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Chapter 16 fifteen

Gabriel Hound 瑪麗.史都華 12908Words 2023-02-05
He didn't answer for a while, and stood there squinting and looking at me, still with that kind of almost detached judgment.The pupils of his eyes were black and gleamed like syrup, and the drooping eyelids looked thick and sallow by contrast, and the skin around them was hazel like overripe plums. How about it?I asked abruptly. He smiled.You're a warrior, aren't you?I appreciate you for that.Words cannot describe the excitement you bring me.Sit down and let's talk.He got down from the stage, went to the opposite side and brought a chair leaning against the wall.He had changed into his neat businessman's attire, in dark trousers and an olive-green turtleneck, which did nothing to accentuate his stocky figure.He looked as powerful as a bull, and my rudeness did not offend him in the slightest.He was polite, even pleasant, and he drew a chair across from me.

Do you smoke? no thank you. That will help you calm down. Who said I needed to calm down? Oh, come on, Miss Manshey, I thought you were practical. I hope so.Well, my hands are shaking, are you happy? not at all.He lit a cigarette for me and shook the fire out.I'm so sorry I had to do this.Please believe me, I don't want to hurt you, I just want you to come back here and talk to you. You have to stare at him with wide eyes.Oh, come on, Dr. Graff!You can talk to me in the car.Otherwise, if you intend to tear off your mask, you can talk to me before I leave Dabraham Palace.I leaned back and gasped.The pose gave me a little bit of confidence that I needed, and I felt like I was slowly relaxing.I have to say that you were much more pleasing to the eye when you were neatly dressed the other night.I now understand why you had interviews at midnight, you and your room look so much better in the dark.

As far as this room is concerned, my words are true.The slovenliness that is suspected to be romantic under the light turns into pure dust and negligence in daylight.The bed curtains were torn and dirty and the table next to me was in a mess with glasses and a saucer covered in soot.All right.I said nervously: Let's talk.Please start at the beginning, what happened to Aunt Harriet? He looked at me frankly and made an apologetic gesture.Believe me, I can't wait to tell you all about it.I admit you have reasons to be skeptical and angry, but trust me, it's all for your own good, and I'll explain that in a moment.You have nothing to worry about about your aunt, not at all.She died peacefully, and of course you know that I was her doctor, and John and I have always been her doctors.

When did she die? two weeks ago. Why did she die? Miss Manxue, she is already eighty years old. I believe, but there is always a reason.What is the cause, a heart attack?Does she have asthma?Or was it purely an oversight? I saw him biting his lip lightly, but he still answered me happily and frankly.Asthma is a complete fiction.The human voice is the hardest thing to change. When John told me you were stubborn, we knew it would be impossible to fool you, so we made up a story so that I could speak in a low voice.Now you must understand that the forgetful and very eccentric old woman I have pictured to you was far from the truth, and that your great-aunt was quite clear-headed until her death.

So, what is the reason? Mainly the heart.Last fall, she had a mild coronary artery blockage, then had another one after I moved in with her in late February.Then, as you probably know, she started being a picky eater.Soon, she had intermittent nausea and stomach pains, and the pressure on her heart was even greater.Three weeks ago, her stomach problems recurred and became so severe that her heart couldn't take it.The whole process is as simple as that.I repeat, she's in her eighties and you can't expect her to make it through. For a while, without saying a word, I just smoked and stared at him.Then, I asked him quickly: Where is the death certificate?Is the death certificate here?

Now, I signed a copy, you can watch it anytime you want. I don't believe a word of it.You concealed her death, you, John.Kaminarimon and that girl are in the same boat.You probably went to great lengths to hide it.Why is this? He spread his hands.God knows I don't blame you.In that case, I myself would not believe a word of it.But, in fact, not only do I not want your aunt to die of illness, but I am also willing to do my best. In fact, I also tried my best to save her life.I don't ask you to believe that I like her, but you should believe me after I tell you that she died at an untimely time and that I almost lost a fortune because of it.So, I let her live with a little bit of self-interest and baseness in it.He flicked the ash on the floor.Then, there is a whole series of mysteries and disguises, which I will explain in a moment.I didn't want lawyers and her family invading the place so I didn't report her death and we let the locals think she was alive.

