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Chapter 18 16

female sculptor 米涅.渥特絲 7669Words 2023-02-05
On Monday morning Rosa, feeling depressed again, went to the Belvedere Hotel and put the photographs on the counter.Is this Mr. Lewis?she asked the middle school girl. The amiable woman put on her spectacles and looked at it carefully.She shook her head apologetically.No, dear, I'm sorry.He looked nothing like it. try again.She folded a piece of cellophane flat on top of the photo. Omg it was amazing!That's right, it's him! Marnie also recognized it.He was right.Old and unrepaired.She narrowed her eyes. So he's not too much, is he?How could the little girl fall in love with him?

I have no idea.Maybe it's infatuation. who is he? A violent psychopath.Rosa said. Marnie whistled.Then you have to be careful. That's right. Marnie put her hands on the table, revealing her neatly manicured nails.You really don't want to tell me who he is?What if you end up messing around in the kitchen too?She glanced at Rosa suspiciously, thinking that this matter must have something to do with money. Rosa noticed the suspicious look in her eyes.No, thank you for your concern, she said firmly, I don't want others to know this news.If he knows that I have found out, I will lose my life.

I won't say it.Marnie said as if she had been wronged. You wouldn't tell if I didn't tell you, Rosa put the photo back in her bag.And it would be irresponsible of me to tell you.You will also become a relationship witness.He will most likely come to you and leave you here and there.She sneered.That would bother my conscience. Rosa got back in her car and sat there for a few minutes, staring out the window in a daze.What she needs most right now is an experienced police officer who can teach her how to take the legal route.She is an outsider, and she is likely to be self-defeating and miss the opportunity to bring the real culprit to justice.Where would that end for Olive?Maybe just continue to live in a muddle in prison.Only after the real culprit arrives at the case can her charges be cleared.There have been such cases before, and even the judicial authorities suspect that the real culprit is someone else, but if the real culprit cannot be brought to the case, it will be difficult for her to escape the crime, and she will have to entangle herself in lawsuits for many years before she can regain her freedom.

What weighs on her heart, though, is that as long as she knows that Olive's lover is still at large, she won't have the courage to write the book.The scene of Ji Wan and Hu Po's tragic death kept circling in her mind. She punched the steering wheel angrily.Hawksley, where did you die!When you are in trouble, I will always help you. Deetz, who was to serve as Oliver's defense attorney for a time, returned to his office after a lengthy day in court.He found Rosa sitting outside his door waiting for him, and could not help frowning with displeasure.I'm busy, Miss Ray. She sighed and stood up.Just five minutes, she begged.I have been waiting for two hours.

No, sorry.Our family is having dinner tonight, and I have promised my wife to be home on time.He opened the door and walked in.Make a call and make an appointment first.I have three days in court, but maybe I can talk to you before the weekend.He was going to shut her out. She leaned her shoulders against the doorpost and held the door with one hand.Olive does have a lover, she tells him.I knew who he was, and had shown his photograph to two witnesses, one of whom was the wife of the hotel where he and Olive used to stay before the murder.Another witness testified that Olive had had an abortion.If she hadn't had an abortion, it would have been almost her due date at the time of the incident.I also found out that there were two people, Rob.Martin and a friend of Olive's, who had nothing to do with each other, both told the police that it was impossible for Olive to kill her sister.The speculation they provided to the police was that Jiwan killed Amber Jiwan obviously didn't like Amber and then Olive killed Jiwan.I admit that the evidence gathered by the police does not substantiate this statement, but it also proves that there were suspicions at the time that someone else was the real culprit, which you may not have noticed.Seeing his impatient face, she hurried on.Based on various reasons, the main reason is that the day before was her birthday, so I don't believe that Olive was at home the night before the crime. Much earlier.I think Olive went home on the morning or afternoon of the 9th and discovered the murder in the kitchen. She knew that her lover had done it, so she turned herself in to the police while grieving.I think she didn't know what to do because her mother, who had always relied heavily on her, suddenly let go.

He found some documents from the drawer and stuffed them into his briefcase.He had heard a lot of the defendant's excuses for his actions, so he was not surprised by any bizarre statements.I think what you mean is that Olive celebrated her birthday at a hotel with her lover the night before.Rosa nodded.Do you have proof? No.They didn't go to the hotel they used to stay at, but that wasn't surprising.Birthdays are rather special days.They might even come to London to celebrate their birthday. That being the case, why did she think it was her lover who did it?They should come back together.Even if he let her get off the car a little further away, he didn't have time to rush to her house to commit the crime.

