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Chapter 2 Catch the murderer

blonde 倪匡 13520Words 2023-02-05
It was really lively, almost every place where people could stand, there were people standing, people crowded together, you pushed each other, everyone came to the street, these people should have been in the house Yes, because it was already late at night.However, they still flocked to the streets together, because it was a big party day. In modern cities, there are very few days when there are such big conferences. It is precisely because of the few days that so many people gather on the streets, vying to see the conference.In fact, there is nothing particularly attractive. Those things can also be seen in ordinary times. Decorated trucks covered with colorful lights, and beautifully dressed girls standing on them. What else is particularly attractive?But people are so strange, since everyone has come to the street, the rest of the people can't stay at home.

As a result, there are more and more people on the street.Since the afternoon, Gauss has been cursing those people who are coming and going like a tide.According to his own mind, it is best to sleep with his head covered at home, but he has to squeeze on the street. He is a photographer, and he was entrusted by an advertising company to shoot the main process of this big event and compile it into a series of pictures.This was probably the hardest time for Gauss since he was in the photography industry. He wiped his sweat and squeezed in the crowd, and he had to protect his precious photographic equipment from being damaged in the crowd!

When his arms were so sore that he could no longer lift them up, he would rather he was shooting a poisonous scorpion in the desert than a beautiful woman whose smile had become stiff in the crowd.Gauss was really tired. He had been working continuously for nearly ten hours. He decided to take a break, so he squeezed desperately towards the sidewalk. He hoped that there would be a little gap on the sidewalk. But after he squeezed onto the sidewalk, he found that the situation did not improve much. One side of his body was indeed no longer a person, but a wall. When he squeezed forward again, his clothes rubbed against the wall. Come on, Gauss at that time, if he could sleep, he could have slept standing up like that instead of falling down.

Gauss managed to squeeze in front of a door, and the people around him suddenly stepped back. Gauss was squeezed and his feet were unsteady, so he naturally reached out to help the door. The door was not locked, and as soon as Gauss put his hand on it, the door opened. Gauss was stunned for a while, and after the door was pushed open, it was pitch black inside.Gauss didn't know where it was. He could have squeezed out, but when he thought that he would find a place to rest when he squeezed out again, he changed his mind. He stepped into the door and closed it forcefully, then he let out a breath and said, "Is anyone there?"

Under such circumstances, it was too abrupt to enter a strange house suddenly.On weekdays, it can be said that Gauss would never do such a thing. But now is a good day for going out, everyone is immersed in joy, even if a stranger suddenly enters the house, the owner of the house will definitely welcome it.Gauss came in because he thought of this. After he closed the door, the noise of drums on the street continued to enter his ears.A band must have just passed by in the street, and the drums were so loud that Gauss couldn't even hear himself talking.Gauss immediately raised his voice again, saying: Is there anyone?

This time, he still didn't get an answer. The sound of the drums was disturbing, and Gauss began to feel a little puzzled in his heart, because the room was so dark that it was almost impossible to see anything. That was really impossible. Although it was midnight, the street was very bright with all kinds of lights. Unless the house had no windows at all, it was impossible for there to be no light at all. But in this room, there was indeed no light at all. Gauss asked four or five times, but got no answer. The sound of drums had gradually faded away. Gauss reached out and groped by the door, and he found the electric light. Gauss immediately pressed the switch to turn on the light.

However, after the slap, there was still darkness in front of him, and the lights were not on. Gauss couldn't help muttering in a low voice, this is a situation in a nightmare, in a dark situation, but the lights can't be turned on, Gauss doesn't want to stay in this room any longer, he is still staring at the darkness, As if afraid of something suddenly jumping out in the dark.On the one hand, he stretched out his hand in the opposite direction, grabbed the handle of the door, and turned it around, trying to pull the door open, and then dodged into the street to join the crowded ranks.

However, when he pulled hard, trying to open the door, his arm retracted, but instead of opening the door, he pulled down the handle, and the door behind him was still closed. Gauss was stunned for a moment, the situation was more like a nightmare. The moment Gauss started to pull the handle of the door, he felt a little flustered, but immediately he found it funny. He and thousands of people are just separated by a door. How could anything special happen? He turned around, stroked, touched the hole in the door, and then stuffed the door handle that he had pulled out, and turned it carefully, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't do anything to open the door Come.