Then my cousin and I showed up at this inopportune time.I get it, but why didn't we show up at the wrong time?How about you better start from the beginning? He leans back in his chair.very good.I have been your aunt's doctor for six years, and for the last three or four years I have seen her every two weeks, sometimes more.She was very active and healthy for her age.But, she's a little delusional, and she's old.I think she can be a little lonely despite being extremely independent.She lives alone with an Arab servant, and I think she must be very afraid that she will have to be completely dependent on the servant in case of illness or accident.I thought he meant to say that it was completely in the hands of the servants.I thought of Li Dai wearing a big ruby ​​ring, Nashiru who was short and gruff and sullen, and Jieqin who was grimacing foolishly.oh?I said.

So I visit her regularly to reassure her and besides, she loves the company of a fellow countryman and I love being here as a guest.When she was in good health, she was very hospitable to guests. John.What about Leimen?He told me how he got hired, but I don't know if he's telling the truth. Ah, yes, he occasionally has a flash of inspiration.As you probably guessed, he's as good at psychology as you are, he's an archaeologist. I see.That's why my aunt became so interested in archaeology.But what about Adonis Gardens? Those are true.You could say that the gardens of Adonis were his property, and his book was about the rituals of Adonis, and I think he could have put forward some theories about morbid psychology through those rituals.Not bad, huh?Other than that, I believe he told you the truth.He traveled far and wide, collecting information for his book, and he camped on a shrine above the palace, but when there was a storm, he came to Braham Palace just like you.Your aunt is very fond of him and wants him to stay here until the research work is over.Neither of them had much to say to each other, and John settled down and began running the place for her.I was grateful when he decided to stay.Because it makes my job so much easier.He had a smile on his face, and I didn't really like his smile.He flicked off the ash carefully again.He is a good boy.

And useful? Oh, of course.After he came, the situation here was very different, and the wife valued him very much. I believe, but I'm talking about you, he's very useful to you. Heavy eyelids lifted, and he shrugged slightly.Oh yes, for me.I found him to be an excellent business partner for me. By the way, let's talk about that now, your career.Have you been staying at Dabrahan Palace since you left Beirut?Well, makes sense.You are the physician, John.Ramen is not.When Hamid and I came to the gate, the doctor Jieqin mentioned was you, John.Kaminarimon must have understood quickly, but I don't understand that Gabriel's dogs like him.

The pack of dogs? Oh, it doesn't matter.do not you know?She has mentioned before that her dog can't stand the doctor. Oh, that's right, it's that nasty little beast, I'm er, dead right, yes, I'm an imperial physician.As you probably know, it's part of the Stanhope myth that your aunt always imagined she had a Dr. Mellen attending and nursing her.He didn't seem to be amused.This comes at a price.I don't think I have to watch over that deformed megalomaniac day and night like the unfortunate doctor. Don't tell me poor Aunt Harriet wants you to watch her around the clock even if she does.Since she is from the Manxue family, she has a sense of humor.

Don't try to find a motive for me, I told you I like her.He forced a smile.However, I admit that on one or two occasions in the last year she was a little pushy, and her temper was sometimes unbearable. I glanced at the sticks and rifles on the wall.Can't believe she actually used these things against Li Dai, can't she? He smiled sincerely.She did throw things at Jieqin occasionally, but only to this extent.Don't be too hard on Lydia, she works very hard for what she wants. John.Kaminarimon?Or Dabraham Palace?Both are divine.I pressed my cigarette forward on the plate and watched him for a moment.You know, I think I really believe what you've said about my great-aunt, I mean, I highly doubt you'd hurt her on purpose.You don't seem to worry about what she writes in her letters unless you've checked all her letters.I knew, however, that she could hang out with the people of the village as she pleased, and talk to the porters who brought the supplies.And I doubt you'd really check her letters.You obviously haven't read her last letter inviting Charlie to visit, or Winfrey.Ford's letter. I kind of expected