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Chapter 2 The second part, if you want your son to return safely

situation 湊佳苗 21528Words 2023-02-05
Yoko I was interviewed by Natural, a monthly magazine whose readers are women in their thirties. In order to take pictures, I had to change several locations. It was originally scheduled to end in the evening. Fortunately, the process went smoothly, and it was all completed at 3:00 pm. Today is Tuesday, Yuta's swimming lesson.If you go directly from here, you should have time to pick him up.Although I have already asked Ms. Aki, she should still be in the office now. I called and Ms. Dowdy said she had just left the house.I called Ms. Yaji's cell phone, but no one answered, so it was transferred to voicemail.Did she go directly to pick up Yuta?It would be too embarrassing if she answered my message without hearing it, so I decided not to go and went straight back to the office.

Elections for county council members are still a month away.There is a mountain of things that must be prepared. The office of Masaki Takakura is located on the first floor of the station building. It takes about seven or eight minutes to drive from home, or about half an hour to walk.It usually feels very close, but when you are busy, you have to go back and forth several times a day, which actually takes a lot of energy. So as the election got closer, people spent more and more time in the office, and our family life moved to the office.Zheng Ji only goes home for a few tens of minutes every day to take a shower and change clothes.

The campaign is very hard, and Zheng Ji still has a lot of work to do with the incumbent congressmen. He has been on a business trip to South Korea for four days since yesterday. The number of members of the support club has also increased, and more and more people come in and out of the office.These people are centered on Zhengji's classmates, the age group has become younger, and the atmosphere is more active than before.Although I thought I should prepare some delicious refreshments thanks to their help, but I was afraid of violating the public office election law, so I really couldn't do anything.Especially this time, Zheng Ji was only under investigation for allegedly accepting improper political donations half a year ago. It can be seen that everyone is very cautious.

Ms. Dowdy no longer asks me to sign books for friends she knows. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at the office, and of course Miss Aki was not there.Mr. Goto, Ms. Michiyo, Mr. Iwasaki, and five members of the support club were there.My mother-in-law is often at the office recently, but Yuta is not at home today, she is scheduled to come to the office to pick him up. But the mother-in-law is not there either.Ms. Michiyo said that she stayed at the office until about two o'clock, and then said that she wanted to prepare Yuta's snacks, and then went home. The mother-in-law who had a look of embarrassment when she heard that we were going to get married urged us to have a baby soon after we got married.I thought the baby could be born at any time, but there was no sign of pregnancy.Generally speaking, if you do not use contraception, two years without pregnancy is called infertility, and we have been married for less than a year, and my mother-in-law taught me to go to the hospital for examination.

Zheng Ji supported me and said: Don't do things that increase the mental burden of others.But the mother-in-law said to the only son: The Gaocang family does not need a daughter-in-law who cannot give birth to children.Since her attitude was so clear, I seemed to understand my mother-in-law's feelings as a politician's wife, so I made up my mind to go to the hospital for an examination. Zheng Ji sympathized with my mood and went with me, and it turned out that both of us were completely normal.When I reported it to my mother-in-law, she seemed to be as happy as hearing that I was pregnant, but it was four years later that I was actually pregnant.

It's been a very long, very frustrating day. Have you had an abortion before? Is there something wrong with genetics?Even if some people are in normal health, the family has few children, and we can't even investigate your family background.If it was Yaji, she had three older brothers, and she would definitely be able to give birth to a healthy heir. So when I was pregnant with Yuta, I couldn't be happier.The mother-in-law is also very happy.She said to me: Thanks for your hard work.This is the only time she complimented me in ten years of marriage. No matter what happens, the mother-in-law will always put Yuta first.This is not simply pampering him, she will consider what is best for Yuta, she will not let him eat snacks, and she will not teach him if he is not good.Today, because I have swimming lessons, I go back early and make more snacks for him.

I read the original manuscript of the interview Michiyo gave me and the script of Mitsuko’s Cabin while I waited for Yuta to come back from the office. It's half past five in the afternoon. When I went to pick him up, he would be home by five o'clock at the latest, but Yuta still didn't come back today.Did Miss Aki take him to eat ice cream again?Although I won't tell Aki-san, maybe I should tell Yuta that you must go home and eat the dim sum. The office phone rang.I don't answer the phone here, but everyone seems to be busy, so I answer it.It was my mother-in-law.She seemed surprised to hear that I was in the office.

Xiaoyu hasn't come back yet.I have made snacks and are waiting for him. Her tone was a little displeased. Mom, I'm sorry.But Yuta hasn't arrived at the office yet. Hey, isn't it a bit late?Where the two of them might have gone shopping, I called Yaji to see. The mother-in-law hung up the phone.She said where she went shopping, and said that today was not the first time she came home late.Maybe it's better to make it clear to Ms. Aki.Even so, I couldn't wait at the door of the office, so I had to continue to check the manuscript. Xiaoqing's manuscript was also among the stack of interview manuscripts sent by fax.Newspapers usually do not allow interviewees to read the original manuscript, so when it is published, they are often surprised to find that an unintentional sentence has been exaggerated.Xiaoqing said that I wanted to convey Yoko's feelings to readers correctly, so I sent the original manuscript for me to read.

At the end of the concise interview, Xiaoqing wrote a paragraph. In this era of tragic news about child abuse and neglect every day, "Blue Sky Ribbon" allows children and parents to see a clear sky full of hope for the future.Be sure to read with your child. I wrote thank you on the reply letter after confirming the manuscript. The door of the office opened, and it was Miss Aki.It seemed to be raining outside, and the shoulders of her coat were wet.But Yuta wasn't with her.Maybe it was urged by her mother-in-law to send Yuta home directly. Miss Aki, thank you very much. I handed her the office towel and she looked at me in surprise.

Why is the wife here? The visit ended at three o'clock. I was going to pick up Yuta, but I called you but you didn't answer. Aki-san took out her mobile phone from her purse. Ah, really, I didn't notice.Oops, the old lady called too. Not only did she not receive my call, she also didn't seem to receive a call from her mother-in-law. Miss Aki, where is Yuta? Isn't the old lady going to pick him up? Aki-san asked me back with a blank face. Mother-in-law didn't go.She called half an hour ago to say that Yuta hadn't come home yet, and then said she wanted to call you.what's up?Didn't you pick up Yuta?