It would be fine if he left first, Rosa said, leaving Olive to stay in the hotel by herself. Why did he kill them? Because she told him that if her sister had not had an illegitimate child before, and her mother was afraid that this would happen again and forced her to have an abortion, he might have had a son by then. Diz looked at his watch.What bastard? It was the child that Amber gave birth to when she was thirteen years old.There is no doubt about this.Rob.Martin also mentioned the child in his will.Ji Wan wanted to hide it, but because she thought Olive would not give up the baby, she persuaded her to have an abortion.

He clicked his tongue impatiently.This is all speculation, Miss Rey.In my opinion, you have absolutely no evidence to support your inference.If you don't have enough evidence, or enough money to pay a libel suit, don't just publish a book accusing someone of murder.He looked at his watch again, hesitating whether to leave or not.Assuming your deduction is correct, where was Olive's father when Najiwan and Kohaku were killed?If I recall correctly, he was home that night and went to work the next day as usual.Are you saying he knew nothing about the slaughter in the kitchen? Yes, that's exactly what I mean.

Dietz frowned in confusion.That's outrageous. It wouldn't be out of the question if he wasn't home all the time.The only ones who said he was home were Olive, Rob himself, and the wife next door, and she mentioned him only to emphasize that Jiwan and Amber were still doing well at 8:30 in the morning. He shook his head in disbelief.So, everyone is lying?That's ridiculous.Why did the neighbor wife lie? Rosa sighed.I know that's unbelievable.Because I thought about it for a long time, it was easier to accept.Rob.Martin is an undisclosed homosexual.I've found out the gay bars he hangs out at.He over there with Mark.Agnew is widely known by an alias.The shopkeeper recognized him as soon as he saw his photo.If he had slept with a gay lover that night and gone straight to work the next day, he wouldn't have known what was going on in their kitchen until the police informed him.And he didn't have to say where he was that night, because Olive must have thought he was at home, so in her confession she said that she killed her mother after her father went out.

Wait, wait, Diz yelled, as if arguing with a difficult witness.Your reasoning is flawed.You just said that Olive's lover rushed to her house in the middle of the night to ask Mr. Ji Wanxing about her crimes.He combed his hair with his hands and organized his thoughts.However, since Olive came home, Rob.Martin wasn't dead in the kitchen, so she must have known he wasn't home that night.Why did she say in her confession that he was home? Because she thought he should be home.Listen, it doesn't matter when her lover leaves. Maybe it's midnight, maybe it's early morning. It's none of her business.She didn't have a car, she was probably pissed off by the pigeons, and she had already asked for leave the next day and planned to fly with her lover, so it was likely that she didn't go home until after lunch.She must have thought that her lover had waited for Rob to go to work before killing Jiwan and Amber, so she took it for granted that her father was at home in her confession.He slept in the back room downstairs, but except for Ji Wan, who probably knew it, no one else thought that he would sneak out in the middle of the night to find his lover and comrades.