him to ask questions about what I said, but instead he looked at me intently. I don't want to talk about John.Raymond.I said: But what about the servants?Are you sure Li Dai has no reason to want the old lady to die? No, no, nonsense throughout.Your aunt is sometimes mean to the servants and they don't do any work when they're left alone, but she likes that girl. That's a little different from what I thought. Li Dai took care of her wholeheartedly.I said your aunt was difficult to take care of, but Lide did take care of her relentlessly, sometimes exhausting herself.He waved.After she died, no one took care of these rooms, you must understand this.We just sorted out the messiest rooms, because we will use these rooms, of course I mean the best preserved rooms in the center, but we still haven't had time to tidy them up before you see them some.He glanced at me.We love darkness for more than one reason.Oh, the place is always cluttered and she likes it.However, while she was alive, the room was kept clean and God, it had to be so!But, you imply that Lydia hates your great-aunt so much that no, Miss Manshel. When Li Dai came in with the tray, he was silent.She quietly put the plate on the table next to me, and walked out without even looking at us.She just brought me a cup of coffee as I ordered.The coffee was a little watered down, but piping hot.I poured a cup of coffee and took a few sips, feeling much better. Also, Henry.Graff said: "It's the same with John, Lydia, and me.They had all the more reason to wish Lady Harriet alive. Are you saying they conspired with you? You can say so. Did my aunt leave a will?I asked him bluntly. He grinned.She makes a will every week.Aside from crossword puzzles, this is her favorite pastime. I know, we sometimes get copies.What happened to those wills now? Always somewhere.He said casually: She often hides the will in strange corners, I am afraid it will not be easy to find, but it doesn't matter if you want to try. I must have been surprised.Are you saying you want me to look around? certainly.In fact, it's more likely that the property is now yours than your cousin's. Is it also possible that John.What about Raymond? He glanced at me.As you said, she likes John. Another quirk of hers? A very common hobby, but I'm afraid there is nothing of value left now.Maybe you'll want to dig up a thing or two from this mess to keep as a personal keepsake, and like I said, there's no harm in trying. Is it like the ring on Lydia's finger? He looked shocked.Ruby ring?do you like that kind of stuffOf course it's your aunt's favorite thing, she always wears it on her finger, but I know she gave the ring to Lydia Of course maybe Lydia doesn't care Dr. Graff, don't think I'm going to let my great-aunt die, but this ring has so-called sentimental value, and I'm sure my family will try to get it back.What's more, she was going to give the ring to me. If she really gave the ring to Lidai, then she must be crazy. The court will never award the ring to Lidai. Is this ring really that valuable? I don't know the ruby ​​value at all.I said: But, believe me, no matter how loyal Li Dai is, the meaning of this ring is not just a souvenir for the maid.The ring belongs to my aunt, and I want it back. Then, you will definitely get this ring, I will tell Lidai. Tell her I'll keep her with something else, or she can pick something she likes. I put the glass down and there was a moment of silence.A beetle dashed down the bright hallway, rammed the room for a while, then flew away.I suddenly felt exhausted, as if my eloquence was gone.I believe him. If I believe him, then everything else is meaningless? All right.I finally said: let's talk about what happened after her death.But before we go any further, can you show me her grave first? He stood up.sure.According to her wish, we buried her outside in the prince's garden. He led the way and walked into a small courtyard. We passed the dry fountain, passed through the shadow of the sun, and were among the scorched flower beds.In the morning and evening, the flower beds will be filled with irises and Persian tulips.A clump of white jasmine climbs over the tall exterior wall, and yellow roses in full bloom form a curtain, which is fragrant.Under the shadow of the flowers is a white stone slab without inscriptions, and on the top of the slate is a turban covered by a stone-carved Muslim corpse. I watched in silence for a while.Is this her grave? right. no name? There is no time to engrave the name at all. You must know as well as I do that this is a man's grave. He made a sudden movement, which was quickly suppressed again.But I was