I have to go.A little later, the swimming lesson was over. I went to the park and saw the mothers of the children in the same class sitting on the bench, so I asked them.They said that Yuta went back with the person who came to pick him up, maybe his grandma.I thought the old lady must have picked him up, so I came back by myself Miss Aki's voice gradually weakened.what is going on.I picked up the phone and dialed the number at home, and my mother-in-law answered before it rang three times. Mom, did Yuta go back? No.Didn't you go back to the office? Miss Aki just came back.But she said someone else took Yuta away first.The mother of the child in the same class said that it might be picked up by grandma. You know I'm always at home. Do you know who will pick up Yuta? I never asked anyone other than Aki to pick him up.What happened?What should I do now? The mother-in-law's voice was full of anxiety. Mom, you stay at home.If Yuta got lost or had an accident, maybe the family would get news.I'm going to look around the swimming school now. I hung up the phone, and Mr. Iwasaki realized that the matter was not simple, and said that he would drive with me. Miss Aki. I called her but she kept her head down.Maybe she is blaming herself and hoping that others will leave her alone, but now she won't go with me to ask about the situation. Aki, shall I go too? Ms. Doyo said as if she wanted to comfort Aki-san. No! Yaji said, pushing away Ms. Daodai and said: I'll go.She rushed out of the office without an umbrella.I told Ms. Michiyo that if the office received any news, I asked her to call me on the mobile phone immediately, and then chase Aki out with Mr. Iwasaki. Mr. Iwasaki is Masaki's classmate. Their families live very close to each other, and they are in the same elementary, middle and high schools, so they are very good friends.He owned a tavern, and when the election season approached he asked his mother to run the store, and he came to the office as a member of the support club. During the last election, he also helped organize the class reunion and the election party, which really contributed a lot. When we arrived at the swimming school, the three of us went to the counter and told the receptionist that Yuta hadn't come home yet. After the four o'clock swimming class, Ryosuke's mother, who was in the same class as Yuta, came to pick him up on time. After changing his clothes, Yuta left with Ryosuke, mother and son, and three or four other classmates. It's really Yuta.It was Ryosuke's mother who took them away, right? I couldn't help but get anxious and reconfirmed. That's right.that The lady at the reception said to Aki who was standing behind me: You came here after five o'clock.Did you not see Yuta-san at that time? Um.Aki nodded slightly. Miss Yaji, you didn't come here until five o'clock? Yaji didn't speak in the car, and it was the first time I knew when she arrived here. I have a problem. If you're late, just contact me or your mother. I have other things to say, but now is not the time.Aki did not speak again.We left swimming school and walked towards the park.The sun was down, it was still raining, and there was no one in the park. Yuta!Yuta! I called out his name aloud.There is no sign of Yuta on the swings, slides, and sand pits. Yuta, where are you? Don't worry, Mrs. Yoko. I threw the umbrella aside and looked for Yuta among the rides, and Iwasaki-san held up the umbrella for me. Think about it in chronological order. We go back to the park gate.Aki stood up in a daze. What was Miss Aki like when she came? Mr. Iwasaki asked. I looked around the park, but I didn't see Yuta.The mothers of two classmates I met a few times before happened to be sitting on the bench over there, so I went over and asked them. Aki pointed to a bench near the park entrance. Is it Ryosuke's mother? probably I called Ryosuke's mother.I have the guardian phone numbers and email addresses of ten of my swimming school classmates. Fortunately, Ryosuke's mother picked it up immediately.I told her that Yuta hadn't come home yet, she was very worried, and asked us to go to her house to explain the situation in detail, and we went. Ryosuke's house is near the swimming school. The classmates will have dinner together regularly, and everyone has a good relationship. The first person to pick up the children will take everyone to the park together. This is the tacit understanding of the parents.The teacher will take care of the students until they have changed their clothes, so every parent knows that they must pick them up at four o'clock. Ryosuke's mother told us at the entrance that she went to the swimming school at four o'clock, and took the children to the park around twenty o'clock.The lady at the reception said the same. The children were playing games of hide-and-seek in the park, and Ryosuke's mother was sitting on a bench at the park entrance with Mayu's mother who came later. Mayu's mother arrived not long after.We chatted for a while, and then we heard Yuta's voice saying goodbye, and we saw him walking out of the park holding hands with a