Home Categories fantasy novel arctic hydrogen bomb warfare

Chapter 2 Chapter One

arctic hydrogen bomb warfare 倪匡 4408Words 2023-02-05
Spring is here, and when Magnolia, Mu Xiuzhen and Annie move back to their residence in the outskirts of the sea, a hundred flowers bloom in the garden, competing for beauty, as if welcoming them back. In order to search for the diamond named Space Light, the special agents of a certain country completely destroyed Magnolia's residence. Originally, the consulate of a certain country promised to pay compensation.But after Annie sent the diamond back, Mulanhua immediately announced the fact that a certain country deliberately manufactured diamond lasers, which attracted the attention of the whole world.

The countries participating in the space competition also immediately issued statements that if a spacecraft or an artificial satellite is destroyed, it will definitely deal a devastating blow to the destroyer. The diamond laser planned by a certain country to destroy the space equipment of other countries was originally planned to be carried out secretly without anyone noticing. As a result, a certain country had to immediately issue a statement that diamond lasers were only used for peaceful purposes and would never be used to destroy any space equipment of other countries. An international dispute that might cause great international disputes was invisible by Magnolia.However, as far as Mulan was concerned, she suffered a loss because of this. The government of a certain country became angry and no longer compensated Mulan for the loss!

Magnolia negotiated several times, but to no avail, and they couldn't live in Gao Xiang's house forever, so naturally they had to use their own money to decorate and buy all the furnishings in the house. As far as Magnolia's friendship is concerned, she naturally received many gifts, because there are too many people who have benefited from her, but it still costs a lot of money to restore a completely destroyed home. Although Mu Xiuzhen's good friend Yun Sifeng can be called a billionaire, but if the Mulanhua sisters want to use his money, then they can't be called a famous female black hero.

So, on the night they moved back, Anne was already asleep, and Mulan and Mu Xiuzhen were sitting in the living room with the south-facing window open, and the intoxicating spring breeze was blowing their hair slowly. Magnolia flipped through a stack of bills, sighed, and said: Xiuzhen, our savings in the bank are almost exhausted. Mu Xiuzhen opened her eyes wide, as if she didn't believe it, and said: Sister Lanhua, did you make a mistake?Didn't we get a bonus from the international police last time?How could it be spent? Magnolia smiled and said: That bonus has been used up long ago!

Mu Xiuzhen frowned when she heard this, and said: This, this, this She stood up, walked back and forth in the room, and said: You might as well make a phone call with Nelson and see if there are any difficult cases with generous bonuses from the international police! Magnolia nodded and said, "That's a good idea." She looked up and said, "Is Anne asleep?"She's sensitive, don't let her know that we're short of money. Of course, do you think I'm a fool?Mu Xiuzhen laughed, she was very happy today, because Yun Sifeng gave her such a good wheelchair, she was so happy!

Magnolia also said with emotion: Xiuzhen, do you still remember when we first met her?She refused to say a word, so how could you expect her to save your life later! Mu Xiuzhen blushed and said: Yes, Sifeng personally designed that wheelchair for her just to thank her for saving me. Sifeng said that this wheelchair can be said to be a universal wheelchair! oh?Magnolia asked with great interest, what do you mean?I also saw that wheelchair today, but it is taller than ordinary wheelchairs. Why is it called a universal wheelchair? Mu Xiuzhen took out a piece of paper from her pocket and said, "Listen, first, this wheelchair has a powerful battery. When the electric power is turned on, it can reach a speed of 50 miles per hour and can walk continuously for seven hours!"

very impressive!Magnolia nodded. Second, this wheelchair has two retractable front wheels, that is to say, Annie can go up and down the stairs completely without help.Mu Xiuzhen counted one by one. Third, there are six buttons, which can fire different weapons, and the shooting angles include front, rear, left, and right; fourth, there are three buttons, which can make the wheelchair suddenly rise, or float on both sides. Bubbles keep it from sinking in the water! Mulanhua laughed and said: Yun Sifeng's design was considered exquisite, but he made a mistake. a mistake?Mu Xiuzhen opened her eyes wide.

Yes.Magnolia's expression is very serious. Yun Sifeng gave her this wheelchair, probably because she wanted her to join our adventurous life, but I had other plans! yes!Sifeng told me that Annie's mobility is limited, and we have many enemies. If she lives with us, she must have a strong self-defense ability! Of course Yun Sifeng has good intentions, but I never want Annie to be like us. Haven't you noticed her these days?She has a very careful mind, and she is a mathematical genius. If I want her to finish middle school within two years, and then let her enter university to study mathematics, she will definitely become an excellent mathematician.

Magnolia spoke with confidence, but she stopped talking when she suddenly heard Annie's voice from the vase on the tea table next to the sofa, saying: No!I hate math the most! Mulanhua was stunned, but Mu Xiuzhen laughed and said: I forgot to tell you that there are many electronic devices in her wheelchair, including bugging devices, radio contact devices, etc.! Magnolia laughed and said: That's too much, Annie eavesdropping on people's speech is not a habit that a good girl should have! Annie was silent for a while, and then said: Sister Lanhua, Sister Xiuzhen, I didn't eavesdrop on your speech on purpose, I was just too excited, so I couldn't sleep, and I never thought that after my father died, there would be you Take care of me like my own sister, I just want to hear your voices, as long as I hear your voices, I feel comforted, comfortable, and grateful, like I have sustenance?