Gauss felt strangely hot. Sweat flowed down his forehead and onto his neck, making him extremely uncomfortable. Gauss yelled loudly and knocked on the door, hoping that someone outside could hear the sound and push the door open. However, after calling for a minute or two, he calmed down, because he knew that doing so would never work. On the street outside, almost everyone was calling, so who would pay attention to his calling? Gauss turned around, he felt very funny, he was actually trapped in this room! Of course, he could go out, but Gauss didn't want to go out. His original purpose was to find a place to rest, and now at least this purpose can be achieved.

He was thinking that if the owner of the house came back and saw a stranger in the house suddenly, he would be surprised, but as long as he explained a little, everyone would laugh. Gauss took a breath. Naturally, he had to figure out the situation in the room first, and it would be best if he could find some drinks. The light couldn't be turned on, so Gauss raised the camera in his hand, pressed the button, and the flash came on and flickered for a while. Although the flashing time was only a few hundredths of a second, it was enough for Gauss to see the situation in the room.And when he saw the situation in the house clearly, he couldn't help being stunned.

In front of him was a huge hall. Perhaps it was because the hall was really too big, so it seemed extraordinarily large.That's right, the hall is empty, or, to be more precise, there is only an easy chair in the middle. Gauss stood there blankly for a moment. He felt that the house was a bit weird, maybe it was an old house that had been vacant for many years, but Gauss did not express too much doubt, and seeing a chair, Gauss was already happy enough.Relying on his memory, he walked forward in the direction of the chair. When his hand touched the back of the chair, he wanted to turn the chair around.But at that time, the chair seemed to be fixed on the ground, and he couldn't move it, so he had to turn around and sit on that chair. The chair was soft and comfortable, and it was extremely satisfying to sit in that chair after ten hours of constant crowding. After sitting down, he stretched himself. He was so tired that he fell asleep when his head rested on the chair. Gauss was awakened by the music of another band passing by. Gauss raised his wrist and looked at his watch. The luminous hands told him that he had slept for about half an hour. Gauss stretched himself again. He really wanted to sleep again, but if he continued to sleep, his work would not be completed. He came to the door again, shook and rotated the handle, and finally, he opened the door , stepped out, and closed the door. He was in the crowded street again. That night, Gauss worked until late at night before returning to his office tired. He slept on the couch in the office until the next afternoon. For the next two days, Gauss was never idle. He had to choose the best of the hundreds of frames of photos he took and compile them into a series. He worked in the darkroom for ten hours a day. He'd almost forgotten about that room, if he hadn't seen the photograph when he was developing and enlarging it. That photo was taken by him accidentally, and his purpose at that time was not to take the photo, but to turn on the flash to see clearly the situation in the room.But with the flash on, he took a picture of the room. Gauss just cut out the negatives and threw them in the wastebasket. He didn't develop the photos, because they were useless. That night, when he left the office, the rubbish left by the General Assembly Day on the street had not been cleaned up, and it had been two days since he left the General Assembly Day. Gauss came to the garage and drove back home. He made a cross on his chest before picking up the phone. He hoped that Li Yufang was at home and there was nothing special, so he could ask Li Yufang out. Have dinner and have a good evening. As soon as the phone rang, someone listened, and it was Li Yufang who came to listen. Gao Si said: Yufang, is there anything special? No Li Yufang answered: except for the empty house murder case. Gao Si sighed, but Li Yufang immediately said: But I'm free tonight, you can come pick me up. Gauss put down the phone and let out a roar of joy. Candlelight flickered, the music was elegant, and Gao Si and Li Yufang sat opposite each other.When Gao Si couldn't see Li Yufang, he always thought of a lot of things to say to her, but every time he saw Li Yufang, he didn't know what to say. Gao Si was by no means a slow-talking person, but perhaps it was because Li Yufang had a heroic spirit that other girls didn't have, which made Gao Si somewhat restrained in front of her. Gauss recited the words he had thought in his heart several times, but when he opened his