a boat here. I heard the woman say that there will be a boat coming tonight, and someone wants to cross the river.In any case, we must go with him.Tom said. I think you should have good hounds around, right?Hurley said. A fine hound, said Marcus, but what good is that?You don't have anything from her to sniff at. No, I have, said Hurley triumphantly, it was the hood she had left on the bed in her hasty escape, and she had dropped her hat. We're lucky, said Locco, handing that to me. What if your dog runs after her, bites her, and disfigures her?Hurley said. We're going to think about it, Marcos said. Back in Mobil, our dog almost tore the guy up. We got the dog off when we got there. Well, you know, we're going to sell her on her good looks, and if she bites, it'll ruin our business.Hurley said. I know, said Marcos, and besides, if someone hides her, it's going to be a problem.Some states hid niggers, you had a hard time finding them, and dogs didn't help much.Dogs only work on the estate, when they run along alone, with no one to help them. Well, said Loko, he just got back from prying at the counter and they said the man rowed the boat over.Marcos, let's go. Marcos glanced reluctantly at the comfortable place he was about to leave, stood up slowly, and obeyed Tom's words.After a few words, Hurley reluctantly handed Tom fifty dollars.The three broke up that night. If our civilized Christian readers do not wish to see the scene we have just introduced, let us ask them to rein in their prejudices as early as possible.We want to remind them that the business of capturing runaway slaves is rising into a legitimate, patriotic profession.If the vast land between the Mississippi and the Pacific had been a marketplace for bodies and souls, and if people's property had continued to move as it did in the nineteenth century, slave traders and slave hunters might still stand on our own feet today. This noble forest. While the inn scene was going on, Sam and Eddie were riding back happily. Along the way, Sam was very excited. From time to time, he made all kinds of strange calls, shouts, and expressed his inner joy with many wonderful tumbling and twisting movements.Sometimes he sat on the horse's back, facing the horse's buttocks and tail, and sometimes he yelled and turned somersaults, sitting upright on the saddle.Sometimes he put on Eddie's face and scolded Eddie loudly for his jokes and jokes.Then, clasping his hands around his waist, he let out a hearty laugh that echoed through the woods as they passed.Along the way, he kept changing tricks to let the horse gallop forward as much as he wanted.About ten to eleven o'clock the sound of their horses' hoofbeats was heard on the gravel road at the end of the balcony, and Mrs. Shelby ran quickly to the railing at the sound. Sam is that you?where are they? Mr Hurley is resting at the inn by the river, he is very tired, ma'am. How is Alicia, Sam? Oh, she has crossed the Jordan River, and now she can be said to have reached the Promised Land of Canaan. hello sam what do you meanasked Mrs. Shelby apprehensively, nearly fainting when the implication contained in those words reached her. Ma'am, God always blesses his children.Liz crossed the Ohio in a miraculous way, as if God had sent her across with a steamer and two horses. In front of the hostess, Sam is so pious, and he quotes some symbols and metaphors often used in the Bible from time to time. Come here, Sam, said Mr. Shelby, who had followed them all the way to the front of the balcony, and told his mistress all she wanted to know.Come here, Emily, said he, wrapping his arms around her, you were cold and trembling all over, you overexcited yourself. Too excited!Am I not a woman, a mother?In the sight of God, aren't we responsible for this poor woman?Oh, God!Don't take this guilt on our head. Emily, what crime are you talking about?You know yourself that we have to do this out of necessity. But there's always a lingering sense of guilt in me, Mrs Shelby said, and I can't get over it. Hey, Eddie, hurry up and get the horses to the stable for me, Sam yelled from under the verandah, don't you hear the master tell me to come over?Soon, Sam appeared at the door of the hall, still holding a palm leaf. Now, Sam, tell us exactly what happened, said