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Chapter 3 Chapter 1 The Strange Invitation Appears Three Times

get lost 倪匡 10171Words 2023-02-05
Pressing one of the series of buttons beside the desk, the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows automatically parted to both sides.The window panes were spotlessly clean, and as soon as the curtains were drawn, you could see the scenery of most of the city. Wang Yiheng's office is on the top floor of the building named after him, with a height of seventy-eight floors.His desk was facing the large window that was four meters high and twelve meters wide. Wang Yiheng likes to sit behind his desk and enjoy the scenery of this big Asian city through the window, and at the same time he is proud of his great influence on this big city.

Wang Yiheng looked away from the window and landed on the strange invitation in front of him again.He used to play with the gold letter opener, tapping the strange invitation with the tip of the knife. The invitation can make Wang Yiheng feel strange, of course it is not without reason.This is indeed a strange invitation, and it is not the first time Wang Yiheng has received it. It's the third time. The first time Wang Yiheng received this invitation was also on December 30th, the day before the end of the year.That was two years ago, and Wang Yiheng still remembers the scene very clearly.

Wang Yiheng is the head of a huge enterprise group.This conglomerate has a very wide range of businesses, including two banks with great influence in Asian financial affairs, an ocean-going shipping company, countless real estates, large hotels and various factories around the world.Even Wang Yiheng himself couldn't count the number of organizations under him. It is conceivable that a person like this receives so many invitations every day.There is a special secretary who handles the invitations received every day.Most of the invitations did not need to be read by Wang Yiheng at all, but the secretary replied directly: Sorry, I am busy with business and cannot attend.Only some important invitations were discussed by the secretary and Wang Yiheng to decide whether to participate.

This secretary is very capable and helpful to Wang Yiheng.Once, I received an invitation from a person named Yanida, asking Wang Yiheng to attend a private banquet.Wang Yiheng didn't think about it at all, so he refused, but the secretary found out that Mr. Yanida was an important figure in a small emirate in the Middle East.As a result of Wang Yiheng's participation in that private banquet, he won a long-term low-price oil supply contract, which brought huge profits to his business. The secretary is an old maid who is over forty years old, and the whole company respects her very much. Miss Xu is a figure that the big boss values, and everyone knows this.

Two years ago, on December 30th, Miss Xu entered Wang Yiheng's office at ten o'clock in the morning as usual, holding a stack of invitations.Every day, for half an hour, they deal with matters related to invitations. After they spent twenty minutes deciding to accept the invitation from the Minister of Commerce of Indonesia to attend a world-wide business conference and attend the wedding of an old friend of his, Ms. Xu took out a pure silver invitation card and said: I don't know who is joking! That day, Wang Yiheng was extremely busy.For a person of his stature, joking is as unfamiliar as a beggar is to a palace. He waved his hand, not wanting to answer at all.

However, the delicacy of the invitation caught his attention. He glanced at it, and Miss Xu had already placed the invitation in front of him.And when he looked carefully, an extreme curiosity arose in his heart. The invitation card is pure silver. At first glance, it looks like a thin sheet of pure silver, but in fact, the material is a very good plastic sheet coated with silver.On the silver, there are dark black characters. The characters are not very long, but they are divided into six paragraphs, expressed in six different characters.Wang Yiheng only understands Chinese, English, Japanese and French, but he does not understand Portuguese and Arabic.From the fact that the four languages ​​he recognized expressed the same meaning, he could be sure that the Portuguese and Arabic also expressed the same meaning.

Among them, the Chinese text is as follows: Please Taiduan arrives on time at 11:59 p.m. on December 31st, Maui Island in the Hawaiian Islands, at the foot of the famous scenic spot Needles Peak.At that time, the stage will meet unexpected people who are happy to meet them, and unexpected things that must be extremely happy to happen.The delay in the delivery of the invitations was not intentional, but it was assumed that the friends who received the invitations had private jets and could reach any corner of the world within 30 hours.I am happy to see the stage show up, and I wish you a happy new year.