lady. What kind of person are you? She only saw her back, she was wearing a hat and didn't see her face, but from the feel of her clothes, she knew she was a bit older.Mayu's mother also said that she is Yuta's grandma. Does it look weird? We would have called him if there had been one.But he walked with her hand in hand very naturally.real.He said goodbye in his usual cheerful voice. I told Yuta I don't know how many times I can't go with people I don't know.Even if someone told him that his parents were sick or had an accident, he would never believe it.If someone wants to take him away, I taught him to call for help. Did he go with someone he met by chance? Don't know what the characteristics of that lady are? Well, she's wearing a denim hat, a brown knitted top, and loose beige trousers.It looks like they are all clothes sold in the shopping streets around here.By the way, she is carrying a big bag.It seems that I don't know where the reusable shopping bags are, so I can ask Mayu's mother. Ryosuke's mother called Mayu's mother on the spot and asked what kind of bag the lady who took Yuta was carrying. It's Happy City. It's a large shopping center next to the highway. It fits perfectly with the characteristics of women that come to my mind. The phone rang.It's not mine, it's Aki who's standing behind. What's wrong?I see. Aki finished speaking and hung up the phone. who? my mother. Is Yuta back yet? I don't know, just tell us to go back to the office immediately. I thanked Ryosuke's mother, told her that maybe my natal mother picked her up, told her not to worry, and left in a hurry. I called the office from the car, and it was Mr. Goto who answered, not Mrs. Michiyo.He said it was inconvenient to say on the phone and asked us to go back to the office quickly. The mother-in-law seems to be going to the office too. What's wrong with Yuta? Why don't we go home instead of going to the office? I turned on the phone and looked at Zheng Ji's email address, but I didn't know how to explain it to him, so I had to put the phone away again.Or go back to the office to confirm the situation. Neither Mr. Iwasaki who was driving nor Aki who was in the back seat said a word. Yuta is not in the office.There were only three people there: Mr. Goto, Ms. Michiyo and my mother-in-law.Mr. Goto found an appropriate reason for the staff of the support club to go back first.The mother-in-law was sitting on the sofa with her back hunched, and Ms. Dao Dai was beside her. Mr. Goto handed me a piece of paper. A4 copy paper. The son is in my hands, if you want him to come back safely, tell the truth to the world, don't do useless things, think about the Shirakawa Valley incident It's like writing with a ruler.Either way, it's a threatening letter. Yuta is kidnapped. My knees were shaking. It was received by the fax machine over there just now.Mr. Goto said. Have you called the police? I asked Mr. Goto, and he shook his head.What are these people doing when they receive threatening letters and do nothing!I picked up the phone on the table. Wait a moment. Mr. Goto held down the microphone. Do you want to call the police? That's right.why stop me?Yuta was kidnapped. But the letter asks us to think about the Shirakawa Valley incident. I put down the microphone.Seeing the threatening letter left my mind blank and I didn't notice the last scary sentence.The letter did not say that the police should not be called, but only mentioned the actual case, which meant that as long as the police were called, it would definitely lead to tragedy. The Shirakawa Valley incident was a case in which a high school girl in the prefecture was kidnapped by a man who had been following her and was finally killed in the Shirakawa Valley last year. When he was just kidnapped, the man called the high school girl's home and said: I will return my daughter to you in three days, and don't call the police.The girl's parents secretly called the police. A day later, the man called again and said: Your daughter is fine, and I will send her back the day after tomorrow.The police who were waiting at the girl's house at that time answered the phone. In this kind of case, the police usually don't reveal their identities, they only say they are family members or relatives, and ask about the victim's condition, but this time the policeman who answered the phone said: I am a policeman, don't do stupid things, and send Ms. XX back immediately.The prisoner hung up the phone, and nothing was heard from after that.A week later, the body of the high school girl was found in Shirakawa Valley. A month later, the suspect was arrested by the police at an Internet cafe in Kyushu.Asked why he committed the crime, he said: I want to go to Disneyland with her and leave good memories, so that I can forget her.But when the police found out, they couldn't go there, and they strangled her to death out of grief and indignation. Media outlets across the country reported the major police blunder.The body of the high school girl had not been desecrated, and if the police hadn't identified themselves over the phone, the