mouth, the words he said were completely different from what he had thought. He asked: "What is the case of the empty house murder you mentioned?" What's the matter? Li Yufang frowned, looked at the candlelight, and said: This case is very strange, it happened in an empty room, there was nothing in that room, only a chair in the middle of the room. When Li Yufang said this, Gauss's heart suddenly moved.He remembered the night of the big meeting, he had entered a room, and there was nothing in that room, only a chair, and he took a nap on that chair! So, Gauss said with a smile: That's not surprising, I've only been to a room, and there was only one chair in that room. Li Yufang glared at him and said: You are talking nonsense again. Gauss hurriedly raised his hand and said, "It's not nonsense. The room I'm talking about is on Dadu Street."That day, the grand parade was crowded with people, and I can say that I was squeezed in. Li Yufang looked at Gauss with a very interested expression.She groaned and said, "What did you do after you went in?" Gauss said: Nothing, I was extremely tired, and saw only one chair again, and I just slept on that chair for a while. Li Yufang's expression suddenly became tense, and said: You slept on the chair in that room for a while, when did that happen? Gauss frowned, trying to think, and said: I don't remember clearly, it was around midnight. Li Yufang laughed suddenly, pointed at Gauss, and said: Your ability to lie is very poor.Gauss, you must have read the news in the papers, and deliberately teased me with it! Gauss felt extremely wronged, he cried out, and said: No, it is definitely not a lie. Could it be that the empty room I mentioned is the one you mentioned where the murder happened? Li Yufang said: Of course, is there a second room on Dadu Street, with nothing but a chair?Let me ask you, you said that you have entered that house, did you ever close the door after entering the house? Of course it was closed.Gauss replied. That proves that you are lying, Gauss, in that room, there is no light at all, and all the windows are nailed with wooden boards, how can you see that there is nothing in the room at midnight, only one chair, and slept on it for a while? Li Yufang was pointing out the flaws in Gauss's words, but Gauss didn't show any embarrassment at all, instead he looked very proud.As soon as Li Yufang finished speaking, he raised his hand and said with an aha, "Then you are wrong, I did see that chair, because I was on the street to capture the scenery of the parade, and I entered the room." Afterwards, I found it was pitch black, so I fired the flash. Li Yufang was still looking at him with half-belief, and Gauss said again: You said that I read the newspaper to tell you, but in fact, I have been so busy these days that I don’t even have time to read the newspaper. Busy working on photos from that night and by the way, I took a photo of the inside of the house with the flash on! Li Yufang's expression suddenly became serious, and she said nervously: Is what you said true?What about that photo? Still in my office.Seeing Li Yufang looking at him, Gauss looked a little strange, so he hurriedly asked again: What's the matter? Li Yufang said: If you were sitting on that chair at midnight, then you should be sitting on a dead man! Gauss froze for a moment, although he was in a nightclub, but because what he heard was so shocking, he stood up abruptly and said loudly: You mean He said three words loudly, and found that almost everyone's eyes were looking at him, so he hurriedly sat down, lowered his voice, shook his head, and said, "What are you talking about?" Li Yufang said slowly: The murder in an empty house that gave us a headache happened on the night of the parade.The deceased was an unidentified middle-aged man. The medical officer speculated that the time of his death was between 9pm and 11pm. When his body was found, he was sitting on that chair. shot dead. Li Yufang spoke while Gauss listened in a daze. When Li Yufang came to an end, he smiled wryly, and said: It was after eleven o'clock when I entered the room, why didn't I see the dead man? Li Yufang said: If what you say is the truth Gauss hurriedly said: That is a 100% fact! Li Yufang paused for a moment, then said: Then, you have provided the police with a very important clue. clue?Gauss was a little confused. Yes, murder with a poisoned arrow. This is a very unusual murder, and the police are now concentrating on investigating the owner of the empty house.The owner of the house is an explorer who has been to many strange places, and it is very likely that he bought the poison of the natives of South America and painted it on the arrowhead to kill people. But now, the target of the police investigation may have to change! Why?Gauss asked: Is it because when I went to that house, I