Below the invitation, there is no name. Wang Yiheng looked at the invitation and was very curious.Of course he has a private jet, even if he leaves tomorrow afternoon, he can arrive at the place invited by the invitation on time. Miss Xu saw Wang Yiheng staring at the invitation card intently, and she asked in a very surprised tone: Mr. Wang, you don't want to go, do you? Wang Yiheng is almost 60 years old. Since he started fighting for his career more than 30 years ago, he has reached the pinnacle of his career until now.In the eyes of others, he is an extremely successful person. As far as he is concerned, whether the success of his career is suffering or happiness, even he himself cannot answer it. He only knows that once he starts, there will be no end.

This seemingly mysterious invitation not only aroused his curiosity, but also made him feel that maybe something unexpected would happen if he was invited to go, it might be something extremely interesting.He really wanted to go to the appointment, but then he sighed that his life was too far away from adventure and fun. He picked up the invitation card, opened the drawer, put it in, and said, "Of course I won't go. What other important invitations are there?" He just thought about it for a while, then returned to normal, and never paid attention to the invitation again. That invitation had been kept in his drawer for a year, and he was so busy that he completely forgot about it.It wasn't until one year ago, on December 30th, at ten o'clock in the morning, that Ms. Xu came to his office with the same invitation again, that Wang Yiheng felt that something was a little unusual.

Miss Xu's words and demeanor may be a bit exaggerated.After she put the same invitation on the desk, she said in a shrill voice, "Look, here we go again, this joker, what exactly is he trying to achieve?" Wang Yiheng opened the drawer and took out the invitation card from last year. The two invitation cards were exactly the same.Wang Yiheng frowned and said, "Where's the envelope?"Where did it come from? Miss Xu took out the envelope.The envelope was also beautiful silver, with black lettering, no stamps, and it was delivered by someone. This time, Wang Yiheng pondered for three minutes, but finally put the two invitations together in the drawer.