When Annie spoke, her voice couldn't help but choke. The eyes of Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen couldn't help but feel a little moist. The two of them are famous female black heroes who are famous for their crimes and gangsters all over the world, but their hearts are very kind. They are obliged to take Annie in and treat her like their own sister, and Annie is so sensible A child, which naturally made the two of them feel very relieved. Mu Xiuzhen hurriedly said, "Okay, you should go to sleep too." Yes, Miss Xiuzhen.Annie answered obediently. Mu Xiuzhen liked hearing Annie call her sister Xiuzhen the most. At this moment, she couldn't help laughing again, but Annie said again: But, I don't want to study math, I want to be with you all the time!

Mulan is well aware of Annie's tenacity and stubbornness. Of course, Mulan knows that if Annie is determined to be with her, it will be very difficult to persuade her. So, she didn't want to develop the issue into an argument, she just said: OK, we can discuss this matter slowly, but you can't object to at least finishing secondary school! of course!Annie happily agreed, Sister Lanhua, I'm asleep! Magnolia and Mu Xiuzhen looked at each other and smiled. They walked into the garden together. The moonlight was very good. Under the moonlight, the blooming flowers looked even more beautiful. They walked slowly around the fountain. It was very rare for them to enjoy such a peaceful night.However, it seemed that they were destined to find it difficult to enjoy peace. Suddenly, Mulanhua heard a slap, and she hurriedly made a gesture to Mu Xiuzhen, followed the sound and pointed forward. With just one finger, Mu Xiuzhen had already seen it! There is an iron hook hooked on the top of the wall! Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen almost laughed out loud! Needless to say, if someone outside the wall throws such an iron hook, they will naturally want to use the rope under the iron hook to climb up the fence. This is what they are good at! Moreover, the first time they moved back, it was really interesting to have such unexpected guests.Mulanhua hurriedly made a gesture to Mu Xiuzhen, signaling her to keep quiet. The two of them waited quietly under the wall without saying a word. Seeing that the iron hook on the wall sank slightly, it was obvious that someone was already climbing up. Mu Xiuzhen covered her mouth with her hand to avoid laughing out loud. Less than half a minute later, half a human head was seen showing through the wall. Mu Lanhua and Mu Xiuzhen hurriedly took two steps forward, turned around, and stood with their backs pressed against each other. They stood in this position, and it was not easy to spot them from above. Not long after they stood still, a black shadow jumped down from the wall. The figure of the black shadow was very dexterous and landed silently. After he landed, he paused for a while before walking forward. However, just as he raised his feet, Mu Xiuzhen yelled loudly, and suddenly stretched out her hand to hold onto his collar firmly, cursing: How dare you steal it from us? The man's body suddenly trembled and he jumped up several inches. He shook his hands and said hurriedly: "Miss Xiuzhen, Miss Xiuzhen, I'm not here to steal anything. I'm not here to steal anything." As soon as the man opened his mouth, Magnolia snorted and said, "Aren't you Ding Qishou?"You are a pickpocket king, when did you change your career and become a night-time thief? The man hurriedly said: Yes, yes, I am Ding Qishou, Miss Lanhua, please don’t wrong a good person, I can touch things in other people’s pockets, but stealing things from the house, I am not Don't do it! He said it as if he was an honest gentleman, which made Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen angry and funny. Mu Xiuzhen scolded: "Nonsense, then what are you doing crawling in?" Ding Qi hurriedly said: I, I want to see you two. Magnolia knows Ding Qishou's personality. Ding Qishou is a well-known pickpocket in this city. His pickpocketing skills are extremely high. Eight years ago, there was a European pickpocket king who performed in nightclubs. When performing in nightclubs, Ding Qishou made a joke with him, unknowingly took away one of the pickpocket king's belt, which made the pickpocket king never dare to come to this city for any performances again! Although Ding Qishou is a pickpocket, he never preys on the poor, and he is willing to help the poor, so he has a very good reputation in the lower class. Magnolia has always admired the behavior of robbing the rich and helping the poor, so she didn't believe that Ding Qishou would enter the house to steal things, so she ordered: Xiuzhen, let him go. Mu Xiuzhen hurriedly said: Sister Lanhua, he entered the house in the middle of the night, how can you let him go? Ding Qishou begged and said: "Miss Xiuzhen, I have something important to ask to see, but I'm afraid you won't see me, so I thought, if I crawl in, you won't be able to drive me away!" Mu Xiuzhen let go of her hand and scolded: You pickpocket is cheap, if Sister Lanhua is not at home, I will at least beat you to death and immerse you in the fountain! Ding Qishou turned around, bowed and bowed, couldn't help laughing in his heart, and said: You said you have urgent matters with us, you might as well go into the room and talk slowly, we won't beat people for no reason, don't be afraid. Ding Qishou was trembling again, agreed, followed them, walked into the living room, sat down, saw him take out a black crocodile leather wallet, and said: "Miss, I picked up this wallet at the airport." of. Magnolia said: Then why come to me? You see.Ding Qi opened the wallet with his hands, and took out a stack of thin paper. On that stack of paper, the printing was not very clear, and it was reduced to a very small font. She looked at Ding Qishou, Ding Qishou's voice was a little trembling, and said: This is a big fortune, two ladies, from these documents, I can make a fortune, and I only need one percent. Mulanhua's face darkened, and she said: Ding Qishou, what are you talking about? Ding Qi hurriedly said: "Miss Lanhua, please don't get me wrong. The big fortune I'm talking about is by no means ill-gotten wealth. After reading this document, you can understand that it is a very normal thing." When Mu Xiuzhen heard this, she already reached out her hand to pick up the documents. However, Mulanhua stopped her immediately, because if they took over the stack of documents, it would be equivalent to accepting what Ding Qishou asked for. Magnolia just said coldly: You might as well tell me what it is. Ding Qishou looked very nervous, and said: It's two hydrogen bombs! Mulanhua and Mu Xiuzhen were startled, and asked: What?
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