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Chapter 34 Chapter 34 Cassie

uncle tom's cabin 比徹斯托夫人 7110Words 2023-02-05
Behold the weeping of the oppressed, who comforts their mighty who oppress them, and there was no one to comfort them. Ecclesiastes chapter four verse one It took Tom a very short time to become very familiar with the surrounding environment. He knew what to rely on and what to guard against. As long as the work was assigned to him, no matter how hard or tiring, he did it quickly and beautifully.At the same time, from his own ability, as well as from his own principles, he always acted justly and swiftly.Tom is naturally gentle and quiet, and he always hopes that through his unremitting efforts and non-stop work, he can slightly improve the extremely harsh environment he is currently in.Coming here, he has seen too many vicious incidents of oppression and humiliation, and he feels particularly tired and disgusted by this.Therefore, he secretly made up his mind to work diligently and wholeheartedly, hoping that God would give him a fair and reasonable arrangement to alleviate his suffering, but he never thought of resisting or running away.

Mr. Legrey had already made a secret investigation of many of Tom's abilities, and he believed in his heart that Tom was a capable man who could show his talents.So Tom was in his eyes an excellent slave that could be made, and despite this, he hated Tom for no other reason, perhaps because of the natural hostility between slave masters and slaves!Whenever he was punishing one of his niggers (which happened almost every day) he could feel Tom watching silently by.Human beings are the best combination of inspirations in the world, and people's feelings are the most sensitive and subtle. Even if Tom doesn't express his views in any words, others can feel what he is thinking.Mr. Legrey was already outraged by the opinion of such a slave as Tom.He felt that Tom's constant concern and compassion for his fellow sufferers was unreasonable to him.Mr. Legrey bore all this in silence.When he decided to buy Tom, he decided to train him to be a capable overseer who was more obedient and cruel than Sambo.In this way, when he goes out for a short time, he can safely hand over some important matters in the manor to Tom.He was thinking this way in his heart, but in his opinion, the necessary conditions to be a supervisor are ruthless heart, ruthless hand, and more ruthless hand than heart.Since Tom's kind attitude towards his companions did not meet this requirement at all, Mr. Legrey secretly planned how to train Tom to be a murderous person.So a few weeks after Tom came to live at the estate, Mr. Legrey began his grand project.

One morning a few days later, the sky was just dim, and the black slaves were frantically gathering to go to work in the field amidst the sound of the death whistle.Inadvertently, Tom was surprised to see that there was a woman among them, and her delicate face attracted him strongly.He fixed his eyes on her face for a long time and looked at her body. This is a tall woman, and the bright and neat clothes further accentuate the symmetry and charm of her body.On the surface, she is no more than thirty years old.This is the age of a mature and charming woman. You only need to glance at it for a while, and you can tell that there must be a romantic and extraordinary story behind this woman.Her forehead is high, her eyes are big and clear, her small nose is straight and well-proportioned, her lips are bright and round, and the lines from head to neck are more gentle and elegant, dignified and moving.It is not difficult to see that she must have been recognized as a great beauty before.But now the years have ruthlessly carved wrinkles on her face.Her weather-beaten complexion is gray and pale, her cheeks are sunken, her body is thin and thin, and her appearance is haggard.The only thing that stood out was her big black eyes with thick, curly eyelashes that flickered.Her eyes are beautiful but sad, wild and desperate. Every movement of her body, every expression on her face and even the wrinkles left by the years show that she is arrogant and arrogant.Only her eyes showed deep trauma and frozen pain, which was undoubtedly a stark contrast to her expression.

Tom has no idea of ​​her life experience, where she came from, what role she played here, he doesn't know very well.As far as she was concerned, Tom only knew how haughty and arrogant she looked in the first light of dawn.Walking among the other ragged people, no one seemed to know her.Those people in tattered clothes turned their heads to look at her with unconcealed excitement. I'm so glad to finally see her get to this point!said a nigger excitedly. Hey!hey-hey!Hey hey hey!Grinning, another black slave shouted maliciously: Noble madam, how can you endure such suffering! I'd like to see it, to see how she works.