He looked at his watch for the third time.There is no way to talk about it, so I have to go.He picked up his coat and hung it on his arm.You didn't explain why the neighbor's wife lied.He took her out and closed the door behind him. she said as she descended the stairs.Because I suspect that after hearing from the police that Giwan and Amber had been killed, she immediately believed that Rob had killed her after a fight with her husband.Diz snorted, but she shrugged and continued.She had known for a long time that her husband and Rob often had trysts in that back room, and I think she knew very well that Rob was gay, and she also knew that her husband had such tendencies.She must have been in a mess, and she didn't settle down until Olive came forward and admitted to committing the crime.If Rob committed the crime for Edward, their family would also be affected. Therefore, in order for Edward to distance himself from the relationship, she said that Ji Wan and Amber were still fine when he went to work.She walked down the hall with him.Luckily for her, no one checked her testimony because it coincided with what Olive said. They walked out the downstairs door and onto the sidewalk.Too much of a coincidence, right?he murmured.Olive's statement is very simple, your statement is too complicated. The truth inevitably had to be peeled off, she said, but in fact, what the three of them described was a normal Wednesday morning, not the truth of the Wednesday when the incident occurred. I'm going in this direction.He said, pointing to Hopburn subway station. It's okay, I'll go with you.She had to jog to keep up. I don't know why you're telling me these things, Miss Rey.You should be looking for Mr. Crewe, Olive's legal counsel. Rosa avoided answering directly.So, do you think the case can be established? He smiled kindly, his teeth looking even whiter against his dark skin.No, it's still early.This is just the beginning.Go to Mr Crewe. You are her defense attorney and she remains unyielding.If you were to defend Oliver, what evidence would you need to convince the court that she was innocent? Proof of her alibi at the time of the crime. Or find the real culprit? Or find the real culprit, he also agrees, but I don't think you can bring him to justice so easily. Why? Because there is no evidence against him.Your contention is that Olive fabricated all the evidence so she could carry all the guilt on her shoulders.If that's the case, then she made it up perfectly.All the evidence proved her guilt.After they got to the subway, he slowed down.Therefore, unless the real murderer you identified can voluntarily confess and convince the police with the details of the murder that only the real murderer can know, it is impossible to exonerate Olive.He smiled regretfully.In my opinion, it is impossible for him to do this now, for the simple reason that he did not do it when the crime happened. She called the prison from the Hopburn subway station and asked the prison to tell Olive that she would not be able to meet with guests that day.She had a hunch that things were going to explode in front of her, and that feeling focused on Olive. It was quite late when she entered the gate of the residence building.The hall was dark and unusual.She pressed the light in the stairwell, but nothing happened.The power went out again, she thought.fair enough.The darkness suited her gloomy mood.She fumbled for the key to the house, and walked upstairs in the dark step by step, trying to recall whether there were still candles in the house.Fortunately, she remembered that there was another one in the kitchen drawer, otherwise this long night would be sad. She groped blindly for her door, and as she fumbled for the lock, something stood up on the floor at her feet. Hey kill!She yelled and punched and kicked hard. In a blink of an eye, she was lifted off the ground, and a big hand covered her mouth. Shhh, Hale whispered in her ear, laughing.It's me.He kisses her nose.Ouch!With a scream, he was kicked by her, and he put her down in pain, and bent down holding his abdomen. Serve it right, she said, fumbling on the floor for the key.As luck would have it, I didn't have that pin with me.Uh, found it.She took the key and fumbled for the lock on the door.it's here.She unlocked the door and tried turning on the light inside, but it was still dark.Come in, she said, grabbing his coat and pulling him through the door.I remember a candle in the kitchen. Are you all right?A female resident upstairs asked in a trembling voice. It's all right, thanks, said Rosa, I fell down.How long has the power been out? half an hour.I have called.I heard that the wiring somewhere is burnt out.They said it would take three hours to fix.I told them that if the power goes out for that long, then I will refuse to pay the electricity bill.We should fight for it, right? Totally agree, Rosa said, wondering who she was talking to.Perhaps Mrs. Barrett.She only occasionally sees the names of other residents on the letters in the mailbox, but rarely meets each other.Bye now.She finished and closed the door.I'll try to find the candle.she whispered to Hale. Why are we whispering?Hale also asked in a low voice. She giggled.Maybe it's because people always lower their voices in the dark. He didn't know what he kicked and bumped, really.The street lights should still be on, right?Your curtains must be drawn. perhaps.She opened the kitchen drawer.I went out early today.She fumbled among the piles of tools and sundries.I think I have found it.do you have matches No, he said patiently, or I would have ignited.Do you keep snakes? Do not be silly.I have a cat.But where is Mrs. Androbar?Mrs. Androbar would have jumped up to greet her when she put the key in the lock.Rosa fumbled back to the door to find her briefcase, which contained a pack of matches she brought into the prison for Olive to use.She opened the briefcase and searched inside.If you can find the sofa, she told him, the curtains are behind it.There is a rope to the left of the window that can be pulled open. I found something, he said, but obviously it wasn't a sofa. what? I don't know, he said uncomfortably, whatever it is is uncomfortable.Wet and slippery, coiled around my neck.You really don't have snakes? She smiled nervously.Stop it.She touched the match and breathed a sigh of relief.She strikes the match and holds it up.Halle stood in the middle of the room, the shirts she had washed that morning