Home Categories martial arts novel Xiao Shishilang

Chapter 3 The second time I flew to the doctor's feet

Xiao Shishilang 古龍 6380Words 2023-02-05
This old man is Doctor Fei. The two bearers were actually masters of martial arts who kept their secrets hidden. Their strikes were as quick as lightning, and the four swords moved up and down, one forward and one backward. In an instant, all the escape routes of Doctor Fei were blocked. No matter how they dodge, It is inevitable that two holes will be stabbed in the body. Although Feng Siniang is an old Jianghu, she didn't expect such a move, and it would be too late to rush to stop it. She only thought that Doctor Fei might become a dead doctor this time. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Doctor Fei's body suddenly tilted, two swords brushed against his body, and the other two swords pierced into his clothes, but they were pinched between his two fingers; These two fingers seemed to be made of iron, and the two bearers couldn't move them with all their strength.

With a sound of "ge", the two swords were snapped off by his fingers. Shocked, the bearer turned over in the air, and fell back by two feet. Doctor Fei didn't even open his eyes, and with a light wave of his hands, the two cut-off swords in his hands had turned into two blue light flying rainbows. Then there were two screams! The blood shot out like an arrow. Although the sedan chair lady was dead, she was still rushing forward, and the blood drew two lines of blood on the ground. As soon as the screams stopped, the world immediately became deathly silent. Only a burst of clear and crisp applause rang out.

Doctor Fei sternly said: Who? He opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and he shot towards the cliff where Feng Siniang was hiding, and saw Feng Siniang's charming smiling face. Doctor Fei frowned, and said: So it was you! Feng Siniang said sweetly: "It's been so many years since I left, I never thought that Mr. Gongsun's style is still the same as before, but his martial arts have improved even more." Doctor Fei frowned even tighter, and said: "Si Niang is so polite to this old man, could it be that she came here for something?" Feng Siniang sighed, and murmured: If I am polite to people, they will say that I have come here to ask for it; easy.

Doctor Fei listened quietly, with no expression on his face. Feng Siniang said: "Actually, I just passed by here and suddenly wanted to see you. Anyway, we are old friends, aren't we?" Doctor Fei still listened quietly, without any response. Feng Siniang swept down, patted her clothes, and said, "Look, I'm neither angry nor injured, why do I come to beg you?" Doctor Fei said: Have you seen me now? Feng Siniang said: I have seen it. Doctor Fei said: Very good, goodbye. Feng Siniang blinked, then suddenly laughed like a silver bell, and said: You really are an old fox, no one can fool you.

Only then did Doctor Fei smile, and said: When I meet you, a female monster, I have no choice but to be an old fox. Feng Siniang rolled her eyes, pointed at the corpse on the ground, and said: Do you know who these two are?Why should I kill you? Doctor Fei said indifferently: "This old man has ruled the world all his life. Killing people is useless. It is only natural for others to come and kill me. Why should I bother to ask about their origins?" Feng Siniang also laughed, and said: "I already knew that you are not afraid of death, but if you were killed by some youngsters for no reason, wouldn't it be a great injustice? Aren't you afraid that your fame will be ruined for the rest of your life?"

Doctor Fei's eyes flashed, he stared at Feng Siniang for a long time, and then said in a deep voice: "What exactly do you want from me?" Feng Siniang put her hands behind her back, and said leisurely: If you are willing to do me a favor, I will find out the enemy's family for you. You should know that inquiring about news is my specialty. Doctor Fei sighed, smiled wryly and said: I knew a long time ago that nothing good would come of you looking for me. Feng Siniang said seriously: But this time it is a good thing. She squatted down in front of Doctor Fei's sedan chair, and continued: "It's not only a good thing, but also a big thing. After it's done, it will benefit both you and me."

Doctor Fei was silent for a while, then a bleak smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said slowly: I would have liked to help you, but it's a pity that you came a step late. Feng Siniang frowned and said: "A step late?"Why? Doctor Fei didn't answer, but lifted up a blanket that was placed on his leg, and Feng Siniang froze as if suddenly being showered with cold water. Doctor Fei's legs had been cut off at the knees! Doctor Fei's lightness kung fu is superb, and with the swallow's three-handed water technique, he could really catch the bird with his hands, but now his legs have been cut off.

