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Chapter 5 chapter Five

In the afternoon, Sibei went to see Mayaka.White pigeons perched on the beams, crows came and went in the open corner of the window, the cabin was filled with a strong strange smell, and Mayeja bent over the big boiler and muttered, and the steam straightened her white curly hair and wet her cheeks The bones glistened.When Sibei entered the room, Mayaka didn't look up, Sibei didn't speak, just walked around, flipping through Mayaka's book, peeking at jars of unknown things, pacing back and forth in the middle of the room, frowning until Mayaka's grunts stopped abruptly before she turned her head away.

My child, she marveled, I forgot where I counted things. It's a pity, said Sibbe, fiddled with the thing in her hand anxiously, and it suddenly snapped.She looked down, but turned a blind eye.Mayaka suddenly threw the spoon into the cauldron and shouted: my bones! What bones? A wizard's right index finger, it took me years to find one. Sibei winked at the fragments in her hand and said, "I'll bring some bones if you want them."If I can find the brain under the skull first, I'll give you a grinning skull. Mayaka's eyes are fixed, sharp under a head of loose curls, what's the matter?

Sybe put the bones down, her fingers gripping her arms.I am called, I don't know who called me, and I can't close my heart to him.Those who issue these seeks and calls are as skilled and specific as I am when I call animals.I was angry but the fish caught on the rod was just as angry and helpless. Mayaka clasped her hands tightly, the ring gleaming.She sat down slowly in the rocking chair.I know.She said, I knew you were going to get in trouble for stealing those books sooner or later. Sybe stopped pacing suddenly.Do you think that's all?she asked hopefully, then shook her head, a mind far superior to mine was at work, making me shudder.If he knew I had his books, he wouldn't have to bother me so much about them.Mayaka, I don't know what to do, and I have nowhere to hide.If someone comes to hurt me, my animals will fight for me, but I have nothing to fight.

oh dear.Mayaka said, oh my dear.She shook herself, brushed her curls with one hand, and stopped.I can do you a favor.I'll send a raven, with black searching eyes, to spy out those wizard's windows. Xibei nodded: I also sent Teo to pay attention.Then she sighed, throwing her hands over her eyes, what a fool I am.If he can call me, he can call Teo If he knows what to call. Yes, he may not know the existence of Te'er.But who exactly?Who is that?I've seen little witches living in cold towers with straw beds and dusty books, and I've seen some of the greater wizards grow fat and pompous at court, but I haven't seen anything that might scare me people.I really don't know why I was called.Sibei stared at Mayaka helplessly: what could be the reason?I can't do anything against such a strong person.

Is he really that strong?Maybe if you don't answer, he will give in. Maybe it was Mayaka, who broke my silence and I couldn't keep up with his call.I can't find him anywhere and can't name him.Sibei continued to pace restlessly, her hands folded, her hair falling back like a white robe.I'm so angry but anger doesn't work, neither does fear.I don't know what to do I can only hope he's not strong enough to take my name. Is there a place for you to stay for a while? where?Even if I can get beyond Aylward's borders, he can still find me and take me to him.Sybe sat down by the fire at last, looking very hopeless.Oh Mayaka, she whispered, I don't know what to do.If I have Li Rulan, I can fly to the end of the world to the edge of the stars

don't cry.Mayaka said anxiously, you will frighten me if you cry. I didn't cry, it's no use crying.I have no choice but to wait.She turned her head, Mayaka, if one day you can't find me, no one knows where I am, will you take care of my animals? Mayaka got up and ran her hands through her hair.oh.It won't come to that, Sybe, my crows will find him, Teal will find him, and then I'll make him into something like this.Let the bones in his skin rot. No, you have to keep the bone of his index finger. She leaned her cheek against the hearth stone, looked directly at the flames, and let the flames dance under the black boiler without seeing it, she sighed.It's time for me to leave and let you do things. You can't help me, and my own abilities are limited.Maybe Te'er will find him before he finds me, so maybe I can do something about it.Mayaka watched Sibei get up.The anxiety was palpable.