In this way, another year passed.During this year, Wang Yiheng thought of this weird invitation several times. In the autumn of this year, Wang Yiheng once went to Hawaii to attend an international economic conference.He also specially spared half a day to go to Maui Island once. Maui is one of the seven main islands that make up the Hawaiian archipelago. It is second only to the main island of Hawaii in terms of area. When viewed from a high altitude, it looks like a bowed head.The Needle Peak is at the northwestern tip of the island and is a scenic spot frequented by tourists. Wang Yiheng originally planned to go to Needle Peak for a walk, but because he was too busy, he just took a helicopter at the airport on Maui Island, flew over Needle Peak, and circled once. When he decided to do this, he already surprised others, and even he himself didn't understand why he did it, was it out of curiosity?After receiving such weird invitations for two consecutive years, he really wanted to go and see the situation of the dating place. Seen from a helicopter, there was really nothing special about the pinnacle.The mountain peak is not sharp, but compared with other surrounding peaks, it is quite outstanding. The mountains are continuous, and the situation looks very majestic. It doesn't look special. Although there are many tourists during the day in such a mountainous area, it must be quiet and deserted at night.Wang Yiheng thought, besides himself, who else received the same invitation?It seems that no matter who it is, they will laugh it off and will not be invited to come.How stupid I was to waste a few hours on such an inexplicable invitation! Therefore, after returning from Hawaii, Wang Yiheng never took this matter to heart again.However, a year passed quickly, and the same invitation appeared for the third time! This time, Ms. Xu didn't say anything. After dealing with the matter, she put the invitation on the table and walked out.After Miss Xu left, Wang Yiheng pushed the button to open the curtains, and stared at the invitation, his doubts had reached their peak. Wang Yiheng first ordered the secretary not to answer any calls for the time being, and even the agreed call was delayed for ten minutes.He needs ten minutes to think about it. Of course, he didn't intend to accept the invitation yet, but he told himself that he had to seriously consider it. If it is a joke, what is the purpose of the joker who has made such a joke for three consecutive years?He really didn't want to think about it himself, but he couldn't help but think about the words full of temptation on the invitation card: something unexpected, but something that must be extremely happy to happen. what would that be?Wang Yiheng leaned back.If there is one thing that attracts a man like him, it is the utterly unfathomable and unexpected joy.He already has everything materially, so what is he lacking?It can be said that there is nothing missing, he has everything.However, does it really have it all? Wang Yiheng suddenly felt irritable.There are three invitations in total, once a year, and each time is more attractive than the last time, he even really wants to go to the invitation, who will he meet and what will happen when he sees it! However, he sighed again, this kind of thing is really too extravagant for him, he has no time at all to do this kind of nonsense. He opened the drawer again and put the three invitations in together.The moment he closed the drawer, he suddenly thought of something, pressed the intercom and called in one of his main assistants, a very capable young man. When the young man walked into the office, Wang Yiheng ordered: You go and ask, in my name.The object of the question is people of international status, at least like me, asking them if they have ever received an invitation to go to the Hawaiian island of Maui on New Year's Eve?I'll give you three hours to do this! Capable people have the benefits of capable people. After hearing this, the young man agreed and walked out without even asking why. Wang Yiheng let out a sigh of relief, ignored the matter, and began to meet people who had made an appointment in advance, and presided over an important meeting. At noon, when he had a sumptuous lunch with a beautiful girl in his own special room, and then returned to the lounge, enjoying a tangy Davidoff cigar, An Le The phone next to the chair rang. He picked up the phone, and it was the young man who called, and the young man said: Chairman, what you ordered has come to fruition. I asked four people who had such an invitation. Wang Yiheng straightened his body and said: "You go to my office and wait for me, I will come right away." After lunch, Wang Yiheng originally had a regular break of half an hour, but he shortened it by fifteen minutes and arrived at his office earlier.The young man was already waiting there, and when he saw Wang Yiheng, he said: I have asked twenty people in total, and four of them answered in the affirmative, and here is their list. He handed Wang Yiheng a piece of paper, and Wang Yiheng looked at it, frowning. He is familiar with the names of the four people.One is a big oil merchant in the United States and a rich man in Texas; the other is a giant in Japanese heavy industry; the other is a famous industrialist in Western Europe. As early as World War I, he was the only descendant of a major industrial family that exported arms ; one is a rich man in South America who owns more land than many kings in the world. Wang Yiheng thought to himself: Yes, the status of these four people can be said to be similar to his own.The invitation card said it was true, assuming that the people invited have private jets. Did these four people ever go to the appointment?An irresistible curiosity arose in Wang Yiheng's heart.He took a deep breath and said, "Arrange a conference