hadn't seen the dead yet? Yes, your discovery proves that the dead man was not killed in the empty house, but was killed elsewhere and moved to the empty house.In this way, the suspicion of the owner of the house no longer exists. Gauss was very excited, he said: I can fully prove that what I said is the truth.That negative is still there, let's get it together.Li Yufang stood up immediately, and left the nightclub with Gao Si. An hour later, they were in the police conference room together. With them are a number of senior police officers.The negative of Gauss has been enlarged into a huge photo, which is juxtaposed with another photo of the same size. This other photo is a photo of the scene taken by the police after the incident. Although the angle is different from that of Gauss, it can be seen undoubtedly from the photo that it is still the same room, except that There is a dead man sitting on the chair in the picture. The dead man raised his head, his head was resting on the chair, with an arrow stuck in his throat, and his hands were clenched tightly on the arm of the chair. As soon as Gauss saw the dead man sitting on the chair in such a posture, his throat felt a little itchy, and his back felt somewhat chilly, because the dead man's sitting posture on the chair was no different from when he was dozing off on the chair. many! The lights were concentrated on the two photos. Holding a bamboo stick in her hand, Li Yufang pointed to an ancient wall clock at the stairs of the house, and said: "The only display in this room is that wall clock. Although it is not accurate, it is It's still moving, everyone, please look at the time on the wall clock. What Li Yufang pointed to was the photo taken by Gauss, and the time on the wall clock was 12:28.Li Yufang said again: "Naturally, the time of this clock is not accurate, but the difference will not be too big, that is to say, at that time, the deceased has already died, but the room is still empty."So we have reason to judge that the corpse was moved from outside. Several senior police officers listened to Li Yufang's analysis and nodded. Li Yufang said again: Originally, the target of our investigation was concentrated on the owner of the house, Dr. Li Hua.Now, I think I can let go of this.What's more, Dr. Li Hua went to Neighborhood two days ago to preside over an academic conference, and he hasn't come back yet. Several senior police officers nodded again, Li Yufang put down the bamboo stick, sighed, and said: "It's just that our investigation work has become more difficult. We have absolutely no clue as to where the deceased was killed." clue.Of course, we still want to thank Mr. Gao for the clues. Gauss stood up and said a few polite words.The two photos hanging on the wall were taken down.Several police officers scrutinized the differences between the two photos with a magnifying glass. Gauss and Li Yufang left the meeting room. They parted ways at the gate of the police station. For two days in a row, Gao Si kept asking Li Yufang about the progress of the case, but there was no result.On the third day, Gao Si was invited to the police station again. In Li Yufang's office, there was a tall, luxuriously dressed, middle-aged man with piercing eyes. On the left cheek of the middle-aged man, there was a An obvious scar. As soon as Li Yufang came in, he introduced Gauss: Gauss, this is Dr. Li Hua, a famous exploration expert, who is also the owner of that room. Gauss and Li Hua shook hands.Li Hua stretched out his hand and patted Gao Si's shoulder twice, expressing his affection, and said: "Officer Li has already told me everything.Thank you, otherwise I would be a murder suspect. Gauss said politely: Actually, you don't have to worry. When the crime happened, you were in the neighboring port, but you weren't there. Li Hua laughed loudly and said: That's hard to say.The police will imagine all kinds of outlandish things. They will imagine that I slipped back, killed someone, and then went to the next town. Gauss laughed and said: Dr. Li, your house is busy, why do you leave it vacant? Li Hua spread his hands and said: "Because it is in a busy city, it is not suitable for me to live in. I have already moved to the suburbs, and the house has been vacant."I'm not good at doing business, so I didn't remodel it, so I left it empty.Unexpectedly, someone put a dead person in the house! Li Yufang sat in the office, listening to the conversation between Li Hua and Gao Si.She listened very carefully.After she heard Li Hua's words, she suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something. Li Yufang said: You let that room be empty, and you didn't even go to see it? Dr. Li Hua rubbed his hands and said, "Sometimes I go to have a look, and I hired someone to clean it, but I haven't been there for a long time. Who do you hire to clean?Li