I'm afraid she'll be as unlucky as we are, and get a good beating that night? Maybe you can still see her lying on the ground and being beaten!Another person said: What is happiness. There was a lot of chatter, everyone was talking, the woman seemed to not be able to hear their words, her face was still aloof and aloof, and she ignored the sarcasm at all, she still walked forward.Tom knew instinctively from her manner and temperament that she belonged to that category, and he himself was used to dealing with people who were well-mannered and well-spoken.Why would she be reduced to such a lowly level?He doesn't understand.Everyone was walking towards their destination, and even though he didn't say a word to the woman or look back at her during this time, he could feel that she was walking behind him.

Soon they arrived at their destination, and Tom set to work, but his eyes searched everywhere. The woman was not far from him, and Tom glanced at her from time to time.From her nimble movements of picking cotton, he dared to believe that this woman was born capable.Although many people feel that this kind of work is tedious and tiresome, she seems to be doing a relaxed and happy thing when she does it. The cotton is slowly bulging in her sack. Judging by the unchanged expression on her face Come on, this kind of work doesn't seem to trouble her, and she doesn't seem to care about the humble situation she is in.

For a while that day Tom worked with the half-breed woman he had bought with him.Whenever she faltered and was about to fall, Tom could hear her praying, and it was easy to see that she must be going through extraordinary suffering.When he approached her, he quickly grabbed some cotton from his sack and stuffed it into hers. Come on, I can't have it!cried the woman in a panic, you're going to get yourself into trouble. Before she could finish speaking, Sambo came over with a whip.It could be seen that he hated this woman very much, raised his whip and threatened, "What are you doing?"Want to cheat?Lucy, give it back to him.In anger, he raised his heavy cowhide boots and kicked her fiercely. He didn't forget to raise his whip and lashed at Tom. Suddenly, a red mark appeared on Tom's face.

Tom didn't resist and continued to work silently, but the woman couldn't stand the toss and fell to the ground. Play dead, I have a way to wake her up!The overseer came over.I'm going to put her on a drug that will work far better than any brain drug in the world!He smiled ferociously, and as he spoke, he took off a very thick brooch from his cuff, and watched the half-race woman's head stab it hard.Ouch!Only the woman moaned, and she struggled to get up staggeringly.Animals, dead people, what are you pretending to be!Get up and work, you hear me?Get up and work for me!Otherwise, I will kill you!

Struggling to get up, the woman seemed to be frightened, and started to work. That's right, the supervisor said with the tone of a winner, if you are lazy, I will show you a good look tonight! Gosh!My Lord, why let me live.Tom heard her moaning helplessly.Then I heard her praying, God, the good God!Open your eyes and look at poor me!How long is this?You have to save me! What a poor man!Tom couldn't help walking up again, and before he had time to think about other consequences, he forcibly poured all his cotton into the woman's sack. ah!Never do this!You don't know what they're going to do to you when they go back.the woman said in a low voice.

It's all right, I can take it, Tom replied calmly, what's going on with your weak body!While speaking, he quickly returned to his original position.All this happened in an instant. The strange woman whom we had known earlier was very close to them, and when she heard Tom's last two words, she suddenly stopped what she was doing.She raised her head and looked at Tom carefully with those big eyes that could distinguish right from wrong. After a while, as if she suddenly thought of something, she grabbed a large handful of cotton from her basket and stuffed it into Tom's basket involuntarily.