girl might have made it home safely.Commentators were unanimous in criticizing the police for acting recklessly. If you don't call the police, just listen to the prisoner obediently. The video of the girl's parents crying and saying this was played repeatedly on TV.I also remembered that at the time I felt that if I called the police instead, I would regret it for the rest of my life. Although in the same county, I don't think the police will use that case as a lesson to act cautiously.Although the police were criticized by all parties, they still insisted that there was nothing wrong with the response at that time. The prisoner planned to kill the high school girl from the beginning.In the end, it was not clear whether the police apologized or not. The prisoner who took Yuta away did not give us unreasonable problems.Yuta should be able to come back if we listen to his request. This is the trap.If the police read the threatening letter and the matter was made public, everyone would think that Zheng Ji had done something wrong.As a result, this election has no chance of winning. Mr. Goto said so.I originally thought it might be better not to call the police, but what Mr. Goto said made me very disgusted.What he worries about is the election. Are you saying the election is too important for Yuu? Both are important.You don't understand the situation. I saw the mother-in-law sitting on the sofa with her back hunched over, looking at this uneasily.If she was worried about Yuta, she should have persuaded Mr. Goto, but she didn't say anything.Apparently I was the only one who didn't understand the situation. If you don't understand, you don't understand.I still have to call the police. please wait a while.I didn't say that Yuta would not save Yuta, let's think about whether there is any good way first.For the sake of Yuta's safety, it's better not to act rashly, isn't it?The movement in this office can be clearly seen from outside.If you call the police, the prisoner will know. I looked at the large expanse of glass on the wall.Although there is a poster of Zhengji on it, you can still clearly see what it looks like outside.Although the support club mentioned installing blinds, Zheng Ji objected, saying that there is nothing to cover here. The threatening letter was not sent to the home but to the office, because they wanted to monitor our actions. But the police should not make the same mistake.Mr. Iwasaki said. Even if you don't say it on the phone, isn't it the same if the police come here? Miss Aki said.I don't think what they say is unreasonable. So what will Yuta do? No one answered.Zheng Ji I took out my phone. Who are you calling?Mr. Goto asked. Zheng Ji.You can't help telling him about such a serious matter. Please do not do this. Why? He will return to the country immediately if he tells the lawmakers.There are two days left before the business trip, and there is an important meeting tomorrow. His son was kidnapped!Moreover, Zheng Ji is not on a business trip alone, so he can always ask others to handle things. It is something that Members must personally handle.Tomorrow is a critical moment when the policies he has promoted over the past four years will bear fruit.The last election relied on the condolence votes of old councilors, but this time voters will judge whether Mr. Zhengji himself is eligible for re-election.It is very difficult for a member of parliament who has only served one term to promote his own policies during his term of office, and the election for re-election must be held without actual political achievements.But the results of tomorrow's meeting can determine whether Mr. Zhengji can run for re-election with actual achievements.The prisoner also saw through this, so he kidnapped Yuta today.We cannot fall into the tricks of the criminals. So what to do? Let's think about it together.If we can know the target of the prisoner, there may be some countermeasures.Please, don't call. I put my phone on the table. Michiyo, I'm sorry to ask you to make coffee.Let's all have a drink. Mr. Goto said so, and Ms. Michiyo got up to prepare coffee.Aki also helped to take out the cup from the cabinet. You sit down too. Mr. Goto urged me to take a seat in the corner of the office. Is there any refreshment? Mr. Goto asked Mr. Iwasaki. How could he have the heart to say such gossip.But Mr. Goto's face is very bad, I don't think it's because he's worried about Yuta.Is there really something shameful in the office? He wasn't worried about the election, but rather that what had happened would be made public.And it's not just Masaki who is involved in this matter, no, it has a lot to do with Mr. Goto.Is it an illegal political contribution? What should I do? If Yu Tai comes back safely, the truth will be revealed to the world. But I don't know anything about the office, especially about money.Ask Mr. Goto now and he will not tell the truth.Others probably wouldn't say anything in front of Mr. Goto. How can I do.What to do? What to do? In the end, I could only sit with my head in my arms, helpless. I saw my smiling face in front