Mr. Shelby, and if you know, tell us where Alicha is? My lord, I saw her cross the river on an ice raft in the river.It was a miracle, it was amazing, it was a miracle.I saw a man help her up the levee of the Ohio River, and then she disappeared into the mist, never to be seen again. Sam, it's incredible, it's a miracle, it's not easy to cross the river on a floating ice raft.Mr. Shelby said. easy?No one can do this without God's help.Sam said it happened like this: Master Hurley, me, and Eddie were passing an inn by the river, and I was a little ahead (I was anxious to catch Liz, so I went ahead) .When I passed the window of the inn, I saw Liz immediately.So I let the wind blow my hat off on purpose, and let out a yelp so loud that a dead man could hear it, and of course Liz heard it.She drew back when Master Hurley passed the door, and then she ran quickly through the back door to the river.Then Mr. Hurley saw her too, and called out, and Eddie, me, and he ran after her.She ran to the river, which ran swiftly and ten feet wide.A little outside is a rampant large ice floe, like a small island made of ice.We were right behind her, and I thought Master Hurley would catch her.But at that moment she let out a cry (I'd never heard her cry like that before) and leaped across the rapids onto the ice raft.She didn't dare to stop, she just jumped forward while screaming.Under her feet, the ice floe creaked and thumped, and she hopped forward like a deer.God, those few jumps of hers are not easy, I think it is not easy. Mrs. Shelby sat in silence, her face very pale with excitement, while Sam narrated what had happened. By God she is not dead, she said, but where is the poor child now? God bless her, said Sam, rolling his eyes reverently, and like I said once, it's God's opinion and it can't be wrong.As my wife always taught us, there is always someone who will step up to do God's will.She would have been caught at least a dozen times today without me.Didn't I startle the horse this morning and procrastinate until almost lunch?Did I not add five miles of detours to Master Hurley in the afternoon?Otherwise, he would have caught Liz as easily as a dog catches a raccoon.This is God's will! My Uncle Sam, in the future, you'd better not talk about such providence, I can't allow you to play such tricks on my ground with the gentlemen.Under the circumstances, Mr. Shelby reprimanded with mock severity. Fake tantrums with black people don't seem to work any more than feigning anger with kids does.Although you try your best to look angry, everyone instinctively understands why the master acted that way.Sam, who was reprimanded, did not look downcast, though he looked sad, with the corners of his mouth drawn down in regret. The master is right, very right, it is all my fault, there is no doubt about it.I know lord and mistress don't like tricks like that, but I'm a low-class black person, so seeing Mr. Hurley running the farm about here and there, I'd do some unseemly things.How does he look like a gentleman!Even an uneducated person like me could read his mind. Well, Sam, said Mrs. Shelby, now that you've realized your fault, you'd better get something to eat at Cruy's.Let her get you some leftover ham from lunch, you and Eddie must be starving. The wife was so kind to us.Sam said, bent over, and ran out of the living room happily. We have alluded to it earlier, and I think readers have noticed, that Sam has a natural talent that can make him rise very quickly in political life, that is, to win people's praise on various occasions. talent.In the drawing-room he had been admired for his pious, humble demeanor, and now, with the palm fronds on his head, he briskly made his way to the kitchen to make a show of himself in Aunt Cruy's place. I'm going to tell these niggers a lot, Sam murmured to himself, and now I've got a chance.God, I must impress them. It is worth mentioning that Sam’s favorite thing is to accompany his master to various political rallies. He sits on the fence or rides on a high tree, carefully observes the expressions of the speakers, and is immersed in it and cannot extricate himself.Then, he jumped down and stood among those who had the same color as him and who also accompanied his master, and imitated the speeches of others meticulously.His