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Chapter 119 114

change life 葛蘭特.麥肯錫 285Words 2023-02-05
David turned a corner and stopped under the stone archway, his chest heaving and his eyes gleaming.Zach arrived after a while, and David grinned, showing his rotten teeth. This door leads to all the tunnels, he said, but I haven't walked the rest of the way. Can we get by? David grinned again.The door is locked, but the hinges are on our side.I took the peg off a few weeks ago, now we just have to pry it open. Zak leaned forward and touched the rusted hinges before slipping his fingers to fumble around the door.There is a tiny gap between the wood and the stone. If only you had a crowbar, do you have any tools?

only this.David held up his homemade knife. Zack patted him on the shoulder.Let's do it.
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