of me.This is my photo attached to the interview.It would be fine if I didn't draw any picture books.It would be nice if I didn't become a picture book writer.Just don't accept access.That way I can pick up Yuta. No, I can pick him up today.I can leave a message on Aki's cell phone voicemail, and even if she has to go all the time, I can still go.Yuta will be disappointed if he can't eat ice cream.She didn't go to pick him up because of such a boring idea. Miss Aki, you couldn't pick up Yuta on time, why didn't you contact me or the old lady? I asked her angrily. Even when I pick him up on time, he always has to go to the park to play or have a snack, that kid is way too headstrong.I don't want to hang out with a boring housewife who can't do anything and watch him there for an hour.If so, pick it up at five o'clock.I'm the secretary of the congressman, why do I have to do what you should do? Didn't Aki-san herself say she was going to pick up Yuta? Aki turned his eyes away from my face and looked at Ms. Dodai. It was mother's fault.She said that she must make that person a best-selling author, and she made arrangements, as if she thought she was a celebrity.Completely focused on the present. There is no such thing.Ms Dow said. It’s the same for me, tell me to prepare for being Mr. Masaki’s good wife, practice housework, don’t go to work elsewhere, just be Mr. Masaki’s secretary, and take care of Takakura’s affairs on behalf of that person, my mother has always been So to speak.What a good wife!I don't know what my mother wants to do, but don't order me to do whatever comes to mind, it has nothing to do with me anyway! Aki ran out of the office. Miss Aki! Mr. Iwasaki who was standing by the door called her, but Aki didn't even look back. Is that all right? Although Mr. Iwasaki asked this question, Mr. Goto probably believed that Ms. Aki would not do anything against the office, and had no intention of chasing her.Ms. Dao Dai also sat down beside her mother-in-law, nodding slightly. I have always been jealous of Aki-san, who treats the Takakura house as her own and is loved by her mother-in-law.Zheng Ji said that although his parents always half-joked about making them a couple, he never had any romantic feelings for Ya Ji.Yet I still feel uneasy as the two of them talk about past events that I don't know about. What's more, although they are husband and wife, there are still some things that must be kept secret.I hardly know the content of Zhengji's work, but Ms. Yaji knows everything of course, which makes me very unwilling. But I never thought about Miss Aki's mood. Yaji shouldn't think that marrying Zhengji is just a joke of his parents' generation.She regards Zheng Ji as a marriage partner, and she may really like him, or she may have made a lot of efforts. However, one day a woman of unknown origin suddenly appeared. She had no family background, did not know how to be a politician's wife, and had never tried hard. The old lady also said that this person was an adopted daughter, and the biological parents did not know who they were. I would feel betrayed too. Ms. Aki said just now that she wanted to work elsewhere, but she had to be Masaki's secretary because Ms. Doyo stopped her. But in fact, Ms. Aki couldn't find a job and was doing nothing at home. Mr. Goto asked Masaki and his mother-in-law to let her As Zheng Ji's secretary.I hoped that Zheng Ji would refuse, but I couldn't say it. Mr. Goto is kind to Masaki.Election turnout in the region is also declining year by year.Although everyone thinks that if young people stand for election, they will be supported by young people, but young people hardly vote.Voting age groups are high.These people are usually reluctant to entrust political affairs to people the same age as their sons or grandchildren.So Masaki needs the influence of Mr. Goto, a local celebrity. Since Mr. Goto asked, there is no other way.It's almost like this. Ms. Aki probably really didn't want to be a secretary.What kind of mood does she use every day to work with the married Zheng Ji?And also to pick up Yuta for me. The parents of the Litian family never forced me to do anything, but many times I felt that it was because I was an adopted daughter. If I were their biological child, they would definitely say it bluntly.After I entered the society, I still had to go home at nine o'clock in the evening, and I would be read if I dressed fancy, so I just obeyed in silence. But even if they are related by blood, they can't say whatever they want.I became a picture book author, and I was interviewed all day long. Miss Aki finally couldn't bear it anymore.Her mother had always looked down on me before, and now she suddenly praised me to the sky, she must be very upset. What does Aki-san do until five o'clock? Maybe it was Aki who asked someone to pick up Yuta.But then the threatening letter doesn't make sense. Time passed by every minute and every second.How is Yuta doing now?Are you afraid of who will help us? Xiaoqing. Mr. Goto stood in front of the phone drinking coffee.My cell phone is next to the phone.This