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Chapter 12 【Chapter Twelve】

train 宮部美幸 11014Words 2023-02-05
Seven or eight children gathered under the dark red sunset. At the entrance and exit of the community children's park, some climbed the railing, some squatted, some nimbly scratched their backs, and some stepped on the ground.A short man in the crowd made a loud speech with his hands on his hips. Because of the distance, he couldn't hear the content of the speech, and he seemed to speak very imposingly. The children seemed to be listening carefully, and the attention of others in the park was also attracted.The two young mothers sitting on the swing next to each other with their babies on their laps were staring at the man who was speaking with smiles on his lips.

Just do it in this way, everyone, do you hear me clearly?the man asked the children.So a boy squatting in the corner questioned from his side and said: I heard clearly.But who are you, uncle? The man replied energetically, Me?I'm Kogoro Akechi. The children looked at each other. When he first saw the back, Motoma knew who this man was, and he was even more sure when he heard the voice.Honma stepped up, trying to quickly pass the walkway next to the railing in the park. What wise Kogoro?Sure enough, the children had doubts. Detective.Don't you know?What a shame. We know, but uncle you are not.

Some in the group of children whispered yes, and some snickered sarcastically, but not very hard.As a result, some adults also laughed, and the two young mothers just covered their mouths and laughed tremblingly. Seeing that the situation was against him, the little man shouted again: This kind of thing doesn't matter at all now.In short, according to the instructions I just said, everyone will search separately, do you hear me?OK, let's go! The man clapped his hands, and the children didn't seem to be very involved, but they still disbanded and went to act separately. When Honma was a few steps away from reaching the corner of Building No. 9, he was called from behind.

Hello! Honma didn't look back and didn't stop.Originally, he dragged his left leg to walk, even if he stepped up, he couldn't go anywhere fast.The man quickly caught up. Why, you shouldn't pretend you didn't see it and want to leave. Honma turned his head and waved his hands and said: I don't know you, we have nothing to do with each other, we are strangers. You still say that! Sadao Ikari chased after him with a bold smile, and walked happily side by side with Honma, while cooperating with Honma's inflexible pace, he said with concern: "Does it look like you are working hard?"

Don't care about your mother-in-law. If I can replace you, I really want to replace you. Shut up! In the end, Honma still laughed, what on earth are you doing? Ikari Sadao puffed up his chest and said: I am directing the search operation because I am an expert.I'm gathering the Boy Detectives for a lecture. What are you searching for? Dog, it seems to be lost. Honma stopped in his tracks and asked: Is it Dumb? Ikari Sadao has an expression that I know, yes, it's all your fault that you gave it a useless name, and that's why it got lost. It means that Daidai hasn't come back yet.

I heard Xiaozhi said that it is a dog that is not wary of people, and its brains are not very good, so someone might pick it up. Hope you don't get crushed by a car.Sadao Ikari added a little in a low voice. Honma knew that this man liked small animals very much, and even named the mice in the apartment where he used to live.After that, you can even know which mouse has appeared just by listening to the sound.At first he sat on the bed that had never been cleaned, looked at the ceiling cross-legged and said that the voice now was Christine, and when she and Alan were having a heated fight, Honma thought he was crazy.

The two came to the elevator entrance and finally took a breath. How do you know about dumb things? Xiaozhi said it.Ikari Sadao replied, naturally as if calling his own child.Because Xiaozhi is also very clingy to him, Benma doesn't care, but after hearing Xiaozhi express, calling him Uncle Ikari, it feels like he is angry.That's because his voice sounded very dignified. I ran three thousand miles to find you, but you were not at home, but I saw Xiaozhi and his friends gathering together to find a dog, so I will provide my professional help. But there was no Xiao Zhi in the young detective team just now?

Sadao Ikari said proudly with his nostrils open: After all, the captains of the Boy Detective Team are different.I asked him to go to the health center with Mr. Isaka and Xiaosheng, and he might be locked up there in a daze. Whenever I see Sadao Ikari, he always wears the same suit.In fact, he has three sets of suits of the same fabric and the same cut that he often wears alternately, so in the eyes of others, he thinks he only has that outfit.Now he pulls open the chest of his well-worn brown suit jacket and pulls out, as if by magic, a large brown paper bag. Take it, what you want. The living room at home still has the heat from the stove.Sadao Ikari walked through the corridor to offer incense in front of the memorial tablet as if walking in his own home.Honma used this time to confirm the contents of the envelope.

