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Chapter 125 120

change life 葛蘭特.麥肯錫 1299Words 2023-02-05
Give me the gun.David stood outside the locked cell door.The cell was not far from where Zack rescued Jasmine.The three of them had checked all the other cells and found them all empty. Zach handed over the gun without hesitation. David aimed the small pistol at what appeared to be a latch on the wooden handle and pulled the trigger.The old wood had blasted inward, leaving a hole the size of a man's fist, and the iron bolt in the hole was clearly visible. David reached in and pulled the deadbolt, then flung the door open. The disgusting smell of burning human bodies stopped the three of them at the door, and the horrific scene in the corner of the cell made David take a step back and Jasmine gasped.

Zach's reaction was quite different. There was a wall that caught his attention, and that wall was covered with photos of a young girl, many of which were exactly the same.Twenty-five years ago, the girl's life changed dramatically. What is more surprising is that there are three cheerleaders in a photo, the girls on the left and right sides are blonde, and the middle one Zach went into the cell to examine the smoldering corpse, and what he saw made him so sad that his soul was almost dead. God, I'm sorry, he knelt by the cot, you didn't deserve such a miserable death. Jasmine grabbed her husband's shoulders, as if trying to distribute what little strength she had left to him.do you know her?

Zack nodded, his eyes mournful.Her name is Susan.Miller is our old friend. There was a metal door marked Maintenance Only set into the small hole at the end of the station.After Lucas hid in the door, Sam followed closely, grabbed the unclosed door panel, and found an extremely steep iron ladder in front of him. He descended the stairs in two steps at a time, and came to a small cement storage room, which was empty except for a few dusty bottles of long-forgotten cleaning products and scattered mousetraps. Sam turned around and looked for another exit, but there was no way out.Then he ran up the stairs again, cursing as he heard the upper door slam shut.

Lucas has fled without a trace. Time to go, David said anxiously, we have to help Sam. Zach wiped away his tears and stood up with his wife's support, while Jasmin looked at his husband tenderly and affectionately, so that Zach really didn't want to break the spell and wake up from this nightmare. But he had to let Jasmine hear the truth before he could move forward. The voice above made Sam flustered.He ducked under the stairs, stepping on crumbs of plaster.He turned to look at the wall and found that he could just fit his finger into the gap between the bricks where the plaster had fallen.So he pulled hard, and a hidden door opened in response, revealing a hidden gap that only wires and water pipes can pass through.

Sam lowered his head and plunged into the darkness in one breath. Carrie is dead.Zak speaks hoarsely. Just when Jasmine shook her head desperately, trying to forget all his words, she seemed to be overwhelmed with grief, and her hair turned gray overnight. how could it be possible I'm there.When our house exploded, Lucas made me watch.I thought you were there too, but Zack's voice got quieter. Jasmin wiped away her tears, straightened her shoulders, and looked determined.Zach knew the news hurt her deeply, but she might have expected it. you sure?she asked. The police have confirmed it.

Jasmin's lips tightened, her eyes narrowed into two slits.She turned to David indignantly, and took us out, we had more to do.
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