is what to do. Excuse me, I need to use the fax machine. Mr. Goto raised an eyebrow. There is an interview paper due today, and I just want to pass it on.If Mr. Goto is worried, please pass it on. I handed five A4 sheets of paper to Mr. Goto, and he said no, no, and gave up the seat in front of the phone.I pressed the button for the phone number and the fax machine, and my smiling face was fed into the machine. No matter how deviant it is, is he innocent if he doesn't know it? Is the one who does not know innocent? Can you be innocent if you forget? If you are innocent, you will not be punished, and there is no need to atone for your sins. Can you live happily like a normal person? No, absolutely not. Then let her know. Good to get back something important. Harumi At nine o'clock in the evening, I went to the office of Masaki Takakura. There were posters pasted on the large glass window without curtains. Through the gap, I saw Yoko sitting in front of the fax machine with her head folded. Usually there are many members of the support club in the office after get off work hours, but today I opened the glass door and walked in. It was so quiet that it didn't look like a lively place in front of the station. I looked around, and there were only five people here, Yoko, Mr. Goto, the president of the fan club, Mrs. Goto, Mr. Iwasaki of the fan club, and Yoko's mother-in-law.Where is everyone else? Xiaoqing Yoko lifted her tired face and called my name feebly.I wanted to rush to her immediately, but Goto-san looked at me in surprise.Except for Yoko, no one welcomes me. Sorry to interrupt you all of a sudden, I'm Aida from the T branch of the Main Asa Shimbun.Just now Mrs. Gao Cang faxed the interview transcript to me. I found out that we have made a serious mistake here. It is too impolite to call to apologize, so I came to the office to apologize. I said to Mr. Goto. In addition, there are some other questions I would like to ask Mrs. Gao Cang. I wonder if I can take up a little time.If you don't have time, it's okay to be with Yuta.Madam Takakura is very kind to me, I have also met Yuta I looked inside the office again.There is only one big room in the office, although there is a partition, but no one feels there. By the way, where is Yuta?I asked Yoko. So can I go to the cafe next door with Aida-san? Yoko asked Mr. Goto hesitantly. Isn't it good here.Mr. Goto replied. Yangzi has become a well-known person in the whole country, but the old man who is only a local celebrity is terribly embarrassed, and Yangzi still has to look at his face. It would be bad if people misunderstood the election activities before the announcement. We also hope that we can be outside the office. I gave Yoko a hand.When it comes to elections, Mr. Goto should give in.but No, it's still here.Just sit there. Mr. Goto pointed to the compartment.Even if you can't see anyone, you should be able to hear the conversation clearly. Do you doubt that I will secretly tell her about Yuta? Yoko stared at Mr. Goto and said. Enough is enough.It's okay to tell her.From the very beginning, everyone sat silently, and there was nothing they could do.Ms. Aida is my friend and also a newspaper reporter, so maybe she can offer some advice.If you're worried, we're here to say it. It was the first time I saw a distraught Yoko. Mr. Goto and Mrs. Yoko are right.Let's ask her. Mr. Iwasaki came out to smooth things over.Yoko didn't wait for Goto-san to answer, and asked me to sit down on the sofa in the middle of the room instead of taking me to the back cubicle. Xiao Qing and Yu Tai were abducted. Yoko let out a deep breath and told me what happened this afternoon. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Yoko finished the interview and called Ms. Aki who was scheduled to pick up Yuta at 4 o'clock, but she couldn't get in touch. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yoko arrived at the office. At 5:30 in the afternoon, the mother-in-law called the office from home, saying that Yuta had not returned home.After that, the mother-in-law also called Ms. Aki, but she couldn't get in touch either. At six o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Aki came back alone. Yoko, Ms. Aki, and Mr. Iwasaki went to the swimming school together. The lady at the reception said that Yuta went to the park with the mother of his classmate Ryosuke and several other children at around 4:20.Miss Aki picked him up at five o'clock, and Yuta was gone by then. At 6:30 in the evening, three people went to the park, but no one was there. Ryosuke's mother said Yuta left the park with an elderly lady at 4:30.The woman was wearing a denim cap, a brown knitted top, and baggy beige trousers, with a reusable shopping bag from the Happy City Mall on her shoulder. At 7:30 in the evening, the three returned to the office. Yoko's narrative ends here. At 9:30 in the evening, the child may have been kidnapped, something so serious happened, but there was no sign of the police in the office. What about the police? No police were called.Yoko replied. Why!Yuta was taken away by a stranger, right?You