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Chapter 8 8 Chameleon (Russia) Chekhov

Inspector Ochumevlo, wearing a new military overcoat and carrying a small bag, walked across the market square.Behind him followed a fiery red-haired constable, carrying a sieve full of confiscated gooseberries.There was silence all around, and there was not a soul in the square; the open doors of shops and restaurants were listlessly open to God's world, like so many hungry mouths; not a single beggar was near those doorways. 【Note】This surname means crazy. Whoa, you bite, darn thing!Suddenly Ochumevlo heard a cry. Guys, don't let it go!Biting is not an option these days!catch it!Ouch ouch!There was the screeching of a dog.Ochumevlo looked over there and saw a dog running out of the woodyard of the merchant Pichugin, hopping on three legs and looking back.It was followed by a man in a starched calico shirt and a waistcoat that was unbuttoned.He ran after it, and leaning forward, threw himself on the ground, and seized the dog by its hind legs, and again came the dog's screeching and the man's cry: Don't let him go!Sleepy faces poked out from the store, and a group of people quickly gathered around the woodyard, as if they had emerged from the ground.

Looks like something's going wrong, sir!Said the patrolman.Ochumevlo turned slightly to the left and walked towards the crowd.At the gate of the woodyard, he saw the man already mentioned with his waistcoat unbuttoned holding up his right hand and showing a bloody finger to the crowd.There seemed to be this expression on his half-drunk face: I'll expose you, scoundrel!Even the finger itself looks like a victory banner.Ochumevlo named the man Khryukin, the goldsmith.Sitting on the ground in the center of the crowd, his forelegs spread and trembling, the criminal who had caused the disturbance turned out to be a white terrier with a pointed face and a yellow spot on its back.Its tearful eyes expressed misery and horror.

【Note】This surname means pig cry. What the hell is going on here?Ochumevlo pushed his way through the crowd and asked: What are you doing here?Why on earth did you hold that finger up?Who is shouting? Sir, I'm going on my way, not messing with anyone. Khryukin spoke, put his hand over his mouth, and coughed. I was talking to Mitri.Mithrich was talking about firewood, and all of a sudden, this bitch bit the finger for no reason. You must forgive me, I am a workman and I do delicate work.They'll have to pay me a fortune, because maybe I won't be able to use this finger for a week, sir, and there's not even a law that says a man should bear it if he suffers from a beast. After being bitten by animals like this for a while, no one in this world can survive

Um!said Ochumevlo sternly, coughing and frowning, whose dog is this?I will not let this matter go lightly.I'm going to show some color to those who let their dogs out and run around!Since those lords are unwilling to abide by the law, it's time to take care of them now!When he, that bastard, is punished and paid, he will know how to release this kind of dog, release all kinds of wild animals, and see what happens!I'm going to teach him a lesson!Yeldrin, said the inspector to the patrolman, go find out whose dog it is, and make a report!As for the dog, kill it.Do it now, don't delay!This is probably a mad dog Excuse me, whose dog is this?

It seems to be General Shigalov's dog!someone in the crowd said. General Sigalov?Oh Yeldrin, take off my coat, it's damn hot it's so hot!Looks like it's going to rain but there's one thing I don't understand: how did it bite you?Ochumevlo said to Khryukin, can it reach your fingers?it is so small!And you, to tell the truth, are so massive!Your finger must have been broken by a little nail, and then you dreamed of getting some kind of compensation for the damage.People like you are famous!I don't know what you guys are! He was joking, sir, and poked a cigarette in it's face: and it wouldn't be a fool, and just bit him. He's an absurd fellow, sir!

Nonsense, one-eyed ghost!You didn't see anything, so why are you talking nonsense?The old man is a sensible person, he can see who is talking nonsense, who is speaking with conscience like in front of God. If I lied, let the mediation judge [Note] interrogate me.His law makes it clear that everyone is equal now.To tell you the truth, my brother is in the gendarme. [Note] The security judge only handles small cases. Stop talking nonsense! However, this is not the dog of the general's house, the patrolman said thoughtfully, there is no such dog in the general's house.His dogs are all big hounds

Are you sure? sure sir I know it myself.The general's family is full of expensive purebred dogs; and this dog, who knows what it is!The coat color is not good, the appearance is not good-looking, and it is a cheap embryo.Who would own a dog like this? !Where is this man's brain?If such a dog were to be met in Petersburg or Moscow, guess what would happen?The people there don't care what the law is or not, and it dies in the blink of an eye!And you, Khryukin, have been hurt, and we must punish them!it's time But maybe it was the dog patrol of the general's house who spoke his mind, and it didn't say that I saw such a dog in his yard a few days ago on its face.

That's right, the general's family!someone in the crowd said. oh!Brother Yeldrin, put on my coat, it looks like it's getting windy and cold, you take this dog to the general's house and ask about it.Let's just say I found the dog, and I sent someone to tell them not to let the dog out on the street again. Maybe it's a rare dog; if every pig sticks a cigarette on its nose, that's fine. It was ruined long ago.Dogs are delicate creatures you bastard, put your hands down!Don't stick your stupid fingers out!Blame yourself for being bad! The general's cook came and asked him how he was, Prokhor!Come on, man, come on here!Look, does this dog belong to your family?

Guess!We never had a dog like that there! Then there's no need to waste time asking, Ochumevlo said, it's a wild dog!There is no need to waste time talking nonsense, since he said it was a wild dog, then it was a wild dog and let it be killed. This is not our dog, continued Prokhor, but the general's brother's dog, who came here only a few days ago.Our general doesn't like this hunting dog.his brother likes Is his brother coming!It's Ulajmir.Ivanich?asked Ochumevlo, with a moving smile all over his face. Oh, my God!I do not know yet!Did he come here to stay for a while and then leave?

I'm here to stay for a while oh god!He is thinking about his brother but I don't know?So, it's his old man's dog?I'm so happy to take it away. The little dog bit this guy's finger with one bite!Hahaha come on, why are you trembling?Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooily? I will clean you up sooner or later!Ochumevlo threatened him, wrapped his coat tightly, and walked across the market square.
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