You just came here not long ago, and you don't know much about the things here, she frowned and continued, if you knew the seriousness of the problem, I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to do it even if you wanted to.Another month in this hellish place and you'll understand: it's not a place to help others, it's good enough to take care of yourself. Ma'am, trusting God to rule for me, let me go.Tom couldn't help calling Mrs., as he used to call the noble mistresses with whom he lived. Don't pray to God, God has forgotten this place!The woman said angrily, and walked away with disdain and contempt still written on her face, and went to another place not far away to continue her work. All this did not escape the eyes of the overseer standing at the other end of the cotton field, and he approached her with a whip in his hand. what do you want!court death?He couldn't hide a burst of joy in his heart and continued, trying to lie to me?You son of a bitch, you'd better pay attention to me, or I'll show you some color, don't forget you're working under me now. Hearing what he said, the woman suddenly glared with a sharp light.She straightened her back, turned her head, her lips parted slightly, her nose was breathing rapidly, and she glared at him fiercely with angry and contemptuous eyes. Beast!She roared, if you touch me with a finger!I will make you die badly, and now I still have enough power, as long as I go back and say something to you, I can make you be torn to pieces by hounds, burned to death by fire, or chopped into meat paste!Do not believe you try. Oh, then why are you running here!The ferocious tone suddenly became calm. Obviously the supervisor was also intimidated. He took a step back with lingering fear and said, Mrs. Casey, I was just joking with you just now! Beast!You better get out of here!cried the woman, and the overseer seemed to realize that there was something to be done, and ran away in a flash. All of a sudden the storm subsided, and the woman went on with her work.Her hand moved back and forth between the cotton and the basket, so fast that Tom couldn't believe it. The woman seemed to be aided by magic. It was still dark, and the cotton in her basket could hardly hold, and she stuffed it again. Some handfuls of cotton were given to Tom.The sun was sinking in the west, and the sky was gradually getting dark. After a tiring day, people dragged their tired bodies, and the big baskets full of cotton on their heads went into the cotton storage house one by one, waiting to be weighed.Inside, Mr. Legrey was talking cheerfully with his two overseers. The guy named Tom kept making troubles for me today, he kept stuffing Lucy with cotton without my face, if you don’t give him some punishment for this kind of thing, I’m afraid that kid will lead everyone to make trouble sooner or later, Sue us for mistreating them!Sangbo said emphatically. Hurrah!This damn Tom!Mr. Legrey gritted his teeth and cursed, I think he is getting impatient, I should fix him, are you right? Hearing what he said, the two overseers smiled with satisfaction. Wow that couldn't be better!The master manages this guy himself, give him some power!On this point, even demons and goblins have to retreat three points from their masters!Kunbo said with a high air. Guys, I think the best thing to do is to let him govern and see if he has any weird ideas about helping people show mercy.Are you right? God, it would be very difficult for the master to make him forget about that! No matter what difficulties I face, I will find a way to make him forget!Legrey said angrily with a cigarette in his mouth. Almost forgot, Lucy, and that damned Lucy!She is a troublemaker, the ugliest and most intolerable woman on our estate!Sambo added. Be careful, Sambo.Why do you hate Lucy so much, I have to investigate exactly what caused you to hate her so much. Master, have you forgotten?You commanded her to be my woman, and she dared to disobey you. If I beat her hard this time, she will definitely bow down to me.Legrey hesitated for a moment.Let's talk about this later!It's a busy season when people need to work.Don't look at them all being so thin that the wind can blow them down, but they are more stubborn than the other. They would rather die than surrender. I think it's too uneconomical to punish her now. Oh, that lazy, irritating bitch of Lucy, who can't do anything all day long and has a sour face all day long.Only Tom likes to do something sneaky for her. Oh, is that so?Just decide!Let Tom beat her up.This benefited him a lot, and it opened his eyes, so that he could understand what it was like to teach others.This guy will definitely not be like you, harboring ill intentions towards that stinky bitch. ha!ha!ha!Ah!Ha ha!The two terribly bad guys finally got their wish and laughed loudly. The howling laughter is a vivid comment on the cruel character that Legrey bestowed on them, and it is also a deep irony on the kind people who are eager to help. Oh, master, there are two more troublemakers, Tom and Mrs. Cathy who are always stuffing cotton in Lucy's basket when I'm not looking.I'm sure she didn't pick the cotton in her basket at all. I weighed myself!said Mr. Legrey displeased. The two overseers laughed contentedly again. But, said Legrey, Mrs. Cathy had only been in the field for a day! She picked the cotton with such a swiftness that it was as if she was aided by a demon. I also think she is indeed possessed by a ghost!Growling, and cursing something in his mouth, Legay went over there to weigh. All the exhausted, dusty-faced, worried-looking niggers walked by one by one, weighed them, and handed up their baskets reluctantly. Legrey recorded the weight of each basket on a slate, corresponding to their names one by one. He weighed Tom's basket, which was evidently heavy enough.Tom stood by and prayed fervently that the woman he had helped would be as lucky as he was. I saw the woman staggering, walking