Inside are the transcripts and work records of Sekine Akiko in Utsunomiya.It seems that it was unnecessary to worry about being blamed by the section chief. Thank you, that's great. Ikari Sadao clapped his hands together in worship while beating the gong, and then faced the tablet and said: Chizuruko, your husband is doing something strange again. Ikari Sadao and Chizuko are childhood sweethearts and have known each other since elementary school.Honmakai and Chizuko were also introduced by Ikari Sadao when they were studying in the police academy. Afterwards, he himself said frankly that he planned to bring them together from the very beginning before introducing them.

(Sadao Ikari said, to me, Chizuru is like a baby sister, how can she marry anyone. Honma asked him back, why don’t you marry her yourself. After thinking about it seriously, Sadao Ikari Answer, because I’m too familiar, so I can’t. I actually said it’s because I’m too familiar.) Because he is very busy, he rarely comes to the house.But when I come occasionally, I will stay in front of the memorial tablet for a long time.Honma will also let him stay alone until he is happy. Honma pulled up a chair and sat down, spreading the contents of the envelope on the table. The content of the expungement transcript is clear at a glance.The real Sekine Shoko had never moved the household registration before the fake Akiko assigned the household registration to Fangnan Town.The household registration has always been set at No. 2001, Ginkgosakacho, Utsunomiya City, with my father as the head of the household.After checking the stickers on the stickers, Zhang Zi's real address after moving was also clearly registered in order.The earliest record is No. 4-10-5, Kasinan-cho, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, and the date of the confirmed residence is April 1, Showa 58 (1983).