Feng Siniang was even more surprised than seeing Hua Ping's broken arm, and said in a quack voice: What's going on? Doctor Fei smiled sadly, and said: "Of course it was cut off by someone." Feng Siniang said: "Who did it?" Doctor Fei said word by word: Xiao Shishilang! Xiao Shishilang!It was Xiao Shishilang again. Feng Siniang's breathing seemed to have stopped, after a long time, she suddenly jumped up, stomped her feet and said: I don't want to look for him, why do you want me to look for him? Doctor Fei said: You should have gone to him, as long as you have his help, why not worry about the big things?

Feng Siniang said: What about you?You don't want to seek revenge from him? Doctor Fei shook his head and said: Although he hurt me, I don't blame him. Feng Siniang said: Why? Doctor Fei closed his eyes and said nothing more. Feng Siniang was silent for a long time, then she let out a long sigh, and said, "Okay, since you refuse to tell me, I'll send you back." Doctor Fei said: "No need." Feng Siniang said: "Who said there is no need, how can you climb the mountain like this?" Doctor Fei said: "Men and women don't know each other, and don't dare to work hard. Please go ahead, Si Niang."

Feng Siniang stared and said: "What's the difference between a man and a woman? I have never regarded myself as a woman, and I have never cared about it." She didn't care whether Doctor Fei agreed or not, so she hugged him. Doctor Fei could only smile wryly. There was nothing he could do when he met such a woman. The night was gloomy, and the stone tomb seemed even more spooky, mysterious and frightening. Although there were lights shining through the tomb, it looked like a will-o'-the-wisp. Feng Siniang said: I really don't understand why you must live in this kind of place, are you really not afraid of ghosts?

