Home Categories fantasy novel Serial poison meter

Chapter 8 Chapter VII

Serial poison meter 倪匡 7275Words 2023-02-05
He sneered a few times and said: Do you know how many mistakes you made? Mr. Gu, Wang Datong wailed, I had to do this in order to complete the task, Mr. Gu, I have invited the three of them here, didn't I?This task is too difficult to complete, I have completed it! Mr. Gu's face was still rigid and unmoved. He waited for Wang Datong to finish speaking before he said: You have made three unforgivable mistakes. First, you did not carry out my order; second, you asserted without authorization; Thirdly, you actually offended the three distinguished guests whom I desperately wanted to meet. When he said this, he suddenly yelled twice, as if he was calling for someone.

While Magnolia and the others didn’t know what Mr. Gu’s yell meant, the two Indians had strode forward and came to the front of Mr. Gu. It can be seen that the yelling just now The voice is calling them. Seeing those two Indians, Wang Datong seemed to go limp. He knelt down and shouted: Mr. Gu, don't punish me, don't punish me! But Mr. Gu said coldly: I sentence you to be tied up on a red tree for three days; then, I will use a poisonous spider to take your life!He then raised his head again, and spoke a few words to the two Indians in a language that the three of them could not understand. The two Indians stretched out their hands, one on each side. Wang Datong hugged him.

Wang Datong's voice became extremely shrill in an instant, he shouted: Don't want the mangrove, don't tie me to the mangrove, use the poisonous spider to bite me to death now! But his yelling didn't work at all, and the two Indians held him. He was dragged out, dragged a long distance, and had already left the house, and his mournful cry could still be heard.Magnolia and Gao Xiang frowned, and Mu Xiuzhen couldn't help asking: "Hey, what is a red tree?"Why would he rather die immediately.Is mangrove a tree that eats people? No, Ms. Mu, digesting people alive is also one of the ways our organization punishes those who make mistakes.But his crime was too serious, so he was bound to a mangrove tree for three days.

So what exactly are mangroves? It is a tree that secretes a strange poison. You should know that in Haiti, there is the most mysterious thing in the world. This kind of tree is not found anywhere. Mr. Gu stopped here for a while. Mu Xiuzhen was anxious to know what was going on with the mangrove tree, so she didn't pay attention to other insignificant words, but Gao Xiang and Mulanhua both heard the time of his speech and mentioned the three people in Haiti. Character.Haiti is one of the West Indies. Haiti is the general name of an island. Although the area of ​​this island is only 28,000 square miles, it has two countries. The east is the Republic of Santo Domingo, and the west half is Republic of Haiti.

Haiti is indeed an extremely mysterious place. It can be said that no one has ever been to its central mountains and forests. In Haiti, witchcraft is prevalent, and there are all kinds of incredible strange things. Since Haiti was mentioned in Mr. Gu's words, are they on the island of Haiti now? What makes Magnolia feel strange is that most of the natives on Haiti Island are black, although they are also Indians, but there are not many, and most of them are barbaric tribes in the deep mountains and jungles. However, the two natives just now were Indians. So what part of the island of Haiti are they in now?

Magnolia took advantage of Mr. Gu's pause, and immediately asked: Haiti?You say we have come from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere?Are you on the island of Haiti now? Yes, damn Wang Datong didn't tell you? No, we never knew. Damn it, this guy should be tied to a red tree for seven days! Alright, Mu Xiuzhen couldn't bear it anymore, what exactly is a red tree? The venom secreted by that kind of tree will cause extremely unbearable pain and itching after touching the human body. Therefore, when a person is tied to the mangrove tree, before Mr. Gu finished speaking, Mu Xiuzhen already has Feeling itchy all over my body, I screamed: Stop talking!She stood up abruptly and said: Although this person is hateful, he should not be treated so cruelly!

Mr. Gu raised his head slightly, and said: Are you interceding on his behalf? Yes.Mu Xiuzhen answered loudly. Mr. Gu turned his head away, and immediately a man in black approached. Mr. Gu only said four words coldly, saying: Immediate execution! yes!The man in black responded and hurried out. Mr. Gu rubbed his hands together, and said: "Okay, three, the misunderstanding between us can be said to have disappeared, and the three accusations against me are all because of Wang Datong's mistakes. Gao Xiang said: Then, you still haven't explained why you invited us here! Mr. Gu stood up, walked back and forth for a few steps, and said: "This matter is a long story, I will invite you three to see something first, I am absolutely sincere, please!"