blissfully spiritual and regained my alertness.This is the man who used brute force on me in the car, he was desperate to play some nasty game somewhere inside of him just under that layer of sweaty skin and dark eyes Something very different from the calm, cheery exterior he would have me believe. But, he said in a lilting voice: No, really, I can't make you doubt me any longer!You know of course you know she likes to dress up as a man, and she does.I think she did it to give her a freedom that no other woman in the Arab countries could have.When she was young, the Arabs called her Prince because of the way she rode, and the way she liked to keep horses and keep them dignified.He pointed to the tombstone before she died.It's planned.Of course, this is also a kind of conceit of hers. I gazed silently at the slender columns and carved tombstones, which I found to be the most exotic symbols.I thought of the moss-covered, rickety tombstones in the old churchyard back home, the tall elms, the yews by the graveyard door, and the crows flitting over the top of the tower in the evening wind.A swath of yellow petals floated down on the hot blank tombstone, and a lizard darted out, wobbled, stared at us, and disappeared. I have acquired an excellent tombstone locally. What?Henry.Graff asked. Sorry, I didn't know I was speaking so loudly.You are right, this is her wish.At least, she was with her friends. friend? In the garden next door, the dogs, I saw their graves. I turned away, still feeling exhausted.The scented heat, the buzzing of bees, and possibly the aftereffects of that shot and the tension of the day all weighed on me. We went inside to hide from the sun, and his dark eyes looked at me intently.are you OK? I am fine.A little dizzy, but not uncomfortable.Did you just inject me with narcotics? Just narcotics.You haven't been unconscious for long, and the narcotics won't hurt you.bring it on. Compared with the hot garden, the house seemed much cooler.I relaxed in the chair and leaned back.Several corners of the room were plunged into shadows, looming.Graff picked up the glass on the table and poured a glass of water. Drink of water.Are you feeling better?Well, one more cigarette and you'll feel better. I took the cigarette without thinking, and he lit it for me, then pulled the chair away from the ray of sunlight coming in from the window, and sat down. I lay my hands flat on the carved lacquered arms of the chair.The air of the meeting was changed by the trace of mature concern he showed, and this doctor's attitude towards the patient subtly brought him back to his original superior position.Under the attack of tiredness, I still tried to resume the original ruthless attack. All right, Dr. Graff.The first part of the investigation is over, and I am tentatively convinced that my great-aunt died of natural causes, and that you did the best you could.Now, let's talk about your reasons for hiding your death, your so-called secrecy and disguises and what you did to me.You still have an explanation, go ahead. He stared at the clasped hands on his lap for a moment, then looked up. You called me and they told you I was gone, did they tell you anything else? They didn't actually say anything.But since they just won't talk, I guess you're in trouble. Yes, I was in trouble, so I ran away while I could.I can think of a long list of better places than a Lebanese prison. Is that bad? Oh, almost.A little problem with drug trafficking, but you'd get away with murder a lot easier here than that. Isn't it just deportation? That's not much better than going there.I happen to be a Turkish national and the punishment there is even worse.Believe me, I have to get away, and get away quickly before they catch me.But I have some properties here, and I'll be damned if I leave before I sell them.Of course, I was terrified that this was going to happen, so I made arrangements in advance.Dabraham Palace was once my center of activity and can we call it a warehouse?And, over the past few months, I've had him pause and blink.Interested in John.So, I escaped smoothly.I was sent to the airport, checked in, and then someone took my ticket and boarded the plane.If you're familiar with the airports here, you know this sort of thing can work.John waited for me outside the airport and took the back lane to drive me here the way I took you today and then I walked up to Braham Palace and your aunt was waiting for me.Of course, I didn't tell her the truth, and I made up a story about abortion and free medicine for poor patients.She was as blind to the law as Mrs. Stanhope, and she accepted me and kept it secret.She