can't call the police right away. Xiaoqing, Yoko looked out. Have you been intimidated? I asked in a low voice, watching the road in front of the station through the gap in the poster. No. Yoko replied, looking at Goto-san as if asking for his approval. That's right, I'm always in the office.Before the three of them came back, they didn't know anything. Mr. Goto said, and Mrs. Goto, who was sitting on the sofa behind, also said: Yes, I was really shocked. Is everyone just sitting here helpless? I looked at Yoko in amazement, and she nodded with tears in her eyes.How can they sit still, even I feel restless. In the previous kidnapping incidents, the prisoner threatened or demanded a ransom, and asked the family members not to call the police. If the family members refused to listen and reported to the police, they were torn apart. This situation is quite common.But now there are many cases where prisoners may just want children, or take children away on impulse.Waiting here blankly for the prisoner to contact, the child might be taken far away.While everyone is sitting here, what if the prisoner takes the Shinkansen or plane? I stood up and picked up the phone in front of Mr. Goto.Yangzi's cell phone was placed beside her.Mr. Goto didn't let her call the police. wait a minute! Yang Zi cried. There may be some news from Gao Cang's family.Yuta knew that I would come to the office today, but those who didn't know would think that all my relatives were at home.I'll go back and check now. If there's nothing there, I'll use my home phone to call the police and ask the police to find someone.Is that okay, Mr. Goto? Ask the police to find someone.I didn't expect to be able to do this.Yuta was not kidnapped, but the mothers in the park misunderstood.Yuta thought it was someone she knew, so she followed along, and maybe she got lost.The Takakura family should ask the police to help find someone.But please proceed with caution. Mr. Goto emphasized caution.Before I arrived, everyone didn't just sit blankly, maybe they discussed it privately.Yoko still didn't tell me something. Xiaoqing, are you here by car? right.I parked my car in the paid parking lot in front of the station. Can I trouble you to take me home? Sure, let's go. I grabbed the phone on the table and left the office with Yoko. Xiaoqing, thank you. Yoko said while sitting next to the driver's seat. No thanks, I didn't expect Yuta to be taken away, let's go back quickly. I drove the car towards Takakura's house.Although I have only been there two or three times, the road is easy to remember. Xiaoqing is really nice in the office. In fact, it wasn't that there was any problem with the interview draft. I was called to the office by Yoko. But I'm not in the office to get the fax.There is no need to explain to her in detail about Yangzi's current state.After I went out for the interview today, I went home directly, and the fax was received at home.A young colleague in the office saw Yoko writing an urgent faxed manuscript and forwarded it to me. That is the manuscript of the interview that I sent to the congressman's office today.Although the manuscript said it was urgent, it was actually not that urgent.The attached palindrome above only states that the content of the standard interview manuscript has been confirmed, thank you very much. Yoko's private affairs were written on the third piece of paper.At first glance, it seemed that the content of the interview manuscript was revised, but I knew it was not. Please come to the office and take me away. I hurried to the office of Councilor Masaki Takakura.At that time, I was having dinner with friends who came to the house to play, but I couldn't take care of that much.I told my friend that I might come back late, please go to bed first.My friend sent me out and told me to be careful on the road. It is indeed an emergency.五歲的小孩被人帶走了,大家卻甚麼對策也沒有。而且我趕到辦事處的時候,陽子並沒有驚慌失措,只是抱頭坐著而已。普通做媽媽的都會坐立難安,在外面尋找,或是打電話問親朋好友吧。 妳已經跟正紀先生聯絡了吧。 No. 找不到人嗎? 不是,因為他有非常重要的工作 陽子小小聲地說。我知道她當縣議員的先生到韓國出差了,但是兒子出事了啊。 難道不應該第一個就告訴他嗎? 還是他們已經知道犯人是誰了呢? 有點年紀的女性,丹寧布的帽子,咖啡色的針織上衣,寬鬆的米色長褲,快樂城的環保購物袋。 前幾天跟陽子一起在咖啡館看到的那個女人,陽子到底有何感想呢? 我想問她,但已經到高倉家了。 我以為陽子想要立刻報警,但進入沉重的大門。到了放著電話的客廳,她並沒有要伸手拿話筒的意思。我以為她是為了這個才要我帶她離開辦事處的,但她卻叫我坐下。 妳不報警嗎? 陽子無力地搖搖頭,面對著我坐下來。 妳回來這裏也沒檢查信箱或答錄機。難道已經接到犯人的指示了?所以才遲疑要不要報警。 辦事處有接到傳真。 恐嚇信嗎? !上面寫說要是報警就要對裕太不利? 陽子默默地點頭。 這樣就真的甚麼也不做,裕太也不會回來啊。 我從包包裏掏出陽子的手機遞給她。 我明白犯人為甚麼選辦事處,那裏從外面可以看得很清楚,在那裏的確甚麼也不能做。但是這裏就沒問題了。 但是陽子把手機放在桌上。 我本來也是這麼想的,但果然還是辦不到。傳真上寫說不要做沒用的事,想想白川溪谷事件。 大家對白川溪谷事件還記憶猶新。這麼寫果然比普通的威脅更有效果。 所以就不報警了嗎?妳打算甚麼也不做就這樣等待? 不,我跟小晴求救,不是只要妳帶我離開辦事處而已。我有件事只能拜託小晴。請妳幫我調查高倉議員辦事處的秘密,刊登在報紙上好嗎? 為甚麼突然要調查? 那是犯人的要求。恐嚇信上說把高倉議員辦事處的秘密公開,裕太就可以平安回來。 綁架跟選舉有關嗎?沒想到現在還有這種事。所以後藤先生他們才說三道四,讓妳甚麼事也不能做吧。 陽子到底有多天真啊。我不知道她想保護甚麼。 總之我想聽從犯人的要求。但是說來很丟臉,辦事處的事情我真的一無所知。就算想要調查,只要後藤先生在,就連半份文件也看不了。我只能拜託小晴了。 半年前高倉正紀議員涉嫌收取非法政治獻金,接受過警方的調查。我們報社也有報導。 陽子說的如果是半年前非法政治獻金那件事的話,我查得到的可能也只有公開資料的部份,因為那件案子沒有起訴,沒有確實證據的話是不能見報的。 那就告訴我妳查到的情報。還是可以在網路上,或用其他方式公開的。 知道了,我會盡力。 小晴,謝謝妳。 陽子好像鬆了一口氣般說道。 但是犯人說的秘密真的是辦事處的事嗎?恐嚇信上那麼寫的嗎? 上面寫的是把真相公諸於世。所以我以為是非法政治獻金,除了辦事處之外我想不出還會有甚麼秘密啊。小晴覺得還可能是甚麼事呢? 選舉快到了,或許大家都會聯想到正紀先生或是辦事處,但我比較在意帶走裕太的那個女人。