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Chapter 90 85

change life 葛蘭特.麥肯錫 889Words 2023-02-05
fucking aaronWho is Robertson?Sam asked, because Zach pointed out that there was only one name on the program that he recognized.He is also a member of the computer club, Zach said, in fact, he is the brains of the computer club.Aaron could write programs in his head. Sam turned to David.do you remember him Remember, remember.David scratched his head excitedly, and the dandruff floating down in the light shone like snowflakes. He didn't join us until he was in twelfth grade. I had graduated by then, Zack interjected, and Aaron was younger than me, as were the rest of the computer club, but he never said he was interested in theater.

David glanced at Zach sullenly. He was very nice, David went on, taking the floor again.Maybe he was too nervous to be on stage.Me, just put the light on something that looks great, but this guy cares more about precision, precision, and measuring shitty angles.I remember one time we were trying to position a mini spotlight and he actually brought in two or three homeboys to help.Sam, do you remember when you were at Barbara.The scene where Allen held up the ring as he was dying? Sam nods.You made the lights purple in that scene. Yes, yes, David gushed, it was the lights that the otaku set for me.It's a pain to deal with, but it looks pretty cool, especially when it's spraying dry ice.

Do you know where Aaron is now? I know, said Zack, who runs a little software company right here in Portland. Could the kidnapping be planned by him? Zack shrugged.He knew David and was related to both of us.All nerds have been bullied by Ironwood, so Aaron probably doesn't like him either.Aaron is a genius, you know it when you look at him, so he's a bit of an oddball, but I don't think he has any mental issues, and I don't think he holds grudges. Sam reached into his vest pocket and felt for the cold pistol.He looked at David.What do you think? Dry.I see people changing every day.One moment he's following you, the next he wants to slit your throat for half a joint or a decent pair of socks.

Sam bit his lower lip.I don't want to be led by the nose anymore.If we can only find this clue, why not go find that bastard turtle egg now. Do you think this is good?Zack asked, maybe we should He's afraid to avoid us, Sam retorted, and I'm sure he'll let it go.
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