was too happy to ask too many questions because the doctor would live here forever, and she was too busy talking about herself to be curious about others.As for the servant, Lydia stared intently at John alone, and her brother was already employed by me.I hardly need to spend money to gag Jieqin, he has to study over and over again to understand the meaning of each word in a sentence.Anyway, he was too stupid to understand what was going on.So, I stayed here with peace of mind, a good base of work, John was my external agent, and he started to profit from my estate.It's all like a dream, no one suspects, it's like a clock ticking smoothly, the money is rolling in as it should, and I'm at the end of the summer and it's finally time to leave He stopped.I leaned over to flick the ash into the saucer, but misaligned and the ash landed on the table.He went on: Then, just two weeks ago, your aunt died.My God, you actually thought I killed her!I was at her bedside, motionless for nine hours, here like a tigress fighting to save her life. He wiped his upper lip.Well, that's it.She died Her death could open the door, and I'd be like a sheep at the mouth of a tiger.In the end, we decided to take the matter lightly and keep her death under wraps.We figured we'd just get the week out of the way and let us finish what we were doing.I dare not expect to be able to keep the secret longer, it is too risky.We have to cut losses in a hurry, and seek a way to get out. We succeeded.We hadn't thought of you, and from your aunt's words, we hadn't the slightest idea that her family would be visiting in a day or two.But you came at the most inopportune time. The sun was almost fully down, and the last rays slanted on my feet.Motes of dust danced in the slanting sun.Through this blinding cloud of dust, the man in the other chair seemed eerily distant. We thought it would be easy to fool you at first.He said: "But, you're a stubborn girl and you're tough.You're trying to scare John, we're afraid you're really worried, and you're calling for help, which brings in a bunch of lawyers, habeas corpus, and God knows what else.So we figured, there's nothing to lose by trying a disguise, and if you believe it, you might be kind enough to keep it a secret for us for a few days.It was a desperate thought, but, in the shadows, I thought, with You Qi changing into her usual man clothes again, maybe I could fool you for a few minutes.In fact, it was her habits that got me to the idea in the first place.If, we insisted that you not see your great-aunt, you would think that she was ill, or that John was preventing you from seeing her for his own self-interest.If you get too suspicious and call in a doctor or a lawyer from Beirut, we're screwed.So we tried this and it worked. I nodded, thinking back to the meeting: the hoarse whispers of the fake man's voice, the weird eyes from under the bald head covered in a turban, the flat mouth that may have lost the lower row of teeth, and the wary deep eyes.It turned out that Li Dai's nervous appearance was the same as that of John.Kaminarimon's vigilant and irritable expression was not for the reasons I imagined. I get it now.I said: John.Kaminarimon spouts at the dinner table everything he knows about our family, just to get into your head everything your aunt hasn't told you before.You know I haven't seen my great-aunt since I was a child, so you think you can easily fool me.But Charlie had only seen her recently, so of course Aunt Harriet would not receive him.Well, very clever, Dr. Graff.I exhaled a big puff of smoke, and the smoke filled between us.In fact, you like this game a lot, don't you?John.Leimen wants to send me away as soon as possible, God knows I may have left long ago, but you won't let me go, you like to fool me too much. He grinned.It was strange how, through a cloud of smoke and dust, his face, as if seen upside down through a telescope, was so distant and indistinct that I imagined Aunt Harriet's face. I said: Well, your trick has worked, you have fooled me, and you have fooled Charlie, as soon as I leave, you will be free.So why drag me back again.I've gone away contentedly, haven't I?Why use this method to drag me back? Because we didn't trick your cousin away, and you know that.Oh, don't make that innocent look at me, you're not cut out for acting.Shall I tell you what happened?When you left here for the first time, you were met not by your driver, but by your cousin, and you secretly made plans for him to enter the palace on Monday.After he came, you inspected the place together.Well, my dear, this time you can see a little more clearly. How do you