Yufang hurriedly asked. It's next to the house, the watchman of the building, Uncle Shi.Li Hua replied: He is very reliable, sorry, I still have a lot of things to do, can I go? Can.Li Yufang nodded, but she suddenly said: I have another question for you, Dr. Li, when was the last time you went to that room, do you remember? Li Hua frowned, and said: It's hard to tell the exact date, it seems to be two months ago. Li Yufang seemed to be satisfied with Li Hua's answer, and said: Thank you for your cooperation. I hope you don't take offense if I have clues or trouble you in the future. Li Hua smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, but I will leave in a few days. I have chosen to settle in East Africa. I also entrusted a real estate agent to sell this house on my behalf!" Hearing what Li Hua said, Li Yufang was stunned for a while, and didn't say anything else. Li Hua turned around and walked out of Li Yufang's office. Li Yufang kept looking at the door, as if she was thinking about something. Gauss saw that Li Yufang didn't speak for a long time, he smiled and said: This case has become a no-one case, so you can relax a bit! Li Yufang turned her head, glared at him, and said: "What are you talking about? It has become a no-lead case with no clues. How can it be so easy? However, this is not a no-lead case. I already have some clues!" Gauss was very interested and hurriedly said: What clue? Li Yufang laughed and said, "Do you still dare to go to that empty room?" Gauss also laughed and said: Why not?Not to mention that the dead person has already moved away, even if the dead person is there, I dare to go! Li Yufang didn't say anything, and left with Gauss. Gauss came to the empty room again. This time, it was quite different from the first time he came. When he first came, the room was pitch black and he was alone. But this time, all the lights are on, and the upstairs and downstairs are full of light, but all the windows are still sealed with boards, and, knowing that there has been a mysterious murder in this house Therefore, after walking in, there is always a sense of eerieness. The chair is still there, and still in its old place.Gauss saw that chair, and remembered that the person who sat on that chair after him was a person who died after being shot by a poisoned arrow, and felt somewhat uncomfortable. There were two police officers staying in the empty room, and Gao Si was chatting with them, Li Yufang walked in together with a man in his fifties. If I dare to come here, no one will ask me, so I don't want to hide it. Li Yufang smiled very gently, and said: I'm not here to blame you, I'm asking you, have you been cleaning this house all the time? As soon as Li Yufang said that, Gauss knew that the man must be the Uncle Shi that Dr. Li Hua was talking about.Uncle Shi nodded and said: Yes, I come to clean every three days. Li Yufang said: But since you started cleaning, the room is empty, only this chair? Uncle Shi tremblingly said: Yes. What else do you do besides cleaning? I did nothing, did nothing.Uncle Shi shook his hands, showing a look of fear. A police officer next to him couldn't help laughing, and said, "What are you afraid of? Didn't Officer Li say that you killed someone!" Uncle Shi smiled wryly, unable to speak, Li Yufang pointed to the clock hanging on the wall, and said, "Aren't you responsible for winding this clock?" Uncle Shi shook his head and said, "I don't know how to wind a clock at all!" Li Yufang waved her hand and said, "Okay, I've finished asking, you can just leave." Until then, Uncle Shi finally had a smile on his face. He glanced at the chair again, and hurried out of the empty room. Looking up at the wall clock, Gauss came to her side. He didn't know what she meant by paying attention to the wall clock, but he also looked up at the wall clock. The clock had already stopped, apparently because no one was winding it. Li Yufang looked at it for a moment, then suddenly turned around and said: "Gauss, how long can a clock like this run once it is chained?" About four or five days.Gauss replied hesitantly. Li Yufang frowned, and said: "This is very strange. Li Hua hasn't been here for more than two months. Although Uncle Shi comes to clean it every three days, he never winds the clock. Then, why?" Did the clock run when you came in? Gauss was also stunned for a while, and blurted out: Yes! Li Yufang was still looking at the wall clock. After watching for a while, she turned to a policeman and waved. The policeman walked over. Li Yufang said: "Call the investigation department and ask them to send a fingerprint investigator." . The police officer agreed and walked out. Li Yufang was still looking at the wall clock, and said: "According to my guess, there must be no fingerprints on this clock, it has been erased long ago!" Gauss' eyes widened, and