hanging in the room, hanging over his head and shoulders.She laughed out loud.You know it's not a snake.She said, took the candle and lit it. He found the drawstring of the curtains and pulled them open to let in the pale yellow street lamps.Under the illumination of street lamps and candlelight, the room finally came back to life from the darkness.He looks around.Towels, clothes, shopping bags, photos, all messily placed on the chairs and tables, a cushion on the sofa has almost fallen to the floor, dirty cups, empty bags of potato chips are scattered on the floor.Good place, he said, lifting his foot to kick the pork pie off the sole of his shoe.It really feels at home to come to you. I didn't expect you to come, she said, taking the pie scraps with dignity and throwing them in the trash.I thought you'd at least call me before coming. He leaned over to pet the cat, who was sleeping late on the cushion.Mrs. Androbar licked his hand obediently, and then began to comb the hair lazily by herself.Do you all sleep on the sofa?he asked Rosa. There is no extension in the bedroom. He nodded solemnly and remained silent. She walked towards him, holding the candle at an angle so that the wax wouldn't drip onto her hands.Oh man, it's so good to see you.You won't believe it.where have you been?I was terribly worried. He bent his head and rested his forehead on her fragrant hair.Run around.As he said, he put his hand on her shoulder and stroked her neck gently with his fingers. The police are looking for you.she said weakly. I know.His lips brushed against her pink cheeks, and she could hardly hold back his light touch. I'm on fire.She moaned coquettishly. He reached out and pinched the candle out.I'm already on fire.His strong hands cupped her hips, pressing her against his masculine body.The question is, he whispered in the crescent of her neck, should I take a cold shower first before things get out of hand? Are you serious?Can he really brake suddenly now?She couldn't hold back. No, just to be polite. I'm so horny. And rightly so.As he spoke, his eyes gleamed under the light yellow light. Damn, check someone, I've been horny for weeks. Mrs. Androbar jumped up from the cushion and walked towards the kitchen with a full face of resentment. After a while, the electricity was restored, and the room was brightly lit, even the faint light from the embers of candles on the table was covered. He brushed the loose strands of hair from Rosa's face.You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.He said. She smiled coquettishly.I thought I was skinny and had no meat? There was tenderness in his eyes.I know you're lying when you say the answering machine is just buzzing.His hand slid across her slender arms, and then suddenly hugged her tightly.She is addictive.He picked her up and sat her on his lap.I've always dreamed of this moment. Is it a dream? Compared with reality, it is not beautiful enough. Alright, she said later, slipping away from him and putting on her clothes.How are you going to respond to a warrant? He didn't answer, and just flipped through the photos on the coffee table.Is that your husband? ex-husband.She tossed him his trousers. He sighed and pulled on his trousers, then picked up a close-up photo of Alice.This must be your daughter, he said quietly, she looks a lot like you. Used to be, Rosa corrected him.she died. She waited for him to apologize and change the subject, but Hale smiled, touching the smiling face with her fingers.She is beautiful. Yes. what is her name? Alice. He looked at the photo carefully.I remember falling in love with a girl who looked just like her when I was six years old.I was not confident at that time, and I would ask her every day, how much does she love me?Her answers are always the same.She would stretch out her hands, like this, and he would put his palms together and spread them out to the sides, like a fisherman describing the size of the fish he caught, and then saying: So many. Yes, said Rosa, remembering that Alice, too, measures love with the palm of her hand.I've forgotten it all. She wanted to put the photo away, but he didn't let her take it away, and took it under the lamp to have a closer look.Her eyes were firm. She likes to do things her own way. wise woman.Can she always do what she wants? most.She is very assertive.I remember one time but she fell silent and didn't say anything more. Hale pulled his shirt on and began to button it.Like a mother, like a daughter.I guess you must have been haunted by her before she could walk on her own.I'm glad someone can cover you. Rosa took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears.sorry! Why? This is so embarrassing. He pulled her into his arms, resting his cheek on her hair.Western society is too unfeeling, he thought, for a mother to shed tears for her dead daughter, it would be embarrassing to have to worry about it. Thank you.She saw the doubt in his eyes, so she explained, thank you for listening to my complaint. Not worth mentioning, Rosa.He could feel that she was insecure.Are you going to suffer all night over this, then wake up tomorrow morning hoping you didn't tell me about Alice? He is so understanding.She looked away.I hate myself for making people feel so weak. I know, come here, he pats his thigh.I tell you my weakness.You've been trying to find my weakness for weeks.Now it's your turn to laugh at me. I will not laugh at you. oh!He murmured, so it was.Then you are more educated than me.I will laugh at you, but you will not laugh at me. She put her arms around him.You look like Olive. I hope you stop comparing me to a crazy woman. I'm flattering you.She is nice, just like you. I'm not well, Rosa.He cups her face.I was sued for violating public health laws.The inspector from the Health Bureau inspected my kitchen and said he had never seen such an unhygienic restaurant.Ninety-five percent of the raw meat in the refrigerator is rotten and maggot-ridden.The dry goods should have been placed in closed containers, but I put them all outside, and I could see rat droppings everywhere.The storage room was full of bags of trash.The vegetables were so rotten they had to be thrown away, and he found a live mouse under the oven.He raised his eyebrows and said exhaustedly: Because of being sued by the Health Bureau, customers are afraid to come to the door. My case will be sentenced in six weeks, and I can't argue with it.
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