know all about this? Your good cousin told me that himself. I don't think I said anything, I just stared at him, barely knowing what he was talking about.I felt as if the whole room was spinning around me, and the dusty setting sun dazzled me like a mist. That night, when you got back to your room, he should have slipped out the back door, shouldn't he?Graff's voice was as smooth as cream.As a result, he didn't leave.He was about to break open a locked door when John and I bumped into him in the hallway below.It's useless for him to deny his identity. You two are very similar, aren't you?So we, uh, we brought him in, we kept him locked up in the dungeon in the palace the whole time.You don't wonder if the palace has a prison of its own?Unfortunately, there is only one dungeon available, so when we caught you, we had to lock you up in this warehouse. He's here?Charlie here?I don't take your word for it, he can't be here!I was dazed and in a fog, like someone groping aimlessly in a smoky room.I think I put my hand on my forehead.You are lying and you know you are lying.He left me a letter in Beirut, then went to Damascus to see Bansila's father no, to Aribo.we saw him on the road He wrote you a letter, suggesting it himself.I wouldn't have let you go this morning if he hadn't promised to keep you away from Dabraham Palace, and promised that you wouldn't track him down when he didn't show up at the Phoenician Hotel . why did you let me go Because of your driver.He said simply.And your hotel.Your cousin pointed out that it was better to let you go than to raise suspicions.What's more, as he said, you think you have seen your aunt alive and well, and you will help us spread the news that everything is as usual. So, he wrote that letter an elaborate lie and he even lied to me that he saw and recognized my aunt and I always suspected that, I thought he must have seen you and made the same mistake I did Are you saying that the letter was written on purpose?Just to get me out of here? Completely correct. I kept silent, the conversation no longer seemed to have any close relationship with me.He's still smiling, and when I stare at him in bewilderment, his smile grows wider.His upper teeth are real teeth, and his front teeth are yellow and long.He started talking again, his words drifting out in bits and pieces like jumbled shreds of paper: John drove that Porsche to Beirut early in the morning, hid it in someone's backyard, woke up a Someone named Yusuf, he handed the letter to Yusuf.Later, Yusuf drove him back, mailed the letter to the hotel, and then started spying on me But, dear ones, you are not far from the line of fire.Apparently you're going to ask some goddamn dumb questions and do some goddamn liaison work, and you're even calling the UK.Since our men overheard your communication with Damascus, we have decided to eliminate you. That Arab guy in the red Turkish cap, he's in the phone booth next door to me.I am talking to myself. no doubt.Well, now that you've blatantly carried out your plan, and that damned driver has joined you, we don't want anyone to divert attention from Dabraham Palace, so we've decided to lead you astray, make you missing.It's so easy, and there's no serious harm. Your car is stopped, you're looted, and your car is wrecked. We plan to have the robbery take place outside the Anti-Lebanon Mountains or in the close to Kadana.Yusuf is sure to immobilize you for a while.So, he drove a Porsche to wait for you.That's the bait we laid, you should have taken the bait Hamid!if you hurt hamid If he is more sensible, he will not.Most Arabs are sensible if you pay enough.He laughed and said: At first, I thought you would ruin our whole plan by stopping at the border, but our plan came true like a dream.You didn't see me, but I was there and saw what happened.My driver followed your driver to the border house and heard the whole thing.I sent him to tell Yusuf to drive south and dump your cousin's car.But luckily for us, you were up in the road and saw it with your own eyes, ran down and asked your driver to follow the car.My own car came straight back and the driver reported that he hit your car at the border.Since neither your driver nor the Porsche came back, I guess Yusof either convinced your driver or implemented the original plan to leave him somewhere to calm down until tomorrow.We dare not let him near the phone, you must understand that.He chuckled a few times complacently.Things were too easy to be true afterward.You let everyone in the neighborhood know that you were going to the Adonis Hotel to find a car for Beirut.So, I just need to go there first and wait