Be careful, my white girl.she whispered. I will, hoping that the one who calls me has such a friend who can give him the same warning. When Xibei woke up that night, there was a throbbing in her heart, as gentle as fingertips touching the surface of water.She sat upright on the bed, her eyes wide open in the darkness, the stars overhead forming icy charts across the crystal dome.The throbbing came again, an uninvited, formless thought, and then, like a whisper from a quiet night, calling her name in a breathless manner. Sydney. Sybe let out a small cry, piercing the darkness, and then heard a movement beside the bed, and Guller's golden eyes shone like cut gems.

What are you afraid of?Ougon's daughter? i dreamed The voice came again, whispering without tone: Sibei. Sibei stayed in the dome room for a day and a night, neither eating nor sleeping, trying to find the name of such a powerful wizard in the ancient books, but found nothing. At dawn, she let the book fall from her hand weakly, staring at Looking at the clear sky outside.A row of roses outlines the edge of the world, white clouds inlaid with silver fringe are shining, and the sun is shining, and it is scattered all over the field of Feilou and the Plain of Tebori.Passed through the strong walls of Mandor, and warmed the cold and dark walls and towers.Sibei helplessly thought of Li Rulan and its bright white wings, so she called a little, and sent the call to the world of dawn.The animals began to stir in the house, and she heard Mayaka's voice calling to her from the door.

Sydney!Sibei, wake up Sibei got up slowly, her whole body was stiff, and walked through the cold room.The snow reflected streaks of sunlight, which jumped into her eyes when she opened the door, stinging her eyes.She blinked. Mayaka, come in. Oh, Sydney, you let the fire go out.Mayaka entered, Sibei stared at the black objects in her hands. I thought it wasn't just the fire that died in this room.As she touched the black, rigid body of Mayaka's crow, a fear she had never known struck her like lightning. Mayaka said wearily: "Sibe, I sent it out, but it flew into the house this morning, fell down and died at my feet."I think it died while flying.

Sydney shuddered.so cold.I'm sorry, she murmured.She stared at the motionless bird, not startled until Mayaka touched her lightly. Xibei, you are tired, have you eaten recently? Probably not, I've been reading books.Her overstretched shoulders suddenly slumped, her face was buried in her hands, and Mayaka's arms were wrapped around her. My white child, she lamented, what can I do? No, Sibei whispered, no, she dropped her hands and sighed.I hope Te'e is safe, I will summon it and send it back to Xiao Tan. I'll cook something for you, since Xiao Tan left, you have become very thin.