That's the address where I lived when I worked at Kasai Tsusho. The company's location is not registered here, but not far away. Which one is closer to you, a map of Tokyo or a phone?It's a phone, within reach.So Honma picked up the microphone, and at the same time flipped through the notebook to check the switchboard number of Kasai Tsusho and called. A female voice came from the microphone.Honma said that he wanted to send something there and wanted to confirm the address.Then he read the record on the note, but the other party said that it was not the company address but the address of the staff dormitory. When he hung up the phone and looked up, he saw Sadao Ikari standing at the junction of the Japanese room and the living room looking at him. Really want to drink kombucha.Ikari Sadao said. At the bottom of the cabinet.After this room answered.Ikari Sadao went to the dining cabinet, opened the cabinet door and took out the small tea pot according to the instructions, then filled the kettle with water, put it on the gas stove and lit it. do i have to do it myself? certainly. If you don't move, be careful that you will soon become a bad old man. I've long felt like I've become a bad old man. The second residence recorded on the sticker is the castle apartment in Kinshicho where Sekine Akiko lived when he filed for bankruptcy.Honma thought that Sekine probably spent a lot of money when he left Kasai Tsusho's dormitory and moved into this apartment.Maybe she just went astray from this period. When young people live in the staff dormitory, they are naturally longing for a free life by themselves because of access control, nagging administrators, and bullying by bad-hearted seniors, but they are not very serious about the reality of how much it costs to obtain that freedom Faced with the cruel fact that users pay money for turning on the lights or flushing the toilet because they cannot really feel the outside world when they are nestled in the dormitory. The last record on the note was the residence where she moved after bankruptcy, the Kawaguchi apartment where she disappeared on March 17, 1990. After her mother passed away, Sekine Akiko went to a lawyer to inquire about insurance benefits, but did not mention other real estate issues at all.This means that the hometown where her mother lived when she lived alone should be a rented house.The father passed away at an early age, leaving only the mother and daughter family, which is understandable. Judging from the records on the expungement transcript and the sticker, her mother had moved three times before her death on November 25, 1989, all within Utsunomiya City.The registered address at the time of death was No. 2005, Gingkosakacho. He had lived there for ten years and was very close to his original address. The reason why her mother didn't leave Utsunomiya City was because of her love for her hometown?Or are you worried about your daughter who goes to work in the city alone, so that she can have a nest where she can come back at any time? Sadao Ikari sat comfortably on the chair diagonally across from Honma, reached out to pick up the expungement transcript that Honma had read, and read it, but didn't say a word. The employment records obtained by the Bureau of Labor Insurance are also the same as Honma's guess.Sure enough, Sekine Akiko had repeated insurance and had two labor insurance insured numbers. One is the number that the real Sekine Akiko bought when he was working at Kasai Tsusho; the other is the number obtained by the fake Akiko after being hired by Imai Business Machine Company in April 1990. Number. After getting the materials, I also called the person in charge of the business at the Labor Insurance Bureau.Ikari Sadao said that the other party was also taken aback by repeating the insurance.Also said that no one is hiding past employment records.If this kind of person tells the counter that he is going to work for the first time, in order to avoid improper salary payment, sometimes he will strictly confirm it.But if the other party is an ordinary office worker and a young woman, it is very possible to say that it is the first time to go to work, and usually she will be directly insured.After all, investigations are time-consuming, and, as you said, employment records are generally only kept for seven years.There is no record of Sekine Akiko’s employment at Kasai Trading Company, only the records of when she resigned, and then she received a salary for a period of time. Honma nodded, lost in thought. When hired by Imai Business Machine Company, the fake Akiko had no real employment record of Sekine Akiko, nor could she even get her labor insurance insured certificate, so she had no choice but to go to the counter and claim to be working for the first time?Or did she not think too much about it at all, thinking that it shouldn't be a big problem to talk about it casually? Judging from her past actions, I feel that she should not be the latter kind of woman who goes with the flow, so it should be the former!Since I didn't have the real Akiko Sekine's labor insurance insured certificate, I had no choice but to lie in front of the counter.After quitting his job at Kasai Tsusho, he was forced by debts and debt collection companies, so he filed for personal bankruptcy, moved to Kawaguchi's apartment, and worked and lived in a hotel. In this turbulent life, Akiko Sekine is likely to lose With this flimsy insured certificate, the fake Akiko couldn't be found even though he searched the rooms of Kawaguchi's apartment. The kettle rang.Sadao Ikari got up quickly, brewed kombu tea deftly, and returned to the living room with two teacups in his fingers. Did it come in handy?He asked while blowing on the heat. um, thanks. Honma packed up the documents, secretly glanced sideways at Sadao Ikari, and found that the other party was also looking at him. Is there any more? It would be even better if you could tell me if this woman has a passport and driver's license. Ikari Sadao hummed, looked at the phone and said: I can go to confirm now, but the passport may be more difficult.If you run into trouble with someone you don't like, you'd better call later.It should be interesting enough to tell you tonight, right? Very good. Ikari Sadao didn't ask what Honma was investigating at all.Honma is very clear about his thoughts. At the current stage, this is Honma's housework, and