for you.The hotel manager is new, so I'm not afraid he'll recognize me.Still, I'm sure he thought he'd known me all his life until you showed up.You would never hitchhike on the road, but if the person offering to pick you up is someone you met at the hotel, someone you've been formally introduced to, he's got a smile on his face again.I hope you also like the special style of the Grand Mosque?Do you remember the things you told your aunt? Very smart, you are so smart.With a bunch of spies, drivers, and cars at your disposal, you get a little kingdom, don't you?Your plan is impeccable.Don't smile at me like that, you sharp-toothed traitor.what have you done to charlie I told you he was locked up.His smile disappeared. did you hurt him There was a little conflict last night. Do you want to hit Charlie?No wonder John's face hurts worse, I thought he had a sore face yesterday.Now that I think about it, one side of his face kept turning away.It's getting better and better now, isn't it?Sweet old Charlie!Oh, poor aunt!Did he hurt you badly? His smile was gone, his face was flushed, and the veins in his temples were throbbing.He didn't touch me, I have a gun.I admit that John is useless and, meanwhile, he smokes joint. Smoking marijuana?I don't think I've bothered to utter the question, it's just in my head.He seemed out of reach again now, and the room was dark.I found myself struggling to get a glimpse of where he was going.I vaguely understand that I should be frightened almost crazy, but I can't control my brain, and my brain is no longer listening to me.I just felt light all over, and I floated up from the chair and floated into the dim corner at the top of the room. He was suddenly very close to me again, looking enormous.He stood in front of me and said gruffly: Yes, joint smoke, you spoiled silly bitch.I said medical supplies, didn't I?In the cellar there was a heap of hashish worth a fortune, to be taken away tonight, and another fortune was planted in Lacoluc's fields.If your great-aunt isn't dead, I can wait until the marijuana matures.He took a breath.And it's not just marijuana, don't you know they grow opium in Turkey and Iran?That's the real good stuff, opium, morphine, heroin I have a pipeline through Syria that works perfectly, all I need is a little time and sneak up on Braham Palace I tried to flick the ash into the saucer, but the saucer was out of reach and the motion was too much effort.The cigarette butt fell from my hand to the floor in slow motion as it landed, and I didn't even bother to pick it up, just sat on the chair and stared at my hand.My hands also seem to be far away from me and not attached to me at all. : This is how it was before you came here.Next door to the warehouse where you are imprisoned is our laboratory.Because the last deal went wrong, we have been working hard to get rid of this batch of goods smoothly.Oh, or else we'd have to stop this year and have to relocate Those hooligans at the UN Addiction Center have been pushing us, and the UN General Assembly will probably be tougher in Syria next year Of course now that the old lady is dead Dabura Han Palace should be closed.This evening, the sound of the transport team passing by him slowly died away, and I heard his laughter again.He bent down, picked up the cigarette, and dropped the butt on the saucer.His face floated in front of me.Feeling sane, don't you?Is your brain not listening to you?It's because you smoked that joint in the car, and you just smoked two more.現在,你要回到你自己那間舒服的小房間睡一覽睡到明天早上。 我真希望我能在乎這件事,我應該在乎。煙霧瀰漫的黑暗中出現了片片斷斷的影像,就好像四周發光的夢境一樣。John.雷門有氣無力的身子、被打敗的臉孔和那對深邃的灰眼睛、那個狠狠地盯著他的阿拉伯女孩。但是,這些影像消失了,那圈光像我的心臟一樣,按照固定的節奏悸動著,有個人的聲音像鼓聲一樣,在跳動的空氣中忽隱忽現。我完全脫離了這一切,飄呀飄的,安安全全地飄得好高,就像天花板的蜘蛛網中間的一個美麗而又法力無邊的天使一樣。下面混沌一片的房間裏,有個女孩坐在紅漆椅上,她穿著素色的高級時裝,顯得軟弱無力、昏昏欲睡。她的臉色蒼白,臉頰蒙上一層陰霾,嘴唇似笑非笑。她的頭髮烏黑平滑,且剪成時髦的髮型。她的雙手纖長,手臂曬得黝黑,手腕上掛著一付價值八十英鎊的手鐲他叫她被慣壞了的傻婊子,她現在對他猛眨眼睛。她的眼睛很大,周圍一圈黑眼圈,她的化妝和大麻煙的效果使她的眼睛更大了可憐的傻婊子,她身歷險境,但我毫無辦法,我也不在乎。她看起來並不害怕 甚至連約翰.雷門也像另一個影子,也一樣以慢動作靜悄悄地飄進來,站在她前面,問葛拉夫問題的時候,她也不害怕,彷彿這是一件無關緊要的事情: 她不省人事了,是不是? 兩根煙就料理妥當了。那男孩呢? 關起來了。房間裏面都是煙,他已經失去知覺了。那兒沒問題了。 Henry.葛拉夫笑了。哪兒都沒問題了,到事情辦完以前,一切都在我們掌握中。至於你,小約翰,你要照分配的藥量注射,看你的樣子,你剛剛又打了一針,是吧?好了,這可是你的最後一針了。噢,如果你願意的話,你可以抽抽大麻煙,不過可別再來向我要針藥了。在這批貨安全地運到貝魯特以前,你甭想再多要了。聽到我的話沒有?好了,把她帶回去。 那個年輕人彎下腰來,女孩像做夢一樣地搖搖頭,對他微笑,眼中一片迷濛。我覺得她似乎想說話,但是發不出聲音,她的頭懶懶地靠回椅子上。 John.雷門說:我不得不說我比較喜歡她現在的樣子。 你是說她不咄咄逼人的時候更漂亮嗎我同意。天哪,什麼樣的一家人啊!她讓我想到垂危的老夫人。好了,她自討苦吃,把她帶走。 雷門彎下腰來碰到我的時候,大麻煙的煙氣一定忽然消散了一會兒。他把我拉起來,拿一隻手抱住我的時候,我從上面飄下來,進入椅子上的軀殼中。我用自以為威嚴的口氣慢慢地說:我自己來,謝謝你。 他不耐煩地說:你自己當然沒辦法,來吧,我不會傷害你,不要害怕。 我怕你嗎?我說:別逗我發笑了。 他咬咬嘴唇,把我從椅子上拉起來,一下把我扛在肩上。我真不好意思說我破壞了這幕英雄的景觀,因為我倒著身子,一路像個白痴一樣笑著回到地牢去。
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