call with these four people for me. In an hour, I want to discuss something with them!" The young man hesitated for a moment, but he didn't hesitate for more than half a second, and immediately agreed and walked out. It is quite common for people in different places in the world to hold meetings through the telephone communication system and via artificial satellites. But the difficulty is that those four people are all super tycoons themselves.It would have taken days of appointments to get them to answer the phone, and an hour's time to arrange a conference call with them sounded like an impossibility.However, what others cannot do, you can do it in the name of Wang Yiheng, because Wang Yiheng himself is also a super tycoon! Wang Yiheng had more than ten secretaries, busy pushing down the original appointment for Wang Yiheng.An hour later, Wang Yiheng walked into the teleconference room and sat down, in front of him were four telephones processed by special equipment.Including him, the five people are in different corners of the world, but they can hear each other's voices. When the time comes, the first is the voice of the Texas oil magnate.The accent in the southern part of the United States was as thick as crude oil that could not be melted. He shouted: Wang, you are not trying to tell me that your company has found a substitute for oil, right? Then came the voices of the other three.The South American tycoon yawned while speaking. Wang Yiheng said: I'm sorry, I want to discuss the invitation at today's meeting! The four of them all agreed and were silent for a moment. The Dezhou Oil King snorted and said, "Who would really pay attention to the invitation?" Wang Yiheng said: I don't know how many other people have received this invitation. All five of us have this invitation. The European industrialist smiled and said: Wang, aren't you planning to go to the appointment? The Japanese's English is quite blunt, and said: This is a kind of prank, you can ignore it.Mr. Wang, have you been to the appointment? Wang Yiheng said: "I haven't. Among you, who has been to the appointment?" Wang Yiheng's question caused a burst of laughter, and the one who laughed the loudest was Dezhou Oil King.The South American rich man said impatiently: Wang, don't waste time, there are seven beauties waiting for me Wang Yiheng was a little angry, and said loudly: "Haven't you thought of going to the appointment?Never thought of it? The European industrialist said: Why do you want to think about such boring things? Wang Yiheng sighed, and said: Maybe something unexpected will happen! The other four were silent for a while, and the Japanese first said: Maybe, but everything is under our control and expectation, isn't it better?Why pursue the unexpected? Texas Oil King responded immediately: Yes, why bother?Such an invitation will never be attended by anyone! Wang Yiheng was silent for a while, and said: Sorry for delaying everyone's precious time Before he finished speaking, the European industrialist suddenly called out: Wait a minute, the invitation we received contained six different languages, five of which were the same as the nationality of each of us! There was another short silence, obviously everyone was thinking: Yes, exactly five words that people of different nationalities are used to are on the invitation. The Japanese were the first to speak, and said: "In Arabic, if it is said that there should be six people who received the invitation, there is one more Arab?" The Dezhou Oil King smiled and said: Who should it be?It may not be Prince Yamani of Saudi Arabia! Wang Yiheng gestured to the young man who had been by his side, and the South American rich man said: Let's have a competition, whoever finds out who the Arab with the invitation is first! The voice of the European industrialist came: I won, and my assistant has already started contacting the Chief Nige of the Doji Chiefdom. Wang Yiheng snorted and said: It's him! Next, there is a woman's fluent English: Chief Nige's secretary's room. Another pure English male voice also came over, it was of course the voice of the assistant of the European industrialist: This is the chairman's room of the European International Industrial Group, Chief Nige is invited to attend an international meeting. The female voice said: I'm sorry, the chief left the border only half an hour ago. Wang Yiheng was shocked, and quickly asked: Excuse me, has the chief gone to Hawaii? The female voice hesitated for a moment before saying: Yes! Wang Yiheng clearly heard everyone's breathing.There is also this kind of strange invitation from Chief Nige, a small oil-rich emirate in the Middle East, whose land is almost entirely floating on oil. Chief Nige, who has countless wealth, has gone to Hawaii. It was not news that a rich Arab man went to Hawaii, but what everyone immediately thought was: Chief Neg must have gone to Maui to attend an appointment. It was the Japanese who spoke first: Shall we also accept this invitation?chief negg has The South American rich man cried out, saying: I will not go!Ladies and gentlemen, I am not interested in discussing any further! Texas oil king, European industrialists and Japanese also expressed the same opinion successively, and also teased Wang Yiheng: Wang, if you go too, please tell us the result! The conference call was over, Wang Yiheng frowned, and ordered to his assistant: go and track down the whereabouts of Chief Nige.The personnel in our agency in Hawaii can be transferred as you like, and I will have a very detailed report! The young man agreed. Wang Yiheng left the meeting room and did not return to the office, but went directly to his private lounge, where a beautiful girl massaged him.He was lying half-lying, seemingly enjoying the peace, but his thoughts were very disorganized. For that strange invitation, he