Doctor Fei said: Being neighbors with ghosts is sometimes more peaceful than being with people. Feng Siniang said coldly: Yes, at least the ghost won't cut off your two legs. Although there were lights in the tomb, there was no one there, and the boy who answered the door with a strange ambiguity went nowhere. The strangest thing was that the coffin was also gone. Could there be thieves visiting this kind of place? Feng Siniang couldn't help laughing, and said: "This thief is really wonderful. It's not easy to steal anything, but he came to steal the coffin. Even if someone died in his family, he didn't have to come here." She didn't finish this sentence, because she suddenly noticed that Doctor Fei's body was shaking, and when she looked at his face, cold sweat was already breaking out. Feng Siniang immediately felt that something was wrong, she frowned and asked: Is there any secret in your coffin? Doctor Fei nodded. Feng Siniang said: You will never be a miser, so naturally you will not hide money in a coffin, then Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said: I see, you think that no one will steal your coffin, so you engraved all your medical skills and martial arts skills on the coffin, so that you can be buried with you in the future. Doctor Fei nodded again, he seemed unable to say anything. Feng Siniang sighed, and said: I really don't understand why you people are so selfish, why don't you pass on what you have learned to others Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden panting sound, and the boy who answered the door with a strange look had returned and was standing at the door. But his whole body was stained red with blood, his right arm was also cut off, his eyes were staring straight at Doctor Fei, and he said four words in a hoarse voice. He said word by word: Xiao Shishilang! After saying this, he fell down, and his left hand was still clinging to a boot so tightly that he refused to let go even to the point of death. Xiao Shishilang, Xiao Shishilang again. Feng Siniang stomped her feet, and said bitterly: I never expected him to become such a person, I never imagined that he would do such a thing. Doctor Fei said: This is definitely not something he did. Feng Siniang's eyes fell on the boot. The boots are made of tanned calfskin, with exquisite workmanship and inlaid with beads. Not only polite people would never wear this kind of boots, but not many heroes in the world would wear this kind of boots. Feng Siniang let out a long breath, and said: He really didn't wear this kind of boots, but who knows what he has become now. Doctor Fei said: Xiao Shishilang will never change. Although Feng Siniang had a stern face, she couldn't help but smile, and said: "This is really strange, he cut off your two legs, but you are helping him to speak well." Doctor Fei said: "He came to me in a dignified way, and hurt me in a dignified manner. I know he is a dignified person, and he will never do anything sneaky." Feng Siniang sighed lightly, and said: "In this way, you seem to know him better than I do."But why did the child say his name before he died? Doctor Fei's eyes flickered, and he said: "This kid doesn't recognize Xiao Shishilang, but you do. If you chase after the murderer, you can find out who he is." Feng Siniang laughed and said: After all, you want me to chase the thief for you. Doctor Fei lowered his head sadly, looking at his legs. There was sympathy in Feng Siniang's eyes, and she said: "Okay, I will chase for you, but if I can't catch up, I dare not say, you should know that my lightness kung fu is not very good." Doctor Fei said: "That man is carrying a coffin on his back, he must not be able to walk fast, otherwise the child would not have died." The child must have caught up with the man, and had embraced his leg. Feng Siniang bit her lip and murmured: Why did he impersonate Shi Shilang?Why kill this child?Otherwise, even if I stole 800 coffins, I would never chase him. Cold moon, barren mountains, and strong wind. Feng Siniang has always been reluctant to perform lightness kung fu against the strong wind, because she is afraid that the wind will blow on her face and wrinkle the skin on her face. Now she is flying against the wind, not because she wants to catch up with the murderer quickly, but because she wants to use the cold wind to blow away the figure in her heart. When she saw Xiao Shishilang for the first time, he was still a big child, bare-chested, trying to face the thunderous torrent and rush up Longqiu Waterfall. He tried again and again, and once he almost succeeded, only to be thrown again by the waterfall, hitting a rock, and smashing his head. He didn't even bandage the wound, he gritted his teeth and rushed up again. This time he finally climbed to the top, standing on the top of the peak and clapping his hands and laughing. From that time on, Feng Siniang had the shadow of Xiao Shishilang in her heart. No matter how strong the wind is, it can't blow away the shadow. Feng Siniang bit her lip, and it hurt so much; she never wanted to think about him, but the tragedy of human beings is that everyone often thinks about the things they least want to think about. There is a shadow of a person on the ground, swaying with the wind. Feng Siniang was so full of thoughts that she didn't see anything at all. She lowered her head and hurried forward, and suddenly saw a face, with the head down and the jaw up, a pair of bloodshot eyes almost protruding, He stared at Feng Siniang without blinking, his appearance was really indescribably terrifying. No matter how courageous a person is, seeing this face suddenly will inevitably be startled; Feng Siniang was terrified, took three steps back, and raised her head. I saw this man was hanged upside down from the tree, and I didn't know if he was dead or alive. Just as Feng Siniang was about to probe his breath with her hands, the man's eyeballs rolled, and there was a rattling sound in his throat, as if he wanted to speak. Feng Siniang said: Have you been tricked by others? The man had no choice but to nod his head, so he blinked and said in a loud voice, "It's a robber, a robber." Feng Siniang said: You met