he is just doing a favor, so he shouldn't ask.In case things get serious in the future, Honma will naturally say so. I owe you a big favor, and I will definitely pay it back next time. But Ikari Sadao said: I want you to pay it back now. Honma glanced at him, and Sadao Ikari's lower lip protruded, showing a serious expression. It's nerve-wracking, you have to help me think about it! It's about a homicide that's currently under investigation. The scene was in Nakano, a single-family house about 20 minutes away by bus from the station, and the time was after two o'clock in the middle of the night.A robber who breaks into a house.There was only the couple's home. The husband was killed, the wife was tied up, and the robbers fled, but they were seen by nearby residents when they fled. I see. It is a rich family, the husband is fifty-three years old, and the wife is thirty-year-old, and they are step-sisters. What about children? And now this wife has no birth, but has a lot of property.A total of two cafes, a video rental store and two convenience stores have been operated. So wide. The husband also took out a life insurance policy worth 100 million yuan.The two have been married for a year and a half. This marriage is not well received by the husband's relatives, and it is considered that the woman is greedy for the man's property.Perhaps this is common sense. Honma smiled wryly and said: Then what? I personally think it is a fake robber, a scam set up by the woman to kill her husband.Rumors spread that there was a man outside the woman.It is natural for a man to take risks for a woman. This statement should be reasonable. right?Ikari Sadao patted the table and said: But this is the problem.No suspects. What? No, even if X-rays were used to investigate her private life, there was no clue that the wife was having an affair, and there was no trace of the man at all!Chastity is astonishingly innocent. How does the wife look like? It's the kind of attractive and worthy of long-term relationship, and her husband just likes her. If he found out by himself, he might scream angrily, but what appeared in Honma's mind was the face of Konno Nobuko he met at Kawaguchi's apartment.She is also a beauty, and very smart and capable. It's unbelievable.Ikari Sadao sighed, no matter how I think about it, she thinks that she should have a man, but the results of the investigation can't find it.How could there be such a strange thing?She is the kind of beautiful woman who feels like a man, and she is 20 years younger than Mr. Sadao Ikari's voice sounded like background music, and Honma was lost in thought.The face of Nobuko holding a folder in one hand and answering questions clearly appeared in his mind.At that time, her husband and daughter were laughing while washing the dishes (Mingmei, go and call your mother.) I said Honma made a sound, because I only spoke halfway, and Ikari Sadao couldn't help asking: What? Who is in charge of the management of the stores you just mentioned?Mr or Mrs? Sadao Ikari had a dazed expression on his face as if he was sitting in a noodle shop serving French food. Which side is it?Honma asked again and again. It should be Mr. should?You are guessing. Yes, because the money is controlled by the husband alone.In fact, they have been targeted by the tax authorities, and they are suspected of tax evasion. The money is managed by Mr.Honma slowly repeated this sentence, but this does not represent the right to lead the management.For example, the decoration of the store, what kind of software facilities to put in the video store, etc., need to have a lot of ideas.Who is doing these? Sadao Ikari immediately replied: Oh, her husband did these.My wife doesn't ask questions about this kind of thing.Because the older gentleman always dotes on her and doesn't want her to spend her brains on these tasks. Is there any sign that the two have quarreled over such a thing? Ikari Sadao shook his head and said: As far as the result of my investigation is no.And the wife doesn't look like that kind of woman either.She is like a woman who has caught a wealthy son-in-law and is happy to live an easy life for the rest of her life. Yeah yes.Sadao Ikari said with a smile: It's just that the shop assistants have a good impression of her.By the way, the manager employed by the cafe said that the proprietress had an interesting comment on the music played in the shop.Because she is like a woman in the new era, in order to attract young customers and make the business prosper, I suggest what elements should be mastered based on her experience as a customer.isn't it? Honma nodded deeply, and then said: There are two more questions. what the hell? What was your wife's occupation before marriage? Ordinary female staff. Does the transaction work? Well, just do chores that anyone can do, not professionals.However, I seem to know how to do bookkeeping, so I'm not stupid. Homma thought of Konno Nobuko's face again. The second question, just now you said that there is a rumor that your wife is having an affair. Is there any basis for it? It's all from the neighbors and the employees in the store.Said that he saw his wife often dressed up very beautifully and went out secretly. But there is no specific male object. I mean, that's why I'm having a headache. What does the wife dress up for when she goes out? Do you mean clothing? Hmm, is it a suit or a kimono?Or a flamboyant dress?Do you wear perfume?Is the makeup heavy?There is also a question of what kind of leather bag to take out. Is it a small leather bag that can only hold cosmetics and handkerchiefs, a purely decorative bag, or a functional handbag that can hold a notebook, account book, etc.?The shoes you wear also matter, are they fancy or practical? Sadao Ikari, who took out a notebook to take notes halfway, opened his eyes wide and asked: What's going on now? Honma put his hands behind his head, leaned on the back of the chair leisurely and explained, because you said you couldn't smell the man's trace, so I inferred based on this premise.If this lady goes out without the eyes of others, she is always well-groomed, her make-up and perfume are restrained, and she carries a practical leather bag and simple shoes.Then the objects she meets are very limited. Ikari Sadao sat upright and asked, "Who is it?" Honma narrowed his eyes and answered, the most likely is the tallest? bank.Honma