already had a little bit of an idea. The six characters on the invitation were specially designed for the six people who received the invitation.The six people are all super tycoons who can influence the economic situation in a region of the world. All six people have received such invitations for three consecutive years.Such invitations inevitably arouse the innate curiosity of human beings. Wang Yiheng knew that his curiosity had almost reached the limit of his tolerance, while the other four people were willing to participate in the conference call once contacted. Although they expressed indifference verbally, they also expressed curiosity in their hearts. Among the six people, Chief Nige couldn't bear the temptation of curiosity and set off for Hawaii. Wang Yiheng is an extremely successful entrepreneur. As such a successful person, he naturally has his character advantages.Not afraid to take risks and dare to accept challenges boldly is the character advantage of such successful people.Wang Yiheng could feel that this mysterious invitation contained a strong sense of challenge. Should he accept this challenge? Chief Niger's actions showed that he had accepted the challenge.Should he see how Chief Nigger accepts the challenge before making a decision, or should he make a decision now? Look at his actions before making a decision. This is definitely not the character of a successful person like Wang Yiheng. If he followed him in everything, he would never be as successful as he is today.So, should he set off for Hawaii? There is still enough time for him to arrive at the appointment location at 11:59 on New Year's Eve! Wang Yiheng was immersed in chaotic thoughts for half an hour before he stood up abruptly and patted himself on the head again, feeling angry that he was at a loss for such an inexplicable invitation. He left the lounge, determined not to think about it at all.He walked into the office in a seemingly full of energy, started to deal with the delayed business, and didn't leave until nine o'clock in the evening. The next day, when he returned to the office, his young assistant was waiting for him with the report.Wang Yiheng waved his hand, signaling the young man to put down the report, and then, the busy daily work began. At noon, the young man came in for the second time with the report. Wang Yiheng sighed. He had already decided that no matter what Chief Nige was doing in Hawaii, he would not care.But the reports were delivered again and again, and in the afternoon, when his work came to an end, he couldn't help but open the reports. The report listed the whereabouts of Chief Nige in great detail. Chief Nige did not bring any entourage. His private plane landed at Honolulu Airport at 4:27 am on December 31st, Hawaii time.A senior official of the Honolulu city government met him at the airport. Chief Nige only stayed in Honolulu for a while before flying directly to the airport on Maui Island. The time he arrived at Maui Island was 7:06 am on December 31st. Maui Island Airport is quite small, and the waiting room is pitifully small. The whole building is actually just a shed with pillars and a roof. When Chief Nige was in Honolulu, he had already notified the Maui Island side that he had prepared a sports car with excellent performance for him. Chief Nige arrived in Honolulu, and his whereabouts in Honolulu were reported by several personnel of Wang Yiheng's agency in Honolulu.When they knew that Chief Nige's next stop was Maui Island, they contacted by phone and handed over the task of tracking Chief Nige's whereabouts to another staff member of the agency on Maui Island. Wang Yiheng's organization is developing a series of real estate businesses in Hawaii recently.The representative stationed on Maui Island is a Japanese-American, very smart and capable, and his name is Mihashi Takeya.At this time, Wang Yiheng had received three reports, two of which were sent by Sanqiao with radio facsimile equipment.The contents of these two reports are very detailed. The first report reads as follows: After receiving the call from Honolulu, I immediately rushed to the airport. When I arrived, I saw the sports car prepared for Chief Nigg.Through my relationship with the airport control room, I knew the correct landing time of Chief Niger's plane. I waited at the end of the airport runway, and the two assistants I brought with me were waiting in the car. Chief Nige's plane landed two minutes earlier than the scheduled time, and someone drove to pick him up on the runway.He disembarked with what appeared to be the pilot of the plane, boarded the vehicle, and drove straight to the airport building before disembarking again.In the airport building, Chief Niger and the driver had a small dispute. At that time, I also followed to the airport building, Chief Nige and the driver started arguing next to a banyan tree.What must be explained is that the building of Maui Airport is quite simple and maintains a close to primitive style.During the construction, because there was a local tree, the architect kept the tree, and opened a big round hole on the top of the building, so that the tree could continue to grow.Therefore, the trunk part of this tree is inside the building. Chief Nigg and the driver started arguing right next to the trunk of the tree.I approached them deliberately, and heard the driver say: Chief, you must never act alone, I have a responsibility, no matter where you go, I should follow you! The chief was very angry and said: I have said enough, you wait for me at the airport! The driver looked very troubled, and said: "He just yelled, the chief was already furious, and he kicked the banyan tree and broke a piece of bark of the banyan tree." The driver didn't dare to say anything more, and a local official who came to greet him asked the chief, "Where are