performance was calm and serious, which made everyone very happy and inspired a lot.Under normal circumstances, the people who approached him and listened to his speech were all black, but there were often some white people gathered around them. They listened and laughed, and blinked their eyes from time to time, which made Sam feel a little flustered.In fact, Sam often regards speeches as his career, and he will not let go of every opportunity to display his talents and make a big splash. Sam and Aunt Cruy had never been on good terms, and it could be said that their relationship had always been cold.But because he considered that he could not do anything without the support of the food department, Sam knew that he had to deal with it, so he kept expressing a compromise policy to Aunt Cruy.He realized more clearly that although Aunt Cruy would strictly carry out his wife's instructions, if coupled with his own compromise policy, he would gain more.So when he came to Aunt Cruy, he made a humble and pitiful look, and his voice was touchingly tender, as if he had suffered a thousand things for the sufferer.He deliberately exaggerated his wife's importance to him, saying that his wife asked Aunt Cruy to prepare some food for him to maintain the balance of solid and liquid substances in the body; The irreplaceable status and supreme power of the kitchen and other places. This method of his was very effective, and Sam's attentions soon filled the hearts of Aunt Cruy with Sam's attentions, and I am afraid that even a politician who uses rhetoric to win the trust of poor, simple, and good voters would feel ashamed.Not even a thoroughly rehabilitated libertine will be treated like a mother.Sam was flattered that Aunt Cruy promptly arranged for him a seat; before him was a large tin tray containing various delicacies which had been served to the table two days before. , which has delicious ham, golden and delicious tortillas, many pies, chicken wings, chicken gizzards and chicken legs, all in bright colors.Sam felt a sort of regal pride in the presence of so much goodness, and the palm frond on his head was tilted to one side, facing Eddie proudly to his right. The kitchen was full of his companions, and they all hurried over from all over the place, wanting to inquire about the situation of Sam and the others hunting Alicia that day.So, at last, Sam could brag about himself.He once again happily narrated the story that happened that day.In order to enhance the effect of the story, he created and reworked it.In Sam's opinion, although he is not a pure and authentic art lover, he still does not want the stories told by him not to have the color of literature and art.When he told the story, everyone was amused and laughed from time to time.Those children, lying on the ground or hiding in the corner, also booed with everyone and laughed from time to time.聽著聽眾們歡快、響亮的聲音,山姆卻仍是一本正經地坐著,表情嚴肅,他只是偶爾翻動一下眼珠,向觀眾投去難以捉摸的一瞥,但他那略顯說教的語調卻沒什麼改變。 農夫們,你們知道,山姆一邊拿起一隻火雞腿,一邊高聲說,你們要知道,我做這些是為了什麼呢?我只是想保護你們,是的,保護你們每一個人。誰如果膽敢抓走我們中的任何一位,那他就是向我們大家宣戰,那就等於他要抓我們大家,這事是再明白不過的了。如果奴隸販子想抓走我們中的任何一位,他首先要過我這一關,那可是不容易做到的。農夫們,你們不管遇到什麼事都可以來找我,我一定會保護你們,並為保衛你們的權利而流盡最後一滴血。 哎,山姆,早上時,你不是告訴我你要幫老爺抓住莉茲嗎?我看你所說的前後矛盾。Eddie said. 艾迪,我告訴你,山姆以高高在上的語氣說,你不了解情況的事,你就少發表議論。艾迪,你這個小夥子看起來不錯,但他們不會指望你去領會每個行動的重大原則性問題的。 艾迪被這些不客氣的責問搞得有點發呆了,特別是領會這個詞,這更使得這個年輕人覺得領會這個詞在這件小事件中起了重大的決定作用,此時山姆並沒停下,而是繼續發表著他的高見。 這可以稱做見風轉舵,艾迪。我想抓住莉茲,那是因為我覺得那是老爺的意思,但當我發現太太的想法和此截然不同時,我就換了副腦子。一般情況下,和太太站在一邊感覺更好一些。你們看,我不得罪任何一個人,而是全按照當時的情況來做出選擇,要堅持原則。是的,原則,說著,山姆使勁揮動了一下手中的雞脖子肉,如果不堅持原則,我只想問一句,原則是用來做什麼的呢?艾迪,給你這塊雞骨頭,上面還有肉呢。 山姆的聽眾大張著嘴等待著他的下文。他沒有辦法只好繼續講下去: 至於言行如一,前後一致,各位黑人同胞,山姆說,作出了一副要探究深奧的問題的樣子,關於這一問題,大多數人還沒探究過。你們知道,如果一個人今天贊成某件事,第二天又反對這件事,人們就會責怪他為什麼不前後一致呢?(這是很自然的)哎,艾迪,遞給我那個玉米餅,好吧,就讓我們來探討一下吧。我想打個通俗些的比方,希望各位女士、先生能原諒,那就是比如我想爬到一個乾草堆上去。於是我把梯子放在草堆這邊,但發現爬不上去,我自然不再從這邊往上爬,而是選擇另一邊,難道這能被叫做前後不一致嗎?不管我把梯子放在哪裡,只要我最後爬上草堆了,這不就是前後一致了嗎?你們難道還不能理解嗎? 天曉得這是你唯一堅持的前後一致的事情。克魯伊大嬸小聲說著。今天晚上的歡快場面,對她來說可以說是別有一番滋味在心頭,正如經書中所說的火上澆油,雪上加霜。 好了,就這樣吧!說著,山姆站起身。此時他已是酒足飯飽,也出夠了風頭,便用幾句話結束了他的演講,是的,各位男女老少,我是堅持原則的,對此我深感自豪。不僅目前,任何時候原則都是不可缺少的東西。我不僅有原則,而且還堅決履行原則。只要我認為此事符合原則,我都會很樂意去做的,即使我被燒死也不改變。我要笑著迎接火刑。我要為我所說的原則,我的國家以及整個社會的利益奮鬥到底。 好了,克魯伊大嬸說,在你的原則中,總該有一條是晚上要睡覺吧。你總不能讓每個人都待在這兒直到天光放亮吧。小鬼們,如果不想挨打,趕快都給我滾出去,快點! 黑人們!山姆語調慈愛地說,我祝福你們!大家都回去睡覺吧!以後都成為好孩子。 山姆的祝福結束了,大家也都散了。
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