He stretched out his hand towards a door. The three of Gao Xiang looked at each other and nodded again, which meant that the three of them agreed to go in and see what Mr. Gu wanted to show them.As a matter of fact, the curiosity of the three of them has reached its peak at this time, they all want to find out what kind of person Mr. Gu is, and what is the reason for asking them to turn half of the world.Going in from that door is a corridor. They walked through the corridor and came to two huge oak doors. Mr. Gu took a step forward and opened the two doors. Inside was a very spacious room.

The ceiling of this large room is all made of glass, allowing sunlight to come in directly, making it extremely bright, and the strangeness of this room can also be said to be unique in the world. In the left corner of the room is a very complete laboratory with various instruments, and there is also a rather huge electron microscope.But in another corner, it is full of plants. The small plants are planted in cups, and the large ones are planted directly on the ground, up to Zhang Xu. And in the corners on both sides, there are many large and small cages, holding many things. And when people look at the things that are kept, they can't help but feel disgusted. They are rattlesnakes that swim, colorful poisonous lizards, terrible poisonous spiders with long hairs, and many other things that can't be called. Famous, but one can tell that they are highly poisonous insects and poisonous snakes!

Mr. Gu continued to walk forward, but the three of them stopped at the door. Judging from the animals, those plants were of course all poisonous. This seemingly bright and spacious room was actually full of poison! Under such circumstances, anyone would stop! Mr. Gu walked nine steps forward, obviously realized that they didn't follow, so he stopped for a while, and said: Don't worry, you three, although everything here is poisonous, as long as you don't touch them, they won't Harmful, look, how beautiful is this toadstool?He picked up a basin, and in the basin grew a fist-sized, red and yellow interlaced, semicircular toadstool. The red and yellow colors of the toadstool were extremely vivid!