said: And it is a bank other than her husband's main transaction partner, a new bank.The bank with which she does business.That's why we had to meet secretly, because it would be bad if my husband knew about it. Sadao Ikari spread his fat little hands and said: How is it possible?What is the wife going to do to meet with the banker? For business financing. Why? Maybe she wants to open a store by herself?Because she wanted to run her own business, a coffee shop or a video rental store. Looking at Sadao Ikari with his arms outstretched, Honma couldn't help laughing. You and I have been in this business for so long, it is inevitable that you will have preconceived ideas, right?It is believed that when a woman commits a crime, there must be a man behind it.In other words, a woman cannot commit a crime without a man, and only takes risks for the sake of a man.Women's crimes are all emotional, without exception, and this is a deep-rooted idea in us.Because even in the infanticide incident, in a broad sense, there was something wrong with the relationship with the man. Yes, that's how real life is. True, but modern society is different.No, not now, in fact it's been different since a long time ago, isn't it?Women also began to have criminal motives related to men, such as wanting to start a new business, so people who hindered her had to be removed. Ikari Sadao wanted to refute, but he couldn't tell why and gave up.Honma continued: Maybe the wife didn't marry him because of his property at the beginning, or maybe she fell in love with his career, thinking that after marriage, she could also get in touch with those careers through him. isn't it? Even the pink-collar workers, after the age of twenty-five, still do errands all day long, they should feel miserable, right?In the past the only way out of this dilemma was to get married. It is different now. There are different paths to choose from for studying abroad, living alone, and starting a career.It's just that each item costs money, and it's a huge amount.So one of the ways to get there is to marry an older entrepreneur. After slowly blinking his eyes, Ikari Sadao said: It turned out that she was really married, but the situation was not like that? Well, the husband is willing to give her money and dote on her, but he won't let her touch the management right, saying that he doesn't want to use your cute mind!How is that different from being a vase in the office during the pink-collar period?Nothing has changed. But in my eyes, that kind of new age little woman seems to be content with this situation. Sadao Ikari is still struggling to resist, saying that she is a little girl in the new era is really embarrassing. Maybe some women are like that, but some are not.In fact, this has nothing to do with gender. Yeah? For a woman who has a certain independence and dignity, a man says to her: Come on, you don't need to worry your lovely head about things you don't understand.Let me handle this kind of thing, you go and fix your nails.Maybe they will get angry and can't stand it after hearing this. But the wife didn't quarrel with the husband. Maybe they can't quarrel, because the husband doesn't have the same knowledge as her at all, and always has the attitude of a cute baby, why should he be angry.So she gets angry and feels her self-esteem is hurt.So I thought about things and wanted to change; but I still couldn't find a breakthrough point, and finally played a cruel trick Speaking of this, Honma continued to explain carefully with words, and she also wanted to prove that she had the same ability and determination as her husband, didn't she?Through the incident of getting rid of Mr. smoothly.So maybe when she and her accomplice killed her husband, they poured out all the accumulated anger and dissatisfaction, and it was hard to say that it surprised her husband. Ikari Sadao looked like he was being asked to pay the equivalent of a French meal when he was eating at a noodle shop. But she should have an accomplice, right?His questioning expression was like a retreating army defending the last bunker. It should be her lover, right?There are men, there must be.She asked her lover to help, but it turned out that it was a man behind the scenes. But didn't you say you couldn't find any clues about the man? Perhaps our search was incomplete. Honma said straight to the point, I don't think so.Since there was no clue of the man, the accomplice was a woman.Maybe it was her good colleagues from the pink-collar era. They planned to start a business together, so they got rid of the husband who hindered them. Maybe it was the other party's suggestion.Moreover, when women meet women, they will neither be suspected nor too conspicuous. Two women can kill a big man if they attack together.Why don't you investigate this? Sadao Ikari was silent for a while, and finally said in a surprised tone: That wife has a very good female friend.During the funeral, the other party took great care of her. Then it might be right. Ikari Sadao looked at him with wide eyes, and then said: I should also be shot once to see. Honma originally wanted to joke that it felt good, but he temporarily closed his mouth. Not all women's crimes are related to relationship problems, times have changed Perhaps it was because of Sekine Shoko's relationship that made Honma think this way. She stole someone else's household registration, pretended to be someone else's identity, and when her whereabouts were about to be exposed, she gave up her current marriage and escaped without a trace.It's unclear exactly what her purpose was or what happened to her, the only thing that is certain is that her actions were not for love, men or lust. In terms of sequence, she didn't pretend to be Sekine Akiko in order to marry Kazuya.Because the relationship with Kazuya came later, after she used a fake name and built a fake life. And as long as she reveals a little bit of flaws, she can ignore the feelings of the abandoned Kazuya, don't care about the surprise and distress of the colleagues of Imai Business Machine Company, and disappear alone Honma thought something was chasing her.He could almost assert that she was running away.Although she still didn't know what was chasing her, because she was chasing someone urgently, so she ran away desperately, exhausted her mind and feared. And she did it all by herself.So Honma thought again, she was