forward with heavy steps, and handing the basket up with difficulty.Mr. Legrey had already seen that this basket of cotton was already heavy enough, but he still showed a ferocious look and said dissatisfiedly: Lazy woman, why is it so small!Stand aside for me, and I will settle accounts with you later! The woman sat resentfully on a wooden board and let out a helpless groan. Then Mrs. Cassie, who seemed extremely arrogant, walked over and handed the basket to Mr. Legrey indifferently.He looked at her with disdainful eyes. She was not afraid, and stared at him with those black and white eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said something in French.No one knew exactly what she said. After she said that sentence, Legrey's face suddenly became as if a storm was about to come.He raised his hand as if to hit her.But she didn't seem to care about the gesture either, so she turned around and walked away. "Well," cried Legrey, "come nearer to me, Tom."I want you to understand that when I decided to buy you, I didn't just want you to do some random work.My original intention was to train you to be an excellent supervisor.You will be training from tonight.What you have to do now is to teach this woman a good lesson.It's not like you haven't seen this kind of work, you should know how to do it. I'm sorry, master, said Tom embarrassingly, but you can make me do anything but this, and I beg you not to make me, I've never done anything like that before. Do you want me to beat you up and teach you how to do things you've never done before?Legrey swung the whip, and watched Tom's lash on the head.Then the whips rained down on Tom's body with the sound of crackling and crackling. Hey!Legrey stopped suddenly to catch his breath, you nigger, how dare you say you can't do it? Master, yes, Tom raised his head stubbornly, and touched the blood and sweat flowing from his face.As long as I have one more day to live, I am willing to work for you day and night, but I don't think this is right, and I don't want to do it.Master, I won't do it even if you beat me to death, I will never do it, don't you want me to succumb. Tom said calmly that he was usually cautious, humble and polite, so Mr. Legrey always thought that he was easy to tame, and he was a timid and cowardly person.So when he said the last two sentences, everyone present was surprised and stunned.Only the poor woman next to me raised her hands, put them together, and exclaimed: Oh!God, open your eyes and see!The other people were dumbfounded in fright, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back, as if a rare storm in the world was about to come. Legrey panicked for a moment and stood there dumbfounded, but at last he came to his senses and roared like a volcanic eruption: What did you say?You impatient nigger!How dare you point out today that what I told you to do is wrong!You bastards, how do you know what is right and what is wrong?I must take care of you today so that you don't dare to talk nonsense anymore!Is it?fuck you!Do you think you are great?Maybe you call yourself a lord or a gentleman in your heart? !ha!ha!Ha ha!Gentleman Tom?You dare to teach your master a lesson, but you talk about what is wrong!Dare to fight against Lao Tzu, do you not want to beat that stinky woman?Do you think it's wrong?Isn't it? ! Yes Master!I really do think so, Tom said gently, that woman is indeed poor, she is weak and sick, and it would be cruel to beat her again.I can't bear to do it, and I definitely won't do it.Master, if you really want me to teach the people here, I definitely can't do it, even if it takes my life, I definitely can't do it! Tom's tone of voice reveals firmness, and it is easy to see that the determination of his affirmative attitude is undeniable.Legrey's nose was crooked, and trembling all over, he fixed his green eyes on Tom, like a ferocious beast that does not forget to play tricks on the prey that is near its mouth.Mr. Legrey, trying to restrain his strong impulse to revenge, relented, and then returned to his sneering at Tom. Hey, you're an awesome dog here!Your piety can move God, you are descended from heaven, right?What a respectable saint, a gentleman respected by the world!It's really different to talk to us ordinary masters, we have all become murderers of original sin!Don't you read these words in your Bible?Servants, be firm in obedience to your masters.Don't forget that I am your master, and I bought you back for twelve hundred dollars.Damn guy, you have to understand that everything from your body to your soul belongs to me. I am your master and you are my slave.Mr. Legrey looked up at Tom with his thick booted foot and kicked it. Damn it, don't say it! After a long period of physical torture and extremely brutal violence, Tom was bruised and unable to straighten up in pain.But it was Legay's asking of these questions that brought him a sense of spiritual joy and triumph.He didn't admit defeat, he suddenly stood up and looked at the sky, blood and tears gathered on his face, he called out devoutly and earnestly: Master, no!No!No!My body is yours, but my soul is not yours, money can't buy it at all, because it belongs to the owner who has the ability to protect it!It's okay, it's really okay!You can't hurt it at all! Can I really not hurt it?Legrey gritted his teeth.Dear Tom, we'll see, we'll see!Sambo, Quinbo, come over to me, you two stupid bastards, give me a good lesson on the goddamn nigger, and he'd better not walk on the ground this month! Those two vicious fellows had Tom in their hands at once.Their tall stature is their capital of pride, and their faces all show smug smiles like devils, and their rough and evil deeds make them the devils of real hell.When they dragged the seriously injured Tom out of the house, the poor woman screamed in fright, and Zhang Huang, who was staying in the house, all stood up in a daze.
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