她的特徵不是跟我採訪陽子那天看到的那個女人一樣嗎? I noticed that too. 要是是那個人帶走的,她和選舉有甚麼關係呢? I have no idea.但是我也在辦事處附近見過她,或許是有人要她來打探情況的。 是嗎我覺得那個人跟選舉無關,是對陽子有興趣。 I?但是傳真是送到辦事處喔。 那是因為辦公室的傳真號碼比這裏的容易查到吧? 那恐嚇信裏說的真相指的是我的事?難道是要我公開我的身世?是誰為了甚麼要這麼做? 陽子的名氣比自己想像中要大呢。素昧平生的人也可能嫉妒妳的。 how so.我果然還是不該接受那個獎的。但是如果真相指的是我的身世,那我現在就可以公開。小晴就在訪問稿上加一句,說我出生後不久就被送到友愛園好了。我是身分不明的孤兒。 沒問題,但這樣真的好嗎? It doesn't matter.但是我這麼做了誰能得到好處呢?媒體會覺得可以炒作,繪本搞不好賣得更好,我也不覺得會對正紀的選情造成多大的影響。 陽子果然還是覺得所謂的真相指的不是自己,而是辦事處的事。 我也不想相信會因為身世被恐嚇。但是現在帶走裕太的嫌犯線索只有那個女人,還是得考慮一下各種可能性。我會去報社調查議員辦事處的情形,也會想辦法調查一下那個女人。對了,傳真是從哪裏送來的? 微笑超商K分店。 陽子立刻回答。既然知道發送地點,只要報警立刻就可以聽取店員的證詞,調出監視錄影帶來看,幾乎等於立刻就能知道那個女人的身分了。 K分店就在游泳學校附近不是嘛。我去那裏問問看。 小晴,謝謝妳。真對不起,妳工作很忙還麻煩妳。 陽子握著我的手說。 妳說的甚麼話,這個時候妳能想到我,我很高興。 因為我只有小晴妳一個親人啊。 陽子找我幫忙我很高興,但她就這樣不打算跟正紀先生聯絡了嗎? How to do?我打算今天晚上調查辦事處,明天去游泳學校附近問問。如果陽子害怕的話,辦事處就明天再查,今晚我在這裏陪妳好了。 I'm fine.犯人搞不好還會聯絡,我打算回辦事處去。 I see.那明天呢?一大早就去辦事處嗎? 不,我會在辦事處過夜,天亮再回來。小晴到這裏來,調查到的事情別讓後藤先生他們知道,設法公開,然後我們一起去游泳學校附近找吧。 陽子好像不想讓我擔心,露出笑臉站起來。她跟以往一樣挺直了脊梁。陽子的堅強讓我稍稍吃了一驚。 陽子能這麼平靜,是因為自身的境遇讓她缺少母性,還是因為境遇的緣故讓她比一般人堅強呢? 不管如何,我都要做好自己該做的事。 陽子想知道的辦事處的秘密,應該是東西組建設公司疑似非法提供政治獻金的案子。 警方和報社一起收到匿名信件,告發東西組給了高倉正紀議員辦事處一千萬的非法政治獻金。高倉正紀議員和辦事處均予以否認。警方查不到證據,案子不起訴。但是我覺得這可能是事實也說不定。 政治獻金並不是從正紀先生這一代才開始的。毋寧是從前任議員的時代流傳下來的習慣也未可知。從中經手的是後援會會長後藤先生。他讓女兒當正紀先生的秘書,這樣就可以輕易掌控秘密帳簿。正紀先生到底知道多少呢? 陽子甚麼也不知道,這點昭然若揭。但實在很難相信正紀先生毫不知情。 但是我知道的也就僅止於此。警方調查結果都不起訴,我花一個晚上也不可能查出甚麼確實證據的。 就算要救被綁架的孩子,也不能憑空捏造事實吧。 關於這件事,我只能設法調查內部告發的人是誰。或許可以再度跟那個人詢問內情,然後在網路上公佈告發信。但是陽子能夠不跟正紀先生商量就這麼做嗎? 陽子不會真的相信,這麼做裕太就會回來吧。 犯人說要孩子平安回來就要公開真相,陽子為甚麼不認為這指的是自己的事呢?她突然成了有名的繪本作家,也可能遭不認識的人嫉恨的,一定有人在哪裏算她拿了多少版稅。她不會想到那些人要暴露她的醜事,懷著惡意調查她嗎? 我雖然提醒她有這種可能性,她似乎還是認為是辦事處的事。 她完全不在乎自己的身世嗎?跟有社會地位的丈夫構築了家庭,也生了孩子,所以就不再在意自己是父母不詳的孤兒了嗎? 也有可能是親生父母或親戚知道陽子的事情。犯人的目的並非金錢,而是想認親才把裕太帶走,希望陽子調查自己的身世也說不定。她難道沒想過這點嗎? 要是會在情急之下,被迫在一兩天內調查自己身世的話,陽子早就去做了吧。 果然陽子已經毫不在乎自己的境遇了。 常有人說就算不在一起生活,真正的親子還是可以一眼感受到彼此。這只是迷信吧。 我複印了明天必須給陽子看的新聞報導。 到底該如何調查內部告發的人物呢?雖然現在時間已經很晚了,我還是得打電話問幾位同業。當然不透露綁架案。 難得朋友到家裏來住。 已經睡了吧。 飽經風霜的年長婦女用剪刀剪下報紙上的報導。 她看著剪報好一會兒,然後放入透明文件夾。 晚安,陽子。 她用溫柔的聲音說,把文件夾細心地放進快樂城的環保購物袋裏。 陽子 晚上十一點。裕太現在在幹甚麼呢? 他有沒有可以好好睡覺的地方呢?有沒有吃晚飯呢? 小晴離開之後,我不斷想著是不是還是報警比較好,在家裏的電話前遲疑著,不知幾次拿起話筒又放下。但是小晴也沒有極力勸我報警,所以應該還是暫時不要報警的意思吧。 小晴身為記者,白川溪谷事件她應該知道得比我更清楚。警方在記者會上說他們的處理方式並無不當,要是真是這樣,小晴應該會堅持我報警才對。 the phone is ringing.是犯人嗎?我深呼吸了一下,拿起話筒。 高倉家。 陽子嗎? 正紀! 正紀的聲音從電話另一端傳來。裕太的名字鯁在我喉間,我急忙制止自己。 裕太的事我聽說了。 Huh? 正紀說他剛才接到岩崎先生的電話。他聽到後藤先生叫我不要告訴正紀,覺得此事非同小可,於是離開辦事處到外面去偷偷聯絡了正紀。 我明天搭最早的班機回來。 但是不是有重要的會議嗎? 裕太出了這種事,哪顧得了這麼多? 正紀這麼說讓我非常高興。但是我擔心他回來打算幹甚麼。我想他已經從岩崎先生那裏得知恐嚇信的內容,並且被告知暫時不要報警,等待犯人進一步的指示比較好。 犯人會不會有進一步的指示還未可知,但正紀說在我們調查真相的時候,對方可能會指定公開的方式。 真相是指甚麼呢? 我這麼問,正紀一言不發。果然他好像心裏有數。就算他回國,真的會公佈真相嗎? 正紀,求求你,救救裕太吧。 乾脆讓他按照預定時間後天回國,我明天瞞著他公佈小晴調查到的內容,這樣裕太或許可以平安回來。 我不信任正紀。就算裕太平安回來,在那之後我們能三人幸福地生活下去嗎? 我會盡力說服後藤先生的,陽子不用擔心。也不要跟後藤先生說我要回國了。 正紀安慰我說不會有事的,就把電話掛了。 正紀要回來了。這雖然替我壯了膽,但他說要說服後藤先生,讓我吃了一驚。果然辦事處的秘密只有我不知道。 正紀從小就仰望著父親的背影,懷抱著在政壇上大展身手的夢想長大。上次選舉的時候他都跟我說了。他想要改善這個世界。每個人手中的一票都包含著這個希望。 當然也有人只希望自己能得到幸福。但是大部份人都希望家人,特別是自己的孩子能幸福,懷抱著讓這個社會更好的希望而去投票。 我覺得我好像只希望能當上議員。對現在的社會情勢缺乏危機感。雖然我並不覺得未來會更好,但也會樂觀地覺得在自己還活著的時候,生活應該不會跟現在有太大的不同。 但是裕太出生以後,我就覺得未來不只是十年、二十年或三十年的事情而已。裕太成人的時候這個社會會變成甚麼樣子呢?他結婚生子,他的孩子成人的時候呢?我希望現在的社會狀況能持續一百年、兩百年。不,我希望未來的社會比現在更好。 這都是託了陽子和裕太的福。 正紀這麼說,所以他為了裕太會放下重要的工作趕回來。然後不管會有甚麼後果,都會將真相公諸於世。 這樣的話正紀會怎麼樣呢? 所謂的真相是指如小晴疑心的我的境遇,那就公佈我的身世就好了。但這樣會不會被人指摘,說我用不知自己雙親是誰的這種境遇,來博取世間的同情呢? 要是我成為正紀的絆腳石的話,那就離婚好了。 妳被好人收養,把妳當掌上明珠般撫養長大,不要說得好像瞭解孤兒的痛苦一樣。有著同樣境遇的人會覺得很不愉快吧。 雖然我出版的繪本內容是想念真正的親人,但里田家的爸媽卻一直都支持我身為繪本作家的活動。陽子從以前就很會畫畫啊,他們說著拿出我小時候在母親節父親節畫的父母畫像,三人一起觀賞。我以為這些東西早就被丟棄了。 他們把我當親生女兒一樣養大,但世間的人可能會以為我是對里田家的爸媽有所不滿,所以才畫那樣的繪本。要是有人誤會里田的爸媽虐待或是忽略我,那我真是太對不起他們了。 即便如此,要是能讓裕太平安回來,正紀可以繼續當議員的話,公開身世還是不算甚麼。或許我該把裕太的事告訴里田的爸媽。 不,那只會讓他們擔心而已。 雖然辦事處有見不得人的事,但正紀一定不知道。 這或許是我自私的想法,但我還是希望,如果小晴調查的結果是這樣就好。 我回到辦事處,跟我離開時一樣,後藤先生、道代女士、婆婆和岩崎先生四人都在。 有甚麼消息嗎? 我問到門口迎接我的岩崎先生。 這裏完全沒有。家裏呢? 家裏也甚麼都沒有。 That's it.不要一直站著,休息一下吧。 房間中央的桌子上有放在塑膠袋裏的便當和飲料。好像是岩崎先生買來的,但完全沒有人動過。岩崎先生是說要出去買便當,趁機打電話給正紀的吧。 岩崎先生,謝謝你。 沒甚麼,我能做的也只有這些了。 要是我說謝謝他打電話給正紀,他應該會有不同的反應,但後藤先生好像以為我是說便當的事。他問我回家有吃過東西嗎?I shake my head.他從袋子裏拿出一個便當,說還是吃一點東西比較好,然後請道代女士泡熱茶。道代女士雖然起身了,但我覺得不好意思,便自己去泡茶。 妳請警察協助尋人了嗎? 仍舊在沙發上縮成一團的婆婆無力地問道。 No.我跟相田小姐討論過了,她聽說犯人提到白川溪谷事件,也沒建議我報警。 妳跟她說了恐嚇信的事啊! 後藤先生責問我。 我沒有跟她說恐嚇信上要我們把真相公諸於世那句。 那妳跟她都在做甚麼,為甚麼搞到這麼晚? 我們在講把裕太帶走的那個女人。其實大概兩星期前,我在我們家和辦事處附近看過一個形跡可疑的女人好幾次。前天我在游泳學校旁邊的咖啡館接受相田小姐採訪的時候,也看見她了。那個人的特徵和把裕太帶走的女人很像。明天,不,已經是今天了,相田小姐會去游泳學校附近打探一下。 這麼重要的事為甚麼不早說。要是早說這附近有形跡可疑的女人出沒,事情也不會搞成這樣。 sorry 我只能道歉。後藤先生說得一點也沒錯。正紀也說了差不多的話。但是,雖然這聽起來像是藉口,但我從那個女人身上完全感受不到惡意。 正因如此,我甚至還抱著莫須有的期待。但這話不能在這裏說出口。 在這附近見過好幾次,那或許可能住在附近。快樂城的購物袋雖然不稀奇,但每次都背著的話,反而挺顯眼的。相田小姐要去游泳學校附近打探的話,那麼,天亮以後,我在這附近問問好了。 岩崎先生說。通知正紀的也是他,我覺得他是辦事處裏唯一站在我這邊的。 對了,後藤先生,這麼說有點過意不去,但我們可以再確認一下亞紀小姐為甚麼沒有準時去接裕太嗎? 這跟亞紀沒關係吧。 我並不是在懷疑亞紀小姐。只不過之前不管是公事還是私事,亞紀小姐都從來沒有遲到過不是嗎?單身的亞紀小姐跟媽媽們一起在公園或許很難受,但甚麼也沒說就遲到一個小時,實在不像亞紀小姐的作風。 那你是說亞紀在說謊? 我只是假設而已。比方說犯人為了帶走裕太,把亞紀小姐叫到別的地方故意讓她遲到,這也不是沒有可能的。 岩崎先生的話讓我也不禁點頭。 I see.但如果是這樣的話,亞紀應該早就說了吧?她剛才就是因為覺得對不起大家才離開的。要是有這種理由的話,她應該早就說了。 後藤先生說著望向道代女士。道代女士也點頭。 或許有甚麼把柄在人家手上。 她哪會有甚麼把柄。 比方說非法政治獻金之類的。 岩崎先生這麼說,後藤先生臉色一變。亞紀小姐是正紀的秘書,非法政治獻金的案子她自然很清楚。 要是這樣的話,犯人知道只要對辦事處的人提起政治獻金的事,就能控制他們的行動了。 裕太竟然因為這種事情成為犧牲品。 我回家去問亞紀看看。 道代女士說。徵詢後藤先生同意後,道代女士跟婆婆說:我馬上就回來。然後就離開了。後藤家離辦事處走路大概十分鐘而已。 大家在討論的時候,婆婆只一言不發地坐著。婆婆知道辦事處的秘密嗎?搞不好岩崎先生也知道,毫不知情的只有我一個人而已。 我能問岩崎先生嗎? 就在此時,皮包裏的手機震動了。是小晴傳來的簡訊。 要小心岩崎先生。詳細情況明天再說。 到底是怎麼回事啊。岩崎先生怎麼了嗎? What's up? 岩崎先生望向這裏問道,我急急闔上
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