alone, she was alone.There is no need to worry about anyone's mood, nor to follow anyone's instructions. Tear off the brightly patterned wallpaper, and behind it lies a reinforced concrete wall.A wall that is difficult for anyone to break through and cannot be destroyed. That was her steely will to exist. Just everything is for myself.She is that kind of woman.And this kind of woman may not have existed in our society ten years ago. Our thinking is not already too old.Ikari Sadao murmured. Sadao Ikari went back, and Jingsaka and Xiaozhi stepped into the house behind. In a daze, I still haven't found it.Xiaozhi looked very disappointed, did he die somewhere?Uncle Ikari said that if it died, the cleaning team or sanitation center would take care of it, so we would know right away. What do the people there say? No, it means that there is no record of dealing with any dog ​​that looks very similar to Daidai.Isaka replied.Because I care about Xiaozhi, I am very careful with my words. Because Daidai is not wary of people, maybe people who drive by play with it, think it is cute, and take it away. Xiaozhi leaned against the wall and said nothing.Honma and Isaka glanced at each other. dad.Xiaozhi called out in a low voice. What's up? There are many dogs in the clinic. Honma thought badly.Because he knew that as a father, as an adult, he would face a very difficult question to answer. Are the dogs going to be killed?Why would anyone throw away a dog?Why do those people keep dogs? I knew it, and I didn't want to answer either.With such a face, Isaka lowered his head while touching his cheek. why?Honma replied, Dad didn't understand why those people did such excessive things.I don't get it, but our family doesn't do that, and if we see someone doing it, we try to stop it.It's a pity that with the strength of Dad alone, that's probably all he can do. Isaka bent slightly to look at Xiaozhi's face. Didn't Aunt Jiuhui say that?There are a lot of assholes in this world.People who keep dogs irresponsibly are assholes. Then he pulled Xiaozhi aside and said: Go wash your hands first.The bath water will be ready soon, let's take a bath.are you tired? Xiaozhi turned around slowly and walked out of the kitchen.The remaining two adults sighed at the same time. Even I don't feel comfortable in a place like a health center.Isaka said in a low voice. I'm really sorry. It doesn't matter.It's just that there are really a lot of dogs, and it's really sad to see. Isaka was about to walk in the direction of the ryokai, but suddenly stopped and said: By the way, I almost forgot.And reached into the pocket of the jacket, and took out the envelope bag with the name of the photo studio printed on it. Just when we were about to go out, we called and said that the enlarged photos had been washed.I was thinking about what to do, but the photo studio was on the way to the health center, and I was worried that it would be too hard for you to make a special trip, so I brought it back for you. In fact, Honma had forgotten long ago, it turned out that it was Li Ke who took the photo.Because it was unlikely to be a clue, I gave up in my heart, and it was delayed like this. So good, I forgot about it. Seeing him take out the photo to look at, Isaka said again: The clerk said that because the original photo was out of focus, it was too big to see what was being photographed.This is the maximum. It was about two-thirds the size of B5 photocopy paper, and the house with the chocolate-colored exterior was enlarged. There is no dramatic change due to zooming in. As the clerk said, it has a vague feeling.It's just the house and the two women and the dim light At this time, Benma suddenly found out. At first I thought it was an illusion of the eyes, so I quickly found the magnifying glass souvenir from Xiaozhi or someone from the side drawer, and put it on the photo for re-examination. Sure enough. How could such a thing happen? What's wrong? Under Isaka's questioning, Honma raised his face and handed over the photo. Isaka, do you watch baseball? this Going to the stadium? Go, I have been to almost all the larger stadiums in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Hearing what he said, Honma felt a little excited. As far as you know, Brother Isaka, is there any lighting in the opposite direction, that is, facing the strange baseball field outside the stadium? Isaka blinked and said, "What do you mean by this?" Isaka took out his reading glasses, put them on the bridge of his nose, and held the photo in his hand.Honma pointed to the part of the lighting and asked: Is this the lighting of the baseball field? That's right. So the house is right next to the stadium, right? makes sense. OK, look carefully. Honma tapped the light bulbs of the lighting with his fingers.In fact, the lighting is only slightly brought to the upper left corner of the picture. After zooming in, I realized that each of the bulbs of this lighting is facing the direction of this house, right?In other words, it is facing the outside.Because it is impossible to build a house inside a baseball field. In fact it is.The bulbs of the lights are facing the camera, pointing in the direction of the chocolate-colored house. Isaka put her nose in front of the photo and watched carefully. Yes, you are right. Do you have any impression of this stadium? Holding the photo in his hand, Isaka tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked slowly: Honma-san vs. baseball? I'm not interested. Isaka nodded and said: I think so.Because if you've ever seen lights in an actual baseball stadium, you'll immediately know that changing the direction of the bulbs is difficult. Oh, is it?Is it difficult? The general lighting is aimed at the middle of the court, otherwise it is meaningless.To shine the light outside Unless it is a U-turn design.After finishing speaking, Honma himself also found it funny. Isaka laughed too.If you can use such a powerful light, it will be reported immediately.The Jingu Gaien area is very dark. After the game, it is good to turn the lights to the outside of the stadium to illuminate the way for the spectators to go home. Honma put the photo aside and scratched his head in thought. But it is an indisputable fact that this photo captures a wonderful phenomenon. Isaka was still wondering about the lighting projected outside.
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