Li Yufang said slowly: "This is a deliberate murder case. The murderer spent a lot of time arranging this murder case so that he can get away with it!" Gauss still didn't understand, and said: What do you mean? Li Yufang pointed to the clock and said: "The clock cannot walk without someone winding it, and the only purpose of the person winding it is to make people who come into the house know when they came in." Gauss frowned and said: Is that me? It's you, or anyone, don't forget, it's the day of the big meeting, there are thousands of people in this street, anyone can come into this house. Gauss nodded and said: "Yes, the door of the house is not locked, and people on the street can squeeze in as soon as they are crowded." Li Yufang said: I think the original plan of the murderer was exactly like that. He hoped that more people would squeeze in, but he didn't expect that on the day of the parade, all the people would squeeze towards the center of the road, and no one would back down. , so no one crowded into the room, only you, walked into this room, but even if you are alone, his goal has been achieved! Gauss was even more puzzled in his heart, and said: "If someone enters the house, what good is that?" But Li Yufang suddenly changed the subject and said: When you came in that night, you didn't go to the second floor, and you didn't go to other rooms to have a look. You were just in this hall, right? Of course, I can't mess around. Li Yufang said: That's it, I think, when you came in, there must be two people in the room, one is the murderer and the other is the deceased! Gauss was taken aback and couldn't speak for a moment. He just looked at Li Yufang. Li Yufang smiled and said, "Don't you understand?Or when you came in, the deceased was already dead, but the murderer was waiting, waiting for someone to come in, and you just came in! What is he waiting for me to come in for? Li Yufang said: He waited for you to come in to prove that when you came in, there was no dead person on the chair and the room was empty.That way, when the corpse is found in the house again, it can be further proved that the corpse was moved in from the outside! Gauss also laughed, shook his head and said: No, no, after I came in, I turned on the flash and accidentally took a picture, and then I took a photo of the wall clock, leaving the time. Unless the murderer can predict the foresight, otherwise , How do you know that I will definitely take a photo, and how do you know that the people who come in will definitely bring a camera? Li Yufang was stunned for a while, seeing the knot between her brows, Gauss also knew that she was thinking hard, but Gauss had no way of knowing what she was thinking. After a while, Li Yufang said: "Your words Very reasonable, it seems that my inference is untenable! When she said this, she glanced at the wall clock again, and Gauss hurriedly said: What is your original inference, you might as well tell it. Li Yufang smiled wryly, and said: I think, the murderer specially left that time certificate, to prove the time of the deceased's death, and the deceased was not in this house, so naturally, it is to excuse all ties with the people related to this house , This is the murderer's premeditation! After all, Gauss was not a fool, he was startled, and said: Yufang, you mean Dr. Li Hua, he is Li Yufang hurriedly said: Don't talk nonsense. Gauss immediately stopped talking, but he also knew that according to Li Yufang's deduction, the only result would be to presume that Li Hua was the murderer. Li Hua killed someone in this room, and when someone came in, He waited until the person who came in left before he put the deceased on the chair. After the incident, when the deceased died, it was natural to find out, and those who had been to the empty house would naturally contact the police. There is sufficient evidence to prove that the corpse was moved from another place to the empty house. Although Li Hua is the owner of the house, he has nothing to do with it, not to mention that he was out of town when the incident happened! This is exactly what is happening now. However, Li Yufang's inference is not tenable, which is the point that Gauss just pointed out! While Gao Si and Li Yufang were in a daze, the experts who detected the fingerprints also came, and in less than ten minutes, Li Yufang's prediction was proved to be correct. There was not a single fingerprint on the wall clock! There was not a single fingerprint on the clock, which proved Li Yufang's deduction. Someone once carefully wiped all the fingerprints on the clock. Ordinary people would not spend a lot of effort to wipe all the fingerprints on the clock. Only ulterior motives people, it will be like this.Then, people with ulterior motives are naturally murderers. It seems that Li Yufang's inferences, starting point and