Mayaka walked into the kitchen with the dead crow.Sybe caught the Falcon's mind, feeling the land that he glanced at suddenly as he flew. Te'e, go back to Xiao Tan, something dangerous is about to happen. After a moment of silence, there was the pulsation of Te'e's heartbeat and the rush of blood fire, and it said: don't want. Te'e, go back to Xiao Tan. Ougon's child, ask me something else.But I have eyes to choose and a dark heart to find peace. Tee Suddenly, Sibby lost it. She searched frantically, but was lost again.A whisper broke into her heart, tough and hard to calm down. Sydney. No.The word fell lifelessly on the white stone, she said.No. At midnight, Sybe sat under the cupola, and the full moon looked at her like an eye.The world lay silent outside the dome, silent and secret; the mountains stood still, and the stars were frozen like ice crystals.The night is as silent as her heart rests in the center of silence, not disturbed by the wind nor the whisper of the leaves.In the darkness, her eyes black and motionless, she waited, listened to the silence of her heart, waited for the moment, for those calls to ripple to the core of stillness.Gu Le lay beside her, raised his head, his golden eyes did not blink, as if he was not breathing.After a while, she felt movement nearby, and saw Syrin's fangs were as white as starlight. Lord of Wisdom, answer me a riddle, she said to Syrin.Xilin heard all the mysteries in the world and quickly skipped his mind.When it lowered its huge bright head in front of Xi, the red eyes disappeared. I can't answer that question. Sybe's head dropped to her lap, and I was tired.She whispered, opening her eyes into the darkness.I do not know what to do.She sat for a while, feeling that weak pull from time to time, trying to pull her away from her body, like the tide pulled by the moon, receding gently.The moonlight carved her shadow on the white marble floor, the huge shadows of the boar and lion.She finally closed her eyes and sent out a call.Just as she called, she heard a faint and familiar voice coming from the door. Sibei, cried Curran, as she ran through the night snow.Sydney.He gripped the bars tightly with both hands, as if trying to break the bars.Sorry sorry I left Thor. I have just summoned you.She said shortly, Curran not long ago, did you fly here? I managed to fly and Curran pulled the horse in and stopped in front of her, managed to see her face in the dark.What's wrong?He said anxiously, Sibei, I wanted to come three days ago, but Locke sent me to Hilt to discuss a plan with no prospect with Lord Horst. I know something is bothering you, even when I sleep.What's up?Is it Xiao Tan? She stared up at Curran's shadowed face, speechless.She shook her head: no.How do you know I need you?I don't even know myself I know, Sibby, what's the matter?what can i do for you Just a little thing. Anything goes. just hug me. Curran threw the reins into the snow, untied the cloak on his body, and embraced Sibei so that the cloak covered her white hair, which shone slightly under his face.She leaned her head against him, smelling the dark, damp fur all around her, feeling Curran's breath and the pulse of his blood.He inhales, and she opens her eyes. Sydney, you are afraid. right. But hold on tight.Sybe said.Ke Lun tightened his arms and hugged her closer.She heard his heartbeat under her ears.Feeling a gloved hand supporting his head.She took a long, slow breath and exhaled: I should have summoned you all the way from Thor and asked you to hold me like this, just for this. I'll come, I'll just come here to hug you and go back.But I'm sure there's something else I can do, Sydney. No.Your voice is like sunlight, belonging to the world of men, not to the dark world of wizards. What's with Curran's voice in her hair?what is bothering you Sibei remained silent, then raised her head, sighed, and pulled away from Ke Lun's side, and Ke Lun's arms loosened.I didn't want to say it before, but maybe I should tell you now, because if something happens to me, you may not be able to calm down until you know what it looks like. Curran raised his frostbitten hands around her face.His voice sounded: What is Sibei? Come in by the fire and I'll tell you. After Ke Lun placed the horses in the stable and fed them, Sibei told the truth.He hung his cloak by the fire and sat beside her, and she gave Curran a glass of warm wine and said only: I am called. Curran stared at her across the rim of the cup.He put down his glass abruptly, spilling the wine on his fingers.who? If I can name him, maybe I can deal with him.I have searched for his name everywhere, and alarmed some wizards and wizards outside Aylward by whispering my words, but their fears and doubts also showed that they did not know me.So, I don't know what to do.He has already taken Teal.I sent Teo to him, and he stole Teo's name from me, but I could not hold him against his power.He's very strong, probably stronger than anyone I've ever heard.Perhaps, I will surrender to him after all. Curran remained silent, his brows furrowed.I think, he finally said, I will not make you submit to him. She moved uneasily.Curran, that's not what I called you for, you can't help me. I can try it.I can't, I can't help Nuo Rui, but I want to help you.I will stay here with you, whether he comes to you, or you to him, I will be by your side, and he will respond to me. Curran, what good is that?I can only watch you die, or watch your heart warp so that you can no longer call my name.If Mobo is scary, but not evil; if Mobo is fear, you also escape from death, but this wizard is for you.It could be death. What should I do?He asked helplessly, do you think I can sit here or stay in Thor like a child, while you are beset by some nameless danger? Alas, I will never watch you die in front of me. Alas, I'd rather die before you than sleepless nights pulled by your troubled