you going?"The chief said: to the needle peak. After hearing this, the official quickly explained to the chief the way to the needle point and how to walk. When Wang Yiheng read the report and saw this, he took a deep breath. It was true that Chief Nige was going to Needle Peak for that mysterious date. Wang Yiheng looked at the time again, and calculated that the time in Hawaii was 6:35 pm, which was a few hours away from the date.He was thinking that if he set off immediately and flew directly to Maui Island, it would be too late in time, so he had to see what happened to Chief Nige's appointment. Wang Yiheng continued to read the report: I am very familiar with the route to the Needle Peak, and since I know that Chief Nigg is going to the Needle Point, it is much easier to track him.I left and waited in the car with two assistants. Soon, I saw Chief Nigg boarded the sports car. After he left, I started to follow him. Chief Nige's whereabouts will continue to be reported during the tracking process. Reporter: Takeya Mihashi. Wang Yiheng closed the report and thought: Now, Chief Nige is on his way to the Needle Peak, and Sanqiao and his two assistants are following him.At midnight, Niggle will go to the foot of the Needle Peak, and Sanqiao will know who Niggle will meet. Wang Yiheng felt very satisfied, this was much better than going to the appointment by himself.People's hearts are unpredictable, who knows what kind of heart the person who sent that kind of weird invitation has! When Wang Yiheng delayed for a while and was about to leave, another report from Sanqiao came again: On the way to the Needle Peak, Chief Nige rested in a hotel and rented a luxurious suite. So far, he has not come out after entering the room.Since his destination is the Needle Peak, he shouldn't have any difficulty following him.One of my assistants is guarding the door of his room, the other is guarding the elevator entrance, and I am at the door of the hotel. As long as Chief Nigger appears, I can continue to follow him. The hotel is about a two-hour drive from the Needle Peak. Reporter: Takeya Mihashi. Wang Yiheng said to his assistant: I have a banquet tonight, and Mitsuhashi has a report, so send it to the banquet venue immediately! Wang Yiheng left the office and went directly to the banquet.Two hours later, the assistant sent another report from Sanqiao: Chief Nige left the hotel, drove straight to Needle Peak, and was tracking smoothly. After Wang Yiheng left the banquet venue, he returned to his luxurious residence.Since he was widowed in middle age, he has never married again and has no children. Every time he returns home, no matter how luxurious the furnishings are, he will feel lonely. When he changed into his nightgown and half lay down on the bed, the phone rang.Wang Yiheng stretched out his hand and pressed a button, and his assistant, the young man's voice came over the phone: Mr. Wang, Mitsuhashi's report came again. Wang Yiheng hummed, and suddenly shook.What time is it in Hawaii time? It's almost midnight!The young man's voice sounded a bit hurried, and he said: Do you want me to send the report immediately? Wang Yiheng felt quite tired, so he yawned and said: No need, just read it to me! The young man said: Yes!yes!His voice seemed panicked: Mihashi reported: Chief Nige had been tracking very smoothly on his way to Needle Point, and there was only one road for cars to go to Needle Point.But at 11:03, the trace of Chief Nige suddenly disappeared. The report was sent at 11:12, and Chief Nige's car was still not found! Wang Yiheng sat up straight when he heard this. The young man continued to read Sanqiao's report: Since he knew that his destination was the Needle Point, even though he disappeared halfway, it is estimated that it would not be a problem, and he could be found after arriving at the destination, unless Chief Nigger suddenly changed idea. Wang Yiheng took a deep breath, feeling quite dissatisfied, and said: Sanqiao is too irresponsible! His assistant hurriedly said: Yes, yes!I imagine further reports from Mitsuhashi will be forthcoming. Wang Yiheng said: As soon as the report arrives, notify me immediately! Wang Yiheng was very puzzled. He didn't know the details yet. Why did he suddenly lose sight of Chief Nige during the tracking?Although touristy, there shouldn't be too many vehicles close to midnight and tracking should be pretty easy! As time passed slowly, Wang Yiheng felt more and more mysterious about the matter.Half an hour later, the phone rang again, and his assistant's voice was even more urgent: Mr. Wang, Sanqiao's report said that he had reached the pinnacle peak, and no one was in sight.He reported that there was no one under the Needle Point, and he was trying to drive around the mountain to see if he could find the whereabouts of Chief Neg, and he would report later. Wang Yiheng stood up and paced back and forth.Next, every half hour, a report was received, and the content of the report was the same: there was no one under the Needle Peak, and there was no whereabouts of Chief Nige. After several reports like this, it was already 6:00 a.m. Hawaii time, and that mysterious appointment, if it existed, would have already taken place.Wang Yiheng was very annoyed and said: You don't need to report to me anymore, and cancel the action of following Chief Nige. Wang Yiheng was very unhappy and things were not going well.What happened to Chief Negg?Why is this matter so mysterious?It seems that Takeshi Mihashi is not a useless person, why did Chief Nige disappear in the middle of the follow-up?Did the chief find out someone was following him? At that time, all Wang Yiheng thought of was these, and he never thought that things might develop in other ways.But in fact, things have developed unexpectedly.
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