conclusion, are very close to the facts. There is only one point that is untenable, and that is the point that Gauss pointed out. If everything is arranged by the murderer, then the murderer has no reason to know. It's going to be a guy with a flash camera! Li Yufang kept silent, just lowered her head, frowning, paced back and forth in the room, while Gauss just stared at her blankly. When Gauss's gaze stayed on Li Yufang, he couldn't help thinking that a beautiful girl like Li Yufang really shouldn't take on such a heavy police job, but in fact, Li Yufang is really, Another extremely good senior police officer! Li Yufang walked back and forth for ten minutes before she raised her head and looked at Gauss.As soon as Gauss saw her expression, he knew that she must have thought of something important! He hurried forward. Li Yufang lowered her voice and said, "Gauss, the police know where Dr. Li Hua lives." Let's go find him together?Gauss said hurriedly. No, I want you to find him alone. Myself?Gauss was surprised and delighted, but I am not a police officer, so what's the use of looking for him? Li Yufang waved her hand and said: "It is precisely because you are not a police officer that you go to him so that he will not be suspicious. He has made such an elaborate arrangement. If a police officer goes to him, he will definitely deal with it with all his heart and will not show anything." It came from a flaw, but if you find any excuse to meet him, he won't guard against it.I want you to write down your conversation with him in detail and tell me! Gauss listened while nodding his head. After Li Yufang finished speaking, he asked: Do you think he is the murderer? Li Yufang pursed her lips and nodded. Gauss stood still for a moment before saying: "Okay, I'll go!" Li Yufang immediately reached out her hand and shook him tightly. Li Hua lived in a small bungalow in the suburbs. When Gauss was led by a servant and walked into the house, Gauss had the feeling of being in the African jungle. There were two brightly colored totems in the living room, and There are many carved wooden statues, spears, shields, bows and arrows used by the natives, all of which were naturally brought back by Li Hua from his travels in various places. Gauss didn't wait long, Li Hua came down from upstairs. When Gauss looked up, he felt that Li Hua's scarred face looked very gloomy.But that was the impression at a glance. When Li Hua came down the stairs, he had a polite smile on his face. The two of them shook hands, Li Hua said: Mr. Gao, welcome, welcome, what advice do you have? Gauss had already thought of an excuse on the way, and he immediately said: I am a photographer, and there are many people who ask for some pictures of wild people. Dr. Li is an expert in this field, so I hope Dr. Li can provide me with some pictures. information to deal with customers. Li Hua laughed and said: I have many pictures like that, where is Mr. Gao's office?I'll call my assistant, and I'll bring it to you after sorting it out. Hearing what Li Hua said, Gauss couldn't help screaming in his heart, because he only said a few words, and he was not with Li Hua at all. If he heard something, he couldn't continue talking! Li Hua has readily agreed to his request, so naturally he can no longer hold back, but his purpose of coming here has not been achieved at all, so he naturally does not want to leave just like that! So for a moment, the atmosphere became very awkward. Li Hua looked at Gauss, waiting for him to speak, but Gauss couldn't find anything to say, so he just froze there.Fortunately, it was only a very short time. From upstairs, another short middle-aged man came down. As soon as the middle-aged man walked down, Li Hua pointed at him and said, "Mr. Gao, this is my assistant, Mr. Lao Tian. If you need any information in the future, just contact him!" Gauss had no choice but to stand up, shook hands with the man surnamed Lao, and said a few words of greeting. By this time, Gauss really had no reason to stay any longer, so he had to leave. Li Hua said, "I'm writing a report, so I won't send it away." , Mr. Lao, you send Mr. Gao out. That Mr. Lao accompanied Goss all the way to the door. Goss looked back and couldn't help sighing. He really couldn't think of how to explain to Li Yufang after seeing Li Yufang! He paused for a while, and when Lao Tian was about to turn around and walk back, he suddenly said: Mr. Lao, the last time Dr. Li went to a neighboring town to give a speech, did you go with him? Gauss just asked casually. If he found out that Lao Tian went there with Li Hua, then he could more or less learn about Li Hua's behavior from Lao Tian's mouth, whether he had sneaked back to commit murder on the day of the meeting . However, just as Gauss said the words, he saw Laotian's body and was shocked. He didn't answer