heart, not knowing where you are and why you're troubled. I never asked you to come uncalled when I was bothered, and I never asked you to listen to my voice. I know, you never asked me to love you.Well, I love you, and it bothers me too.No matter how hard you argue, I'm going to stay here with you.It's easy to call someone into your house, but it's not so easy to tell him to leave. You are really a descendant of Thor, thinking that with a drawn sword, you can scare away all kinds of dangers.I thought you were very wise, but in fact you are very stupid. Could you fight against Youde with just a magic book on the Teburi battlefield?In the future, what use will it be for you to hold a sword against wizards on the battlefield?Just one word, and the sword will turn to you, and the wizard will melt your sword into a pool of water and throw it at your feet. What will you do then? Curran was speechless, his lips tightly pursed.Suddenly, he shrugged.How stupid of me to argue with you, Sib, I'm staying here unless you can throw me out the door.You can ignore me, step over my feet, and not feed me, but no matter where you go, I will follow you.I will also do my best to kill anything that hurts you. Sibei got up and looked down at him, her black eyes were far away, quiet, and when the two eyes met, he heard the faint sound of awakened beasts moving around.There is a way, said Sybe, that will send you back to Thor, and you will live, though you will not. Guller, the golden-eyed lion, yawned, and came silently like a shadow from the dome, circling around Curran, rubbing against him restlessly.In the kitchen, Moria had woken up, murmured a low-voiced song without words, and came idly and languidly.Curran's eyes stayed on Sibei's silent black eyes, seeing those eyes dim for a moment, and hearing the slow rhythm of the strong wind blowing into the air in the quiet night.He straightened up, stretched out his hand to Si Bei, put Nuan Nuan on her wrist, and brought back Si Bei's thoughts.The humming of the wild boar and the fluttering of the dragon's wings weaved into a weak sound network, which was pierced by the sudden and hoarse warning of the black cat.Curran caught Sibei's gaze, then tugged her again, as if trying to shake her out of her dream. Sydney, do you want me to be scared?Why don't you just walk into my heart just like you walked into Youde's heart, and let me quietly send me back to Thor without knowing it?It's impossible for me to argue with that. Sibei stared at Curran, but didn't answer immediately, then her face twisted, and she left him abruptly.Curran stood up immediately, grabbed her, and she buried her face in her hands.I can not.She whispers, I want to, but I can't. Then what?If you send those animals on me, I'll fight them, they'll get hurt, and so will I, and we'll both be mad at each other for things like that.It's better for us, you and me, for me to care about you, Sydney.Let me keep guarding foolishly here, think more about me, let me guard, this is the only thing I can do.please.You owe me something. Sibei lowered her hands, her long hair covered her face, and Ke Lun couldn't see her expression in the silence.She turned her face to one side and looked up at him, his eyes calm and tired from waiting. i want you to go.For you, I will tie you up to Gaud, and send you back to Thor, to Locke's gate, but for me, I want you to stay here only.Are you going or not? Of course not.He pulled Sybell close until her head was pushed forward against his chest.He smiled at Gule the Lion, his lips brushing the top of her hair.Sibei whispered against him: I am selfish.But Curran, there is one thing I know, and I'm going to tell you now: wherever I go, I'm going to be alone. Sibbe woke up that night, Guller the Lion at the foot of the bed, Moria at the door, a great cold sea of ​​flames unfolding silently above her head, and she felt a calling in her heart, a steady wave oscillating through the darkness, swinging through the calling to open The doors and corridors are stable, powerful, and move downwards, until she finally preserves the clear and cold knowledge deep in her heart.That call inevitably moved to the bottom of her heart, and her own strength faded at the same time, and her thoughts were useless and invisible in her heart.Finally, she has nothing left, and the call that numbs her will turns the silent white room into a strange place, like a phantom of a dream.The hidden depths of her heart are opened, defenseless, her powers are measured, her name is taken, all that her name stands for, all experience, all instinct, all thought and power is measured and known. Sibei was ordered to stand up, the order was only one word, she dressed very softly, there was almost no murmur between the cloths.The great golden lion lay sleeping peacefully in the moonlight, and the nameless black cats passed over the threshold like shadows, and she looked at them and could not find a name to call them, their names were hidden like jewels in the mountains, hidden away from her mind.She stepped over the sleeping cat so lightly that it didn't even bat an eyelid.In the room farther away, the red-haired man was sitting in front of the green flames, with his eyes closed and his hands stretched loosely. She passed silently like a breath of breath in a silent room, and also passed by the silver-maned wild boar sleeping at his feet. The door knocked lightly and closed again, and Curran woke up with a start.He looked around, blinking.There was a snap of a burning branch in the flames, and he leaned back again, surveying the dark room where Sibe slept, guarded by Guller and Moria.As he made his rounds, Sybe led his horse silently across the snow and out of the gate.She mounted bareback and rode down the long fiery trail, past Mayeja's sleeping house, down to the dark, towering city of Mandor.
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