a robber? The man blinked again. He was not very old, and his face was covered with a green beard. Although the clothes on his body were gorgeous, he still looked fierce. Feng Siniang said with a smile: "I think you are a bit like a robber. If I save you, maybe you will grab a vote." There was a fierce look in the man's eyes, but he still smiled and said: As long as the girl is willing to save her, I will be very grateful. Feng Siniang said: "Since you have been robbed by robbers, how can you thank me?" The man was speechless, with cold sweat dripping from his head. Feng Siniang smiled, and said: No matter how I look at you, you don't look like a good person, but I can't just ignore death. The man was overjoyed and said: Thank you thank you Feng Siniang said with a smile: I don't want you to thank me, as long as I save you, you don't have to make bad ideas about me. The man still kept thanking him, but his eyes were fixed on Feng Siniang's towering chest.Feng Siniang was not too angry, because she knew that most men were so light-hearted. She skimmed up the tree, and was about to untie the rope, when she suddenly found that the man's foot that was caught by the rope was only wearing cloth socks, no shoes, and it was still stained with blood. Look at his other foot, but he is wearing a leather boot. The calfskin boots are inlaid with delicate beads! Feng Siniang was stunned. Just listen to that human way: Since the girl has promised to save her, why doesn't she do it? Feng Siniang rolled her eyes and said: After thinking about it, I still feel something is wrong. The man said: What's wrong? Feng Siniang said: "I'm a woman, so I have to be extra careful when doing things. Now it's midnight, and there's no one around. After I save you, if you feel sick, what should I do?" The man forced a smile and said: Girl, please don't worry, I'm definitely not a bad person, not to mention, look at the girl's tree-climbing technique, I'm definitely not easy to bully. Feng Siniang said: But I'd better be careful, I have to ask you a few things first. The man was obviously a little impatient, and said in a creaking voice: "What do you want to ask?" Feng Siniang said: I don't know your last name, where did you come from? The man hesitated and said: My surname is Xiao, and I come from Koubei. Feng Siniang said: "What kind of person is that robber who killed you?" The man sighed, and said: To tell you the truth, I was hung up by him before I even saw his figure. Feng Siniang frowned, and said, "Where's the coffin you stole?"Was he blacked out too? The man's complexion suddenly changed, but he forced a smile and said: What coffin?I don't understand what the girl said. Feng Siniang jumped down suddenly, and gave him seven or eight ear scrapers, which made his face swollen, his teeth fell out, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, angrily said: Who are you?Why are you hitting me? Feng Siniang smiled lightly, and said: I was about to ask you, who are you?Why did you steal the doctor's coffin?Who sent you here?What is the intention of counterfeiting the name of Eleven Lang? The man seemed to have been slashed twice, his face was all distorted, his eyes revealed a fierce light, he stared at Feng Siniang, his teeth were gritted. Feng Siniang said leisurely: You don't want to say it, do you?Okay, then let me tell you, I am Feng Siniang, no one who falls into my hands can not tell the truth. Only then did the man show a look of horror, and lost his voice, "Feng Siniang, so you are that Feng Siniang!" Feng Siniang said: Since you have heard my name, you should know that what I said is true. The man sighed for a long time, and murmured: I never expected to meet you, a female monster today, okay, okay, okay, okay Speaking of the fourth good word, he gritted his teeth suddenly. Feng Siniang's eyes flashed, and she immediately wanted to pinch his chin, but it was too late, she saw the man rolled his eyes, his face was darkened, a secret smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes protruded, staring at Feng Siniang, hissing Dao: Do ​​you still have a way to make me speak? This person would rather commit suicide by swallowing medicine than reveal his origin.Obviously, he was afraid that after returning alive, he would suffer more than death. Feng Siniang stomped her feet, and said with a sneer: It doesn't matter if you die, anyway, it has nothing to do with me whether you say it or not. She has only one thing on her mind. Who is it that hangs this murderer?Where did that coffin go? The coffin has returned to Doctor Fei's tomb impressively. Could this coffin walk back by itself? Feng Siniang couldn't believe her eyes, she rushed over with one step, and said loudly: How did this coffin come back? Doctor Fei smiled and said, "Of course someone brought it back." Feng Siniang said: "Who is it?" Doctor Fei smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: Xiao Shishilang! Feng Siniang stomped her feet, and said bitterly: Xiao Shishilang?It's him again!It turned out that the man was hanged by him!It's strange why he didn't ask about the origin of that person? Doctor Fei said indifferently: He knows that some people's origins cannot be asked! Feng Siniang said angrily: Then, why did he keep that person there?Did it leave it to me on purpose? Doctor Fei smiled and said nothing. Feng Siniang glanced around and said, "Where are his people?" Doctor Fei said: "Let's go." Feng Siniang stared and said: Since he knew I was here, why didn't he wait for me? Doctor Fei said: I said you didn't want to see him, so he had no choice but to leave. Feng Siniang bit her lip, said with a sneer: Yes, I was angry when I saw this man, where did he go? Doctor Fei smiled and said, "Since you don't want to see him, why ask where he is?" Feng Siniang was stunned for a while, then suddenly kicked the table over, and said loudly: "You old fox, I hope he will come and cut off your two hands again!" Before the words were finished, the person rushed out like flying. Doctor Fei sighed for a long time, and murmured: It's really strange that a woman in her thirties still looks like a child.
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