immediately. After a long time, he turned around, and the expression on his face was also very uncomfortable. He looked at Gauss. At that time, Gauss felt bewildered, so naturally he had no choice but to look at him. After a while, Lao Tian said: Mr. Gao, you didn't come to see Dr. Li for no reason, did you? Gauss still didn't know what Lao Tian meant by asking this question, but he really didn't come to Dr. Li for no reason, so he nodded again. He just nodded, Lao Tian's expression suddenly became extremely tense, and the expression in his eyes also became very fierce, only he lowered his voice and said: "You recognize me already?" Gauss was stunned for a while, he really didn't know what Lao Tian meant by that, so he didn't know how to answer. And just as he was in a daze, there was a very strange thing in Laotian's hand. For a while, Gauss couldn't recognize what it was, but when he looked closely, he realized that it was A small crossbow, and on the crossbow, there is also a very sharp arrow! That arrow was the same as the one shot by the dead man in the empty house! Gauss only felt a bang in his ears, and he immediately backed away, but he only took one step, and Lao Tian immediately rushed forward, saying in a deep voice, "Don't move, this arrow is a poisonous arrow. , die in a few minutes. Gauss yelled: You are a murderer! Lao Tian said fiercely: You have already recognized it, haven't you? Gauss couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: I've never seen you before, where do you think I've seen you? It’s too late for you to talk about this now. That day, when you came in, I was lying on the stairs, and when the flash was on, didn’t you see me clearly? Gauss kept smiling wryly. A person who has committed a crime has a very special mental state. No matter how ingenious his arrangements are beforehand, he will always feel guilty after committing a crime. Any stranger who looks at him With just one glance, one would think that the stranger already knew his secret! Gauss looked at the small crossbow in Laotian's hands, and his palms were sweating. The poisonous arrows on the crossbow could kill people, there is no doubt about it. Extremely! Lao Tian's expression was also very nervous, he looked around and said in a deep voice: "Turn around, go forward!" Gauss hurriedly said: What do you want to do to me? Lao Tian said again: "Stop talking nonsense, I tell you to go forward, keep close to the wall, and don't make a sound." Under such circumstances, Gauss had absolutely no choice. Before turning around to go, he glanced at the small crossbow in Laotian's hand again. Laotian's finger was on the bow, and as long as his finger exerted a little force , that poisonous arrow will shoot out! Gauss only felt that his body was very stiff, he turned around slowly, and when he turned halfway, the gunshot suddenly rang out!A gun came from behind a big tree on the right. As soon as the gunshot rang, a poisonous arrow clung to Gauss's body and flew past. Laotian's right hand was covered with blood, and he was retreating. At that moment, Gauss was so stunned that he didn't know how Li Yufang jumped down from the tree and ran to him. He only saw Lao Tian running forward, and Li Hua grabbed him. After arriving at Laotian, Li Yufang also arrived, and immediately put handcuffs on Laotian's hands. All of that happened within a few seconds, and what impressed Gauss the most was that when Laotian's hands were handcuffed, his face was as white as if he had been heavily powdered ! In Li Yufang's office, Li Yufang said: "Gauss, my inference is still correct, but I thought Li Hua was the murderer. I never thought that Li Hua's assistant, Lao Tian, ​​was equally familiar with that empty room and could use it as well." Let's kill!If it wasn't for his guilty conscience, he might be able to get away with it. He chose to commit the murder on a day when he was parading in the assembly. His main purpose was to seek proof of time, so as to prove that the dead were first killed outside and then moved to an empty house. middle. But Gauss asked hurriedly. Li Yufang immediately interrupted him, saying: "However, there was a small accident in his arrangement. The light bulb in the living room of the empty room was broken, so you can't turn on the electric light, but he heard someone entering the room and turned on the light." It wasn't on, so I went down to check it out. Just at that time, you turned on the flash, which was the main reason for his guilty conscience! Gauss couldn't help laughing, because at that time, he didn't see Lao Tian at all, and there was no Lao Tian in the photo he accidentally took. Lao Tian must not know how to take pictures, otherwise he should know that he was standing at the time The angle is not within the scope of the lens at all!
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