Mr. Gu handed the basin in front of the three of them, and said: This kind of poisonous fungus is very rare even in Haiti. The natives call it the incarnation of the devil. Boil this poisonous fungus in water, and the boiled water is enough to make people feel sick. A dozen people died. What are you doing here with so much poison?Mu Xiuzhen asked, don't you feel afraid to be with these poisons every day? Ms. Mu, I think the most poisonous thing in the world is none other than people. People's hearts are the most poisonous. Miss Mu, you are with others every day, are you afraid? Mu Xiuzhen was stunned for a moment. She never thought that a person like Mr. Gu would give her such a meaningful and appreciative answer to this question. Moreover, Mr. Gu continued, I am interested in all this, I am a poison expert, researching poison, this is the thing I am most interested in! Magnolia suddenly said in a deep voice: Mr. Gu, can I ask you a question? speak! Ten years ago, the president of the American Venomous Snake Research Center asked a question about magnolia, but Mr. Gu's body suddenly shook. His shock was so violent, and his The flower pot in his hand fell down. The flowerpot fell to the ground and shattered. The brightly colored poisonous fungus also rolled out and rolled to Mu Xiuzhen's side. Mu Xiuzhen screamed. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Gu hurriedly said: Please step over it, come on, I still have something for the three of you to see, come on, please come over, don't step on it. He actually didn't let Magnolia ask her any more questions. But Magnolia didn't say anything anymore, just walked forward according to her words, and sat down on a group of sofas in the laboratory. Mr. Gu said again: "In the process of studying various poisonous plants, I found that One point, that is, the basic cell structure of animal or plant toxins is the same. Mu Xiuzhen wanted to ask again, but Mulanhua signaled her to keep quiet. After eight years of research, Mr. Gu continued, I have successfully mastered the reproduction method of this cell, that is to say, I have invented a living poison! He glanced at the three people, or, no one has mentioned the term active poison before. You may not understand it very well, but it is really easy to understand.I use a special method to prevent the poisonous cells from multiplying without water, but when the suppressed poisonous cells encounter water, they will reproduce at a speed of sixteen times per second. It increases exponentially, so as little as one-tenth of a gram can make a hundred million gallons of water poisonous, can't it?Gao Xiang didn't wait for him to finish, so he took it up. Mr. Gao is right. This kind of poison has given us a name for our blackmail work. We only need to drop a very small amount of active poison in any water storage lake, and the lake water will become poisonous. Moreover, the entire water storage lake project must be It cannot be reused after being discarded, because even if the water is cleared, as long as there is still a drop of water in it, the reproduction of toxic cells can still make the lake water toxic in a short time. Magnolia said coldly: You are right, the most poisonous thing is the human heart! Mr. Gu stood up, turned around, and said: "Maybe my heart is not poisonous enough. If my heart is poisonous enough, maybe I don't need to invite the three of you here." None of the three made a sound. Because they know that Mr. Gu is about to get to the point. Regarding the poison, the three of them could say that they did not feel any novelty and excitement, because they already knew that such poison existed.What they are really interested in is why Mr. Gu invited them here! Mr. Gu paused for a while, then turned around and said: Of course you all know how I blackmailed. The amount I blackmailed is not very large, because there are too many things I can blackmail.However, so far, my extortion work has not gone very smoothly, and less than 2% of the cities have actually handed over the money! Mr. Gu smiled wryly, and said: To be honest, the huge cost of maintaining this organization, if only this 2% of the income, is definitely not enough. Maybe I should really put the poison into a certain city's water storage lake If a large number of deaths are caused, then my future extortion work will be carried out much more smoothly! Mulanhua and the other three couldn't help shivering! Indeed, if he does that, no matter how high the price he wants, as long as it is lower than the project cost of building another water storage lake, he can get it! This can be said to be a world-wide danger! Magnolia wanted to say something, but in the current situation, she really didn't know what to say, so she moved her lips but did not make a sound. But until now, this has not been done! Until now, you haven't said it out yet, why do you want to see us!Mu Xiuzhen stood up abruptly, and asked him angrily. I am about to talk about it. Although I have been doing research here, my organization has expanded quite rapidly in recent years. I know everything about the world. Therefore, regarding the names of the three Eastern Heroes, I I also heard more than once that the talents of the three made me feel extremely admired and admired. At this point, he glanced at Mulanhua, and said again: My admiration seems to be worthwhile, Miss Mulanhua, the questions you didn't finish asking just now have proved that you are a very smart person! Magnolia said: You too, Mr. Gu. At this time, Mr. Gu, speaking in this way, is tantamount to answering Mulanhua's question just now.But, in fact, Mulanhua's question just now was interrupted in the middle of the question, and Mr. Gu was able to guess what Mulanhua wanted to ask, so it goes without saying that he is also a very smart person up. Mr. Gu bowed and said: "Thank you for your compliment. I think the three of you should have understood what I mean. I want to invite the three of you to travel around the world. In each city, go to the government of that city. Put pressure on me to get the money without a hitch! Before Mulanhua could stop her, Mu Xiuzhen screamed strangely, saying: What are you farting?Do you think the three of us would engage in such despicable activities? However, Mr. Gu seemed to have never heard her insults at all, and he still said to himself: After paying the money, every city will never be blackmailed again, and the three of you can share one-tenth of the money equally. Income, I must remind you, that even a tenth, when your round-the-world voyage is completed, will be a very considerable sum. Mu Xiuzhen was about to yell again, but Mulanhua stopped her in time this time. Mulanhua stood up and said: Mr. Gu, if you really sincerely invite us, then please send us back immediately. Mr. Gu was stunned for a moment, then he raised his hand and said: You haven't had time to consider my proposal yet. Magnolia said awe-inspiringly: This is a question that does not need to be considered at all. Mr. Gu sighed and said: Then I express my regret. what do you mean?Are you going to send us back? No, no, on the contrary, I can send you back immediately, but I have to remind you that if I don't get the help of the three of you, then, as a last resort, I have to go down in a certain city's water storage first. It's poisonous, I think, the three of you must have known it, and I decided in my heart which city it is! Gao Xiang said angrily: You actually used such a despicable Mr. Gu to pick it up immediately, and said: "Extortion method, isn't it?"This can be said to be a kind of blackmail to you, don't forget, I am the founder of the world's largest blackmail organization! He actually smiled, revealing his strong and white teeth. These shining white teeth, combined with his scarred face, made him look like a wild beast. There was a moment of silence between them, and it was Mr. Gu who said, "I think this question is worth thinking about, Miss Magnolia, right?" Magnolia's voice was very low, she said: That's right. Well, well, I will give you three days to consider. While he was speaking, he walked outside. During these three days, three of you will be my guests. You are here, and you can move freely. Since Haiti is It is a very mysterious place, and this house is built in the famous forest of poisonous trees, so I advise you not to wander around. At the same time, even if the three of you can reach the seaside through the forest, it is useless , there will never be ships coming here, and the coastal area here is the place where the famous and vicious tiger sharks appear. As he spoke, he had reached the door. At the door, he paused for a while, and said again: I know, considering the abilities of the three of you, even if you are unarmed now, it is still possible to destroy everything here.However, if the three of you do this, then 90% of the people in the world will have no water to drink. I will order my subordinates in various places to put the active poison into all water sources together! He walked out with heavy steps, leaving Magnolia and the other three in that room.Magnolia made a gesture to Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen, and walked out. Just after they walked out of that room, they saw a man and a woman, two black people, bowed to them, and said: "Three, we can do anything for you, just order it." Please take us to the room your master has prepared for us. yes. The two blacks walked in front, and after a while, they brought them to a room with very gorgeous furnishings. The two blacks said again: This is the room of the two ladies, and the gentleman's room is in the room. next door. All right, Magnolia waved, you guys go! The two Negroes bowed deeply again and walked out. Magnolia closed the door first, while Gao Xiang was already inspecting the room to see if there was a hidden listening device or a cleverly installed TV camera tube that was hard to detect. However, after closing the door, Magnolia immediately said: Gao Xiang, I don't think you need to waste time, there will be no listening devices or other things here, Mr. Gu won't use such things. Why? Because he can't be regarded as a real bandit leader. Sister Lanhua, what do you mean by that. I mean, he's so different from the heads of illegal organizations we've dealt with before, and that's the trickiest thing, I just can't think of a way to deal with him because he never uses force against us , he could even send us back right away!Magnolia couldn't help sighing again when she said this. Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen had never seen Magnolia sighing again and again. Having been troubled like this, they naturally couldn't think of any way to deal with it. After Mulanhua said these words, she didn't say anything, just paced back and forth, while Gao Xiang and Mu Xiuzhen looked at Mulanhua anxiously. After a while, Magnolia opened her mouth. However, what she said disappointed both of them. She said: Let’s talk about it tomorrow. You see, the sky is getting dark. We should all sleep well. When we are tired, our thoughts are slow and we can’t think of anything. Gao Xiang did not express any objection, he backed out and entered his room, the furnishings in the room were equally gorgeous, and he fell asleep after taking a cold shower. In the middle of the night, he was awakened by a terrifying sound!that sound. It sounded like hundreds of people were screaming in agony when they were being burned alive by the fire! Gao Xiang was so startled by the terrifying call that he jumped up from the bed!No, when he jumped up, the sound that woke him up from his sleep had disappeared. The surroundings were so peaceful, and there was no sound at all. This situation made Gao Xiang suspect that the terrifying sound just now did not actually happen, but was only heard in his dream. But, is the voice heard in the dream so real? He was stunned for a while, then came to the window, opened the curtains, and looked out. It was pitch black outside, and it was almost impossible to see anything, Gao Xiang was stunned for a moment, a slight sizzle sound suddenly came out from one of his rings, Gao Xiang hastily pressed a small button. Magnolia's voice came from the ring: Gao Xiang, did you hear that strange sound just now? I heard it, I thought I was dreaming, what kind of sound was that. Don't be nervous, it may be the natives in the forest, engaged in some kind of ritual, I think that strange sound is made by a special instrument, listen, now there is a little drum sound. Gao Xiang listened carefully, and sure enough, he heard the sound of drums coming slowly over and over again.After Mulanhua explained, Gao Xiang was indeed no longer so nervous. But he still asked in a low voice: Lanhua, how are we?What are your plans? Mulanhua's answer was beyond his expectation, Mulanhua said: "Why are you so anxious, don't we have a deadline of three days?"Everything was settled three days later. When Gao Xiang was about to say something, there was an extremely slight slap from the ring, obviously Mulanhua didn't want to continue talking.Naturally, Gao Xiang could also take the initiative to talk to Mulanhua. As long as they are within three miles and the radio waves are not blocked, they can talk with the tiny radio in their hands. But Gao Xiang didn't say anything more. He came to the bed and lay down.
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